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Preview Projective ribbon permutation statistics: A remnant of non-Abelian braiding in higher dimensions

PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) Projectiveribbonpermutationstatistics:Aremnantofnon-Abelianbraidinginhigherdimensions MichaelFreedman,1 MatthewB.Hastings,1ChetanNayak,1,2 Xiao-LiangQi,1,3KevinWalker,1andZhenghanWang1 1MicrosoftResearch,StationQ,ElingsHall,UniversityofCalifornia,SantaBarbara,California93106,USA 2DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofCalifornia,SantaBarbara,California93106,USA 3DepartmentofPhysics,StanfordUniversity,Stanford,California94305,USA (Received10October2010;revisedmanuscriptreceived11January2011;published23March2011) Ina recent paper, Teoand Kane [Phys.Rev. Lett.104, 046401 (2010)]proposed athree-dimensional (3D) modelinwhichthedefectssupportMajoranafermionzeromodes.Theyarguedthatexchangingandtwistingthese defectswouldimplementasetRofunitarytransformationsonthezero-modeHilbertspacewhichisa“ghostly” recollectionoftheactionofthebraidgrouponIsinganyonsintwodimensions.Inthispaper,wefindthegroup T ,whichgovernsthestatisticsofthesedefectsbyanalyzingthetopologyofthespaceK ofconfigurationsof 2n 2n 2ndefectsinaslowlyspatiallyvaryinggappedfree-fermionHamiltonian:T ≡π (K ).Wefindthatthegroup 2n 1 2n T =Z×Tr,wherethe“ribbonpermutationgroup”Tr isamildenhancementofthepermutationgroupS : 2n 2n 2n 2n Tr ≡Z ×E((Z )2n(cid:2)S ).Here,E((Z )2n(cid:2)S )isthe“evenpart”of(Z )2n(cid:2)S ,namely,thoseelementsfor 2n 2 2 2n 2 2n 2 2n whichthetotalparityoftheelementin(Z )2naddedtotheparityofthepermutationiseven.Surprisingly,Ris 2 onlyaprojectiverepresentationofT ,apossibilityproposedbyWilczek[e-printarXiv:hep-th/9806228].Thus, 2n TeoandKane’sdefectsrealizeprojectiveribbonpermutationstatistics,”whichweshowtobeconsistentwith locality.Weextendthisphenomenontootherdimensions,codimensions,andsymmetryclasses.Wenotethatour analysisappliesto3DnetworksofquantumwiressupportingMajoranafermions;thus,thesenetworksarenot requiredtobeplanar.Becauseitisanessentialinputforourcalculation,wereviewthetopologicalclassification ofgappedfree-fermionsystemsanditsrelationtoBottperiodicity. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.83.115132 PACSnumber(s): 73.20.−r,73.43.−f,71.10.Pm I. INTRODUCTION superconductivity, is that they can be understood in a free- fermionpicture. In two dimensions (2D), the configuration space of n A collection of 2n Ising anyons has a 2n−1-dimensional pointlikeparticlesC2Dismultiplyconnected.Itsfirsthomotopy n Hilbert space (assuming a fixed boundary condition). This group, or fundamental group, is the n-particle braid group, canbeunderstoodintermsof2nMajoranafermionoperators πte1r(cClon2Dck)w=isBene.xTchhaengbersaidσ gorfouthpeBitnhiasndge(nie+rat1e)dthbpyarctoiculnes- γi =γi†, i =1,2,...,n, one associated to each Ising anyon, i satisfyingtheanticommutationrules satisfyingthedefiningrelations {γ ,γ }=2δ . (2) i j ij σ σ =σ σ for|i−j|(cid:2)2, i j j i The Hilbert space of 2n Ising anyons with a fixed boundary (1) σiσi+1σi =σi+1σiσi+1 for1(cid:3)i (cid:3)n−2. condition furnishes a representation of this Clifford algebra; by restricting to fixed boundary condition, we obtain a representation of products of an even number of γ matrices, Thisisaninfinitegroup,evenforonlytwoparticles,because (σ )m is a nontrivial element of the group for any m>0. In which has a minimal dimension 2n−1. When the ith and i (i+1)thanyonsareexchangedinacounterclockwisemanner, fact,evenifweconsiderdistinguishableparticles,theresulting astateofthesystemistransformedaccordingtotheactionof group, called the “pure Braid group,” is nontrivial. (For two particles, the pure braid group consists of all even powers ρ(σi)=eiπ/8e−πγiγi+1/4. (3) ofσ .) 1 In quantum mechanics, the equation π1(Cn2D)=Bn opens [There is a variant of Ising anyons, associated with SU(2)2 the door to the possibility of anyons.1,2 Higher-dimensional Chern-Simons theory, for which the phase factor eiπ/8 is representations of the braid group give rise to non-Abelian replaced by e−iπ/8. In the fractional quantum Hall effect, anyons.3–5 Recently there has been intense effort directed IsinganyonsaretensoredwithAbeliananyonstoformmore toward observing non-Abelian anyons owing, in part, to complicated models with more particle species; the phase their potential use for fault-tolerant quantum computation.6,7 factor depends on the model.] A key property, essential for One of the simplest models of non-Abelian anyons is called applications to quantum computing, is that a pair of Ising Ising anyons. They arise in theoretical models of the ν = anyons forms a two-state system. The two states correspond 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state8–11 (see also Ref. 12), tothetwoeigenvalues±1ofγiγj.Nolocaldegreeoffreedom chiralp-wavesuperconductors,13,14asolvablemodelofspins can be associated with each anyon; if we insisted on do√ing on the honeycomb lattice,15 and interfaces between super- so, we would have to say that each Ising anyon has 2 conductors and either three-dimensional (3D) topological internal states. In superconducting contexts, the γ ’s are the i insulators16 or spin-polarized semiconductors with strong Bogoliubov-de Gennes operators for zero-energy modes (or, spin-orbitcoupling.17AspecialfeatureofIsinganyons,which simply,“zeromodes”)invortexcores;thevorticesthemselves makes them relatively simple and connects them to BCS are Ising anyons if they possess a single such zero mode γ . i 1098-0121/2011/83(11)/115132(35) 115132-1 ©2011AmericanPhysicalSociety FREEDMAN,HASTINGS,NAYAK,QI,WALKER,ANDWANG PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) Although the Hilbert space is nonlocal in the sense that it Withtheanswertothisquestioninhand,wecouldaddress cannotbedecomposedintothetensorproductoflocalHilbert questionssuchasthefollowing.Weknowthata3Dincarnation spaces associated with each anyon, the system is perfectly ofIsinganyonsisonepossiblerepresentationofT ;isa3D 2n compatiblewithlocalityandarisesinlocallatticemodelsand versionofotheranyonsanotherrepresentationofT ? 