HYM RES. J. Vol. 19(1), 2010, pp. 113-120 Phylogenetic Relationships of Phiroides porteri, a New Genus and Species of Plumariidae from Argentina (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) Patricla Diez, Arturo Roig-Alsixa, axd Patricio Fidalgo (PD, PF) CRIL.AR, Entre Rios y Mendoza s/n, 5301 .-Ynillaco, La Rioja, Argentina; [email protected]; [email protected] (AR-A) Museo .Aigentino de Ciencias Xatuxales "Bernardino Rivadavia", Av. Angel Gallardo 470, 1405 Buenos Aires, Argentina; [email protected] — Abstract Phiroides porteri, a new genus and species ofplumariid -^vasp from the provinces of Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan in western .Argentina, is described. The new genus Phiroides together wdth Maplnroides, Maplurius and Plimiaroides, belong in a strongly supported South American clade, ^vhich is the sister-group to the African Mynnecopteriiiella. — Key ZLvrds. Plumariidae, taxonomy, phylogeny, Argentina Fhe Plumariidae are a group of ^vasps Argentina, from the province of Salta in ^vith apterous females of subterranean the north to northern Patagonia in the habits and ^vinged males strongly attracted south (Brothers 1974; Roig-Alsina 1994; to lights at night. This family is of Diez et al. 2007; Diez 2008). Plumaroides particular interest, since it represents one has three described, as weU as several of the basalmost lineages ^vithin the Hy- undescribed species (Diez 2008), while the menoptera Aculeata. These wasps inhabit other t^vo genera are monot^-pic. Females desertic and semidesertic areas in southern ofonlyt^vo genera havebeen discovered to Africa and South America. Although they date, those of Plumarius (Evans 1966), and are conspicuous faunal elements in some Plumaroides (Diez 2008). areas, their biology is still unkno^vn. The purpose of the present contribution The family is represented by t^vo genera is to describe a ne^v genus and species in Africa {Myrmecopterina Bischoff and from the provinces of Catamarca, La Rioja, Mynnecopterinella Day) and by four genera and San Juan in Argentina. Both the in South America (Plumariiis Philippi, generic and specific descriptions are based Pliimaroides Brothers, Maplurius Roig- on the male sex. The relationships of the Alsina and Mapluroides Diez, Fidalgo and ne^v genus are studied, taking into account Roig-Alsina) (Brues 1924; Bradley 1972; previous contributions and recently de- Brothers 1974; Dav 1977; Roig-Alsina scribed taxa. 1994; Diez et al. 2007). METHODS Among South American plumariids, the genus Plumarius is the most speciose and The specimens studied were collected at has the broadest distribution. Species of night ^vith a camping lantern provided Plumarius range from Ecuador to southern ^vith a fluorescent tube, 360 degrees bright Argentina (Evans 1966; Xag}- 1973; Broth- Hght. The lantern ^vas placed on a ^vhite ers 1974) with one species recently^ de- cloth extended on the ground. A few scribed from northeastern Brazil (Pen- specimens were obtained ^vith a trap teado-Dias and Scatolini 2003). The other designed to collect myrmecophilous in- three genera are restricted to western sects. 114 Journalof H^:nlexopter.a Research Specimens are deposited at: Museo figure 1. Head: hypognathous; in frontal Argentine de Ciencias Xaturales "Bernar- view 1.3X as wide as high (Fig. 2), vertex dino Rivadavia," Buenos Aires, Argentina rounded. Eye hemispherical, protruding, fMACX); Institute Fundacion Miguel Lillo, glabrous, without pre- or postorbital car- Tucuman, Argentina (IFNIL); Museo de La inae. Ocellocular distance 3.8X diameter of Plata, La Plata, Argentina (MLP); Florida lateral ocellus; postocellar distance 1.7x State Collection of Arthropods, USA ocellocular distance. Antennal socket with (FSCA); Universit}^ ofCalifornia, Riverside, lower rim elevated. Antennocular distance USA (UCRC). 