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Pokemon Crystal Version: The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide PDF

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Preview Pokemon Crystal Version: The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide

COMPLETE WALK·THROUGH AND POKeDEX FOR CRYSTAL, GOLD AND SILVER VERSIONS GEAR UP FOR ADVENTURE Staff List To catch 'e111 all ln Poke111on Crystal Version. you'll Publisher need supereffective strategies. With the inside M.Arakawa Assoc1iate Publisher info, critical stats and detailed 111aps that only the Yoshio Tsuboike Editor In Chief elite Trainers at Nf ntendo.P ower could supply, the Scort Pelland secrets to beco111ing a Poke111on Master will Senior Editor Jessica Joffe Stein beco111e crystal clear. Lead Writer Jennifer Villarreal Writ en Alan Averill Jason Leung George Sinfield Drew Williams Copy Editor Steven Tobias Strategic Layout U-Craft, Inc. Jumpin' Jack Yushi Tarsuya Hoshi Toru Nakagawa Shigehiko Takahashi V-Deslgn, Inc. Sonja Morris Yoshi Orimo Art Director Kim Logan Lead Designers Rebekah lane Oa,•id Waterworth Designers Jim Catechi Tim Garret Andy Myers Prepress Assistant Christopher Shepperd Game Consultants Tom Hertzog Hiro Nakamura Sales and Marketing Manager Jeff Bafu:s Marketing Coordinator Malinda Miller Production Specialist Machiko Oehler Special thanks to Creatures Inc. me Pokemo~ Cry1tal Veriion Player's Guide i1p rinted in the U.S.A. ond ~ublished by Ninrendo of Americo Inc., 4870 lSOth Ave. NE, Red· mon~~ Woshinglon 98052, 01 $14.99 in rhe U.S.A. IS17.99 in (onado). l!:l20ul Ninlerido of Americo Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing rhor oppears in rh~ Pokemon Crysrol Version Ployer's Guide may be prrnred in whole or in port wirhoul express wrillen permission from Nintendo of Americo Inc., copyrl~hl owner."' ond ®ore trodemorks of Niniendo of America Inc. Pokemon Cl99S·2001 Ninlendo/(reo· lures inc./GAME FREAK inc. ISBN 1·930206·1 2-7 The Official Nintendo Player's Gu·ide ® COMPLETE WALK· THROUGH AND POKeDEX FOR CRYSTAL, GOLD AND SILVER VERSIONS CONTENTS BASIC INFORMATION World Map 4 Rise of the Pokemaster 6 Crystal Exclusive 10 New Abilities in Crystal 12 Battle Strategies 14 Gotta Get 'Em All 18 Pokemon Game Index 26 WALK-THROUGH Using the Walk-Through 28 Rocket Hideout S3 Route 3 74 IOHTO Radio Tower & Underground S4 Mt. Moon 7S New Bark Town 29 Route 44 SS Route 4 75 Route 29 30 Ice Path S6 Viridian City 76 Cherrygrove City 30 Blackthorn City S7 Pallet Town & Route 1 77 Routes 30 & 31 31 Dragon's Den S7 Cinnabar Island 18 Violet City 32 Routes 4S & 46 S8 Seafoam Island 78 Sprout Tower 33 Dark Cave S8 Routes 19, 20 & 21 78 Route 32 33 Routes 26 & 27 S9 Route 22 79 Ruins of Alph 34 Victory Road 60 Route 28 79 Union Cave 3S Indigo Plateau & Route 23 60 Mt. Silver 80 Route 33 3S Vs. Elite Four 61 Battle Tower Foldout Azalea Town 36 KANTO Slowpoke Well 37 S.S. Aqua 62 POKeDEX llex Forest 37 Vermilion City 63 Reading the Pokedex 82 Route 34 37 Route 6 64 Pokemon Locator 134 Goldenrod City 38 Saffron City 64 Item List 150 Route 3S 41 Route 8 6S Technical and Hidden Machine List 15S National Park 41 Lavender Town 6S Abilities & Attacks 156 Routes 36 & 37 42 Routes 9 & 10 66 Ecruteak City 42 Rock Tunnel 66 Burned Tower 43 Cerulean City 67 Tin Tower 44 Routes 24 & 25 68 Routes 38 & 39 4S Route S 68 Olivine City 46 Diglett's Cave 69 Lighthouse 47 Route 7 69 Routes 40 & 41 48 Celadon City 70 Whirl Islands 48 Routes 16, 17 & 18 71 Cianwood City 49 Fuchsia