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Preview Population dynamics and epibiont associations of hermit crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguroidea on Dog Island, Florida

MemoirsofMuseumVictoria60(1):45-52(2003) ISSN 1447-2546(Print) 1447-2554(On-line) http://www.museum.vic.gov.au/memoirs Population dynamics and epibiont associations ofhermit crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguroidea) on Dog Island, Florida Floyd Sandford DepartmentofBiology,CoeCollege,CedarRapids,Iowa52402,USA([email protected]) Abstract Sandford,F.2003.Populationdynamicsandepibiontassociationsofhermitcrabs(Cmstacea:Decapoda;Paguroidea)on DogIsland,Florida.In:Lemaitre,R.,andFudge,C.C.(eds).BiologyoftheAnomura.Proceedingsofasymposiumat theFifthInternationalCrustaceanCongress,Melbourne,Australia,9-13July2001.MemoirsofMuseumVictoria60(1): 45-52. Periodicbelttransects anddaily shoreline surveysinJanuary andinJune-Julyovera 10-yearperiod(1992-2001) wereusedtostudythesevenspeciesofhermitcrabsmostcommonintheupperintertidalzoneofalowenergybaywith a960mshorelineattheeastendofDogIsland,Florida,andtheirassociationwiththreecommonshellepibiontsinthe area:theFloridahermit-crabsponge,Pseudospongosoritessuberitoides,thecloakanemone,Calliactistricolor,andthe hydrozoan Hydractinia echinata. Of 15,052 hermit crabs sampled, Pagurus longicarpus, Pagurus pollicaris, and PagurusimpressuswereprevalentinJanuary(88%ofallanimals)andClibanariusvittatusdominatedinthesummer (86%ofallanimals).Thefollowingassociationswerehighlysignificant:P impressuswithP suberitoides,Ppollicaris withH. echinata, andPetrochirusdiogenes with C. tricolor. C. vittatusrarelyhad anemones, andP impressus were neverfoundinshellswithH.echinataandshowedasignificanttendency,whetherinspongeorshellshelters,tobecome strandedcomparedtootherpaguridspecies. Hermitcrabspongeswerecommonlyusedas sheltersbyonlytwoofthe hermitcrab species, P. impressus andPaguristeshummi. Togetherthese two species accountedfor99% ofthe 1077 animalsfoundinsponges.Hermitcrabspongesvariedyearlyinabundancefromplentifultouncommon,andnearlyhalf (1030of2107,or49%)wereempty. Keywords Cmstacea,Anomura,hermitcrab,populationdynamics,epibiont Introduction and Kelly-Borges, 1997). The sponge, Pseudospongosorites StudiesofhermitcrabsonDogIsland,Florida,abarrierisland suberitoidesDiazetal., 1993 (reclassifiedbyMcCormackand in the north-eastern comer ofthe GulfofMexico, over a 10 Kelly, 2002) is one ofthe compact and colourful hermit-crab year period have shown the seven most common species fsapmoinlgyes,Subaeruitniidqauee) grrepoourpteodffsrpoomngmeasny(orddiefrferHeandtrolmoceartiidoan,s encounteredinintertidalwaterssurroundingtheislandtobeas worldwide (Sandford and Kelly-Borges, 1997). Hermit-crab follows: Pagurus longicarpus Say, 1817, Pagurus pollicaris sponges typically colonise a living or dead gastropod shell, Say, 1817, Pagurus impressus (Benedict, 1892), Pagurus althoughother substrates (e.g. othermollusc shells, inanimate stimpsoni (A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1893), Paguristes objects such as floating docks or wharf pilings) are used hummi Wass, 1955, Petrochirus diogenes (Linnaeus, 1758), (SandfordandBrown,1997).Thespongeeventuallyovergrows and Clibanarius vittatus (Bose, 1802). Pagurus longicarpus the shell which becomes increasingly more deeply enclosed and C. vittatusareintertidal species(StrasserandPrice, 1999; within the sponge mass. Ifthe shell is occupied by a hermit W. Herrnkind, pers. comm.). Clibanarius vittatus is a hardy crab,thecrabeventuallyvacatestheshellandoccupiesacham- speciesthatoftenenterstheupperintertidalandcanspenddays ber withinthe spongebody, moving aboutinthe sponge with outofwater(Rudloe, 1984). Paguruspollicarisis primarily a onlyitsanteriorendvisiblethroughanopeningmaintainedby shallow subtidaltolowerintertidal species, andthe otherfour the crab. Nearly allhermit-crab sponges worldwide are found aretypicallyshallowtodeepsubtidal(StrasserandPrice, 1999; in deep water, typically recovered by dredging, but on Dog Herrnkind,pers.comm.),althoughP. impressusmovesintothe Island such sponges are abundant in the intertidal zone inthe pi1ny9t9e7gr)at.isdtAarlsozpioosdntesmhdeeulrfliosrnbgmuotthsettwwhoie,nrtPme.irtimmcoprnratbessh,ssuas(llSaasnneddvfePonrdshpuaemncmidieBs,rococowcmnu-,- fwsirpnootnmegresspmononengaterhssshionwrteho.eInanvatPi.hleaibllmaepborresahstesloulrssy,,iPanbaisnmppdoronengsiesnugsshtoelhfteteernsspsowbnirgtiecnsgh