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Petrologic, tectonic, and metallogenic evolution of the southern segment of the ancestral Cascades PDF

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Origin and Evolution of the Sierra Nevada and Walker Lane themed issue Petrologic, tectonic, and metallogenic evolution of the southern segment of the ancestral Cascades magmatic arc, California and Nevada Edward A. du Bray1, David A. John2, and Brian L. Cousens3 1U.S. Geological Survey, MS 973, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Lakewood, Colorado 80225, USA 2U.S. Geological Survey, MS 901, 345 Middlefi eld Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA 3Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario k1S 5B6, Canada ABSTRACT fundamentally linked to the tectonic settings gested that the ancestral Cascades arc did not and crustal regimes within which these two extend south of Lassen Peak. Studies by Putirka Ongoing arc magmatism along western arc segments evolved. and Busby (2007), Busby et al. (2008a, 2008b), North America was preceded by ancestral arc Cousens et al. (2008, 2011), Hagan et al. (2009), magmatism that began ca. 45 Ma and evolved INTRODUCTION Busby and Putirka (2009), Putirka et al. (2012), into modern arc volcanism. The southern and John et al. (2012) confi rm the presence of ancestral arc segment, active from ca. 30 to Cenozoic subduction along western North subduction-related magmatic arc volcanic rocks 3 Ma, adjoins the northern segment in north- America is widely recognized as a major that extend, astride the California-Nevada bor- ern California across a proposed subducted contributor to the geologic evolution of this der, at least as far south as latitude 38°N. Those slab tear. The east edge of the Walker Lane region. Associated Cascades arc magmatism studies have considerably enhanced our under- approximates the east edge of the southern (McBirney, 1978) is universally accepted as standing of the ancestral arc between Lake Tahoe arc whose products, mostly erupted from representing subduction of the oceanic Farallon and Mono Lake, California, but much of the stratovolcanoes and lava dome complexes plate beneath North America. Subduction and remainder of the diffuse southern arc segment arrayed along the crest of the ancestral arc, related Cascades arc magmatism were progres- remains relatively poorly known. extend down the west fl ank of the Sierra sively extinguished at the southern end of the Despite reasonably abundant geochemical Nevada. Southern arc segment rocks include arc by northward migration of the Mendocino data and the importance of the southern arc seg- potassic, calc-alkaline intermediate- to silicic- triple junction and formation of a transform ment rocks, these data had not been assembled composition lava fl ows, lava dome complexes, plate margin (Atwater and Stock, 1998). Ceno- prior to the compilation of du Bray et al. (2009). and associated volcaniclastic deposits. zoic volcanic rocks of the Cascades magmatic The goal of the work described here is to evalu- Northern and southern segment rocks arc have been traditionally divided into two ate the time-space-compositional evolution of are similar to other convergent-margin components: (1) those derived from Pliocene to magmatism associated with the southern arc magmatic arc rocks but are composition- Quaternary volcanoes of the active High Cas- segment and characterize genetic associations ally distinct from each other. Southern seg- cades arc (McBirney, 1978; Hildreth, 2007), between magmatism and mineral deposits in ment rocks have lower TiO, FeO*, CaO, and and (2) those associated with deeply dissected this region. The southern arc segment extends 2 NaO contents and higher KO contents, and Tertiary (mostly Eocene to late Miocene) vol- between about latitudes 42°N and 37°N along 2 2 exhibit less compositional-temporal varia- canoes of the ancestral Cascades arc. In Oregon the northwest-elongate region that spans the tion. Compositional distinctions between the and Washington the ancestral Cascades arc rocks California-Nevada border (Fig. 1), where northern and southern segment rocks refl ect form the Western Cascades (Callaghan, 1933; accumulations of Cenozoic volcanic rocks are the composition and thickness of the crust Thayer, 1937; Peck et al., 1964); together with reasonably abundant. These volcanic rocks beneath which the associated magma sys- minor Oligocene and Miocene volcanic rocks include mafi c and intermediate lava fl ows and tems were sourced. Northern segment rock exposed in northernmost California (see du interbedded debris-fl ow deposits, as well as compositions are consistent with generation Bray and John, 2011, their fi gure 1), these form intermediate-composition lava dome complexes beneath thin, primitive crust, whereas south- the northern segment of the ancestral Cascades and associated pyroclastic deposits. Rhyolite ern segment rocks represent magmas gener- magmatic arc (here after, northern arc segment). (including high-silica variants) lava domes, ated and fractionated beneath thicker, more The southern segment