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Proceedings of the seventh Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC7) Edited by Adam Kilgarriff and Serge Sharoff Pre-WWW2012 Workshop, 17 April, 2012 2 Contents 1 Understanding the composition of parallel corpora from the web Marco Brunello 8 2 Acorpusofonlinediscussionsforresearchintolinguisticmemes Ed Chow, Dayne Freitag, Paul Kalmar, Tulay Muezzinoglu and John Niekrasz 15 3 CanGooglecount? Estimatingsearchengineresultconsistency Paul Rayson, Oliver Charles and Ian Auty 24 4 Using Web Corpora for the Recognition of Regional Variation in Standard German Collocations Tobias Roth 32 5 Efficient Web Crawling for Large Text Corpora V´ıt Suchomel and Jan Pomik´alek 40 6 Not Just Bigger: Towards Better-Quality Web Corpora Yannick Versley and Yana Panchenko 45 3 4 CONTENTS Preface We want the Demon, you see, to extract from the dance of atoms only information that is genuine, like mathematical theorems, fash- ion magazines, blueprints, historical chronicles, or a recipe for ion crumpets, or how to clean and iron a suit of asbestos, and poetry too, and scientific advice, and almanacs, and calendars, and secret documents, and everything that ever appeared in any newspaper in the Universe, and telephone books of the future... Stanisl(cid:32)aw Lem (1985). The Cyberiad, translated by Michael Kandel. This year sees the seventh Web-as-Corpus workshop. Over that time we have explored a few parameters: adjoined-to-a-conference vs. free-standing; Europe- Africa-America; corpus linguistics venues and computational linguistics ones - butnot,untilnow,webones. Ifcomputationallinguisticsistheparentdiscipline for the group, then web research, as identified by the WWW conference, is the uncle who we don’t see so often, but of whom we hear tales of travels and adventuresandfortunesgainedandlost,templesbedeckedwithgoldandjewels but also dragons’ dens, so it is with excitement and trepidation that we have bookedadatewiththiswaywardsoulandanticipategettingtoknowhimbetter. We look forward to the first WAC workshop to be held in conjunction with a WWW conference. Adam Kilgarriff, Serge Sharoff 17 April, 2012, Lyon, France 5 Exploiting the Web for Text and Language Reuse Applications Invited Talk Benno Stein Bauhaus-UniversitätWeimar Bauhausstraße11 99423Weimar,Germany [email protected] ABSTRACT the respective capabilities of the participating detec- tion approaches will be judged by reusing a 25TByte We will discuss backgrounds, technology, and applications large portion of the web, the ClueWeb09 corpus. The developed in the Webis Research Group, whereas the talk’s talkwillintroduceourstrategytoorganizesuchacom- common thread is the exploitation of the web as a corpus. petition. Three different applications will reveal different rationales and possibilities when operationalizing text reuse and lan- guage reuse on a large scale. 1. The Netspeak word search engine reuses the web as a corpus of writing examples. It indexes the web in the form of n-grams and implements a highly efficient [1] Benno Stein, Martin Potthast, and Martin Trenkmann. wildcardsearchonthetop. Netspeaksupportswriters RetrievingCustomaryWebLanguagetoAssistWriters. by retrieving matching n-grams, which are ranked ac- In Cathal Gurrin, Yulan He, Gabriella Kazai, Udo cordingtotheiroccurrencefrequencyandwhichallow Kruschwitz, Suzanne Little, Thomas Roelleke, forjudgingaphrase’scommonnesscomparedtoalter- Stefan M. Ru¨ger, and Keith van Rijsbergen, editors, natives. The talk will highlight some of Netspeak’s Advances in Information Retrieval. 32nd European indexing concepts [1]. Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 10), volume 5993 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2. Query segmentation means to group the words of a pages 631–635, Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, 2010. searchqueryintocontiguoussequenceswithoutchang- Springer. ing the word order; practically, it corresponds to the introduction of quotes indicating words that together [2] Matthias Hagen, Martin Potthast, Benno Stein, and formaconcept. Querysegmentationisreceivingmuch Christof Br¨autigam. Query Segmentation Revisited. In attentionsincesearchenginesaretryingtoguesscon- Sadagopan Srinivasan, Krithi Ramamritham, Arun cepts in queries automatically. The talk will outline Kumar, M. P. Ravindra, Elisa Bertino, and Ravi the strategy of the currently best performing segmen- Kumar, editors, 20th International Conference on tation approach, which reuses the web as a corpus of World Wide Web (WWW 11), pages 97–106. ACM, frequently used phrases and concepts [2]. March 2011. 