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Preview Processing technology - Achilles

vol.11 FFoorr tthhee llaatteesstt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrroomm oouurr SSttaattiicc CCoonnttrrooll PPrroodduuccttss DDiivviissiioonn,, vviissiitt oouurr wweebb ssiittee:: wwwwww..aacchhiilllleess--eessdd..ccoomm ACHILLES CORPORATION Industrial Material Division ACHILLES TOKYO HEAD OFFICE 22 Daikyo-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8885       Phone +81-3-5379-4582                             Fax +81-3-3225-9688 ACHILLES KANSAI BRANCH OFFICE 1-14-15 Nishi-honcho, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0005     Phone +81-6-6534-2168                             Fax +81-6-6534-2194 ACHILLES KYUSHU SALES OFFICE 1-1-4, Tanotsu, Higashi-Ku, Fukuoka 813-6591     Phone +81-92-622-2871                             Fax +81-92-622-2590 ACHILLES HONGKONG CO., LTD Unit A, 5/F., Winner Building, 36 Man Yue Street,   Phone +852-2362-8324 Hung Hom, Kowloon, HONG KONG           Fax +852-2764-1024 ACHILLES (SHANGHAI) INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD. Room 2207A, Shanghai Global Times Square 1666 Sichuan  Phone +86-21-63648024 North Road, Shanghai, P.R. CHINA             Fax +86-21-63247707 ACHILLES USA., INC.(HEAD QUARTERS) 1407, 80th Street, S.W., Everett,             Phone +1-425-353-7000 Washington 98203, U.S.A.                Fax +1-425-347-5785 ACHILLES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. always with you・・・ 5F., No.415, Sec. 2, Gongdao 5th Rd.,          Phone +886-3-5737300 Hsinchu City 30069, TAIWAN               Fax +886-3-5737355 ACHILLES THAILAND REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Unit 1809, 18th Floor, One Pacific Place, 140 Sukhumvit Road,  Phone +66-2-653-2251 Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110             Fax +66-2-653-2253 ISO 9001 Industrial Materials Division JCQA-1020 ISO 14001 ACHILLES CORPORATION Ashikaga NO.2 Factory Specifications in this catalogue are subject to change anytime without prior notice. JCQA-E-0160 FOR THE FUTURE, FOR THE WORLD For the Future, For the World Globalization History Various technologies and products 1961 Technical cooperation with 1992 Guangzhou Supatra Co.,Ltd. 2002 Achilles(Shanghai) New values that will lead the way for the new generation ICI of Great Britain is a shoemaking company is International Trading Co.,Ltd. launched; polyurethane foam established in China. is established for the sales of corporations and society: This is what our technology production begins. and import/export of Achilles constantly strives for. 1993 Kunshan Achilles Artificial products in China. 1965 Achilles K.C.I. Corp. is Leather Co.,Ltd. is established in New York. established via joint venture 2004 Operations begin at the (It is absorbed in 1978 by in China. Kunshan Achilles Artificial Achilles USA, INC. ) Leather Co.,Ltd.Factory No.2. 1994 Exclusive contract signed 1973 Achilles Hong Kong Co.,Ltd. with Skechers of the USA to 2006 Acquires Sanshin is established in Hong Kong. sell Skechers brand shoes Enterprises Co.,Ltd. as a in Japan. subsidiary by acquiring 100% Kohkoku USA., Inc. (currently of shares issued. Achilles USA, INC. ) 1998 Production of is established in Everett, the revolutionary new 2008 Achilles Advanced Technol- Washington. electron conjugated ogy Co.,Ltd. is established in Shoes conductive polymer Taiwan to meet demands 1988 Technical cooperation with "ST-Poly" begins. from the ever- P Tarkett Sommer AG of expandingsemiconductor ro Sweden, relating to the 2001 Achilles E-tech(Dongguan) market A sales office of c Housing manufacture of industrial Co.,Ltd. is established in Achilles USA, INC. opens e Materials s flooring materials, begins. Guangdong,China; this in Detroit, USA.. s company specializes in Achilles Corporation Thailand i n processing HDD-related Representative g products with conductive Office is established in t ST-Poly treatment. Bangkok,Thailand. e Film technology Automotive c h Materials n o l o g Printing technology y Changing surface technology Electronic Corporate Profile World Offices Components Achilles Corporation  ① Achilles USA, INC. Vulcanizing technology Capital ¥14.64 Billion  ② Achilles Hong Kong Co. LTD. Employees 1,496 (as of Mar. 2010)  ③ Supatra LTD. Head Office, Branch Office,  ④ Guang Zhou Supatra Co. LTD. and Sales Office  ⑤ Kunshan Achilles Artificial Leather Co. LTD. CCoorree tteecchhnnoollooggyy Adhesives technology  ⑥ Winfast Technology LTD Everyday 《Head Office》  ⑦ Achilles E-Tech(Donguan) Co., LTD. Products   22, Daikyo-Cho,Shinjyuku-ku,Tokyo 160-8885 Dispersion technology   Tel +81-3-3225-2170  ⑧ Achilles (Shanghai)International Trading Co., LTD.  ⑨ Achilles Corporation Shanghai Representative Office PPllaassttiiccss pprroocceessssiinngg 《Kansai Branch Office》   14-15,1 Chome,Nishihon-Machi,Nishi-Ku,  ⑩ Achilles(Taiwan) Advanced Technology Co.LTD. Osaka-Fu 550-0005  ⑪ Achilles Corporation Thailand Representative Office Coating technology Tel +81-6-6534-2111 CCoommppoouunnddiinngg tteecchhnnoollooggyy DDeessiiggnn tteecchhnnoollooggyy 《Other Sales Office》 Chemical Heating technology   Hokkaido,Kyushu Shintomi Annex FFooaammiinngg tteecchhnnoollooggyy Products 《Factories》   Ashikaga Factory No.1 / Ashikaga Factory No.2 Shiga / Factory No.1 / Shiga Factory No.2 / EElleeccttrriicc tteecchhnnoollooggyy IInnssuullaattiioonn tteecchhnnoollooggyy Bibai Factory / Kyushu Factory 1 Modeling technology 2 Achilles Complete CONTENTS ESD Solutions Packaging materials 07……Wafer Shipping Boxes 07……Spacers(Separators) 07……Cushions ① for Silicon Wafers 08……Wafer Boxes for Frame Wafers We can help you to inspect your facility, to determine your exact needs to recommend the appropriate 08……Wafer Cases for Single Wafer/ Frame Wafer ESD control materials and procedures for your successful 08……Cushioning for Wafer Boxes ESD control program implementation. 08……Bumped/Compounded Wafer Carriages Hard P 09……Tape and Reels a c 11……Conductive Sheets for Vacuum Forming k HHiigghheerr YYiieelldd a ② for Devices g 12……Conductive Injection Molding Trays in ““HHaarrddwwaarree””AApppprrooaacchh g QQuuaalliittyy 12……Antistatic Protect Films m a AAssssuurraannccee 13……Transparent Antistatic Bags te ffoorr yyoouurr EESSDD ccoonnttrrooll r 13……Electrostatic Shielding Bags ia RReelliiaabbllee ls 13……Moisture Vapor Barrier Bags MMaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg 13……Transparent Moisture Vapor Barrier Bags ③ for FPC, 13……Conductive Films other Electrical parts Product Lineup 13……Transparent Antistatic Films 14……Transparent Conductive Films We offer various ESD control materials 14……Conductive Adhesive Films for your facility and packaging needs. 14……Conductive Adhesive Tapes Facility materials 15……Soft Partition Films for Factories 17……ESD Shoes & Safety Shoes Complete Report 17……ESD Safety Slippers F 18……Wrist Strap a We document findings from our process c evaluation and recommend appropriate 18……Ground Wires ility 19……Floor Mats m ESD control measures and hardware needed. a 19……Sticky Mats for Clean Rooms te r Process Evaluation 19……Conductive Unit Floor Mats ia ls 19……Antistatic Cushion Mats We help operators and engineers identify the root cause of ESD events 20……Conductive Table Mats in accordance with IEC61340 standard. 20……Wrist Strap Monitoring System S Training Seminar Static dissipation 21……Static Dissipating Brushes tatic d Sof t 21……Ionizers is We offer ESD training seminar at your site. sip Operators and engineers must have good 21……Electrostatic Voltmeters atio n understanding of ESD management. ☆ There are subject areas and not subjected areas. Stationary 22……Conductive Clear Files 22……Conductive Binders S t a 22……Conductive Clear Folders t ““SSooffttwwaarree AApppprrooaacchh”” ffoorr yyoouurr io 22……Conductive Clip Boards n a r 22……Conductive Hook and Loop Fasteners y EESSDD ccoonnttrrooll 22……Conductive Pouchs 3 4 ,,,, ST Poly conductive processing technology Poly AAAAAccccchhhhhiiiiilllllllllleeeeesssss OOOOOrrrrriiiiigggggiiiiinnnnnaaaaalllll cccccooooonnnnnddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiivvvvveeeee ttttteeeeeccccchhhhhnnnnnooooolllllooooogggggyyyyy..... Achilles' ST Poly is made with polypyrrole, a conductive polymer with an electronic conjugated system that provides uniform coating, compounding, Poly and conductivity on surfaces of various materials and shapes of base materials. Five features of ST Poly Good Transparency ST Poly construction Mechanism of electron conduction A 1 Conductive polymer makes extremely thin Tr 80 H H H H films and transparent conductivity possible. an 1x108Ω N N 2 Clean and stable conductive performance sp 60 N N with minimum bleeding and defluxion. are CDoisnsdTipuoacttiivvee NH n H H A 3 Hofi gmhalyt eflreiaxlisb laen tdo faocrmcosm. modate a wide range ncy 40 A ; Anion Polypyrrole Bipolaron (Di-cation) on the polymerized complex 4 Excellent chemical properties - low out-gas, (%) 20 Conductive polymer that has an electronic move between main complex structure to carry low ion contamination silicon-free etc. (550nm) 1x103Ω conjugated system. electrons. 0 5 Accommodates various after-processing such 1X103 1X104 1X105 1X106 1X107 as laminating, printing, adhesion processing etc. Surface resistivity(Ω/□) Antistatic agents processing technology Antistatic Compared to other conductive technologies Stable conductive performance Antistatic additives are heavily used as antistatic processing agents. Comparison with different initial values agent Achilles does not allow compromises in even antistatic additives. Item Cteocnhdnuoclotigveies poly Aandtdisittivaetisc Carbon Metal S Conductivity ○ △ ○ ◎ u 1X1011 r f Transparency ◎ ◎ △ a Surface active agent based antistatic agent Mechanism of antistatic agent features of Achilles' ce 1X109 antistatic agent Cleanness ◎ ○ ○ r e 1x1011Ω Hydrophilic property surface active agent ●Stable bleed out performance. Out Gas ◎ △ ○ sist 1X107 moisture Contamination ◎ △ △ ○ iv 1X105 Dissipative Lipophilic property film ●Low level of pollution and decay. Durability ○ △ ◎ ○ ity 1X103 (Ω/□) Depend on humidity ◎ ○ ◎ 0 5 10 1x109Ω Cost ○ ◎ ○ △ Duration(year) Compatibility with base material Applications Carbon conductive processing technology Carbon Carbon offers optimum stability for conductive processing technology. Material Compatibility Material Compatibility ST Poly can be used in a wide variety of Taking advantage of this property, we at Achilles continue to develop PET ◎ PA6 ○ applications for antistatic properties. various products according to purposes and material types. A-PET ◎ PA66 ○ ●Applications in different categories PE ○ PES ◎ Mechanism of carbon conduction Features of Achilles' PS ◎ PEEK ◎ Applications 1x106Ω carbon PP ○ PEI ◎ Protection film ●Stable conductive performance. POM PI ◎ Conductive ●Allows appropriate compounding PC ◎ PVC ○ Film Clean curtain of carbon power and carbon fiber according to each purpose. ABS ◎ LCP △ Spacer film 1x104Ω PAN ◎ Glass Vacuum forming sheet PMMA Metal Sheet Carrier tape base sheet ◎:Excellent △:Fair Metal conductive processing technology ○:Good ×:Poor Stationery Metal Metal has the highest conductive performance. Achilles develops various HDD parts, copy machine parts products using materials such as evaporated metal, plating, aluminum Warning Molded plastic Wafer carrier / Photo mask case flakes, and stainless fiber. ・Caution is required when using ST-Poly in IC tray, HDD tray contact with alkaline materials. Mechanism of metal conduction Features of Achilles' ST Poly is comprised of highly chemical resistant macro molecules. Electrical parts FPC 1x106Ω metal Alkaline materials may adversly affect performance of ST-Poly. ・Not suggested to use ST-Poly devices that Glove / Cloth ●Stable conductive property can generate strong friction. Fiber / Thread Conductive The layer of ST Poly film, though rigid, may wear when ●Less particle Wiper used in locations with constant friction. ・Other notes Tooling Resin tooling 1x104Ω Exposure to strong UV light for long time may deteriorate its property. 5 6 Wafer Shipping Boxes Wafer Boxes for Frame Wafers Carriage Protos ND-6/8 Carrier Cushion Protos Cushion Spacer Protos Spacer MMMMAAAA---88888SSSS Wafer MMMAAA--112222 Product name Protos Carrier MA Seriess Productt CCooddee Specification Spacer Protos Cushion Features PPrroodduucctt ccoooddee WWaaffeerr ssiizzee HH ((mmmmm)) hh ((mmmm)) DD ((mmmm)) AA (mm) Cushion MMAA--55 55 iinncchh 9900 5500 112288±±11 150 NNNDDD--111222 11.. SSttaattiicc pprrootteeccttiioonn dduurriinngg sshhiippment. PP MMAA--66 66 iinncchh 9900 5500 115533±±11 175 ND-6/8 P aa 22.. CCoommppaacctt ddeessiiggnn ccoonnttrriibbuutteesss to more efficient handdlliinngg.. MMAA--66SS 66 iinncchh 6633 3388 115533±±11 175 PPrroodduucctt nnaammee PPrroottooss®® Carrier ND Series a ccc 3. Can be applied to wafer transfer equipment. MMMAAA--888 888 iiinnnccchhh 1111000033333 5544 220033±±11 226 c kk MMAA--88SS 88 iinncchh 6655 38 203±1 226   k aga 4. Excellent air tightness MMAA--1122 1122 iinncchh 7766 44 302±1 328 PCraortroiesr ND-6,ND-8 FFeeaattuurreess PPrroottooss CCaaarrier ND Series can carry maximum 13 frame ag in 5. ESD protection wwwaaafffeeerrrsss uuussssing spacers and cushions in coin-stack fashion. in g m 67.. DCaonu bsleto wrea l3l .s5t riunccthu flreo pfopry w daisfeksr .protection SSuurrffaaccee RReessiissttaannccee 11..00××110066ΩΩ or less Productt CCooddee Specification SSuurrffaaccee RReessiissttaannccee NNDD--66,,,NNDD--8: 1.0×106Ω or less g m NNDD--1122:: : 1.0×1012Ω or less a 8. Able to ship wafer size of :4”/5”/6”/8”/12” MMaatteerriiaall CCoonndduuccttiivvee PP PPrroodduucctt ccoooddee AApppplliieedd WWaaffeerr ssiizzee HH ((mmmm)) hh ((mmmm) D (mm) AA ((mmmm)) a t NNDD--66 66 iinncchh ffrraammee wwaaffeeerrss 8833 4400 230±1 222555222 t er 9. Two carrier designs available, standard type and slliimm ttyyppee.. To store wafers Protos carrier MA series can carry maximum of 25 wafers using NNDD--88 88 iinncchh ffrraammee wwaaffeeerrss 9922 5577 299±1 332222 Material ND-6,ND-8:Conductive PP er ia 10. Recyclable spacers and cushions in coin-stack fashion. NNDD--1122 1122 iinncchh ffrraammee wwaaffeeerrss 7744 4455 403±1 443300 ND-12: :Antistatic PC/ABS ia ls ls Spacers (Separators) Wafer Cases for Single Wafer Carriage WWaaffeerr CCaasseess ffoorr SSingle Frame Wafer Carriage Product name Protos Spacer Clip of separate type Clip of fixed type AAcchhiilllleess ccllean technology and special processing technique have developed tthhee ssppaacceeer that protects silicon wafers safely during transportation. Product Code PEA-□-350 CPS-□-250 * “□” : applies sizes of wafers in inch, thus 4,5,6,8 and 12. FFeeaattuurreess 11.. llooww ppaarrrticle 2. low ion contamination 3. antistatic measure 44.. aannttii--ssccratching measure Product Code MA-12/ONE-SP (with separate-type blue ccclliippss)) Product Code VFP-ND-6R-90 for 6-inch wafer 555.. rrreeevvveeerrrsssiiibbble MA-12/ONE-FX (with fixed-type black clipsss)) VFP-ND-8R-90 for 8-inch wafer 66.. CCaann bbee used with wafer transfer device. FFeeaattuurreess CCaann ccaarrrryy a 12 inch size wafer safely. Since clean FFeeaattuurreess CCaann ccaarrrryy a 6 or 8-inch frame wafer safely. Since it is set SSuurrffaaccee