Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 10/27/2011 ly ESummnay_ BF ay TO PXPAND TRADE IN TEXTILES AND APD ARFI. BFTWTIN, LUTE UNITED STATIS AND THE PTTIPPINTS he SAVE Aet is ative win-wiB strands and esikvey allowing trielepnatns ls roa ; ’ Sateen aie Centon ofmpoor tine ilfumaia again jain otk Cate Satna > : Jp a bor + het et and nei ad tertuced US. batt SAVE “So camy Oe + Tes, eevee ih Br gel yun msec ia trates the apes # ijsnes sin oS. eB aaron 36 cat be fron Ltd ste Cate Share prone no oeutact syngas + Tae estos woul ase sSeRLAsiNe us yee cere a a fies tad gies rows hnamcereaeaapen sensi Ussmileris ws E te aes ALATIONN uP fs TesavEAcsortay vite ioe REM cet ion REIUENATING THE enn B FANN tet : prorat eso ot Acryl cst a the intimesmchnessaty sone aa ts ‘Svea argc A se As a ote and acl sect ec ke ea. +s igetnign Reo latin 9 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Lie 1/27:2011 3:29°13 PM