Phonon Density of States and Anharmonicity of UO 2 Judy W.L. Pang,1,∗ Aleksandr Chernatynskiy,2 Bennett C. Larson,1 William J.L. Buyers,3 Douglas L. Abernathy,4 Kenneth J. McClellan,5 and Simon R. Phillpot2 1Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA 3Chalk River Laboratories, National Research Council, Chalk River, ON, K0J 1J0 Canada 4Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Quantum Condensed Matter Division, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 5Los Alamos National Laboratory, Materials Science and Technology Division, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA 4 (Dated: March 17, 2014) 1 0 Phonon density of states (PDOS) measurements havebeen performed on polycrystalline UO2 at 2 295 and 1200 K using time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering to investigate the impact of an- harmonicity on the vibrational spectra and to benchmark ab initio PDOS simulations performed r a onthisstronglycorrelated Mott-insulator. Time-of-flightPDOSmeasurementsincludeanharmonic M linewidth broadening inherently and the factor of ∼ 7 enhancement of the oxygen spectrum rel- ative to the uranium component by the neutron weighting increases sensitivity to the oxygen- 4 dominatedopticalphononmodes. Thefirst-principlessimulationsofquasi-harmonicPDOSspectra 1 were neutron-weighted and anharmonicity was introduced in an approximate way by convolution with wavevector-weighted averages over our previously measured phonon linewidths for UO2 that ] are provided in numerical form. Comparisons between the PDOS measurements and the simula- l e tions show reasonable agreement overall, but they also reveal important areas of disagreement for - bothhighandlowtemperatures. Thediscrepanciesstemlargely from an∼10meVcompression in r the overall bandwidth (energy range) of the oxygen-dominated optical phonons in the simulations. t s A similar linewidth-convoluted comparison performed with the PDOS spectrum of Dolling et al. . t obtained by shell-model fitting to their historical phonon dispersion measurements shows excellent a agreement with the time-of-flight PDOS measurements reported here. In contrast, we show by m comparisonsofspectrainlinewidth-convolutedformthatrecentfirst-principlessimulationsforUO2 - fail to account for the PDOS spectrum determined from the measurements of Dolling et al. These d results demonstrate PDOS measurements to be stringent tests for ab inito simulations of phonon n physicsinUO2andtheyindicatefurthertheneedforadvancesintheorytoaddresslatticedynamics o c of UO2. [ PACSnumbers: 71.27.+a,78.70.Nx,63.20.Ry,,65.40.-b 3 v 8 I. INTRODUCTION might be anticipated that the large discrepancies in the 8 linewidths are a result of the difficulty in calculating 3rd 7 orderderivativesforthe stronglycorrelated5f electronic 1 The physical properties of UO2 are of strong scien- structure of UO . Counter-intuitively, however, the ma- . tificinterest—fundamentallyasahighlycorrelatedelec- 2 1 jor source of the discrepancy in the phonon linewidth tronicsystemandtechnologicallyasthemostwidelyused 0 simulations was identified2 to lie within the phonon en- nuclearfuel. AsaMott-insulator,thetechnologicallyim- 4 ergiesanddispersion. Thissuggeststhatpresentlyavail- 1 portantthermaltransportofUO2iscontrolledbyphonon ableab initio simulations3–5 ofthe 2nd orderinteratomic : kinetics and anharmonicity, which are in turn sensitive v forces are not sufficiently accurate for handling anhar- functions of the strongly correlated electronic structure i monicity and phonon linewidths, and hence, for simu- X of UO .1,2 While recent first-principles simulations for 2 lations of thermal transport in UO . Considering the ar UtaOl 2e3la–5sthicavceonrsetpaonrttse,dbguolkodmaogdrueelim, eanntdwlaitthticeexpheeraimt ecna-- large anharmonicity of UO2 and the2 limitations of the quasi-harmonic approximation to account for tempera- pacity measurements, a reduced level of agreement was ture effects as used in Ref. 2, other methods such as ab foundforphonondispersionandphonondensityofstates initio molecular dynamics7,8 that include anharmonicity (PDOS) simulations compared to the experimental in- rigorously should be considered as well. elastic neutron scattering (INS) results of Dolling et al.6 Moreover,Pangetal.2reportedresultssimilartootherab Thestrongsensitivityofphononlinewidthsimulations initio phonon dispersion simulations,2–5 but differences to the 2nd order force derivatives and phonon dispersion of more than a factor of two between ab initio simula- hasbeendiscussedinthecontextofab initio simulations tions and INS measurements of phonon linewidths (i.e. of phonon lifetimes and thermal transport in non-highly inverse lifetimes) for UO2,2 especially at high tempera- correlated systems,9–12 in which it has been shown that ture (1200 K). highlyaccuratedispersionsimulationscanbeperformed. Since3rd orderinteratomicforcesarerequiredforsim- Since phonon linewidths have a collective inverse 4th ulations of phononlinewidths andthermal transport,2 it power dependence on phonon energies within 3-phonon 2 scattering,12,13 it is important to make make quantita- spectrometer at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) tive experimental tests of the accuracy of phonon ener- at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.21 The samples of gies in the simulations for UO .2–5 These first-principles depleted UO polycrystalline material were sintered to 2 2 ◦ PDOS simulations have been compared with the shell 92 % of theoretical density at 1650 C under