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Pteridium caudatum (L.) Maxon Behaves as a Potassium Plant and Accumulates Aluminum in the Subterranean Organs PDF

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Preview Pteridium caudatum (L.) Maxon Behaves as a Potassium Plant and Accumulates Aluminum in the Subterranean Organs

American Fern Journal 97(2):81-94 (2007) Maxon caudatum Pteridium Behaves as (L.) Aluminum Potassium and Accumulates a Plant in the Subterranean Organs Elizabeth Olivares 1 Eder Pena, and Malfy Benitez , Centro de Ecologia, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Apartado 21827, Caracas 1020A, Venezuela — Abstract. The purpose study was of this to investigate the nutritional status of Pteridium caudatum (bracken fern) in a Neotropical region where this species occurs in acid leached soils. In this region there is a high availability of Al in soluble toxic forms, rendering P. caudatum an weed important associated with wildfire regimes. Water-soluble Ca, exchangeable Ca fraction, Ca bound to pectate + phosphate, and bound to oxalate were evaluated from P. caudatum sampled from a burned parcel of land 94 and 270 days after an accidental as well as from an unburned fire, control parcel. Both sites were located in a tropical secondary savanna community in a successional mosaic of a cloud forest. The concentrations of total Ca, N, P, K, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni and Al, and their distribution in the plant organs were investigated. The study addressed the hypothesis thai show shoots should low concentrations of Ca because a low cation capacity exchange has been We reported in roots of Pteridium. expected a low water-soluble Ca fraction because bracken has been defined in the literature as a non-calcicole plant. The exchangeable fraction and pectate + phosphate bound Ca constituted 60 to 85% of the total Ca in pinnae and rhizomes, while the bound Ca 14% oxalate constituted only 3 to of the total Ca. Concentrations of Al as high as -1 -1 248.3 mmol kg were found in roots. Pinnae showed only 84.53 mmol Ca kg and 5.62 mmol Al -1 kg and their Ca/Al ratio was 15 mol mol contrasting with aquilinum from temperate regions P. ' , -1 We where Ca/Al was 1440 mol mol however Ca/P was mol mol" 1 the 2 in both species. , conclude that P. caudatum behaves as a potassium plant (soluble K/Ca >>1) such as the grass-like families Poaceae and Cyperaceae and accumulates Al in the subterranean organs. Bracken ferns of the world-wide genus Pteridium appear in the Neotropics human on land exposed intervention where primary cloud have been to forests converted montane savannas (Alonso-Amelot and into Rodulfo-Baechler, The montane 1996). basic characteristics of tropical cloud forests are that they capture water from clouds, have low evapotranspiration and add rates water to the hydrologic system. These forests are threatened by anthropogenic fire usually associated with grazing, agricultural interventions and hunting (Hamilton et ah, 1995). Pteridium occurs especially widely in burned fire habitats and, unusually, has the ability to pioneer ash-burn surfaces of high potash levels and highly alkaline pH, metamorphosing become an to acidophilus plant once rhizomes penetrate beyond the ash surface its initial layers (Page, 2004). is important to understand the mineral nutrition of bracken because this It weed perennial causes problems for agriculture, forestry, conservation and 1 Author correspondence: 58-212-5041088 for [email protected]; fax: VOLUME NUMHER AMERICAN KERN JOURNAL: 97 (2007) 82 2 many animal health, despite attempts to develop control strategies (Papavla- Kuhn The Pteridium aquilinum has sopoulos, 2003). nutritional status of (L.) (Thompson been studied temperate climates aL, 1997; Skre aL, 1998) in et et caudatum and there are several studies of the Neotropical bracken fern, P. (L.) Maxon, concerning xenobiotic materials such as phenolics, tannins, the and which from cyanogenic glycoside prunasin, illudanes, protect the plant herbivores (Alonso-Amelot and Avendaiio, 2002; Alonso-Amelot aL, 2001; et we 2004). However, as far as know, bracken's nutritional status in tropical environments been has not investigated. There variation in the shoot Ca content of angiosperms (Broadley et aL, is commelinoid monocots 2003), the lowest values corresponding to orders of According Broadley aL cereals, maize, bananas). to et (2003) root cation- (rice, We may exchange capacity (CEC), pectin and Ca shoot content be correlated. CEC expect lower Ca content bracken than dicots based on the low a in in CEC Koedam The found by et aL (1992) in P. aquilinum roots. root is located in the apoplast and attributed to the free carboxyl groups of galacturonic acids is of cell wall pectins in he middle lamella. The pectin contents of shoot cell I walls are comparable to those of root cell walls (Broadley et aL, 2003). According White and Broadley plants with low soluble Ca to (2003) a K/Ca concentration include the potassium plants, characterized by high shoot quotients, and the oxalate plants, which have high tissue oxalate concentra- tions. Plants that accumulate oxalate can be subdivided into species that and which contain soluble oxalate those in Ca-oxalate precipitated, lljin in is which 1936-1944 (Kinzel, 1983) designated the term calciotrophic to plants amounts contain appreciable of water-soluble Ca. This physiological termi- nology only Ca metabolism and different from the geobotanical label refers to is calcicole, which refers to the flora observed on calcareous soils. In such a flora, nutrient acquisition and ecological success depend not only on Ca, but also on other factors such as their root development, microorganism associations, rhizosphere pH, root exudates, etc. The Ca potassium physiotypes oxalate three distinct for nutrition, plants, and angiosperm plants calciotrophes, are characteristic of particular families K/Ca and (White, 2005), therefore is interesting to investigate the ratio (lie it Ca Venezolano de total fractionation in a fern. In acid soils of the Institute) such Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC) calciotrophes, as Clusia multiflora, are -1 mmol present with Ca concentration of 244 kg and water-soluble Ca a total , 6% 77% representing of the total Ca, while oxalate comprises only of the total, found where was found but this species also in dry calcareous forests to is it mmol have Ca concentrations of 403 kg" 1 (Olivares and Aguiar, 1999). Bracken has been defined an acidiphilous pteridophyte (Koedan 1992; Pago, as et a/.. we may usually does grow on calcareous and expect low 2004); not soils a it Ca because advantageous an osmotic water-soluble fraction this fraction as is which counter ion xerophytic, calcareous environments, the opposite of in is bracken Therefore bracken predicted have the phvsiotype of habitat. to is The a potassium or oxalate plant. Ca phvsiotype of plants genotica is Un- determined and phylogenetic information has been used identify crops with to CAUDATUM OLIVARKS ET PTERIDIUM BEHAVES AS A POTASSIUM PLANT AL.: 83 humans higher Ca content to address Ca malnutrition in (White, 2005). can It weed shows and also be useful to identify the a high oxalate fraction able if is Ca and under behaves to survive excessive in calcareous soils liming, or if as it plants in the Poales with a high K/Ca due to lower requirements of Ca than dicots. we In the present study sampled P. caudatum in a tropical secondary community where montane savanna Venezuela, cloud in in a tropical site forest has given way in some areas to secondary savannas due to recurrent human-related fires in the last two centuries. The site is characterized by acid The and Marulanda, (Garcfa-Miragaya Herrera, 1971; 1998). objectives of soils To measure Ca pinnae and rhizomes this study are: 1) concentrations in of P. May caudatum three and nine months after an accidental in and fire, November, and with growing to contrast these data control plants in We unburned Ca burned due a parcel. expect higher in parcels to the effect Ca from