2n quantum-fieldtheories. Attempts to generalize the braiding of anyons to higher In three or more dimensions, the configuration space of dimensions sometimes start with extended objects, whose n pointlike particles is simply connected if the particles configuration space may have a fundamental group that is are distinguishable. If the particles are indistinguishable, it richer than the permutation group. Obviously, if one has is multiply connected, π (C3D)=S . The generators of the linelikedefectsin3Dthatareallorientedinthesamedirection, 1 n n permutation group satisfy the relations (1) and one more, thenoneisessentiallybacktothe2Dsituationgovernedbythe σ2 =1. As a result of this last relation, the permutation braid group. This is too trivial, but it is not clear what kinds i group is finite. The one-dimensional (1D) representations of extended objects in higher dimensions would be the best of S correspond to bosons and fermions. One might have startingpoint.Whatisclear,however,isthatTeoandKane’s n hoped that higher-dimensional representations of S would topological defects must really be some sort of extended n give rise to interesting 3D analogs of non-Abelian anyons. objects. This is clear from the above-noted contradiction However,thisisnotthecase,asshowninRefs.18and19:Any with the permutation group. It also follows from the “order higher-dimensionalrepresentationofS ,whichiscompatible parameter”fields,whichmustdeformasthedefectsaremoved, n with locality, can be decomposed into the tensor product of aswewilldiscuss. localHilbertspacesassociatedwitheachparticle.Forinstance, Inthispaper,weshowthatTeoandKane’sdefectsareprop- suppose we had 2n spin-1/2 particles but ignored their spin erlyviewedaspointlikedefectsconnectedpairwisebyribbons. values. Then we would have 22n states that would transform Wecalltheresulting2n-particleconfigurationspaceK .We 2n intoeachotherunderpermutations.Clearly,ifwediscovered compute its fundamental group π (K ), which we denote 1 2n suchasystem,wewouldsimplyconcludethatweweremissing by T and find that T =Z×Tr. Here, Tr is the “ribbon 2n 2n 2n 2n some quantum number and set about trying to measure it. permutation group,” defined by Tr ≡Z ×E((Z )2n(cid:2)S ). 2n 2 2 2n Thiswouldsimplyleadusbacktobosonsandfermionswith The group E((Z )2n(cid:2)S ) is a nonsplit extension of the 2 2n additionalquantumnumbers.(Thecolorquantumnumberof permutationgroupS byZ2n−1,whichisdefinedasfollows: 2n 2 quarkswasconjecturedbyessentiallythiskindofreasoning.) Itisthesubgroupof(Z )2n(cid:2)S composedofthoseelements 2 2n Thequantuminformationcontainedinthese22n stateswould for which the total parity of the element in (Z )2n added to 2 nothaveanyspecialprotection. theparityofthepermutationiseven.Theribbonpermutation The preceding considerations point to the following ten- groupfor2nparticles,byTr,isthefundamentalgroupofthe 2n sion. The Clifford algebra (2) of Majorana fermion zero reducedspaceof2n-particleconfigurations. modes is not special to 2D. One could imagine a 3D (or Our analysis relies on the topological classification of higher)systemwithtopologicaldefectssupportingsuchzero gapped free fermion Hamiltonians26,27—band insulators and modes. But the Hilbert space of these topological defects superconductors—which is the setting in which Teo and would be 2n−1 dimensional, which manifestly cannot be Kane’s3Ddefectsandtheirmotionsaredefined.Thestarting decomposed into the tensor product of local Hilbert spaces point for this classification is reducing the problem from associated with each particle, seemingly in contradiction classifying gapped Hamiltonians defined on a lattice to with the results of Refs. 18 and 19 on higher-dimensional classifyingDiracequationswithaspatiallyvaryingmassterm. representations of the permutation group described above. OnecanmotivatethereductiontoaDiracequationasTeoand However, as long as no one had a 3D or higher system in Kanedo:TheystartfromalatticeHamiltonianandassumethat hand with topological defects supporting Majorana fermion the parameters in the Hamiltonian vary smoothly in space, zero modes, one could, perhaps, sweep this worry under the so that the Hamiltonian can be described as a function of rug. Recently, however, Teo and Kane20 have shown that a boththemomentumk andthepositionr.Neartheminimum 3D system that is simultaneously a superconductor and a of the band gap, the Hamiltonian can be expanded in a topologicalinsulator21–24(which,inmanybutnotallexamples, Diracequation,withaposition-dependentmassterm.Infact, is arranged by forming superconductor-topological insulator Kitaev27 has shown that the reduction to the Dirac equation heterostructures) supports Majorana zero modes at pointlike withaspatiallyvaryingmasstermcanbederivedmuchmore topologicaldefects. generally:GappedlatticeHamiltonians,eveniftheparameters To make matters worse, Teo and Kane20 further showed intheHamiltoniandonotvarysmoothlyinspace,arestably that exchanging these defects enacts unitary operations on equivalenttoDiracHamiltonianswithaspatiallyvaryingmass this 2n−1-dimensional Hilbert space, which are essentially term.Here,equivalence oftwoHamiltoniansmeansthatone equal to (3). But we know that these unitary matrices form can be smoothly deformed into the other while preserving a representation of the braid group, which is not the relevant locality of interactions and the spectral gap, while stable groupin3D.Onewouldnaivelyexpectthattherelevantgroup equivalencemeansthatonecanaddadditional“trivial”degrees is the permutation group, but S has no such representation of freedom (additional sites that have vanishing hopping n (and even if it did, its use in this context would contradict matrixelements)totheoriginallatticeHamiltoniantoobtain locality, according to Refs. 18 and 19 and arguments in a Hamiltonian that is equivalent to a lattice discretization of Ref. 25). So this begs the question: What is the group T theDiracHamiltonian. 2n for which Teo and Kane’s unitary transformations form a BecausethisclassificationofDiracHamiltoniansisessen- representation? tialforthedefinitionofK ,wegiveaself-containedreview, 2n 115132-2 PROJECTIVERIBBONPERMUTATIONSTATISTICS:A... PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) following Kitaev’s analysis.27 Our exposition parallels the Theribbonpermutationgroupisaratherweakenhancement discussion of Bott periodicity in Milnor’s book.28 The basic of the permutation group and, indeed, we conclude that Teo idea is that each additional discrete symmetry that squares and Kane’s unitary operations are not a representation of the to −1, which we impose on the system, is encapsulated by ribbon permutation group. However, they are a projective an antisymmetric matrix that defines a complex structure on representationoftheribbonpermutationgroup.Inaprojective RN, where N/2 is the number of bands (or, equivalently, representation,thegroupmultiplicationruleisonlyrespected N is the number of bands of Majorana fermions). For any up to a phase, a possibility allowed in quantum mechanics. given system, these are chosen and fixed. This leads to a Arepresentationρ (sometimescalledalinearrepresentation) progressionofsymmetricspacesO(N)→O(N)/U(N/2)→ of some group G is a map from the group to the group of U(N/2)/Sp(N/4)→··· as the number of such symmetries lineartransformationsofsomevectorspacesuchthatthegroup is increased. Following Kitaev,27 we view the Hamiltonian multiplicationlawisreproduced: as a final antisymmetric matrix that must be chosen (and thus put almost on the same footing as the symmetries);it is ρ(gh)=ρ(g)·ρ(h), (5) definedbyachoiceofanarbitrarypointinthenextsymmetric ifg,h∈G.Particlestatisticsarisingasaprojectiverepresen- space in the progression. The space of such Hamiltonians is tationofsomegrouprealizesaproposalofWilczek’s,30albeit topologically equivalent to that symmetric space. However, fortheribbonpermutationgroupratherthanthepermutation as the spatial dimension is increased, γ matrices squaring to +1 must be chosen in order to expand the Hamiltonian in group itself. This difference allows us to sidestep a criticism ofRead25 basedonlocality,whichTeoandKane’sprojective the form of the Dirac equation in the vicinity of a minimum representation respects. The group (Z )2n−1 is generated by of the band gap. These halve the dimension of subspaces 2 of RN by separating it into their +1 and −1 eigenspaces 2n−1generatorsx1,x2,...,x2n−1,satisfying and thereby lead to the opposite progression of symmetric x2 =1, spaces. Thus, taking into account both the symmetries of i (6) the system and the spatial dimension, we conclude that the x x =x x . space of gapped Hamiltonians with no symmetries in d =3 i j j i istopologicallyequivalenttoU(N)/O(N).