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Preview Phytochemistry 1997: Vol 44 Index

AUTHOR INDEX Abate D., 1443 Begzsurengyin D., 711 Abdel-Halim O. B., 1115 Benirschke M., 1387 Abe F., 643 Berenbaum M. R., 825 Aboutabl E.-S. A., 925 Bergendorff O., 1121 Abraham W.-R., 1443 Bergeron C., 633 Acevedo E., 1401 Bertheau Y., 1435 Achenbach H., 359, 537, 1387 Bianchini J.-P., 1519 Acufia-Rodriguez M. F., 1077 Bianco A., 1515 Adam G., 549 Biehl B., 389 Adsersen A., 679 Bin Hu, 337 Afifi M. S., 187 Bishop G. G., 215 Ageta H., 131 Bisrat D., 1271 Agrawal P. K., 555 Blaney W. M., 593 Ahmed M., 1313 Boehm R., 419 Ai J., 1121 Bohm B. A., 425 Ali M., 1163 Béhm H., 847 Allais D. P., 1169 Bo-Mu Wu, 113 Almanza G., 739 Bones A. M., 1251 Alonso-Amelot M. E., 901 Bonfils C., 563 Alpha T., 1519 Bonfils J.-P., 575 Alves J.C. N., 1309 Bordoloi M., 939 Al-Yahya M. A., 125 Borkosky S., 465 Anderson R. E., 1485 Borkosky S. A., 479 Andolfi A., 1041 Borquez J., 649 Anh N. H., 549 Bowery N. E., 441 Ansari S. H., 1163 Bown A. W., 1007 Archbold R., 255 Brennan N. J., i485 Arif M., 1313 Bridle P., 1375 Arihara S., 1329 Brito I., 255 Arot L. O. M., 1397 Brkic D., 751 Arruda A. C., 347 Brown G. D., 1099 Arruda M. S. P., 347 Bubb W. A., 491 Asakawa Y., 293, 653, 1261, 1265 Budzianowski J, 75 Assad Y. O. H., 833 Biilow N., 453, 1291 Asztemborska M., 869 Burden R. S., 977 Audran J. C., 769 Burkhardt G., 1495 Auer H., 1067 Awal H. M. A., 997 Cai Y., 441 Ayabe S., 991 Aziz 1., 537 Callegari Lopes J. L., 1535 Cambon A., 1519 Campbell W. H., 605 Babu B. R., 765 Cafiedo L. M., 1559 Bai L., 341, 1565 Cantrel C., 29 Bailléres H., 35 Capasso R., 1041 Bailleul F., 691 Cardemil L., 1401 Bakker J., 1375 Cardenas-Gonzalez O. E., 1077 Balasubrahmanyam A., 1237 Cardona G., 255 Balsevich J. J., 215 Carotenuto A., 949 Banowetz G. M., 215 Casalvazquez L. G., 173 Barbosa-Filho J. M., 959 Casida J. E., 1257 Bardon A., 465 Castan M., 35 Barkman T. J., 875 Castillo U. F., 901 Barua N. C., 939 Catalan C. A. N., 465, 479 Barz W., 1031 Cavé A., 1537, 1541 Bashir N. H. H., 833 Ceciliani F., 393 Bastida J., 739 Cerda-Garcia-Rojas C. M., 479 Batista O., 325 Chakraborty S., 167 Baumann T. W., 853 Chan T. W. D., 113 Bazon J. N., 1535 Chang C.-T., 1383 Beaman J. H., 875 Chavasiri W., 719 Becker H., 89, 1495 Chaves M. H., 523 Beckert C., 275 Chee-Kok Chin, 337 Begum S., 329, 1313 Chein C.-C., 891 XVii XVill Author Index Chen C.-Y., 1527 Dubery I. A., 811, 1429 Chen I.-S., 1383 Dumbroff E. B., 371 Chen J.-C., 505 Dunlop C., 1109 Chen M., 497 Dunne O., 1473 Chen Z., 667, 1287 Dunstan R. H., 817 Chia-Li Wu, 101 Dutta S. C., 939 Chiang-Cheong Kang, 157 Chiba S., 7 Echeverri F., 255 Chi-Tang Ho, 337 Eder J., 1407 Cho-Hwang J. Y., 553 Edrada R. A., 1455 Choi Y-H., 609 Edwards R., 285 Choudhary M. I., 683 Egeland E. S., 1087 Chulia A. J., 1169 El-Ansari M. A., 533 Chung M.-L, 943 El-Feraly F. S., 125 Chun-Tao Che, 113 Elgamal M. H. A., 485 Cicala C., 949 El-Sharkawy S. H., 187 Codina C., 739 éSik V., 509 Cohen P. A., 271 Espin J. C., 17 Cole D. J., 399 Eun J.-H., 931 Collett L. A., 935 Evidente A., 1041 Comte G., 1169 Cornélio M. L., 959 Fan G., 1139 Corréze C., 769 Fang S.-C., 1383 Craven L., 1109 Fattorusso E., 949 Cremin P., 1473 Faure R., 1519 Cunha W. R., 1535 Feng-E Wu, 333 Cvak L., 365 Feng Y.