Positive subharmonic solutions ∗ to superlinear ODEs with indefinite weight Guglielmo Feltrin D´epartement de Math´ematique, Universit´e de Mons Place du Parc 20, B-7000 Mons, Belgium 7 1 e-mail: [email protected] 0 2 n a Abstract J Westudythepositivesubharmonicsolutionstothesecondordernonlinear 2 ordinary differential equation 2 u(cid:48)(cid:48)+q(t)g(u)=0, ] A whereg(u)hassuperlineargrowthbothatzeroandatinfinity,andq(t)is C aT-periodicsign-changingweight. Underthesharpmeanvaluecondition . (cid:82)T q(t)dt < 0, combining Mawhin’s coincidence degree theory with the h 0 Poincar´e-Birkhoff fixed point theorem, we prove that there exist positive t a subharmonicsolutionsoforderk foranylargeintegerk. Moreover,when m thenegativepartofq(t)issufficientlylarge,usingatopologicalapproach [ stillbasedoncoincidencedegreetheory,weobtaintheexistenceofpositive subharmonics of order k for any integer k≥2. 1 v 5 1 Introduction 4 1 6 In this paper we deal with positive subharmonic solutions to nonlinear dif- 0 ferential equations with indefinite weight and we gather some results recently . obtained in [11, 25, 23]. 1 0 Our investigation is devoted to the second order differential equation 7 1 u(cid:48)(cid:48)+f(t,u)=0, (1.1) : v Xi especially when the nonlinear vector field is of the form r a f(t,u):=q(t)g(u), ∗WorkpartiallysupportedbytheGruppoNazionaleperl’AnalisiMatematica,laProbabi- lit`aeleloroApplicazioni(GNAMPA)oftheIstitutoNazionalediAltaMatematica(INdAM). Progetto di Ricerca 2016: “Problemi differenziali non lineari: esistenza, molteplicit`a e pro- priet`aqualitativedellesoluzioni”. Itisalsopartiallysupportedbytheproject“Existenceand asymptoticbehaviorofsolutionstosystemsofsemilinearellipticpartialdifferentialequations” (T.1110.14)oftheFonds de la Recherche Fondamentale Collective,Belgium. AMS Subject Classification: Primary: 34C25,Secondary: 34B18,37J10,47H11. Keywords: subharmonic solutions, superlinear indefinite problems, positive solutions, multiplicityresults,Mawhin’scoincidencedegree,Poincar´e-Birkhofffixedpointtheorem. 1 thus covering the classical superlinear indefinite case, namely g(u) = |u|p−1u, with p>1, and q(t) a sign-changing coefficient. Theinvestigationofboundaryvalueproblemsassociatedwithequation(1.1) when f is superlinear at infinity with respect to s, namely f(t,s) lim =∞, s→±∞ s isatopicwhichhasbeenwidelystudied,employingvariousdifferentapproaches. Werefertotheintroductionin[43]andthereferencesthereinforaninteresting historical presentation on the subject. In the present paper we deal with the periodic indefinite problem associated with(1.1),namelywesupposethatt→f(t,s)isaT-periodicandsign-changing map. Inthisframework, startingwiththepioneeringwork[17]byButler, there arealotofresultsforoscillatory solutions. Inparticular,theyprovideinfinitely many periodic and subharmonic solutions with a large number of zeros, as well as globally bounded solutions defined on the real line and exhibiting a complex behavior(seeforinstance[18,44,48]). Weremarkthatlargesign-changingsolu- tionsto(1.1)haveastrongoscillatorybehaviorand,intheindefinitecase,some solutionsblowup. Accordingly,thestudyofsign-changingsolutionsofindefinite problems has two main feature: the absence of a priori bounds and the non- continuabilityofsomesolutions. Forthesereasonstheanalysisofsign-changing solutions is delicate and strong regularity assumptions on the nonlinearity are required, including that f(t,s) is continuous, is locally Lipschitz in t and of locally bounded variation in s, the