(However,bythe However, the projective representation of (Z )2n−1, which 2 precedingconsiderations,thesamesymmetricspacealso,for gives a subgroup of Teo and Kane’s transformations, is an instance, classifies systems with time-reversal symmetry in ordinarylinearrepresentationofaZ -centralextension,called 2 d =4.)AllsuchHamiltonianscanbecontinuouslydeformed theextraspecialgroupE1 : 2n−1 into each other without closing the gap, π (U(N)/O(N))= 0 0. However, there are topologically stable pointlike defects x2 =1, classified by π (U(N)/O(N))=Z . These are the defects i 2 2 x x =x x for |i−j|(cid:2)2, (7) whose multidefect configuration space we study in order to i j j i seewhathappenswhentheyareexchanged. xixi+1 =zxi+1xi, The second key ingredient in our analysis is a 1950’s- z2 =1. vintagehomotopytheory,whichweusetocomputeπ (K ). 1 2n WeapplythePontryagin-ThomconstructiontoshowthatK , Here,zgeneratesthecentralextension,whichwemaytaketo 2n which includes not only the particle locations but also the bez=−1.Theoperationsgeneratedbythexi’sweredubbed full field configuration around the particles [i.e., the way in “braidlessoperations”byTeoandKane20 becausetheycould which the gapped free-fermion Hamiltonian of the system beenactedwithoutmovingthedefects.Whiletheseoperations exploresU(N)/O(N)],istopologicallyequivalenttoamuch formanAbeliansubgroup ofT2n,theirrepresentationonthe simpler space, namely, pointlike defects connected pairwise Majoranazero-modeHilbertspaceisnotAbelian—twosuch byribbons.Inordertothencalculateπ1(K2n),werelyonthe operationsthattwistthesamedefectanticommute(e.g.,xiand longexactsequenceofhomotopygroups, xi+1). Theremainingsectionsofthispaperwillbeasfollows.In Sec. II, we rederive Teo and Kane’s zero modes and unitary ···→πi(E)→πi(B)→πi−1(F)→πi−1(E)→···, (4) transformationsbysimplepictorialandcountingargumentsin a“strong-coupling”limitoftheirmodel.InSec.III,wereview associatedtoafibrationdefinedbyF →E →B.(Inanexact the topological classification of free-fermion Hamiltonians, sequence,thekernelofeachmapisequaltotheimageofthe including topological insulators and superconductors. From previousmap.Iftheexactsequencehasonlyfiveterms,1→ this classification, we obtain the classifying space relevant A→B →C →1, then it is called a short exact sequence. to Teo and Kane’s model and, in turn, the topological Ifthesequenceisinfinite,itiscalledalongexactsequence.) classification of defects and their configuration space. In This exact sequence may be familiar to some readers from Sec. IV, we use a toy model to motivate a simple picture Mermin’sreviewofthetopologicaltheoryofdefects,29where for the defects used by Teo and Kane and give a heuristic a symmetry associated with the group G is spontaneously construction of the ribbon permutation group. In Sec. V, brokentoH,therebyleadingtotopologicaldefectsclassified we give a full homotopy theory calculation. In Sec. VI, we byhomotopygroupsπ (G/H).Thesecanbecomputedby(4) compare the ribbon permutation group to Teo and Kane’s n withE =G,F =H,B =G/H,e.g.,ifπ (G)=π (G)=0, unitary transformations and conclude that the latter form a 1 0 thenπ (G/H)=π (H). projective, rather than a linear, representation of the former. 1 0 115132-3 FREEDMAN,HASTINGS,NAYAK,QI,WALKER,ANDWANG PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) Finally,inSec.VII,wereviewanddiscussourresults.Several appendixescontaintechnicaldetails. FIG.2. Dimerizationind =1. II. STRONG-COUPLINGLIMITOFTHE In general, in d dimensions, we can obtain a Dirac TEO-KANEMODEL equation with 2d-dimensional γ matrices by the following Inthissection,wepresentalatticemodelind dimensions iterative procedure. Let the “vertical” direction refer to the thathas,asitscontinuumlimitind =3,themodeldiscussed directionofthedthbasisvector.Havingconstructedthelattice by Teo and Kane.20 In the limit that the mass terms in this Hamiltonianind−1dimensions,westacktheseHamiltonians model are large (which can be viewed as a strong-coupling verticallyontopofeachother,withalternatingsignsineach limit), a simple picture of topological defects (“hedgehogs”) layer. Then we take all the vertical bonds to be oriented emerges. Here, a hedgehog is simply a pointlike defect that in the same direction. This Hamiltonian is invariant under istopologicallystable.Weshowbyacountingargumentthat translationintheverticaldirectionbydistance2.Thus,ifHd−1 hedgehogs possess Majorana zero modes that evolve as the istheHamiltonianind−1dimensions,theHamiltonianHdis hedgehogs are adiabatically moved. This adiabatic evolution givenby (cid:2) (cid:3) isthe3Dnon-Abelianstatistics,whichitisthemainpurpose ofthispapertoexplain. H = Hd−1 2sin(k/2)I , (8) Thestrong-coupling limitthatwedescribeisthesimplest d 2sin(k/2)I −Hd−1 way to derive the existence of Majorana zero modes and the unitarytransformationsoftheirHilbertspacethatresultsfrom where I is the identity matrix and k is the momentum in the exchangingthem.Thissectiondoesnotrequirethereadertobe verticaldirection.Neark =0,thisis aucourantwiththetopologicalclassificationofinsulatorsand superconductors.26,27 (Inthenextsection,wewillreviewthat Hd ≈Hd−1⊗σz+k⊗σx. (9) classificationinordertomakeourexpositionself-contained.) This iterative construction corresponds to an iterative Weuseahypercubiclatticeind dimensions,withasingle constructionofγ matrices.Havingconstructedd−1different Musaejaorcahnaaind,eignrdee=of2frweeeduosmeaatsqeuacahresliatett.iTceh,aitnisd,f=or3dw=eu1sweea 2d−1-dimensional γ matrices γ1,...,γd−1, we construct d different2d-dimensionalγ matrices,γ˜ ,...,γ˜ ,byγ˜ =γ ⊗ cubiclattice,andsoon.Wefirstconstructalatticemodelwhose 1 d i i σ fori =1,...,d−1,andγ˜ =I ⊗σ . continuumlimitistheDiracequationwith2d-dimensionalγ z d x In 1D, dimerization of bonds corresponds to alternately matrices to reproduce the Dirac equation considered by Teo strengthening and weakening the bonds as shown in Fig. 2. and Kane; we then show how to perturb this model to open In 2D, we can dimerize in either the horizontal or vertical a mass gap. We begin by considering only nearest-neighbor directions.Ind dimensions,wehaved differentdirectionsto couplings.TheHamiltonianH isanantisymmetricHermitian dimerize.Dimerizinginthe“vertical”directiongives,instead matrix.Ind =1,wecantakethelinearchaintogivealattice of(9),theresult model with the Dirac equation as its continuum limit. That is, Hj,j+1 =i and Hj+1,j =−i. To describe this state in Hd ≈Hd−1⊗σz+k⊗σx +md ⊗σy, (10) pictures, we draw these bonds as oriented lines, as shown in Fig. 1(a), with the orientation indicating the sign of the wherem isthedimerizationstrength.Thiscorrespondstoan d bond.ThecontinuumlimitofthisHamiltonianisdescribedby iterativeconstructionofmassmatrices,M ,asfollows.In1D, i a Dirac equation with 2D γ matrices. While this system can we have M =iσ . Given d−1 different mass matrices in 1 y bedescribedbyaunitcellofasinglesite,weinsteadchoose d−1 dimensions, M , we construct M˜ in d dimensions by i i todescribeitbyaunitcelloftwositesforconveniencewhen M˜ =M ⊗σ ,fori =1...d−1,andM˜ =iI ⊗σ . i i z d y addingmasstermslater.Ind =2,wecantakeaπ-fluxstateto Ifthedimerizationisnonzero,andconstant,wecanincrease obtaintheDiracequationinthecontinuumlimit.Aconvenient thedimerizationstrengthwithoutclosingthegapuntilastrong- gaugetotaketodescribetheπ-fluxstateisshowninFig.1(b), couplinglimitisreached.In1D,byincreasingthedimerization with all the vertical bonds having the same orientation, and strength,weeventuallyreachafullydimerizedconfiguration, theorientationofthehorizontalbondsalternatingfromrowto in which each site has one nonvanishing bond connected to row.Thecontinuumlimitherehas4Dγ matricesandweuse it. In two or more dimensions, the dimerization can be a afour-siteunitcell. combinationofdimerizationindifferentdirections.However, ifthedimerizationiscompletelyinonedirection,forexample the vertical direction, we increase the dimerization strength (a) (b) until the vertical bonds are fully dimerized. Simultaneously, we reduce the strength of the other bonds to zero without closing the gap. This is again a fully dimerized state, the columnarstate,witheachsitehavingonenonvanishingbond. Any configuration with uniform, small dimerization can be deformedintothispatternwithoutclosingthegapbyrotating the direction of dimerization, increasing the strength of FIG.1. (a)AlatticemodelgivingtheDirac equationin d =1. dimerization,andthensettingthebondsintheotherdirections (b)Alatticemodelind =2. tozero. 115132-4 PROJECTIVERIBBONPERMUTATIONSTATISTICS:A... PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) (a) (b) (a) (b) FIG.4. (a) Defect acting as a source of U(1) flux. Bonds are oriented from the A to B sublattice. There is a net flux of one leavingtheregiondefinedbythedashedline.(b)Configurationwith diagonalbondadded,indicatedbytheundirectedlineconnectingthe twocircles;eitherorientationofthisline,correspondingtodifferent choicesofthesignofthetermintheHamiltonian,wouldleadtothe sameresult.Thereisanetoffluxof2leavingtheregiondefinedby thedashedline. FIG.3. (a)A1Dhedgehog.(b)A2Dhedgehog. everybondhasstrength0or1andeverysitehasexactlyone bondconnectedtoit,exceptfordefectsites.)Then,thenumber Itisimportanttounderstandthattheabilitytoreachsucha ofbonds going fromAsitesinthissettoB sitesoutsidethe strong-couplinglimitsdependsontheperturbationoftheDirac set is exactly equal to the number of bonds going from B equation that we consider; for dimerization, it is possible to sites in this set to A sites outside the set. On the other hand, reachastrong-couplinglimit,whileifwehadinsteadchosen if there are defect sites in the set, then this rule is broken. to open a mass gap by adding, for example, diagonal bonds ConsidertheregiondefinedbythedashedlineinFig.4(a).We withimaginarycouplingtothe2DDiracequations,wewould define the “flux” crossing, the dashed line, to be the number openamassgapbyperturbingtheHamiltonianwiththeterm ofbondscrossingthatboundary,whichleavestartingonanA iγ γ , and such a perturbation cannot be continued to the site,minusthenumberthatleavestartingonaBsite.Theflux 1 2 strong-couplinglimitowingtotopologicalobstruction. is nonzero in this case, but is unchanging as we increase the Further,ifthedimerizationisnonuniformthenitmaynot size of the region. This flux is the index ν. By the argument be possible to reach a fully dimerized state without having givenabovefortheexistenceofzeromodes,ν computedfor defectsites.ConsidertheconfigurationsinFig.3(a)ind =1 any region is equal to the number of Majorana zero modes andinFig.3(b)ind =2.Thesearethestrong-couplinglimits containedwithintheregion. ofthehedgehogconfiguration,andeachcontainsazeromode, The index ν can be defined beyond the strong-coupling asingleunpairedsite.Thisisoneofthecentralresultsofthe limit.Consider,forthesakeofconcreteness,d =3.Thereare strong-couplinglimit:Topologicaldefectshaveunpairedsites three possible dimerizations, one for each dimension, as we that,inturn,supportMajoranazeromodes. concludedinEq.(10).Inweakcoupling,thesquareofthegap Such strong-coupling hedgehog configurations can be isequaltothesumofthesquaresofthedimerizations.Thus, constructed by the following iterative process in any dimen- if we assume a fixed gap, we can model these dimerizations sion d. Let x correspond to the coordinate in the vertical byaunitvector.Theintegerindexdiscussedaboveissimply d direction. For x (cid:2)0, stack (d−1)-dimensional hedgehog thetotalwindingnumberofthisunitvectorontheboundary d configurations.Alongthehalf-linegivenbyx >0andx =0 ofanyregion. d i for1(cid:3)i (cid:3)d−1,arrangeverticalbonds,orientedtoconnect However, once diagonal bonds are allowed, the integer the site with x =2k−1 to that with x =2k, for k (cid:2)1. index ν no longer counts zero modes. Instead, there is a Z d d 2 Alongthelowerhalf-plane,givenbyx <0,arrangevertical index, equal to ν(mod2), which counts zero modes modulo d bonds orientedtoconnect asitewithx =−(2k−1)tothat 2. To see this in the strong-coupling limit, consider the d with−2k,fork (cid:2)1.Thisproceduregivesthed =2hedgehog configurationinFig.4(b).Thisisaconfigurationwithν =2 in Fig. 3(b) from the d =1 hedgehog in Fig. 3(a), and gives butnoMajoranazeromodes.However,aν =1configuration a strong-coupling limit of the Teo-Kane hedgehog in d =3. muststillhaveazeromodeand,thus,anyconfigurationwith That is, the Teo-Kane hedgehog can be deformed into this oddν musthaveatleastonezeromode. configuration,withoutclosingthegap. In Fig. 4, we have chosen to orient the bonds from the A Aslongasweconsideronlynearest-neighborbonds,there toBsublatticetomakeiteasiertocomputeν.However,theν isanintegerindexνdescribingdifferentdimerizationpatterns anditsresiduemodulo2,definedabove,areindependentofthe inthestrong-couplinglimit.Thisindex,whichispresentinany orientationofthebonds(thatindicatethesignoftermsinthe dimension,arisesfromthesublatticesymmetryofthesystem, Hamiltonian) and depend only on which sites are connected andiscloselyrelatedtotheU(1)symmetryofdimermodelsof by bonds (that indicate which terms in the Hamiltonian are spinsystems.31LabelthetwosublatticesbyAandB.Consider nonvanishing). anysetofsites,suchthateverysiteinthatsethasexactlyone Theν(mod2)withdiagonalbondsisthesameasKitaev’s bondconnectedtoit.