-X., 727 Fernandes J. B., 1157, 1449 Da-Cunha E. V. L., 559, 959 Ferreira D., 529 Dagne E., 1271 Fkih-Tetouani S., 907 Daniell T., 285 Fleischer T. C., 315 Dardioti A., 883 Foddai S., 751 Da Silva Dias C., 959 Fomum Z. T., 1151 da Silva M. F. das G. F., 1157 Friebe A., 979 Davies-Coleman M. T., 935 Fry S. C., 1011, 1019 De Araujo-Junior J. X., 559 Fuchikami Y., 615 Deepak D., 145 Fujimoto Y., 1511 De Feo V., 949 Fujioka S., 609 Deinzer M. L., 1575 Fujita T., 117 De Giulio A., 861 Fukasawa N., 763 De Jesus-Echevarria M., 1077 Fukumoto H., 1065 Dekermendjian K., 1121 Fung S.-Y., 1047 Delahais V., 671 Furuno T., 991 De la Torre M. C., 325 Furuya T., 83 De Loreto Bordignon S. A., 1283 Demandre C., 29 Gafner S., 687 Demir N., 1247 Gage D. A., 875 Demir Y., 1247 Gagel S., 485 De O. Chaves M. C., 559 Gagnon H.., 1463 Derckel J. P.. 769 Gan K.-H., 1369 Derome K. K., 1421 Gao J., 759 De Rosa S., 861 Garai S., 137 Dhar K. L., 749 Garcia C., 415 Dias D. A., 1535 Garcia S., 415 Diaz J. G., 465 Garcia-Canovas F., 17 Diettrich B.. 1061 Garcia-Lliso V., 1133 Dillon V. M., 599 Gauthier R., 633 Dinan L. N., 509, 513 Gavifio R., 319 Ding J., 459 Gedara S. R., 475 Ding N., 131 Geuns J. M. C.. 797 Dixon R. A., 991 Ghedira K., 1321 Diyani F., 907 Ghosh A. C., 939 Doco T., 351 Ghosh S., 371 Doe M.., 997 Gibbons S., 1109 Donadel O. J., 897 Girault J. -P., 513 Dong A.-J., 1339 Glass A. D. M., 425 Donnelly D. M. X., 1473 Gleye C., 1541 Douglas M. H., 1485 Goda Y., 183 Drandarov K., 971 Goldberg R., 1435 Drewes S. E., 437, 935 Gombosurengyin P., 711 Drilleau J.-F., 351 Gonzalez A., 963 Duarte A., 325 Gopal M., 1329 Duarte A. P., 1309 GGren N., 311 Author Index Govindachari T. R., 153 Hsiang-Ru Lin, 101 Grabber J. H., 1365 Hsu V. L., 1575 Grambow H. J., 639 Hu K., 1339 Grammes C., 1495 Hu L., 667, 1287 Gray A. I., 559, 959, 1109 Huang P.-L., 1359, 1369 Grayer R. J., 599 Huch V., 1495 Green E. S., 825 Hudak K. A., 371 Greengrass P. M., 441 Hui Cao, 113 Gruber M. Y., 425 Hyakumachi M., 79 Guerra F. M., 173 Guerreiro E., 897 Ibrahim R. K., 1463 Guillard R. R. L., 1087 Ichimura M., 991 Guillot-Salomon T., 29 Ide T.. 1551 Guiso M., 1515 Ido M., 7 Guo-Wei Qin, 337 Ihmig S., 407 Gupta M. P., 963 linuma M., 705, 715 Giissregen B., 1455 Ikekawa T., 1511 Guyot S., 351 Ikeshiro Y., 1125 Ikuta A., 141 Haefelé C., 563 IlInerova H., 1407 Halim A. F., 475, 1115 Imakura Y., 1569 Hamada H., 615 Inoue K., 23 Hamilton J. T. G., 1129 Inoue T., 107 Han G., 759 lori R., 393 Handa S. S., 749 Ishida K., 449 Handong S., 911 Ishiguro K., 1065 Hanson J. R., 1055 Ishii T., 243 Hara N., 1511 Ishikawa T., 1383 Harada A., 609 Istatkova R. S., 1591 Harborne J. B., 599 Itokawa H., 735.1115 Harper D. B., 1129 Ito C., 1125 Harris W., 1485 Ivancic M., 1575 Harrison L. J., 157 Iwasaki S., 1339 Hartley T. G., 1109 Iwase Y., 643 Hartmann T., 51 Harwood J. L., 399 Jabbar A., 683 Hassanali A., 833 Jaimes-Espinoza R., 901 Hatano K., 711 Jain P. K., 775, 781 Hatano T., 1343 Jain S. C., 765 Havliéek V., 365 Jarvis A. G., 1055 Haye B., 769 Jayaprakasha G. K., 843 He Z., 1139 Jegorov A., 365 Heide L., 419 Jia Z., 1145 Heinrichs H., 389 Jiang-Qi Wen, 221 Heinzen H., 415 Johansson A. K., 1421 Heller W., 275 Johnson C. B., 11 Hellwig V., 1271 Jones G. J., 817 Hempel J., 847 Jong T.-T., 553 Herath H. M. T. B., 699 Jonker S. A., 359 Herbert D., 399 Jorge Z. D., 173 Herrera R., 11 Joseph-Nathan P., 479 Herz W., 465, 659, 1535 Jouan B., 1435 Higa M., 545 Jouve D., 1037 Hilgenberg W., 407 Jung J.-H., 931 Hinz U., 567 Jung S., 453, 1291 Hirano T., 305 Jurenitsch J., 1067 Hirasawa E., 997 Justus M., 51 Hirata E., 1551 Hirata T., 615 Kajiyama S.