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Pulman’s SSSSeeeeViewaaaa fromttttoooonnnn &&&& BBBBeeeeeeeerrrr Issue 234 Est. 2005 PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY plus Tuesday, January 19th 2010 DCC grit bin refills comment challenged ONLY THREE DRUMS TOPPED UP, TACKLES RESIDENT ByBEN MIDDLETON [email protected] GRIT supplies are running on empty in Beer according to one resident of the town. Ian Rangeley, of Barnard’s Farm, read an article in last Read the paper online week’s Pulman’s View from Seaton and Beerin which Devon County Council (DCC) officials claimed they were www.seaton-today.couk refilling grit bins constantly during the freezing conditions. However, Mr Rangeley says that only three out of seven bins have been only partially refilled in Beer. He said: “In the article (Pulman’s View from Seaton and Beer,Tuesday, January 12th, page five) it mentions that grit bins are being constantly refilled. I can definitely say that this has not been the case in the Beer area.” Mr Rangeley is the manager of a 36 property sheltered housing scheme for the elderly in the town and he said the lack of grit has stopped doctors and nurses accessing the site with their vehicles. “Due to council workmen using the grit bin positioned on Barnard’s Farm, the grit bin was empty during the first few days of snow,” Mr Rangeley said. “This made it impossible for carers and doctors to come onsite with their cars. “Despite numerous requests to our local councillors, they have not been able to get grit bins in Beer refilled by the county council.” He added: “The county council came to Beer and put a little grit in three bins but we have seven that need filling. AN pl“aIn nrienagli asen dw neo t alreea rlnoiwng opnre vgiroitu,s bleusts othniss. Tiso sdauye thtoe bbiands WERM are being constantly refilled is misleading. I would just BO lik“eW tiot hg etht eo urarisn r,e If ihlloepde o int cdeo.es not freeze.” OLIN C A spokesman for DCC added that county council BY officials would be refilling grit bins in Beer and the O surrounding areas in the near future. OT H He said: “The county council has received P unprecedented demand for grit and its 1,550 grit bins uu A LARGE number of organisations in Seaton were promoting their clubs and societies at an across the county, including those in Beer, have been filled Activities Fair in Seaton Town Hall on Saturday.The hall was packed with stands and visitors dur- following requests from members of the public and local ing the day.Some of the stands are pictured and in the foreground is Age Concern representatives. “Due to that demand, some grit bins have emptied almost as soon as they have been filled. While THE GOLD BUYING CENTRE Great January Sale! unfortunately we’re not aware of the request to refill the grit bin at Barnard’s Field, it will be replenished as soon as Lace Walk Shopping Centre, Honiton The Garden Shop possible.” Top prices paid nn WHAT’S your view? have your say by writing Local family run business Lots of bargains a letter to the editor at Pulman’s View,Tindle 01395 577613 King Street, Colyton 01297 551113 House,South Street,Axminster,Devon EX13 5AD or email [email protected] See our main ad on the back page open Mon - Sat 10am - 4.30pm 2 Tuesday, January 19th 2010 Pulman’s View from FAMILY e e Pulman’sView fromHoniton r F Pulman’sView fromAxminster ANNOUNCEMENTS Pulman’sView fromSeaton Pulman’sView fromColyton Pulman’sView fromOttery Happy 2nd HHaappppyy 22nndd WWWiiissshhhiiinnnggg yyyooouuu aaa For advertising contact Birthday BBBiiirrrttthhhdddaaayyy vveerryy wwoonnddeerrffuull Maxwell MMaaxxwweellll 22nndd bbiirrtthhddaayy Kelly on 01297 446144 WWiilllliiaammss MMaaxxii MMoooo Hope you HHooppee yyoouu hhaavvee or [email protected] have a aa lloovveellyy ddaayy MMiilllliioonnss ooff fantastic day && ppaarrttyy lloovvee ffrroommm NNaannaa,,, Postal address: View From Publishing Ltd, LLoovvee yyoouu Love Auntie Char mmiilllliioonnss && bbiilllliioonnss GGGrrraaannndddaaaddd---DDDaaavvviiiddd,,, Unit 3, St Michael’s Business Centre, Church Char and Uncle MMuummmmyy && LLaauurreenn && Jamie xxx DDaaddddyy xxxxxx JJaacckk xxxxxxx Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3DB JJEENNNNII LLOOVVEERRIIDDGGEE HHHaaappppppyyy 111888ttthhh MMAATTTTHHEEWW MMAATTTTHHEEWW Editorial Manager BBBiiirrrttthhhdddaaayyy fffrrrooommm Kate Erin Mew aallll tthhee ffaammiillyy FFRROOSSTT FFRROOSSTT [email protected] HHaappppyy HHaappppyy 1188tthh BBiirrtthhddaayy 01297 631120 111888ttthhh lloovvee ffrroomm NNaannnnyy,, GGrraannddaadd,, UUnnccllee BBiirrtthhddaayy Postal address: Tindle House, South Street, PPeetteerr,, AAuunnttiiee lloovvee ffrroommm MMuumm,, Axminster, Devon EX13 5AD RRoossiiee,, TThhoommaass && LLuuccyy JJoohhnn && AAnnnnaabbeell The Paper Shop VVIICCKKKKII HHaappppyy 2211sstt Beryl & Dudley Priorwould LLOOUUIISSEE BBiirrtthhdddaayyy,, 10 New Street, Honiton EX14 1EY like to thank family and HHUUNNTTLLEEYY PPhhiillllliipp,, ffrroomm Tel: 01404 41222 friends for the cards and HHaappppyy 2211sstt MMaalluull m mtth,h, eeKKK efeffaavvmm aaiiinnllyydd WenOWOfferAqUAlityhOmeneWs BBiirrtthhddaayy,, lloovvee deliveryserviceinthefOllOWing good wishes for their ffrroomm MMuumm,, DDaadd villAgesAndsUrrOUndingAreAs && CChhaarrlloottttee Awliscombe (cid:1)Monkton (cid:1)Rawridge (cid:1)Uppottery Diamond Wedding HHooppee yyoouu hhaavvee aa CotUlemigbho r(cid:1)nOe f(cid:1)fwDealll w(cid:1)oWoidlm (cid:1)iSntgotcoknl a(cid:1)nSdh (cid:1)u Ytea r(cid:1)cWomhibteford ggrreeaatt ddaayy xx Farway (cid:1)Northleigh service is OUr sUccess NNOORRMMAANN HHAAPPPPYY BBIIRRTTHHDDAAYY,, ThePAPeRShOPhONiTON- SeRviNgRURAlCOMMUNiTieS TTUURRLL HHaappppyy 6655tthh RRIITTAA BBiirrtthhddaayy Part of ‘‘HHeeaalltthh aanndd for January 23rd devon, HHaappppiinneessss’’ love from Antonia, dorset and lloovvee aallwwaayyss,, somerset MMaarriioonn,, RRaacchheell,, Mum & Dad series SSaarraahh && CCoolliinn The Pulman’s Weekly News is Axminster’s very own paid for weekly newspaper, dedicated ZOE PARSONS - Congratulations JASON TERRY MILLER to reporting news, views, and information from the town and surrounding areas. on gaining your Masters degree  Established in 1857 the Pulman’s Weekly News has been covering life 2.11.79 - 21.1.07 in and around the town for more than 100 years. in European Law My thoughts are with you It has a readership of 3,000 and is extremely well respected in the region and has a love Mum,  everyday. Miss you lots. proud history of campaigning on behalf of the local community. Dad and Charlie Love, forever, Mum xxx What makes the Pulman’s Weekly News a great advertising platform for your business? FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENT ORDER FORM •An average pagination of 36 pages •All of the local sporting reports, Message •Full colour throughout fixtures and results Date for insertion: Tuesday •Hundreds of local news stories •Leisure entertainment and Send to: PULMAN’S VIEW FROM PUBLISHING LTD., with in-depth analysis local nostalgia features Unit 3, St Michaels Business Centre, Church Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3DB • Situations vacant section • Local business updates Signed ......................................... Telephone........................................... •Comprehensive classified section •Regular competitions and reader offers We are happy to include photos. If you would like to have your photos returned, please supply a S.A.E. A free design service Only entries submitted with full contact details will be published. Deadline is Thursday before the Tuesdays publication and must be submitted on the above form, no faxes or emails will be considered. for more information call Kelly on 01297 446144 This is a free service and whilst we endeavour to include all entries we cannot guarantee insertion We cannot accept liability for loss or error. or email [email protected] Pulman’s View Tuesday, January 19th 2010 3 Earthquake Affordable N A M help wanted WER housing bid O B N SEATON residents are being COLI THOSE wishing to apply for urged to make donations to the BY affordable housing at the top of Haitian Shelterbox Appeal O Hillhead, Colyton, are reminded organised by the town’s Rotary OT to properly register themselves. H club. P A reminder circulated by parish Anyone who wishes to make a council member Ros Yarlott said: “In donation should take a cheque, made order to apply for this housing you payable to Rotary Interaid, to the must be registered, and all applicants NatWest bank in Fore Street. on the existing east Devon housing Alternatively cheques can be sent register must make sure to re-register to Doug Smith, Seaton Down House, on the new Devon Home Choice Seaton Down Hill, Seaton, EX12 housing register. 2JA. “The easiest way to do this is to Cash donations are being accepted visit www.devonhomechoice.com at Byrne Jones, Just Hair, New Look and click on the online application News and Steve Print and Design. form. “If you are not able to apply online, Former pupil please contact East Devon District Council on 01395 517469.” uuTHE Diocese of Exeter covering Devon has asked all local congregations to pool their resources,especially of people,so that God’s The Hillhead development to give a talk work may become more effective.People and the task of chuches will benefit from working together as it allows greater sharing of all comprises 20 two and three-bedroom resources,skills and talents and gives mutual support. Greater reliance will be placed on the lay