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Contents of Volume 4 Andersen, G. J. See Atchley, P. Dewsbury, D. A. History of the Psychonomic Society IV: The Andrews, S. The effect of orthographic similarity on lexical development of the Psychonomic Society retrieval: Resolving neighborhood conflicts DiGirolamo, G. J., & Hintzman, D. L. First impressions are Atchley, P., Kramer, A. F., Andersen, G. J., & Theeuwes, J. lasting impressions: A primacy effect in memory for rep- Spatial cuing in a stereoscopic display: Evidence for a etitions 121 “depth-aware” attentional focus Dienes, Z., & Berry, D. Implicit learning: Below the subjec- tive threshold Baenninger, R. On yawning and its functions Dienes, Z., & Berry, D. Implicit synthesis Bailis, D. S. See Prentice, D. A. Domjan, M. See Hilliard, S. Bauml, K.-H. The list-strength effect: Strength-dependent Dorken, M. D. See Whittelsea, B. W. A. competition or suppression? ........................... 260 Dror, I. E., Ivey, C., & Rogus, C. Visual mental rotation of Berry, D. See Dienes, Z. (2) possible and impossible objects Besner, D., Stolz, J. A., & Boutilier, C. The Stroop effect and the myth of automaticity Easton, R. D., Greene, A. J., & Srinivas, K. Transfer between Block, R. A., & Zakay, D. Prospective and retrospective du- vision and haptics: Memory for 2-D patterns and 3-D ob- ration judgments: A meta-analytic review Bonnet, C. See Pins, D. Easton, R. D. See Srinivas, K. Boselie, F. See Hulleman, J. Estes, W. K. On the communication of information by dis- plays of standard errors and confidence intervals 330 Boutilier, C. See Besner, D. Bubka, A. See Gorfein, D. S. Fantino, E., Kulik, J., Stolarz-Fantino, S., & Wright, W. The conjunction faliacy: A test of averaging hypotheses 96 Carroll, D. See Guttentag, R. E. Frost, R. See Gronau, N. Chen, G.-P. See Geary, D. C. Chen, L., & Zhou, W. Holes in illusory conjunctions 507 Gallego, J. See Perruchet, P. Chiappe, P., & Schmuckler, M. A. Phrasing influences the Gallo, D. A., Roberts, M. J., & Seamon, J. G. Remembering recognition of melodies words not presented in lists: Can we avoid creating false Christman, S. D., Kitterle, F. L., & Niebauer, C. L. Hemi- memories? spheric asymmetries in the identification of band-pass Ganzach, Y. Configurality in judgment: Is ita bias? 382 filtered letters Gardiner, J. M., & Gregg, V. H. Recognition memory with lit- Christman, S. D., Kitterle, F. L., & Niebauer, C. L. Questions tle or no remembering: Implications for a detection model of criteria: Reply to Peterzell (1997) Ciobanu, V. See Rubin, D.C. Geary, D. C., Hamson, C. O., Chen, G.-P., Liu, F., Hoard, M. K., Cohen, N. J. See Poldrack, kK. A. & Salthouse, T. A. Computational and reasoning abilities Colwill, R. M. See Kuan, L.-A. in arithmetic: Cross-generational change in China and Cortese, M. J., Simpson, G. B., & Woolsey, S. Effects of asso- the United States ciation and imageability on phonological mapping 226 Gerrig, R. J. See Prentice, D. A. Cowan, N., Saults, J. S., & Nugent, L. D. The role of absolute Golding, J. M. See Kraemer, P. J. and relative amounts of time in forgetting within imme- Gorfein, D. S., & Bubka, A. A transfer analysis of the repe- diate memory: The case of tone-pitch comparisons 393 tition effect in the lexical and ambiguity decision tasks Critchfield, T. S. See Kollins, S. H. Greene, A. J. See Dalrymple, R. M. See Young, M. E. Easton, R. D. Davis, H., Taylor, A. A., & Norris, C. Preference for familiar Srinivas, K. humans by rats Greene, R. L. See Tussing, A. A. Dewhurst, S. A., & Hitch, G. J. Iusions of familiarity caused Gregg, V. H. See Gardiner, J. M. by cohort activation Gronau, N., & Frost, R. Prelexical phonologic computation