RReessiissttaannccee PPEEAA ttyyppee:: 1.0×1012Ω or less ccoonndduuccttiivvve material (ST-Poly) is used for the case, ttoo tthhee ccaassse by its frame part. The wafer itself does not CCPPSS ttyyppee:: 1.0×109 Ω or less hhaazzaarrddss ttoo wafer caused by out-gassing during wafffeerr ccoonnttaacctt tthhhe case. Excellent transparency enables the user ssttoorraaggee iiss eliminated. ttoo eeaassiillyy iidddentify the contents without opening the case. Material PEA type: Antistatic PE CPS type: Conductive PE SSuurrffaaccee RReessiissttaannccee 111..000××111000666ΩΩΩ or less SSuurrffaaccee RReessiissttaannccee 111..000××111000777ΩΩΩ or less Material Wafer Case Conductive PC Material Conductive A-PET PEA Type CPS Type Blue clip   PC (Antistatic PE) (Conductive PE) Black clip   PP Cushions CCuusshhiioonniinngg ffoorr WWafer Boxes BBuummppeedd//CCoommppoouunnddeedd WWaaffeerr CCaarrrriiaaggeess Product name Protos Cushion Features Product Code MA-□U-5/10/15/20 BWPS(Bumped Wafer Package System): * “□” : applies to sizes of wafers in inch, thus 4,5,6,8 and 12. By 1)fixing bumped / CCD wafer to FFeeaattuurreess 11.. AAnnttiissttaaatic vacuum formed tray in 2)wafer box, 22.. LLoooww iiooonnn contamination maximum of 12 wafers can be carried . SSppeecciifificcaattiioonnss CCuusshhiioonn tthicknesses are 5mm, 10mm, 15mm and 20mm. PU Cushionnnnn GWPS (GaAs Wafer Package SSSuurrfffaaccee RRReessiiisstttaannccee 1111..0000××××11110000111111111Ω or less (23℃, 60%RH) System): By using the vacuum formed trays, MMaatteerriiaall AAnnttiissttaattiiccc PU PE Cushion protos spacers, cushions, in 2)wafer box; maximum of 25 GaAs wafers Product Code MA-□PESD-1/3/5/10 PPrroodduucctt CCooddee MMAA--1122PPP can be carried. Vacuum Formed Tray * “□” : applies to sizes of wafers in inch, thus 4,5,6,8 and 12. ( VFS-4-6R-65/ FFeeaattuurreess 11.. CCaann bbee stored in piles. VFS-6-8R-65 ) 1)Waferʼs pattern surface does not contact FFeeaattuurreess 11.. CCoonndduuccctive 22.. RReeuussaabble Protos Spacer t2h)eU strinagy dPirroetcotsly .Carrier MA series 222.. LLLoooowww iiioooonnnn contamination Material Poly-propylene ※Patented 33 EExxcceelllleennt shock absorbing SSppeecciifificcaattiioonnss CCuusshhiioonn tthicknesses are 1mm, 3mm, 5mm and 10mm. 4/6 inch GaAs Wafer SSuurrffaaccee RReessiissttaannccee 11..00××110088 Ω or less Protos Spacer Protos Carrier ( MA-6S/MA-8S ) Material Conductive PE Protos Cushion 7 8 Tape and Reels Achilles Top Cover tape Achilles Top Cover Tape with its excellent antistatic Electronic component characteristics and transparency provides various types of embossed carrier tapes with stable sealing property. Various embossed carrier tapes Product name ST-Cover Tape (Conductive) Product name ST-PSA Cover Tape (Conductive) Product Code ST-9 / ST-931 Product Code ST-PSA / STSI-PSA P P a AApppplliiccaattiioonnss HHeeaatt sseeaaaal type top cover tape for AApppplliiccaattiioonnss **AAddhheessiivveeee type top cover tape for embossed carrier tape. a c c k eemmbboosssseeddd carrier tape. **aaddhheessiivveee:acrylic-base k a a g g in in g g m m a a t t e e r r ia ia ls ls Product name AS Cover Tape (Antistatic) Product name AS-PSA Cover Tape (Antistatic) Product Code AS-20 / AS-931 Product Code AS-PSA AApppplliiccaattiioonnss HHeeaatt sseeaall type top cover tape for AApppplliiccaattiioonnss **AAddhheessiivveeee type top cover tape for embossed carrier tape. eemmbboosssseeddd carrier tape. **aaddhheessiivveee:acrylic-base Features ●Stable peeling property can keep small chips components secure and avoid jumping problems. Features ●High ESD protection performance prevents electrostatic damage or jumping problems to semiconductors from occuring. ●High transparency with little haze enables recognition of IC chips even after they are taped to embossed carrier tape, ●Adhesive provides stable sealing properties for a wide variety of embossed carrier tape base materials. No need for facilitating efficiency for quality control purposes. thermo-compressing (possibly cut energy costs). Easy to peel & re-tape. ●Excellent ESD protection prevents electrification caused by peeling and friction which may lead to electrostatic damage or jumping to ●Good transparency enables easy inspection after taping, facilitating efficiency for quality control purposes. sseemmiiccoonnductor parts. Conductive layer “ST-Poly” for ST-cover Tape; antistatic layer for AS cover tape makes this possible. ●●GGoooodd hheat-resisting property (STSI-PSA) Specification Specification Product Code ST-9 / ST-931 AS-20 / AS-931 Product Code STSI - PSA ST-PSA / AS-PSA Item Unit Conductive type Antistatic type Item Unit Adhesive : Silicone-base Adhesive: Acrylic-base Product Width mm *minimum width : 2.7 maximum width : 81.8 Product Width mm 5.4 9.3 13.3 21.3 25.5 37.5 49.5 *Roll Length m 300 or 600 or 900 Roll Length m 300 or 500 Plastic Roll Core inch 3 Plastic Roll Cores inch 3 *We’ll take your request *We’ll take your request 9 10 Conductive Sheets for Vacuum Forming Conductive Injection Molding Trays ST-Poly can be applied not only to sheet and film but also injected into molding