burned and of ash fertilization. Similar values of in plants control To parcels will indicate leaching of nutrients during the experimental time. 2) compare the shoot Ca concentration the pteridophyte with monocots and in dicots reported in the literature, considering that remarkable differences have CEC been found probably consequence and pectin as a of their different To by K/Ca contents in the cell wall. define the physiotype the soluble ratio, 3) related to acidiphily, and to evaluate the proportion of soluble, its it To exchangeable pectate + phosphate and Ca-oxalate. evaluate the 4) distribution of mineral elements in the plant organs. Materials and Methods — Plant material and sampling. Pteridium caudatum [= Pteridium field aquilinum caudatum Dominj, supported in the specific rank by var. (L.) Thomson and Alonso-Amelot was sampled within the grounds of the (2002), Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC), located in Altos de m 66° 58'W, 1380 above The predominant Pipe (10° 24'N, sea level). vegetation IVIC primary cloud surrounded by secondary forests at forest, is and grasslands. Occasionally take place during the dry season in the fires secondary vegetation units. Disturbed areas between the forest and grassland dominated by The were sampled secondary are ferns. plants in a tropical mm savanna community. The 10-yr average annual precipitation of 1100 is two months throughout with only relatively well distributed the year, The was (February and March) of dry season (Sanhueza et ah, 2000). study performed the rainy season (May and November). Soil profiles from Altos de in pH showed and Pipe a water of 4.7 to 5.2 (Carcia-Miragaya Herrera, 1971). m m and Five relatively small plants (< 0.3 tall) five larger plants (> 1 tall), May were burned denoted as or respectively, collected in a parcel (B) in s /, and November 94 and 270 days an accidental that occurred on after fire where February 2003. Sampling was also carried out in a control parcel (C) 14, and did not take place. Plants are defined here as fronds attached fire X X and underground excavated from holes 50 50 20 cm. Small large parts AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: »4 2 (2007) 1)7 plants were present in the second sampling in November, but small plants May were found not in in the control parcel. This indicated that vegetative May sprouting after in the control parcel can be attributed to the fact that there were no monitored disturbances of this region. This different from the is fire burned region in which, presumably, there had been activity of small wild herbivores humans, such walking The each was or as or clearing. area of parcel m approximately 400 and they were separated from each other by Km. The 1 distance between the samplings was m. Sporophytes were at least 5 sterile at both harvest times and had fronds with three nine pinnae. The excavated to were and underground were plants transported the laboratory the organs to washed with tap water. Aerial and underground organs were dried constant to weight in a ventilated oven for approximately 78 h 60" C and then ground at Thomas with a Wiley mill (3383-L10, Scientific, U.S.A.). The aerial biomass, given by the dry mass of pinnae (green tissue) and rachis + petioles was we The was measured. biomass not calculated because were not sure total if we rhizome X X collected the entire length in the explored soil area (50 50 20 cm). Mineral analysis and underground organs was performed and in aerial expressed by dry mass. — Chemical analyses. The Ca fractionation methodology of Kostytschew and was Berg described in Kinzel (1989) used: Hot water-soluble Ca, originally was included in the vacuoles, obtained by heating ground plant material in mg G a proportion of 200 dry mass to 5 niL water. After centrifugation 4.6 for at was and 10 min, the liquid collected the residue treated with the next extracting solution. Calcium adsorbed electrostatically on the walls or on cell 10% polyanions in the vacuoles was extracted by means of hot NaCl solution. The