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Preview Psychology in the Schools 1996: Vol 33 Table of Contents

wi CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXXiIII JANUARY 1996 EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT Discriminative Validity of the WRAML with ADHD and LD Children. LeAdelle Phelps ................ 5 Convergent Validity of the BASC and SSRS: Implications for Social Skills Assessment. Dawn P. Flanagan, Vincent C. Alfonso, Louis H. Primavera, Laura Povall, and Deirdre Higgins............... 13 A Comparison of the Stanford-Binet IV and the WISC-III with Mildly Retarded Children. John Lukens IN hey oo saikco nt mer sab tia dine ash ORAS So's re haan 5 soln 6 6 ESN AiG Fa,S oe as 9 24 EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES AND PROBLEMS Factors Associated with School Psychologists’ Perceptions of Campus Violence. Michael Furlong, Leslie Babins- ki, Scott Poland, Jessica Mufioz, and Sharon Boles ....0.0sec. cec.e c.ec.e .ee e.e ee.eeee ees 28 Longitudinal Outcome Effects of Non-At-Risk and At-Risk Transition First-Grade Samples: A Follow-Up Study and Further Analysis. Phil Ferguson and Mary Mueller Streib .............0.2. ee.e. ee.e0ue e 38 Evaluation of School Psychological Services: A Case Illustration. Thomas N. Fairchild SPT NIN ioc os has ba nini ecnignsg, Waren dee AeA «Ra eR ghneess Wis P64 a eeaiae og.c ess 46 STRATEGIES IN BEHAVIORAL CHANGE Behavioral Treatment of a Selective Mute Mexican-American Boy. William G. Masten, James R. Stacks, A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert, and Jacqueline S. Jackson 56 GENERAL Teachers’ Attitudes and Policies Regarding Play in Elementary Schools. Joan Newman, Pamela J. Brody, and Heather M. Beauchamp 61 Differential Results of Instruction at the Preoperational/Concrete Operational Transition. Robert Pasnak, Alice Hansbarger, Shannon L. Dodson, Julie B. Hart, and John Blaha 70 REVIEWS OF LITERATURE Book Reviews by: Gilbert R. Gredler, Anne McGown, and William E. Roweton 84 Books Received Recently 90 APRIL 1996 EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT Performance Changes on the K-TEA: Brief Form for Learning Disabled Students. J. Barry Hewett SII soos aos cas ale, sal ong oo eg Fo.a y tiga 4 Wale a Aigrs sina tg dia hime a Gta a dira a hie «6-9 6.0 97 Children’s Long-Term Reactions to Participating in Sociometric Assessment. Annette M. Iverson III III Fg 2a ooo Sins aq omer ans COGN Wasese oN guden cutee aMk eR den sise 103 A Longitudinal Comparison of WISC-III and WISC-R Scores of Special Education Students. Hubert Vance, Cleborne D. Maddux, Gerald B. Fuller, and Abeer M. Awadh ...... 2.0.0... 00 eeeeeeeeeeeee 113 The Relationship between the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement. Claire Lavin .......... 0.00 c cee cece ee eee ete eect eee eeees 119 Stanford-Binet Fourth Edition: Useful for Young Children with Language Impairment? Susan Vig INE Cig ota ae Suids some ent aea cen ec eaeees snd Ae Cesk ward adiad dan qinsieCasinaleneee 124 EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES AND PROBLEMS The Effects of Pre-First-Grade Programs on Student Reading and Mathematics Achievement. Nancy A. Southard Vs non oa ce aeaeceta wanes srs sgens cass ths tmiemedess ea syareee 132 The Effects of Labeling Bias on Prognostic Outlook for Children as a Function of Diagnostic Label and Profession. Julie D. Fox and Terry A. Stinnett .. ccc ccc cece eee teen eee eeees 143 STRATEGIES IN BEHAVIORAL CHANGE Goal Setting and Behavior Contracting for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties: Analysis of Daily, Weekly, and Total Goal Attainment. William J. Ruth ............0.0 .ee. e.e e.en s 153 GENERAL Gender-Related Worry and Emotionality Test Anxiety for High-Achieving Students. RS aie 1a 'n is( cn 5'pin Goede 0 a IS MeN gin A be aio eee «Pie hie ia aIR iste. Sao sie Saha Self-Efficacy Beliefs and the Writing Performance of Entering High School Students. Frank Pajares INS o's 0.5 k.a soins Solan Sa RS A ak eh «An Ra Me TERR e a eRe aa saee sa aA Reviews OF LITERATURE Book Reviews by: Gilbert R. Gredler, Anthony W. Paolitto, William E. Roweton, and Linda Todd Ey era Bree ae ie a 0.S illa, b's » i od Reale WEE