trays custom-made trays 【Composition】 【Composition】 【Composition】 A-PET Base material ST Poly Conductive layer ST Poly Carbon resin Conductive layer conductive Layer P P a a cc c kk k aa BBaassee mmaatteerriiaall///AA--PPEETT MMMMMaaattteeeeeerrrrrriiiiiiaaaaaaal/A-PET a ggg g inin in ggg g m m PPrroodduucctt nnaammee SSTT--AA--PPEET Specification Th0ic.5kmnemss Width Length m atat PPrroodduucctt CCooddee SSTT--11AA 0.65mm 640mm 300m /roll at eee 0.8mm e rr 0.9mm 200m /roll r ialssial Applications SpaTc-Ak -ePlEeTct croanni cb ec oumsepdo naesn btsa soer emmabteorsiasle fdo rc tarrariyesr ttoa pes. SSuurrffaaccee RReessiissttaannccee 1.0×106 Ω or less (Base material; before vacuum forming) MMMMMMMMMaaaaaaaaattttttttterial/PC,PS,PPE MMMaaattteeerrriiiaaalll /// CCCooonductive PC,POM ials FFFeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss ●●●CCCllleeeaaannn mmmmaterial containing limited particles, out PPrroodduucctt nnaammee SSTT--PPoollyy Injection Trays PPrroodduucctt nnaammee CCNNTT IInnjjection molding trays Characteristics / ST-A-PET ggaassssiinngg, and ion contamination, and silicon-free. PPrroodduucctt CCooddee SSSTTT--111000 PPrroodduucctt CCooddee CCCNNNTTT--111000 ●High transparency makes it easy to recognize the Item Unit *Value Test method components packed in trays. SHpeeact ifirecs gisrtaavnitcye ̶ 1.34 Inclination pipe density test Applications Trays to pack electronic components. Applications Trays to pack electronic components. ●Made-to-order trays are also available  Tg ℃ 77 DSC  Tc ℃ 143 DSC upon request.  Tm ℃ 240 DSC FFeeaattuurreess ●●BBaassee mmaaterial is clean with limited particles, oouutt FFeeaattuurreess ●●BBaassee mmaaterial is clean with limited particles, out Heat deformation point ℃ 80 Vicat method ggaassssiinngg, and ion contamination. ggaassssiinngg, and ion contamination. Tensile elasticity MPa 1,842 JIS K 7113 Yield strength MPa 46.1 JIS K 7113 ●●●●SSSSuuuiiiittttaaabbbblllle for clean room usages: Less concerneeeeedddd ●Incorporated with carbon nanotube resin in base Breaking strength MPa 54.9 JIS K 7113 aabboouutt ccontamination when washing trays in the taaannkk.. material which enhances durability as conductive Elongation % 680 JIS K 7113 Impact strength N 970 Speed impact test ●●MMaaddee--tto-order trays are also available upon requueesstt.. molding tray in washing processes. Absorptive capacity % 0.4 Surface Resistance 1.0×107 Ω or less Surface Resistance 1.0×104 Ω〜1.0×109 Ω *Representative values, not for guarantee Antistatic Protect Films 【Composition】 【Composition】 【Composition】 A-PET PE Film PE Film ST-Poly Conductive layer Antistatic-enhanced ST Poly conductive layer acrylic adhesive layer Acrylic adhesive layer (Standard /Low adhesion) Material/A-PET Trays PPrroodduucctt nnaammee SSTTNN--AA--PPET Specification Thickness Width Length PPrroodduucctt nnaammee SSTT--PPrroottect Film PPrroodduucctt nnaammee AASS--PPrroottect Film 0.5mm 350m /roll PPrroodduucctt CCooddee SSTTNN--22000 0.65mm 640mm 300m /roll PPrroodduucctt CCooddee SSTT--22 PPrroodduucctt CCooddee AASS--3300 0.9mm 210m /roll Applications STN-A-PET can be used as base material for trays to CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss // SSTTNN--AA--PPEETT Applications Surface protection of display units such as LCD・PPPPDDPP;; Applications Surface protection of display units such as LCD・PDP; pack electronic components. Optical films and panels. Optical films and panels. IItteemm Unit *Value Test method FFeeaattuurreess ●●LLooww--pprrice conductive polymer sheet useful for SSppeecciifificc ggrraavviittyy ̶ 1.34 ̶ FFFeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss ●●●EEExxcceelllllleennt ESD protection prevents electrification duuee tttoo FFFeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss ●●●EEExxcceelllllleennt ESD protection prevents electrification due to Heat resistance ppeeeelliinngg aand friction and high conductive performanccee ppeeeelliinngg aand friction and high conductive performance vvaaccuuuumm forming of trays.   TTgc ℃℃ 16397 DDSSCC controls adhesion of particles to the film. controls adhesion of particles to the film. ●Stable surface resistance even after vacuum  Tm ℃ 248 DSC ●High transparency maintains clear visibility of tthhee ●High transparency maintains clear visibility of the Tensile elasticity MPa 756 JIS K 7113 forming. Yield strength MPa 58 JIS K 7113 FPD screen after the film is installed. FPD screen after the film is installed. Breaking strength MPa 34 JIS K 7113 ●Brings out stable antistatic performance ●No contamination of bleeding since no antistatic ●Unique acrylic adhesive minimizes glue left over Elongation % 477 JIS K 7113 independent of humidity. Surface resistance Ω 3.0×108 JIS K 6911 agent is contained in this film. from peeled film. 150% Ω 3.0×108 JIS K 6911 Surface resistance ●Good mold release prevents blocking problem from After elongation 230% Ω 1.0×109 JIS K 6911 Specification Product Name ST-Protect film AS-Protect film occuring when vacuum formed or when trays (using 440% Ω 4.0×109 JIS K 6911 Base film 60 60 DRY grade 4〜5 JIS L 