Ar followed modelderivedPDOSspecturm ofDolling basedonsym- byconditioningattemperatureandcooldownunderAr- metrydirectiondispersionmeasurementsforUO .6How- 6% H in order to achieve a nominal oxygen stoichiom- 2 2 ever, until now, neutron time-of-flight measurements of etry of 2.00. The measurements were performed on ∼ PDOS have not been available to provide full Brillouin 5 mm diameter cylindrical samples with a total mass of zonetestsofphononzoneboundaryenergiesandphonon 9.09 g encapsulated in a 5.5 mm diameter vanadium can energy gradients,7 as well as the impact of temperature mounted in a high temperature vacuum furnace. Mea- and anharmonicity on the spectrum. In fact, the only surementsonthe ARCSspectrometerwithincidentneu- measuredPDOSspectrumreportedforanactinideoxide tron energies, E , of 30, 60, and 120 meV provided en- i was measured by inelastic x-ray scattering at room tem- ergy resolutions (FWHM) of ∼ 0.9, 1.8, and 3.6 meV, peratureinpolycrystallinePuO 14 because ofthe strong respectively,asdescribedindetailelsewhere.21Theback- 2 thermal neutron absorption of Pu. grounds introduced by the sample containment can and Totheextentthatphonondispersionaccuracycompa- thefurnacewereremovedusingmeasurementsonadupli- rabletothatachievedforweaklycorrelatedmaterials9–12 cate (but empty) vanadium can. The detector efficiency is required for phonon transport simulations, further ex- of the spectrometer was calibrated by measurements on tension of the DFT approach such as through hybrid reference vanadium powder. functional density functional theory (HF-DFT),15–17 or Thecorrectedspectrawerenormalizedbythe incident through higher-level first-principles theories such as dy- proton current of 4 Coulomb/hr and binned to obtain namicalmeanfieldtheory(DMFT)1,18,19 maybeneeded the scattered neutron counts I(E,φ) as a function of for UO . Unfortunately, calculations of 3rd order in- energy loss E and scattering angle φ. To obtain spec- 2 teratomic forces necessary for phonon linewidth simu- tra within the incoherent scattering approximation, the lations are likely to be computationally prohibitive for scattered intensity spectra were converted to the scat- these techniques using the finite difference approachand tering function S(E,Q) and integrated over momentum willbetechnicallyverychallengingforfaithfulimplemen- transfers Q ranging from 3 to 7 ˚A−1, corresponding to tation of the analytical derivatives of the total energy. aboutfourBrillouinzonesofUO2 to obtainS(E),which Nevertheless, we emphasize that phonon dispersion has was then converted to the neutron-weighted generalized been found2 to have a strong influence on the determi- PDOS gNW(E).22 Because of the form factor, the im- nationofphononlifetimes inUO soaccuracyofphonon pact of the magnetic moments of the U4+ ions is not 2 energies is critical. We note also that new numerical ap- significant for Q above 3 ˚A−1. Corrections for multi- proaches are under development for finite temperature phonon and multiple scatterings effects23,24 were made lattice dynamics from first principles.20 using the iterative method25 of Sears et al.26 In order Here we report time-of-flight INS PDOS measure- to take advantage of the higher energy resolution of the ments on UO at 295 and 1200 K. We also report de- energy loss spectra with lowerincident neutronenergies, 2 tailed comparisons of these measurements with ab initio the phononenergyspectrum wascoveredby concatenat- PDOS simulations by introducing anharmonic broaden- ing measurementsfor E below 24 meVfrom the Ei = 30 ing into the simulations through energy averages over meV spectrum, the density of states between E = 24 – our previously reported comprehensive set of experi- 45 meV was obtained from the Ei = 60 meV spectrum, mental phonon linewidths for UO2.2 We further com- and the Ei = 120 meV spectrum was used to determine pareourphonon-linewidth-convolutedPDOSsimulations the intensitiesforE above45meV.Using the methodas with phonon linewidth broadened PDOS simulations in described in Ref. 24, the full range of the spectrum was the literature3–5 andwith the shellmodelderivedPDOS determined by normalizing the total intensity of the Ei spectrum of Dolling et al.6 for UO . These compar- = 30 meV spectrum to the percentage of the density of 2 isonsshowexcellentagreementbetweenourtime-offlight statesbelow24meVofthe60meVspectrum,followedby measurementsandthephonon-broadenedshellmodelde- the normalization of the total weight of the subsequent rivedPDOSspectrumofDolling,butdemonstratesignif- spectrumtothefractionofthedensityofstatesbelow45 icantandsystematicdiscrepanciesbetweenexperimental meV of the Ei = 120 meV spectrum. PDOS measurements and presently available ab initio For inelastic scattering averaged over this wide range simulations. (3–7˚A−1)of|Q|,22,27theneutron-weightedPDOSspec- trum for polycrystalline UO is given by: 2 σ σ gNW ∼= U gU(E)+2 O gO(E), (1) II. EXPERIMENT MU MO where g (E) and g (E) are the partial density of U O Neutron-weighted phonon density of states measure- states for uranium and oxygenin UO , respectively, and 2 ments were determined for UO at 295 K and 1200 K M and σ are the atomic masses and neutron scatter- 2 i i through INS measurements on the ARCS time-of-fight ing cross-sections28 for the i = U and O atoms. Since 3 0.025 at 56 meV stems from the TO2 transverse optical zone UO 295 K boundaryenergiesattheXandKpointsandthe72meV 2 1200 K 0.020 peak corresponds to the slowly dispersing LO2 longitu- ) V dinal optical phonon zone boundary energies at the X, e m K, and L points. The relatively small (<2 meV) soften- 0.015 / ing observable in both the two low-energy PDOS peaks 1 ( and the two high-energy peaks in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2(b), E)0.010 i.e. asthe temperaturewaschangedfrom295to1200K, ( W is consistent with the similarly small changes observed N g0.005 in the high symmetry direction single crystal dispersion measurements in Fig. 2(a). 