PPPPhhhhyyyyssssiiiiccccssss CCCC CCCChhhhaaaapppptttteeeerrrr 33335555 FFFFrrrroooommmm sssseeeerrrrwwwwaaaayyyy bbbbooooooookkkk PPPPPPPPrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeppppppppaaaaaaaarrrrrrrreeeeeeeedddddddd bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyy AAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaassssssss AAAAAAAA........ AAAAAAAAllllllllkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaannnnnnnnooooooooaaaaaaaa MMMM....SSSScccc....(((( mmmmaaaasssstttteeeerrrr ddddeeeeggggrrrreeeeeeee)))) iiiinnnn TTTThhhheeeeoooorrrreeeettttiiiiccccaaaallll PPPPhhhhyyyyssssiiiiccccssss,,,, EEEElllleeeeccccttttrrrroooommmmaaaaggggnnnneeeettttiiiicccc WWWWaaaavvvveeeessss ((((OOOOppppttttiiiiccccaaaallll SSSScccciiiieeeennnncccceeee)))) ,,,, IIIIssssllllaaaammmmiiiicccc UUUUnnnniiiivvvveeeerrrrssssiiiittttyyyy ooooffff GGGGaaaazzzzaaaa ((((GGGGaaaazzzzaaaa,,,, PPPPaaaalllleeeessssttttiiiinnnneeee)))).... Chapter Seven The Nature of Light and the Laws of Geometric Optics 35.1 The Nature of Light 3355..33 TThhee RRaayy AApppprrooxxiimmaattiioonn iinn GGeeoommeettrriicc OOppttiiccss 3355..44 RReefflleeccttiioonn 35.5 Refraction 35.6 Huygens’s Principle 35.7 Dispersion and Prisms 33335555....8888 TTTToooottttaaaallll IIIInnnntttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaallll RRRReeeefffflllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn 35.1 The Nature of Light 1678 In , the Dutch physicist and astronomer Christian Huygens showed that a wave theory of light could also explain reflection and refraction. In 1801 1773–1829 , Thomas Young ( ) showed that, under aapppprroopprriiaattee ccoonnddiittiioonnss,, lliigghhtt rraayyss iinntteerrffeerree wwiitthh eeaacchh ootthheerr.. Maxwell, in 1873 asserted that light was a form of high-frequency electromagnetic wave. Although the wave model and the classical theory of electricity and magnetism were able to explain most known properties of light, they could not explain some subsequent experiments. An explanation of the photoelectric effect was proposed by Einstein in 1905 in a theory that used the concept of quantization developed by 1858–1947 1900. Max Planck ( ) in The quantization model assumes that the energy of a light wave is present in particles called photons; hence, the energy is said to be quantized. AAccccoorrddiinngg ttoo EEiinnsstteeiinn’’ss tthheeoorryy,, tthhee eenneerrggyy ooff aa pphhoottoonn iiss pprrooppoorrttiioonnaall ttoo tthhee ffrreeqquueennccyy ooff tthhee eelleeccttrroommaaggnneettiicc wwaavvee:: = E hf where h = 6.63×10−34 J.s is Planck’s constant Light exhibits the characteristics of a wave in some situations and the characteristics of a particle in other situations. 35.3 The Ray Approximation in Geometric Optics The field of geometric optics involves the study of the propagation of light, with the assumption that light travels in a fixed direction in a straight line as it passes through a uniform medium and changes its direction when it meets the surface of a different medium or if the optical properties of the medium are nonuniform in either space or ttiimmee.. Ray approximation: λ The ray approximation and the assumption that << dare used in this chapter and in Chapter 36, both of which deal with geometric optics. This approximation is very good for the study of mirrors, lenses, prisms, and associated optical instruments, such as telescopes, cameras, and eyeglasses. 35.4 Reflection When a light ray traveling in one medium encounters a boundary with another medium, part of the incident light is reflected. Reflection of light from such a smooth surface is called ssssppppeeeeccccuuuullllaaaarrrr rrrreeeefffflllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn.... Reflection from any rough surface is known as ddddiiiiffffffffuuuusssseeee rrrreeeefffflllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn. θ' θ The incident and reflected rays make angles and , respectively, 1 1 where the angles are measured between the normal and the rays. Experiments and theory show that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence: θ' = θ 1 1 This relationship is called the llllaaaawwww ooooffff rrrreeeefffflllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn.