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Progress in Inorganic Chemistry Volume 38 Advisory Board JACQUELINE K. BARTON CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, PASADENA, CALIFORNIA THEODORE L. BROWN UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA, ILLINOIS JAMES P. COLLMAN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA F. ALBERT COTTON TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ALAN H. COWLEY UNIVERITY OF TEXAS, AUSTIN, TEXAS RONALD J. GILLESPIE McMASTER UNIVERSITY, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA RICHARD H. HOLM HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS KENNETH D. KARLIN THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND TOBIN J. MARKS NORVIWESTERN UNIVERSITY, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS KARL WIEGHARDT RUHR-UNIVERSITAT, BOCHUM, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY GEOFFREY WILKINSON IMPERIAL COLLEGE, LONDON, ENGLAND Progress in Inorganic Chemistry: BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY Edited by STEPHEN J. LIPPARD DEPARTMENOTF CHEMISTRY MASSACHUSETTINSS TITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGEM, ASSACHUSETTS VOLUME 38 AN INTERSCIENCE@P UBLICATION JOHN WILEY & SONS New Yo& Chichester Brisbane Toronto Singapore In recognition of the importance of preserving what has been written, it is a policy of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. to have books of enduring value published in the United States printed on acid-free paper, and we exert our best efforts to that end. An Interscience" Publication CopyrightQ 1990 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 59-13035 ISBN 0-471-50397-5 ISBN 0-471-52945-1 (pbk) Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Preface Work in bioinorganic chemistry has accelerated substantially since 1973, when Volume 18 of Progress in Inorganic Chemistry was published high- lighting current research topics in the field. The Preface and Introduction to that volume are reprinted here as an historical benchmark by which to judge the enormous progress that has been made in the intervening 17 years. During this interval, the first International Conference on Bioinor- ganic Chemistry (ICBIC) was convened, and the fourth such conference was held last summer on the MIT campus. The present volume of Progress in Inorganic Chemistry was conceived in conjunction with ICBIC-4 as an opportunity to present authoritative reviews by many experts in bioinor- ganic chemistry who were gathering in Cambridge for the meeting. Ac- cordingly, ali of the plenary lecturers were invited to contribute a chapter, and most graciously agreed to do so. In addition, a number of other speak- ers at the conference were asked to review their areas of research expertise in order to provide additional scope of coverage for this volume. The topics reviewed here touch on many aspects of current research in bioinorganic chemistry, exploring the amazing breadth of the field that ranges from solid state physics to cell biology and medicine. There are of course many subjects not covered, but from the eight chapters included the reader should be able to assess the full span of activities in what has become a forefront subject in both chemistry and biology. As witness to the latter claim one need only recall that the journal CELL recently dis- played a zinc finger peptide on its cover, a debut that was hailed by many in the bioinorganic community as official recognition of the discipline by “big biology.” Although zinc finger proteins are not specifically covered in this volume, they were the subject of an article by Jeremy Berg in Volume 37 of our series. In order to produce this volume in a timely fashion, the publisher has agreed to a new, if somewhat risky, experiment. The chapters were set directly into pages, bypassing the usual reading of galley proofs. In addi- tion, in an attempt to make the book more accessible to individual readers, as well as libraries, we are for the first time providing a paperback edition at a substantial reduction in cost, Both of these innovations were greatly facilitated with the assistance of our new in-house editor, Dr. Philip Manor, to whom I am very much indebted. In addition, I should like to thank Professor Kenneth D. Karlin, the organizer of ICBIC-4, for his help in planning this volume. Finally, the time has come to acknowledge publicly the talents of Jeannette Stiefel who, for many years, has served as the freelance copy-editor of the Progress in Inorganic Chemistry volumes; the uniform high quality of the chapters is in no small measure due to her efforts. , STEPHENJ. LIPPARD Cambridge, Massachusetts May I WO Introduction In the Introduction to Volume 18 of Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, subtitled “Current Research Topics in Bioinorganic Chemistry” and re- printed herein, three major avenues of research in the field were delineated. These subtopics, the direct study of metal ions in biological macromole- cules, the use of simpler, model systems to gain insight into the properties of metalloprotein cores, and the application of inorganic reagents as probes of biological structure and function, all continue to be important facets of modern bioinorganic chemistry. They comprise a significant fraction of the research described in the present volume. A very significant area of growth in the discipline of bioinorganic chemistry, however, has been the appli- cation of metals in medicine. Included are the use of cisplatin in the highly successful treatment of genitourinary tumors, of technetium compounds as radiodiagnostic agents, of orally administered gold phosphine complexes for the management of rheumatoid arthritis, and of lithium to control manic-depressive behavior. In addition, much attention is now beginning to focus on the regulation of gene expression by metal ions, which bind to proteins causing them