0.000 Themostnoticeabletemperature-inducedphononlife- time changein the PDOSlies inthe intermediateenergy 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 E (meV) rangeof 25 – 40 meV where the alreadybroad,but well- resolved peak at 33 meV is broadened at 1200 K to an almost unresolved shoulder in the spectrum. This is in FIG. 1. Neutron-weighted phonon density of states gNW(E) contrastto little or no observablechange in the shape of of UO2 measured at 295 K and 1200 K. the peaks at 56 and 72 meV where the ARCS spectrom- eter measurement resolution is the widest (∼ 3 meV). σO is about 7 times σU , the neutron-weighted PDOS MO MU spectra for UO is inherently weighted heavily toward 2 oxygen atom scattering. We note that the simple form B. First-Principles PDOS Simulations of Eq. (1) is possible because the effect on the mea- sured PDOS spectrum of the thermal Debye-Waller fac- To test our fundamental understanding of UO using 2 tors exp(−2Wi) for i = U, O is known to be negligible the above PDOS measurements, we show in Figs. 3a for low temperatures.22 And we have found that even at and 3b ab initio PDOS spectra simulations associated 1200 K the overall impact of the Debye-Waller factors with the dispersion simulations in Fig. 2. These sim- (using the measured Debye-Waller factors by Willis29) ulations were performed at 295 and 1200 K using the for UO2 is under 2 %, which is within the experimen- generalized gradient approximation (GGA + U) den- tal uncertainty of the measured PDOS spectra. All the sity functional theory (DFT) and a Hubbard U correc- presented PDOS spectra are normalized to unity. tion described in Ref. 2. The effect of finite temper- ature on the phonon structure was taken into account via the quasi-harmonic approximation as described in III. RESULTS Ref. 2. In this approach, the equilibrium phonon struc- ture at a given temperature is determined by free en- A. Time-of-Flight PDOS Measurements at 295 K ergy minimization of both the potential energy and the and 1200 K temperature-dependentenergyofthephononsubsystem. Phonon energies are volume-dependent, hence, inclusion Figure 1 shows experimental phonon density of states ofthephononenergytermimplicitlyaccountsforthean- spectra for UO measuredattemperatures of 295K and harmonicthermalexpansioneffectsonthephononstruc- 2 1200K.The295Kspectrumhasresolvedpeaksat(nom- ture.30 UO isparamagneticwith afluoritecubic crystal 2 inally) 12, 21, 33, 56, and 72 meV and a cutoff at 81 structureabove30K.Inoursimulationsat295and1200 meVwhilethecorrespondingpeaksat1200Kwerefound K, the cubic crystal symmetry rather than the distorted to be at 11, 19, 30, 55, and 70 meV, with a cutoff at ground state structure31 with the spin arrangement ap- 81 meV. As illustrated in Fig. 2(a), these peaks corre- proximatedto be the lowtemperature antiferromagnetic spond to zone boundary phonon energies identified in 1-k structure was applied. The first-principles calcula- previously reported single crystal UO measurements at tions were performed using the VASP simulation pack- 2 295 and 1200 K;2 these data are plotted in Fig. 2(a) for age32 and the phonon calculations were performed us- completenessandforzone-boundarysymmetrydirection ing PhonTSsoftwarepackage.33 The TO-LOsplitting at identification. The peak at 11 – 12 meV corresponds to the zone center Γ in UO was accounted for using the 2 transverse acoustic (TA) zone-boundary phonons at the approach proposed by Wang et al.34 The effective Born X and L points and the weaker (and broader) peak at charges of 5.31e for U4+ and -2.655e for O2-, and di- ∼ 20 meV correspondsto the longitudinalacoustic (LA) electric constant of 5.2 needed in the simulations of the phonon zone boundary energies at the K and L points. TO-LO splitting effect were determined from a separate The broad PDOS peak for 295 K and the marginally re- linear responsecalculation. We note that the PDOScal- solvedpeak for1200K at33meVcorrespondroughlyto culationsasafunctionofenergyinFig.3wereperformed the TO1 transverseopticaland LO1longitudinal optical with 25×25×25 k-point resolution compared with the zoneboundaryenergiesattheXandKpoints. Thepeak 13×13×13resolutionphonondispersionsimulationsre- 4 (a) (b) 80 80 295 K 1200 K UO LO2 LO2 2 70 70 LO2 60 60 TO2 TO2 TO2 50 50 V) LO1 me40 LO1 LO1 1200 K 295 K 40 ( E TO1 30 30 TO1 TO1 LA 20 20 LA LA 10 10 TA TA 295 K TA 1200 K 0 0 0 1 0 0.10.