-1., 887 Hirotani M., 83 Kakuto Y., 705 Hitchcock P. B., 1055 Kallio H. P., 1421 Hocquemiller R., 1537, 1541 Kameoka H., 79, 433, 1479 Hohn M., 359 Kameyama A.., 305 Honda G., 117, 1335 Kamiya K., 141 Honda T., 1375 Kaneko S., 243 Hongjie Z., 911 Kanzaki H., 887 Honjo Y., 433 Kapoor H. C., 1237 Horiike T., 627 Karousou R., 883 Horn C., 275 Kartal M., 1393 Horn M. H., 437 Kasahara H., 1479 Horn M. M.., 935 Kashiwada Y., 1125 Hostettmann K.., 633, 687 Katagiri H., 1125 Hou-Guo Liang, 221 Katajisto J. K., 1421 XX Author Index Kato Y., 183 Lanzetta R., 1041 Kauss H., 225 Lanzotti V., 949 Kawagishi H., 7 Lapierre C., 35 Kawai S., 1351 Laprévote O., 1541 Kawamoto M., 1329 Latz-Briining B., 257 Kawamura F., 1351 Lauren D. R., 901 Kawazoe K., 1569 Laurens A., 1537, 1541 Kawazu K., 887 Lavaud C., 1321 Kaya K., 1503 Leconte O., 575 Khalil A. T., 475 Lee J., 589 Khan A., 1313 Lee M.-H., 1343 Khare A., 145 Legendre L., 769 Khurana J. P., 775, 781 Lehning A., 275 Kijima H., 1551 Lemmich J., 679 Kikuchi M., 249 Li G.-L., 1175 Kim C.-M., 887 Li S., 419 Kim K.-S., 623 Liaaen-Jensen S., 1087 Kim S.-U., 623 Libot F., 691 Kimata J., 23 Lin C.-N., 1359, 1369 Kimura A., 7 Lin R.-R., 943 Kinjo K., 643 Lin S.-L., 891 Kinoshita T., 7, 997 Lin Z., 459 Kirmizigil S., 311 Lithgow A. M., 1301, 1309 Kluge M., 639 Liu H.-J., 1523 Kneer R., 69 Liu W.-Z., 663 Kobayashi A., 887 Lébler M., 589 Kobayashi H., 1339 Loyola L. A., 649 Koga J., 249 Lu C.-M., 1359 Kohler A., 225 Luckner M., 1061 Koike K., 305, 1145 Ludwig-Miiller J., 407 Kojima K., 711 Luis J. G., 255 Kokkini S., 883 Lund A.-K., 679 Kokpol U., 719 Kolaé J., 1407 Ma Q.-G., 663 Komatsu K., 1125 Maatoog G. T., 187 KKoonmiagt sWu. MA..,, 475135, 471, 1291 Machaékova I., 1407 Magno S., 949 Konishi T., 1473 Mahabusarakam W.., 491 Koupai-Abyazani M. R., 425 Mahamat H.., 833 Koyama H., 1261 Mahato S. B., 137 Kratochvil, B., 365 Maheshwari S. C., 775, 781 Kraus C., 59 Maier W., 581 Kraut L., 1399 Maitani T., 183 Kreft S., 1001 Majumder P. L., 167 Kregar I., 1001 Mak T. C. W., 113 Kretschmar J. A., 853 Malakov P. Y., 121 Krigas N., 883 Malan E., 529 Krishna Kumari G. N., 153 Maldonado E., 319 Krouti M., 1469 Malik M. K.. 781 Kubelka W., 1067 Mann J., 1391 Kiick P., 979 Marco J. A., 1133 Kudoyarova G. R., 797 Marcos I. S., 1301 Kumar R., 765 Marsaioli A. J., 1547 Kuo L.-M. Y., 1275 Marston A., 633 Kuo Y.-H., 1275 Martinez V. J. C., 1179 Kuriha N., 805 Marty P., 1435 Kurisaki A., 45 Mase I., 1125 Kuroda M., 107, 305 Massanet G. M., 173 Kuroyanagi M., 627 Masuda K.., 131 Kuusisto P. H., 1421 Masuda T., 1335 Kuwano H., 1375 Masukawa N., 1565 Kwon Y.-S., 887 Mathur R. K., 939 Matlin S. A., 533 Laakso P. H., 1421 Mato M. C., 41 Lafont R., 513 Matsuda H., 449 Lahlou E.-H., 255 Matsui M., 723 Lahloub M. F., 475 Matsumoto T., 117 Laidman D. L., 985 Matsunaga K., 1507 Lambert B., 769 Matsunaga T., 243 Lampman R. L., 825 Matsunami J., 293, 1265 Lanaras T., 883 Maurya R., 749 Lang F. A., 705 Mavi S., 437 Lankhorst P. P., 755 Mbafor J. T., 1151 Author Index McCallum J., 425 Nomura T., 609 McDougall G. J., 229 Noro T., 917 McGimpsey J. A., 1485 Nugroho B. W., 1455 McPhail A. T., 125 Mehifiihrer M., 1067 Ochocka J. R., 869 Melching S., 1291 Odoardi M., 393 Meléndez P. A., 1077 Ogasawara N., 249 Melzer M., 419 Ogawa N., 249 Méndez J., 41 Ogihara K., 545 Meng H., 605 Ogihara Y., 711 Meselhy M. R., 925 Ogimi C., 1551 MeSko P., 1001 Ogura K., 45 Metzger P., 671, 1071 O'Hagan D., 285 Mevy J. P., 1469 Ohashi H., 1351 Meyer H., 1443 Ohizumi Y., 1507 Micard V., 1365 Ohkawa M.., 1511 Miguel del Corral J. M., 1559 Ohmoto J., 805 Milborrow B. V., 977 Ohmura E., 723 Milbrodt M., 471 Ohshima N., 1483 Mimaki Y., 107, 305 Ohshiro M., 627 Minar J., 365 Ohyama M.., 715 Ming-Ku Wang, 333 Oka K.., 305 Mitsunaga S.