0849 Thickness [μm] STN-A-PET) are stacked. Abrasion resistance Adhesive 10 5 WET grade 4〜5 JIS L 0805 Base film 7.8×1013 <1.0×1014 Light transmission % 39 JIS K 7105 Surface Resistance [Ω] Adhesive 3.5×1010 5.2×109 *Representative values, not for guarantee Width [mm] 50~1,250 50~1,250 Length [m] 100 100 or 200 *Representative values, not for guarantee 11 12 Transparent Antistatic Bags Electrostatic Shielding Bags Transparent Conductive Films 【Composition】 ST Poly PET Conductive Product name ST-PET film layer 【Composition】 【Composition】 Product Code ST-8 Antistatic layer PET layer AApppplliiccaattiioonnss SSttaattiicc sshhhhield screen for CRT monitor, surface shield Antistatic PE Al deposited ccoovveerr,, rrooooom divider for clean room and equipment. layer PE layer FFeeaattuurreess ●●SSuuiittaabblle for clean room use; limited outgas, and ion Antistatic layer ccoonnttaammination PPrroodduucctt nnaammee SSkkyyppoollyy bag PPrroodduucctt nnaammee AAll sshhiieelldd bag NV PP ●●●HHHiiiggghhh tttrrrransparency P aa a ccc PPrroodduucctt CCooddee SSSKKKYYY--111 PPrroodduucctt CCooddee AAALLL--000555 c kk Surface Resistance 1.0×107Ω or less k aa a gg Applications For packaging of electronic parts. Applications For packaging of electronic parts. g inini SSppeecciifificcaattiioonn in g mmg FFeeaattuurreess ●●●AAAnnntttiiissstttaaattttic FFeeaattuurreess Thickness *Width Length Packing g m aa ●●TTrraannssppaarent ●●EExxcceelllleenntt EESSDD pprrootteeccttiioonn bbeeccause of the antistatic outer/inner layer a 1000mm teete ●●DDuurraabbiilliittyy iiss eennhhaanncceedd bbyy AAll llaayer inserted between PET and PE layer Material/ PET 0.25mm (effective conductive width:960mm) 20m/roll 1roll te riaria ●Minimum quantity for supplied: 100pcs *The above shows typical example.Made-to-order films are also available. ria lsl ls Moisture Vapor Barrier Bags Transparent Moisture Vapor Barrier Bags Conductive Adhesive Films 【Composition】 ST poly conductive layer PET layer ST poly conductive Product name ST-SF Film layer 【Composition】 Adhesive layer 【Composition】 Product Code ST-14-500-20 PET ASniltliisctaa tdice pPoEsTit elady er ST-14-1000-20 NPseEopnTe srailitceorn layer PET layer Al Sillica deposited AAAppppppllliiicccaaatttiiiooonnnsss RRRoooooommm dddiiivvvvvvider for clean room, static control film for layer PET layer oobbsseerrvvaattiiooon window used on equipment. PE layer Nylon FFeeaattuurreess ●●GGoooodd aantistatic property Cropoly film Antistatic PE layer (conductive) ●●●LLLiiimmmiiittteeeddd outgas, and ion contamination PPrroodduucctt nnaammee SSiilliiccaa ddeeposited moisture barrier bag PPrroodduucctt nnaammee AAll DDaammpp proof Conductive Bag ●●HHiigghh lliigght transparency PPrroodduucctt CCooddee SSSiii--000111 ●●●CCoosstt--eeffffffffective PPrroodduucctt CCooddee AAALLL--000111 Applications For packaging of electronic parts. Surface Resistance 1.0×107Ω or less Applications For packaging of electronic parts. SSppeecciifificcaattiioonn FFeeaattuurreess ●●●EEExxxccceeelllllleeennnnt protection from moisture & oxidation without FFeeaattuurreess ●●●CCCooonnnddduuucccttttive uussiinngg mmetalized film or metal foil. PPaarrttss NNoo.. Width Length ●●DDaammpp pproof   ●●TTrraannssppaarent SSSTTT--111444--555000000--222000 500mm 20M ●●110000%% lliigght proof & high electrostatic shielding proppeerrttyy.. ●Easily disposable Material/ PPPPEEEETTTTT SSTT--1144--11000000--2200 1,000mm 20M Conductive Films Transparent Antistatic Films Conductive Adhesive Tapes 【Composition】 ST-Poly conductive layer PET layer 【Composition】 【Composition】 Product name IC Tape Adhesive layer Product Code ST-6 Conductive PE Antistatic PE AApppplliiccaattiioonnss PPaacckkiinngg ttaaape for semiconductor devices. FFeeaattuurreess ●●GGoooodd aantistatic property PPrroodduucctt nnaammee CCrrooppoollyy film PPrroodduucctt nnaammee SSkkyyppoollyy film ●●CClleeaann mmaterial; Neither carbon materials nor ccoonnttaammination-causing agents are used. PPrroodduucctt CCooddee EEE--111000000 PPrroodduucctt CCooddee SSSKKKYYY--444 ●●GGoooodd EESD protection minimizes electrification ccaauusseedd by peeling of tape. AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFoorr ppaacckkaaaging of electronic parts. AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFoorr ppaacckkaaaging of electronic parts. ●●HHiigghh TTTransparency Plastic(PPPP)) FFFeeaatttuurreess ●●●EEExxcceelllllleennnt conductive property FFFeeaatttuurreess ●●●AAAnnttiiissttaatttic property with transparency Surface Resistance 1.0×109Ω or less(conductive side) Surface Resistance 1.0×106Ω or less Surface Resistance 1.0×1012Ω or less (23℃,60%RH) SSppeecciifificcaattiioonn SSppeecciifificcaattiioonn Thickness Width Length SSppeecciifificcaattiioonn Thickness Width Length WWiiddtthh Length Shipping unit 50μm 1,200mm 200m /roll 50μm 1,200mm 200m /roll Material/ PPPPEEETTT 111555mmmmmm 50m/roll 40rolls/carton 100μm 100m /roll 100μm 100m /roll 5500mmmm 50m/roll 12rolls/carton 1133 14 Soft Partition Films Product name Achilles Seiden F AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFoorr ppaarrttiittiion