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Madrono, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 258-261, 2005 PSOROTHAMNUS FREMONTII AND PSOROTHAMNUS ARBORESCENS (FABACEAE) IN CALIFORNIA James D. Adams, Jr. use School of Pharmacy, 1985 Zonal Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-9121 [email protected] Dana A. York NW Umpqua National Forest Supervisor's Office, Stewart Parkway, Roseburg, OR 97470 [email protected] Abstract This note addresses the identification and California distribution ofPsorothamniisfremontii (A. Gray) Barneby s.l. and P. arborescens (A. Gray) Barneby s.l. Both plants are generically known as indigobush. Psorothamnus fremontii, sometimes called Fremont's indigo bush, can only be distinguished from P. arborescens by analysis ofthe seed pods, which differ in size, arrangement and exudates oftheirglands. The distribution of P. fremontii is very limited in California, restricted to the Grapevine Mountains, in Death Valley National Park, near the Nevada border, and the Providence Mountains, California State Recreation Area and nearby Lavic. Psorothamnus arborescens is much more common in California and occursthroughout the Mojave Desertand barely intothe Great Basin Desert, fromnearMount SanJacinto to the White Mountains. Key Words: Psorothamnusfremontii, Psorothamnus arborescens, California, identification, locations. We became interested in locating Psorothamnus together by small bracts, calyx with sharp teeth, the fremontii because it may have been used medici- bell shaped flower tube is the same length as the nally (Garcia and Adams 2005). After searching the calyx, the two (lobes) above are oblong-triangulate, desert, reading articles written about the plant, talk- the other (lobes) are narrow lanceolate andpurple." ing to botanists, searching herbaria, publications A further description was provided by Asa Gray, and on-line resources, we began to wonder if Pso- who wrote that "D. arborescens is a small tree, rothamnusfremontii actually occurs in California. with few glands. A few minute, tubercular glands Psorothamnus arborescens (A. Gray) Barneby are found on the branches after removing the wool- and P. fremontii (A. Gray) Barneby were initially ly covering. The leaves are petioled. The flower collected by John Fremont on his second expedition calyxes are large." into California (Smucker and Fremont 1856). On Asa Gray wrote that P. fremontii was collected April 25, 1844, he recorded in his journal the dis- and described by Fremont during the month of covery of a new psoralea, "handsome leguminous May, 1844, somewhere west ofthe Colorado River shrub, three or four feet high, with fine bright pur- (Gray 1855). In May, Fremont was in Nevada ple flowers." When he made the discovery he was (Smucker and Fremont 1856). He marched across probably in the Silurian Valley, California, about southern Nevada to the Virgin River gorge. No- 25 mi southwest of Bitter Spring at 35°13'08 N, where in Fremont's diary does he record the col- 116°23'28"W, as measured by Fremont. However, lection of P. fremontii. This was entirely left for Fremont did not publish the plant description him- Torrey to describe and Gray to report. The descrip- self. Fremont sent his specimens to the botanist tion from Torrey, published by Gray, was in latin John Torrey, who wrote a description of the plant and is translated below. in latin. This description was sent to another bota- ''Dalea fremontii (Torn ined.) bushy, many nist, Asa Gray who included it in an article he branches, few punctate glands, silken hairs, petio- wrote (Gray 1855). In this article, Asa Gray re- late leaves (leaflets?), simple obovate-spatulate, tri- ported that Fremont had collected Dalea arbores- foliate leaves in even multiples, leaves obovate, cens somewhere east of the Sierra Nevada Moun- subspinescent twigs, inflorescence wide, sessile, tains. A translation ofTorrey's technical description open, crowded spikes, bracts often awl shaped and is presented below. crowded, bell shaped tube, two (lobes) above are ''Dalea arborescens (Torn ined.) many branches, triangulate, the rest are awl shaped, corolla purple, with glands, subspinous, adult branches glabrous, obcordate flag and keel are thick." young branches, leaves and calyxes tomentose, the Torrey did not describe the seed pods of either leaves are opposite, uneven and obovate, the inflo- P. arborescens or P. fremontii. Asa Gray did not rescence is in short dense ears (like corn), sewn add anything about the seed pods. He did write ad- 2005] ADAMS AND YORK: PSOROTHAMNUS FREMONTII AND PSOROTHAMNUS ARBORESCENS 259 ditional information about P. fremontii. "It has co- specimens had been previously identified by others, pious reddish purple flowers. The calyx is minutely apparently based on geographic distribution. Some silky pubescent. The young parts of the plant have of the P. arborescens specimens had seed pods. many inconspicuous glands. The leaflets are shorter The sparse glands on these seed pods were large than the petioles." It is not clear how Gray sepa- and randomly arranged. rated the species D. arborescens and D. fremontii. At the University of California, Berkeley, about His