members of the church.The Colyton homes for rent which should be Benefice Mission Community which consists of the five churches of Colyton,Colyford,Branscombe,Musbury and Southleigh have agreed available for occupation in AFORMER Colyton Grammar to work together.They have for the past three years or so debated their priorities and identified the tasks and objectives for the next three September 2010. School student is returning to years.On Sunday the Bishop of Crediton the Right Reverend Bob Evens came to Colyton to conduct the service and to officially com- Applicants must have a local the school this week to give a talk mission the Mission Community.Bishop Bob and Colyton’s Rector Reverend Nicholas Edwards,right,are pictured with members of the connection and anyone applying is about diabetes. five churches after the service also asked to contact Louise Pounds Dr Rachel Freathy, of the Peninsula at Hastoe Wyvern Housing Store watch campaign Medical School, Exeter, will be Association Ltd on 01305 216944 or hosting the event on Thursday, email [email protected] if they January 21st, from 7.30pm. haven’t already done so. DrFreathywill talk about the types CALL THE NEWS of diabetes she studies at the medical school and the part played by genetics. group evolves into six TEAM WITH To book a place contact the grammar school on 01297 552327. YOUR STORIES Hope event 01297 631120 A COFFEE morning and jumble sale in aid of Bridge of Hope ByBEN MIDDLETON construction process including roads, IT and attend any meetings. Children’s Mission is set to take [email protected] Admin — to facilitate the management and “Groups arrange their own meetings and Honiton Cats place in Colyton Town Hall on operation of Tescowatch, Campaign and online discussions, publish reports of group Saturday, February 6th. THE Tescowatch group in Seaton has Publicity — to publicise and promote conclusions and elect one member to attend Protection The fundraising event will run from split into six separate groups. Tescowatch by local activities and in the the policy group. Material is published via 10am until 12.30pm. Tescowatch has been formed to monitor media, Policy — to coordinate the activities Google Docs, the Tescowatch blog and any A short presentation about the the Tesco application on the regeneration of other groups. other suitable method agreed with the policy charity will also take place. area in Seaton. A spokesman for Tescowatch said: “There group.” Stalls including a raffle, tombola, The groups are: Marine — monitor all are six groups. People have been placed in Members of the group also had a presence cakes and bric-a-brac will be on acitivities offshore, Environment — monitor groups by expressed preference, or randomly at the Seaton Community Fayre which was show and refreshments will be all activities affecting the environment, if they have no preference. Anyone can move held in Seaton Town Hall on Saturday, available. Construction — monitor all stages of the between groups, make suggestions and January 16th. Charity sale One man’s plea for village to help with appeal ATABLE top sale in aid of Force A COLYFORD man — aided by decided it would be a good idea to try to with the help and support of local cCaonlcyetor n cThoawrinty H walill lf rboem h9e.3ld0 amat fbruiseinndess,s es —fa misi ltyo, stavgiel laa gcehrasr ity acnadr rAapispee asol mine mvioenwe y offo r tthhee Huragietin Et anrteheqdu afkoer bu“sDinreivseserss —alo wngil l tahleso matateinn dr. o ad will be sLwmiikllea lbal-e hB oforldineidnn gda sso sr wafasitrshmi n y wSohume orbeku eht yen'sre abebedialsitu iettoisfu clli avaenn dbo edn e paau dt sltyota! gb Soleohsde, until 11.30am on Saturday, wash at Colyford Memorial Hall on temporary shelter and medical expenses — invited to have their car washed and use to control the vermin. To offer a long-term work FeTbor ubaoroyk 2 7at ht.able contact Pam 2Spamtu.rday, January 23rd from 8am- ainn“vdMo lvyae msdo .n h Gopeionrgge ,t 1o3 ,g weta natsl lt ot harer anvgilela tgeae cwo“hnLetrraeisb twu tteiem ltieov e wtdh eeb edtrfiioseardes t2teh0ri 0sr,e6 l,ii nwe feB f iurranmidsie.ndg ohvaemr PenrovtHierocntoimonen notni ft0oo1r 4thn0i4s 4yC5o2u4na1g t wlaswdwy .Phpolernaiotsoent .cceaaltlcs H.otorigno.iutoknn Cats Rattray on 01297 552212. Tables Martin Balmond explained: “I have and coffee, and some friends of ours — £500.” cost £5. on 01404 45241 GET YOUR ADVERT SEEN — CALL OUR FRIENDLY SALES TEAM ON 01297 446144 FENSA Registered Company SIDMOUTH BED & MATTRESS EST 1998 YOUR LOCAL FAmILY WINDOW COmpANY Est. CENTRE 1986 NO OBLIGATION FREE QUOTATION of Sidmouth FULL 10 YEAR GUARANTEE SAVE (cid:1)SAVE (cid:1)SAVE (cid:1)SAVE Back ProBlems? a4n’6d” la t e s t b waictkh cdararew esprsr,i nwgi tshy mstaetmtr egsivsing Wbahcyk ncoatr ter yb ethde. 