Ca-phosphate + was by means pectate fraction extracted of hot acid acetic: mM). In each case the extraction mixture was heated the boiling point of (2 to the solution. Finally, Ca bound oxalate was extracted overnight with HC1 to mM) The ambient temperature. by at extraction efficiency, calculated the (2 sum linear regression of the of fractions versus the Ca, was 95%. total K The soluble hot water was measured and K/Ca in extracts the ratio in pinnae and rhizomes was The Ca and K calculated. concentration of the in water extract and Ca in other extracts were determined on an atomic absorption spectrometer (SpectrAA 55B, Varian Techtron, Victoria, Australia). Rhizomes were used instead of roots for the fractionation because the dry mass was of roots per plant too small for analysis, but concentrations of total Ca, K, Mg, Fe, Al, Mn, Ni, Zn and Cu, were determined from the organs all in nitric- perchloric acid digestions (Miller, 1998). Total nitrogen concentration was determined by the Kjeldhal method (Tecator Kjeltec Systems from Foss Tecator, Hoganas, Sweden) digestion after of the ground dry plant material with sulfuric acid. Phosphorus was measured (Murphy and means colorimetrically Riley, 1962) in the digested material by of Amersham UV/visible spectrophotometer (Ultrospec 2000, Pharmacia, Cam- Ash was bridge, England). content determined by heating biomass samples to 510 °C for 8 hours in a muffle furnace (Thermolyne, Iowa, U.S.A.). A OLIVARES ET PTERIDIUM CAUDATUM BEHAVES AS A POTASSIUM PLANT AL.: 85 Molar ratios (mol N/mol P) for the mineral elements instead of mass ratios (g common N/g P) are shown in the present work because they are more in physiological research, as they reflect the actual stoichiometric relationships. common They by For comparative purposes mass differ a factor of 2.21. ratios, were molar in the literature, recalculated to ratios. — Standard used sampling Statistical analysis. errors are as indicators of The shown error rather than treatment values from the seven categories effects. in Table 1 (May-Bs, B/, CI and November-Bs, B/, Cs, CI) were pooled to get the shown average Table For organs and rhizomes chemical analyses in aerial 2. = were X X duplicated plants 7 categories 2 chemical analyses but for (5 70), = mass was roots the dry insufficient for replicate chemical analyses (n 35). Results — Ca caudatum and Total concentration in P. of different size fire history. clear difference in total Ca concentrations between plants of different size from burned and was Calcium the control parcels not observed. concentration in pinnae was higher than that measured in rhizomes and the highest Ca May concentration was found in plants from the control parcel sampled in (Table 1). — Ca and K/Ca The exchangeable fractionation soluble fraction ratio. 62% represented up to of the total Ca in rhizomes from small plants and up 53% + phosphate pinnae from both to in the pectate fraction in large plants, sampled burned November The exchangeable and in the parcel in (Table 1). 85% phosphate + pectate fractions taken together contributed 60 to of the total Ca in pinnae and rhizomes. The exchangeable fraction was higher than, or nearly equal the pectate + phosphate fraction, except in pinnae from the to, burned November. The same low was found parcel in pattern of oxalate-Ca in pinnae and rhizomes. Water-soluble Ca contributed to the total Ca in a lower proportion in rhizomes than in pinnae and the highest value of this fraction 28% was in pinnae from small plants from the burned plot in November. K Pinnae had higher soluble concentrations than rhizomes. The highest K and K/Ca were found pinnae from concentration of soluble ratio in the burned parcel. P and caudatum and Biomass, N, ash content in P. of different size — history. Aerial biomass appears to be higher in non-burned plots samples fire The caudatum was found (Table highest value of ash content in P. in 2). rhizomes. Pinnae from burned and control parcels were similar in ash content, showed but rhizomes from the burned parcel higher ash percent of dry mass. a Contents of P were higher in burned plot samples of pinnae and rhizomes. May Large plants sampled in in the non-burned plot had the lowest contents of N and P found work pinnae. in this for and Distribution of metals in the plant organs ratio of total mineral elements — Underground showed in pinnae. organs higher concentrations of Al, Fe, Zn, Cu and Ni than aerial ones, and roots showed higher concentrations of these Mn The was metals than the rhizomes (Table concentration of higher in 3). 