City 71 Route 42 49 Route 11 72 so Mt. Mortar Routes 14 & 1S 72 Mahogany Town Sl Routes 12 & 13 73 Route 43 S2 Route 2 73 Lake of Rage S2 Pewter City 74 Alphabetical ID Pok6mon Polc6oloa Loc•tor ID Polc6mon Polc6doll Loc•tor ID Pok6mon Polc6oloa Locotor # Mamo P•90 P.90 # Mamo Po90 P.90 # Nomo Po90 P•10 63 AW 91 ll5 250 HO·OH 132 139 71 PONTIA 122 144 142 AHODACTYI 126 ISS 163 HOOTHOOT 16 139 137 POIYGON 125 144 Pokel'lon Index 190 AIPOM 10S llS 139 2U POIYGON2 12S 144 65 AIAUIAJI 99 135 116 HOISi.A 119 139 S7 PllMl.API IOt 1« 111 AMl'llAROS 92 l3S 229 HOUNDOOM 123 139 54 PS YDUCI IOI 144 24 AllOI .9.2 l3S 221 HOUNDOUI 123 139 247 PUPITAR 132 I« S9 AICANIMI 106 l3S 97 HYPNO 91 139 195 QUAGSlll 93 I« 161 AllADOS l3S 174 IGGlYIUll 90 139 156 QUllAVA 14 144 I« ARTICUNO 129 l3S 2 IVYSAUI 127 139 211 QWll.flSll 113 l« 114 AIUIUllLl 107 l3S 39 JIGGLYPUll 91 139 26 UICHU 17 l4S IS3 UYUIF 13 13S lJS JOlTIOll Ill 139 243 IAllOU 130 l4S lS lllOllll II 13S 119 JUMPlUll 9S 140 71 IAPIDASll 1.2.2 145 112 llLlOSSOM 91 13S 124 JYNl lll 140 20 IATICATI 16 l4S 69 llLlSPIOUT 94 135 140 IAIUTO 126 140 19 IATIATA 14S 9 llASTOISI 129 l3S 141 l.AIUTOPS 126 140 223 RlllOIAID 116 14S 242 lllSSll 12S 13S 64 l.ADAllA 99 140 112 IHYDON 123 I IUWSAUI 127 13S 14 IAIUllA II 140 lll IHYHOIM 123 l4S 12 IUTTHllll 17 135 llS 1.ANGASIHAN 122 140 27 SANDSllllW 91 l4S 10 CATllPll 17 135 230 llNGDIA ll9 140 21 SAMDSlASH 91 146 251 CIUll Ill 13S 99 llNGUI 114 140 212 SCllOI 101 146 113 CHAllSll 11S 135 109 IOFllNG 104 140 123 SCTIH£1 I03 146 CHAllIAID 121 l3S 91 llAllY 114 140 117 SIADIA 119 146 CHAIMANDH 121 135 171 WTUIN 116 140 119 SIAllNG .96. 146 CHAlMILION 121 l3S 131 lAPUS 125 140 16 sm 116 146 IS2 CHllOllTA 13 136 246 lAIVlTAR 132 140 161 SIMTllT 146 170 CHlNCHOU 116 136 166 UDIAN II 140 90 SlllllDll 11s 146 36 CllfAIU 90 136 16S UDYU II 140 213 SllUCIU 114 146 3S CllfAllY 90 136 IOI UCllTUNG 117 141 227 SWMOIY 121 173 CWfA 90 136 249 lUGIA 132 141 111 SllPlOOM 95 146 91 ClOYSTH llS 136 61 MACHAMP 109 141 ao SLOWllO 97 146 222 COlSOlA 115 136 67 MACHOi! 109 141 199 SlOWllNG 97 146 169 CIOIAT 19 136 66 M.ACHOP 109 141 79 SlOWPOll 97 146 159 CIOCONAW 136 240 M.AGIY lll 141 211 SWGMA 124 146 104 CUIONI 122 136 219 M.AGCAIGO 124 141 23S SlllAIGU 112 146 155 CYNDAGUll 13 136 IH MAGii.ARP 96 141 231 SllOOCHUll lll 146 225 DllllllD 119 136 126 M.AGIUI lll 141 21S SNl.ASll 124 147 17 IKWGONG 116 136 II M.AGllllllTI 105 141 143 SMOIW 127 147 SO DIGllTT I07 136 12 M.AGNITOll lOS 141 209 SllUtlUll 1.0.6 147 132 DITIO 99 136 S6 MAMlll IOI 141 21 SflAIOW as 147 IS DODllO 121 136 226 MANTINI 121 141 167 SPINAIAI 147 14 DODUO 121 136 179 MAlllP 92 142 1 SQUllTU 121 147 232 DONl'llAN 120 136 113 MAllll 107 142 234 STAMM 107 147 141 DIAGONAll 131 136 lOS MAIOWAI 122 142 121 STAUlll 11s 147 149 DUGOMITI 131 136 154 MIGAlllUM 13 142 120 STAIYU 11s 147 147 DUTINI 131 136 52 MIOWTH IOI 142 20I STllUX 147 96 DIOWDI 91 136 11 MITAPOD 17 142 11S SUDOWOODO 102 147 Sl DUGTllO 107 137 lSl MIW 133 142 245 SUKUlll 147 206 DUMSl'AICI 92 137 ISO MIWTWO 133 142 192 SUllROIA 101 147 133 llVll Ill 137 241 MILTANI Ill 142 191 SUlllllN 101 147 23 WMS 92 137 200 MISDllAVUS 124 142 220 SWlNUI 120 147 125 IUCTAIUII 112 137 146 MOLTllS 130 142 114 TANGllA 117 147 101 RfCTIODf 105 137 122 Ml.MIMI 112 142 121 TAUIOS no 147 239 IUllD 112 IS7 19 MUI 104 142 216 TIDDIUISA 120 147 244 DITO 130 137 198 MUlllOW 123 142 72 TIMTACOOl 114 147 196 ISPION Ill 137 177 NATU 113 142 73 TDITACIUll 141 102 OOGGCUTI 102 137 34 NIDOllNG 101 142 175 TOGIPI 91 141 103 