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Γ (00ζ) X K (ζζ0) Γ (ζζζ) L NW -3 g (E) (10 /meV) Reduced wave vector coordinate ζ (r.l.u.) FIG.2. (a)PhonondispersioncurvesofUO2measuredat295K(blueopensymbols)andat1200K(redsolidsymbols). Circles (triangles)representthetransverse(longitudinal)phonons. MeasurementsatthezoneboundarypointsXandLarehighlighted with larger symbols. Dashed and solid lines are the simulations of phonon dispersion at 295 and 1200 K respectively, using GGA + U approximations. (b) Corresponding neutron-weighted phonon density of states gNW(E) of UO2 measurements at 295 K and 1200 K. ported in Ref. 2, as a function of both wave vector and at 56 and 72 meV. energy. Inorderto comparethe simulatedPDOSspectrawith the measured PDOS spectra, the PDOS simulations in C. Anharmonic Phonon Linewidth Broadening Fig. 3 have been “neutron-weighted” according to Eq. (1) using the simulated partial density of states g (E) The sharpness of the zone boundary phonon peaks in U and g (E) shown in Fig. 4. The line plots in Fig. 4 in- the simulated PDOS spectra in Fig. 3 is of course a re- O dicate that uranium vibrations associated with acoustic sult of the absence in the quasi-harmonicapproximation phononsdominatethespectraforenergiesbelow25meV PDOSsimulationsofbothanharmonicphononlinewidth at 295 K and below 22 meV at 1200 K; while oxygen vi- and spectrometer instrumental broadening. To put the brationsassociatedwith opticalphonons dominate (95 – simulationsonthe samefooting asthe measurementsfor 99 %) the PDOS spectra for energies from 25 up to 70 quantitativecomparison,theARCSspectrometerresolu- meV at 295 K and from 22 to 65 meV at 1200 K. This tionandthepreviouslymeasuredphononlinewidths2 for almost complete separation of the U and O spectra in UO have been convoluted with the PDOS simulations 2 the simulations is in contrast to the experimentally ob- as described in Appendix A. servedoverlappingoftheLO1andTO1modesthathave Appendix A contains plots of the measured phonon energies as low as 20 meV with the LA mode that has linewidths for UO 2 along with a tabular numerical list- 2 energies up to 25 meV at the X point along the [001]di- ing ofthe linewidths asa functionof phononbranchand rection in Fig. 2. The presence of a ∼ 5 meV gap in the wavevector,q,forboth295and1200K.AppendixAalso simulated (quasi-harmonic) PDOS spectra at ∼ 60 meV contains a description of the procedure used for energy is also at variance with the experimental observation of averagingoverthelarge(non-statistical)variancesinthe anharmonic linewidth closure of the gap to a spectral measuredphononlinewidths. Theresultinganharmonic- dip. The positions of the five observable zone boundary ity and instrumental broadening convoluted linewidths phonon peaks in the simulated PDOS spectra (dashed) as a function of energy are shown in Fig. 5 for both in Fig. 3(a) for 295 K agree within ∼ 1 – 3 meV with 295 and 1200 K. After convoluting the (quasi-harmonic) the measured PDOS peak positions. However, for 1200 ab initio simulated PDOS spectra with the respective K in Fig. 3(b), larger discrepancies (∼ 4 – 5 meV) ex- linewidth curves in Fig. 5, we obtain the thick solid line ist between the positions of the measured and simulated spectra in Fig. 3, making possible a direct, quantitative transverseand longitudinalopticalzone boundary peaks comparison with the measured PDOS. For phonon en- 5 (a) 0.06 (a)0.10 UO 295 K UO 0.05 2 V) 0.08 gU(E) 2 meV)0.04 ⊗ESSDxiiLmmopilnlue⊗ienlrLawigmitniedeedtnwhtidth ⊗SLiimneuwlaSidteitmhdulated (1/me 00..0046 2gO(E) 295 K (1/0.03 E) WE) (0.02 ⊗LDinoelwlinidgth g(i00..0002 N g 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0.01 (b) Measured 0.10 UO 0.00 V) 0.08 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 e 1200 K (b) 0.06 m 0.06 UO 1200 K / 2 1 0.05 ( 0.04 V) Simulated E) e0.04 ( 0.02 m gi / 0.00 1 ) (0.03 ⊗SLiminuelwatidetdh 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 E Energy (meV) W(0.02 N g 0.01 FIG. 4. Partial contribution to the UO2 PDOS by the one Measured uranium (dashed line) and the two oxygen (solid line) atoms at (a) 295 K and (b) 1200 K. 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 E (meV) V) me 8 UO 1200 K o(qFsfuIyGaUms.Oib-3ho2.alsarN)mt;eqo(uanut)iracos2nis9-i-h5mwaeurKimlgahaotitnnoedindcs(spbicmh)oonu1nvl2aoo0tnl0iuodtnKeesdn(bswtiythiytinnhoegfuinrtstertreoainnnteslssiicncgaepNsth)tW;eoran(iEnnodng) Γ newidth 2(ental resolution567 2 lceilrnugediweesiddbtinheslaol(wlthth2ice5ksmibmleuuVela,ltitinoheness).c.onInvsotlruutmedenPtaDlOreSsosluimtiounlatisioinns- eraged Phonon Liconvoluted with instum2341 295 K in Fig. 3 show good agreement with the measured peak v 0 A 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 positions for the TA and LA phonons at both 295 and E (meV) 1200K.However,the spectralweightsofthe simulations in this energy range are markedly lower than the spec- FIG. 5. Average phonon linewidth measurements of UO2 as tral weight in the measurements. For energies between a function of energy from single crystal experiment2, convo- 25 and 60 meV, there are small variations between the luted with the spectrometer ARCS instrumental resolution positions of the simulated and measured optical-phonon (see Fig. 7c in Appendix A) at 295 K (thin blue line) and 1200 K (thick red line). peak positions for 295 K and somewhat larger discrep- ancies in the spectrum for 1200 K. More noticeable is that the spectral weight of the simulated PDOS spectra discussed below. in the 30 – 60 meV range is significantly higher than the PDOSmeasurementsforboth 295and1200K.We note, however, that the convolution of phonon linewidths into IV. DISCUSSION the simulated spectra reduces the gap at 60 meV in the simulatedPDOSspectratoadipasobservedinthemea- sured spectra. Since the area under PDOS spectra are A. Experimental PDOS measurements normalizedtounity,theenhancementbetween30and60 meV is offset by the deficiencies in the spectral weights There are two aspects to note regarding the tempera- below 25 meV and above 60 meV for both the high and ture dependence of the PDOS spectra shown in Fig. 1. lowtemperatures. Theimplicationsofthedifferencesbe- The first is that the phonon energy softening observed tweenthemeasuredandsimulatedPDOSspectrawillbe for 1200 K compared to 295 K does