3 AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMHIiR 80 97 (2007) 2 Table Total Ca concentration and fractions of Ca, expressed in per cent of total, extracted with 1. hot water (water-soluble), hot NaCl solution (exchangeable), hot acetic acid (Ca-phosphate and Ca- peotate) and HC1 (Ca-oxalate), water-soluble K and soluble K/Ca ratio in relatively small and (s) larger P. caudatum from a burned field, 04 and 270 days after fire, and from a control (13) ((]) (/) means SE plot. For each category values given are (n 5). Calcium water- hot hot NaCl HC1 K K/Oa total soluble acetic Sol. Sol. m m mmol mol ( ) I kg' 1 (% total Ca) kg mol ' ' PINNAE May, 94 days after fire Bs 54 12 16 42 34 431 38 10 9 9 8 1 80 6 18 36 38 8 419 29 41 Jl ) 0/ 116 48 29 309 37 22 9 18 5 2 November, 270 days after fire ±17 ± 101 12 28 23 37 12 514 92 37 13s 59 ± 4 21 23 53 3 740 ± 4 83 ± 21 1 110 12 22 50 21 6 269 2 2 ( )s 1 C/ 71 10 13 52 27 9 260 20 44 15 lUirned (n 20) 73 21 3 31 5 40 ± 4 8 ± 2 532 ± 35 67 ± 10 ±16 ± Control (n 15) 99 7 18 3 50 -+- 26 2 6 1 279 26 5 1 RHIZOMES May Bs 49 6 18 46 27 9 273 ± 20 29 ± 5 35 3 17 44 29 10 217 16 31 3 13/ ± C/ 30 4 12 51 24 14 202 9 42 3 November Bs 40 3 6 62 24 9 75 10 33 4 Bl 26 3 7 53 30 10 111 ± 8 63 ± 5 ±16 32 9 10 38 43 9 163 40 ± 4 C.s- c/ 25 2 3 46 32 9 144 10 43 6 1 ±4 Burned (n 20) 37 3 12 3 51 28 ± 9 ± 167 ± 15 39 ± 3 1 ± ± ± lontrol (n 15) 29 2 12 45 4 33 6 11 170 8 42 1 3 ( 1 rachis + petioles and rhizomes than pinnae and The quotients in roots. calculated with the average of the element concentrations in shoots are given Table comparison with in 3 for the literature. Discussion — Total Ca concentration caudatum and in P. of different size history. fire The highest Ca concentration was found in large plants from the control parcel mmol (116 ± 9 kg Table which low compared with the range (25 to 1) is ; - mmol Thompson 1249 kg found in higher plants (Marschner, 1995). et al. ) mmol found Ca concentration 142 kg" 1 pinnae aquilinum (1997) a of in of P. in England (Table In adult dry leaves of tropical plants, values of up to 3). mmol i 955 kg~ Ca have been and Zohlen and reported (Olivares Aguiar, 1999). CAUDATUM A POTASSIUM PLANT BEHAVES AS PTERIDIUM 87 OLIVARES ET AL.: Table Aerial (pinnae + rachis) and rhizomes biomass. The pinnae contribution in the aerial 2. biomass indicated. Total N and P concentration and ash content in the same plants of Table 1. is Biomass N Ash P mass clrv (g -1 -1 -1 % Pinnae (mmol kg (mmol kg (% dry mass) plant ) ) ) PINNAE May 58 1646 149 53 8 6.9 0.2 Bs 8 2 ± 59 ± 77 1260 51 24 3 5.9 0.4 B/ 6 a 52 82 899 27 4 1 5.5 0.8 7 November Bs 32 4 70 1395 118 49 11 8.7 0.9 62 9 68 1369 19 61 4 6.7 0.2 B/ 36 88 1590 57 33 3 8.0 0.9 7 C.s- a ± 84 1439 76 35 6 5.7 0.2 91 12 ± Burned 40 13 68 ± 4 1425 77 47 8 7.1 0.4 (n 20) Control (n 15) 60 16 85 2 1309 210 24 10 6.4 0.5 RHIZOMES May 274 28 12 2 15.2 3.0 Bs 13 1 ± 316 16 10 10.9 0.9 B7 9 2 1 a 11 296 20 9 1 7.5 0.5 2 November ± 431 27 16 4 10.3 1.9 Bs 9 2 363 33 13 2 5.5 0.6 B/ 7 3 Cs 603 21 10 2 9.2 0.7 5 1 432 30 6.8 1.7 CI 8 1 5 1 346 34 13 10.5 1.2 Burned 10 1 (n 20) 1 444 89 8 2 7.8 0.6 Control 8 2 (n 15) Sweden mmol x from Ca herbs reported 179 299 kg in calcifuge Tyler (2004) to -1 mmol Ca growing on acid and 74 to 142 kg in calcifuge grasses. soils, growth and up Ca than adequate Monocots of the Poaceae take less dicots tor shows low bracken Ca. also which on occur acid have plant species into calcifuges, Ecologists classified and with low Ca, and calcicoles, which grow on