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Preview Phase diagram of a polydisperse soft-spheres model for liquids and colloids

Phase diagram of a polydisperse soft-spheres model for liquids and colloids L. A. Ferna´ndez,1,2 V. Mart´ın-Mayor,1,2 and P. Verrocchio2,3 1Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica I, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain. 2Instituto de Biocomputaci´on y F´ısica de Sistemas Complejos (BIFI), Spain. 3Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Trento and CRS, SOFT, INFM-CNR, 38050 Povo, Trento, Italy. (Dated: February 6, 2008) 7 Thephasediagramofsoftsphereswithsizedispersionhasbeenstudiedbymeansofanoptimized 0 Monte Carlo algorithm which allows to equilibrate below the kinetic glass transition for all sizes 0 distribution. The system ubiquitously undergoes a first order freezing transition. While for small 2 sizedispersion thefrozen phasehasacrystalline structure,large densityinhomogeneities appear in n thehighlydispersesystems. Studyingtheinterplaybetweentheequilibriumphasediagramandthe a kinetic glass transition, we argue that the experimentally found terminal polydispersity of colloids J is a purely kineticphenomenon. 6 2 PACSnumbers: 64.60.Fr,64.60.My,66.20.+d ] t Theequilibriumphasediagramofdenseclassicalfluids needed to keep the system in thermodynamic equilib- f o is far from being fully understood, especially as regards rium often become exceedingly slow. Such processes are s theinfluenceoverthefreezingtransitionofsomedisorder the nucleation of the solid within the fluid and the α- . t a intheparametersoftheinteraction. Whilefluidsmadeof relaxation in the super-cooled fluid [9]. m identical atoms crystallize easily upon lowering the tem- Herewe obtainthe equilibrium phasediagramofpoly- - peratureorincreasingthedensity,thefateofpolydisperse disperse soft-spheres in the (N,V,T) ensemble, aiming d systems (colloids, for instance), where the particle size σ to describe both liquids and colloids. This is made pos- n is sampled from a probability distribution, P(σ), is still sible by the combination of an optimized Monte Carlo o a matter of debate. (MC) method (which, unlike standard MC, equilibrates c [ On the theoretical side, the effect of size dispersion, below the kinetic glass temperature) and a novel Finite- measured by the quantity δ (the ratio among the stan- Size Scaling study of the fluid-solid coexistence line. At 2 v dard deviation and the mean of P(σ)) over the phase all δ, a first-order freezing transition separates the fluid 4 diagram has been addressed mostly in the case of the phase from the low temperature solid. This rules out 0 hard-spheresmodel, which is meant to describe colloidal the thermodynamic originof the terminal polydispersity 2 systems [1]. At least for small polydispersity, δ seems scenario. However, we show that a Brownian dynamics 9 to be the only feature of P(σ) that controls the physical will not find crystallization for δ > 0.12, in quantita- 0 6 results. Differenttheories predictconflicting scenariosin tive agreement with colloids experiments [7]. Further- 0 theregionoflargeδ. Themomentfree-energymethod[2] more, depending on polydispersity the solid phase can / suggests phase separation between many different crys- be eitheracrystaloraninhomogeneousphase(hereafter t a talphases,eachonewithamuchnarrowersizedispersion I-phase). The freezing temperature shows a reentrant m than δ (a phenomenon termed fractionation). However, behavior when increasing δ. Interestingly, in the range - a density functional analysis [3] predicts the existence of δ [0.12,0.38]thekineticglasstransitionoccursfortem- d ∈ n a terminal polydispersity δt beyondwhich the formation peratures, T, and densities, ρ, in the stable fluid phase. o ofthecrystalisthermodynamicallysuppressed. Numeric Specifically,inoursimulationssoft-spheresofradiusσi c simulations of the hard sphere model find some agree- and σj at distance r interact via the pair potential [30] : v ment with both the fractionation [4, 5] and the terminal 12 σ +σ Xi polydispersity [6] scenarios. As regards models with a Vij(r)= i j . (1) soft potential (e.g. Lennard-Jones), which are more ap- (cid:18) r (cid:19) r a propriate to describe liquids, no extensive study on the The effect of T and ρ is encoded in the single thermo- effects of polydispersity has been performed so far. dynamic parameter Γ ρT−1/4. Although (1) general- On the experimental side, crystallization of very vis- izes well known models≡for simple liquids [10], its scale- couscolloidalsampleswithδ >δt 0.12doesnotoccur, invariantformsuggeststhatitcoulddescribeaswellcol- ≈ evenaftermonthsspentfromthepreparation[7]. Further