0.3x diameter of antennal socket; inter- Terminology follows Brothers (1975). antennal distance 6.7x antennocular dis- tance. Gena without furrows or carinae. Pliiroides new genus Area between and below sockets weakly T}^e species: Pliiroides porteri sp. nov. convex. Antenna tapering to apex. Pedicel — Description. Preoccipital carina absent. with narro^v base, as long as \vide. Propor- Antenna with 11 flagellomeres; scape as tions of flagellomeres (length:width): long as \vide, with short radicle, ventrall\' 11:7,5; 13:7; 15:7; 14:6; 14:6; 12:5; 13:5; 13:5; with tuberculiform s^velling (Fig. 3); flagel- 12:5; 11:5; 15:5. Sensor}^ plates sub-oval, lomeres with decumbent, short setae, the scarcely visible, present on flagellomeres longest 0.25X as long as diameter of 1-6; plates more numerous on basal fla- flagellum. Mandible \vith three teeth, pre- gellomeres. Ch~peus ^vith several setae of apical ones small, blunt, of similar size. variable size. Labrum with concave apical Palpal formula: 5:1. Ch'peus with episto- margin, with two setae at each side. mal suture distinct; apical margin with Mandible with broad base and setae of weak emargination medially, cur\'ed at variable size. Labium subrectangular, sides; apical margin bent backv\^ards. Pro- ^vider basally than apically, with rounded sternum visible in ventral vie^v, subtrian- apex; palp unsegmented (Fig. 4). Maxillar}^ gular (Fig. 7). Forewing with first nebulous palp \vith five segments, proportions of segments (length:width): 67:22; 40:21; vein arising from marginal cell one third below middle of apical margin (Fig. 8). 33:20; 30:20; 31:20 (Fig. 5). Hind wing with vannal (anal) lobe 3.3X as Mesosoma: 1.5x longer than maximum long as submedian cell (Fig. 9). Claws width. Proportions of lengths of mesoscu- tum, mesoscutellum, metanotum, meta- simple, arolium present only on foretarsus. First metasomal tergum with distinct ante- postnotum and propodeumin dorsalview, rior vertical surface, dorsal surface as long along median axis: 25: 21: 12: 2: 10. and wide as second tergum. First metaso- Pronotum not visible dorsally, except for mal sternum with a longitudinal median small part of pronotal lobe in front of keel on anterior two thirds, longer than tegula; in frontal view (head removed) second sternum. Seventh tergum subtrian- medially forming narro'sv transverse band gular, apically rounded; posterior margin \vhich broadens laterally to four times median height. Pronotal lobe flattened, forming flat, sclerotized, polished flange, one third as long as tergum (Fig. 10). truncate; posteroventral angle ofpronotum Se\'enth sternum broad, with apex weakly narrowly rounded (Fig. 6). Propleuron ex- tended anteriorly bevond pronotum. Pro- bilobed (Fig. 11). sternum visible ventrally as reduced trian- Pluroides porteri new species gular area; most of prostemal surface —(Figs 1-13) vertical, hidden by coxae (Fig. 7). Tegula Description. Holotype male. Colour, pale semicircular. Mesoscutum \vith parapsidal mm brown, head darker. Total length 3.5 line and notaulus distinct. Mesal area of (paratypes, 2.7 to 4.5 mm). Habitus as in axillae and scutellum forming nearly hor- Volume 19, Xl-?vser 1, 2010 115 Figs 1-7. PluToides porteri sp. nov.l, habitus of male; 2, head, frontal \iew; 3, scape, pedicel and first three flageUomeres;4,labium,ventral\ie%v;5,rightmaxilla,\'entral\-ie^N-;6,pronotumandmesoscutum,anterolateral \ie^v; 7, propleura and prostemum fpst), ventral \ie%v. Scalebars = 0.1 mm. izontal, posteriorlv directed triangular sur- by dark line running from mesopleural face ^vhich steeplv slants postero-laterallv; scrobe to meso-metapleural suture; mese- axillar sutures indicated b}^ conspicuous pistemal groove present, as short dark line dark, contrnuous line. Prepectus much running anteroventrally from mesopleural reduced, hiddenbv pronotum. H\-poepim- scrobe. Metanotum subrectangular. Meta- eral area of mesopleuron limited inferiorly postnotum broader medially and narrow- 116 JOL-RXALOF H^MEXOPTER.A RESE.ARCH Etilensilvcol — 14 :^§j Nest ofants Figs 8-14. Pluroidesporterisp. nov. 8,forewing; 9,hind%Ning; 10, seventhmetasomaltergum, dorsal\ie\v;11, h\-popygium, ventral view; 12, genital capsule, \entral view, setae depicted on left side only; 13, aedeagiis, dorsal view, apophysis (A), lamina (L); 14, trap for m\Tmecophilous insects. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. ing at sides, narrowest at level of propo- long as basal margin, latter slightly cur\'ed deal spiracles. Propodeum convex, trans- (Fig. 8). Hind wing with vannal (anal) lobe verse; propodeal spiracle narrow, removed 3.3X as long as submedian cell; \vith four from anterior margin ofpropodeumby less hamuli (Fig. 9). Legs: slender; tibiae and than its length. Wings: forewing 2.5X as tarsi with weak, sparse setae. Foretibia long as maximum width. Pterostigma with about 13 spiniform setae on outer swollen apically. Marginal cell with ante- surface, mainly on apex; spiniform setae rior margin 2.1X longer than posterior fewer on mid tibia and absent on hind margin; anterior and posterior margins tibia. Tibial spurs 1-2-2; anterior tibial spur diverging apically; apical margin 1.6X as with approximately 21-22 spines. Volume 19, Number \, 2010 117 Metasoma: in dorsal view 2.1X longer mecophilous insects from the nest (Fig. 14) than maximum width, tapering apically. of an undetermined species of ant of the Cercus well developed. Genital capsule as genus Acromyrmex Mayr (Formicidae, At- in figure 12; aedeagus with lamina sur- tini). Itisnotclearyetwhetherthelife cycle passing apophyses basally (Fig. 13). of plumariids may be related to ant nests, — Etymology. The species is named after or if they use these nests merely as Charles C. Porter, distinguished hymenop- emerging routes. terist, who has greatly contributed to the PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS knowledge of neotropical wasps, and who has participated in the collection of Plu- The relationships among genera of Plu- mariidae in the field. mariidae were studied by Roig-Alsina Typematerial.—Holotypemale: ARGENTINA: (1994), based on 13 morphological char- province of La Rioja, Ruta 7, 25 Km East of acters. His study found that Plumarius and Anillaco, 850 m a.s.l., at light, 22-11-2006, col. P. Myrmecopterina form a clade which is the Fidalgo & G. Fidalgo (MACN). The foUowing sister-group to other plumariids {Myrme- are paratypes. La Rioja: 1 male, same data as copterinella (Plumaroides Maplurius)). Car- holotype (MACN); 1 male, Ruta 7, 7KmEastof penter (1999) reanalyzed the data pre- m Anillaco, 1200 a.s.l., at light, 17-n-2006, col. J. sented by Roig-Alsina, adding four new Torrens & P. Fidalgo (IFML); 2 males, 5 Km characters taken from Brothers (1974) and m SouthofUdpinango, 1000 a.s.l.,atlight,21-0- Day (1977), supporting the relationships 2(0M0A6,CNc,ol.sHPd.e);Di1ez,malJ.e,TSoarnrteansTe&resiPt.a,Fi7d3a6lgmo pcroemvpiroeuhselnysfiovuenda.nalWyesisp,reisnecnltudhienrgetahemnoerwe a.s.l., at light, 18-0-2006, coU. P. FidalKgom& G. genus Pluroides, as well as the recently Fidalgo (IFML); 1 male, Ruta 40, 395 described genus Mapluroides. The analysis (between San Bias de Los Sauces and Pituil), 1230 m a.s.l., at ligth, 9-Xn-06, col. P. Fidalgo is based on 32 morphological characters, (MLP). SanJuan: 1 male,Ruta 141,Km 173near and considers species as terminal taxa for Caucete, 580 m a.s.l., at Hght, 14-1-2006, col. P. the ingroup, not genera as in previous Fidalgo (MLP). Catamarca: 33 males, Ruta 46, studies. Other families of Chrysidoidea km 64, entre Belen y Andalgala, 965 m a.s.l., at have been used for outgroup comparison, light, 1/2-XI-06, col P. Fidalgo & P. Diez, since the Plumariidae is the sister group to (MACN); 3 males, Ruta 46, Km 204, East of all other