in Dewsbury, D. A. History of the Psychonomic Society III: a deep orthography: Evidence from backward masking in The meetings of the Psychonomic Society Guttentag, R. E., & Carroll, D. Recency judgments as a func- Macquistan, A. D. Object-based allocation of visual atten- tion of word frequency: A framing effect and frequency tion in response to exogenous, but not endogenous, spatial misattributions precues : Marsh, R. L. See Landau, J. D. Habib, R., & Nyberg, L. Incidental retrieval processes influence Mathews, R. C. Is research painting a biased picture of im- explicit test performance with data-limited cues ... 130 plicit learning? The dangers of methodological purity in Hamson, C. O. See Geary, D. C scientific debate 38 Hecht, H. See Kerzel, D. Mattys, S. L. The use of time during lexical processing and Hesketh, B. See Neal, A. (2) segmentation: A review Hilliard, S., Nguyen, M., & Domjan, M. One-trial appetitive Erratum conditioning in the sexual behavior system McDermott, K. B. Priming on perceptual implicit memory Hintzman, D. L. See DiGirolamo, G. J. tests can be achieved through presentation of associates Hitch, G. J. See Dewhurst, S. A. Hoard, M. K. See Geary, D. C McNamara, T. P. See Shelton, A. L. Hommel, B. See Miisseler, J. Miisseler, J.. & Hommel, B. Detecting and identifying Hulleman, J., & Boselie, F. Visual attention and objects: New response-compatibie stimuli 25 tests of two-object cost oa Myung, I. J., & Pitt, M. A. Applying Occam’s razor in mod- eling cognition: A Bayesian approach israel, L., & Schacter, D. L. Pictorial encoding reduces false recognition of semantic associates Nairne, J. S., Neath, I, & Serra, M. Proactive interference plays a role in the word-length effect Ivey, C. See Dror, I. E. Neal, A., & Hesketh, B. Episodic knowledge and implicit Jacobs, R. A. Nature, nurture, and the development of func- learning 24 tional specializations: A computational approach 299 Neal, A., & Hesketh, B. Future directions for implicit learn- ing: Toward a clarification of issues associated with Kaiser, D. H., Sherburne, L. M., Steirn, J. N., & Zentall, T. R. knowledge representation and consciousness Perceptual learning in pigeons: Decreased ability to dis- Neath, I. See: criminate samples mapped onto the same comparison in Nairne, J. S. many-to-one matching Surprenant, A. M. Kaiser, D. H., Sherburne, L. M., & Zentall, T. R. Directed for- Newland, M. C. See Kollins, S. H. getting in pigeons resulting from the reallocation of memory- Nguyen, M. See Hilliard, S. maintaining processes on forget-cue trials Niebauer, C. L. See Christman, S. D. (2) Kennedy, J. M. See Liu, C. H. Norris, C. See Davis, H. Kerzel, D., & Hecht, H.H eading backward: Perceived direc- Nugent, L. D. See Cowan, N. tion of movement in contracting and expanding optical flow fields iadeepeiebaneconiavets Nyberg, L. See Habib, R. Kitterle, F. L.S ee Christman, S. D. (2) Perruchet, P., Vinter, A., & Gallego, J. Implicit learning Kollins, S. H., Newland, M. C., & Critchfield, T. S. Human shapes new conscious percepts and representations 43 sensitivity to reinforcement in operant choice: How much Peterzell, D. H. Hemispheric symmetries in the identification do consequences matter? 208 of band-pass filtered letters: Reply to Christman et al. Erratum séadseideausee vests kahuancsebeieades | ee Kraemer, P. J., & Golding, J. M. Adaptive forgetting in ani- Pins, D., & Bonnet, C. Reaction times reveal the contribution mals of the different receptor components in luminance per- Kramer, A. F. See Atchley, P. ception Kuan, L.