3. Assessingtheeffectivenessofplagiarismdetectorsisin- [3] Martin Potthast, Benno Stein, Alberto Barro´n-Ceden˜o, terestingandchallenging[3]. Theevaluationapproach and Paolo Rosso. An Evaluation Framework for of the plagiarism detection competition PAN 12 will Plagiarism Detection. In Chu-Ren Huang and Dan focus on the so-called candidate retrieval step: before Jurafsky, editors, 23rd International Conference on two documents can be compared as to whether one Computational Linguistics (COLING 10), pages contains a reused passage of the other, suited candi- 997–1005, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, August 2010. dates need to be retrieved from the web. At PAN 12 Association for Computational Linguistics. 6 Understanding the composition of parallel corpora from the web Marco Brunello CentreforTranslationStudies UniversityofLeeds Leeds,LS29JT,UnitedKingdom [email protected] ABSTRACT parallel corpora in relation to their text variety. On one Although it is fundamental to have a good fit between the hand it is clear that, in a situation of scarceness of publicly text typology of training data and to-be-translated data in availableparallelcorpora(especiallywhendealingwithsys- machine translation, there is a lack of studies on analysing tems that base their successfulness on the employment of paralleldataunderthispointofview. Thispaperdescribes large collections of bitexts), the rule“more data is better some studies made with the aim of understanding the com- data”is applied. On the other hand it could be still useful position of parallel corpora, in particular by using topic to have a clear knowledge and control of the kind of text modeling. tobetranslatedusingparalleldata,especiallyinrelationto their text variety, whatever is the chosen technology. Keywords Evenjusttheuseoftopicmodelingtechniques[14],employ- web as corpus, machine translation, parallel corpora, topic ing an unsupervised method able to understand the com- modeling position of a corpus guessing what are the topic domains contained in a corpus, could be enough to give an idea 1. INTRODUCTION of what are the kind of documents particularly interest- Paralleltextshavealwaysbeenemployedintranslationstud- ing or useful for a particular task, such as the creation ies, and in the last few decades large progresses in compu- of translation memories to be used for fuzzy matches in a tational linguistics led the sub-field of machine translation computer-assistedtranslationprogramortheselectionofthe to make wide use of large collection of aligned parallel cor- mostsuitabletrainingdataforSMT.Inthispapersomeex- pora. Particularlythoseparadigmsthatstronglyrelyonthe ploratory studies conducted on two English-Italian parallel exploitation of this kind of resources to be used as training corpora are presented. In the first case, an already existing data, such as statistical machine translation (SMT), took andveryawellknownresource,Europarl[7],hasbeenused, advantage of this possibility. But, if the building of mono- whileinthesecondcasetheemploymentofanautomaticcol- lingualresourcesfromthewebcomeswithsomeundeniable lectionoftranslatedtextsfromthewebisdescribedinorder issues - unknown overall composition of the Internet, con- tocollectdatathatwillbepartofanewparallelcorpus. In tinuouscontentschanging,unbalancednesstowardsparticu- thissecondcase,theanalysiswillalsohelpthereadertoun- larlywidespreadlanguagesortextvarieties-theoperationof derstand which topics are covered by the parallel web, and retrieving multilingual data requires further technical skills their potential usefulness in translation tasks. forlocatingandpairingtranslatedtexts. Asaconsequence, theresearchinthisfieldhasnotprosperedinthesamemea- Theremainderofthisdocumentisorganizedasfollows: Sec- sureofmonolingualweb-as-corpuslinguistics. Nevertheless, tion 2 shows the experiments done on Europarl; Section 3, the use of the web as a source for parallel corpora is not an after showing previous related works on the collection of inertfieldofstudy. Thereisaquiterichtraditionofstudies parallel corpora from the web, presents the way in which inthisdirection,whichincludesanumberofautomatictools some of these techniques have been applied to collect part that have been developed by several research groups, able ofageneral-purposeEnglish-Italianparallelwebcorpus,and to retrieve parallel data from the web (see Section 3.1). the related topic modeling analysis; in Section 4 future di- rections of the results are suggested. However, it seems that not enough attention has been put on understanding what kind of documents are contained in 2. EXPERIMENTSONEUROPARL 2.1 Topicmodeling As mentioned before, when talking about parallel corpora, Europarlisaverywellknownresource,widelyemployedby SMTscholarsandresearchers,sinceitprovidesalignedpar- alleltextsupto50millionwordsperlanguageforthemain Europeanlanguages. Althoughithasbeenusedinavariety of experiments, to our knowledge none of them has tried to exploreitscompositionintermsoftheargumentsdiscussed init. Beingitsparalleltextstranscriptionsofproceedingsof 7 the European parliament, the supposition that the commu- Table 1: Topics in Europarl. nicativesituationsarerepetitive,bothintermsofregisterof theutterancesandof contentofthecommunications, could Topic Keywords be fairly reasonable. 