-I., 7 Okuda T., 1343 Miyagi Y., 545 Okumura K.., 1483 Miyazawa M.., 79, 433, 1479 Olmo L. R. V., 1157 Mohan S., 939 Olsen C. E., 679 Monteiro J. C. M., 347 Ondognyi P., 711 Monties B., 35 Oosio Y., 117 Morales G., 649 Ortega A., 319 Morales M., 17 Ossicini L., 869 Moreau F., 29 Otsuka H., 117, 1335, 1551 Mortarino M.., 393 Overton J., 599 Mésli Waldhauser S. S., 853 Mossa J. S., 125 Pakhomova S., 365 Moutounet M., 351 Palenzuela J. A., 963 Moyna P., 415 Pallett K. E., 399 Muckensturm B., 907 Pancharoen O., 491 Mueller L. A., 567 Paniego N. B., 1047 Muhammad I., 125 Papanov G. Y., 121 Muhie S., 359 Park J.-H., 931 Miihlenbeck U., 865 Park S.-H., 623 Muir A. D., 425 Parthier B., 589 Miiller A. H., 347 Pasitkul P., 237 Mufioz D. M., 593 Pathak V., 555 Murakami M., 449 Pei-Lin Wu, 179 Murakoshi I., 763 Peipp H., 581 Murata T., 7 Pellegrini G., 1515 Pereira J., 843 Nagae T., 1115 Peres V., 191 Nagamiti K., 1535 Perez G., 869 Nagareya N., 1065 Perry N. B., 1485 Nagashima F., 653 Philipov S. A., 1591 Nagaya H., 1115 Phillipson J. D., 441, 963 Nagem T. J., 191 Pieper K., 407 Nakamura M., 183 Pinaud N., 1169 Namba T., 1125 Ping Y., 911 Nanz D., 497 Pinheiro A. L., 1157, 1449 Nascimento J., 325 Pollet B., 35 Ndom J.-C., 1151 Péllmann K., 485 Nianga M., 687 Polya G., 787 Nicoletti M., 751, 1515 Po-Ming Hon, 113 Nielsen M., 1121 Porzel A., 549, 1061 Nigam S. K., 1329 Pouet Y., 1071 Nikaido T., 305, 1145 Powell A. D., !57 Nishijima M., 735 Prabha T. N., 383 Nishikawa S., 1483 Pressey R., 1241 Nishimoto S., 1343 Prinsen E., 1407 Nishitani H., 1483 Priyadarshini A. M. A., 699 Njagi P. G. N., 833 Priya Sethu K. M., 383 Nkunya M. H. H., 359 Proksch P., 1455 Nobata M., 79 Puentes De Diaz A. M., 345 Nohara T., 131 Pui-Hay But P., 113 Noharas T., 723 Pungeréar J., 1001 XXii Author Index Qin G.-W., 663 Schnabl H., 979 Qing M., 911 Schnitzler J.-P., 275 Quifiones W., 255 Schripsema J., 755 Quinsac A., 1469 Schréder F., 471 Schubert B., 407 Rabier J., 1469 Schulz M., 979 Raharivelomanana P., 1519 Schwarz D., 267 Rajwanshi V. K., 765 Scott A. 1., 615 Ralph J., 1365 Sedmera P., 365 Rao K. S., 1569 Seidel V., 691 Ravelo A. G., 963 Seifert K., 485 Ravnikar M., 1001 Sekine T., 763 Redig P., 797 Sekita S., 695 Reduron J.-P., 907 Sen S., 1185 Rémy R., 29 Senda M., 23 Renard C. M. G. C., 1365 Sepponen P. J., 1421 Renault J.-H., 1321 Serafini L., 1541 Rhenius M., 1061 Serafini M., 1515 Rho M.-C., 1507 Sezik E., 117, 1335 Ribaillier D., 1469 Shabbir M.., 683 Richardson A., 229 Shaker K. H., 485 Rieck A., 453 Shan R., 1121 Ripperger H., 549, 731 Sharaf M., 533 Rivett D. E. A., 935 Sharma S. K., 765 Rodilla J. M. L., 1301, 1309 Sharma V. K., 775, 781 Rodrigues Fo. E., 1157 Shen Y.-C., 891, 1527 Rodrigues F. E., 1449 Shimada A., 7 Rodriguez B., 325, 593 Shimizu T., 183 Roldan J., 255 Shimogai N., 1569 Romero-Ramsey L., 1077 Shimura M., 249 Ronchi S., 393 Shin H. J., 449 Roque N. F., 523 Shiow-Chyn Huang, 179 Rosa E. A. S., 1415 Shirataki Y., 715 Rosazza J. P. N., 187 Shirota O., 695 Rosen R. T., 337 Shuaib M., 1163 Rossiter J. T., 1251 Shukla A., 377 Rossomando P. C., 897 Sicker D., 639 Koth U., 979 Siddiqui B. S., 329, 1313 Roychowdhury (née Basak) M., 167 Simmonds M. S. J., 593 Ruangrungsi N., 763 Simoes M. F., 325 Ryu J.-H., 931 Simpson J., 719 Singh A. K., 555 Sacilotio A. C. B. C., 659 Singh R. P., 843 Sagami H., 45 Singh S., 425 Sahu N. P., 1145 Sireeparsad A., 529 Saify Z. S., 1313 Slater V., 1429 Saiki Y., 141 Smallfield B. M., 1485 Saito K., 805 Smit F., 811 Saito N., 1375 Smith B. L., 901 Saito T., 1265 Sobottka A. M., 755 Sakariah K. K., 843 Solis P. N., 963 Sakurai A., 609 Song C.