!� lesis Oasis .�. inP hiladel- [Auraman .. ., • ... Templteh,eT erra Ngakpa ZhonnKuh anfgo r �spirits whoh avbee einn � the �nrenrs book.I np articular I �this worka ndo pened !J; and thGeo ddeHsesk ate, 11 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................1.5. ......... Introduction 1: ...................1.9. ..... ChapterR ecognizAitntga ck 2: ......................3.9. ...... ChapterD ailPyr actices 3: ...................6.1. ..... ChapterP ersoPnraolt ection 4: ................9.1. .... ChapterP rotecftiotorhn He o me 5: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 ChapterE xorcism 6: .............1.1.9. . ChapterS pirGiuta rdiaanndsS ervitors -� --1 � ·� Chapt7e:rR eversaanldCs o untMearg-ick. . . . . . 1.4 7. . . . . .•· •�• .•• . . . "" 8: 175 ChapterH ealianngdR ecovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l)Rq:ace 195 ChapterF9i:n Waolr ds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AppendAi:xS ourcfeosFr u rthSetru d.y 207 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 AppendixHBe:k ate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . 217 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Aboutth Aeu thor . 223 �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,� :31 � knowasl itbtilatebo ut be theb ookw,h icmha v • �l want� Thefi rstth inIg Wi� witchcraft, sive not this-J � ablwiy,t chcreaftm braces cubf j canb es eeans a p arti in weu set het erm sorcearnydm ystic�ism' · in feminianneds, o o n _ JS:j wasa skewdh aatW itch � ! � . 147 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I " b·- ..... 175 . . . . . . . . . . . i J)Rq:o.ce i 1- 195 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . . . . 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . A WoARbdo c-uch e h . . 207 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �' ffio.gicK'C hBioso K r� in . . . 213 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 217 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f �- . . 223 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This booki sa na ttemtpots tebpe yontdh e" l0 l s"t haste emt ofil l thes helvtehse sdea ysA.l thouigtih sa ssumtehda tth er eadaelrr eady knowasl itbtilateb ouwti tchcarnadftm agicIkw ,a ntt ot akaem o mentt od efmtee rmasn dt alakb ouatp proacthaekset not hmea gicink theb ookw,h icmha yb ed iffertehnatwn h aty oua rues etdo . The fitrhsit nIgw a ntt om akec leiasrt h atth iissa b ooko nd efen witchcraft, sive notW iccaT.h ougmha nyu set het ermisn terchange ablwy,i tchcermabftr acaem su chw idesrp ctrume thajnu sWti ccwah,i ch canb es eeans a p artictuylpaoerf r eligiwoiutsc hcrWaiftt.c hcraasft , craft weu set het erimn t his biosao k, andi mpliaet sy poef p ractical sorcearnydm ystictihsamet m braceelse menotfts h ec hthonliucn,,a r feminianneds, o o ni ni tpsr actABi cReo.b erCto chrasnaeiw dh enh e wasa skewdh ataw itcihs : 11 Word� 0: A J)Ror-ecrioRne veROJsa<\g(i ck � Ifo new hoc laihmeso rs hei sa w itccha np erform withocuhta nginthgoe v eral them1 thtea sokfsw itchctrahftai,tst hecya ns ummosnp irits incgo upletsfi,n ds ome � ands pirwiitlcslo met,h ecya nt urhno ti ntcoo ladn d inL atiann d Grseoemke, •..· · � cold inttoh echyao nt ,d iwivitnher odfing,e rsa ndb irds, rituaalsas b ase maakned . . 1 thecya ncl aitmhr ei gthoto menasn dh avteh emA.b ove pariinntg h teru etr adition : allt hecya nt eltlh eMa zea ndc rostsh eL ethIef.t hey outh istwory,h ickhe epthe s cand ot hese tthhienyngo suh, a vaew itch.1 ofs tactl iitasn.i e I I I Them agiciknt hibso oki sc ertaianplpyl ictaobW liec caannsd �' Pagans,b uti tc ouljdu satse asibleey m ployedc ebryem onmiaagli cians, rootworkoerar nsy,o neel sweh oe mbractehsbe a spirci nciopfol pes eratwiivtec hcraft. To avoirde hashtihnesg a meo ldr itutahlasht a vbee eenx plained timaen dt imaeg aiInh ,a veen deavotrome adk et hsep elalnsdr itiens thiboso ka so rigiansIalc an. ThaIth