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Point contact spectroscopy of the high-temperature superconductor $La_{1.8}Sr_{0.2}CuO_{4}$ PDF

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Preview Point contact spectroscopy of the high-temperature superconductor $La_{1.8}Sr_{0.2}CuO_{4}$

Point contact spectroscopy of the high-temperature superconductor La Sr CuO 1.8 0.2 4 I. K. Yanson, L. F. Rybal’chenko, V. V. Fisun, N. L. Bobrov, M. A. Obolenskii*, N. B. Brandt**, V. V. Moshchalkov**, Yu. D. Tret’yakov**, A. R. Kaul’**, and I. E. Graboi** Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatures, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kharkov, A. M. Gorky State University, Kharkov*, and M. V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow** Email address: [email protected] (Dated: January 10, 2017; Published (Fiz. Nizk. Temp., 13, 557 (1987)); (Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys., 13, 315 (1987)) 7 1 Theenergygaphasbeenmeasuredandthecharacteristicphononenergiesdeterminedforthesu- 0 perconductingcompoundLa Sr CuO fromthecurrent-voltagecharacteristicsofpointcontacts 2 1.8 02 4 with a copper counterelectrode. The temperature dependence of the energy gap was determined. n a PACSnumbers: 73.40.Jn,74.25.Kc,74.45.+c,73.40.-c,74.20.Mn,74.70.Ad,74.72.-h,Dn J 8 New superconducting compounds have recently been gap for T (cid:28) T∗ was calculated from the position of the ] c n synthesized[1,2]withcriticaltemperaturesconsiderably minima in the first derivative (Fig. 1, curves 2 and 3). o greater than the limit reached for compounds with the The form of dV/dI(V) transforms into that traditional c - A15 structure. Specimens of the new material are baked for a S-c-N contact on raising the temperature (curve 4) r p ceramics of inhomogeneous composition: the supercon- and evaluation of the gap was made from the minima in u ductivityinthemhasapercolationcharacter,whichpro- the second derivative d2V/dI2(V) (curve 5). s . duces an appreciable smearing out of the superconduct- t a The temperature dependences of the values of the gap ing transition. It is well known that the energy gap and m obtainedinthiswayforofthecontactsareshowninFig. thecharacteristicphononfrequenciesofasuperconductor - 2(thepoints). NonlinearityoftheIVCfirstshowsupfor d can be determined from an investigation of the current- n voltagecharacteristic(IVC)ofpointcontactsoftheS-c-N thetemperatureTc atV =0,producedbythetransition o of the region of the ceramic close to the contact into the c type. Theinformationobtainedinthiswayreferstoare- superconducting state. For different contacts T∗ varied [ gion of the material with dimensions of the order of the c from zero to ∼32 K, which indicates the nonuniformity 1 contact diameter d, immediately adjacent to the point v in the distribution of the critical parameters on the sur- contact. Point contact spectroscopy is thus well suited 2 faceofthespecimen. Correspondingvariationswerealso tothestudyofheterophasesystems: itenablestheprop- 8 observed for the gap. The clearest difference between 9 erties of separate superconducting clusters to be studied 1 the observed variations from the theory (full curves) is which have dimensions no greater than a few hundred 0 the strong temperature dependence of both gaps in the . ˚Angstroms. 1 region of temperatures low compared with T∗. It is pos- c 0 We have measured IVC and its derivatives for hetero- sible that ∆ and ∆ correspond to different parts of 7 1 2 1 contactsbetweenhigh-puritycopperandslices(1.5×2× the Fermi surface. If they go to zero at temperatures : 3mm3)oftheceramicLa Sr CuO . Thetemperature T∆ and T∆ , then the superconductivity has a gap- v 1.8 02 4 1 2 i ofthestartofthetransitiontothesuperconductingstate less character over a significant temperature range. The X of freshly prepared specimens was T = 38 K and the ratios 2∆ (0)/k T∗ are anomalously high (5.8 and 11.2 r c1 i B c a widthofthetransitionwas8K. Theschemeforcarrying for i = 1 and 2, respectively). On the one hand, this out the experiments is shown in the inset to Fig. 1. The indicates an anomalously strong EPI, while on the other choice of the tangent point at helium temperatures was the inapplicability of the BCS theory in this case. In made from the IVC corresponding to the S-c-N contact fact, the BCS theory assumes that the electron-phonon (Fig. 1, curve 1) with a metallic behavior of the conduc- interaction(EPI)doesnotchangeatthetransitiontothe tivity as a function of the applied bias (d2V/dI2 > 0), superconducting state. Even in tightly bound supercon- with excess current and with features on the derivatives ductors, the value of the gap was less than the charac- reproducible for different contacts which could be identi- teristic frequencies of the low-energy phonons primarily fied with the gap and the phonon energies. The energy responsible for the superconductivity. The energy gap 2 FIG.2: Thetemperaturedependencesoftheenergygaps∆ 1 and ∆ . The full lines are the theoretical ∆(T) relations. 