-Q., 1175 Salazar I., 319 Sénmez U., 1297 Saleh N. A. M., 533 Sonnenbichler I., 267 Sano T., 1503 Sonnenbichler J., 267 Santos G. G., 1309 Souquet J.-M., 351 Sanz M. B. K., 897 Souto-Bachiller F. A., 1077 Sanz-Cervera J. F., 1133 Spassov S. L., 121 Saritas Y., 453 Spiteller G., 59 Sarker S. D., 509, 513 Spitzer V., 1283 Sarragiotto M. H., 1547 Srivastava S., 145 Sashida Y., 107, 305 Steglich W., 1271 Satake M.., 695 Sterner O., 1121 Satake T., 141 Stevens J. F., 1575 Sattaysevana B., 237 Stevenson P. C., 1587 Sattler I., 615 Sticher O., 497 Saunders R. M. K., 1099 Strack D., 581 Sauvaire Y., 563, 575 Strukelj B., 1001 Sawhney V. K., 377 Stiiber A., 1399 Scheffer J. J. C., 1047 Sugita Y., 715 Schenkel E. P., 755, 1283 Sugiyama N., 571 Schmeller T., 257 Suitani A., 1065 Schmidt J., 581, 589 Sultana R., 329 Author Index Sultani S. Z., 683 Usui T., 7 Summons R.., 1071 Sun H., 117, 459, 1335 Valcic S., 89 Sun R.-Q., 505 Valcke R. L. M., 797 Sung, T. V., 549 Vallés-Xirau J., 1133 Suresh G., 153 Van Klink J. W., 1485 Suzuki Y., 623 Van Loenhout H. E. M., 797 Svanem P.-J., 1251 Van Loven K., 797 Swinny E., 529 Van Onckelen H. A., 797 Sy L.-K., 1099 Varma A., 1237 Sybilska D., 869 Varon R., 17 Veerachato G., 719 Veit M., 275 Tabata M., 117 Veitch N. C., 1587 Taguchi H., 1483 Veith M., 1495 Tahara S., 1031 Vendrig J. C., 797 Takagi S., 341, 1565 Vercauteren J., 1169 Takahashi T., 991 Verpoorte R., 1047 Takaishi Y., 1569 Veselov S. Y., 797 Takano I., 735 Vian B., 1435 Takatsuto S., 609 Vichnewski W., 659, 1535 Takechi M., 299 Vieira I. J. C., 1449 Takeda Y., 117, 911, 1335, 1551 Vieira P. C., 1157, 1449 Takeya K., 735, 1115 Vilela E. F., 1157, 1449 Takushi A., 1551 Viljoen A., 1271 Tanaka C. M. A., 1547 Voehler M., 475 Tanaka H., 653 Vogt T., 589 Tanaka M.., 1031 Voigt G., 389 Tanaka T., 705, 715 Voigt J., 389 Tanaka Y., 299 Vurro M., 1041 Tanida N., 705 Taniguchi N., 571 Waechter A.-I., 1537 Tava A., 393 Waibel R., 359, 537 Taylor H. F., 977 Waigh R. D., 315 Taylor W. C., 491 Teixeira A. P., 325 Walsh K.. 817 Wang B. H., 787 Terahara N., 183, 1375 Wang S.-P., 727 Ternai B., 787 Wannachet-isara N., 719 Tettamanzi M. C., 537 Warashina T., 917 Thepenier P., 1321 Waterman P. G., 315, 1109 Thibault J.-F., 1365 Weavers R. T., 719 Thompson J. E., 371 Wei X., 911 Tian R.-H., 723 Wende G., 1011, 1019 Tian-Shung Wu, 179 Wihstutz K., 1291 Tillequin F., 691 Wilkins A. L., 901 Timberlake C. F., 1375 Williams H. J., 615 Tip-pyang S., 719 Williams L. A. D., 1397 Tobita Y., 1115 Wink M.., 257 Tomassini L., 751 Wiriyachitra P., 491 Tommonaro G., 861 Wititsuwannakul D., 237 Tonn C. E., 897 Wititsuwannakul R., 237 Topgu G., 1297, 1393 Witt R., 1121 Torres Ch. R., 1179 Witte L., 51, 1455 Torres F., 255 Wolfender J.-L., 687 Torres S. L., 347 Wollenweber E., 1399 Torto B., 833 Wray V., 581, 1455 Towers G. H. N., 271, 425, 491 Wrisez F., 769 Towers N. R., 901 Wu C.-L., 1523 Toyota M., 293, 1261, 1265 Wu C.-N., 943 Tramontano W. A., 1037 Wu Dan H., 985 Troll K., 1067 Wu Q.-L., 727 Tsai I.-L., 1383 Wu R.-R., 1359, 1369 Tu G.-Z., 727 Tudela J., 17 Wu W. W., 497 Wu X.-Y., 663 Tuntiwachwuttikul P., 491 Wu-Sheng Liang, 221 Uddin R., 1329 Xie Y., 667 Ujvary I., 1257 Xu J., 1511 Ulubelen A., 1297, 1393 Umek A., 1001 Yaga S., 643 Uno C., 299 Yahara S., 131 Urones J. G., 1309 Yamada T., 183 Usubillaga A., 537 Yamaguchi K., 449 XXIV Author Index Yamaguchi M.., 183 Yoshikawa K., 1329 Yamaki M., 341, 1565 Yoshikawa T., 83 Yamamoto H., 23 Yoshioka K., 141 Yamauchi T., 249, 643 Yu Shao, 337 Yamawaki M., 7 Yuan-Wah Leong, 157 Yanagi Y., 735 Yue J., 459 Yang J.