4D’e6s”i gonretdh toop geidviec BOILER SERVICING WE SUppLY AND FIT superb back support, with wool fillings for maximum comfort & support for the comfort WAS £799 SALE £399 Terbraickf.i Wci thp twroi cdreaw£ers2. 95 GAS (cid:2) OIL (cid:2)BespokeWindows, Doors PRICE andConservatories (cid:2)All sizes of beds available - 2’6”, 3’, 4’, 4’6” & 5’ Replacement Boilers (cid:2)Gutterings, Fascias and (cid:2)Immediate FREE delivery on stock to Honiton, WINTER Central Heating Soffits ACxhmarinmsoteur,thS, eOatttoenry, L&y mSied mReoguitsh, aUrpelaysme, SNAOLWE and Update (cid:2)porches EBTXESEPSRIDCDEOS MCS OE FUNULFTTORHRDES WHEE ARREE ON R4eg1.7 N3o. Heating Systems (cid:2)CAa rRpoArtTsED ENERGY EFFICIENT 0 HIGH STREET TO SEA FRONT (cid:2)FR(cid:2)EFER HEEEA ADSBSOEAMRBDL OY N(cid:2) FSREELEEC DTEELDIV MEORYDELS Ring WINDOWS AND DOORS TOP SPORTS (cid:2)REMOVAL OF OLD BED UNDERTAKEN Unit 9, Riverside Workshops, Riverside 124 HIGH STREET EX10 8EE - AT REAR OF FULFORDS ESTATE AGENTS 01395 579576 01395 571000 Way, Seaton, Devon EX12 2UE Tel 01297 23381 • 07881 586405 MONDAY - SATURDAY - HALF DAY THURSDAY www.smphomeimprovements.co.uk 4 Tuesday, January 19th 2010 Pulman’s View NO GRIT FOR SLIPPERY CAR PARKS IF THE ICE STRIKES ByANDERS LARSSON consideration to this issue next [email protected] week but pending that it would be irresponsible to place the council EAST Devon District Council through its insurers into a potential (EDDC) car parks will remain multiple claim situation when the ungritted for the time being risks of walking/driving on ice should winter strike again. should be clear to everyone.” The recent coldsnap turned some Axminster Town Council has EDDC car parks into skaterink since raised similar issues, some lookalikes and there was members saying that drivers rightly widespread anger. expect a basic level of maintenance Ottery town, district and county if asked to pay for parking. councillor Roger Giles, for When asked for an update, EDDC example, demanded to know why said that a corporate director has the council car parks were not been asked to draw up a gritting gritted. policy for all public open spaces at As reported in our Ottery edition risk of slippery conditions. last week, EDDC confirmed car Once drawn up, the policy will go parks are not gritted for fear of through various committees for AN inAsu rasnpcoek celsapimerss.on said in last coInns tihdee rmateioannt ibmy ec, onuon gcrililtotirnsg. of car WERM week’s issue: “EDDC will give parks will take place. BO N OLI CALL THE NEWSROOM BY C O OT H ON 01297 631120 P uu PUPILS at All Saints Primary School were busy with an art project last week, and some of the youngsters are pictured with items they have made from papier mache We value the West Country (cid:0)A 19th Century (cid:0)Archibald Thorburn (1860 - 1935) miniature - sold for £200 sold for £11,500 Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood opening 1st February 2010 at the auction rooms, Dowell Street, Honiton with regular auctions and valuation days Pulman’s View Tuesday, January 19th 2010 5 Area’s education Career help Town unsung at evening heroes praise convention gets high results HONITON Community College TWO town councillors praised unsung heroes will be holding a careers when Axminster Town Council held its January convention on Thursday, meeting. February 4th, between 3pm and First out was councillor Graham Godbeer. He had 7pm. been approached by a member of the public who The event will take place at ByBEN MIDDLETON “We are determined in 2010 to make academic ability, to succeed. The college’s wanted it made public how helpful young people of Honiton Sports Centre close to the [email protected] significant improvements again as part of our GCSE indicator rose by six per cent last the Foxhill area had been to the elderly during the main school campus. mission to become outstanding in every year, however, my staff and I are determined snow chaos. “aeSencsaaddwaaevEndonxpbeiaoA““ipvagduldphotlvSLllielir c ruiefeool ereobsewaaagfrtmanvpeni criytbelnitiea sota olablsoofid,rlwuleklu s nce n ar A a n.eershe el,tnoist s o sc avhtdilmiuh ovrlhsexee yaotai evmaitar trwpbiocrnsh ven naasalpuipcel e biet ieslnallnlif n of,educeoang goionuoNsutdnnri vrr t tmecapidgatmwVye tnosnae ihr cepn,giQt do eo a loiri t pl3o cfrsnoto vc eluh0 nobgav oeaioecl en lend i,nlolrlord c uiflevisdp acvamoeoenn,gi narte grtnrtsctteoerlsdhrmefeeefl asv .sui ueen a iriatisr rdnldthmdnttiaoaaiiiiihneeeeinonnnonnedregrwsdnddgngggesr:., CTjgCisctaolAioansucworoAJAOoH xsh hlsttvutaemlughhi cutxoeErseqls noeerdtgedioturuo ni o teelrcrmonisrsssdsdv oeofsytGcm m a venb uwa.h1laVrCeDnt,neeee,eo4 rn talnrSeneeriS oy7e.ldsetnvEw.tal l,c5 oe ’ r psa