IXIGGUTOI 102 137 31 NIDOQUllN 100 142 116 TOGmc 91 141 13 fAlflTCH'D 113 137 29 NIDOIWI 9 100 142 151 TOTODtU 141 22 flAIOW IS 137 32 NIDOIWI d' 100 142 IS7 nl'lllOSION 141 160 flRAUGATI 14 137 30 lllDOllNA 100 142 241 nlWllTAI 132 141 110 fWfFY 92 137 33 MIDOllNO 101 142 236 n10&u1 I09 141 136 flAllON Ill 137 38 NINITAllS 106 143 197 UMUlON 111 141 20S IOIRnRISS 99 137 164 NOCTOWl 16 143 201 UllOWN 94 141 162 fUlllT 16 137 224 OCTlll£1Y 116 143 217 UISARIMG 120 141 92 GASTlY 93 137 43 ODDISH 91 143 134 VAPOllON 111 141 94 GINGAR 93 lST 111 OMAMYn 126 143 49 YIMOMOTH 101 74 GIODUDf 19 137 139 OMASTAR 126 143 41 VIMONAT 103 141 203 GIUfAllG no 131 9S ONIX 94 143 VINUSAUI 127 141 207 GUGAR 119 138 46 PARAS 95 143 71 VICTllllll 94 141 44 GlOOM 91 131 47 l'AIASICT 95 143 4S VlllPlUMI 91 149 42 GOWT 19 138 53 P1151AN 108 143 100 VOlTOll IOS 149 111 GOlDllN 96 138 231 l'llANPY 120 143 37 VUlPIX 106 149 SS GOlDUCI 108 138 172 PICHU 17 143 WAITOITU 129 149 76 GOUM 19 138 18 PIDGIOT IS 143 13 WllDll 149 210 GUNIUll 106 138 17 PIDGIOTIO as 143 70 wtlPINllll 94 149 7S GUYUR 19 131 16 PIDGIY IS HI 110 WllZING 104 149 II GllM£1 104 138 25 PIUCHU 17 144 40 WlGGlYTUff 91 149 SI GIOWUTlll 106 139 221 PILOSWllll 120 144 202 WOllUlllT 102 149 130 GYAIADOS 96 139 204 PINICO 99 1« 194 WOOPll 93 149 93 HAUMTH 93 139 127 PINSIR 103 144 171 IATU 113 149 214 HllACIOSS 104 139 116 POUTOID 96 144 193 YANllA IOI 149 107 HITMONCHAN no 139 60 POUWAG 9S 144 14S lAPDOS IH 149 106 HITMONlll no 139 61 POUWHlll 96 144 41 lUUT 19 237 HITMONTOP no 139 62 POllWIATH 96 144 World Map Your Pokemon adventure begins in New Bark Town, located appeared in Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow. To reach parts in the new world of Johto. Pokemon Crystal, Gold and of Kanto, you must Surf to Route 26, ride the S.S. Aqua or Silver also feature the world of Kanto, which originally take the train from Goldenrod City. JOH TO ICE PATH pg. S6 MT. MORTAR pg.SO BATTLE TOWER (CRYSTAL ONLY) FOLDOUT LIGHTHOUSE - -=- pg.47 OLIVINEC;.I;.T;..Y;.r=::;;:i::!~~ pg. 46 AZALEA TOWN pg. 36 SLOWPOKE .. WELL .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. g. ..3 .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KAN TO ROUTE 25 pg.68 TRAIN ROUTE 2 pg.73--0.-IL MT. SILVER SILVER CAVE IJOHTOI pg. 80 CINNABAR ISLAND pg. 78 -foi~- ROUTE 20 ROUTE 19 pg.78 pg. 78 SEAFOAM ISLAND pg. 78 Rise of the Pokel'laster HERO Red has already made a name for himself by the time Gold and Silver The life of a Trainer is an adventure filled with battles, travels and begin, so you'll have to step into discoveries. You'll need to depend on your Pokemon to see you the shoes of another promising but untested-Trainer. It's up to through the many challenges you'll face, so learn to use them you to prove his greatness. wisely. Though you may not know much when you begin the jour ney, you can look to friends to teach you lessons along the way. COMING IN CRYSTAL CLEAR The three initial versions of Pokemon-Red, Blue and Yellow-offered vari ations of the same exciting adventure set in the land of Kan to. After those games came Gold and Silver, which introduced a new Pokemon journey set in the land of Johro (as well as featu1-ing a shorter Kanto adventure). The latest Pokemon game, Crystal, is a variation of Gold and Silver, and it adds some new twists to the Johro journey, such as new item locations. If a tip appears in blue, the info relates to the Crystal version only. All other tips apply to all three Joht o games- Gold, Silver and Crystal. NEW