set of values of t for which f(t,s) = 0 is an isolated set (cf. [17] and subsequent contributions). However, we stress that no growth condition at s=0 is required. Our investigation is dedicated to the study of positive solutions of the peri- odic indefinite problem associated with (1.1) and provide a double contribution in this context. On one hand, we are going to present a topological approach that allows to avoid all the above regularity condition on f(t,s): a minimal set of assumptions on the nonlinearity will be required, but including the super- linear growth at zero (cf. Remark 2.1). On the other hand, our paper is one of the fewer investigations on positive periodic solutions to equations like (E) (see[5,25],dealingwithexistence,multiplicityandchaoticdynamicsofpositive solutions). This latter aspect places in the investigation on indefinite equations of the form −∆u=q(x)g(u), u∈Ω⊆RN, that arise in many models concerning population dynamics, differential geome- try and mathematical physics, and for which only non-negative solutions make sense. Concerningindefiniteproblems,wementionthecontributions[2,3,6,31] and we refer to the introductions in [1, 9, 22, 25, 47] for a more complete dis- cussion and bibliography on the subject. We can now illustrate our results. Let R+ := [0,+∞[ denote the set of non-negativerealnumbersandletg: R+ →R+ beacontinuouslydifferentiable function such that (g ) g(0)=0, g(s)>0 for s>0. ∗ Let T >0 and let q: R→R be a T-periodic locally integrable function. 2 Inthissurveywefocusourattentiononthesecondorderordinarydifferential equation (E) u(cid:48)(cid:48)+q(t)g(u)=0. Ourmaingoalistheinvestigationofpositivesubharmonicsolutionsto(E)when q(t) is a sign-changing function and g(s) satisfies the following condition g(s) (g ) g(cid:48)(0)=0 and lim =+∞, s s→+∞ s namely when g(s) has a superlinear growth at zero and at infinity, thus the classical case g(s)=sp, with p>1, is covered. Inthispaper,followingastandarddefinition,weusetheterminologysubhar- monic solution of order k to(E)(wherek ≥2isanintegernumber)toindicate akT-periodicsolutionto(E)whichisnot(cid:96)T-periodicforany(cid:96)=1,...,k−1,in other words, kT is the minimal period of u(t) in the set of the integer multiples of T. It is worth noting that, assuming that T is the minimal period of q(t), from hypothesis (g ) we derive that kT is the minimal period of any positive ∗ subharmonic solution of order k (cf. the discussion in [25, § 4]). As a further remark, we underline that, if u(t) is a positive subharmonic solution of order k to(E),thenthek−1time-translatedfunctionsu(·+(cid:96)T),for(cid:96)=1,...,k−1,are positivesubharmonicsolutionsoforderk too. Thesesolutions, thoughdistinct, belong to the same periodicity class (in particular, they have to be considered equivalent when counting subharmonics). From the above definition, it is clear that there are two main issues to face in the search of subharmonics to (E): the existence of positive kT-periodic solutions to (E) and the proof that kT is the minimal period (in the sense described above) of some of these solutions (which is the most difficult point). Inthisperspective,wenowpresenttwonecessaryconditionstotheexistence of positive kT-periodic solutions (where k ≥ 1 an integer number). Indeed, if u(t) is any positive kT-periodic solution to (E), then integrating equation (E) on [0,kT] we obtain (cid:90) kT (cid:90) kT 0=− u(cid:48)(cid:48)(t)dt= q(t)g(u(t))dt. 0 0 Therefore,by(g ),q(t)hastochangeitssign(ifnotidenticallyzero). Asecond ∗ relation can be derived when g(cid:48)(s)>0 for s>0, as in the case g(s)=sp, with p>1. Precisely, dividing equation (E) by g(u(t)) and integrating by parts, we find (cid:90) T (cid:90) kT (cid:90) kT(cid:18) u(cid:48)(t) (cid:19)2 k q(t)dt= q(t)dt=− g(cid:48)(u(t))dt<0. g(u(t)) 0 0 0 In the sequel we will show that this condition is also sufficient for the existence of subharmonics (cf. Theorem 2.1). Since the main motivation for the present investigation is the superlinear equation u(cid:48)(cid:48) +q(t)up = 0 (with p > 1), as a natural hypothesis we suppose that q: R→R is a T-periodic locally integrable sign-changing function (i.e. an indefinite weight) satisfying the mean value condition (cid:90) T (q ) q(t)dt<0. # 0 3 Additionally, we assume that in a time-interval of length T there exists a finite number of closed pairwise disjoint subintervals where q(t) (cid:31) 0 (i.e. q(t) ≥ 0 almost everywhere and q (cid:54)≡ 0 on each interval), separated by closed intervals whereq(t)≺0(i.e.−q(t)(cid:31)0). Moreprecisely, thankstotheperiodicityofq(t) and for ease of notation, we assume that (q ) there exist m ≥ 1 closed and pairwise disjoint intervals I+,...,I+ sepa- ∗ 1 m rated by m closed intervals I−,...,I− such that 1 m q(t)(cid:31)0 on I+, q(t)≺0 on I−, i i and, moreover, m m (cid:91) (cid:91) I+ ∪ I− =[0,T]. i i i=1 i=1 In the manuscript we present two results of existence of infinitely many positive subharmonics. The first one combines an application of the Poincar´e-Birkhoff fixed point theorem, a smart trick used in [16] by Brown and Hess (that requires the strict convexity of g(s)) and coincidence degree theory. It states the following. Theorem 1.1. Let q: R → R be a T-periodic locally integrable function satis- fying (q ) and (q ). Let g ∈C2(R+) satisfy (g ), (g ) and # ∗ ∗ s (g ) g(cid:48)(cid:48)(s)>0 for s>0. ∗∗ Then there exists a positive T-periodic solution u∗(t) of equation (E); moreover, there exists k∗ ≥1 such that for any integer k ≥k∗ there exists an integer m ≥ k 1 such that, for any integer j relatively prime with k and such that 1≤j ≤m , k equation (E) has two positive subharmonic solutions u(i)(t) (i = 1,2) of order k,j k (not belonging to the same periodicity class), such that u(i)(t)−u∗(t) has k,j exactly 2j zeros in the interval [0,kT[. WeunderlinethatthesubharmonicsolutionsobtainedinTheorem1.1oscil- late around a positive T-periodic solution u∗(t) of (E): this property is crucial in order to obtain the “minimality” of the period. We also stress that, taking j =1inthestatementofTheorem1.1,wehavetheexistenceoftwosubharmonic solutions of order k for any large integer k. The second result follows a line of research initiated by G´omez-Ren˜asco and L´opez-G´omez in [30], where the authors asserted that the Dirichlet problem associated with (E) has at least 2m −1 positive solutions when the negative part of the weight q(t) is sufficiently large (and m is the number of positive humps of q(t) separated by negative ones, as in hypothesis (q )). According to ∗ a standard notation adopted in the contributions that followed from [30] (see, for instance, [8, 10, 24, 27, 29]), it is convenient to introduce the parameter- dependent equation (E ) u(cid:48)(cid:48)+(cid:0)a+(t)−µa−(t)(cid:1)g(u)=0, µ with µ>0 and q(t)=a (t):=a+(t)−µa−(t), t∈R, (1.2) µ 4 where a+(t) and a−(t) are, respectively, the positive and the negative part of a T-periodic locally integrable function a: R→R. In this setting, using a topological approach based on coincidence