(Recallthat,inthestrong-couplinglimit, “Majorananumber.”15 Wecanusethistoshowtheexistence 115132-5 FREEDMAN,HASTINGS,NAYAK,QI,WALKER,ANDWANG PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) the orientation of pairs of neighboring bonds, arriving at the (a) (b) (c) configurationinFig.5(c).Finally,werotatebyπ intheplane containing the other defect site and the last site. This returns the system to the original configuration, having effected the desiredoperation. Becauseweonlyconsideradiabatictransformation,wecan only perform orthogonal rotations with a unit determinant. Thus, any transformation that swaps two defects and returns thebondstotheiroriginalconfigurationmustchangethesign of one of the zero modes: γ →γ ,γ →−γ . Indeed, any i j j i FIG.5. (a)Pairsofdefectsconnectedbyastring.(b)Firstrotation orthogonal transformation with a determinant equal to −1 appliedtotheconfigurationin(a).Theopencirclereplacesthefilled would change the sign of the fermion parity in the system, circle to indicate a sign change of the Majorana mode on the site. asthefermionparityoperatorisequaltotheproductoftheγ i (c) After rotating along the string. (d) Rotating the last site and operators. restoringthestringtoitsoriginalconfiguration. We used the ability to change the orientation of a pair of bondsinthisconstruction.Thefactthatonecanonlychange of zero modes in the Teo-Kane hedgehog even outside the the orientation of bonds in pairs, and not the orientation strong-coupling limit. Consider a hedgehog configuration. of a single bond, is related to a global Z invariant: The 2 OutsidesomelargedistanceRfromthecenterofthehedgehog, Hamiltonian is an antisymmetric matrix and the sign of its deform to the strong-coupling limit without closing the gap. Pfaffiancannotbechangedwithoutclosingthegap.Changing Then,outsideadistanceR,wecancountν(mod2)bycounting thedirectionofasinglebondchangesthesignofthisPfaffian bonds leaving the region, and we find a nonvanishing result andsoisnotpossible. relative to a reference configuration: If there is an even The above discussion left open the question of which number of sites in the region then there is an odd number zero changes its sign, i.e., is the effect of the exchange of bonds leaving in a hedgehog configuration, and if there γ →γ ,γ →−γ or γ →−γ ,γ →γ ? The answer is i j j i i j j i is an odd number of sites then there is an even number of that it depends on how the bonds are returned to their bondsleaving.However,becausethisimpliesanonvanishing originalconfigurationaftertheexchangeiscompleted(which Majorananumber,theremustbeazeromodeinsidetheregion, is a clue that the defects must be understood as extended regardless of what the Hamiltonian inside is. We note that objects, not pointlike ones). For the bonds to be restored, this is a highly nontrivial result in the weak-coupling limit, one of the defects must be rotated by 2π; the corresponding where the addition of weak diagonal bonds, all oriented the zero mode acquires a minus sign. We will discuss this in same direction, to the configuration of Fig. 1(b) corresponds greater detail in a later section. The salient point here is toaddingthetermiγ1γ2 totheHamiltonianind =2.Bythe that the effect of an exchange is a unitary transformation argumentgivenabove,eventhisHamiltonianhasazeromode generated by the operator e±πγiγj/4. This is reminiscent of inthepresenceofadefectwithnonzeroν(mod2). the representation of braid group generators for non-Abelian Given any two zero modes, corresponding to defect sites quasiparticles in the quantum Hall effect9 and vortices in in the strong-coupling limit, we can identify a string of sites chiral p-wave superconductors,14 namely, the braid group connectingthem.Ifwehaveapairofdefectsitesonopposite representation realized by Ising anyons.7 But, of course, in sublattices, corresponding to opposite hedgehogs, then one 3Dthebraidgroupisnotrelevant,andthepermutationgroup, particular string corresponds to the north pole of the order whichisassociatedwithpointlikeparticlesind >2,doesnot parameter, as in Fig. 5(a). However, we can simply choose havenontrivialhigher-dimensionalrepresentationsconsistent anyarbitrarystring.Letγi,γj betheMajoranaoperatorsatthe with locality.18,19 As noted in the Introduction, this begs two defect sites. The operation γi →−γi,γj →−γj can be the question: What group are the unitary matrices e±πγiγj/4 implementedasfollows.Webeginwithanadiabaticoperation representing? on one of the defect sites and the nearest two sites on the line.TheHamiltonianonthosethreesitesisanantisymmetric, Hermitianmatrix.Thatis,itcorrespondstoanorientedplane in 3D. We can adiabatically perform orthogonal rotations of III. TOPOLOGICALCLASSIFICATIONOFGAPPED thisplane.Thus,byrotatingbyπ intheplanecorresponding FREE-FERMIONHAMILTONIANS tothedefectsiteandthefirstsiteonthestring,wecanchange the sign of the mode on the defect and the orientation of A. Setupoftheproblem the bond, as shown in Fig. 5(b). This rotation is an adiabatic In this section, we will briefly review the topological transformationofthethree-siteHamiltonian, classification of translationally invariant or slowly spatially ⎛ ⎞ varyingfree-fermionHamiltoniansfollowingKitaev’sanaly- 0 0 isin(θ) ⎜ ⎟ sisinRef.27.(Foradifferentperspective,seeSchnyderetal.’s ⎝ 0 0 icos(θ)⎠, (11) approach in Ref. 26.) The 3D Hamiltonian of the previous −isin(θ) −icos(θ) 0 section is a specific example that fits within the general scheme and, by implication, the 3D non-Abelian statistics along the path θ =0→π. We then perform rotations on that we derived at the end of the previous section also holds consecutivetriplesofsitesalongthedefectline,whichchanges for an entire class of models into which it can be deformed 115132-6 PROJECTIVERIBBONPERMUTATIONSTATISTICS:A... PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) withoutclosingthegap.Ourdiscussionwillfollowthelogic Clearly,wecancontinuouslydeformA withoutclosingthe ij ofMilnor’streatmentoftheBottperiodicityinRef.28. gapsothatλ =(cid:9)foralli.(Thisisusuallycalled“spectrum i Consider a system of N flavors of electrons c (k) in d flattening.”)Then,wecanwrite j dimensions. The flavor index j accounts for spin as well as A=(cid:9)·OTJO, (15) the possibility of multiple bands. Because we will not be assumingchargeconservation,itisconvenienttoexpressthe where ⎛ ⎞ complex fermion operators cj(k) in terms of real fermionic 0 −1 operators (Majorana fermions), cj(k)=[a2j−1(k)+ ⎜ ⎟ ia2j(k)]/2 (the index j now runs from 1 to 2N). The ⎜⎜1 0 ⎟⎟ momentum k takes values in the Brillouin zone, which has J =⎜⎜ 0 −1 ⎟⎟. (16) thetopologyofthed-dimensionaltorusTd.TheHamiltonian ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 1 0 ⎟ maybewrittenintheform ⎝ ⎠ H =(cid:10)iA (p)a (p)a (−p), (12) ... ij i j i,j,p The possible choices of Aij correspond to the possible where, by Fermi statistics, A (p)=−A (−p). Let us sup- choicesofO ∈O(2N),moduloO,whichcommutewiththe ij ji matrix J. But the set of O ∈O(2N) satisfying OTJO = posethattheHamiltonian(12)hasanenergygap2(cid:9),bywhich J is U(N)⊂O(2N). Thus, the space of