1 energy climate european change emissions eu en- vironmental gas nuclear industry policy renew- In order to verify this hypothesis, a topic modeling on the ableresearcheuropecountriesenvironmentstates English side of the English-Italian Europarl has been per- sources development 2 european europe president union mr people par- formed. As the choice of the topics is arbitrary, different liament citizens treaty political today presidency customisations have been tried, finally deciding for a num- time eu constitution member states future world berof20topicswithhyperparameteroptimization. Results 3 international people peace situation war aid are shown in Table 1. united union military european resolution presi- dent security government support humanitarian It is clearly possible to associate some of these clusters of mr country iraq words to specific topics. For example Topic 1 is related 4 european states member rights report data pro- tectioneulegaljusticeterrorismimmigrationlaw to energy production (and related environmental issues); 3 asylum citizens countries people union crime is about warfare (with a stress to the Iraq war); 4 immi- 5 health research people programme european dis- gration; 5 medical treatment of addictions; 6 food produc- easestobaccodrugsstatesdiseasememberhuman tion; 7 Euro-economics; 8 global market; 9 Middle East; public europe information patients care frame- 12 transports; 13 finance; 17 human rights; 18 Eastern Eu- work treatment rope; 19 primary sector; 20 legal aspects. The remaining 6 directivefoodproductshealthenvironmentsafety proposal animal protection animals amendments groups of words appear to be quite similar, since they do consumer legislation waste water environmental not suggest very specific terminology and contain almost consumers commission substances completely terms around the European parliament activi- 7 economic euro financial european growth mone- ties, widely used throughout the debates in the European tary bank stability crisis economy policy central parliament: president, report, parliament, council etc. statesmarketcurrencypactcountriesmarketsin- vestment Taking a look at the distribution of the single document 8 countries trade development world eu european agreement union developing economic interna- across the topics, it appears that very few documents show tional africa wto china aid cooperation negotia- a remarkable unbalancedness towards the first topic they tions agreements global belongto,meaningthattheaffiliationofasingledocument 9 israel education european palestinian cultural to specific topics is weak. Probably this is due to the fact people culture programme sport israeli young that sessions of the European parliament can deal not only peace languages middle support palestinians eu- with a single topic at time, and it is not the case where a rope media training corpus document always corresponds to a single argument. 10 council european union policy countries presi- dency mr president rights parliament political It can be concluded that, although this experiment has led states office common agreement security enlarge- to a better understand of the composition of Europarl (or ment summit process at least of the portion of English Europarl aligned with its 11 commission mr president member european im- Italiancounterpart),ithasdemonstratedthatthiscorpusis portant time make commissioner made work toohomogeneoustobeusedfortheextractionofsubsetsfor states debate point parliament question council SMT. fact clear 12 transport safety european road air proposal tourism traffic rail report maritime directive eu- rope sector mr sea environmental states passen- 2.2 Documentsimilarityexperiment gers 13 budgetcommissionparliamentfinancialeuropean Takingintoaccounttheconclusionachievedintheprevious fundscommitteeprogrammepolicyyeareurbud- section, an attempt of selecting a subset of training data getary money report support council fund aid foraspecifictranslationtaskfromEuroparlhasbeenmade court anyway. The aim is to pick up a selected portion of Eu- 14 parliament mr vote report president committee roparldocumentsthatarerecognizedtobethemostsimilar amendment group european members procedure tothosetobetranslated,andusethemastrainingdatafor amendments house minutes rules mrs resolution SMT. Since the