2 Inset, the magnetic field dependence of ∆ for T =1.5 K. conducting properties near the contact would be appre- ciablynonuniformand,consequently,thegaps∆ and∆ 1 2 pertain to one and the same volume of the superconduc- tor. From the ratio of the resistances of the contacts in thenormalandsuperconductingstates,itcanbededuced that the electron concentration in the ceramic is about 40 times less than in copper. The noticeable asymmetry of the IVC (Fig. 1, curve 1) also indicates the small- ness of the carrier concentration at the superconducting electrode. The inset to Fig. 2 also shows the magnetic field de- FIG. 1: Current-voltage characteristic and its derivatives for pendence of the gap. The error in reading off the gap is the hetero-junction C2−Cu(C2 ≡ La Sr CuO ): 1, 2)- smallhere,sincetheformofthedV/dI characteristicina 1.8 0.2 4 I(V), V ∼ dV/dI, T = 9.3 K, R = 95 Ω, 2∆ = 15 meV; magneticfieldatlowtemperaturesispracticallyconstant 1 N 3-5) RN = 750 Ω; 3) T = 1.5 K, 2∆1 = 13.3 meV, 2∆2 = and corresponds to curve 2 of Fig. 1. 26 meV; 4, 5) T =14.8 K, 2∆=15.5 meV. The point contact phonon spectrum is shown in Fig. 3. Itextendsto∼70meV andcontainssixlines(19,32, 40, 47, 54, and 65 meV), corresponding to phons with in La Sr CuO and in other similar compounds is so 1.8 0.2 4 small group velocities. The density of phonon states and greatthatitiscomparablewithorevengreaterthanthe the EPI function have maxima at these energies. The energy of low-frequency phonons. Moreover, the tran- strength of the EPI can be estimated from the relative sition to the superconducting state evidently leads to a growth in the differential resistance in the interval radical rearrangement of the electron spectrum, the EPI ∆ < eV ≤ ¯hω (the maximum phonon energy). 2 max and the low-frequency phonon modes, which takes place The growth in dV/dI because of inelastic scattering over a wide range of temperature below T∗. c of electrons by phonons in the region of the contact The diameter of our contacts, from various estimates, reaches 50-100% in the superconducting ceramic, while hasavaluefromseveraltenstohundredsof˚Angrstroms. it is of the order of a few percent for typical metals. For such small dimensions it is unlikely that the super- The metallic behavior of the conductivity over the 3 dV/dI on V above T∗ has a semiconductor character c (d2V/dI2 < 0) in agreement with the negative tem- perature coefficient of the resistance at temperatures above the superconducting transition temperature T . c1 If a thermal regime were realized in the contact, then for eV ∼= 12 meV the temperature at the center of the contact would reach T , and for large shifts of the IVC c1 d2V/dI2 < 0 should obtain. In fact, however, a change in the sign of d2V/dI2 is observed on the IVC only for temperatures in the immediate vicinity of T∗. The c transition to the superconducting state thus hinders the dielectrificationofthespectrumandonfurtherreduction of the temperature evidently assists the ”metallization” of the electrons over a large part of the Fermi surface. NOTATION Here T is the superconducting transition temper- c1 FIG. 3: Point contact spectrum of phonons in ature for the onset of bulk resistance, T∗ is the c La1.8Sr0.2CuO4. The arrows indicate the positions of superconducting transition temperature for a point the maxima of the EPI. contact, T∆ and T∆ are the zero energy gaps extrap- 1 2 olated temperatures, ¯hω is the maximum phonon max whole energy range eV ≤ ¯hω is an indication of energy, and R is the point contact resistance in the max N the smallness of thermal effects. The dependence of normal state. [1] J.G.BednorzandK.A.Mu¨ller,Z.Phys.B64,189(1986). man, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 408 (1987). [2] R. J. Cava, R. B. van Dover, B. Batlogg, and E. A. Riet-

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