degree theory, we obtain the following. Theorem 1.2. Let q: R→R be a T-periodic locally integrable function of the form (1.2) satisfying (q ). Let g ∈ C1(R+) satisfy (g ) and (g ). Then there ∗ ∗ s exists µ∗ > 0 such that, for all µ > µ∗ and for every integer k ≥ 2, equation (E ) has a subharmonic solution of order k. µ Theorem 1.2 ensures the existence of infinitely many subharmonics taking µ > 0 sufficiently large. We stress that in the statement we do not assume condition (q ), since it is implicitly satisfied taking µ>µ∗ with # (cid:82)T a+(t)dt µ∗ ≥µ# := 0 . (1.3) (cid:82)T a−(t)dt 0 The plan of the paper is the following. In Section 2 we illustrate two pre- liminary results concerning existence and multiplicity of positive T-periodic so- lutions to equations (E) and (E ), respectively; the proofs of both results are µ basedoncoincidencedegreetheoryandareprovidedin[25,23]. InSection3we give the proof of Theorem 1.1; some remarks on different possible generaliza- tionsarealsogiven. Section4isdevotedtoTheorem1.2: weprovetheexistence of infinitely many positive subharmonic solutions when the negative part of the weight is large enough and, in addition, we estimate the number of subharmon- ics of a given order. Finally, in Section 5 we compare the two main results and present some open questions. We conclude this paper with Appendix A where we discuss some basic facts about the coincidence degree defined in open and possibly unbounded sets and we state some lemmas for the computation of the degree, employed in Section 2. 2 Preliminary results: positive T-periodic solu- tions In this section we present two theorems that ensure existence and, respec- tively, multiplicity of positive T-periodic solutions to (E). We take advantage of a topological approach introduced in [25, 23] based on Mawhin’s coincidence degree theory (cf. [26, 36, 37]). The first result states the existence of a positive T-periodic solution when the mean value condition (q ) holds. Therefore, this theorem gives an answer # to a question raised by Butler in [17]. In [17] the author proved that equation u(cid:48)(cid:48)+q(t)|u|p−1u=0, p>1, has infinitely many T-periodic solutions and all these solutions oscillate (have arbitrarilylargezeros),byassumingthatq(t)isacontinuousT-periodicfunction with only isolated zeros and such that (cid:90) T q(t)dt≥0. 0 5 Moreover,underliningthatcondition(q )impliestheexistenceofnon-oscillatory # solutions, Butler raised the question whether there can exist positive periodic solutions under hypothesis (q ). This is stated in the following theorem. # Theorem 2.1. Let q: R → R be a T-periodic locally integrable function satis- fying (q ) and (q ). Let g ∈C1(R+) satisfy (g ) and (g ). Then there exists at # ∗ ∗ s least a positive T-periodic solution of equation (E). Proof. We give only a sketch of the proof, describing the main steps (which are developed in details in [23]). Step 1. Mawhin’s coincidence degree setting. First of all, using a standard procedure, we define the L1-Carath´eodory function f: R2 →R as (cid:40) −s, if s≤0; f(t,s):= q(t)g(s), if s≥0; and we deal with the T-periodic problem associated with u(cid:48)(cid:48)+f(t,u)=0. (2.1) Viaastandardmaximumprinciple,onecanprovethateveryT-periodicsolution u(t) of (2.1) is non-negative and if u(t) is a T-periodic solution of (2.1) with u(cid:54)≡0, then u(t)>0 for all t∈R. Secondly, we write the T-periodic problem associated with (2.1) as a coin- cidence equation Lu=Nu, u∈domL. (2.2) Taking into account that