topic modeling has proved not to be very voting rapporteur 15 report social women european policy eu states helpful for this purpose, the cosine similarity measure has member employment people development work beenchosenasalternativetocomputethedistancebetween support voted europe economic writing union re- atestdocumenttobemachine-translatedandallthedocu- gions ments in Europarl. The test document has been randomly 16 reporteuropeanunionmrparliamentpolicycoun- selectedfromtheInternet,itisajournalarticleaboutacon- cil countries committee social economic europe troversy in the Catholic church, dated 10 September 2009; community people president agreement treaty question employment it was written in Italian and provided with English human 17 rightshumanpeoplecountrypresidentdemocracy translation (which will be used later as benchmark for MT political situation resolution government freedom evaluation); its size is around 1350 words per language on china death democratic european eu mr respect 47 sentence pairs. elections 18 eu european union turkey russia countries acces- InordertoselectandusethemostsimilardatainEuroparl sion country ukraine russian negotiations turkish tothisdocumentthefollowingprocedurehasbeenfollowed: politicalrelationsenlargementromaniareportco- operation region 19 fisheries fishing agricultural policy sector report 8 production proposal farmers support agriculture ruralmarketmeasureseuropeanaidregionscom- mission reform 20 directive market services european proposal re- portmembercompetitionstatesparliamentinter- nal companies legal workers public rights legisla- tion regulation protection 1. The cosine similarity has been computed between the Table2: BLEUscoreforthecosinesimilarityexper- test doc and each one of the 6,216 Europarl files (on iment the English side of the EN-IT subcorpus); Direction Training set BLEU score IT>EN 500 most similar 27.5 2. Fileshavebeensortedaccordingtothecosinesimilar- IT>EN 500 random 26.1 ity score and the first 500 have been selected; EN>IT 500 most similar 26.5 3. The result of this selection (303,615 sentences pairs, EN>IT 500 random 23.3 around 7 million words per language) has been used to train a SMT system in Moses [8]; the proceedings from the website of the European parlia- 4. Theobtainedparameterfilehasbeenusedtotranslate ment1, despite the fact that these texts were not originally the test document (in the English>Italian direction); createdwiththespecificpurposeofbeingpublishedonweb- pages. In any case, in the next sections the way to explore 5. Theprevioussteps3and4havebeenrepeatedsubsti- this possibility is described, practically considering which tutingthetrainingdataselectedwithcosinesimilarity instrumentscanbeusedtoretrieveparalleldocumentsfrom with other 500 documents randomply extracted from the web and understand their nature. Europarl,inordertoobtainatermofcomparisonand validate the quality of the resulted translations; 3. PARALLELCORPORAFROMTHEWEB 6. MTevaluationofthequalityofthesetranslationshas Crawlingthewebinordertofindtextualdataisacommon been carried out by using BLEU [12]; practiceincorpuslinguistics,andevenifcomingwithasur- plusofdifficultiescomparingtomonolingualcorpuscreation 7. The whole above described process has been repeated (findingparallelpagesorwebsitesorpairingawebpagewith in the opposite language direction (Italian>English). their translated counterpart in another language are non- trivial tasks) also the creation of parallel corpora from the web was explored especially in the last decade. However, The results of this analysis are presented in Table 2. They the literature shows that these technical difficulties led the confirmed that the selection of a subset of documents that researchers in the sector to focus more on the mechanisms aremoresimilartotheto-be-translateddocumentisuseful, needed to create parallel webcorpora rather than on an in- giving - at least according to the automatic evaluation con- depth analysis of the results from the point of view of the ducted by BLEU - a better translation than using random kind of texts that is possible to find on the Internet. In the documents even in a corpus like Europarl that is circum- nextfewsubsectionsanoutlineofthebackgroundstudieson scribed to few communicative situations. However, there thistopicwillbegiven,followedbythewayinwhichsomeof are some considerations that need to be done about these thesestrategieshavebeenappliedinthepresentresearchin results: although they are positive they are not extremely order to understand the composition of a particular region exciting,especiallyconsideringthattherandomtrainingset of the parallel web. was much smaller than the one selected with cosine simi- larity (117,973 sentences pairs and about 2 million words 