-S., 727 Yusuph M., 1391 Yang L.-L., 1343 Zangerl A. R., 825 Yao-Zu Chen, 333 Zapp J., 89 Yao X.-S., 1339 Zeches-Hanrot M., 1321 Yasuda I., 735 Zeng J.-F., 1175 Yasuda K., 1507 Zenk M. H., 69 Yasumune H., 615 Zevgeegyin O., 711 Ybarra M. I., 479 Zhang G., 1007 Yen K.-Y., 1343 Zhang H., 117, 1335 Yen M.-H., 943, 1359 Zhao Y., 459 Yesilada E., 117, 1335 Zhou T.-X., 663 Yildirim A., 1247 Zhou Y., 83 Yogi S., 545 Zhu D.-Y., 1175 Yokoe I., 715 Zhu M., 441 Yokota I., 1511 Zonno M. C., 1041 Yokota T., 609 Zook D. R., 869 Yoshida I., 997 Zryd J.-P., 567 Yoshida S., 715 Zukerman-Schpector J., 1547 Yoshida T., 293, 1343 Zuurbier K. W. M., 1047 SUBJECT INDEX Abscisic acid, revision of nomenclature of precursor of 977 Anabaenopeptin B, from Oscillatoria 449 Abscisic acid analogue, with 3’-thioether linker arm, activity Anaxagoria clavata, neolignans from 345 of 215 Ancistrocladaceae 549 Acacia auriculiformis, triterpenoid saponins from 137 Ancistrocladus cochinchinensis, tetralones from 549 A. caffra, 7,8,4°-trihydroxyflavan-epioritin dimer from 529 Anemone hupehensis, triterpenoid saponins from 333 Acanthaceae 125 Angelica dahurica, Acetogenins, antimicrobial activity of coumarins and ferulic acid from Annona 1537, 1541 from 887 from Porcelia, stereochemistry determination of 523 CNS-active furanocoumarins from 1121 Acetophenones, Annona glauca, acetogenin from 1537 from Cynanchum, revised structure for 1359 A. muricata, acetogenins from roots of 154] induced as phytoalexin, in papaya fruit 255 Annonaceae 315, 345, 359, 523, 1537, 1541 phenolic, from Artemisia 555 Anthocyanins, Acetovanillone, formation of x-hydroxyacetovanillone from, acylated, from purple sweet potato 183 in Solanum 865 from red wine 1375 Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, from Poa, graminicide-binding Anthraquinones, chlorination of by lichen and fungal 399 enzymes 27] Achillea millefolium, betaines and free proline in 1067 Anthrones, from Aloe 1271 Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity, in male sterile Aphidicolin, biosynthesis of in Cephalosporium 1055 Brassica 377 Apocynaceae 69, 329, 609, 615 Adenosine 3°,5’-cyclic monophosphate, in Lilium flowers Araliaceae 931 769 Araucaria araucana, regulation of a-amylase isoenzyme Adina rubella, triterpenoid glycosides from 1139 expression in 1401 Agavaceae 107 Araucariaceae 1401 Aglaia duppereana, insecticidal rocaglamides from 1455 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus-induced changes, in barley Aizoaceae 719 root secondary compounds 581 Alangiaceae 1551 Archilejeunea olivacea, volatiles from 1261 Alangium premnifolium, water-soluble phenolic glycosides Armillaria tabescens, sesquiterpene aryl esters from 1473 from 1551 Armoracia rusticana, glucosinolate contents of regenerated Algae 671, 1071, 1087, 1507 plantlets from 1469 Alismataceae 1547 Artemisia annua, phenolic acetophenone from 555 Alkaloid glycosides, steroidal, from Solanum 731 A. arborescens, sesquiterpene lactones and lignans from Alkaloids, 1133 aporphine, from Cissampelos 959 Asclepiadaceae 145, 917, 1359 biochemical activities of 257 L-Ascorbic acid, mechanism of oxidative cleavage of, in Pel- bisbenzylisoquinoline, from /sopyrum 1591 argonium 805 diterpenoid, from Consolida 739 Asparagus racemosus, 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene from 763 ergot, frem Claviceps 365 Aspartic proteinase from Cephalotaxus 735 inhibitors, jasmonic acid inducible, from potato 1001 from Piper 727 levels, in angiosperm seeds 389 insecticidal, from Schoenocaulon, partial synthesis of Aspergillus flavus, metabolism of prenylated flavonoids 1257 by 1031 loline, in endophyte-infected Festuca, 51 A. niger, microbial transformation of (+)-eudesmin macrocyclic lactam, from Verbascum 971 by 1479 piperidine, from Piper 559 Aster lingulatus, triterpenoid saponins from 337 pyrrolizidine, from Messerschmidia 545 Avena sativa, effects of DIBOA on plasma membrane H * - quinoline, from Psychotria 963 ATPase activity in 979 4-quinolone, from Samadera 1109 Azorella compacta, diterpenoids from 649 steroidal, from Solanum 537 5-Alkylresorcinols, from Ononis 1559 B Alliaceae 949 Baccharis ochracea, diterpene from 755 Allium neapolitanum, flavonoids from 949 Bacteria 449, 817, 1503 Aloe microstigma, anthrones from 1271 Ballota nigra, phenylpropanoid glycoside from 691 Aloeaceae 1271 Benzofurans, insecticidal, from Aglaia 1455 Amanita muscaria, formation of betalamic acid and musca- Benzoquinones, flavin by recombinant from Embelia 679 DOPA-dioxygenase from 567 from Polygonatum 1369 Amides, from Zanthoxylum fruits 1125 Benzoxazinoid glucoside, from Triticum 639 Aminoaldehyde dehydrogenase, from pea epicotyls 997 1 ,4-Benzoxazin-3-ones, effects of on plasma membrane H * - y-Aminobutyric acid, rapid determination of 1007 ATPase 979 Ammodaucus leucotrichus, guaianolide from 907 Berberidaceae 23, 497 8-Amorphene, enantiomers of, from Leptospermum and veti- Berberine, biochemical activities of 257 ver oil 1291 Beta vulgaris, a-Amylase isoenzyme expression, regulation of, in Arau- alteration of betaxanthin pattern of hairy roots from, by caria 1401 amino acid feeding 847 XXVi Subject Index dehydrodiferulic acids from pulp of 1365 Blackgram mottle virus, purification of, using Mg-ben- Betaine profiles, in Achillea 1067 tonite 1237 Betalamic acid, formation of by recombinant DOPA-dioxy- Boraginaceae 419, 545 genase from Amanita 567 Boron-polysaccharide complex, from bamboo shoot cell Betaxanthin profile, of Beta hairy roots, alteration of by walls 243 amino acid feeding 847 Botryococcus, similarities in hydrocarbon patterns in 1071 Bibenzyl glucosides, from Pleione 1565 B. braunii, terpene epoxides from 671 Bibenzyls, from Bulbophyllum 157, 167 Brassica, glucosinolates from flower buds of 1415 Bichroman, from Pleione 341 B. campestris, glucosinolate content of during clubroot dis- Biflavonoids, from Pentagramma farinose exudate 705 ease development in 407 Bignoniaceae 687 B. napus, cytokinin metabolism and adenine phos- Biochemical activity, of alkaloids, mediating chemical phoribosyltransferase activity in 377 defence 257 Brassinolide, alternative biosynthetic pathway of, in Cathar- Biological activity, anthus 609 of plant polyphenols 441 Brickellia kellermanii, labdane diterpenes from 319 of synthetic triterpenoid and steroid glycosides 299 Brosimum acutifolium, flavans from 347 Biologically active compounds, Bulbophyllum protractum, bibenzyls from 167 anti-AIDS triterpenes, from Celastrus 1275 B. vaginatum, phenanthrenes, dihydrophenenthrenes and antibacterial abietane diterpenoids, from Plec- bibenzyls from 157 tranthus 325 Bupleurum fruticosum, phenylpropanoids from 173 antimicrobial coumarins, from Angelica 887 Burseraceae 833 antitumour triterpenes, from Celastrus 1275 Buxaceae 35 auxin-protecting pclyphenols, from