h1sisrayntlsunc e o ens fpocsfiaoekpavluiolpsgulel leelssrseddtuutrC e sogA iweabd.Daontpec* an slgmhsaueeli td ot ntsnpapomEho h datba ietFn fC ucelo lrr sga3oerndao 6t glo 3nfmikmi 0rta srskr ya hdnisetpeed lsh dsdiunecbaeebu Ppsh etnais lyr iosudcCas,t l t otctss lG oa amm solGslncCfrhwl afCahdedSa tatfnoiegShh onEnvaroe’isEdgreeessttl,, wanbyAcpwdsathcvceueeueCATCPao*eohnesadmpyr iuhtrooirtr itirk. e ta ce”bolpi llswooesvsgyGayde eif td Celtetitirc ah sCioto s p oolh a ws n ongtrSutnnvo loeah 1n ripiEed fpatatgpe0me ih G asld 1l r hd0lf rsyiHem1ys4rooat y npacs lh8 2cnu socya.mhesa h hterirnp prcoavptiak m ihuehefcoeelartsforv poesdo lla y a wpinhioc.nraenli cPee talsn naegh Icnva ai Srdr’tC iinuetc oD meaa ci lhoovnotlwhsEt e limfeh khlyovEean apeda 1ovo o mtgvslar wn7whinel toalsn o u3eaa erntwng pina nsaclts.prf le”h n ndio fit.ugtGdvi ehkd.nsyvTpre eaa tCa ei hidiwttldn And hSCsoe 1eaiu:e yEr*at0ot st eha s i.ms0“lthsokt l hT o elaopinttian ghhhvrtreaCsodgeeeeeerlt tbta2toaelcetohoihxxcmhve0tTOF“ e ethatcei0ACler alhmoieru9cretdneia so eemtotm,vgrsi l h a pnouayelue6rel e bnaafnoJdlriK8 ol ynaoetdo tuy1 ifr,ior neupo 7yDnrwcmrantsetene.9hgea , ce ert e Tioaen’ ttv ptps s,rlcou fh hol ullce ts heefaeyaitanopse nshae lc Sbiu.eni lodatteililyqlc sntsdsp eitTai uht n sg nsthpowcoh aeog uiohpruselatgaoh eeihsi ot crsthpoleo eKce y h, vege td Ie t oesits ersoo inharaf tOtvocdao oogeymrahfee lkatyr ’ f.tvo t”slmt ii eehKtsvee nohSrateairedeoleiyne g cn untslalig toh uldccegrhss roe oaa S’seaG y so1tscrm ytti,oetcCl2ha b oi. ssouanbtoianSa.hMsnr glor iE ee d vnlb asttass:eehAh er nbroa“iiaysinnyd*esrIftt, ctcthcholooeYCT“ee mlupOa phoonerrp eutuocl mhadp nnvisenleaigciallryvdroisknwlle etry dlWe m tio.J fasrwraeesene r,fsJ nak mfatoasteec sn hlerrrp odysnerart st ni gsesJ modwoaee ff itmfa oitd fmtrhterh.eir erlia o yylrosckpe a ftuh eb inwtosneyhdenaio e.ndmp.uig relfa ddopud raphep rg are“lavrinaifietlsett lse gi ,ans ooo hgnlnrao etp dtsA u t ehoorxapef mws oltipisieamenersds stefet sotte,oo””rr will be the chance to try out different last year, 50 per cent achieved at least five grades. because we are unhappy with our results or careers with lots of hands-on and A* to C grades. This is slightly higher than However, the percentage is significantly position in a table but because league tables interactive stands. are not what we are about here. the national average of 49.8 per cent but is higher than the 2008 results when only 36 “We have also had an excellent less than the 2008 score when 54 per cent of per cent of pupils achieved at least five A* to “Our aim is to do the absolute best for response from local and national pupils achieved at least five A* to C grades. C grades. The college was ranked 41st in every student, irrespective of where we then employers who will be able to offer Martin Smith, headteacher at Axe Valley, Devon. appear in a table. However, in terms of information about careers in areas said: “We are delighted that 50 per cent of College principal Glenn Smith said: “I am simply our own 2009 exam results we were such as the armed forces, our students achieved five A* to C, including extremely pleased to be the new principal of needless to say delighted. engineering, animal care, childcare, English and maths last summer. This is Honiton Community College and it is my “The students gained some fantastic results banking, care work and above the national average and reflects the intention to further raise the good reputation which meant that they had so many doors volunteering.” good standards that were reached. it has within the community. open to them to continue in education or to The event is open to the community “Credit goes to the students and staff who “My primary focus is the all-round secure one of the increasingly rare jobs. as well as students and parents. worked so hard to secure these superb education and development of all our These results are the outcome of a really Employers and organisations who results. Our biggest improvement was in the students, in a safe and supportive strong partnership between the staff, the wish to have a stand at the number of students achieving five C grades environment. students and their families and a great deal of convention should contact Sue Miller or better. This rose from 61 per cent in 2008 “Honiton Community College has a hard work over five years. at the college on 01404 42283. to 69 per cent in 2009. This is not reflected comprehensive intake and prides itself on “We have already set this year’s Year 11 NEWSROOM: 01297 631120 in the league tables but we are especially providing a personalised curriculum that the challenge of seeing if they can out- [email protected] proud of this achievement. enables every