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to POLITICAL THEORY Volume 32 Number | (February 2004) pp. 1-140 Number 2 (April 2004) pp. 141-288 Number 3 (June 2004) pp. 289-440 Number 4 (August 2004) pp. 441-596 Number 5 (October 2004) pp. 597-744 Number 6 (December 2004) pp. 745-892 Authors: ACKERLY, BROOKE, “Susan Moller Okin (1946-2004)” [Tribute], 446. ALFORD, C. FRED, “Levinas and Political Theory,” 146. ARMITAGE, DAVID, “John Locke, Carolina, and the 7wo Treatises of Government,” 602. BELL, DANIEL A., “Human Rights and Social Criticism in Contemporary Chinese Political Theory” [Review Essay], 396 BENNETT, JANE, “The Force of Things: Steps toward an Ecology of Matter,” 347. BIRD, COLIN, “Status, Identity, and Respect,” 207. BLAU, ADRIAN, “Against Positive and Negative Freedom” [Critical Exchange], 547. BOYD, RICHARD, “Pity’s Pathologies Portrayed: Rousseau and the Limits of Democratic Compassion,” 519. COCKS, JOAN, “Collectivities and Cruelty” [Review Essay], 419. COLES, ROMAND, “Moving Democracy: Industrial Areas Foundation Social Movements and the Political Arts of Listening, Traveling, and Tabling,” 678. CRITCHLEY, SIMON, “Five Problems in Levinas’s View of Politics and the Sketch of a Solu- tion to Them,” 172. CULBERT, JENNIFER L., “Why Still Kill? Reconsidering Capital Punishment in the United States” [Review Essay}, 563. DIMOVA-COOKSON, MARIA, “Conceptual Clarity, Freedom, and Normative Ideas: Reply to Blau” [Critical Exchange}, 554. DOLAN, FREDERICK M.. “Regions of Sorrow: Anxiety and Messianism in Hannah Arendt and W. H. Auden, by Susannah Young-ah Gottlieb” [Book in Review], 881. EISENACH, ELDON J., “God, Locke, and Equality: Christian Foundations in Locke's Political Thought, by Jeremy Waldron” [Book in Review], 589. FARR, JAMES, “Social Capital: A Conceptual History.” 6. FERGUSON, KENNAN, “I @ My Dog.” 373. FERGUSON, KENNAN, “Metamorphoses: Towards a Materialistic Theory of Becoming, by Rosi Braidotti” |Book Review], 136. POLITICAL THEORY, Vol. 32 No. 6, December 2004 885-889 © 2004 Sage Publications 886 POLITICAL THEORY / December 2004 FORHAN, KATE L., “Worlds of Difference: European Discourses of Toleration, by Cary J. Nederman™; “Conscience and Community: Revisiting Toleration and Religious Dissent in Early Modern England and America,by Andrew R. Murphy” [Books in Review}, 133. FORSTER, GREG, “A Glorious Revolution: Restoring Locke's Relevance” [Review Essay], 706. FROST, SAMANTHA, “Hobbes Out of Bounds” [Review Essay}, 257. GOLDBERG, ELLIS, “Regarding the Imperial State” [Review Essay}, 233. HANCHARD, MICHAEL, “For Moral Ambiguity: National Culture and the Politics of the Family, by Michael Shapiro” [Book in Review], 279. HAUPTMANN, EMILY, “A Local History of “The Political?” 34. JANARA, LAURA, “Brothers and Others: Tocqueville and Beaumont, U.S. Genealogy, Democ- racy, and Racism,” 773. JOHNSTON, STEVEN, “The Ethics of Memory, by Avishai Margalit” [Book in Review], 737. KALYVAS, ANDREAS, “Back to Adorno? Critical Social Theory between Past and Future” [Review Essay], 247. KALYVAS, ANDREAS, “From the Act to the Decision: Hannah Arendt and the Question of Decisionism,” 320. KLOSKO, GEORGE, “Multiple Principles of Political Obligation,” 801. KRAUSE, SHARON R., “Hume and the (False) Luster of Justice,” 628. LOM, PETR, “Caring for the Soul in a Postmodern Age: Politics and Phenemenology in the Thought of Jan Patocka, by Edward F. Findlay” [Book in Review}, 277. MARTEL, JAMES, “The Role