of the ancestral Cascades although not voluminous, are a signifi cant con- evolved crust. arc (hereafter, southern arc segment), along the stituent of the southern arc segment, especially Although rocks in the two arc segments California-Nevada border, was fi rst suggested by in the Bodie Hills and Tonopah areas (Fig. 1). In have similar metal abundances, they are Noble (1972) and corroborated by Christiansen contrast to the northern arc segment, phaneritic metallogenically distinct. Small porphyry and Yeats (1992). Cousens et al. (2008) and Col- Tertiary intrusive rocks are essentially absent in copper deposits are characteristic of the gan et al. (2011) argued convincingly for a north- the southern arc segment; shallowly emplaced northern segment whereas signifi cant epi- east-trending tear in the subducting slab between intrusions have been identifi ed but are rare. thermal precious metal deposits are most Mount Shasta and Lassen Peak, vol canoes that Decades of geologic investigations in the commonly associated with the southern seg- are part of the modern High Cascades magmatic southern arc segment, including those by ment. These metallogenic differences are also arc. However, Glazner and Farmer (2008) sug- Thompson and White (1964), O’Neil et al. Geosphere; February 2014; v. 10; no. 1; p. 1–39; doi:10.1130/GES00944.1; 18 fi gures; 3 tables; 1 supplemental fi le. Received 1 May 2013 ♦ Revision received 30 September 2013 ♦ Accepted 22 November 2013 ♦ Published online 19 December 2013 For permission to copy, cont act [email protected] 1 © 2014 Geological Society of America Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019 du Bray et al. Oregon Idaho California 42° ( F A J FR UDUAAECLNALON) Subduction z Cascadia Proposed slaMbS tear WR SSOEUGTMHEENRTN Ne87vSar/86dSra8i=0.706 PLATE o 8. n (Colgan et al., 2011) AANCESTRAL =3 e b W P Present LPP L A L CTAESRACRRAACDNEES 208 P b/204 Sa K n EP 40° A SV R W P PALCGAITeFoEIcC4h eMm6i caMal 8nadr eaMsFaault LCTP LSWP M V C S B A B H ST PR WNVF CNVF sample site 10 Ma LB A T 38° Modern arc rocks N E Major Quaternary 12 Ma G eruptive center SNB Ancestral arc rocks Mesozoic 14 Ma 100 km plutons 124° 122° 120° 118° 1161º6° Figure 1. Map of northern California and western Nevada (modifi ed from Colgan et al., 2011; John et al., 2012) showing the inferred extent of ancestral (green polygons) and modern High Cascades magmatic (cross hatched polygons) arcs. Southern arc segment rock polygons west of the southern arc segment boundary represent distally dispersed volcanogenic outfl ow material deposited in channels extending down the west slope of the Sierra Nevada. As such, these deposits, derived from eruptive centers to the east, are not included within the southern arc segment terrane, as defi ned by the extent of arc-related volcanic edifi ces. Sample locations of ancestral Cascade arc rocks from the geochemical database of du Bray et al. (2009) and Table DR1 in the Supplemental File (see footnote 1) are indicated by small dots. Heavy gray lines show the southern edge of the subducting Farallon plate at the time specifi ed (Atwater and Stock, 1998). Red dashed line is the initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.706 isopleth for Mesozoic plutonic rocks in California (Kistler, 1990) and Nevada (Tosdal et al., 2000). Blue dashed line is the 208Pb/204Pb = 38.8 isopleth (Tosdal et al., 2000). Outcrops of Mesozoic granitic rocks are from Ludington et al. (2005). Purple lines (Henry and John, 2013) outline the Western Nevada volcanic fi eld (WNVF) and Central Nevada volcanic fi eld (CNVF). Blue polygons delineate Cenozoic calderas (Henry and John, 2013). MS—Mount Shasta; LP—Lassen Peak; SNB—Sierra Nevada batholith. Domains within the southern arc segment are as follows: WR—Warner Range; L—Lassen; SV—Sierra Valley; P—Pyramid; W—Wadsworth; VC—Virginia City; LT—Lake Tahoe; BH—Barnet Hills; CP—Carson Pass; M—Monitor; ST—Stillwater Range; PR—Paradise Range; SP—Sonora Pass; S—Sweetwater; LW—Little Walker; BA—Bodie-Aurora; T—Tonopah; B—Benton; G—Goldfi eld. (1973), Silberman and McKee (1973), Ashley IGNEOUS ROCK CONSTITUENTS OF assigned Tertiary volcanic rocks of this region to and Silberman (1976), Whitebread (1976), Vikre THE SOUTHERN SEGMENT OF THE one of three assemblages: (1) 43–19 Ma interior (1989), John (2001), Vikre and Henry (2011), ANCESTRAL CASCADES ARC andesite-rhyolite, (2) 20–0 Ma bimodal basalt- and John et al. (2012), highlight the association rhyolite, or (3) 31–3 Ma western andesite. As between the subduction-related igneous rocks The distinction between southern arc segment summarized by John (2001): and mineral deposits. These associations suggest rocks and those that (1) clearly pre- or post-date (1) The interior andesite-rhyolite assemblage that many deposits, representing diverse mineral the arc, or (2) represent geospatially coincident consists of mid-Cenozoic calc-alkaline rocks in deposit types, are spatially, temporally, and prob- rocks whose genesis is unrelated to subduction, central Nevada and western Utah that are domi- ably genetically related to ancestral Cascades is not