not scale as pre- 6 0.05 trum has at times been questioned.3,5 In order to com- UO This work pare the spectra, it is necessary to neutron-weight the 2 Sanati 0.04 Dolling YWuanng (onfoRne-wf.e6ig,hutseidn)gDEoql.lin(g1)spaencdtrtuhme pgaDrotlilainlgs(pEe)ctirnalfiwguerigeh5t Dolling ) contributionsofuraniumandoxygenasafunctionofen- eV0.03 Yun ergy. Since Dolling’s shell model partial contributions m 1/ This work Wang were not reported, using our ab initio simulated partial ) (0.02 contributionsat295KplottedinFig.4(a),weobtainthe E Sanati ( neutron-weighted PDOS: g 0.01 σ g (E) gNW (E)=g (E) U U 0.00 Dolling Dolling (cid:26)M (cid:20)g (E)+2g (E)(cid:21) U U O DFT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 σ g (E) E (meV) +2 O O (2) M (cid:20)g (E)+2g (E)(cid:21) (cid:27) O U O DFT FIG. 6. Simulated PDOS of this work using the quasi- harmonic approximation at 295 K (thin solid line); Sanati et Afterconvolutionwiththe295KlinewidthsinFig.5to al.3 at 0 K (dashed line); Yun et al.4 at 0 K with lattice pa- include the measurement resolution and the anharmonic rameteradjustedtothe295Kvalue(dottedline); andWang broadening,weobtainthesolidredlineinFig.3(a). The etal.5(dashed-dottedline)at0K;alongsidecalculatedPDOS agreement between Dolling’s neutron-weighted PDOS (thick red line) from shell model based on phonon dispersion and our direct PDOS measurements is remarkably good measurements at 295 K by Dolling et al.6 except for the lower spectral weight dips at 25 meV and 65meV,whichwearguearearesultofgapsinourabini- tio simulated partial contributions that are not present dicted within the quasi-harmonic model for phonon en- in the experimental dispersion curves of UO . That is, 2 ergies,22,23 that is the softening does not scale with en- the lower than measured spectral weight from 20 – 30 ergy. For instance, the measured energy shift for the meVintheDollingPDOSspectrumcanbeattributedto acoustic TA peak is about ∼ 1 meV (i.e. from 12 to 11 the lackof anoverlapofthe uranium andoxygenpartial meV) while the corresponding energy shifts for the ∼ 5 PDOS in the DFT simulation (as was discussed in the times higher energy optical TO2 and LO2 phonons are Results section above). The upward energy shift of the also only about 1 meV, from 56 to 55 meV and 72 to 71 spectral weight corresponding to LO2 phonons and the meV, respectively. The observation of such departures ∼ 4 meV higher energy cutoff at 85 meV compared to from the quasi-harmonic model question whether apply- our PDOS measurement are because the shell model fit ing the quasi-harmonic approximations in the ab initio of the LO2 dispersion had steeper gradients and higher simulations for UO would be able to capture the ob- zoneboundaryenergiesthanthemeasureddispersion,as 2 served phonon energy softening. noted already in the paper of Dolling et al.6 The close The second point is the observation of strong anhar- agreement of these two PDOS spectra demonstrates the monic broadening of the zone boundary peak at ∼ 33 reliability of the PDOS spectra of Dolling derived from meVingoingfrom295to 1200K;the otherzonebound- dispersion along the three symmetry directions for UO2. ary peaks are impacted to a much smaller extent. The The agreementfurther validates our procedure of convo- relatively broad linewidth for the TO1 zone boundary luting quasi-harmonicsimulated PDOS spectra with the phonons at ∼ 33 meV is apparently due to dispersion as averagedphonon linewidth functions shown in Fig. 5. indicated by the width of the TO1 phonon peak in the shell-modelfitted PDOSspectrumofDollinget al.6 And the largelinewidth increaseswith temperature areinac- B. Experimental PDOS as benchmarks for cord with the nearly a factor of 4 increase in linewidth first-principles simulations for UO2 observed for these phonons near the zone boundary X and K points 2 for UO2 (see TABLE A2). The good agreement between the time-of-flight PDOS Fortheroomtemperaturemeasurements,wecancom- measurements (which include the entire Brillioun zone) pare the direct time-of-flight PDOS measurements on and Dolling’s PDOS (extracted from phonon dispersion polycrystalline UO presented here with Dolling’s shell in the three high symmetry directions) underscores the 2 model derived PDOS spectrum,6 which was extracted information available through wave vector resolved dis- from high-symmetry direction phonon dispersion mea- persionmeasurements. Whilethewavevectorintegrated surementsonsinglecrystalUO . Becauseofthe reliance PDOS measurements contain important information on 2 on phonon measurements in the high-symmetry direc- vibrationalentropyandthermodynamicproperties,22 we tions only and the relatively large uncertainties for the focus here on the insight PDOS spectra provide for UO 2 high energy LO2 phonons in Dolling’s measurements,6 in terms of quantitative phonon energy and dispersion the reliability of Dolling’s shell model fitted PDOS spec- gradient benchmarks7 for ab initio simulations in this 7 strongly correlated material. We consider first detailed 25 – 70 meV for 295 K and soften to ∼ 20 – 65 meV for comparisons between our ab initio simulations and our 1200 K. direct measurements of PDOS spectra and then extend Weconsidernowthecomparisonofmeasuredandsim- thecomparisonsmoregenerallytorecentlyreportedfirst- ulated PDOS spectra as quantitative tests of our lattice principles UO2 simulations.3–5 dynamics simulations for UO2, which in turn provides a Before discussing the comparisons, we comment that sensitivetestofourabilitytodescribethestronglycorre- the use ofa 