to fold in specific conformations for interaction with other macromolecules in the cell. Chapters illustrating these newer activ- ities are also included in this volume. Driving much of this research have been advances made in the fields of molecular and cell biology, including technical developments such as gel electrophoresis, DNA and RNA sequencing methodologies, site specific mutagenesis, cloning, and the ability to obtain monoclonal antibodies. Related instrumental developments from the physics and engineering com- munities have similarly spurred progress in bioinorganic research. Syn- chrotrons have afforded high intensity X-ray beams for absorption and diffraction measurements; the scanning tunneling microscope promises to yield high resolution images of single biomolecules; and new and more powerful computers and software developments have brought molecular mechanics, dynamics, and modelling calculations to the desktops of many practicing graduate and postdoctoral students. These technical improve- ments will be readily apparent to the reader in many of the review articles collected here. This volume begins with a discussion of iron sulfur clusters, a familiar topic to bioinorganic chemists and one that has not lost its appeal. Although long known for their role in biological electron transfer, they have recently been shown also to possess catalytic activity through subsite specific chem- istry, wherein one of the iron atoms in the cube catalyzes chemical trans- formation at its particular corner. To reproduce such disymmetry in an vii ... Vlll INTRODUCTION otherwise symmetric cluster has presented a challenge to the synthetic model builder that has been met by brilliant design and execution, which the reader is sure to appreciate. In the following two chapters are intro- duced the currently fashionable topic of nonheme iron and manganese bioinorganic chemistry, much of which involves aspects of dioxygen me- tabolism. The discovery of units such as the p-oxobis(p-carboxy- lato)diiron(III) center in the marine invertebrate 0,-transport protein hem- erythrin has spurred both the synthetic model builder and the protein biochemist to enter this arena. Some of the most exciting goals are to understand the diiron centers in methane monooxygenase, which uses CH4 as its sole carbon and energy sources, and in ribonucleotide reductase, which activates dioxygen by a similar dinuclear iron center, and to elucidate the nature of the tetramanganese unit in photosystem 11, which evolves O2f rom water. Many enzymes catalyze the transformation of organic substrates by de- livering a functional group held in or near the coordination sphere of a metal ion at their active sites. A thorough understanding of these reactions has been greatly facilitated by careful studies of well-designed model sys- tems. The next review addresses this topic, with specific emphasis on phos- phate chemistry. The regulation of cellular events by phosphatases and kinases, enzymes that remove or add phosphate groups to proteins, re- spectively, is central to many forefront areas of modern biology, including the study of oncogenes, development, and the cell cycle. Metal centers in proteins that do not function as group transfer agents frequently serve to facilitate electron transfer, the topic of the next chapter. It has now been demonstrated that electrons can be transferred over long distances (>lo A) in proteins. How they do so, and how the rates of these reactions depend on their driving force, the distance between redox centers, and the intervening medium, are addressed in this review. An exciting development in this field has been the attachment of kinetically inert inorganic complexes to amino acid side chains on the surface of redox metalloproteins to probe the distance dependence of electron transfer to their naturally occurring metal cores. The final three chapters all deal largely with metal-nucleic acid chem- istry. This topic, only in its infancy in 1973 when Volume 18 of Progress in Inorganic Chemistry appeared, now accounts for a substantial fraction of the work done in bioinorganic chemistry. Metal regulated gene expres- sion, exemplified by the mercury resistance phenomenon, offers a won- derful opportunity for the bioinorganic chemist to combine the power of inorganic synthesis and structure determination with that of cloning and protein structure determination. This relatively new subfield is replete with fascinating unstudied problems and systems, the understanding of which will undoubtedly benefit from a careful reading of this chapter. In the penultimate chapter are reviewed the powerful ways that metal complexes can be used as probes for DNA structure. By matching the shapes and INI‘RODUCI‘ION ix symmetries of metal complexes with their target sites on DNA emerges the possibility to outdo nature in recognizing and cleaving the genome at specific sequence-determined sites. This challenge has attracted many members of the organic as well as the inorganic chemical communities interested in the more general topic of molecular recognition. The practical consequences of success are enormous, and include the localization of gene defects responsible for diseases such as Huntington’s chorea, cleavage of DNA into very long (-104 nucleotide) segments required for mapping the human genome, and even chemotherapy by targeted destruction of viral genomes in vivo. Finally, the last chapter reviews an aspect of the still evolving platinum antitumor drug story that has not received attention elsewhere, one that could lead ultimately to the complete unravelling of the molecular mechanism of action of the drug. Although much is known about the binding of cZS-[P~(NH~)~tCoI D~]N A and the resulting structural changes in the target, we are still deficient in understanding how cells process this damage such that cancer cells are selectively destroyed. Some new discoveries that promise to