monlyusespongeshelters(Wass, 1955;Wells, 1969; Sandford (Sandford, 1995).Becausespongesaremoreeasilyaffectedby 46 F. Sandford waveactionthanareshells,hermitcrabsinspongesnearshore- the first year, all analyses of hermit crab populations were line are more likely to be affected by waves or beached basedondatafromthelastnineyearsofthestudy. by receding tides. During the month of January many TestingforshelterpreferenceandfidelityinPagurusimpressus. sponges, bothempty and occupiedbyhermitcrabs, are found Previousstudiesinthelaboratory(Sandford, 1995)showedthat nearthe shoreline,orstranded anddryingonshore (Sandford, individuals ofP. impressus prefer shell shelters. To determine 1995). Twoothercommonlyencounteredshellepibiontsinthearea shelterpreference and shelterfidelity forrecentlyfieldcaught animals, shell/sponge switching experiments were conducted are the cloak anemone, Calliactis tricolor (Phylum Cnidaria, on Dog Island for three years, January 1994-1996. Shelter Class Anthozoa) and the “snail fur” hydrozoan Hydractinia fidelity wasmeasuredbythetendencyofanimalstoremainin echinata (PhylumCnidaria, ClassHydrozoa). theiroriginal shelters overthe course ofup to a 3 daytesting To determine annual and seasonal population changes for andobservationperiod. thehermitcrabspeciesandtocheckforspecificityinthethree Pagurus impressus in shell or sponge shelters collected mentioned epibiont associations, a study was conducted on DogIslandfor 10consecutiveyears(1992-2001). during shoreline and belt transect surveys were isolated, then testedwithin48-72hofcapture.Of209animalscollectedand Methods used for testing, 126 were in sponges and 83 in shells ofthe gastropod Strombus alatus. All werejuveniles or small adults Study site. Studies were conducted on Dog Island, St George withchela4.5-10.0mmlong.Tocontrolforshelltypeprefer- Sound,Florida(29°49.30"N,84°34.30'W)annuallysince1992, ence, only animals found in S. alatus shells, a preferred shell duringthemonthofJanuary(1992-2001)andduringJune-July forP. impressus(Table4),wereusedintesting.Emptysponges for 4 years (1993, 1996, 1998, and 1999). Dog Island is the andemptyStrombusalatusshellswerealsocollected.Allshells easternmostofachainofbarrierislandsboundingthesouthern andspongesusedas shelterchoicesinthetestswerefieldcol- perimeterofApalachicolaBayandStGeorgeSoundintheNE lected, either empty orpreviously occupied by individuals of Gulf of Mexico. It is a true barrier island, made of uncon- P. impressus.Allemptyspongeswerehealthy(i.e.goodcolour solidatedsandoverlyingtheSW-dippinglimestonebedrockof withno bleaching and compact with adense, non-flabby tex- theFloridaplatform.Theislandliesabout6kmoffshorefrom ture) and all empty S. alatus shells were undamaged and theN. Floridapanhandle, andis 11 kmlong and 1.2kmatits epibiont-free. widest. All transect work was done in the intertidal zone ofa north-facingbayattheeastendoftheisland.Thebayhasa960 Initial Test. Each animal was placed between an empty m shoreline and a sandy and sand/mud bottom with scattered S. alatus shell and an empty sponge at the center ofa round seagrassbedsofmanateegrass,Syringodiumfdiformeandtur- (diameter 11.2cm)plasticcontainer,witha1cmdepthofsand tlegrass Thallasiatestudinum.Waterdepthrangedfrom0.3to on the bottomand a 5 cmdeep watercolumn above the sub- 1.3 m atmeanlowtide.At 1500 hinJanuary watertempera- stratesurface.Watertemperaturerangedwithoutsidetempera- tures ranged from 12.5-18.5°C (normally 14-17°). January ture,from 12°to 19°C.Shelterchoiceswereinthecenterofthe 2001 was atypical with temperatures as low as U°C. Work chamber 1 cmapartwiththeiroppositesidesanequaldistance consisted of periodic belt transect surveys, daily shoreline from the walls ofthe chamber. Shelters were positioned with surveys,andshell/spongeswitchingexperiments. apertures or openings up and new sea water added after each trial.Thechoiceshelterwasofequalorslightlylargersizethan Shoreline surveying. Shoreline surveys were conducted once thatoccupiedbythecrab.Thetestlasted30minutes.Animals (0700-1000 h), and often twice (1400-1700 h), daily. All that switchedinto anew shelterwerenoted, thenreleasedand sponges andmhermit crabs stranded on shore or in the water not