2×2×2supercellinthe simulations hasthe latedelectronicstructureofUO2. First-principleslattice limitation that it effectively approximates interatomic dynamics simulations of PDOS for non-strongly corre- forces to vanish for atoms more than one lattice con- lated materials typically achieve a high level of agree- stantapart. However,wenotethatthereareanumberof ment with PDOS measurements for metals (Al),37 semi- high-symmetryk-pointsinour25×25×25gridforwhich conductors (Si),12 thermoelectrics (AgPbmSbTe2+m),38 the phonon wavelengths fit entirely within the supercell. intermetallics (Y3Co)39 to oxides (ZnO).40 Comparedto These positions provide test cases with no impact of the these materials,the accuracyofthe currentPDOSsimu- supercell size and have been found to fit smoothly with lations for UO2 is rather limited. Therefore, considering calculations for the non-high symmetry positions of the the strong sensitivity of phonon linewidths and thermal grid. Moreover,phononenergycalculationswith2×2×2 transport to phonon energies and dispersion it is impor- supercells for the non-strongly correlated isostructural tant to benchmark ab initio simulations against PDOS materialsCaF 35 andCeO 36 agreewellwithexperimen- measurements detail. 2 2 tal data. We note that it is not possible to compare the re- The first obervation from Fig. 3(a) is that for energies centlyreportedabinitioPDOSspectrawithourneutron- up to 30 meV, the 295 K simulation has significantly weighted PDOS spectra directly without access to their lower spectral weights than the PDOS measurements. partialcontributionsanalogousto thoseplottedinFig. 4 Thisapparentlystemsfromtwosources,thesteeperthan for our simulations. However, with the above demon- measuredgradientsoftheacousticmodedispersionbelow stration of a direct correspondence of our time-of-flight ∼ 20 meV and the absence in the simulationof (oxygen- PDOS measurements with Dolling’s shell model derived dominated)opticalphononsbelow30meVat295K.The PDOS,thecomparisonscanbeperformedusingDolling’s absenceofopticalphononsbelow30meVisincontrastto “un-weighted” spectra.6 Accordingly, after convoluting the dip of energies to as low as 20 meV in the measured bothDolling’sdataandtheliterature-reportedsimulated dispersioninFig.2(a). Moreover,becausePDOSspectra spectra by Sanati et al.,3 Yun et al.4 and Wang et al.,5 arenormalizedtounity,thelowerthanmeasuredphonon withtheaverageanharmonicphononlinewidthsinFig.5, density of states below 30 meV gives rise to higher than spectra suitable for comparison were generated. Fig. 6 measuredopticalphononspectralweightbetween30and provides a direct PDOS benchmarking of the ab initio 55 meV in the simulation. PDOS spectra. ConsiderationofthePDOSmeasurementsandsimula- Figure 6 shows anharmonic linewidth convoluted tions for 1200 K leads to a similar conclusion. The ener- PDOS results for each of these ab initio simulations to- giespredictedatabout30meVare∼4meVhigherthan gether with the linewidth convoluted PDOS spectrum measuredforboththeopticalTO1andtheLO1phonons ofDolling et al.6 The introductionofanharmonicityinto inthe [001]and[011]directions,coupledwithflatterdis- therespectivePDOSspectrabyconvolutiondoesnotadd persion gradients in the simulations. Together with the newphysicstothecomparison. However,itdoesprovide simulatedTO2 energiesat ∼ 50meV being 5 meV lower aphysicallybasedsmoothingofthe(non-physical)sharp than measurements, the simulated spectral weight be- spectralfeaturesofthesimulatedandtheshell-modelde- comes concentrated into a smaller energy width produc- pendent PDOS resulting from the delta-function energy ing a larger spectral weight between 30 and 50 meV for widths associated with the (quasi)-harmonic nature of 1200 K than the measured result. It is interesting that the calculations. the simulated PDOS spectral weight for energies below We note first of all that the recently published sim- 30 meV at 1200 K in Fig. 3(b) is in significantly better ulations show discrepancies similar to those found with agreement with the measured PDOS spectrum than for our GGA + U PDOS simulations, which perhaps is not 295 K considering the additional reliance on the quasi- surprisingsinceallofthemusedtheDFT+U approach. harmonicapproximation. This improvedagreementmay At the same time, due to the sensitivity of the PDOS to befortuitoussincethebetteragreementfor1200Kstems the details of the simulations, all the published spectra from the prediction of stronger than measured phonon are different from each-other, as well as from our cur- softening for 1200 K. The larger than measured soften- rentwork. Forinstance,Sanatiet al.3 usedageneralized ing of the optical modes below 30 meV, particularly for gradientspin-densityapproximation(GGSA)at0Kand the TO1 modes,puts them in better agreementwith the neglected LO-TO splitting, whereas the simulations of measured dispersion curves below 30 meV for 1200 K Wang et al.5 were performed using the local density ap- than for 295 K in Fig. 2(a). Overall, compared to the proximationwithHubbard-U (LDA+U)at0K.Onthe measuredtotalbandwidthspanningfrom∼20–75meV other hand, Yun et al.4 simulated the PDOS spectrum forbothtemperatures,thesimulatedbandwidthsspan∼ by adapting a spin-polarized GGA approach in which 8 thelatticeparameterwasadjustedtotheexperimentally the lattice constant for UO 16,17 without parameter ad- 2 measuredvalue at 295K.In addition, the issues relating justments that are typical within DFT + U simulations to the ground state in the DFT + U calculations as