description hints at the prescence of more 40 specimens were examined. None of the speci- glands on the young branches offremontii than ar- mens labeled P. fremontii from California had seed borescens. This is an observation we disagree with. pods. These could not be positively identified. Barneby wrote extensively about Psorothamnus Three of the Nevada P. fremontii specimens had and was responsible for placing P. arborescens and seed pods. The glands were red-brown on all seed P. fremontii in Psorothamnus rather than Dalea pods from the three plants. One plant came from (Barneby 1977). Dalea plants are usually unarmed, the bajada west of Sand Canyon in the Pintwater whereas Psorothamnus generally have thorns or at Range near Indian Springs Valley, Nevada collect- least sharply pointed twigs. The calyx tube in Dalea ed June 3, 1979. This plant had one seed pod that is 10-ribbed, whereas Psorothamnus simply has un- had many small glands with red-brown exudates equal calyx lobes. There are 10 stamens in Psoro- that sometimes fused forming lines at the tip or the thamnus, but 5, 9 or 10 stamens in Dalea. Barneby ventral portion of the seed pods (Fig. lA). Other wrote that the geographic distribution of the plants seed pods from this plant had small glands with is usually the key to identifying the species or sub- small spots of exudates that tended to occur in species (Barneby 1977). He did, however, note that rows. The glands were larger at the tip and the ven- P. arborescens and P. fremontii are "... sharply tral part of the seed pods. Another specimen was characterized by the pods. The seed pods ofP. fre- collected from Charleston Park in the Charleston montii were covered with orange glands that run Mountains, Clark Co, Nevada on May 28, 1939. together forming lines or ridges. The seed pods of The glands on the seed pods were small with small P. arborescens had a few, large, blister like glands spots ofred-brown exudates and tended to occur in scattered in apolka dot pattern." The surface ofthe rows (Fig. IB). There was no merging ofglands to P. fremontii pods was described as caramelized. form lines in this specimen. Some of the P. fre- Barneby described four subspecies of P. arbores- montii seed pods had hairs regularly distributed cens, mostly based on geographic distribution as, across the pod surface. Other seed pods had hairs simplifolius, arborescens, pubescens and minutifol- mostly on the dorsal part, but not on the main body ius. Psorothamnusfremontii, he claimed, is found of the seed pod. All the examined P. arborescens only in the far eastern Mohave Desert. He defined seed pods had just a few large glands arbitrarily two subspecies, again largely based on geographic distributed on the seed pod (Fig. IC). Some of the distribution,/r^77zc>nr// and attenuatus. seed pods had hairs on the dorsal edges. Plants seen Isely (1998) also found that P. arborescens and in the wild had seed pods very similar to the one P. fremontii could be distinguished based on the shown (Fig. IC). glands found on the seed pods. The pods of P. ar- At the California Academy ofSciences, about 40 borescens had large glands randomly distributed. specimens labeled Psorothamnus frenwntii were Psorothamnusfremontii had numerous small glands examined. Specimens from Utah, Nevada and Ar- that tended to merge forming ridges. Isely recog- izona had numerous small glands on the seed pods nized four subspecies of P. arborescens and two that produced clear or red-brown exudate. These subspecies of P. fremontii based almost entirely on exudates tended to merge and caramelize the sur- geographic distribution, just as Barneby had done face of the seed pods. In addition, there were two earlier. The Jepson manual section on Psorotham- specimens from California that had seed pods with nus was written by Isely and requires seed pods to numerous small glands that produced abundant red- identify the species, fremontii and arborescens brown exudate. These California specimens were (Hickman 1993). from the Providence Mountains, just 3.5 mi from The senior author visited the herbaria at Rancho Kelso, and from the Lavic area that is a few miles Santa Ana Botanical Gardens, Claremont, Califor- west of the Providence Mountains (Fig. IE, F). nia (RSA), the University of California Berkeley Narrow- or linear-leaved Psorothamnus speci- (JEPS) and the California Academy of Sciences, mens, have been described from the Whipple San Francisco (CAS) to examine specimens of P. Mountains of California (Hickman 1993). These fremontii and P. arborescens. Many of the P. fre- plants have leaves that are 1 mm or less wide and montii specimens lacked seed pods and appeared to have been described as P. fremontii van attenuatus. have been identified based on geography. The se- The very narrow leaves ofthese plants are a distin- nior author examined 20 specimens labeled P. ar- guishing characteristic, that set them apart from P. borescens and 10 specimens labeled P. fremontii in arborescens. The authors have not seen these plants Claremont. None of the P. fremontii specimens or seed pods from these plants. The identification contained seed pods. Positive identification of the ofthese plants will have to