all possible 0D wemeanthatitseigenvaluesE (p)(αisanindexlabelingthe α eigenvaluesofH)satisfy|E (p)|(cid:2)(cid:9).Thebasicquestionthat free-fermionic Hamiltonians with N single-particle energy α levels is topologically equivalent to the symmetric space weaddressinthissectionisthefollowing:Whattopological O(2N)/U(N). obstructionspreventusfromcontinuouslydeformingonesuch Thiscanberestatedinmoregeometricaltermsasfollows. gappedHamiltonianintoanother? Let us here and henceforth take units in which (cid:9)=1. Then Such an analysis can apply, as we will see, not only theeigenvaluesofAare±i.Ifweviewthe2N ×2N matrix to free-fermion Hamiltonians, but also to those interacting AasalineartransformationonR2N,thenitdefinesacomplex fermion Hamiltonians that, deep within ordered phases, are structure. Consequently, we can view R2N as CN because well approximated by free-fermion Hamiltonians. (This can multiplicationofv(cid:9)∈R2N byacomplexscalarcanbedefined include rather nontrivial phases such as Ising anyons, but as (a+ib)v(cid:9)≡av(cid:9)+bAv(cid:9). The set of complex structures on notFibonaccianyons.)Insuchsettings,thefermionsmaybe R2N is given by performing an arbitrary O(2N) rotation on emergentfermionicquasiparticles;iftheinteractionsbetween a fixed complex structure, modulo the rotations of CN that thesequasiparticlesareirrelevantintherenormalization-group respect the complex structure, namely, U(N). Thus, once sense, then an analysis of free-fermion Hamiltonians can again, we conclude that the desired space of Hamiltonians shed light on the phase diagrams of such systems. Thus, istopologicallyequivalenttoO(2N)/U(N). the analysis of free-fermion Hamiltonians is equivalent to What are the consequences of this equivalence? Consider theanalysisofinteractingfermiongroundstateswhoselow- thesimplestcase,N =1.Thenthespaceof0DHamiltonians energyquasiparticleexcitationsarefreefermions. is topologically equivalent to O(2)/U(1)=Z : There are Let us begin by considering a few concrete examples, in 2 two classes of Hamiltonians, those in which the single orderofincreasingcomplexity. fermionic level is unoccupied in the ground state, c†c= (1+ia a )/2=0, and those in which it is occupied. For 1 2 B. Zero-dimensionalsystems larger N, O(2N)/U(N) is a more complicated space, but it First, we analyze a zero-dimensional (0D) system that stillhastwoconnectedcomponents,π (O(2N)/U(N))=Z , 0 2 we will not assume to have any special symmetry. The so that there are two classes of free-fermion Hamiltonians, Hamiltonian(12)takesthesimplerform correspondingtoevenoroddnumbersofoccupiedfermionic (cid:10) levelsinthegroundstate. H = iA a a , (13) ij i j Suppose now that we restrict ourselves to time-reversal- i,j invariant systems and, furthermore, to those time-reversal- whereA isa2N ×2N antisymmetricmatrix,A =−A . invariant systems that satisfy T2 =−1, where T is the ij ij ji Anyrealantisymmetricmatrixcanbewrittenintheform antiunitaryoperatorgeneratingtimereversal.Then,following ⎛ ⎞ Ref. 27, we write Ta T−1 =(J ) a . The matrix J is 0 −λ1 antisymmetric and satisifies J2 =1−ij1.jT invariance of1the ⎜ ⎟ 1 ⎜λ 0 ⎟ Hamiltonianrequires ⎜ 1 ⎟ A=OT ⎜⎜ 0 −λ2 ⎟⎟O, (14) J A=−AJ . (17) ⎜ ⎟ 1 1 ⎜ λ 0 ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ BecauseJ isantisymmetricandsatisfiesJ2 =−1,itseigen- 1 1 ... values are ±i. Therefore, J1 defines a complex structure on R2N thatmay,consequently,beviewedasCN.Nowconsider where O is an orthogonal matrix and the λ ’s are positive. A, which is also antisymmetric and satisfies A2 =−1, in i The eigenvalues of A come in pairs ±iλ ; thus, the absence addition to anticommuting with J . It defines a quaternionic i 1 ofchargeconservationcanalsobeviewedasthepresenceof structure onCN that may, consequently, be viewed asHN/2. a particle-hole symmetry. By assumption, λ (cid:2)(cid:9) for all i. Multiplication of v(cid:9)∈R2N by a quaternion can be defined i 115132-7 FREEDMAN,HASTINGS,NAYAK,QI,WALKER,ANDWANG PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) as (a+bi+cj +dk)v(cid:9)≡av(cid:9)+bJ v(cid:9)+cAv(cid:9)+dJ Av(cid:9). The (which breaks time-reversal symmetry) and charge-density- 1 1 possible choices of A can be obtained from a fixed one waveorder(CDW).Thesetaketheform by performing rotations of CN, modulo those rotations that respectthequaternionicstructure,namely,Sp(N/2).Thus,the Maipby =(cid:9)ipyiτyδab (22) setoftime-reversal-invariant0Dfree-fermionicHamiltonians and withT2 =−1istopologicallyequivalenttoU(N)/Sp(N/2). (cid:11) (cid:12) Because π0(U(N)/Sp(N/2))=0, any such Hamiltonian can MaCbDW =ρ2kFτy cosθμzab+sinθμxab , (23) be continuously deformed into any other. This can be under- whereμx,z arePaulimatricesandθ isanarbitraryangle.For stoodasaresultofKramersdoubling:Theremustbeaneven an analysis of the possible mass terms in the more complex numberoffermionsinthegroundstatesothedivisionintotwo situationofgraphenelikesystems,see,forinstance,Ref.32. classesofthepreviouscasedoesnotexisthere. Letusconsiderthespaceofmasstermswithafixedenergy gap(cid:9),whichisthesameforallfouroftheMajoranafermions C. 2Dsystems:T-breakingsuperconductors in the model (i.e., a flattened mass spectrum). An arbitrary Now,letusconsidersystemsinmorethan0D.Onceagain, gapped Hamiltonian can be continuously deformed to one walesowaisllsuamsseumtheatthtiamtec-hraevrgeersaisl nsyomt mcoentsryervisedn,oatnpdrewseervweidll. tρh2akFt s=ati0sfioersρt2hkiFs=co(cid:9)nd,it(cid:9)ioipny.=Th0en(inwethcealnathtearveca(cid:9)sei,pyar=bit±ra(cid:9)ry, For the sake of concreteness, let us consider a single band θ is allowed). If both order parameters are present, then the ofspin-polarizedelectronsona2Dlattice.Letussupposethat energy gap is not the same for all fermions. It is not that the electrons condense into a (fully spin-polarized) p -wave thereisanythingwrongwithsuchaHamiltonian—indeed,one x superconductor.Forafixedsuperconductingorderparameter, canimagineasystemdevelopingbothkindsoforder.Rather, the low-energy theory is a free-fermion Hamiltonian for it is that such a Hamiltonian can be continuously deformed gaplessfermionicexcitationsatthenodalpoints±k(cid:9)F ≡(0,± to one with either (cid:9)ipy =0 or ρ2kF =0 without closing the gap. For instance, if (cid:9) >ρ , then the Hamiltonian can pF). We now ask the question, what other order parameters be continuously deformipeyd to o2knFe with ρ =0. (However, could develop that would fully gap the fermions? For fixed if we try to deform it to a Hamiltonian 2wkFith (cid:9) =0, the values of these order parameters, we have a free-fermion gap will close at (cid:9) =ρ .) Hence, we concluipdye that the Hamiltonian. Thus, these different possible order parame- ipy 2kF spaceofpossiblemasstermsistopologicallyequivalenttothe ters correspond to different possible gapped free-fermion disjoint union U(1)∪Z : a single one-parameter family and Hamiltonians. 