unambiguous. However, Christiansen nated by caldera-derived rhyolite to dacite ash- magmatism. and Yeats (1992) and Ludington et al. (1996) fl ow tuffs but also include volumetrically minor 2 Geosphere, February 2014 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019 Petrology of the ancestral Cascades arc, southern segment andesite to dacite lava fl ows (Best et al., 2013; eastern edge and envisioned that subduction- around Lake Tahoe (Cousens et al., 2008) and Henry and John, 2013). These rocks are related related volcanism migrated progressively across as old as 30 Ma in the Warner Range of north- to fl at subduction of the Farallon plate beneath the Great Basin and stagnated in the Sierra eastern California and northwestern Nevada western North America and subsequent litho- Nevada starting at 28 Ma, at the earliest. After (Duffi eld and McKee, 1986; Carmichael et al., spheric slab delamination that promoted astheno- 28 Ma, the migration of the slab hinge slowed 2006) and in the Granite Range of northwest spheric mantle upwelling (Humphreys, 1995). considerably and the southern arc segment Nevada (Bonham and Papke, 1969). Spatially (2) The mid-Miocene to present bimodal became established, largely post–20 Ma. The coincident volcanic rocks less than 3 Ma with basalt-rhyolite assemblage principally includes eastern limit of southern arc segment magma- broadly calc-alkaline compositions and located potassium-rich, tholeiitic basalt and basaltic tism is admittedly arbitrary but largely refl ects north of the time-appropriate Mendocino triple andesite and rhyolite lava fl ows and fl ow dome the change from caldera-related volcanism junction position (Fig. 1) probably represent complexes in southeast Oregon and central (Fig. 1) to that associated with composite arc products of the active High Cascades arc. Other Nevada, largely east of the ancestral arc terrane. volcanoes (Henry and John, 2013). Pliocene to Holocene volcanic rocks distributed These rocks were erupted in an extensional, The southwestward transition to southern arc along the east edge of the ancestral arc terrane, continental rifting environment and, although segment magmatism is particularly ill defi ned in including young basalts near Lake Tahoe and coeval with subduction-related rocks of the several areas. Specifi cally, the distribution and Pleistocene to Holocene volcanic rocks in the western andesite assemblage, are un related to tectonic affi nities of Oligocene and Miocene Long Valley area, have broadly tholeiitic com- arc magmatism; associated continental exten- volcanic rocks in northwest Nevada, east of the positions and are assigned to the bimodal basalt- sion may refl ect a subjacent mantle plume Warner Range domain (the term “domain”, as rhyolite assemblage. Time-space characteristics (Yellowstone hot spot) or collapse of an over- used here, pertains to a geographically coher- of southern arc segment rocks are generally con- thickened orogenic plateau, which may have ent component of the southern arc segment that sistent with equation 1 of Putirka et al. (2012), triggered magmatic upwelling and Yellowstone includes a suite of samples from one or several which predicts the arrival of the Mendocino hot-spot magmatism (Colgan and Henry, 2009). related volcanic fi elds) (Fig. 1), are not well triple junction and the approximate cessation of (3) Oligocene to Pliocene western andesite documented. Consequently, the distribution of arc-related magmatism at any given latitude. assemblage rocks in western Nevada and eastern southern arc segment rocks and the location of California consist mostly of potassic, calc-alka- the boundary between those rocks, especially the Compositional Constraints line intermediate-composition lava fl ows, domes, South Willow Formation (Bonham and Papke, and breccias. These rocks, genetically associated 1969), and rocks of the interior andesite-rhyolite Most southern arc segment rocks have calc- with subduction of oceanic crust beneath western assemblage are poorly constrained. Similarly, the alkaline compositions (Irvine and Baragar, North America, are broadly equivalent to rocks east edge of the southern arc segment is ambigu- 1971), though some, especially from the Warner that constitute the southern arc segment. For the ous in the Pyramid domain (Fig. 1). As suggested and Pyramid Ranges and other isolated locales, purposes of this compilation and synthesis, we by Ressel (1996), Miocene volcanic rocks in this are tholeiitic. Miocene to Pliocene tholeiitic, used the following criteria to differentiate plausi- area have transitional compositions. In the west high-alumina (low-potassium) olivine basalts in ble constituents of the southern arc segment from part of the Pyramid domain (Virginia Mountains) the Modoc Plateau of northern California and other volcanic rocks exposed in the area. these rocks have dominantly calc-alkaline com- southern Oregon are considered to represent positions, whereas in the east part of the domain magmatism associated with back-arc spread- Spatial Constraints (Lake Range) the rocks are dominantly tholeiitic ing or continental extension, not