purposes in areas where high level Product name Achilles Seiden Crystal EESSDD pprrootteeeection is needed, as in clean rooms. AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFoorr ppaarrttiittttion purposes in areas where high level FFeeaattuurreess ●●●UUnniiqqquuee *conductive printed design on surface of EESSDD pprroottttection is needed as in clean rooms. flfleexxiibbllee PVC film. FFeeaattuurreess ●Maintains high *antistatic property by using our **TThheerree aare 2 types. One side or both sides printing design. original PVC formulation technology. SSuurrffaaccee resistance level of 106Ω/ □ (JIS K-6911). *Surface resistivity level of 1010Ω/ □ (JIS K-6911). ●●GGoooodd ttrransparency ●Good transparency ●●●FFFlllaammee RRRetardant grade 2 (in accordance with JIS ●Flame Retardant grade 2 (in accordance with JIS AA--11332222 test method) A-1322 test method). Specification PPrroodduucct Name Achilles Seiden F CCoonndduuccttiivve printing One side Both sides Specification PPrroodduucctt Name Achilles Seiden Crystal CCoolor clear clear CCoollor Clear TThhiicckknneess [mm] 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.3 TThhiicckknneesss [mm] 0.10 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 WWiiddtthh [cm] 137 137 137 137 WWiiddtthh [cm] 183 137/183 137 120 LLeennggtth [M] 50 30 20 30 LLeennggtthh [M] 50 30 20 10 10 10 (In acOOcoxxrdyyanggceee wnnit hi nJIdS Ke-7x201) Over 27 ((IInn aaccOOccooxxrrddyyaannggcceeee wwnniit hi nJIdS Ke-7x201) Over 26 Product name Achilles Yellow Seiden-F, Achilles Seiden-F UV Guard Product name Achilles Seiden Crystal UV AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFoorr ppaarrttiittiion purposes or for areas where high level ESD AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFoorr ppaarrttiittiion purposes or for areas where high level ESD pprrootteeccttiioonnnn and UV guard is needed, as in clean rooms. pprrootteeccttiioonnnn and UV guard is needed, as in clean rooms. FFFFeeeaaattttuuurrreeesss ●●●●HHHiiiggghhh UUUVVVVVVV guard propertied as well as maintaining FFFeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss ●●●HHHiiiggghhh UUUVVVVVVV guard property, as well as maintaining base bbaassee pprrooperties of Achilles Seiden-F (conductive & pprrooppeerrttiieees of Achilles Seiden-crystal (antistatic & flflflaaammmeee rrreeeetardant). flflflaaammmeee rrreeeetardant). Specification PPrroodduucctt Name Achilles Yellow Seiden-F Achilles Seiden-F UV Guard Specification Product Name Achilles Yellow Seiden Crystal UV CCCooolllor Yellow Yellow Color Yellow TThhiicckknneesss [mm] 0.3 0.3 Thickness [mm] 0.3 WWiiddtthh [cm] 137 122 Width [cm] 137 LLeennggtth [M] 30 30 Length [M] 30 OOxxyyggeenn index Over 28 Over 29 Oxygen index Over 26 ((IInn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwith JIS K-7201) (In accordance with JIS K-7201) Product name Achilles Black Seiden F, Achilles Seiden Crystal UV AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFoorr ppaarrttiittiion purposes in areas where high level ESD pprrootteeccttiioonnnn & shading property is needed as in clean Product name Achilles Flarre rroooommss.. FFF AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFoorr ppaarrttiittttion purposes in areas where high flame F aaa a cc FFeeaattuurreess ●●EExxcceelllleeent *shading property rreettaarrddaanntt property is needed. c ilitliti ***111000000%%% shading FFFeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss ●●●TTTrrraaannnsssppppppparent flexible PVC film. ilit yy ●●MMaaiinnttaains property of base film; y m m ●●FFllaammee RRRetardant grade 2 (in accordance with JIS A-1322) m aa Specification PPrroodduucctt Name Achilles Black Seiden F Achilles Seiden Crystal UV ●●●PPPaaasssssseeessss flammability MVSS test No.302 a tt CCCooolllor Black t ee TThhiicckknneesss [mm] 0.3 Specification PPrroodduct Name Achilles Flarre e riaria LLWWeeiinnddggtthhtt h[ c[mM]] 13307 TThhiicckknCeoslosr [mm] 0.15 0.3Clear0.5 1.0 ria lsls OOxxyyggeenn index Over 26 WWiidth [cm] 183 183/137 183 91.5/137 ls ((IInn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwith JIS K-7201) LLeength [M] 50 30 30 10 Base properties Acchoillnefso rSmesid teon F Achillesc Sonefidoermn sC tryostal UV ※picture of Achilles Black Seiden F ((IInn aaccccooOOrrddxxaayynnccgee wni tihn JdISe xK-7201) Over 27 Product name Achilles Vinitape AApppplliiccaattiioonnss SSuupppplleemmeeeents for curtain-partitioned cleanrooms or Product name Achilles Flarre Insect Guard cclleeaannbbooootttths, mark for alert areas. AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFoorr ppaarrttiittiion purposes in areas where high flame FFFeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss ●●●AAAdddhhheeesssiiivvve tape rrreeetttaaarrrdddaaannncccyyy and insect guard properties is needed. ●●EEaassyy iinnstallment ●●●AAAnnntttiiissstttaaaatic & flame retardent. Since it uses FFFeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss ●●●HHHiiiggghhh iiinnnnnnsect guard property while maintaining base tthhee ssaamme vinyl film for base, it will not impair pprrooppeerrttiiies of Achilles