chrysidoids. For this purpose the m Belen, 965 a.s.l., at Hght, 6-Xn-06, col. C. phylogeny ofthe superfamilypresentedby Nieto, G Fidalgo & P. Fidalgo (MACN); 3 Carpenter (1999) was taken into account, Km males, Ruta 46, m 64/66 (between Andalgala and the ground-plan states established for and Belen), 965 a.s.l., pit-fall traps and trap the superfamily were used to polarize for myrmecophiles, 2-XI-06 / 6-Xn-06 (MACN). — characters within the Plumariidae. Char- Distribution. ARGENTINA: Catamarca, acters not studied by Carpenter (1999) La Rioja and San Juan provinces. were polarized in a similar way, through — Comments. This new species has been comparison with other families of Chrysi- collected in moderate quantities (15 speci- doidea (Table 1). mens per night) between the localities of Species examined for this study are Belen and Andalgala in Catamarca pro- Plumariushirticomis (Andre),Plumariusstria- vince and in minor quantities (one or two ticeps (Andre), Plumarius spp. (several uni- specimens per night) in different localities dentified species from xeric western Argen- of San Juan and La Rioja provinces. Three tina),Myrmecopterinafilicornis Bischoff,Myr- specimens of P. porteri, together with two mecopterina sp. from Northern Cape Pro- of Plumarius sp. and two of Plumaroides vince, South Africa, Maplurius spatulifer andalgalensis, were obtained in a trap Roig-Alsina,Plumaroides andalgalensis Broth- specially designed to catch emerging myr- ers, Plumaroides brothersi Diez and Roig- 118 Journalof Hymenoptera Research Table 1. Data matrix for the 32 characters used in the phylogenetic analysis. 00000000 000000000 000000000 other Chrysidoidea 00111200 110000001 000000010 Plumarius hirticomis 1 00111200 110000001 000000010 Plumariusstriaticeps 1 00010000 110000001 10 10 10 MMyyrrimneeccoopptteerriinnnafsipl.icomis 11 000100000110000001 110 1 10 Myrmecopterinella okahandja 4 20000011 1 001007110 1 10 1 Maplurius spatulifer 3 10011101 1 001101200 1111 10 1 1 11000101 001101200 Pluroidesporteri 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 11000101 001112200 Mapluroides ogloblini 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11000101 001111200 Plumaroidesandalgalensis 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11000101 001111200 Pluniaroides brothers! 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Alsina,Plumaroides typhlusDiez,Mapluroides projection (1). With a basiventral ogloblini Diez, Fidalgo and Roig-Alsina, and enlargement (2). Pluroides porteri n. sp. Character states for 8. Number of flagellomeres. Eleven (0). Myrmecopterinella okahandja Day were taken Ten (1). from the literature,because specimens were 9. Occipitalcarina.Present(0).Absent(1). not available for study. 10. Pronotal collar. Present (0). Absent (1). 11. Ventral angle of pronotum. Rounded List of characters (based on the male sex) (0). Pointed (1). 12. Dorsal area between propleural scler- 1. TLahbrieael speaglmpeunst.sFour Tsweogmesnetgsmen(0t)s. ites. Membranous (0). Anterior por- (1). tions of propleura expanded dorsally One segment Absent (2). (3). (4). forming tubular neck (1). 2. Maxillary palpus. Six segments (0). 13. Epimeral area of propleuron. Present, Five segments (1). Three segments (2). set off by sulcus above forecoxa (0). 3. Clypeus, apical margin. Straight or Absent (1). projecting, not bent backwards (0). 14. Pronotal lobe. Globose, posteriorly Weaklyemarginate,bentbackwards(1). rounded (0). Flattened, posteriorly 4. Antennal socket. Removed from epi- truncate (1). stomalsuturebyonesocketdiameteror 15. Pronotallobe.Posteriormarginofprono- less (0). Removed from epistomal su- tum continued laterallyaround pronotal tureby1.5socketdiametes,ormore(1). lobe (0). Posterior margin of pronotum 5. Antennal pedicel and flagellomeres laterally forming carina superimposed 1-10, vestiture. Clothed with short on pronotal lobe, giving to it bilobate setae, at most 0.25 times thickness of aspect(Fig. 6inDiezetah 2007) (1). flagellomeres (0). Clothed with long 16. Prosternum, ventral view. Well devel- setae, as long as or longer than oped, with distinct apophyseal pit (0). thickness of flagellomeres (1). Visible as triangular sclerite, without 6. Antennal pedicel and flagellomeres apophyseal pit (1). Reduced, scarcely 1-10, transverse rows of setae. Absent visible (2). (0). Present (1). 