tested again. It was noted whether the animal switched within 0.5 from shoreline were collemcted and identified. short-term (remained in the new shelter for <3 min) or long- Surveysincludedtheshorelineofthe960 lowenergybe—ach term (remained in the new shelter for >3 min; crabs that ofthebay studymsite, inadditiontotwo adjoining shores a remainedinthenew shelterfor>3 minrarelyreturnedtotheir cSoonutnidguuopusto70th0einsltetreotfchaotfildaolwsealntermgayrsbhayabneda2c,h3o00nmStGofeohriggeh originalshelter). energyGulfbeachattheextremeeastendoftheisland-atotal Follow-up test. Any animal that did not switch into a new of3,960mofshoreline.ForthemonthsofJanuary 1992-2001 shelter during the initial test was immediately returned to its the surveys totalled 140 days and 338 h survey time; the originalcontaineralongwiththetwoemptychoicesheltersand summersurveystotalled37daysand59hofsurveytime. observed periodically for72 h.All animals that switched into new shelterswerenoted; forsuchanimalsthetestwasconsid- Belttransectsurveying.Inthebelttransectsurveysfromoneto eredendediftheanimalremainedinthenewshelterfor>24h. fourpersonsmovedfromoneendofthebaytotheother, col- DatawasanalysedforsignificanceusingMinitabstatistical lecting all hermit crabs stranded omn shore and from shoreline software. intotheintertidalzonetowithin8 fromshoreline.Allhermit crabswereidentifiedtospecies,shelltypeandpresenceofepi- m Results biontsnoted,thenreleased200 awayinStGeorgeSound.All samplingwasdoneonarisingtideandusuallyfroml600-1800 Sponge abundance. Sponges varied in abundance by season h. Sixty-sixtransectsweretaken: 46fromJanuary 1993-2001, andfromyearto year.Atotalof2107 sponges were collected and20inthesummer.Becausenotransectsamplingwasdone intenyears. Spongeswerecommoninthewinter(99.3%ofall Populationdynamicsandepibiontassociationsofhermitcrabs 47 specimens) and uncommoninthe summer, and approximately Table 1. Hermit crab sponge abundance on Dog Island, Florida, by half were without a hermit crab occupant (Table 1). Sponge season,overaten-yearperiod(1992-2001). abundanceinJanuaryvariedonanannualbasisandinarough- ly cyclical way: sponges were abundant in 1994, common in Timeofyear Empty Withhermitcrabs Total 1992 and 1996, less commonin 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, and 2000,anduncommonin 1998and2001.In 1992,thefirstyear WSiunmtmeerr(J(a1n99139,921-92906,01) 1017 1075 2092 ofthestudy,hermitcrabspongeswerenumerousand358were 1998-1999) 13 2 15 collected; 197 (55%) were occupied by a hermit crab, all of which were Pagurus impressus. But hermit crabs in sponges Total 1030 1077 2107 are more easily stranded on shore than those in shells andno transect sampling was done in 1992. To control for sampling 194 were insponges (42.7%) and 260 were in shells (57.3%). bias, all analyses of associations between hermit crabs and Individuals of P. impressus used 15 shell types, but three, sponges were restricted to the data gathered by both transect Strombus alatus, Cantharus cancellarius, and Busycon con- andshorelinesamplingfrom 1993to2001. trarium, were used by 72% of all individuals (Table 4). HermitcrabsofDogIsland.Atotalof15,052hermitcrabs,rep- Becausenearlyallhermitcrab-occupiedsponges,whethercol- resenting seven species, were surveyed over the ten year lectedinwateroronshore,containedindividualsofP. impres- period. The four most common species {P. impressus, susandbecausethefrequencywithwhichemptyspongeswere P poUicaris, P. longicarpus, and C. vittatus) comprised over foundinJanuaryvariedannually(from87%in 1997to 19%in 98% of all hermit crabs sampled annually (Table 2). All 2000) the data for 1993-2001 were analyzed to see if the species, withtheexceptionofC. vittatus, weremostprevalent numberofempty spongessampledcorrelatedwiththenumber during the winter. In January individuals of three species, ofP. impressussurveyed.Poorcorrelationswerefoundforboth Pagurus impressus, P longicarpus, and P poUicaris, consti- (i) thetotalnumberofP. impressus surveyed(inbothsponges tuted 96% ofall animals sampled; the most prevalent species and shells) (R2=0.44) and (ii) only theP. impressusfoundin wastheintertidalspeciesP longicarpuswhichcomprised41% shells (R2=0.27). of all animals sampled (Table 2). The typically subtidal species P diogenes, P hummi, and P. stimpsoni occurred AHsysdorcaicattiinoina