HEROINE A new Trainer is leaving New Bark Town to become a Pokemon Master. She's ready to catch 'em all. and you can journey through the Crystal ver sion as the new heroine or as the boy hero from Gold and Silver. YELLOW Designed to be played on the original Game Boy and Super Game Boy systems, the first three versions of Pokemon started the craze to catch 'em all. RIVAL What is this guy's problem? If you ask him, the problem is YOU. It's usually best to avoid people like him, but the game doesn't give you the option. Settle your conflicts using Pokemon. ........." ". .* ·· Gold and Silver follow up the adventure in Red, Blue and Crystal is a variation of Yellow with a new, full-color Pokemon journey populated Gold and Silver. Some by new Pokemon. Even experienced Trainers will find plen parts are all new, such as ty of surprises and challenges. the Battle Tower. Crystal is for Game Boy Color only. PRECIOUS PAKS Gold, Silver and Crystal sport a slew of Pokemon you won't see in Red, Blue and Yellow. You'll find the unique creatures scat tered among the more familiar Pokemon as you make your way from battle to battle. Try your hand at new attacks and witness surprising evolutions while filling your Pokedex with the latest discoveries. Along with the advances in Pokemon studies comes Hiid ~ING appaa.-adf technological innovation. Ever since Red, Blue and Yellow first appeared, scientists have been hard at work concocting new Dozens of Pokemon that Once you've earned the don't appear in Red, Blue right to use them, you'll inventions- like the multipurpose Pokegear your character and Yellow pop up in be able to use the Time wears- and improving old ones to help you collect and main Gold, Silver and Crystal, Capsules in Gold, Silver so you'll have plenty of and Crystal to trade tain your Pokemon. reasons to take up the Pokemon with the Red, Poke Ball again. Blue and Yellow versions. Nintendo Player's Guide y BATTLE YOUR WAY TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP Until you start building up your Pokemon and •euv It takes more than Many of the peo winning battles, you're just one more ambitious skill to be a suc ple you'll meet SELL. ...,_..,~ cessful Pokemon JUSt want to talk. Trainer in a world filled with like-minded enthusi QUIT Trainer. You'll need Others want to do asts. The other Trainers you'll meet will be happy to ~ I " sthuep pPlioekse. mSotonp by bniaztet ltelh.e Y loaut'tlle rre bcoy g test your skills for small wagers and, sometimes, Mart to pick up the exclamation major prizes like Hidden Helccmet How may I Poke Balls and points that appear help you? other goodies. above their heads. Machines (HM). The bat tles will get tougher as Stay sharp when Even powerful you progress from you wander into Pokemon need first newtowns aid now and then. town to town. there may be Take them to the interesting chal Pokemon Center, lenges ahead. where friendly Seek out Gyms attendants will and other Trainer H•• 1o t administer the have sec:.,..•~ mo- haunts. H•I ccm• to out"' required TLC. SUPPORT GROUP PROF. ELM BILL MOM PROF. OAK KURT •HITHORAH ~ DEPOSIT •..i, CHANGE BOX MOVE •..i, H/O MAIL. SSE YAt .1.9'7 POKW10N seen EL.M: Hey, has that I Just -finished 43 POKW10N owned EGG chanv•d any? YOUI"' BAL.L.. H•l"'•f You may remember Bill Not only does Mom pro Widely regarded as the If Oak is the legendary A short guy with a short from Red, Blue and Yellow, vide you with the moral preeminent expert on master of Pokemon name, Kurt is a renowned but you might not have ' support