asvaei dbtr,ea einn iedntr aditional all magicfkrso m ovetrh weo rladn dm anyw illr ecognize thter aditional rootosfm y rituBaelcsa.u tsheii ssa b ook porna ctimcaagli cIkh ,a ve maden oe fforttof ocuosno net raditaitto hnee xclusoifao nno th.e r Thusy ouw ilfiln ds peltlhsah ta vteh erioro tisnM ricaAnm-erican hoodoaol,o ngsoindeeis n spibryeE du ropefaonl mka gicakn,do nes all, thastt efmr omH imalayTaannt rSiocr ceTrecy.h i st ecahft er and As whatw orkiss w hatw orksb,ei tm agicokrm achinery.A leister Crowlseayi "dS,u ccbeest sh yp roofI.no" r detrop ayr espetcott h ese traditiinto hnesoi wrn c ultucroanlt eIxe tn,c ouryaoguet oc hectkh e sourmcaet eriinAa plp endAi fxo furr thesrt udy. all LastIlh y,a vdee dicattheiwdso rkt ot hGeo ddeHsesk atien her � manyd ivefrosrem Mso.s to ft hsep okespne lalnsdi ncantaitnivoonkse hero rs pirits cotnonh eecrTt.h eeds sep okeinn cantatciaonbn es alteroerrd e platcoefi dti ndividdiusaplo sittaisotanen,,d t radition ' 12 A WordA boutthMa eg icikn T hiBso ok iI �� r witch can perrf withocuhta ngingt hoev ernaaltulr oeft hsep eSllo.m ep eoplilkeer hym remsum m ons plnts ingc ouplestosm,ef mdt hems ilSloy.m ewil l bem ovebd yi ncantations 1m hot intoc oladn d inL atiann dG reesko,m ei nsiosnwt o rkionngl iynE ngliTsahk.te h ese �fingers andb irds, rituaasal b sa saen dm aket hemy ouorw nI.n d oinsgo y,o ua re partici � haveth em.A bove pariinngt hter utrea ditioofcun nnin g mena ndw isweo ment hrough �the LetheI.f t hey outh istory, whicthh cekr eaeaftlp isvi ntrga ditiinosnt eaodfa c ollection rawitch.1 ofs tatliict anies. e licabtloeW iccanasn d byc eremonimaalg icians, e basipcr inciopfol pe-s ! I � that havbee eenx plained � make thes pelalnsdr itiens �been traineidntr aditional � recognize thtrea ditional on practicamla gicIkh ,a ve roots inA frican-American .....,.....,. .., folkm agicakn,do nes Tech ist ecahft ealrl a,n d and incantaitnivoonkse itiont,a staen,dt radition 13 i b i· lntRoduction r W el iviena d angerwooursl Sde.t tiansgim daeg icakn dw itchcraft fotrh meo mente,v erythiwnegd oh asa ne lemeonfdt a ngteori tn,o mattheorw s malElv.e rtyi myeo ug etb ehintdh ew heeolfa c aro,r travteoal n ewp lacel,e aton re wp erskonno ww heryeo ul ivyeo,ua re flirtwiintgdh a negrW.i tha f ewp araneoxicde ptimoonssot,f us accept thedsaen gearnsdg oo nw itohu rl ivTehse.r eastohna wte a raeb lteo dos ow ithobueti nagf raiistd h awte t akree asonparbelcea utWieo ns. buckoluers eatbewlelt esa,tr onj udgpee oplaen,dk nowh owt oc on tactth ea uthoriitfni eeesd eTdh.e w orlidsd angerobuustw, e d eal witiht . Certaoicnc upatainodan cst iviintcireesta hsdeea ngienry oulri fe. A poliocffiec eorr a s kdyi vleirv aem so red angerloiutfshe a ann o ffice 15 �orecr<Xi Roenv eROJso.og.Ci cli � workeTrh.e yt akeex tprrae cautitoodn esa wli tthh es pecidfiacn gers professpiroancatitlco e ofth eiorc cupatiIonsn osm.ec asessu,c ahs a p oliocffiec erh,eh elps wasb einagi meadtt hem. otheirnns e edde awli tthh eoiwrn d anegr. inoen esw,e rien dee·d gant,h ewye rper actiti, Thep atohf a magicioarwn i tcahl shoa si tosw nd angePrasu.l Wttchcraft, Husoni,nh ibso ok.Mastering warne"dT,h meo mentth at yous efto outp ont hpea tohfW itchcarc aaftlr li nogust i nt huen seen veroscec ualttt aicsjk ust world annoyuonucarir nrgi vNaolte. v"e rything thahte atrhsi csa willll itw asf ort hecun ning havyeo ubre sitn teraeths etsa rInt o.r detrom aket hcer amfto rea ccept muchm agickaanld� ablteom ainstream mcaunlytm uordee,rb no okosn t hec raufntd er Nevebre fohraev sedo � staatneyd angeorrps r etetnhdat th earrene o naet a lIfl y.o ua roen eo f rictehsa wte roen c�e thef eww hoa ctuaglolb ye yond readinagn da btotoeknsdf iensgt ivals bookhso ltdh atth e � anda ctuaglelytyo uhra nddirtys practitchicenr gao ftfm agicyko,uw ill arrea reex,p eriheasnc�e mosats surefdmldthy a ta ts omep oinitny ouprr actiitwc ielb len eces tiobnrso ugohntb yobeal