eocfhifnoautar.hFeorrmitthecfroaubr msopsectiecsomwmitohnthheermhiytdrcoraibd sporadically. Inthe summer, individuals ofC. vittatus domin- species, 13,995 individuals were in shells, and ofthese, 1343 ated the intertidal zone, along with some individuals of P longicarpus and P poUicaris, whereas the other species (9.6%) were covered with hydroids of Hydractinia echinata (Table 5). The associationofthehydroid withthe fourhermit wererare(Table2). crab species was dramatically non-random. No individuals of Association ofhermit crab species with sponge shelters. Two P. impressus or of C. vittatus were associated with hydroids, species,PagurusimpressusandPaguristeshummi, werecom- whereas66%ofP.poUicarisand8%ofP. longicarpuswerein monly found in sponge shelters. Individuals of three other hydroid-covered shells (Table 5). The differences betweenthe species, P. longicarpus, P. poUicaris, and C. vittatus, rarely three pagurids were all highly significant (two-sided tests for used sponge shelters (< 0.5%) (Table 3). Over half of all P. the equality oftwo proportions: P. poUicaris vs P. impressus, impressus and nearly a third of all P. hummi found were in Z=55.5,P<0.001;PpoUicarisvsP. longicarpus,Z=44.9,P sponges. The differenceinuse ofsponges as shelters between <0.001;P. longicarpusvsP. impressus,Z= 17.6,P<0.001). P. impressusandP. hummicomparedtotheother3specieswas Hydroids ofH. echinata werefoundon allgastropod shell highlysignificant{yf=9608,df=2,P<0.001).Althoughindi- typescommonlyusedbyhermitcrabsonDogIsland.However, viduals of both P. impressus and P. hummi were found in to checkforthe possible effects ofshell substrate onhydroid sponges, the greaterassociation with sponges byP. impressus growth, the association ofH. echinata withonly shells ofthe was significant(twosidedtestforequalityoftwoproportions, ribbedwhelk,Cantharuscancellarius, wasexamined(Table6). Z = 5.14, P < 0.001). Individuals of P. impressus showed a Younger animals of all three pagurid species commonly use highlysignificantassociationwithspongeshelterscomparedto Cantharus cancellarius shells. This was especially true for all other species and to P. poUicaris, the third most common individuals ofP. poUicaris as over half(56%) ofall animals species using sponges (Table 3). Of all 1494 P. impressus sampledwereinCantharusshells,and92%ofthesewerecov- collected from 1993-2001, most (56%) were in sponges, eredbyH. echinata. Cantharus shells were more likely to be compared to only 7 of 1,621 P. poUicaris found in sponges coveredbyhydroidsthanothershelltypesandaswasthecase (two sided test for equality of two proportions, Z = 42.6, with all shells (Table 5), the associations ofthe three pagurid P<0.001). species in hydroid-covered Cantharus shells are all signifi- Mostofthe 1,077 occupiedspongesinthe study contained cantlydifferentfromone another (two-sidedtestsforequality individuals of Pagurus impressus and most of the sponges oftwo proportions: P. poUicaris vs P. impressus, Z = 102.3, collected in the study were found stranded on shore, but a P<0.001 ;P.poUicarisvsP. longicarpus,Z=47.1,P<0.001; noticeable association ofP. impressus with sponge shelters is P. longicarpusvsP. impressus, Z = 15.3,P<0.001). Pagurus also evident for all animals collected in water during the belt poUicarisis commonly associated withhydroids, P. longicar- transectsurveys (Table4).Atotalof454P. impressusindivid- pussignificantlylessso,andP. impressusneverusesCantharus uals were collected in the surveys from 1993-2001. Ofthese shellswithhydroids(Table6). 48 F. Sandford Table2.Summaryofhermitcrabscollectedbybelttransectandshorelinesurveysfornineyears, 1993-2001,byseason. Winter Summer %of %ofall %of %ofall Species Total Number species animals Number species animals Pagurusimpressus 1,494 1,489 99.7 27.6 5 0.3 <0.1 Paguruspollicaris 1,621 1,471 90.7 27.3 150 9.3 <1.5 Paguruslongicarpus 3,399 2,203 64.8 40.9 1,196 35.2 12.4 Clibanariusvittatus 8,323 13 0.2 0.2 8,310 99.8 86.0 Petrochirusdiogenes 39 38 97.4 0.7 1 2.6 <0.1 Paguristeshummi 117 116 99.1 2.2 1 0.9 <0.1 Pagurusstimpsoni 54 54 100.0 1.0 0 0.0 0 unidentified 5 5 100.0 0.1 0 0.0 0 Totals 15,052 5,389 100.0 9,663 100.0 Table3.AssociationofPagurusimpressusandPaguristeshummi,two Table6.AssociationofthreepaguridswithshellsofCantharuscan- species commonly found in sponges, with five other hermit crab