calcareous soil (White soils and was by Chodat 1913 term nology introduced in The Salisbury in 1920 respectively (Kinzel, 1983). response of calcifuges to understanding and calcareous important in their ability to acidic soils is have compete and survive (Zohlen and Tyler, 2004) because calcifuge plants low exudation a low capacity to solubilize soil P and this is related to root rates Phosphate of and tricarboxylic organic acids, in particular oxalic acid. in di- may may Ca-phosphate causing precipitation of in their tissues. place in calcifuges, have lower Zohlen and Tyler (2004) reported calcifuge herbs not only compared with and P leaves concentrations of soluble inorganic total in their when P grown on calcicoles, but also a lower relative proportion of soluble CC Tabi.i: 3. Mineral element concentrations in organs of P. caudatum (mean ± SE): pinnae, rachis + rhizomes and = compared petioles, roots (n with 35), = pinnae aquilinum Thompson of from P. (n 30) et (1997). al. caudatum P. aquilinum a P. Pinnae Rachis+petioles Rhizomes Roots Pinnae caudatum aquilinum P. P. 1 > Element (mmol kg a Quotients in pinnae (mol mol ) *) N 13 74.49 41.64) 458.11 ± 16.75) 389.97 15.98) 527.92 24.45) 2084.67 (± 16.94) N/P 37 24 n P ± 37.41 2.84) 11.45 1.05) 10.71 0.68) 7.47 0.89) 87.17 (± 1.18) Ca/P > 2 2 Z K 384.90 14.94) 244.22 ± 17.03) 155.44 6.40) 65.00 9.83) 555.02 (± 4.67) Ca/Mg 1 1 Ca 84.53 4.58) 24.27 ± 1.45) 33.71 1.70) 57.94 5.02) 142.22 (± K/Ca 1.82) 4 5 Mo 73.39 2.31) 21.09 ± 1.61) 33.73 2.04) 24.62 2.78) 98.75 (± 0.75) Ca/Al 15 1440 Z Fe 2.17 ± 0.25) 0.95 0.16) 15.41 1.26) 49.54 7.02) 3.58 (± 0.03) Al/Fe 0.03 o 3 Al 5.62 0.49) 1.59 ± 0.17) 65.94 5.51) 248.30 28.95 0.10 (± 0.00) Fe/Mn c 3 1 Mn 0.85 0.08) 3.08 ± 0.32) 1.18 0.08) 1.48 0.29) 4.00 (± 0.13) Mn/Zn 28 Z 7 > Ni 0.06 ± 0.01) 0.03 0.00) 0.09 0.01) 0.11 0.02) nd Mn/Cu 12 7 Zn 0.13 0.01) 0.04 ± 0.01) 0.07 0.01) 0.96 0.11) 0.14 (± 0.00) Mn/Ni 14 nd Cu O 0.07 0.01) 0.04 ± 0.00) 0.05 0.01) 0.14 0.04) 0.56 (± 0.00) a H Mineral element concentrations aquilinum from Thompson in P. et al. (1997), in http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/N-Q/nuocpe/ucpe/nutrient.txt, were recalculated from mass molar to units. CD z E re *<1 CAUDATUM BEHAVES AS A POTASSIUM PLANT PTERIDIUM 89 OLIVARES ET AL.: importance photosynthesis, growth, calcareous This of to their a soil. is Koedam found competition and final survival. et al. (1992) that the soil am Germany Luxemburg and ium, France, pH and they did not detect calcium carbonate in the substrate, therefore 4.00) and was they considered bracken not to be a calcicole it labeled as acidiphilous. — caudatum exchangeable the In P. fi phosphate Ca and the pectate + fraction fraction the largest of the fractions, is simi J /c These contrast those of the calciotrophes in fractions are in to 1989). 66% Brassicaceae with 49 to of the total Ca in the water-soluble fraction, or 91% with Ballota nigra (Lamiaceae), with in the oxalate the oxalate plant, caudatum correspond The physiotype does not to of fraction (Kinzel, 1989). P. calciotrophe according to the soluble K/Ca ratio (Table 1) nor to oxalate a plants as they showed a low acid soluble fraction (Table 1). Therefore, the um 740 mmol found ± 41 kg \ which are lower values than those in typical K potassium plants such as Carex pendula (Poales) with soluble concentra- 1-1 ,„~^„ mmol (CTAWTlh ^^^r^r^ <2000 1 kg" 1 -i.- tions and P caudatum and size Biomass, N, ash content in P. of different by uni history.—-When biomass data from Table 2 are recalculated area fire -2 m ± the aerial biomass from plants in the burned parcel is 161 51 g -2 m however rhizomes ± "in with 239 65 control parcels, contrasting g We m" 2 Dom ± ± lmiiar oiomass iinn both pnaarrcceellss,. 