dis- isencouraging. Accordingly,itwillbeinterestingtocom- cussedinRef.19mayalsoinfluencetheresultingphonon parePDOSspectrapredictedbyHF-DFT withthe mea- spectra. surements. Overall, none of the simulations reproduce the zone boundary peak energies and spectral weight features of the experimentally measured PDOS as well as those for V. CONCLUSIONS the non-strongly correlated examples cited above.37–40 ThelowenergyuraniumdominatedTAandLApeakpo- The use of time-of-flight INS measurements in con- sitions deviate by only 1 –2 meV, but the higher energy nection with ab initio simulations of PDOS for UO 2 oxygenvibrationdominatedpeaksareshiftedupward(or has provided direct insight into the large impact of downward) in energy by 3 –5 meV relative to the mea- anharmonicity-induced linewidth broadening on the vi- sured PDOS. Considering the PDOS measurements re- brational spectrum at both ambient and high tempera- ported in the present work and the PDOS spectrum of tures. Thecomparisonsbetweentheexperimentallymea- DollinginFig.6tobeessentiallyequivalentforcompari- sured PDOS spectra and ab inito simulations reveal sig- sonwiththeliteraturecitedsimulations,wenotethatall nificantdeficienciesintheresultsofpresentlyavailable2–5 of the DFT simulations predict a 2:1 ratio for the spec- quasi-harmonic approaches, underscoring a need for im- tral heights of the TA:LA peaks at ∼ 12 and 21 meV, provedab initio approachesto simulate lattice dynamics respectively, while the experimental results show a ratio and anharmonicity in UO . The discrepancies between 2 of 1:1. We observe also that the spectral weights for the the measured and the simulated PDOS spectra reported optical TO2 zone boundary peak (∼ 56 meV) are larger here reside at the level of phonon dispersion, which, as than experiment for all of the simulations. This corre- reported previously,2 in turn strongly influence ab ini- lateswithallofthesimulations(exceptthoseofWanget tio simulations of phononlinewidths. Clearly,significant al.5) yielding energiessofter thanmeasuredfor the high- progress is needed to reach in UO the level of accu- 2 energy LO2 optical phonons,3–5 thus pushing their spec- racythatis currently achievablefor the lattice dynamics tralweightsto lowerenergiesthanmeasured.2,6 We note of non-strongly correlated electron systems. Directions alsothatnoneofthedispersionsimulations2–5 reproduce that present themselves are density functional perturba- the experimentally observed dip of the optical TO1 and tiontheorytoeliminatepotentialinteractionrangeissues LO1phononsenergiesto∼20meVnearthezonebound- in the supercell approach or ab initio molecular dynam- arypointX.SincethedeparturesofthesimulatedPDOS ics to account for finite temperature effects. To address featuresfromthe measurementsarelikelytobe sensitive the physics of the highly correlated electronic structure to details within the individual simulations19 as well as in a more comprehensive manner, the use of other DFT the differences in the DFT approximations used, we will methodologies such as HF-DFT can be considered. At a not discuss the details of the agreement with individual higherlevel,DMFTwithadvancedsolvers41providesthe simulations further. However, the issue of the relative ability to address the strongly correlated 5f electrons in heights of the TA and LA peaks, the lack of a TO1 and UO . DMFTcanalsopotentiallybeusedasabasisinthe 2 LO1 dip in energy down to ∼ 20 meV near the X point, newapproachesthatarecurrentlyunderdevelopmentfor and the tendency for extra weight in the 30 –55 meV re- abinitio latticedynamicsatfinitetemperatures. Eachof gionsuggestsa degreeofcommonality inthe deficiencies these approaches will require computationally intensive within the underlying physics of the simulations as well. extensions to presently applied methods for UO . How- 2 Roughly speaking, there is a ∼ 10 meV compression in ever,dependingonwhichmethodsturnouttobesuccess- the overall optical mode bandwiths (energy ranges) in ful, achieving accurate PDOS simulations may represent the simulations compared to the measurements. an important step toward understanding the underlying Dynamical mean field theory (DMFT)1,18,19, with the science of the strongly correlated insulator UO2. inclusion of fluctuations between electronic states, has also been used in connection with UO simulations at 2 1000 K to address the strongly correlated 5f electronic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS structure. However, the DMFT phonon simulations by Yin et al.1 also fail to capture the experimentally ob- WethankCurtisMaplesandMichaelTrammellofOak served2 dip of the optical TO1 and LO1 phonons below RidgeNationalLaboratory(ORNL)fortechnicalsupport 30 meV near the X zone boundary point. Moreover,the on experimental preparation. Research at ORNL was slopes, and hence the group velocities predicted for the sponsoredbytheU.S.DepartmentofEnergy(DOE),Of- LO1 phonons were found to be 2 –3 lowerthan the mea- ficeofBasicEnergySciences(BES),CMSNF,anEnergy surements. Anotherapproachusedtoaddress5f electron Frontier Research Center (EFRC) hosted at Idaho Na- issuesisscreenedhybridfunctionalDFT(HF-DFT).15–17 tionalLaboratory. ACandSRParesubcontractorsofthe While phonon dispersion and lifetime calculations have U.S. Government under Contract DE-AC07-05ID14517, not been reported using HF-DFT, the ability to predict under the EFRC (Office of Science, BES, FWP 1356). 9 (a) (a) 0.04 6 UO 295 K UO 295 K Avg.⊗Ιnstru. 