every Trainer Pokemon, Professor research, then Professor Poke Ball craftsman. realized his major contri needs, she helps you Oak's consul ting services Elmi s its rising star. It's Bring himy r;iur Apricorns butions to the world of save money and buys are in high demand in Gold lucky for you that his lab is so he can transform them Pokemon. His research you stuff. When you win and Silver. He'll give you right down the street from into special balls for cap made it possible to store money, send some to the an important gift when your house. Stop by when turing particular Pokemon. Pokemon electronically. First Bank of Mom_ you first meet him. yous tart your adventure. TRAINING TRENDS New Day Rising The world keeps turning in Pokemon Gold. Silver and Crystal Gold, Silver and Crysral offer a variety of ways ro collect and rake even when you aren't playing the game. If you save your game care of Pokemon. Time plays a much more important role in the in the daytime then continue it at night, you'll be standing in three games, and you'll need to embrace some new technologies the same place but it will be dark outside. and discoveries ro get the most our of your adventure. Poked ex When you enter the It looks an awful lot like a Game time and date at the beginning of the game, Boy Color, but the Pokedex is a seri you'll start a cycle ot ous piece of scientific equipment. days, nights and weeks that will continue as Like the older version of the gadget, you play the game. It puts important information about Pokemon at your finger tips, plus it has a new look and new features. J 0000 Pokemon are added to the Poikedex Bug-Catching Con HI I d HOOTHOOT automatically when you have \es\ is on \odav. apPea,.edt contact with them. Once you capture a particular Pokemon. Certain Pokemon, like Hoothoot, are found in the wild you'll get more detailed information. only at night. Some events happen even less frequent ly, so pay attention to the day of the week. Evolutionary 1Mode Alphabetical Mode Pokegear After you use your Pokegear for a while, you'll wonder how you ever got along The default display mode in the Pokedex shows the without It. The device is a combination proper evolutionary order of Pokemon when new evo map, clock. calendar, cell phone and lutionary species, like Pichu, are added to the list. You can also view them in numerical order or alphabetically. radio. It's often the first thing you reach for when you're stuck in the game. Pack It doesn't look very big, but you can put a lot of items It's always a good idea to check your map when you into your backpack. Found items are automatically put aren't sure where to go or into their proper compartments in the pack, so you can what to do. It shows your access them easily during battle. When you have more position relative to nearby landmarks. You can also than one of a specific Item, a number beneath it indi access the map in the cates how many you have. Pokedex to show Pokemon habitats. PR()F • El.J1 : is:o.t. PM ~ p,.••• anv but"ton Hhom do vou wan\ \0 .... ,. \O callT If you set up your game You won't have to re The radio is an optional clock correctly, the day member phone numbers feature of the Pokegear and time in the game when you use the that you'll eventually should be the same as Pokegear's phone. earn. You'll find the sub reality. It's good to know Important people are ject matter compelling, you can check, however. listed on speed dial. even if you hate talk radio.

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