cellarius,withorwithoutthehydroid,Hydractiniaechinata, onDog species that rarely or never used sponge shelters for nine years Island,Floridafornineyears, 1993-2001. (1993-2001). Species Numbers %in % with Species Numbers %insponges inShells Cantharus H. echinata Pagurusimpressus 1,494 55.5 Pagurusimpressus 662 23.3 0.0 Paguristeshummi 117 32.5 Paguruspollicaris 1,614 56.4 92.0 Paguruspollicaris 1,621 0.4 Paguruslongicarpus 3,397 28.8 19.2 Paguruslongicarpus 3,399 0.1 Clibanariusvittatus 8,323 <0.1 Total 5,673 Petrochirusdiogenes 39 0 Pagurusstimpsoni 54 0 Table7.Associationoffivehermitcrab speciesfoundinshellswith Unidentified 5 0 thecloakanemone,Calliactistricolor,onDogIsland,Florida,fornine years, 1993-2001. Total 15,052 5.85 Species Numbersinshells %withC. tricolor Table4. Sheltersoccupiedby 454individualsofPagurus impressus collectedin66belttransectsurveys, 1993-2001. Pagurusimpressus 662 1.3 Paguruspollicaris 1,614 5.5 Shelter Numbers %total %of shellspecies Paguruslongicarpus 3,397 0 Clibanariusvittatus 8,322 0.1 insponges 194 42.7 Petrochirusdiogenes 39 66.7 inshells; 260 57.3 Strombusalatus 76 29.2 Total 14,034 1.2 Cantharuscancellarius 62 23.9 Busyconcontrarium 50 19.2 Busyconspiratum 20 7.7 Chicoreusdilectus 12 4.6 others(10spp.) 40 15.4 Table 8. Test of shelter preference for 126 individuals ofPagurus impressuscapturedinsponges.Initialtestlasting30minutes,check- Total 454 100.0 100.0 ing whetherthe crab switchedinto another sponge, into aStrombus alatusshell,intobothspongeandshell,ordidnotswitch.Two-tailed Table5.Associationofthefourmostcommonhermitcrabspecies(for binomialprobabilitytest,Hq:Psponge=0-5,P=0.0004,significant. allindividualsfoundinshells)withthehydroidHydractiniaechinata onDogIsland,Florida,fornineyears, 1993-2001 Switchedfromspongeinto: Numbers % Species Numbersinshells Percentwith Sponge 9 7.1 H. echinata Shell 32 25.4 Both 4 3.2 Pagurusimpressus 622 0 noswitch 81 64.3 Paguruspollicaris 1,614 65.6 Paguruslongicarpus 3,397 8.4 Total 126 100.0 Clibanariusvittatus 8,322 0 Total 13,995 9.6 Populationdynamicsandepibiontassociationsofhermitcrabs 49 Table 9. Test of shelter preference for 83 individuals ofPagurus were surveyed, 1,074 in the water and 54 (4.8 %) on shore. impressusinStrombusalatusshells.Initialtestlasting30minutestest- Overthesameperiod283R impressusinshellsweresurveyed, ingwhetherthehermitcrabswitchedfromitsshellintoasponge,into 126 in the water and 157 (55.5%) on shore. Compared to sawniottchhe.rTSwtor-otmabiulsedalbaitnusomsihaelll,prionbtaobibloitthystpeostn,geHqa!ndPsshheeilil,=or0-d5,idPno=t fP.icpaonltlliycagrriesa,teirndliivkiedluiahlosodofofP.beicmoprmeisnsgusstirnansdheeldlsonshshoowrea(stiwgon-- 0.0006,significant. sidedtestforequalityoftwoproportions,Z= 16.8,P<0.001), Switchedfromspongeinto: Number % and areeven more likely tobe found on shore than the hardy upperintertidalspecies C. vittatus. sponge 1 1.2 ShelterpreferenceandfidelityforPagurusimpressus.(i).Initial shell 15 18.1 andfollow-uptestforanimalsinsponges. Intheinitialchoice both 1 1.2 noswitch 66 79.5 test lasting 30 minutes, of 126 P. impressus in sponges, 45 animals(36%) switchedintoadifferentshelter, showingasig- Total 83 100.0 nificantpreferenceforshells(P=0.0004)(Table8).Inthefol- low-uptestforthe 81 animalsthatdidnotswitchintheinitial test, 43 (53%) switched shelters; of these, 42 of43 (97.7%) Associationoffivehermitcrabspecieswiththecloakanemone, selected the shell (P < 0.0001). In summary, 88 of the 126 Calliactistricolor.Theindividualsofallfourspeciespresentin (70%)animalscapturedinspongesswitchedintoanewshelter, shells that were checked for H. echinata (Table 5) were also showingahighlysignificantpreferenceforshellsoversponges. examinedforthepresence ofthe cloakanemone, Calliactistri- (ii). Initial and follow-up test for animals in shells. In the color. Datafor afifth species, Petrochirus diogenes, was also initialchoicetest,of83animalscapturedinS. alatusshells, 17 recorded; this species never used sponges (Table 3) or shells animals (20%) switchedinto anew shelter, showing a signifi- coonveeorredmowriethaHn.emeocnheinsat(aT,abbluet7)w.aAs tcootamlmoofnl1y4,0f3o4unidndciavrirdyuialnsg Icnanttheprfeoflelroewn-cuepftoerstotohferthSe.6a6laatnuismsahleslltsha(tPd=id0.n0o0t0s6w)i(tTcahbilnet9h)e. ofthe five species was collected in shells, of which 173 had