solving the T-periodic periodic problem associated with (2.1) is equivalent to solving equation (2.1) on [0,T] together with the pe- riodicboundaryconditionu(0)=u(T)andu(cid:48)(0)=u(cid:48)(T),wesetX :=C([0,T]), the Banach space of continuous functions u: [0,T]→R endowed with the sup- norm (cid:107)u(cid:107) := max |u(t)|, and Z := L1([0,T]), the Banach space of in- ∞ t∈[0,T] tegrable functions v: [0,T] → R endowed with the norm (cid:107)v(cid:107) := (cid:82)T |v(t)|dt. L1 0 Next, on domL := {u ∈ W2,1([0,T]): u(0) = u(T), u(cid:48)(0) = u(cid:48)(T)} ⊆ X we define the differential operator L: u(cid:55)→−u(cid:48)(cid:48), which is a linear Fredholm map of index zero. Moreover, in order to enter the coincidence degree setting, we introduce the projectors P: X → kerL ∼= R, Q: Z → cokerL ∼= Z/ImL ∼= R, the right inverse K : ImL → domL∩kerP P of L, and the orientation-preserving isomorphism J: cokerL → kerL. For the standard definition of these operators we refer to [13, § 2] and to [23, § 2]. Finally, let N: X → Z be the Nemytskii operator induced by the nonlinear function f(t,s), that is (Nu)(t):=f(t,u(t)), t∈[0,T]. With this position, now we show how to reach the thesis using a topological approachbasedonMawhin’scoincidencedegree. Wereferto[26,36,37]forthe classical definition and properties of the coincidence degree D (L−N,Ω) of L L and N in Ω, where Ω⊆X is an open and bounded set (cf. also Appendix A). Step 2. Degree on a small ball. Since g(cid:48)(0) = 0, we can fix a (small) constant r >0 such that the following property holds. 6 • If ϑ∈]0,1] and u(t) is any non-negative T-periodic solution of u(cid:48)(cid:48)+ϑq(t)g(u)=0, then (cid:107)u(cid:107) (cid:54)=r. ∞ Then, using condition (q ), by Lemma A.1 we obtain that # D (L−N,B(0,r))=1. (2.3) L Step 3. Degree on a large ball. Since g(s)/s → +∞ as s → +∞, we can fix a (large) constant R>0 (with R>r) such that the following property holds. • There exist a non-negative function v ∈ L1 with v (cid:54)≡ 0 and a constant T ν >0, such that every non-negative T-periodic solution u(t) of 0 u(cid:48)(cid:48)+q(t)g(u)+νv(t)=0, (2.4) for ν ∈ [0,ν ], satisfies (cid:107)u(cid:107) (cid:54)= R. Moreover, there are no T-periodic 0 ∞ solutions u(t) of (2.4) for ν =ν with 0≤u(t)≤R, for all t∈R. 0 Then, by Lemma A.2 we derive that D (L−N,B(0,R))=0. (2.5) L Step 4. Conclusion. From (2.3) and (2.5), using the additivity property of Mawhin’s coincidence degree, we derive that D (L−N,B(0,R)\B(0,r))=−1. L Then, by the existence property of the degree, there exists at least a nontrivial solutionu∗(t)of(2.2)withr <(cid:107)u∗(cid:107) <R. Viaastandardmaximumprinciple, ∞ weconcludethatu∗(t)isapositiveT-periodicsolutionof(2.1)andthusof(E). The theorem follows. Now, we continue the investigation on Butler’s open problem, by providing multiplepositiveT-periodicsolutionsto(E)(dependingonthenodalproperties of the weight q(t)) when the negative part of q(t) is sufficiently large. Accord- ingly, forthissecondpartofthesection, wedealwiththeparameter-dependent equation (E ) u(cid:48)(cid:48)+(cid:0)a+(t)−µa−(t)(cid:1)g(u)=0, µ where µ > 0, and we prove our result of multiplicity when µ is large enough. In the sequel, when dealing with the function a(t), we denote with (a ) the ∗ hypothesis about the existence of m intervals where a(t) (cid:31) 0 separated by m intervals where a(t) ≺ 0 (in [0,T]), which is the analogous of condition (q ) ∗ referring to q(t). The following theorem holds (see also Figure 1). Theorem 2.2. Let a: R → R be a T-periodic locally integrable function sat- isfying (a ). Let g ∈ C1(R+) satisfy (g ) and (g ). Then there exists µ∗ > 0 ∗ ∗ s such that for all µ > µ∗ equation (E ) has at least 2m −1 positive T-periodic µ solutions. 