-A., & Colwill, R. M. Demonstration of a socially Pitt, M. A. See Myung, I. J. transmitted taste aversion in the rat Poldrack, R. A., & Cohen, N. J. Priming of new associations Kulik, J. See Fantino, E in reading time: What is learned? Prentice, D. A., Gerrig, R. J., & Bailis, D. S. What readers Lamote, C. See Wagemans, J. bring to the processing of fictional texts Landau, J. D., & Marsh, R. L. Monitoring source in an un- conscious plagiarism paradigm Rachlin, H. Four teleological theories of addiction 462 Langston, W. See Rubin, D. C Reber, A. S. implicit ruminations 49 Levin, D. T., & Simons, D. J. Failure to detect changes to at- Repp, B. H. Variability of timing in expressive piano perfor- tended objects in motion pictures « on mance increases with interval duration Liu, C. H., & Kennedy, J. M. Form symbolism, analogy, and Roberts, M. J. See Gallo, D. A. metaphor Roediger, H. L., Ill [Implicit Learning: A Symposium] Intro- Liu, F. See Geary, D. C duction Rogus, C. See Dror, I. E. Weaver, J. E., Steirn, J. N., & Zentall, T. R. Transitive infer- Rubin, D. C., Ciobanu, V., & Langston, W. Children’s mem- ence in pigeons: Control for differential value transfer ory for counting-out rhymes: A cross-language compar- 113 West, R. F., & Stanovich, K. E. The domain specificity and generality of overconfidence: Individual differences in performance estimation bias Salthouse, T. A. See Geary, D. C. Whittelsea, B. W. A., & Dorken, M. D. Implicit learning: In- Saults, J. S. See Cowan, N. direct, not unconscious 63 Schacter, D. L. See Israel, L. Willingham, D. B. Implicit and explicit memory do not dif- Schmuckler, M. A. See Chiappe, P. fer in flexibility: Comment on Dienes and Berry (1997) Seamon, J. G. See Gallo, D. A. Serra, M. See Nairne, J. S. Wisniewski, E. J. When concepts combine Shelton, A. L., & McNamara, T. P. Multiple views of spatial Woolsey, S. See Cortese, M. J. memory Wright, W. See Fantino, E. Sherburne, L. M. See Kaiser, D. H. (2) Young, M. E., Wasserman, E. A., & Dalrymple, R. M. Memory- Shiffrin, R. M., & Steyvers, M. A model for recognition mem- based same-different conceptualization by pigeons 552 ory: REM—retrieving effectively from memory... 145 Simons, D. J. See Levin, D. T. Zakay, D. See Block, R. A. Simpson, G. B. See Cortese, M. J. Zentall, T. R. See: Srinivas, K., Greene, A. J., & Easton, R. D. Visual and tactile Kaiser, D. H. (2) memory for 2-D patterns: Effects of changes in size and Weaver, J. E. left-right orientation Zhou, W. See Chen, L. Srinivas, K. See Easton, R. D. Stadler, M. A. Distinguishing implicit and explicit learning CURRENT CONTENTS Recent Articles in the Psychonomic Society Journals ... Stanovich, K. E. See West, R. F. Steirn, J. N. See: Kaiser, D. H. Weaver, J. E. Steyvers, M. See Shiffrin, R. M. GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS Stolarz-Fantino, S. See Fantino, E. Submissions, Formats, Permissions, Proof, Reprints, Tables, Stolz, J. A. See Besner, D. Figures, Computer Disks Surprenant, A. M., & Neath, I. T. V. Moore’s (1939) Cognitive Psychology NOTICES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Nominations for the Editorship of Perception & Psychophysics Taylor, A. A. See Davis, H. Theeuwes, J. See Atcliley, P. Tussing, A. A., & Greene, R. L. False recognition of associ- ates: How robust is the effect? Van Gool, L. See Wagemans, J. Call for Papers on Teaching Demonstrations and Tutorials 140 298 Vinter, A. See Perruchet, P. Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior 140 Wagemans, J., Lamote, C., & Van Gool, L. Shape equivalence 38th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society under perspective and projective transformations 248 Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting Wasserman, E. A. See Young, M. E. Editor’s Note [Submissions]

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