3.1 Relatedworksandknownissues per language). This is most probably due to the fact that The forerunner of using the web as a source for collecting cosine similarity calculates the similarity between the two parallel corpora is Philip Resnik and his sistem STRAND, documents as a single whole feature, without distinguish- describedsincethelateninetiesinaseriesofpapers. Inthe ingbetweentheseveralaspectsthatmakeatextssimilarto latest, The web as parallel corpus [13], the core STRAND anotherone,liketerminology,sentencestructure,grammar, systemisexplainedaswellwithseveralimprovementscom- lengthetc. Sothereisthepossibilitythattrainingdataap- paring to previous versions. The main idea behind this ap- propriate and useful in terms of genre or domain but with proachistofindwebpagesthatexhibitaparallelstructure sizeisnotgoodtotesttextsarediscardedfromthiskindof at the level of url and/or page composition, and that could selection. bemutualtranslations;inthepracticethisisdonerelyingon the performances of AltaVista advanced search engine op- To sum up, some strategies to better understand the com- tionsthatpermittofindpagescontaininghypertextslinksto position of one of the most used parallel resources freely different language versions of the same document (parents) availabletotheMTcommunityhasbeenapplied,including orpagesthatcontainsalinktoatranslationoftheircontent thepossibilitytoselectthemostsuitabledataforaspecific in another language (siblings). The so-retrieved pages are SMT task among all the documents contained in it. The thensubjecttoacandidatepairsdetectiontaskthatcanbe conclusionisthat,evenifthesestrategiescanbehelpfulfor carried out with several strategies, like automatic language theirusabilityonEuroparl,theyarequitelimitedforthein- identification, url matching, document lengths and in the trinsicfeaturesofthiscorpus-thatprovidesahugequantity last version also a content-based similarity measure, to de- of data but without a very big assortment of textual vari- tectpairsofpagesthatdonotpresentsimilarityjustatthe eties. Previous research about domain adaptation applied level of structure. toSMT[9]hasshownhowsomehelpcouldcomefrominte- gratingabenchmarkresourcelikeEuroparlwithotherdata, AsshownwithSTRAND,theoperationofgrabbingparallel obtained by retrieving parallel corpora from the web. Eu- texts from the web is usually divided into two steps: loca- roparl itself couldbe consideredasawebcorpus, sincetheir authors have built it after having downloaded and aligned 1http://www.europarl.europa.eu 9 tionofwebsitesthatmayhavetranslatedtexts,andextrac- Table 3: First 10 lines of the seeds list. tion and alignment of bitexts from these candidates. Other inanchor:en site:it grey gently systems, developed independently from STRAND but em- inanchor:en site:it drawing totally ploying similar approaches, have seen the birth in the same inanchor:en site:it path eating period, and some of them have explicated some useful (al- inanchor:en site:it watching explanation inanchor:en site:it dealt lack though not universally true) presuppositions that can be inanchor:en site:it radical organised made when starting a collection of parallel texts from the inanchor:en site:it relationships studied web,likeassumingthatparalleltextsusuallyarepresentin inanchor:en site:it gets accused inanchor:en site:it conservative hoping thesamesite[4]andthatnationaltopleveldomainsareex- inanchor:en site:it realise increasing pected to have sites in the language of respective countries [10]. Several approaches in literature rely on the functionalities Queries are issued asking for 50 results per query (this is givenbycommercialsearchengines,likeAltavistaforSTRAND the maximum available from Bing APIs). or the application programming interfaces (APIs) to com- mercialsearchenginesGoogle[11]orYahoo! [1]. Itisworth topointout-forreasonsexplainedinthenextsections-that Table4: Resultsforthefirst3queriesonanEnglish- the reliability on these systems, provided by famous search Italian pair. engines, comes with some disadvantages: there are intrin- CURRENT_QUERYinanchor:ensite:itgreygently http://www.domusweb.it/en/architecture/teshima-art-museum-/ sic limitations with regards to the number of results per http://gilda.it/gandalf/italiano/giochi_di_ruolo/girsa_rolemaster/moduli/ amroth/amroth.htm query and the unknown criteria about how documents are http://www.beppegrillo.it/en/politics/ selected, their availability is for undefined periods of times CURRENT_QUERYinanchor:ensite:itdrawingtotally http://en.metals.it/productive-cycle-punching-c-104_133.html afterwhichtheservicemaybenolongersupportedoravail- http://flashandpartners.it/en/ http://www.dieproofs.it/english/prove_artista_eng.html able to users2. However, even if coming with these