elucidate these mechanisms are set forth in the chapter. As the reader of this volume will soon appreciate, the subject of bio- inorganic chemistry has matured to the point where activities previously labeled as “inorganic” or “biological” are now being carried out in the same laboratory. Collaborations between experts in these separate areas still occur, but increasingly entry level researchers want to do it all them- selves. This development is most welcome and will continue to foster suc- cess in meeting the difficult challenges posed by the great unsolved problems of the field. STEPHENJ. LIPPARD Carnhridgt,, Massachusett.s May IYYO Preface to Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 18 Work at the interface between the areas of inorganic and biological chemistry has greatly intensified in recent years. Organization of the subject material of this growing field of bioinorganic chemistry along topical lines is fairly straightforward, if not completely satisfying. Thus whole literatures have grown up around such problems as nitrogen fixation, heme proteins, vitamin BI2c hemistry, carboxypeptidase structure and biochemistry, metal ion transport through membranes, non-heme iron proteins, metal activa- tion of ATP, and copper oxidases. In planning this special topics volume, some attempt was made to achieve a broader scope. For example, instead of a chapter on iron-sulfur redox proteins, it seemed desirable to have a discussion of the entire family of metallo-redox proteins. To the extent that the subject matter was amenable to such an approach, the chapters reflect this philosophy. The choice of topics for this particular volume was dictated by two criteria. First, it was decided to sustain the long-standing policy of this series to provide critical, comprehensive, in-depth coverage of material. This decision necessitated a high selectivity since only a few such chapters could be accommodated in a single volume. The second critrion was to assure reasonably broad coverage by including subjects that represented the various kinds of available biological ligands, namely proteins and nu- cleic acids and their constituents, in addition to special-function ligands such as the heme or corrin ring. To the extent that we have been successful, this book should serve as a useful introduction and guide to scientists in all fields who are interested in obtaining an overview of the emerging discipline of bioinorganic chemistry. At the same time, the individual chap- ters should provide current information and critical discussion of the more specialized areas for both research workers and students. Parts of certain chapters have already been adopted in manuscript form for instructional purposes at the graduate student level. I wish to thank the authors for their cooperation and efforts required to produce this volume. If there is sufficient positive response, future bio- inorganic volumes will be scheduled in this series. As usual, comments of any kind are always welcome and will be given serious attention. STEPHENJ . LIPPARD New York, New York February 1973 xi Introduction to Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 18 There are three major avenues of investigation in bioinorganic chem- istry. The first involves direct study of the structure and function of “bio- metallic” molecules, an area traditionally that of the biochemist. Here one is interested in the role of metal ions in metalloenzymes, coenzymes, and proteins, as well as their function as cofactors in DNA and RNA bio- chemistry. In classic studies on carboxypeptidase, Vallee and co-workers recognized the importance of the zinc atom as a functional group unique among all others in the protein. By replacing the zinc with other metal ions, chemical and spectroscopic probes of the active site were made avail- able. More recently, X-ray diffraction studies have yielded detailed struc- tural information about several metallomacromolecules. The three- dimensional structure of a tRNA has just been made available through the efforts of Rich, Kim, and their associates. The critical role of magnesium ions in binding phosphate groups remote from each other in the sequence (not a new concept, incidentally) has begun to emerge, and correlates well with biochemical results from several laboratories. X-ray data serves not only to bridle the occasional untamed structural speculations derived from less direct approaches, but also provides the impetus and direction for attempts to elucidate the structure-function relationships that form our basic understanding of how biometallic molecules work. Delineation of the function of the metal ion as a structural keystone (as in the example just cited) , specific reaction organizer, electron transfer agent, or substrate activator is the major objective of the direct approach, in which detailed studies are performed on specimens usually obtained directly from natural sources. By contrast, the second major avenue involves an indirect approach, commonly the domain of the inorganic or organic chemist. Through the invention, synthesis, structure determination, physical study, and reactions of so-called “model” compounds, some insight into the workings of the natural system is sought. An additional objective might be to mimic in a simple system the catalytic function of a metalloenzyme for industria1 or biomedical synthetic purposes. Current attempts to fix molecular nitrogen with homogeneous iron or molybenum catalysts exemplify this aspect. Al- though few doubt that important chemistry might result from this approach, serious reservation has been expressed about the relevance of such work to the understanding of natural systems. Indeed, there are purists who believe that even to study biometallic molecule in vitro is to oversimplify. For instance, there are those who argue that to investigate solubilized ... Xlll

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