17. Prepectus. Well developed, broadest 7. Antennal scape. Simple, without medially and with carinate margins swellings or projections (0). With (0). Reduced, as slender bar (1). Re- apico-ventral projection, varying from duced, upper half narrow, widest at a distinct swelling to a digitiform top, and lower half filiform (2). VOLl X-_-.-z?. 2010 119 18. Scutelluir-. Xormal, flat (0). Produced 31. Seventh metasomal tergum. Simple, poster?-d?r5=."->.' ?..s a sharp edged ^\"ithout carinae (0). Longitudinally carinate (1). With large, flat, sclero- 19. \:e:=r:5-:-;" l:r.^c5: mediaZy and tized apical flange as large as 13 of nairo'^viTLg lO'^varas rr:rcaea. spira- tergum (2). cles; posterior margir. c.isrlnc: C 32. Seventh metasomal tergum. Simple, . "^Videning to^-rards prorodeal spira- withoutcarinae nor expanded apically cles; posterior iTLaigin distinct medi- (0). Longitudinally carinate fl). With allv,butlimitbetw'eenmetapostnotum large, flat, sclerotized apical flange as andpropodeumindistinctlaterally(1). large as 1/3 of tergum (2). 20. Fore%\~ing, second submarginal ceU. Present, moderate (0). Present, but Anexactanal}"sis '^^'. as conductedwiththe reduced (1). Absent (2). program TXT G:.:r ::: et al. 2(X)7) using 21. Marginal ceU of fore^sing. Anterior implicit enumeranon. M-oltistate characters margin as long as, or longer than ^vere run as unordered. A single most- maximum ^\idth of pterostigma (0). parsimonious tree resulted ipig. 15 de- . Cell ver\- short, anterior margin one picted wiih the aid of the rrc^r^jr. Clados third to half as long as maximum (Nixon 1992). The lengthi is -J 5:ers. vritr. width of pterostigma (1). consistenc}- index r.S5. arid re:er.7:r. index m 22. Prestigma (first absdsa of Rl). Linear, 0.92. Autap>omorphies are includea the parallel sided except sometimes wid- tree to show distinctiveness of the taxa ened at tip (0). Wide, considerably (Pig. 15, black squares). "WTien autapomor- widened on apical tiiird (1). phies are excluded from the analysis the 23. Vannal lobe of hind ^sing. Moderate, statistics are: length 39 steps, consistenc}" less than tvsice (1.3-1.6) as long as index 0.82, and retention index 0.92. Pive submedian cell (0). Large, more characters (1, 2, 16, 17, and 25) have states than t^sice (Zl—2.3) as long as sub- ^%i.th ambiguous optimizations; these are median ceU (1). Exceedingly large (3.3 plotted in the figure using the accelerated times as long as submedian cell) (2). transformation optimization. The last state is autapomorphic for The results of our analysis reinforce the PluToides. support for Ihe recognition of two major 24. Arolia of mid and hind tarsi. Present lineages within the Plumariidae, as sug- (0). Absent (1). gested by preidous analyses (Roig-Alsina 25. Qa^ss. Dentate (0). Simple (1). 1994; Carpenter 1999). One of the lineages 26. Mid-tibia! spurs. Present (0). Absent is formed by the American Plumarius and (1). the African Myrmecopterina, both genera 27. Hind femur. Simple, %\-ithout apical dearly monophyletic. projection at each side of tibial articu- Thene^N' genusPluwidesandthe recently lation (0). Projected at each side of described genusMapluroides,together ^sith tibial articulation (1). Maplurius and Plumaroides, belong ir a 28. Ventralsurfaceofhindcoxa,specialized strongly supported Soutii American dade, area of setae. Absent (0). Present (1). \^hich is the sister-group to the African 29. First and second metasomal terga. Myrmecopterinella. The geniis Plumaroides Rrst tergiun in dorsal vie\s' narro\\'er has three described species, but current than second id. First tergum in dorsal sur\-eys have revealed tiiat it is a spedose \ie>v as .'.ide as second (1). group,withseveralundescribedspedes. In 30. Pirst metasomal sternum, median the tree it appears as supported by three longitudinal keeL Absent (0). Present homoplasious states, but at least two of (1)- them are dearly convergences, and repre- 120 JournalofHymen»ter_-. R£5e.\rck Fig. 15. aadogramforgenera ar.d species oiPlumariidae. Giaracternumbersareabovethehashmarks, arA states are sho\NTibelow. WTiite squares indicate nonhomoplasious states gray squares indicate homoplasious states,andblacksquaresindicate autapomorphies. sent independent deri\*ations: the presence African Museum, \%-ith a catalogue ofthe known of caxinae on the seventh tergiun, and the spedes.Aii->iulsoftiieSouth.AfricanMuseum19:1-50. Carpenter, M. 1999. What do we know about \-er\' small marginal cell. The other three chrvsidoJ.id (Hymenc^Jtaa) relationships? Zoolo- genera in this South American clade are gica Scripta28: 215-231. monot\-pic, supported by their owti auta- Day, M. C. 1977. A new genus of Plimiariidae from pomorphies. The new genus Pluroides is Southern Africa, \Nith notes on Scoleb\-tiudae A distinguished by the extremely large van- (H\Tnenoptera: Chr\-sidoidea). Cimbebasi^, 4: 171-177. nal (anal) lobe of the hind ^ving, and the Diez,P. 2008.Anewspedes ofthe genusPlumaroides large, flat, polished flange of the seventh Brothers (H\Tnenoptera, Chrvsidoidea, Plumarii- tergum, one third as long as the tergum. dae) from Santiago del Estero, Argentina: male andfemale descriptions. Zootaxa 1891:25-30. ACKXOUTEDG\[E\TS , P. Fidalgo, and A. Roig-Alsina. 2007. A new ga\usandspedesofPlumariidaerH\TnenoptOTa, This work was financed by PIP Project 6361 from Chn.-sidoidea) from western \eric .Argentina. the ConsejoNadonal de Investigadones Cientificas y Zootaxa 1467: 35-41. Tecnicas, Argentina. We thank Ja\-ier Torrens and Enans, H. E. 1966. Discover)- of the femalePlumarius GonzaloHdalgofortheirvaluablecollaborationgiven (H\-menoptera,Plumariidae). Psycfie73: 229-237. in thenocturnal surve\3. We also thank ti\e financial Goloboff, P.,J. Farris, and K. NLxon. 2007. TNT, Tree supportofCharlesPorter (USDAFlorida,Gaines\Tlle, analysis using new technology. Program and USA)whoaccompanied usonse\eralcoUectingtrips. documentation. Version 1.1. Xag\-, C. G. 1973. Re\isionar\- Studies on the Family LITER.ATURE CITED Plimiariidae Bischoff (H\-menoptera, Heterogy- noidea). Folia Entomoldgica Hungdrica 26 SuppL: Bradley, J. C. 1972. Notes or. the distribution of the 255-267. genus Plumarius (H\-menoptera, Plumariidae). XLxon,K. C 199Z Clados,version 121. EntomologicalNeics 83: 135-139. Penteado-Dias, A. M. and D. Scatolini. 2003. A new Mothers, D. J. 1974. The genera of Plvunariidae, with spedes of the genus Plumarius Philippi (H\Tne- description of a new genus and spedes from nc^teia: Plumariidae) from Brasil. Zoologische Argentina (H\Ti>enoptera: Bethyloidea). Journal of Mededdingeii Leiden 77: 545-550. . tiKentomohgiailSocietyofsouthernAfrica37:351-356. Perez D'Angelo, \. 1974. Plumarius coquimbon. ^. y . 1975. Phylogeny and classification of the primer registro de la hembra de Plumarius jMffa aculeate H\-menoptera, with special reference to Chile(H\Tnenoptera:Plumariidae).RevistachUena Mutillidae.TheUniversitycfKansasScienceBulletin deentomologia 8: 139. 50:483-648. Roig-Alsina, A. 1994. A new genus of Plumariidae, Brues, C. T. 1924. Some South African parasitic \\ithnotesontherelationshipsanK>ngthegenera H\Tnenoptera of the families Exaiuidae, Braconi- ofthe family.Mitteilungen derMundKnererttomo- dae, Alvsiidae and Plumariidae in the South logischesGesdlsdu^84:91-%.