initialtest,25(38%)switchedintoanewshelter,alwayschoos- anemones, nearly all of large size (basal diameter >1 cm). ing a shell (P < 0.0001). In summary, 42 of the 83 (51%) Anemones were never found on shells occupied by P. long- P. impressus captured in S. alatus shells switched into a new icarpus and only rarely (<1%) found on shells containing shelter,showingahighlysignificantpreferenceforothershells, C. vittatus.Anemones occurred withindividuals ofP. impres- notsponges. Results showthatindividualsofPagurusimpres- sus and P pollicaris about 5-7% ofthe time and were com- sus, a species commonly foundin hermit crab sponges in the monly foundon shells usedbyP. diogenes. Of39P. diogenes Dog Island area, exhibit a significant preference for shell surveyed,26(67%)hadanemones. Ofthese,anemonenumber shelters. The likelihood with which animals switch shelters rangedfromonetoelevenindividuals(mean=3.8). dependsonsheltertype. Intheshelterpreferencetests shelter- TheassociationofP. impressuswithanemoneswas signifi- fidelity was also significantly higher for animals in shells cantly less than P. diogenes and significantly greater than (31/83 or37.3%) thanforthosein sponges (19/126or 15.1%) C. vittatus (two-sided tests for equality of two proportions: (X2= 13.63, dfl,P<0.001). P. impressusvs C. vittatus, Z = 7.07, P<0.001 ; P. impressus Nearly all switches in the follow-up tests were long-term vsP. diogenes,Z=7.80,P<0.001). No significantdifference and>24h.Animalsinshellsthatswitchedlong-term(24-72h), was foundbetween P. impressus and P. pollicaris in terms of always switched into other shells, never sponges. Animals in theirassociationwithanemones (Z= 1.50,P=0.13). spongesshowedmorevariabilityinresponseandagreaterinci- Incidenceofstrandingonshore. Clibanariusvittatusisahardy dence ofswitching. Most animals in sponges (59%) switched speciesthatoftenleavesthewaterandcanremainonshorefor intoashell, andthemajority (42/48 or87.5%)remainedlong- days at a time (Rudloe, 1984). During the summer transects, term (24-72 h). Many more animals in sponges (16%, com- manyindividualsofC.vittatus,thedominantspeciesinthebay pared to 3%) switched into both shelter choices and many of during the summer, were found on shore. For example, in theseswitchedintoandusedallthree availablesheltersduring the five belt transects conducted during June 1999, 1,218 thefollow-uptest.Severalanimalsswitchedfromseventonine C. vittatusindividualswerecollected,and404(33.3%)wereon timesbetweenallthree sheltersduringa48hperiod. shore. Individuals of Pagurus impressus in sponge shelters are Discussion commonly strandedon shore. However, hermitcrabs in shells arealsooftenstrandedonshoreinJanuary,andsuchshellsare The fact that only one or two species of hermit crabs (i.e. oftenoccupiedby aP. impressus, sometimesP.pollicaris, and PagurusimpressusintheintertidalzoneandbothP. impressus only rarely by another hermit crab species. To determine and Paguristes hummi in the subtidal zone) commonly use whetherindividualsofP. impressusinshellshadagreaterlike- spongesheltersintheGulfofMexicoissimilartosituationsin lihood ofbecoming stranded than other species, the stranding otherlocationswherehermitcrabspongesoccur.InHokkaido, of individuals of P. impressus in shells was compared with Japan,nearlyallhermitcrabspongesareoccupiedbyPagurus P.pollicaris,theotherspeciesoftenfoundonshore.Duringthe pectinatus (Stimpson), 1858 and in southwest England and five years, January 1997-2001, 1,124 P. pollicaris in shells Scotland by Pagurus cuanensis Thompson, 1843 (H. Mukai, 50 F. Sandford pers.comm.; Sandford,pers. obs.).Inotherlocalitieswithher- leave sponges and enter shells occurs for Paguristes hummi mit crab sponges, however, up to nine or more species use (Sandford, unpubl. data), the only other hermit crab found in sponge shelters (e.g. British Columbia (Kozloff, 1987), theareathatcommonlyusessponges(Wass, 1955;Wells, 1969; Mikawa Bay, Japan (Tanaka, 1995), and the Mediterranean Williams, 1984). (Vosmaer, 1933). Shell/spongeswitchinghasnotbeenstudiedinsponge/crab In nearly every location where hermit crab sponges have associations fromelsewhere, but in many locales only certain beenreported,theyoccurindeepwaterandareonlyretrievable hermitcrabspeciesoccurasthetypicalspongeoccupants(e.g. by scuba, trawling, dredging or other means (e.g. octopus Pagurus cuanensis and Paguristes eremita