student, irrespective of perform the 2009 group, quite a challenge.” Elmwood Residential Home Surpassing All Expectations A home for discerning residents who like to be safe, secure and enjoy their time. • Excellent Care • Highly acclaimed delicious and nutritious food • Daily activities including weekly trips into the Devon countryside • Stunning Gardens and relaxing walks Why not spend a day with us as our guests to see what you think? WE HAVE AN EN-SUITE ROOM AVAILABLE Call us on 01297 552750 and ask to speak to Jo or Lynne 6 Tuesday, January 19th 2010 Pulman’s View AYES H K AR M BY OS OT H P WINTER WONDERLAND APAIR of Pulman’sViewreaders wonderland as well. covering. He used a camera timer to take some didn’t just make the most of the Mark and Emma Hayes had fun in Apart from being very apt at of these photos around Honiton, January snow but captured the the white stuff around the Honiton building snowmen and snowboarding, including Roundball Hill, on January images of their winter area during the recent weeks’ Mark is also a dab hand with a camera. 6th and 8th. B & B eviss eCkingsaLe sOLiCiTORs THE CHANCES ARE THAT WHATEVER THE PROBLEM YOU FACE, WE HAVE DEALT WITH IT BEFORE Personal Injury Employment Disputes about jointly owned property Landlord & Tenant (residential & commercial) Farming Disputes (including partnership and tenancies) Debt Recovery/Insolvency Building Disputes Disputes over Wills or Inheritance Negligence by Solicitors, Surveyors, Accountants etc Just a few of the many areas in which our Civil Litigation team can assist you with their specialist knowledge and advice. For an initial no obligation discussion please contact: Howard Quinlivanon 01404 548050 e-mail: [email protected] Offices at Axminster, Chard, Honiton and Seaton www.bevissandbeckingsale.co.uk ALWAYS HERE TO HELP Pulman’s View Tuesday, January 19th 2010 7 TOWN COUNCIL DEFENDS PLAN TO EMPLOY A DEPUTY CLERK ByANDERS LARSSON example, said: “We are asking the issue, saying: “Councillors Jones and [email protected] town clerk every single meeting we Collard visited the offices of the have to write more letters and so on.” Honiton town clerk who had AXMINSTER Town Council has He added that the town clerk was confirmed that one of the most time- defended its decision to seek a the first point of call for members of consuming aspects of the job was deputy townclerk. the public enquiring about everything dealing with public enquiries. The decision was made by the from council housing to the war in “Hence Honiton Town Council had, council’s employment committee on Iraq. in recent years, appointed a deputy Wednesday, January 6th, but was Councillor Walden concluded: “To town clerk and also had two questioned by councillor Mervyn be effective as a town council we administrative assistants. Symes during the full council need the staffing.” “This has freed the town clerk to meeting on Monday, January 11th. It was also pointed out that the deal with the more important items Among other things, councillor amount of correspondence from East without interruption. Symes said the public was likely to Devon District Council and other “Axminster Town Council needs to ask why a deputy town clerk was bodies is far greater than it used to be. follow this pattern as the workload needed. Another issue is the fact that has increased in recent years and is His fellow councillors, however, members of the public come in to likely to go on doing so, especially as defended the decision robustly, some enquire during non-opening hours as aresult of the push towards unitary saying the town clerk’s workload had the doors are open, adding to the town authorities.” increased “beyond comparison” in clerk’sworkload. The post for a part-time deputy recent years. Minutes from the employment town clerk in Axminster is currently Councillor Jeremy Walden, for committee meeting elaborated on this being advertised. Police pleased but not complacent at low crime reports AXMINSTER police have listed teams is starting to show as one low number of recorded crime did not several reasons for the fact that reason for the low number. materialise because people have recorded crime on the town beat PC Darren Herridge added that become less inclined to report crime. stayed below the 300 mark last working with the college and youth He said: “I think people report more year. club in various ways has proved these days. And we do encourage A total of 298 crimes were helpful, and he praised both reporting because it allows us to find recorded, which is marginally less establishments for the role they play. out what is going on.” than the 310 cases in 2008 — but a He also mentioned other Both officers also agreed that massive drop compared to the 499 community initiatives, including