urlll sartyod efeynodu rsaeglafi nosctc uflotr ctehsah ta vbee esne atg ainst sesssipvier oirtd se,l i youI.w oulidn f acatr guteh amta gickaanldp sychaitct aocckc ufrasr Ih avfeo untdh amta gi moref requetnhtalmnya nys uspect. Noto nlmya yy ouh avteo d eawli tohc cuplsty,c haincds, p iritual peoplweh oc ontamfec t• ew�·· attaocnky so ursbeultf,l, i kape o liocffiec earw ,i tcihss ometicmaelsl ed magiciaanndws i tchooes� thewyo uledv ehra vae upont oi ntercaegdaei tnhsetfs oer coenst hbee haolfof t heTrhse.r ole goodt houghatnsda ofp rotecatnoder x orciisos nteo ft heo ldessotc iertoallfe osmr a gi cianasn,di ss tipllla yoeudtt odaiynt raditciuolntaulIr h easv.ne o ted We araell m eanfto r . thatt hpeh ras"ecsu nnimnagn "a nd" cunniwnogm ana"r een joyai ng spenstt udytihnoceg cult my .. renaissiancn ecret qauianr toeftr hsce r atfth esdea yWhsa.t 'si nterest entt om e thapta rotf �� inagn ds omewhiarto naibco utth iisst hatth hei storciucnanlim nagn defenadg ainmsatgi ckal �' woulhda vaec tuableleyin n th eb usinoefsc so mbating witOcfh craft! evemra dem y sere:vices coursteh,"e witchcrtahftat'th' e wyo uldde teacntdr ouwta sn ot the thestypese ofp rbol resuolfat p articruellairg siuocnah,s W iccab,u tr athaenryt ypoef studtyh em ethodsof magicbl . psychsipci,r itourma alg,i ckaatlt aHcek .o rs hew oulhda ve haa d versiinneg v ery l (16 Introduction Ii' � if � \\i.tht hes pecidfiacn gers professpiroancatlti owc hei csho meonceo ultdu rnh ef etlhta mta lefica as apo licoeffi ce,rh eh elps wasb einagi meadtt hemT.h esceu nnimnegn a ndw oment,h eg enu � inoen esw,e rien deweidt chtehse mselTvheosu.g nho tn ecessapraily jl.o has itso wnd angerPsa.u l gant,h ewye rper actitiooffn oelraksn dr itumaalg ick. ,.., "?arned",T hem omentth at Ia mc onvintcheadtt h ea biltioti yd entpirfy,o teacgta inasntdr, e �a calbol rinogusot i nt heu nseksen versoec cualttt aicsjk u satsr elevfaonwrti tchaensds orcerteordsaa ys � thahte artsh icsa lwli ll itw asf ort hec unnimnagn o fo ldN.e vebre fohraes t herbee ens o I r1D �bomakeks thec roaftm orea cce-pt muchm agickaanldo ccuklnto wledrgeea dily atvoat ihlepa ubbllei c. � ont hec raufntd er- Nevebre fohraev seo m anys tumblseodc avaliienrtlaoyr capnrea c ' �none ata lIfl y.o ua roen eo f tictehsa wte roen ccel osgeulayr dseedc reWthsi.ls eo mei ntroductory anda ttending festivals bookhso ltdh atth dea ngeorfts h oec cualrtfe e wa ndm agickaatlt acks the craoftfm agicyko,uw ill arrea reex,p eriehnacste a ugmheto therwWihseet.h ecrr ossceodn di �JOUI practiictwe i lblen eces tionbsr ougohntb yo uro wnm agickmails steipnst,r usfiroonmos b thath avbee esne atg ainst sesssipvier oirtd se,l ibeartattaefc rkosom t hemra giciaanndws i tches, .. and psychaitct aocckc ufrasr Ih avfeo untdh amta gickaatlt ahcakp pefnasmr o reo ftent haenv en ! • mosto ccultriesatlsiI znfe a.c ats,a p rofesssioorncaeelrmr ,a nyo ft he occult, peoplweh oc ontamcet i nn eedof m agickdaelf enasreet hemselves · psychaincd,s piritual magiciaanndws i tchoefos n ek inodr a noth,we hros imphlayd n oi dea aw itcihss ometimcealsle d thewyo uledv ehra vaep robletmh acto uldbne'w ti sheadw ayw ith taoest goodt houghatnsda f ewp entagrdarmasw inn t hea ir. societraoll feosmr a gi- · nalc ulturIeh sa.v e noted We arael mle anfto dri ffertehnitn gDsu.r intgh ey eartsh aIth ave •nm� womana"r een joyian g spenstt udyinogc ctuhalent dp ractimcaignigc ikth, a sb ecomaep par these dayWs.h at'isn terest entt om e thapta rotf m y destionrky, a rma,i nvolhveelsp ipnego ple theh istorciucnanli mnagn defenadg ainmsatg ickaatlt aacnkd s piroibts essiLoonn.gb efoIr e . of combatinwgi tchcrOafft ! evemra dem y servipcuebsl ipce,o plseo ughmte outf orh elwpi th thestey peosfp robleBmesc.a uosfet hiIsh ,a vmea dei ta pointto studtyh em ethodosfe xorcicsomu,n ter-mapgrioctke,c tainodrne, e or shew oulhda vhea da versiinneg v ermya gicksayls tIeh ma veen countefrreodEm,u ropean 17