URC AN 8 Oe'e bis 45.4 -5 6k NO a Me eDO Sate a bk I i655 6 oss o's Ses WS AHS wan dob SR Relew pee Sob eee MEER «ais JULY 1996 EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT Internalizing Symptoms of Gifted and Non-Gifted Elementary-Age Students: A Comparative Validity Study Using the Internalizing Symptoms Scale for Children. Kenneth W. Merrell, Steven J. Gill, RORY Re, PU SA CEN aaa ok ooo oa og 0:0 0 5 0 00.050 50.5 )01b 6sto.p mimeae 9 ayaidvie.d 2ia\orge Memory Modality Differences in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders With and Without Learning Disabilities. Raymond E. Webster, Cathy W. Hall, Michael B. Brown, and RNS fan ed ihe 5 5 brs nin.e We SAD OAH SAKA SIIs 1A CORN Ak De eee aan Re ian oie)o '®4 :0 The Relationship Between the Differential Ability Scales (DAS) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Third Edition (WISC-II1) for Students With Learning Disabilities. Ron Dumont, Carol L. a IE UENO ooo 6.5 2.0.6 0.50.0: 5:0 00:60 9:45.00 0 4:6 se so Sinins 60h 4408 tdn AW pee Predictive Validity of the WPPSI-R: A Four Year Follow-Up Study. Charles Kaplan ................... Psychometric Properties of a Pictorial Self-Concept Scale Among Young Learning Disabled Pupils. Alain a Rr estes cha oe ich Ges pa NAb eh Dias esa Mids Abe oboe Rah ba aan EBs. 6.8,0,6 Factor Structure of the McCarthy Scales in 7- Year-Old Spanish Children. J. Gomez-Benito and ea cal ais a aces ind slaw b'p a1 as AS Se 4 Wien in'b.9 An gas oe ae Bike NG essa Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the LET-II for Average Children. Jeffrey D. Hoffman, Raymond E. Rar, My Pe, We Coating WTI nano ana ins sevens: 0.0:0.0.018 4.09.6 0,00 0,919 0050.9 9039 0.0 910.8 Comparison of Hualapai School Children to National Norms on Measures of Receptive Vocabulary and Verbal Ability. James N. Wolfe, Neil H. Schwartz, and Jerry D. Petersen ...............0seeeeeeeee REVIEWS OF LITERATURE Book Reviews by: Gilbert R. Gredier, Lorrie A. Shepard, Mary Lee Smith, and Scott F. Marion .......... ee IID 5 55S )s:5:0cn 0 65 = ne RK Sig San SONA ThARh DASE Desa Ee REED Maan toeeek OCTOBER 1996 EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT A Comparison of Eye-Gaze and Standard Response Mode on the PPVT-R. Mary M. Spillane, Kristen en IIE, WII 550s 4.5 6 sd Sitda ain, oc 300.8 5 pinS S ng os Ee Showa Sa Raion 64950 Inter-Parent Agreement on Four Preschool Behavior Rating Scales: Effects of Parent and Child Gender. Bamana, Wee I ree A IIR on oso 556.5 nos =0 0a dn aie 2s oie nee kh es 0Wenee aewae ees EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES AND PROBLEMS Grade Retention Among Students with Learning Disabilities. Katherine P. Barnett, Harvey F. Clarizio, ee a oi 59 Sy 76 sapere stone nA ses 41s, u:n ot ey h La BdbD RRM Winn eR RA ee Ra ele ais oe Are School Psychologists Reform-Minded? Michael W. Bahr ..............ccceceec cceeceeceeeeees School Psychologist Know Thyself: Creativity and Alonetime for Adaptive Professional Coping. IN 95n o: 5.0386: 6.s :w eins isbv ind 9 0 60.9.0 80 8 G9 4 Sah e's WITTE ai RteR tea. « STRATEGIES IN BEHAVIORAL CHANGE Treatment Integrity and Acceptability with Families: A Case Study of a Child with School Refusal. Melissa Q. Hargett and Raymond E. Webster... ........ 0.0 cece cece e eee cence eee eeeeeeeens Parental Involvement in Reading Remediation with Young Children. Lori Fitton and Gilbert Gredler ...... GENERAL A Review of the Literature on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children: Peer Interactions and Collaborative Learning. Bella Saunders and Susan M. Chambers .................0000eeseee s Educating Children to Cope with Death: A Preventive Model. S.Y. Aspinall ..................-eeeeeee A Study of Gender Differences Among School Psychologists. Alex Thomas and Raymond Witte ......... REVIEWS OF LITERATURE Book Reviews by: Gilbert R. Gredler and William E. Roweton ............0.cccceeeeeeeeeeeeneeees 361 NINN. vines neh crate Miclgle wees Baa Cu ALE cule OU dale Seine ssc. dais bed ewbensrannwneeme 367 IN on cls aC nce F iva a atin larh e acaica ia,A caiw id 4S wd ahal iea) Gin hs 4: 6]e ivieinl ain WG 6c horelha'e wie gc ercle 371

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