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Ph.d.-projektet En upåagtet verden af bevægelse - et etnografisk studie af hverdagsliv blandt ... PDF

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Preview Ph.d.-projektet En upåagtet verden af bevægelse - et etnografisk studie af hverdagsliv blandt ...

E N U P Å A EN UPÅAGTET VERDEN AF BEVÆGELSE G T E T ET ETNOGRAFISK STUDIE AF HVERDAGSLIV BLANDT V E USÆDVANLIGE ÆLDRE MENNESKER I STORBYEN R D E N A F AF B E JON DAG RASMUSSEN V Æ G PH.D. AFHANDLING 2017 E L S E J O N D A G R A S M U S S E N EN UPÅAGTET VERDEN AF BEVÆGELSE ET ETNOGRAFISK STUDIE AF HVERDAGSLIV BLANDT USÆDVANLIGE ÆLDRE MENNESKER I STORBYEN af Jon Dag Rasmussen Afhandling indleveret december 2016 . Ph.d. indleveret: December 2016 Ph.d. vejleder: Professor Michael Hviid Jacobsen, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde Aalborg Universitet Ph.d. bi-vejledere: Ph.d., direktør Christine E. Swane, Ensomme Gamles Værn Lektor Ida Wentzel Winther, Danmarks Institut for Pædagogik & Uddannelse Aarhus Universitet Ph.d. bedømmelsesudvalg: Lektor Anja Jørgensen (formand) Aalborg Universitet Lektor Bjarke Oxlund Københavns Universitet Professor Dag Album UiO Ph.d. serie: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet ISSN (online): 2246-1256 ISBN (online): 978-87-7112-854-3 Udgivet af: Aalborg Universitetsforlag Skjernvej 4A, 2. sal 9220 Aalborg Ø Tlf. 9940 7140 [email protected] forlag.aau.dk © Copyright: Jon Dag Rasmussen Trykt i Danmark af Rosendahls, 2017 Normalsider: 316 sider (á 2.400 anslag inkl. mellemrum). CV Jon Dag Rasmussen er kandidat i pædagogisk antropologi fra Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole under Århus Universitet i 2010. Han blev efterfølgende ansat som videnskabelig medarbejder i den forskningsorienterede humanitære fond, Ensomme Gamles Værn, hvor han har udført to kvalitative forskningsprojekter baseret på etnografisk metode. Begge disse arbejder er publiceret i fondens udgivelsesrække. I forlængelse af det ene forskningsprojekt (publiceret som ”Steder at være for socialt udsatte ældre”) blev han indskrevet som ph.d.-stipendiat ved Aalborg Universitet i december 2012. Jons ansættelse ved AAU har indeholdt præsentation af hans arbejde på fx 22nd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, på konferencen Networked Urban Mobilities, som blev afholdt af det internationale Cosmobilities Network, og på 33 Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference. Jon har varetaget undervisning på Aalborg Universitets kandidatuddannelser i såvel Aalborg som i København, og har under ansættelsen fungeret som specialevejleder og censor. Hans forskning har givet mulighed for en række foredrag som er afholdt rundt omkring i landet, og i perioden har han desuden været tilknyttet som underviser og foredragsholder på Professionshøjskolen UCC i København. Jons forskning er løbende publiceret som tidsskriftartikler og i form af forskellige kapitelbidrag. Ansættelsesperioden ved AAU har indeholdt en barselsorlov (søn født januar 2013). På et bredere felt er Jon optaget af at bringe konventionelt adskilte områder som litteratur, kunst, filosofi og samfundsvidenskabelig forskning sammen med det mål, at afsøge de gensidigt berigende perspektiver, der udgør disse traditioner og udtryks fælles genstandsfelt: en undersøgelse af, og refleksion over, det værende. To af de store samfundsvidenskabelige forskningsinteresser som løber gennem Jons arbejde består i studiet af hverdagsliv og optagetheden af forskellige former for social forankring i den foreliggende verden. Disse interesser er kombineret i det projekt som her foreligger. 3 ENGLISH SUMMARY Unnoticed worlds of mobility: An ethnographic study of everyday life amongst unconventional older city people There are many people passing through the currents of everyday life of whom we know close to nothing. Quiet and transparent beings that will first appear once we acquire a gaze that allows them to emerge. The city is rich of such existences that fuse into a landscape always teeming with people, animals and objects. With this PhD-dissertation a phenomenon of such stale character is presented as a hidden world of unusual and unnoticed older lives are brought to attention. Lives that branch off small apartments in the morning to be found circulating the city sphere throughout the day and into the night. Older people that carve entangled and spidery patterns into the world while making their way through the everyday life. The work explores everyday lives that do not figure in existing research, that are shunned from political attention – lives that are highly inaccessible. The explored phenomenon falls between several established fields of research since the followed group