loids,whosesizeisinthemicrometerrange. Weconsider evidence supporting the terminalpolydispersity scenario aflatsizedistribution,constantintherange[σ ,σ ]. min max comes from the finding of reentrant melting (crystal to In order to eliminate sample-to-sample fluctuations we fluid transition when increasing the density) on polydis- follow [11], which for a flat distribution amounts to pick perse colloids in confined geometry [8]. σ =σ +∆(i 1), with ∆=(σ σ )/(N 1). i min max min − − − Yet, these experimental results do not necessarily re- Note that σmax/σmin at δ∞=1/√3. →∞ vealfeaturesofthephasediagram. Indeed,theprocesses The numerical investigation of equilibrium properties 2 0.006 0.3 N=500 N=500 0.4 110067 I-phase CV 0.2 N=256 /N Fi0.004 N=256 0.3 τ105 0.1 h0.002 4 10 3 0 0 10 δ 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.52 1.54 1.56 0.2 1.4 1.45 1.5 Γ Γ Γ 0.8 Fluid 20 0.6 0.1 f f 0.4 Crystal 10 0.2 0 0 0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 0.68 0.72 0.76 0 1 2 3 4 5 Γ e FIG.1: TheΓ−δ phasediagram showsthreephases: afluid is F FIG. 2: Equilibrium quantities for δ=0.24 (top-left) Spe- at high temperatures, a crystal, and a inhomogeneous solid cificheat vs. Γ,from two simulations, oneat thesize depen- (I-phase). TheboundarybetweenthecrystalandtheI-phase dentcriticalpoint(fullsymbolsdenotetheactualsimulations, lies at 0.18<δc<0.21. The vertical line in the fluid phase full lines coming from histogram reweighting), the other at a is the kinetic glass transition. (Inset) Integrated relaxation higherΓ (opensymbols,anddashedlines). Themaximumof time [12], τ, for e (full) and F (open), both for standard the specific heat scales with N. (Top-right) hFi/N vs. Γ for (squares) and local swap (circles) MC, for N = 256. The kineticglasstransitionariseswhenτ∼106standardMCsteps. thesamesimulationsoftop–leftpanel. (Bottom-left)Normal- izedhistogram,f,oftheenergyoftheinherentstructures,for N=256 (empty) and N=500 (filled), at the Γ value where of fluids is limited by the practical impossibility to equi- thepeaksof theinstantaneous energyhaveequalheight[18]. librate when either the relaxation time τ within the Inherentstructureswerefoundevery105 MCsteps. (Bottom- fluid phase, or the freezing time t [31] become com- right) AsBottom-left, forF. InthefluidphaseF isO(1)(in fr parable with the time scale of the simulation. In or- the solid, F is O(N)). We also show (dashed line) eis and F histograms for N = 864, where only two back and forth der to achieveequilibrium we straightforwardlyadapt to tunnelingeventsbetween theliquid and solid phase wereob- model (1) the local swap MC algorithm [12, 13], which served. Yet, data nicely agree with the predicted N-scaling. outperforms [13, 14] other algorithms, such as the non- local swap MC [15] and the density of states MC [16]. In fact, the standard method of studying a first-order forδ 0.21. However,for localswapMCtfr remainsbe- ≥ transitionin a systemof finite size, L, looksfor a double tween106 and107 MC steps for allδ, while for standard peak in the histogramof the internal energy per particle MC it grows beyond 109 steps for δ >0.12. e,accompaniedbyapeakofthespecificheatC [17,18]. Todetectthepossibleexistenceoflargedensityfluctu- V Thisprocedureisextremelydemandingonthe qualityof ationswefocus onS(q)≡ N1 i,jexp[iq·(ri−rj)](ri is the statistical sampling, and has been scarcely used (if the positionof thei-thparticPle). Note that (q) is the hS i at all) for glass-forming liquids or colloids. Fortunately, static structure factor. The longest wavelengths fluctua- the local swap MC allows us to employ it. tionsarestudiedthrough [ (2π,0,0)+ (0,2π,0)+ Thethermalizationissueneedstobeaddressedinthree (0,0,2π)]/3. Infact,inaFn≡homSogLeneousliqSuidoLrcrys- S L different regimes, see Fig. 1: the liquid phase, at the tal phase we expect to be of order 1, but for a macro- F phase coexistence line, and the solid phase. The swap scopically inhomogeneous phase it becomes of order N. algorithm avoids the cage effect, thus equilibrating eas- In Fig. 2 we show as an example the results obtained ily the whole liquid phase (it reduces τ by two orders of for δ=0.24 where an evidence for a freezing transition magnitude as compared with standard MC, see Fig. 1– is presented. The specific-heat displays a peak of height inset). Thermalization in the deep solid phase, not at- proportional to N while, as usual for small systems, its temptedinthiswork,wouldrequireadifferentapproach. position suffers a strong finite size shift. We found con- At the phase coexistence line, our criterion for thermal- venienttousethehistogramoftheenergyperparticleof ization required the observation of tenths of back and the inherentstructureseIS,i.e. the