a having had a full set of staff during cases in 2004 and the 479 cases in recent commando challenge, and 2009 certainly helped, both in terms 2005. said: “The willingness to commit of preventing crime and detecting it. Officers are pleased but not crime is lower because of the respect The detection rate for 2009 was complacent. Sergeant Peter Tudgeon and relationship built up between 32.89 per cent — which compares suggested that the setting up of police and the community.” favourably to 22.58 per cent in 2008 dedicated neighbourhood policing Sergeant Trudgeon is adamant the and 23.66 per cent in 2007. Store champion Kath extends invitation for ‘ideas meeting’ TESCO’Scommunity champion ordinating major fundraising events for Axminster, Kath Rabjohns, at the store, giving educational talks is inviting schools, charities and about healthy eating and greener other organisations to the store living at local schools, and working this month. with clubs and charities.” The event is staged from 10am- She took up her role in March last 2pm on Thursday, January 21st and year and has regularly been seen in Friday, January 22nd. local newspapers handing out Kath’s aim is to give the people an cheques to worthy causes. opportunity to meet her and find out Those unable to attend the store about her role as well as making can call her on 07885 286700 to find suggestions. out more or make suggestions on She said: “The tasks of the how she and the company can play a community champion include co- role locally. uuKATH Rabjohns CALL THE NEWS TEAM ON 01297 631120 8 Tuesday, January 19th 2010 Pulman’s View High hopes for Evening ‘with’ In the Charles Darwin editor’s shoes AN evening ‘with’ Charles Darwin has been glitzy ball close organised by the Friends of Colyton Library. The event will take place on Tuesday, January 26th, at Colyton Primary School, from 7pm, and the organisers say everyone is welcome to attend. It has been organised to celebrate 2010 as the year of biodiversity. Local resident Donald Campbell will be playing the to girls’ hearts part of Darwin and will be dressed in authentic Written by costume. editorial manager Tickets cost £3 for adults and £2.50 for youngsters and concessions. KATEERINMEW For more information about the event and to book tickets contact Colyton Library on 01297 552877. Car parking will be available at the primary school. There’s been W J JOHN BRIGHT FENCING ME B N AND F A Name You Can Trust ATE ERI snow time for COSTUONRTERY O BY K We offer a complete fencing installation service PHOT any sledging or if you prefer purchase the materials from our Countrystore where our fully experienced staff will happily give you all of the advice you need SOMETIMES I think I am such a typical Brit. I to erect your own fencing or gates. wish all year long for snow and then, when I get it, it just turns out to be a pain and I can’t wait Opening times: for it to go. Maybe the idea of the perfect winter wonderland is Weekdays 7.30 am to 5.30 pm best just left as that — an idea. What would be ideal is if we could have a good few Saturday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm inches of snow just for one day, and if we could all know in advance we could have the day off work and Sunday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm go sledging, snowball fighting and such and then back to normal the day after. 01308 421545 In fact, a public snow holiday would be great and if we could order it for a Monday even better. Snow Holiday Monday, it’s got a ring to it, hasn’t it? The trouble is it doesn’t work like that and we get Salway Ash, Bridport. www.johnbrightfencing.com uuJESSChapple and Lucy Coombe head up a glitzy charity bash snow when we’re all at work, ill or doing something else that is more important. The country comes to a ByKATE ERIN MEW standstill and no one can get anywhere. Where are [email protected] those public reindeer sleighs when you need them? TWO local ladies have thrown themselves into I was working so much I nearly blinked and missed hosting a glitzy charity ball for a cause very close to the white stuff and then, when I got half a day off from their hearts. work, I was too ill to enjoy it. No sledging for me. And Jess Chapple and Lucy Coombe, who both work in My Lovely Farmer even promised to make me a Super Axminster, are hoping their Black Tie Winter Theme Ball Sledge out of animal feed bags and straw which, I have will be a resounding success raising a hefty cash sum for on good authority, are the best kind. two cancer charities. Boo hoo. Of course, I’m just feeling sorry for myself Both girls have lost family members to the disease and when I know other people were making the most of it. wanted to raise funds to help other families. We’ve