of older persons are not subject to Danish gerontological inquiry, as research within the field of homelessness is pointed towards younger persons, and because endeavors towards social and economic marginalization aim too broadly to detect these subtle and unnoticed lives. This dissertation comprises a scientific contribution as well as a new footing in this narrow field and the work proposes a vocabulary adequate in addressing unnoticed and unusual lives among urban older persons under the surface of society. The work rests on years of ethnographic work and participation amongst older people who live and die the city. Unconventional people are followed as they frequent street corners, park sites, drop-by centers, shelters, bars, charitable organizations, secondhand stores amongst a variety of other places that constitute a structure of informal social institutions throughout the public sphere. Through the application of a highly mobile and persistent participant observation detailed empirical insights into an unusual social life that span across and weave together multiple contexts in the city have been produced. My work is based on a theoretical framework consisting of sociologies of the everyday life and a tradition of urban ethnography. Throughout the thesis I draw 5 EN UPÅAGTET VERDEN AF BEVÆGELSE on inspiration from the linealogy of Tim Ingold. The analysis is carried out as an empirically close and descriptive effort as concepts and ideas from fields as sociology, anthropology, literature and philosophy is applied in the aim of attaining an analytical dialogue based on theoretical perspectivism. Analytical concepts are developed through the analysis in an ambition to qualify the reflection of the studied everyday life and the dissertation is carried out in a phenomenological inspired style of writing. The analytical work unveils how the primary social and existential entrenchment amongst the older people are created through small scale mobility practices and various stops in the city landscape, as well as the social logics and premises characteristic of life in the studied contexts. The work reflects how the elderly informants hold significant relationships to various non-human elements in the city sphere; how animal creatures, artifacts and composite objects are of central importance to everyday life. An intricate system of material and non-material trade and exchange based-relations is subjected to reflection and the analysis illustrates how various transactions tie together an extensive field of people, unnoticed communities and places throughout the city. Finally, the empirically ever present phenomenon of death among the informants is subject to analysis. Building on empirical and thick description it is shown how growing old in the margins of society involve outlasting numerous and multiple relational loses. The dissertation presents detailed and empirically based insights into everyday life among older persons who inhabit a highly unnoticed and inaccessible borderland in the city as in society at large. It unveils how the followed older people stretch their lives into the urban realm, how these people deeply affected by phenomena like loneliness, poverty, isolation, personal and social difficulties – conditions and terms that frame the everyday in both substantial and radical manners – find their ways through the world. The work brings forth empirically based insights in a series of these hidden-away, unnoticed and wondrous everyday lives as they are practiced and moved through the Danish capital of Copenhagen in the first part of the 21th century. The analysis unveils how the city sphere render itself usable as a needed, spacious and far more adequate room for existence amongst the elderly, as their housing facilities and the isolation that characterize these conventional residences rejects them; forces movement and small scale mobility upon the everyday. The mobile practices shared among all the followed informants stand out as tactics towards the achievement of a significant social entrenchment and continuity in life. And the 6 work presented with the dissertation elucidate and bring forth an immense and unnoticed meshwork of unusual elderly people weaving together unnoticed social worlds across Copenhagen. It illustrates how significant social, near- social and more-than-human relationships are constituted, maintained and dissolved. 7

DANSK RESUME. Der findes mange mennesker, vi ikke har blik for i hverdagen. Mennesker som lever udadtil gennemsigtige liv, og som først træder frem, når negativt ladede roller og karaktertræk, som hjemløse og andre af gadens folk Når jeg i interessens iver, har videregivet oplysninger,.
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