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Postmodernism and China (a boundary 2 book) PDF

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p o s t mo de r n i s m & c h i na Edited by Arif Dirlik and Xudong Zhang postmodernism & china a boundar y  book m s i n r e d o & m t c h i n a s o p Edited by Arif Dirlik and Xudong Zhang Duke University Press Durham and London 2000 ©DukeUniversityPress Allrightsreserved PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmericaonacid-freepaper(cid:31) TypesetinQuadraatbyTsengInformationSystems,Inc. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData appearonthelastprintedpageofthisbook. c o n t e n t s ArifDirlikandXudongZhang Introduction:PostmodernismandChina  i. mapping the postmodern WangNing .TheMappingofChinesePostmodernity  AnthonyD.KingandAbidinKusno .OnBe(ij)ingintheWorld:‘‘Postmodernism,’’‘‘Globalization,’’ andtheMakingofTransnationalSpaceinChina  Ping-huiLiao .PostmodernLiteraryDiscourseandContemporary PublicCultureinTaiwan  XiaoyingWang .HongKong,China,andtheQuestionofPostcoloniality  ii. cultural politics LiuKang .PopularCultureandtheCultureoftheMassesin ContemporaryChina  SheldonHsiao-pengLu .GlobalPOSTmodernIZATION:TheIntellectual, theArtist,andChina’sCondition  SebastianHsien-haoLiao .BecomingCyborgian:Postmodernismand NationalisminContemporaryTaiwan  iii. cultural studies DaiJinhua .ImaginedNostalgia  ChenXiaoming .TheMysteriousOther:PostpoliticsinChineseFilm  JeroendeKloet .‘‘LetHimFuckingSeetheGreenSmokeBeneath MyGroin’’:TheMythologyofChineseRock  Chao-yangLiao .BorrowedModernity:HistoryandtheSubject inABorrowedLife  EvansChan .PostmodernismandHongKongCinema  iv. literary interventions ZhangYiwu .PostmodernismandChineseNovelsoftheNineties  WendyLarson .WomenandtheDiscourseofDesirein PostrevolutionaryChina:TheAwkwardPostmodernismofChenRan  vi  XiaobingTang .MelancholyagainsttheGrain:Approaching PostmodernityinWangAnyi’sTalesofSorrow  XiaobinYang .WhenceandWhitherthePostmodern/Post-Mao-Deng: HistoricalSubjectivityandLiterarySubjectivityinModernChina  XudongZhang Epilogue:PostmodernismandPostsocialistSociety— HistoricizingthePresent  SelectedGlossaryofTermsandTitles  Contributors  Index   vii (cid:55)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:83)(cid:68)(cid:74)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:73)(cid:87) blank

Few countries have been so transformed in recent decades as China. With a dynamically growing economy and a rapidly changing social structure, China challenges the West to understand the nature of its modernization. Using postmodernism as both a global frame of periodization and a way to break free
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