of Emotion in Political Life” [Review Essay], 116. MARTEL, JAMES R.., “Politics in Chastened Times” [Review Essay], 863. MAYERFELD, JAMIE, “Freedom's Reach” [Review Essay], 868. McCARTHY, THOMAS, “Coming to Terms with Our Past, Part Ii: On the Morality and Politics of Reparations for Slavery,” 750. MILLER, JOSHUA L., “A Tocqueville for Our Time” [Review Essay], 580. MORRIS, MARTIN, “The Critique of Transcendence: Poststructuralism and the Political” [Review Essay], 121. MOSHER, MICHAEL, “Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750, by Jonathan |. Israel” [Book in Review], 427. NICHOLS, MARY P., “Socrates” Contest with the Poets in Plato’s Symposium,” 186. NIEUWENBURG, PAUL, “Learning to Deliberate: Aristotle on Truthfulness and Public Delib- eration,” 449. NORRIS, ANDREW, “Beyond the Fury of Destruction: Hegei on Freedom” [Review Essay], 409. PANAGIA, DAVIDE, “The Force of Political Argument,” 825. PASSAVANT, PAUL A.., “Freedom's Archive” [Review Essay], 714. PIERIK, ROLAND, “Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Women’s Rights, by Ayelet Shachar™ [Book in Review], 585. REIDY, DAVID A.. “Rawls on International Justice: A Defense,” 291. SAURETTE, PAUL, “Questioning Political Theory: Charles Taylor's Contrarianism” [Review Essay}, 723. SCHMIDT, RONALD J., Jr., “Embodied at the Creation” [Review Essay}, 849. SCORZA, JASON A.., “Liberal Citizenship and Civic Friendship,” 85. SEERY, JOHN, “Nouveau Elites” [Review Essay}, 242. SHANKS, TORREY, “Feminism’s Family Resemblances” [Review Essay], 109. SHAPIRO, KAM, “Platonic Noise, by Peter Euben™ [Book in Review], 734. INDEX 887 TARNOPOLSKY, CHRISTINA, “Prudes, Perverts, and Tyrants: Plato and the Contemporary Politics of Shame,” 468. THIELE, LESLIE PAUL, “A (Political) Philosopher by Any Other Name: The Roots of Heidegger's Thought” [Review Essay}, 570. THOMAS, PAUL, “The Critique of the State, by Jens Bartelson™ [Book in Review], 877. TULLY, JAMES, “Approaches to Recognition, Power, and Dialogue” [Review Essay], 855. von RAUTENFELD, HANS, “Charitable Interpretations: Emerson, Rawls, and Cavell on the Use of Public Reason,” 61. WERTHEIMER, ALAN, “The Subject of Liberty, by Nancy J. Hirschmann” |B ook in Review}, 274 ZAKARAS, ALEX, “Isaiah Berlin's Cosmopolitan Ethics,” 495. ZUMBRUNNEN, JOHN, “Elite Domination and the Clever Citizen: Aristophanes’ Archarnians and Knights.” 656. Articles: “Brothers and Others: Tocqueville and Beaumont, U.S. Genealogy, Democracy, and Racism.” Janara, 773. “Charitable Interpretations: Emerson, Rawls, and Cavell on the Use of Public Reason,” von Rautenfeld, 61. “Coming to Terms with Our Past, Part I: On the Morality and Politics of Reparations for Slav- ery.” McCarthy, 750. “Elite Domination and the Clever Citizen: Aristophanes’ Archarnians and Knights.” Zumbrunnen, 656. “Five Problems in Levinas’s View of Politics and the Sketch of a Solution to Them,” Critchley, 172. “From the Act to the Decision: Hannah Arendt and the Question of Decisionism,.” Kalyvas, 320. “The Force of Political Argument,” Panagia, 825. “The Force of Things: Steps toward an Ecology of Matter,” Bennett, 347. “Hume and the (False) Luster of Justice,” Krause, 628. 