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Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 50: 233-235, 1997. CONTENTS Volume50 1997 Volume 50 No. 1 Original research papers Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation and plant regeneration of four Gentiana species |. Momcilovic, D. Grubisic, M. Koji¢é, M. Neskovic Effects of light regimes on anther culture response in bread wheat H. Ekiz, C.F. Konzak Differential sensitivity of callus derived from immature panicles of rice cultivars to the non-specific toxin of Pyricularia grisea A.S. Prabhu, M.C. Rush Phyliodied panicles caused by head smut ofmaize and vegetative multiplication of maize G. Touraud, L. Bill, M.T. Piollat Plant regeneration from suspension culture of /ris germanica K. Shimizu, H. Nagaike, T. Yabuya, T. Adachi improvement of Citrus somatic embryo development by temporary immersion C. Cabasson, D. Alvard, D. Dambier, P. Ollitrault, C. Teisson Cell Suspension Culture of Solanum chrysotrichum (Schidl.) — A Plant producing an Antifungal Spirostanol Saponin Ma.L. Villarreal, C. Arias, A. Feria-Velasco, O.T. Ramirez, R. Quintero Comparison of NAA and 2,4-D induced somatic embryogenesis in Cassava E. Sofiari, C.J.J.M. Raemakers, E. Kanju, K. Danso, A.M. van Lammeren, E. Jacobsen, R.G.F. Visser Comparative analysis of callus formation and regeneration on cultured immature maize embryos of the inbred lines A188 and A632 F.B.F. Bronsema, W.J.F. van Oostveen, A.A.M. van Lammeren Research notes The relationship between green spot initiation and plantlet regeneration of wheat callus grown under short-term conditions |.M. Ben Amer, A. Borner Gametophyte culture in vitro and antheridiogen activity in Blechnum spicant H. Fernandez, A.M. Bertrand, |. Feito, R.S anchez-Tames 234 Volume 50 No. 2 Original research papers Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and phosphoenojpyruvate carboxylase activi- ties of photoautotrophic callus of Platycerium coronarium (Koenig ex O.F. Muell.) Desv. under CO, enrichment S.-H. Kwa, Y.-C. Wee, P.P. Kumar High frequency shoot regeneration and plantlet formation from root tip of garlic M.S. Haque, T. Wada, K. Hattori Induction of somatic embryogenesis in Azadirachta indica W.W. Su, W.-|.Hwang, S.Y. Kim, Y. Sagawa Influence of extracellular proteins, proteases and protease inhibitors on grapevine somatic embryogenesis O. Maés, P. Coutos-Thévenot, T. Jouenne, M. Boulay, J. Guern 97-105 Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediatated transformation of shoot-buds of chicory F. Frulleux, G. Weyens, M. Jacobs 107-112 The effect of B chromosomes and T-DNA on chromosomal variation in callus cells and regenerated roots of Crepis capillaris J. Maluszynska 113-118 In vivo formation of vanillin glucoside J. Sommer, C. Schroeder, J. Stéckigt 119-123 Manganese toxicity to different growth processes in vitro in Nicotiana G. Santandrea, S. Schiff, A. Bennici 125-129 Research notes Isolation and culture of mesophyll protoplasts from Rosa hybrida R. Marchant, M.R. Davey, J.B. Power 131-134 Somatic embryogenesis and shoot proliferation of Mussaenda cultivars C.S. Cramer, M.P. Bridgen 135-138 Plantlet regeneration from protopiast-derived haploid embryogenic calli of wheat X. Gu, G.H. Liang 139-145 Cytokinin pulse-mediated shoot organogenesis from cotyledons of Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.] and high frequency in vitro rooting of shoots P.M.W. Drake, A. John, J.B. Power, M.R. Davey 147-151 Volume 50 No.3 Original research papers Plant regeneration of salt adapted callus of indica rice (var. Basmati 370) in saline conditions S. Basu, G. Gangopadhyay, B.B. Mukherjee, S. Gupta 153-159 In vitro selection and physiological characterization of NaCl- and mannitol-adapted callus lines in Brassica juncea G. Gangopadhyay, S. Basu, S. Gupta 161-169 Genetic analysis of short term callus culture and morphogenesis in pearl millet, Pen- nisetum glaucum P.K. Mythili, V. Satyavathi, G. Pavankumar, M.V.S. Rao, V. Manga 171-178 Enhancement of flavour biosynthesis from strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) callus cultures by Methylobacterium species |. Zabetakis 179-183 Elicitor-induced changes of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity in barley cell sus- pension cultures S. Peltonen, L. Mannonen, R. Karjalainen 185-193 Stability of anthocyanin composition in Ajuga reptans callus and cell suspension cul- tures A. Callebaut, N. Terahara, M. de Haan, M. Decleire 195-201 Embryogenic callus formation, growth and regeneration in callus and suspension cul- tures of Miscanthus x ogiformis Honda Giganteus’ as affected by proline |. Baeksted Holme, P. Krogstrup, J. Hansen 203-210 Research notes Induction of anthocyanin accumulation in rose suspension-cultured cells by condi- tioned medium of strawberry suspension cultures M. Sakurai, Y. Ozeki, T. Mori 211-214 Glycerol permeability of rye leaf protoplasts as affected by temperature and electropo- ration R.E. Pitt, J.E. Parks, S.C. Huber, J.A. Sangree 215-219 Activated charcoal does not catalyze sucrose hydrolysis in tissue culture media during autoclaving S.R. Wann, R.L. Veazey, J. Kaphammer 221-224 Micropropagation of Citrus halimii - an endangered species of South-east Asia M.N. Normah, S. Hamidah, F.D. Ghani 225-227 Instructions to authors 229-231 Author index 232 Contents Volume 50 233-235

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