Castanea 41 Buxus sempervirens, lignin structure in reaction wood of 35 central nervous system active furanocoumarins, from Byzantionosides, from Stachys 1335 Angelica 1121 cytostatic steroidal glycosides, from Hosta underground Cc parts 305 Cadina-3,5-diene, enantiomers of, from Leptospermum and cytotoxic Conocephalum 1291 abietane diterpenoids, from Caryopteris 759 Caffeine N-methyltransferase activities, in Coffea leaves, cytochalasins, from Xylaria 1443 characterization of 853 triterpenes, from Cleome 1115 Caffeoyl CoA, enzymic synthesis of 605 insect antifeedant neo-clerodanes, from Scutellaria 593 Caldariomyces fumago, anthraquinone chlorination by insect moult inhibiting limonoids, from Citrus 843 chloroperoxidase from 271 insecticidal rocaglamides, from Aglaia 1455 Camphorquinones, biotransformation of by Glomerella 79 leukotriene D, antagonistic abeo-abietanes, from Trip- Candida albicans, protective effect of iridals against saponin terygium 1511 injury in 575 phytoalexin, Cannabidaceae 1047, 1575 acetophenone, from papaya 255 Capparaceae 1115 diterpenoid, from rice 249 Caprifoliaceae 627, 751 phytotoxic Capsicum annuum, 2-D-mannosidase from 383 hexaketide, from Phoma_ 1041 Carbonic anhydrases, from Daucus leaves and roots 1247 lactone, from Xylaria 1443 Cardiac glycoside, biotransformation of, in Digitalis 1061 macrolide, from Phoma 1041 Carica papaya, acetophenone phytoalexin from 255 platelet aggregation inhibitory glycolipid, from O/tmannsi- Caricaceae 255 ellopsis 1507 Carotenoids, trypsin inhibitor, from Medicago, active against insect lar- in Microcystis, effect of irradiance on 817 vae 393 in Prasinophyceae 1087 Biosynthesis, Caryophyllaceae 69, 371, 925 of aphidicolin, in Cephalosporium 1055 Caryopteris incana, cytotoxic abietane diterpenoids from of betaxanthins, in Beta 847 759 of brassinolide, in Catharanthus 609 Castanea sativa, polyphenols from, as [AA protectors 41 of caffeine, in Coffea, N-methyltransferases involved Catharanthus roseus, in 853 alternative brassinolide biosynthetic pathway in 609 of chlorinated anthraquinones, from emodin, by lichen monoterpenoid biotransformation by cultured cells and fungal enzymes 271 of 615 of flavan-3-ols, by Onobrychis leaf extracts 425 Cd-phytochelatin complexes, formation of in plant cell cul- of humulone, in hop plants 1047 tures 69 of 4-hydroxyisoleucine, in Trigonella, dioxygenase Cedrela odorata, terpenoids and flavonoids from graft involved in 563 of 1449 of oosponol and oospoglycol, in Gloeophyllum 267 Celastraceae 1275, 1511, 1569 of shikonin, in Lithospermum, involvement of pre- Celastrus hindsii, antitumour and anti-AIDS triterpenes nyltransferases in 419 from 1275 of styrylpyrones, in Equisetum 275 Cell wall constituents, O-feruloylated, from Festuca 1019 Biotransformation, Cembrane, from Echinodorus 1547 of camphorquinones, by Glomerella 79 Cephalosporium aphidicola, biosynthesis of aphidicolin in of deacetyllanatoside C, by Digitalis cultures 1061 1055 of (+ )-eudesmin to (-)-pinoresinol, by Aspergillus 1479 Cephalotaxaceae 735 of germacrane sesquiterpenoid, by suspension cultured Cephalotaxus harringtonia, alkaloids from 735 Lonicera cells 627 Chemical resistance, of barley seeds to pathogenic fungi of monoterpenoids, by suspension cultured Catharanthus 415 cells 615 Chemotaxonomic studies, of B-selinene, by Glomerella 443 of anthrones, in Aloe 1271 Bis(bibenzyls), from Jungermannia 101 of betaine, in the Achillea millefolium group 1067

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