19 My Dog.” Ferguson, 373. “Isaiah Berlin's Cosmopolitan Ethics,” Zakaras, 495. “John Locke, Carolina, and the Two Treatises of Government,” Armitage, 602. “Learning to Deliberate: Aristotle on Truthfulness and Public Deliberation,” Nieuwenburg, 449. “Levinas and Political Theory,” Alford, 146. “Liberal Citizenship and Civic Friendship,” Scorza, 85. “A Local History of ‘The Political’; ”H auptmann, 34. “Moving Democracy: Industrial Areas Foundation Social Movements and the Political Arts of Listening, Traveling, and Tabling,” Coles, 678. “Multiple Principles of Political Obligation,” Klosko, 801. “Pity’s Pathologies Portrayed: Rousseau and the Limits of Democratic Compassion,” Boyd, 519. “Prudes, Perverts, and Tyrants: Plato and the Contemporary Politics of Shame,” Tarnopolsky. 468. “Rawls on International Justice: A Defense,” Reidy, 291. “Social Capital: A Conceptual History,” Farr, 6. “Socrates” Contest with the Poets in Plato’s Symposium,” Nichols, 186. “Status, Identity, and Respect,” Bird, 207. 888 POLITICAL THEORY / December 2004 Booin kRevsie w: “Caring for the Soul in a Postmodern Age: Politics and Phenemenology in the Thought of Jan Patocka, by Edward F. Findlay,” Lom, 277. “The Critique of the State, by Jens Bartelson,” Thomas, 877. “The Ethics of Memory, by Avishai Margalit,” Johnston, 737. “For Moral Ambiguity: National Culture and the Politics of the Family, by Michael Shapiro,” Hanchard, 279. “God, Locke, and Equality: Christian Foundations in Locke's Political Thought, by Jeremy Waldron,” Eisenach, 589” “Metamorphoses: Towards a Materialistic Theory of Becoming, by Rosi Braidotti,” Ferguson, 136. “Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Women's Rights, by Ayelet Shachar;” Pierik, 585. “Platonic Noise, by Peter Euben,” Shapiro, 734. “Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750, by Jonathan |. Israel,” Mosher, 427. “Regions of Sorrow: Anxiety and Messianism in Hannah Arendt and W. H. Auden, by Susannah Young-ah Gottlieb,” Dolan, 881. “The Subject of Liberty, by Nancy J. Hirschmann,” Wertheimer, 274. “Worlds of Difference: European Discourses of Toleration, by Cary J. Nederman; Conscience and Community: Revisiting Toleration and Religious Dissent in Early Modern England and America, by Andrew R. Murphy,” Forhan, 133. Critical Exchange: “Against Positive and Negative Freedom,” Blau, 547. “Conceptual Clarity, Freedom, and Normative Ideas: Reply to Blau,” Dimova-Cookson, 554. Review Essays: “Approaches to Recognition, Power, and Dialogue,” Tully, 855. “Back to Adorno? Critical Social Theory between Past and Future,” Kalyvas, 247. “Beyond the Fury of Destruction: Hegel on Freedom,” Norris, 409. “Collectivities and Cruelty,” Cocks, 419. “The Critique of Transcendence: Poststructuralism and the Political?’ Morris, 121. “Embodied at the Creation.” Schmidt, 849. “Feminism’s Family Resemblances,” Shanks, 109. “Freedom's Archive,” Passavant, 714. “Freedom's Reach,” Mayerfeld, 868. “A Glorious Revolution: Restoring Locke's Relevance,” Forster, 706. “Hobbes Out of Bounds,” Frost, 257. “Human Rights and Social Criticism in Contemporary Chinese Political Theory,” Bell, 396. “Nouveau Elites,” Seery, 242. “A (Political) Philosopher by Any Other Name: The Roots of Heidegger's Thought,” Thiele, 570. “Politics in Chastened Times,” Martel, 863. “Questioning Political Theory: Charles Taylor's Contrarianism,” Saurette, 723. “Regarding the Imperial State;” Goldberg, 233. “The Role of Emotion in Political Life,” Martel, 116. INDEX 889 “A Tocqueville for Our Time,” Miller, 580. “Why Still Kill? Reconsidering Capital Punishment in the United States;” Culbert, 563. Tribute “Susan Moller Okin (1946-2004)"" Ackerly, 446.

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