2 twodisjointpoints. Thelow-energyHamiltonianofafullyspin-polarizedp - x Because π (U(1)∪Z )=Z , there are three distinct wavesuperconductorcanbewrittenintheform 0 2 3 classesofquadraticHamiltoniansforfourflavorsofMajorana H =ψ†(iv ∂ τ +iv ∂ τ )ψ, (18) fermions in 2D. The one-parameter family of CDW-ordered (cid:9) x x F y z Hamiltonians counts as a single class because they can be where v , v are, respectively, the Fermi velocity and slope F (cid:9) continuously deformed into each other. The parameter θ is of the gap near the node. The Pauli matrices τ act in the thephaseoftheCDW,whichdetermineswhetherthedensity particle-holespace: is maximum at the sites, the midpoints of the bonds, or (cid:2) (cid:3) somewhere in between. It is important to keep in mind, ψ(k)≡ ck(cid:9)F+k(cid:9) . (19) however, that, although there is no topological obstruction † c−k(cid:9)F+k(cid:9) to continuously deforming one θ into another, there may be an energetic penalty that makes it costly. For instance, the This Hamiltonian is invariant under the U(1): ψ →eiθψ, couplingofthesystemtothelatticemayprefersomeparticular which corresponds to conservation of momentum in the p y valueofθ.Theclassificationdiscussedhereaccountsonlyfor direction (not to charge conservation). Because we will be topological obstructions; the possibility of energetic barriers consideringperturbationsthatdonotrespectthissymmetry,it mustbeanalyzedbydifferentmethods. isconvenienttointroduceMajoranafermionsχ ,χ according 1 2 We can restate the preceding analysis in the following, toψ =χ +iχ .Then 1 2 more abstract language. This formulation will make it clear that we have not overlooked a possible mass term and will H =iχ (v ∂ τ +v ∂ τ )χ , (20) a (cid:9) x x F y z a generalize to more complicated free-fermion models. Let us witha =1,2.Notethatwehavesuppressedtheparticle-hole writeγ1 =τxδab,γ2 =τzδab.Then index on which the Pauli matrices τ act. Because χ , χ are 1 2 {γ ,γ }=2δ . (24) each a two-component real spinor, this model has four real i j ij Majoranafields. The Dirac Hamiltonian for N =4 Majorana fermion fields Wenowconsiderthepossiblemasstermsthatwecouldadd takestheform tomakethisHamiltonianfullygapped: H =iχ(γ ∂ +M)χ. (25) i i H =iχ (v ∂ τ +v ∂ τ )χ +iχ M χ . (21) a (cid:9) x x F y z a a ab b The matrix M plays the role that the matrix A did in the 0D If we consider the possible order parameters that could case.Asinthatcase,weassumeaflattenedspectrumthathere develop in this system, it is clear that there are only two meansthateachMajoranafermionfieldhasthesamegapand choices: an imaginary superconducting order parameter ip thatthisgapisequalto1.(Itdoesnotmeanthattheenergyis y 115132-8 PROJECTIVERIBBONPERMUTATIONSTATISTICS:A... PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) independentofthemomentumk.)Inordertosatisfythis,we O(N)/O(k)×O(N −k), i.e., we can take the restriction of mustrequirethat γ1M toX+tobeoftheform ⎛ ⎞ 1 {γi,M}=0 and M2 =−1. (26) ⎜⎜ ... ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎟ NotethatitiscustomarytowritetheDiracHamiltonianin γ1M =OT ⎜⎜ −1 ⎟⎟O, (30) ⎜ ⎟ aslightlydifferentform, ⎝ ... ⎠ −1 H =ψ(iγ ∂ +m)ψ, (27) i i with k diagonal entries equal to +1 and N −k entries equal whichcanbemassagedintotheformof(25)usingψ =ψ†γ : to−1.Thus,thespaceofHamiltonians forN flavorsoffree 0 Majoranafermionsistopologicallyequivalentto H =ψ†(iγ γ ∂ +mγ )ψ (cid:17)N =ψ†(iα0∂i+i mβ)ψ0 M2N = O(N)/[O(k)×O(N −k)]. (31) =iψ†(αi∂i −imβ)ψ, (28) k=0 i i However, because π (O(N)/[O(k)×O(N −k)])=0, inde- 0 pendent of k (note that 0 is the group with a single element, where α =γ γ and β =γ . Thus, if we write γ ≡α and M ≡−iimβ a0ndiconsider M0ajorana fermions (or diecomipose nottheemptyset∅),π0(M2N)=ZN+1. In the model analyzed above, we had only a single spin- DiracfermionsintoMajoranas),werecover(25).Wehaveused polarizedbandofelectrons.Byincreasingthenumberofbands theform(25)sothatitisanalogousto(13),with(γ ∂ +M) i i andallowingbothspins,wecanincreasethenumberofflavors replacing A and the i pulled out front. Then, the matrix M ij ofMajoranafermions.Inprinciple,thenumberofbandsina determines the gaps of the various modes in the same way solidisinfinity.Usually,wecanintroduceacutoffandrestrict as A does in the 0D case. Similarly, assuming a “flattened” attentiontoafewbandsneartheFermienergy.However,for spectrumleadstotheconditionM2 =−1. a purely topological classification, we can ignore energetics HowmanywayscanwechoosesuchanM?Becauseγ2 = 2 and consider all bands on equal footing. Then we can take 1,itseigenvaluesare±1.Hence,viewedasalinearmapfrom R4 to itself, this matrix divides R4 into two 2D subspaces N →∞,sothatπ0(M∞)=Z.Thisclassificationpermitsus todeformHamiltoniansintoeachotheraslongasthereisno R4 =X+⊕X− with eigenvalue ±1 under γ2, respectively. topological obstruction, with no regard to how energetically Forγ =τ δ ,thisistrivial: 2 z ab costlythedeformationmaybe.Thus,the2N =4classification (cid:13)(cid:14) (cid:15) (cid:14) (cid:15) (cid:14) (cid:15) (cid:14) (cid:15)(cid:16) thatwediscussedabovecanperhapsbeviewedasa“hybrid” X+ =span 1 ⊗ 1 , 1 ⊗ 0 , (29) classification, which looks for topological obstructions in a 0 0 0 1 class of models with a fixed set of bands close to the Fermi energy. where τ acts on the first spinor and the second spinor is But even this point of view is not really natural. The z indexed by a =1,2, i.e., is acted on by the Pauli matrices discussionabovetookasitsstartingpointanexpansionabout μx,z in (23). This construction generalizes straightforwardly apx superconductor;thepx superconductingorderparameter to arbitrary numbers N of Majorana fermions, which is why was assumed to be large and fixed while the ipy and CDW weuseitnow. order parameters were assumed to be small. In other words, Now γ M commutes with γ and satisfies (γ M)2 =1. weassumedthatthesystemwasatapointinparameterspace 1 2 1 Thus, it maps X+ to itself and defines subspaces X+1,X+2 atwhichthegap,thoughnonzero,wassmallattwopointsin with eigenvalue ±1 under γ1M (and equivalently for X−). the Brillouin zone (the intersection points of the nodal line X+ can decomposed into X+1 ⊕X+2 =X+. Choosing M is in the px superconducting order parameter with the Fermi thusequivalenttochoosingalinearsubspaceX+1 ofX+. surface). This allowed us to expand the Hamiltonian about Thiscanbedividedintothreecases.Ifγ Mhasonepositive these points in the Brillouin zone and write it in Dirac form. 1 eigenvalueandonenegativeonewhenactingonX+ thenthe And this may, indeed, be reasonable in a system in which space of possible choices of γ1M is equal to the space of px superconducting order is strong (i.e., highly energetically 1D linear subspaces of R2, which is simply U(1). If, on the favored) and other orders are weak. However, a topological other hand, γ M has two positive eigenvalues, then there is classificationshouldallowustotakethesystemintoregimesin 1 auniquechoice,whichissimplyM =γ1γ2.Ifγ1M hastwo whichpxsuperconductivityissmallandotherordersarelarge. negativeeigenvalues,thenthereisagainauniquechoice,M = Suppose,forinstance,thatwetookourmodelofspin-polarized −γ γ . Therefore, the space of possible M’s is topologically electrons(whichweassume,forsimplicity,tobeathalf-filling 1 2 equivalenttoU(1)∪Z . on the square lattice) and went into a regime in which there 2 Now, suppose that we have 2N Majorana fermions. was a large dx2−y2 density-wave (or “staggered flux”) order Then γ2 defines N-dimensional eigenspaces X+,X− such parameter33(cid:14)ck†+Qck(cid:15)=i(cid:17)(coskxa−coskya),whereaisthe that R2N =X+⊕X− and γ1M defines eigenspaces of X+: latticeconstantand(cid:17)isthemagnitudeoftheorderparameter. X+1 ⊕X+2 =X+.Ifγ1MhaskpositiveeigenvaluesandN −k With nearest-neighbor hopping only, the energy spectrum negative ones, then the space of possible choices of γ M is is E2 =(2t)2(cosk a+cosk a)2+(cid:17)2(cosk a−cosk a)2. 