2 2 V) Linewidth me 4 Avg. Linewidth V)0.03 ESximpe⊗rLimineenwtidth Γ ( 2 me LUopwpeerr BBoouunndd 2 / dth 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ) (10.02 Measured wi(b) E ne 14 AOcpotiucsatli cP hPohnoonnon UO21200 K NW( 0.01 Upper Bound on Li 12 LAAivvngge..w PPidhhtoohnnoonn⊗ g ⊗SiLminuelawteiddth on 10 Instru. Linewidth 0.00 Lower Bound h P 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 d 8 0.04 e (b) ht UO 1200 K g 6 2 ei Lower Bound W 4 )0.03 Simulated⊗ V Linewidth e 2 m Upper Bound Acoustic Phonon Optical Phonon 1/0.02 ( almeV)(c)030 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 WE) ( Measured enth ( 2 Ng 0.01 nstrumnewidt 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ILi E (meV) 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 E (meV) FIG. 7. UO2 phonon linewidth measurements as a function ofenergyfromsinglecrystalexperimentat(a)295Kand(b) 1200 K. Squares and circles represent the acoustic and opti- FIG.8. SimulatedPDOSusingupper(reddashedcurve)and cal phonons respectively. Symbol size is proportional to the lower (green solid curve) bounds of the linewidth variation weigthing of each measurement in the Brillouin zone. Thin with energy. Measurements are shown as symbols. red lines are the averaged phonon linewidths; and thick blue linesare convolution oftheinstrumentallinewidth (shown in (c)) with the averaged phonon linewidth. proportional to |q|2). The specification of their solid an- gles,Ω,withintheBrillouinzone,theirrelativeweighting as a function of phonon propagationdirection [hkl], and The Research at ORNL Spallation Neutron Source was their Miller index multiplicities are describedin the sup- sponsored by the Scientific User Facilities Division of plementary information of Ref. 2. Numerical values of BES. WJLB acknowledges the Canadian Institute for thephononlinewidths andcorrespondingenergiesforin- Advanced Research. The urania samples were prepared dividual phonons measured on single crystals UO 2 are 2 at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) under sup- listed in Tables A1 – A3. port by the DOE, Office of Nuclear Energy, Fuel Cycle Weemphasizethatthelargevariancesinthemeasured Research and Development program. LANL is operated anharmoinclinewidthsasafunctionofenergyarenotthe by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, for the National result of measurement uncertainties; rather, the scatter Nuclear Security Adminstration of the DOE under con- is a measure of the (non-statistical) range of measured tract DE-AC52-06NA25396. linewidths as a function of acoustic and optical phonon branches and wave vectors. Because PDOS measure- ments and simulations integrate over all phonon prop- Appendix A: Energy Averaging of Anharmonic agation directions, branches, and wave vectors, these Phonon Linewidths linewidths and their variances have been accounted for using the solid line average curves in Figs. 7(a) and The open squares in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) represent 7(b) as determined by 10 meV binning averages of the the linewidths of the acoustic phonons, the open circles linewidths up to 35 meV and by a flat line average be- denotethe linewidths ofthe opticalphonons,andthedi- tween 35 and 75 meV. The energy dependence of the ameters of the symbols are proportional to their volume “average”anharmoniclinewidths for295and1200Kare weightsgivenbytheirradialpositionsinphasespace(i.e. similar in shape but have an overall factor of ∼ 2.5 in- 10 crease in the magnitudes of the phonon linewidths going of the linewidth points in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) the from 295 to 1200 K. root-mean-square sum of the anharmonicity and the The relatively small linewidths (∼ 0.5 – 1.0 meV) for corresponding instrumental resolution in Fig. 7(c). acoustical phonons (open squares) below ∼ 15 meV are To demonstrate that convolution with the average followed by rapidly increasing linewidths up to the LA linewidths in the presence of such large variances is phonon zone boundary energies of 25 meV. Above 25 meaningful, we plot in Figs. 8(a) and 8(b) convolutions meV the phonon linewidths are from optical modes and with the upper and lower bounds of the shaded areas tendtoplateau(albeitwithlargevariances)toabout2.8 in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b). These results verify that the meV (3.5 meV) for 295 K and approximately 7.1 (7.54 uncertainties introduced by the variances are such that meV)at1200K.Wenotethattheshiftfromopen-square quantitative comparisons can be made between PDOS (acoustic)symbolsbelow25meVtoopen-circle(optical) measurements and simulations. Such comparisons symbolsabove25meVinFigs.7(a)and 7(b)corresponds may be done not only in terms of matching PDOS to the position of the change from uranium dominated peak positions with zone boundary energies, but also partialPDOSto oxygen-dominatedpartialPDOSin the in terms of the phonon group velocities (i.e. phonon ab initio simulations plotted in Fig. 4 in the main text. dispersion gradients) since the PDOS spectral weights The combined anharmonicity and instrumental decrease/increasewith phonon dispersion gradients. linewidths were determined by calculating for each ∗ [email protected] 19 B. Dorado, M. Freyss, B. Amadon, 1 Q. Yin and S. Y. Savrasov, M. Bertolus, G. Jomard, and P. Garcia, Phys. Rev.Lett. 100, 225504 (2008). J. Phys. Condens. Matter 25, 333201 (2013). 2 J. W. L. Pang, W. J. L. Buyers, A. Chernatynskiy, 20 Y. Chen, X. Ai, and C. Marianetti, (2013), M. D. Lumsden, B. C. Larson, and S. R. Phillpot, arXiv:1312.6109. Phys. Rev.Lett. 110, 157401 (2013). 21 D. L. 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