in Suberites traps). Dog Island is unusual in that hermit crab sponges are domunculafromtheNorthAegeanSea(Voultsiadou-Koukoura common near shore or on shore. This is partially due to the and Koukouras, 1993), Pagurus cuanensis in Suberites sp. behaviour of P. impressus, a typically subtidal species that from the Adriatic Sea (Stachowitsch, 1980), the Irish coast often uses sponge shelters, which migrates into the intertidal (Selbie, 1921)orsouth-westernEnglandandthewesterncoast zone in the winter, bringing sponges closer to shore. When of Scotland (Allen, 1967; Sandford, pers. obs.), and Pagurus animals in sponges switch into available shells, the empty pectinatusinSuberitesficusfromHokkaido, Japan(Sandford, spongesareabandonedandeasilywashedonshore.Nearlyhalf pers. obs.). Shell preference for sponge-using hermit crabs ofall sponges collected in the surveys were empty. Although fromtheseandotherlocationsisnotknown. the presence ofhermit crab sponges in the intertidal zone of Wilber (1990) speculated that hermit crabs change shells Dog Island in the winter is largely due to individuals of frequentlyandAbrams(1987),studyingshellswitchinginfive P. impressus transporting themfromthe subtidal zone nearto hermit crab species, found that the percentage ofindividuals shore,thenumberofemptyspongesfoundeachyearfrom1993 that switched shells ranged from 40% in Pagurus hemphilli to 2001 did not correlate with the number of P impressus to 81% in P samuelis. In this study 47/83 P impressus surveyed. This suggests that sponge abundance at the study (57%) switchedfromone S. alatus shellinto another, afigure site is not due solely to the behaviour ofP. impressus but to consistentwithAbrams’ (1987)findings. other factors, such as weather and tides, or the biology and Useofspongesas shelterscanbecostly. Spongesinterfere reproductionofthesponges. withburyinginthesubstrate,andaremoreeasilyinfluencedby Recentlyfield-caughtjuvenileindividualsofP impressus,a tidesandcurrentsorbeachedbywaves. OnDogIslandhermit majorityinspongeshelters,exhibitsignificantshellpreference. crabs in sponges are seenrolling aboutinthe swashzone and Animals in either shell or sponge shelters usually switch into areoftenwashed ashore. Thecrabs oftendiefromdesiccation shells, notinto sponges, supportingresults ofprevious studies butthespongesrehydratesuccessfullywhenreimmersed. on individuals maintained in the laboratory in mixed-species SinceuseofspongesheltersiscostlyandP impressusjuve- assemblages orinconspecific groups (Sandford, 1994, 1995). niles prefer shell shelters, why are so many found occupying A shell preference was also indicated by differences in short- sponges? Several possibilities exist. Juvenile P impressus termversuslong-termswitching.Animalsswitchingintoshells either use sponge shelters because (i) they confer some fromeithershellsorsponges,usuallyremainedinshellshelters survival advantage, (ii) appropriate shells are scarce, or (iii) long-term (i.e. >5 minutes, and typically at least 24-48 h). they are out-competed by more aggressive species such as Animals switching from one sponge into another typically Ppollicaris. exhibitednosuchlong-termbias.Crabsinspongesshowedsig- Sponges may confer survival advantages, especially to nificantly reduced shelter fidelity, and were more likely to smallorjuvenileindividuals ofP impressus,thetypicaloccu- switch shelters, usually into shells. Inareas where they occur, pants. Nybakken (1996) considered the sponge/hermit crab hermit crab sponges are used as alternative shelters by shell- association an example of true mutualism, with the sponge dwellinghermitcrabs,althoughspongesarelesspreferredand deterring crab predators with its disagreeable taste. Taylor arelikelysuboptimalshelters. (1994) noted that shell-encrusting bryozoans may reduce pre- These results contradict the suggestion (Benedict, 1900; dationbecause ofshell thickening, chamberenlargement, and Vosmaer, 1933; Rabaud, 1937; Hart, 1971) that one possible camouflage.Thesesameargumentscouldapplyforshell-over- benefitofuseofaspongeshelterbyahermitcrabistheadvan- growing sponges, and there is some evidence to suggest that tage ofalongertermassociation withaliving, growinghome hermitcrabs in sponges are less likely tobe attackedoreaten andareducedneedtochangeshelterscomparedtohermitcrabs by blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, a typical predator, either in shells. Encrusting sponges andbryozoans are the only gas- because ofa chemical, texture, or camouflage factor (Farley, tropod shell epibionts associated with hermit crabs which pers.comm.; Sandford, pers. obs.). wouldallowthecrabtoretainashellshelterforalongerperi- In laboratory conditions, use of sponges by individuals of odbyconstantlygrowingandeffectivelyenlargingthevolume P. impressus increases as shells become less available ofthe shelter (Stachowitsch, 1980; Taylor, 1994).Although it (Sandford, 1995)sointhefieldcrabsmayusespongesinthose hasbeensuggestedthatencrusting symbiontsgrowingongas- habitats where shells are relatively scarce. Shell scarcity is a tropod shells may reduce the frequency of switching, Taylor limitingfactorforhermitcrabs (Kellogg, 1976, 1977; Hazlett, (1994)notedthatthishasneverbeendocumentedbylong-term 1981; Pace, 1993) and may be a major factor explaining the observations of individual hermit crabs. This study confirms largenumberofP impressususing sponge sheltersintheDog that individuals ofP. impressus using sponge shelters do not Islandarea. typicallyexhibitlong-termattachments.Asimilartendencyto Shelluseandaggressioninhermitcrabsarelinked(Hazlett, Populationdynamicsandepibiontassociationsofhermitcrabs 51 1981) and it has been suggested (Rudloe, 1999) and there is habitatand smallersizerelativetotheotherspecies examined some evidence (Kellogg, 1977; Hazlett, 1980; Sandford, pers. for anemones, likely explains the absence of anemones on obs.)thatindividualsofP. impressusarelessaggressiveorless shellsoccupiedbythisspecies.IndividualsofPpollicarisalso competitive than other hermit crab species. Sympatric hermit commonly bury in the substrate (McLean, 1974), commonly crab species can coexist in spite of shell competition by associatewithC. tricolor(Rudloe, 1999),andwereoftenfound exhibiting different shell preferences, habitat preferences, or with anemones in this study, so their greater association with otherbiologicaldifferences(Hazlett, 1981). Kellogg (1977)in theanemonerelativetoP. longicarpusismostlikelyexplained Beaufort Harbor, North Carolina, studied many of the same bytheirgreaterexposuretohabitatsinthesubtidalzonewhere hermitcrab species asinthis study. Hefoundthathermitcrab anemonesmorecommonlyoccur. populationstherewereshell-limitedandthatbothP. impressus ApreferentialassociationofH. echinatawithcertainhermit and P. hummi individuals were infrequently found in inshore crabspecieswasreportedbyYundandParker(1989).Thecom- areas, and were likely to be outcompeted by P. pollicaris pleteabsenceofH. echinataonshellsusedby C. vittatusmay and P. longicarpus. In the Dog Island area individuals beexplainedbythisspecies’preferencefortheupperintertidal of both P impressus and P hummi may use the sponges zoneand/oritstendencytospendtimeonshore.Thetotallack as less favoured alternative shelters as a consequence ofsuch ofassociation ofthe hydroid withP. impressus is mostlikely competition. duetotherejectionofhydroid-coveredshellsbyindividualsof The possible benefits of sponge shelters remain undeter- this species. mined,butitisnowclearthat spongesare suboptimal shelters that may affect locomotion and increase mortality risks Acknowledgements from dehydration due to stranding. Although many juvenile eaxntdensdoemdepeardiuoldts,inmdoisvtidsuwailtschofinPt.oishmeplrlesswsuhsenusaevaislpaobnlge.es for ImeamingmrayteffiuelldtowotrhekmoannDyogCoIeslCanodlleeagcehsJtaundueanrtysfwrhooma1s9s9i3stetod Forthe othertwo epibionts studied, Calliactis tricolorand 2001,toGavinCrossandPeggyKnottfortheirhelp,toSharon Hydractinia echinata, the results clearly show a significant Sandfordforheradvice and support, andtoDanRittschoffor association ofP pollicaris with the hydroid H. echinata and his helpful comments on an early draft ofthe ms. I am espe- a significant lack of association of both P. impressus and cially indebted to Guest Editors, Rafael Lemaitre and Chris C. vittatus with the same hydroid. The cloak anemone Tudge, and three anonymous reviewers for their critically Calliactis was associated with three species (P pollicaris, usefulcommentsonthefinaldraft. P impressus, and especially P diogenes) and not associated withtwoothers {P. longicarpus and C. vittatus). 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