wait until seed pods are specimens was therefore not possible. Most of the eventually found. MADRONO 260 [Vol. 52 Fig. 1. Seed pods of Psorothamnus fremontii and Psorothammis arborescens. From left to right, top to bottom, drawings are A. D; B, E; C, F. A Psorothamnusfremontii seed pod showing merged glands forming ridges, from a University ofCalifornia Berkeley herbarium specimen at a Bajada west ofSand Canyon in the PintwaterRange, Indian Springs Valley, NV, June 3, 1979. B. Psorothamnus fremontii seed pod showing rows ofglands, from a University of California Berkeley herbarium specimen collected in Charleston Park, Charleston Mountain, Clark County, NV, May 28, 1939. C. Psorothamnus arborescens seed pod showing large, scattered glands, from a University of California Berkeley herbarium specimen collected in Palm Springs, CA, December 18, 1938. D. Psorothamnusfremontii seed pod from Daylight Pass, Death Valley, CA, collected by the seniorauthoron June 14, 2004. E. Psorothamnusfremontii seed pod from a herbarium specimen collected in the Providence Mountains, CA, 3.5 mi east of Kelso near Cornfield Springs. F. Psorothamnusfremontii seed pod from a California Academy of Sciences herbarium specimen found near Lavic, CA, May 20, 1920. Drawings are by Robert S. Amaral. We have traveled extensively in the Mojave De- tion has been reported in Northern Mexico (Isely sert of California looking for Psorothamnus speci- 1998). We have found that Psorothamnus arbores- mens. Psorothamnus arborescens s.l. distribution in cens (A. Gray) Barneby van mmutifolius (Parish) California extends south from Mono County to near Barneby occurs throughout Death Valley National Mt. San Jacinto. A geographically distinct popula- Park, the White Mountains, and the Red Rock Can- . 2005] ADAMS AND YORK: PSOROTHAMNUS FREMONTII AND PSOROTHAMNUS ARBORESCENS 261 yon area. Specimens from Death Valley were col- Acknowledgments lected and placed in the herbarium in the Death We are grateful to Barbara Ertter of the UC Berkeley Valley National Park by the junior author. Identifi- Herabaria for assistance with herbarium specimens. We cation was based on the appearance of large arbi- thankthe Rancho SantaAnaBotanicGardensandtheCal- trarily scattered glands on the seed pods. Psoro- ifornia Academy ofSciences foraccess totheirherbarium thammis fremontii \m'.fremontii was found only in specimens. the Grapevine Mountains along the California-Ne- vada border (Fig. ID). Specimens were collected Literature Cited from the Grapevine Mountains, by both authors, and were placed in the herbarium at the Rancho Barneby. R. C. 1977. Dalea imagines, an illustrated re- Santa Ana Botanic Gardens, Claremont. California vision ofErazurizia, Psorothamnus, Marina and Dal- populations of P. fremontii were only previously ea. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 27: reported to occur in San Bernardino County. The 31-41. Grapevine Mountains plants had seed pods with no Garcia, C. and J. D. Adams—. 2005. Healing with medic- visible glands since the seed pods were covered inal plants of the west cultural and scientific basis for their use. Abedus Press, La Crescenta, CA. with clear exudates. The exudates entirely covered Gray, A. 1855. Plantae novae thurberianae: the characters the surfaces of the seed pods. The exudates were of some new genera and species of plants in a col- sticky enough to hold small rocks and plant mate- lection made by George Thurber, esq ofthe late Mex- rial onto the seed pods. The exudates appeared to ican boundary commission, chiefly in New Mexico turn red-brown over time, giving the seed pods a and Sonora. Pp. 297-328 in Memoirs of the Ameri- caramelized appearance. We suggest that P. fre- can Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. V. Metcalf montii seed pods mature in May and June, and tend and Co., Cambridge, MA. to mature after most flowers have withered on the Hickman, J. C. (ed.). 1993. The Jepson manual: higher plant. Psorothamnusfremontiimay formonly afew pBlearnktesleoyf, CCaAl.ifornia. University of California Press, seed pods (20-50) on the entire plant. Psorotham- ISELY, D. 1998. Native and naturalized Leguminosae (Fa- nus arborescens seed pods mature in April and per- baceae) ofthe United States (exclusive ofAlaskaand haps early May. The seed pods mature on the bot- Hawaii). Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Pro- tom of the raceme while flowers are still blooming vo, UT on the top of the raceme. Psorothamnus arbores- Smucker, S. M. and J. C. Fremont. 1856. The life and cens may form many seed pods (more than 100) on times ofCol. John Charles Fremont, and his narrative each plant. The authors have not found both species of explorations and adventures in Kansas, Nebraska, growing together in any one area. We suggest that oOfreSgaomnuealndM.CaSlmiufcorkneira,.FPrpem4o3n4t,-4J6o0hninChTahrleesme1m8o1i2r- a more extensive investigation ofthe distribution of 1890. Miller, Orton and Mulligan, Auburn, NY. these two species should be based on seed pod Available at: www.hti.umich.edu/t/text/gifcvtdir/ characters and genetic analyses. aaz9580.0001.00l/04460434.tifs.gif

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