1 k x y x y 115132-9 FREEDMAN,HASTINGS,NAYAK,QI,WALKER,ANDWANG PHYSICALREVIEWB83,115132(2011) Thus, the gap vanishes at four points, (±π/2,±π/2) and closing. But any gapped Hamiltonian can be continuously (∓π/2,±π/2). The Hamiltonian can be linearized in the deformed so that the gap becomes small at some points in vicinityofthesepoints: the Brillouin zone. Thus, the problem of classifying gapped free-fermion Hamiltonians in d dimensions is equivalent to H =ψ†(iv ∂ τ +iv ∂ τ )ψ 1 (cid:9) x x F y z 1 the problem of classifying possible mass terms in a generic +ψ†(iv ∂ τ +iv ∂ τ )ψ , (32) d-dimensional Dirac Hamiltonian as long as the number of 2 (cid:9) y x F x z 2 bandsissufficientlylarge.27Thisstatementcanbemademore where vF, v(cid:9) are, respectively, the Fermi velocity and slope preciseandputonmoresolidmathematicalfootingbyusing of the gap near the nodes; the subscripts 1,2 refer to the two ideasthatwediscussinAppendixB. sets of nodes (±π/2,±π/2) and (∓π/2,±π/2); and ψ , A A=1,2aredefinedby (cid:14) (cid:15) D. Classificationoftopologicaldefects ψ1,2(k)≡ cc(−(ππ//22,±,∓ππ//22)+)+k(cid:9)k(cid:9) . (33) onlTyhfeortcolpaoslsoegsiocfaltrcalnasslsaitfiiocnaatilolynindveascriraibnetdHaamboilvteonhiaonldsssuncoht IfweintroduceMajoranafermionsψA =χA1+iχA2,thenwe as(25),butalsofortopologicaldefectswithinaclass.Suppose, canwritethisHamiltonianwithpossiblemasstermsas for instance, that we consider (25) with a mass that varies slowlyastheoriginisencircledatagreatdistance.Wecanask H =iχ (v ∂ τ +v ∂ τ )χ 1a (cid:9) x x F y z 1a whether such a Hamiltonian can be continuously deformed +iχ (v ∂ τ +v ∂ τ )χ into a uniform one. In a system in which the mass term is 2a (cid:9) y x F x z 2a +iχ M χ . (34) understood as arising as a result of some kind of underlying Aa Aa,Bb Bb ordering such as superconductivity or CDW order, we are We have suppressed the spinor indices (e.g., χ11 is a two- simplytalkingabouttopologicaldefectsinanorderedmedia, component spinor); with these indices included, MAa,Bb is but with the caveat that the order parameter is allowed to an 8×8 matrix. However, in order for the gap to be the explore a very large space that may include many physically same for all flavors, the mass matrix must anticommute distinctorunnaturalorders,subjectonlytotheconditionthat withτx,z.Thus,MAa,Bb =τyM˜Aa,Bb.ThematrixM˜Aa,Bb can thegapdoesnotclose. have 0,1,2,3, or 4 eigenvalues equal to +1 (with the rest Let us, for the sake of concreteness, assume that we have being −1). The spaces of such mass terms are, respectively, a mass term with N/2 positive eigenvalues when restricted 0,O(4)/[O(1)×O(3)],O(4)/[O(2)×O(2)],O(4)/[O(3)× to the +1 eigenspace of γ . [For N large, the answer 2 O(1)], and 0. Mass terms with 0 or 4 eigenvalues equal obviouslycannotdependonthenumberofpositiveeigenvalues to +1 correspond physically to ±idxy density-wave order, k so long as k scales with N. Thus, we will denote the (cid:14)c† c (cid:15)=±sink asink a.Masstermswith2eigenvalues space M defined in Eq. (31) by Z×O(N)/[O(N/2)× k+Q k x y 2N equal to +1 correspond physically to superconductivity, to O(N/2)], where the integers in Z correspond to the number Q(cid:17) =(π,0)CDWorder,andtolinearcombinationsofthetwo. of positive eigenvalues of the mass term when restricted Mass terms with 1 or 3 eigenvalues equal to +1 correspond to the +1 eigenspace of γ .] Then M(r =∞,θ) defines a 2 to (physically unlikely) hybrid orders with, for instance, loop in O(N)/[O(N/2)×O(N/2)] that cannot be continu- superconductivityat(±π/2,±π/2)and±id density-wave ously unwound if it corresponds to a nontrivial element of xy order at (±π/2,∓π/2). Clearly, this is the 2N =8 case of π (O(N)/[O(N/2)×O(N/2)]). 1 the general classification discussed above. Thus, the same To compute π (O(N)/[O(N/2)×O(N/2)]), we 1 underlying physical degrees of freedom—a single band of parametrize O(N)/[O(N/2)×O(N/2)] by symmetric spin-polarized electrons on a square lattice—can correspond matrices K that satisfy K2 =1 and tr(K)=0. [Such toeither2N =4or2N =8,dependingonwherethesystem matrices decompose RN into their +1 and −1 eigenspaces: isinparameterspace.Onecanimagineregionsofparameter RN =V+⊕V−.K canbewrittenintheformK =OTK0O, spacewherethegapissmallatanarbitrarynumberNofpoints. where K has N/2 diagonal entries equal to +1 and N/2 0 Thus, if we restrict ourselves to systems with a single band, equal to −1, i.e., K =diag(1,...,1,−1,...,−1).] Note 0 then different regions of the parameter space (with different thatanysuchK isitselfanorthogonalmatrix,i.e.,anelement numbers of points at which the gap is small) will have very of O(N); thus O(N)/[O(N/2)×O(N/2)] can be viewed differenttopologies.Althoughsuchaclassificationmaybea as a submanifold of O(N) in a canonical way. Consider a necessaryevilinsomecontexts,itisfarpreferable,giventhe curve L(λ) in O(N)/[O(N/2)×O(N/2)] with L(0)=K choice, to allow topology to work unfettered by energetics. and L(π)=−K. We will parametrize it as L(λ)=KeλA, Then we can consider a large number n of bands. Suppose whereAisintheLiealgebraofO(N).Inorderforthisloopto thatthegapbecomessmallatr pointsintheBrillouinzonein remaininO(N)/[O(N/2)×O(N/2)],weneed(KeλA)2 =1. eachband.Then,thelow-energyHamiltoniantakestheDirac Because(KeλA)2 =KeλAKeiλA =eiλKAKeλA,thiscondition form for 2N =2rn Majorana fermion fields. As we will see implies that KA=−AK. In order to have L(π)=−K, we below,ifN issufficientlylarge,thetopologyofthespaceof need A2 =−1. Such a curve is, in fact, a minimal geodesic possiblemasstermswillbeindependentofN.Consequently, fromK to−K.Eachsuchgeodesiccanberepresentedbyits for n sufficiently large, the topology of the space of possible midpoint L(π/2)=KA, so the space of such geodesics is mass terms will be independent of r. In other words, we are equivalenttothespaceofmatricesAsatisfyingA2 =−1and in the good situation in which the topology of the space of KA=−AK. As discussed in Ref. 28, the space of minimal Hamiltonians will be the same in the vicinity of any gap geodesicsisagoodenoughapproximationtotheentirespace 115132-10

their potential use for fault-tolerant quantum computation.6,7. One of the simplest n ) = Sn. The generators of the permutation .. not Fibonacci anyons.) In such .. the Brillouin zone (the intersection points of the nodal line in the px
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