Flarre (flame retardant) ttthhheee nnneeecccessary performances of the curtain itself. Specification PPrroodduct Name Achilles Flarre Insect Guard Color Orange Specification PPrroodduucctt NName Vinytape TThhiicckkness [mm] 0.3 0.5 1.0 CCoorrrreessppoonnding Seiden-F Yellow Black WWiidth [cm] 183 137 137 PPVVCC fifilm Seiden-F Seiden-F LLeength [M] 30 20 10 CCoolloorr Clear Yellow Black OOxxyygen index 27 WWiiddtthh [[mmm] 50 or 100 50 or 100 50 ((IInn aaccccoorrddaanncce with JIS K-7201) LLeennggtthh [M] 50 ! Warning Should be grounded when in use. Do not use solvent-based cleaners which may damage printing surface. (For Achilles Seiden-F, Achilles Yellow Seiden-F, Achilles Yellow Seiden-F UV guard, Achilles black Seiden F) When Achilles Yellow Seiden-F is used, may become sticky over time because of UV. In such a case, replace it with a new one. 15 16 ESD Shoes Wrist strap Elastic wristband (laced with conductive fibers) Click Product name IC Shoes 101 slip-on type Product name IC Shoes 102 T-strap type Product Code ICI-1010 Product Code ICI-1020 Easy to put on and take off due to the pushbutton latch. CCoolloorr IIvvoorryy wwhhiitteeee CCoolloorr IIvvoorryy wwhhiitteeee Product name Color Wrist NV Product name One-Touch Wrist Product Code D-053 Product Code D-051 AApppplliiccaattiioonnss FFFooorrr ssstttaaatttiiicccc controlled areas such as electronic partssss AApppplliiccaattiioonnss IInn ssttaattiicc ccccontrolled area such as electronic parts aasssseemmbblliinnng or inspection areas. aaasssssseeemmmbbbllliiinnnng or inspection area SSpeciifificattiion BBanana pllug with alligator clip, detachable alligatorr ccllliiipp SSSppeecciiififificcaatttiiioonn PPPuusshhh hhhooookkkk, banana plug with alligator clip, maximum 2M lloonngg ccooiilleed cord. FFFeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss ●●●MMMooosssttt cccooost effective in the industry by optimizinnnggg Packing Unit 50sets / carton sssuuupppppplllyyy sssources of materials ●●●CCCaaannn bbbeee shipped in small lots. Product name IC Shoes103 Hook and Loop type Product name IC Shoes 105 Hook and Loop type ●●SSppeecciifificcations in accordance with IEC61340-5-11//55--22 Product Code ICI-1030 Product Code ICI-1050 Packing Unit 20sets / shipment CCoolloorr IIvvoorryy wwhhiitteeee CCoolloorr IIvvoorryy wwhhiitteeee ! Warning Avoid using bleaching agent when washing straps. For human protection, there is 1MΩ of resistance set at resin part of coiled cord. Do not attempt to modify the resistance as it may cause electric shock. FFeeaattuurreess Ground Wires ●●SSuctiion- cup-shhapedd hheell bbottoms absorbs the shock of heal strikke at llanddiing andd redduces bburdden to your ffoot. ●Unique Sole “Heal Gap Design” provides comfortable movement, emphasizing on workability and walk-ability. Product name FF ●Stable electro-conductivity according to JIS T 8103 test method. Ground-wire F a a c ●Air ventilation holes on toes and both sides of the shoe provide superior comfort. c ility ●Anti-bacterial deodorant finish provides refreshing comfort and keeps shoes clean. SKPYro-d8uEct Code ility m ●Anti-slip soles design enhances resistance to slipping. m AApppplliiccaattiioonnss a ●Its durable and keeps its shape intact after machine washing. a t FFoorr ggrroouunnddiinngg ccoonndduuccttiivvee mmaattss t e e r aanndd flfloooorr mmaatteerriiaall r ia ! Warning ia ls Wash in water no hotter than 40℃. FFeeaattuurreess ls Material:Antistatic ABS Danger of electric shock when a metal piece is stuck to sole, or when sole is worn out. ●●EEaassyy ttoo ggrroouunndd Product name Ground-wire with Banana Jack Specification LLeeaadd wwiirree with stainless steel plate ESD Safety Shoes ESD Safety Slipper Product Code D-070 Length Packing Unit 2m 10 pcs /case AApppplliiccaattiioonnss GGrroouunndd--wwiiiire for conductive mat structure of cushion FFeeaattuurreess ●●CCaann ggrrooound both the antistatic table mat andddd wwrriisstt ssstrap at the same time. Product name ●●●CCCaaannn cccooonnnect to the wrist strap with banana ppppppllluuuggg Conductive Plate tthhrroouugghh banana jack. Product Code Specification LLeeaadd wwiirree which has 1MΩ resistance SKY-8T LLeennggtthh Packing Unit Accessories AApppplliiccaattiioonnss Asnap hook(female)10 ppccss FFoorr ccoonndduuccttiioonn ooff jjooiinntt ppaarrttss ffoorrr Bsnap hook(male) 10 ppccss installation of conductive floor 22mm 10pcs / carton Chitting rod 2 pppcccsss mmaatteerriiaallss.. Product name Work Up Product name IC Slipper Dpunch 2 pppcccsss FFeeaattuurreess Product Code OKS-0040 Product Code ICS-0200 ●Installation Accessoriesss ●●EEaassyy ttoo ccoonnnneecctt Specification SSttaaiinnlleessss steel tape with adhesive. CC CCoolloorr IIvvoorryy wwhhiitteeee CCoolloorr BBrroowwnn D A C DDDD Packing Unit FFeeaattuurreess PPllaassttiicc pprrootttector guards toe. (Soles and uppers arenʼt proteeecctteedd)) B AB AB A BBBBB 20 pcs /case 1177 18

Fax +81-3-3225-9688. ACHILLES KANSAI 1-1-4, Tanotsu, Higashi-Ku, Fukuoka 813-6591 Phone +81-92-622-2871 5F., No.415, Sec. 2, Gongdao 5th Rd.
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