36 3 and 32 7 g resnectivelv. : . , cm mlv sampled depth of 20 to a m 2 and Alonso-Amelot and Rodulfo-Baechler (1996) reported 53 izome. g m" 2 datum lzomes m who maximum found ash that found by Skre et (1998), a to al. l i m percentage of 7.2 ± 1.1 in non-green plant tissue of P. aquilinum pla ± from burned parcel, contrasting with a lower value of 3.7 0.5 in plants a unburned However, they reported that the ash percentage of green leaves site. were from burned parcel and control similar. a a site mmol kg mmol mpared with the range 194 kg ^ found in higher to (3 N was 899 plants (Wright et 2004). The concentration of in shoots to al., -1 mmol 1646 mmol kg and the range found in higher plants 143 to 456! is , N -1 Thompson found P and (1997) a kg (Wright et 2004). et al. al., mmol mmol 1 pinnae 87 kg" 1 and 2085 kg" respectively in concentration of N and non-burned and P burned aquilinum England. Differences in in of in P. sam Norway aquilinum from burned parcel and a control site in did not parts of P. a ™ m -1 __J OfO mmo AC 1,„-1 ~l mmol show 284 ± 58 kg and 258 _.- significant differences, 90 AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMHER 97 2 (2007) The same was ± mmol respectively. observed for N, 1785 428 kg and 1499 1-1 ' mmol M-! 214A 1 kg metals the plant organs and in ratio of — )f in pinnae. Very high concentrations of Al and Fe were found underground in compared organs to aerial organs (Table Johnson-Maynard et (1997) 3). al. pH reported lower and a higher exchangeable Al invaded in a 30 years site for by bracken fern than in an undisturbed forest and suggested that the establishment bracken of fern responsible subsequent the is for alteration of which soil properties, can have significant implications growth for the of other Higher C and species. organic: a repartitioning of secondary Al and Fe from compounds inorganic into organic complexes characterize supporting soils bracken fern. The N/P high caudatum may ratios in P. (Table suggest a P-limited 3) biomass production; however, experiments fertilization are necessary to confirm this hypothesis. Giisewell (2004) studied the variation and functional N/P significance of and ratios in terrestrial plants reported that often, but not N/P <22 >44 always, and mol mol" 1 ratios correspond N- and to P- limited biomass production. was Intraspecific variation reported be more important to than N/P interspecific variation, with ratio variation of individual species of N response fifty-fold in to natural or experimental variations in and P supply. Han N found et al. (2005) that higher and P concentrations occurred seed in plants than in ferns, suggesting that these phylogenic groups differed in leaf Thompson N chemistry. et al. (1997) reported higher P and concentrations and N/P lower aquilinum um ratio in P. (Table than found here caudal 3) for P. growing Han acid in soil. et (2005) studied aquilinum China and al. P. in mmol reported 914 kg" 1 N, 27 mmol kg" 1 P and an N/P mol mol ratio of 34 '. The Ca/P quotient found in shoots of caudatum was mol mol P. 2 ' (Table Zohlen and Tyler (2004) reported Ca/P mol mol 3). a ratio of 2 8 - in ' -1 which grasses, is lower than that found in herbs (4-51 mol mol They found ). the highest value Ca/P of in calcifuge herbs in calcareous Calcifuge herbs soils. with low oxalate exudation by and low roots oxalate precipitation in their may tissues not be able to survive calcareous conditions because of the precipitation of phosphate-Ca and in soils tissues resulting in low inorganic P necessary that metabolism, and is for its but calcifuge calcicole grasses did not much Ca differ in the ratio of to total P (Zohlen and Tyler, 2004). Ca/M /M They studied 117 species from 24 orders and one unassigned family of angiosperms grown hydroponically and 81 species from 20 orders of angiosperms reported an Thompson in ecological survey by et (1997). al. They found that if they excluded seven species from the order Caryophy Hales, which Mg have higher relatively contents in their shoots than the other Mg Ca and species, concentration regressed significantly and Ca/Mg was ratio -1 1 mol mol" 7.7 gg 4.6 ( ). The differences in Ca/Al and Al/Fe ratios between caudatum and P. P. aquilinum remarkable are (Table because Al concentration aquilinum 3) in P.

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