disad- http://digilander.libero.it/cuoccimix/ENGLISH-automotorusse4(lada).htm http://www.digicult.it/digimag/article.asp?id=1141 vantages the reliability on search engine functionalities is a http://www.domusweb.it/en/architecture/post-carbon-loft- possibilitythatgivesundeniableadvantages,consideringthe http://architettura.it/artland/20020515/index_en.htm http://en.museiincomuneroma.it/mostre_ed_eventi/mostre factthatitgiveseasyaccesstopreviouslyunknownparallel http://www.beppegrillo.it/en/2010/06/ http://www.beppegrillo.it/en/information/ texts as the next section will explain in detail. http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&art=22711&size=A http://www.domusweb.it/en/products/?idtema=5515?idtema=5530&inizio=25&da=1 http://www.domusweb.it/en/products/?idtema=5515?idtema=5562&inizio=13&da=1 http://www.disabilitaincifre.it/allegati/RECOMMENDATION_R(92)6.htm 3.2 Corpusconstruction http://www.beppegrillo.it/en/2009/08/ http://www.domusweb.it/en/products/?idtema=5515?idtema=5322&inizio=49&da=1 The strategy here used to mine the web looking for previ- http://archivio.lanottebianca.it/nb2006/en_programma.html http://www.pierpaoloricci.it/download/downloadsoftware_eng.htm ously unknown parallel pages is very similar to the original http://www.beppegrillo.it/en/politics/ http://archivio.lanottebianca.it/nb2005/en_programma.html one described by Resnik: to make use of a search engine http://www.beppegrillo.it/eng/politics/ relying on its specific research functionalities. Resnik used CURRENT_QUERYinanchor:ensite:itpatheating http://www.guidatoscana.it/en/massa-carrara/visitare-massa.asp Altavista, but the employment of these strategies has the http://www.visittrentino.it/en/localita/lavarone http://www.ananda.it/en/courses/courses-meditation-and-self-realization drawback of relying on possibly discontinued services. In http://www.holly-wood.it/mlcad/install-en.html http://www.visittrentino.it/en/vacanze_a_tema/neve/ski_area/dett/ fact at the moment it is not possible to exactly replicate ski-area-pampeago-predazzo-obereggen?areaId=A10 theirspecificalgorithmbecausethissearchengineisnomore http://www.italia.it/en/discover-italy/emilia-romagna/ferrara.html http://www.italia.it/en/discover-italy/tuscany/florence.html availablewiththesameoptions3 ofthetimethatthearticle http://www.beppegrillo.it/eng/ecology/ http://archivio.lanottebianca.it/nb2005/en_programma.html was written. http://www.beppegrillo.it/en/2009/08/ http://www.beppegrillo.it/eng/politics/ However,ithasbeenpossibletore-implementasimilarpro- cedure using the search engine query algorithm that is part At the end three lists of urls for each language, sorted and of the BootCaT toolkit, as just said currently relying on unifiedinordertohaveonesinglelistperlanguagewithout Bing. As seeds tuples the ones produced to build the large repetitions have been produced. In order to extract those web corpus of English ukWaC [6] have been used, adding pages that actually are English translations of other Italian to each of these 1000 lines the use of two advanced opera- webpages on the same website, the final url list has been tors: site: and inanchor:. The first is used to look for semi-automatically processed. sites that fall under the intended national top level domain (in this case .it) and the second to find pages containing At this point such pages have been downloaded, and anal- a specified term in the anchor text, in this case common ysed by using Mallet. Results of this topic modeling are English-related features of URLs (en, eng, english). shown in table 5. Inpractice,thesearchhasbeenforpagesinItalianwebsites that most likely contain English versions of their content. 3.3 Analysisofresults One thing that need to be clarified now is that this is not 2BootCaT [3] used Google APIs in its original version, a definitive description of the overall composition of the but then moved to Yahoo! after Google started giving English-Italian portion of the Internet: the following anal- strong limitations to its service and now BootCaT relies ysis shows what is possible to intuitively retrieve using the on Bing APIs after Yahoo! discontinued the use of their SOAP APIs (see http://bootcat.sslmit.unibo.it/wiki/ search engine method and have an approximate idea of the doku.php?id=release_notes:frontend:0.60). kind of the indexed websites that represent a bilingual web 3The shut down of Altavista by its owner Yahoo! began in space. However,sincetheaccessibilitytosinglesitedepends May 2011. ontheirpresenceandpositioningonthesearchengines,the 10

Apr 17, 2012 http://gilda.it/gandalf/italiano/giochi_di_ruolo/girsa_rolemaster/moduli/ amroth/ amroth.htm 5http://www.mongodb.org. 6http://seleniumhq.org.
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