7 Proof. We give only a sketch of the proof, describing the main steps (which are developed in details in [25]). Step 1. Notation and Mawhin’s coincidence degree setting. For technical reasons, without loss of generality and consistently with assumption (a ), we ∗ canselecttheendpointsofeachintervalofpositivityI+ =[σ,τ]insuchamanner i that a(t) (cid:54)≡ 0 on all left neighborhoods of σ and on all right neighborhoods of τ. In [12] it is showed, in a different context, how this additional technical hypothesis can be avoided. First of all, we fix the constants r and R, with 0 < r < R, as in Step 2 and Step 3 of the proof of Theorem 2.1. Next, for every subset of indices I ⊆{1,...,m} (possibly empty), we define two open unbounded sets (cid:26) ΩI := u∈C([0,T]): max|u(t)|<R, i∈I; t∈I+ i (cid:27) max|u(t)|<r, i∈{1,...,m}\I t∈I+ i and (cid:26) ΛI := u∈C([0,T]): r <max|u(t)|<R, i∈I; t∈I+ i (2.6) (cid:27) max|u(t)|<r, i∈{1,...,m}\I . t∈I+ i NowweenterthesettingofMawhin’scoincidencedegreeinthesamemanner as we have done in Step 1 of the proof of Theorem 2.1. Our goal is to compute the degree on the sets ΩI and ΛI, in particular we are going to prove that D (L−N,ΛI)(cid:54)=0, ∀I ⊆{1,...,m}. L Since the sets ΩI and ΛI are open and unbounded, we use the more general version of the coincidence degree for locally compact operators on open and possibly unbounded sets (see Appendix A and [22, Appendix B]). Step 2. Degree on ΩI. For any subset of indices I ⊆ {1,...,m} we compute D (L−N,ΩI). First of all, we consider the case I =∅. As a consequence of a L convexity argument, the excision property of the degree and formula (2.3), we obtain that D (L−N,Ω∅)=D (L−N,B(0,r))=1. (2.7) L L Secondly, let us consider a subset I (cid:54)= ∅. Via a homotopic argument (by Lemma A.3), we can prove the existence of µ∗ ≥ µ# > 0 (where µ# is the constant defined in (1.3)) such that for all µ>µ∗ the degree D (L−N,ΩI) is L well-defined and the following formula holds D (L−N,ΩI)=0, ∀∅(cid:54)=I ⊆{1,...,m}. (2.8) L Step 3. Degree on ΛI. For any subset of indices I ⊆ {1,...,m} we compute D (L−N,ΛI). Viaapurelycombinatorialargument(donebyinductiononthe L cardinality#I ofthesetI),from(2.7)and(2.8),wededucethatforallµ>µ∗ the degree D (L−N,ΛI) is well-defined and the following formula holds L D (L−N,ΛI)=(−1)#I, ∀I ⊆{1,...,m}. L 8 Step 4. Conclusion. Preliminarily, we underline that 0 ∈/ ΛI for all ∅ =(cid:54) I ⊆ {1,...,m}andthesetsΛI arepairwisedisjoint. Sincethenumberofnonempty subsetsofasetwithmelementsis2m−1,thereare2m−1setsΛI notcontaining the null function. Since, from Step 3, in particular we have that D (L−N,ΛI)(cid:54)=0, ∀I ⊆{1,...,m}, L we conclude that there exist at least 2m −1 nontrivial solution of (2.2). Via a standard maximum principle, we conclude that these nontrivial functions are positiveT-periodicsolutionsof(2.1)andthusof(E ). Thetheoremfollows. µ Figure1: ThefigureshowsanexampleofmultiplepositivesolutionsfortheT-periodic boundary value problem associated with (E ). For this numerical simulation we have µ chosen a(t) = sin(6πt) for t ∈ [0,1], µ = 10 and g(s) = max{0,400sarctan|s|}. Notice that the weight function a(t) has 3 positive humps. We show the graphs of the 7 positive T-periodic solutions of (E ). We stress that g(s)/s(cid:54)→+∞ as s→+∞ µ (contrarytowhatisassumedin(g )),indeedTheorem2.2isalsovalidassumingonly s that g(s)/s is sufficiently large as s→+∞, as observed in Remark 2.1. Remark 2.1. Weunderlinethatonecanemployasimilartopologicalapproach toobtainexistenceandmultiplicityresults(analogoustoTheorem2.1andThe- orem 2.2, respectively) dealing with an equation involving also a friction term as (E ) u(cid:48)(cid:48)+cu(cid:48)+(cid:0)a+(t)−µa−(t)(cid:1)g(u)=0, µ,c where c ∈ R is an arbitrary constant. In fact, in [25] it is showed how suitable monotonicitypropertiesofthemapt(cid:55)→ectu(cid:48)(t)replacetheconvexity/concavity of the solutions of (E ). This is the crucial point that allows to adapt the µ topological approach described above in this more general setting. However, even if both main results about subharmonic solutions, that will be proved in 9 the following sections, are based on these existence/multiplicity theorems, only one is valid in the non-variational context (cf. also Remark 4.2) and thus we prefer to skip the details of these general results. Furthermore, we observe that Theorem 2.1 and Theorem 2.2 can be proved under less restrictive regularity hypotheses on g(s). Concerning Theorem 2.1, theoriginalversionin[23]wasstatedandprovedassumingg(s)onlycontinuous on R+ and continuously differentiable on a right neighborhood of zero (cf. [23, Theorem 3.2]), or assuming g(s) continuous on R+ and regularly oscillating at zero (cf. [23, Theorem 3.1] and the references listed at the end of [23, § 1]). In fact, in Theorem 2.1 we assume g(s) of class C1 but we stress that in the proof only the continuity of g(s) and its continuous differentiability near zero is used (see the details of the proof in [23]). In this perspective, also Theorem 2.2 is valid under weaker hypotheses and, in fact, in [25] the authors proved it assuming only that g ∈ C(R+) (with lim g(s)/s → 0 instead of g(cid:48)(0) = 0) and thus are able to avoid all the s→0+ additional regularity conditions on g(s) (by taking µ large enough). Itisworthnotingthat,dealingwithequation(E ),themoregeneralversion µ of Theorem 2.1 in [23] ensures the existence of a positive T-periodic solution assuming µ > µ# (with µ# defined in (1.3)), the continuity of g(s) and some regularity conditions near s = 0, while in the more general version of Theo- rem 2.2 in [25] we obtain multiplicity of positive T-periodic solutions assuming µ large (that is µ>µ∗ ≥µ#) and the continuity of g(s). We stress that in the second result in order to avoid additional regularity assumptions on the nonlin- earity g(s), we need a stronger hypothesis on the weight (namely take µ large) and thus a worse estimate on µ∗. Finally, we remark that in both theorems the growth condition at infinity canbeweakenedbydealingwithnonlinearitiesg(s)satisfyingthelessrestrictive assumption at infinity g(s) liminf > max λi, s→+∞ s i=1,...,m 1 where λi (i=1,...,m) is the first eigenvalue of the eigenvalue problem on I+ 1 i ϕ(cid:48)(cid:48)+λq(t)ϕ=0, ϕ| =0, ∂I+ i (cf. hypothesis (q )). We refer to [25, 23] for the details (see also the example ∗ described in Figure 1). However, we avoid investigations in this direction since ourmainresultpresentedinSection3needsthatg(s)isofclassC2andsatisfying (g ). (cid:67) s 3 First result: symplectic approach In this section we present a symplectic approach, based on the Poincar´e- Birkhoff fixed point theorem, which allows to obtain infinitely many subhar- monics to (E) u(cid:48)(cid:48)+q(t)g(u)=0, as stated in Theorem 1.1. We refer to [11] for the missing details. 10