had some great pictures sent in of readers All profits from the ball, to be held at Uplyme Village enjoying the wintry weather — and some who haven’t. Hall on Saturday, February 20th, will go to Force cancer The disruption and danger the snow and ice can charity and Exeter’s Hospiscare. cause is not a laughing matter though. Many a car Jess, 23, who works at Reflections Hair and Beauty accident has been down to the weather conditions and Salon, organised a similar event in 2008 which made a it’s no fun for those who are really stuck out in the whopping £4,500 for Force. sticks. Jess said: “The Pink Ball in 2008 was such a success that The gritting issue on roads has been a widespread I wanted to do something similar again to raise more for talking point over the last few weeks. However, I must Seaton’s the charity and to give people something fun to look admit, I think the council has done pretty well from Established 1989 fo“rIwt’asr dg otoin ign tFoe bbreu avreyr.y posh — black tie — and like a what I have seen. I know it is frustrating for people winter wonderland, so it’s a great opportunity for people to who live in the countryside with the small roads and dress up and have fun as well as raising some cash.” lanes not being treated but, surely, it’s not humanly REGENCY WINDOWS After hosting the previous event with a friend who is now possible to get every road gritted in such a small space Ltd away travelling, Jess roped in Lucy’s help this time around. of time? Lucy, 23, a legal secretary for Beviss and Beckingsale And it’s only for a few days we have to put up with 2 The Square, Seaton Solicitors, said: “We have both lost relatives to cancer so the conditions. Unlike the winter that snowed from we both feel very strongly about it. My uncle died of a January until March. brain tumour, we were very close. It sounds cheesy but we It was the winter of 1962-63 and my Dad remembers Local reliable professional company wanted to make a difference.” it well. It was likely to have been worse in Kent, where The glitzy event will be a ticket-only affair, costing the he lived at the time, than the Westcountry. SPECIALISTS IN ALL YOUR entrant £20 which will include a glass of bubbly on arrival He says it was the year the sea froze. He was about and a finger buffet. 15 and he played ice hockey on the sea with his friend. UPVC REQUIREMENTS Entertainment will be provided by popular local band Not only that but as the froth of the ocean sprayed up Real World as well as a disco by Simon Flux, who will onto the beach, it froze mid-air capturing a host of Domestic, Commercial and Trade provide his services free of charge as one of his four sealife inlcuding crabs and lobster, and when it began annually-nominated charities. to melt, they started to wriggle! ALL TYPES OF HIGH SECURITY DOORS, wLhoulcey e vsaeindt:, w“Bhiecvhi sms eaannds iBt eisc kshinegllsianlge oius t sfpoor nmsoorsitn ogf tthhee So, I guess we ought to think ourselves lucky in the WINDOWS, BESPOKE CONSERVATORIES costs, and the Talbot Arms, of Uplyme, will be catering hope that we won’t get more winter whites that will and running the bar. So many people and businesses have last until the spring. Mind you, a sledging bonanza AND PORCHES come forward in support.” farmer-style will definitely be on the cards for me if we To add to the fun, there will be a grand draw to include do. (Fascia Boards, Guttering and Cladding) many prizes from local businesses such as Axminster I’d also like to thank all the readers who sent us in Carpets, River Cottage, Axminster Power Tools and their snow photos, although I am yet to see GUILD APPROVED LOCAL CRAFTSMEN Reflections Hair and Beauty Salon. There are also tickets photographic evidence of a snowman holding a copy of to be won to watch Exeter Chiefs Rugby Club and Yeovil Pulman’s View. Next year maybe. 01297 22495 Town Football Club among other prizes. Jess added: “This year some of the money will go to cCOPYRIGHT Hospiscare as well as Force because it’s another great FENSA charity. I’m hoping that we can match the £4,500 we made [email protected] Registered Company laTsti ctikmetes —ar ea nsdel lgion gb efyasotn dfo trh taht ei fe pvoesnsti,b wleh.”ich has all the Twor icteo ntota: cPtu tlhmea end’si tVoir,ew ingredients to be a spectacular affair, and can only be from, South Street, 10 YEAR GUARANTEE bought in advance from Reflections Hair and Beauty Salon Axminster, Devon EX13 — 01297 34277, Beviss and Beckingsale Solicitors — 5AD or email FREE QUOTE WITH PLANNING & DESIGN SERVICE 01297 630700 and the Talbot Arms — 01297 443136. Any businesses which would like to donate a prize for the draw [email protected] can contact the above numbers.

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