minima ofthe poten- forthtunnelingeventsbetweentheliquidandsolidphase. tial energy [19]. The advantages are twofold (Fig. 2): it The difficulty for meeting the criterion grows dramat- largelyabsorbstheeffectsofthefinite-systemshiftofthe ically with the number of particles ( exp[ΣN2/3], Σ critical temperature (so that the position of the peaks is ∼ being the liquid-solid surface tension). A stronger, more almostN independent)anditmakeseachpeaknarrower. quantitative check is the consistency of the histogram Note that δ =0.24 is much higher than the terminal reweighting [32]. We equilibrated N =256 particles for polydispersity δ reported in experiments and simula- t δ 0.1 (and for the monodisperse system) and N=500 tions [7, 11]. Actually, a freezing transition arises in the ≥ 3 full range of δ studied. The line of phase-coexistence, as located by the arising of a double peak for N =256, 4.0 δ=0.24, N=256 δ=0.24, N=500 between the fluid and the solid phase is shown in Fig. 1. 3.0 For δ=0, we find a body-centered cubic (bcc) crystal, 2.0 as expected for modest N [20]. Indeed, (q) displays peaks of order N atq 2π(1,1,0),2π(0,1,S1),2π(1,0,1) 1.0 with lattice spacing a∼ a0.78. Theasame Braagg peaks 0.0 ∼ 0.7 0.75 0.8 e 0.7 0.75 0.8 are found at δ=0.12, broadened due to disorder [33] (as is F compared with δ =0, the intensity reduces by a factor 1.0 δ=0.18, N=256 δ=0.18, N=500 1/4, but it still increases linearly with N). Interestingly, for δ=0.24 the histogram of (Fig. 2) developsadoublepeakatthe freezingpoint. LFeft-peak’s 0.5 position is N-independent, as expected for the liquid phase (see also the scatter plot in Fig. 3). On the other 0.0 hand,thesecondpeak(correspondingtothe solid)shifts 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 e right proportionally to N, revealing that the solid phase is isnotastandardcrystallineone. ForN=500andδ .0.2 FIG. 3: Scatter plot of F vs. eIS below (bottom) and above (top) the I-phase-crystal transition line at the liquid-solid it is risky to use histogram techniques, as the tunneling phasecoexistence,forN=256(left)andN=500(right). The from solid to liquid is harder to observethan the reverse numberofpointsis∼45000 (N=256)or∼15000 (N=500). liquidtosolidtunneling,thusweshowinFig.3ascatter Thedarkertheshadeofgray,thehigherthedensityofpoints. plot. It is clear that in the crystals we found at δ=0.18 (corresponding to the lower values of eIS in Fig. 3) 0.1 F takes a N-independent value [34]. Summarizing, at high polydispersities we havefound a freezing transitionfrom f the liquid to a solid inhomogeneous phase, while at low 0.05 δ=0.24 polydispersities the low temperature high density phase (largeΓ’s)isastandardhomogeneouscrystal. Thestudy of the transition between the crystal and the I-phase is 0 left for future work. To gain some insight about the I- 0 0.1 0.2 phase we measured the intensity of the Bragg peaks for 0.1 0.15 theinherentstructuresinthesolidphase. Moreprecisely, f f we define as the maximum [35] of (q). In a crystal 0.1 is of ordBer N (the corresponding q iSs in the reciprocal 0.05 δ=0.30 δ=0.45 B 0.05 lattice), while in a fluid is always of order 1. In Fig. 4 B we show the histogram of along the phase coexistence B 0 0 line both for N=256 andN=500. For everyδ we find a 0 0.1 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 double peak structure. The solid’s peak shifts right pro- B FIG. 4: (Top-left) A δ = 0.3 solid configuration of 500 portionallyN. Thus and provideaclassification particles, at phase coexistence, as projected into the XY hBi hFi of the Γ δ plane: distinguishes the solid from the plane (circles are centered at particles positions, their diam- − hBi fluid phase, while is of order N only in the I-phase. eter being proportional to particle sizes). Larger particles hFi The solid peak in Fig. 4 shifts left with increasing δ form thecrystalline central band(theBragg peaks’s analysis (at δ = 0.45 the two peaks are hardly resolved). The suggests a FCC ordering). Normalized histograms of B for δ=0.24,0.3,0.45 with 256 (empty) and 500 (filled) particles. I-phase might signal either fractionation [4, 5] or phase coexistence of a crystalwith anamorphoussolid (Fig. 4, top-left). Further work is needed to clarify this point. case and 10−2 secs. in the latter one [21]. ∼ Theexistenceofafreezingtransitionforallδ rulesout WehavelocatedthekineticglasstransitioninFig.1as the terminal polydispersity scenario. But even if a sta- the point where τ reaches 106 (standard) MC steps. In ble solidphaseexistsforlargeδ,itmightbe dynamically the case of colloids, this roughly corresponds to a relax- inaccessible on experimental time-scales. 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