ancestral arc (Ressel, 1996). Accordingly, along this part of the magmatism (Hart, 1985; Hildreth, 2007). Like- Southern arc segment rocks include Tertiary southern arc segment, we delineate the boundary wise, Tertiary potassic and ultra-high-potassium volcanic rocks exposed between latitudes 42°N of the southern arc segment as separating these basalts, mostly in the Sierra Nevada (Moore and and 37°N. We suggest an eastern limit of the two ranges and infer that rocks to the east, in the Dodge, 1980; Farmer et al., 2002), are probably southern arc segment that is approximately coin- Lake Range, are part of the bimodal assemblage unrelated to arc magmatism. As indicated by cident with the eastern edge of the Walker Lane and associated magmatic processes. equation 1 of Putirka et al. (2012), the time-space (Fig. 1; Stewart, 1988; Faulds and Henry, 2008). To the west, southern arc segment rocks, characteristics of the Pliocene subset of these The Walker Lane is coincident with a fundamen- especially lava and volcaniclastic fl ows that are rocks are inconsistent with their being related tal change in style but not composition (Putirka presumably products of stratovolcanoes and to arc magmatism. In addition, rocks erupted et al., 2012; Putirka and Platt, 2012) of vol- domes aligned along the crest of the ancestral after northward passage of the Mendocino triple canism; Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene vol- arc, extend down the gently sloping west fl ank junction and cessation of arc magmatism are dis- canic rocks erupted west of the eastern edge of of the Sierra Nevada. These rocks are generally tinctly more potassic than those associated with the Walker Lane are genetically associated with spatially coincident with the distribution of the arc magmatism (Putirka et al., 2012). Although southern arc segment magmatism. In contrast, to western andesite assemblage of Ludington et al. the time-space characteristics of the Miocene the east, rocks of the interior andesite-rhyolite (1996) and, conversely, geographically isolated subset are consistent with a subduction relation- assemblage (Ludington et al., 1996) represent from bimodal basalt-rhyolite and interior ande- ship, they probably refl ect low degrees of mantle magmatism associated with southwestward sub- site-rhyolite assemblage rocks located east of partial melting, unrelated to subduction, during duction hingeline retreat. Accordingly, we infer the Walker Lane. post-arc deformation along the edge of the Sierra that the change from interior andesite-rhyolite Nevada (Putirka and Busby, 2007). Similarly, magmatism to that associated with the southern Age Constraints middle Miocene volcanic rocks temporally and arc segment is transitional, which is consonant chemically equivalent to the voluminous Colum- with the inferences of Cousens et al. (2008) and Southern arc segment rocks are mostly bia River Basalt Group, including the Steens and Henry and John (2013), who suggested that the between 25 and ca. 4 Ma, but may include rocks Lovejoy Basalts, are unrelated to southern arc southern arc segment does not have a distinct as young as ca. 3 Ma in the area immediately segment magmatism. Geosphere, February 2014 3 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019 du Bray et al. Volcanic Rock Form Constraints terranes) that underlie the north and northwest- zoic extension across the Great Basin is strongly ern parts of the ancestral arc; (2) the Upper heterogeneous, and in the region of the south- The southern arc segment rocks include lava Triassic–Lower Jurassic Jungo terrane, an ern arc segment varies from ~10% (northeast fl ows, fl ow domes, and debris-fl ow deposits; extraordinarily thick, back-arc basin sequence California–northwest Nevada; Colgan et al., these rock types are consistent with eruption composed of fi ne-grained, continentally derived 2006) to >150% (Yerington district–northern from composite volcanoes and lava dome com- clastic rocks that lies mostly east of the ances- Wassuk Range; Proffett, 1977; Dilles and Gans, plexes that predominate in subduction-related tral arc; (3) the Pine Nut terrane, which is com- 1995). In areas that underwent large-magnitude magmatic arcs (McBirney, 1978; Hildreth and posed of Triassic and Middle to Late Jurassic extension (i.e., >50%), an early period of rapid Moorbath, 1988; Hildreth, 2007). Otherwise continental margin arcs separated by Upper large-magnitude extension along closely spaced age-appropriate ash-fl ow tuffs exposed within Triassic to Middle Jurassic sequences of inter- normal faults was followed by a younger period the study area are considered far-traveled, inte- bedded volcaniclastic, clastic sedimentary, car- of low-magnitude extension on more widely rior andesite-rhyolite assemblage rocks with bonate, and evaporite rocks that underlie much spaced normal faults that formed the present sources far to the east and unrelated to south- of the west-central part of the ancestral arc; and basins and ranges (e.g., Proffett, 1977; Dilles ern arc segment magmatism (Henry and John, (4) the Paradise terrane, which is composed of and Gans, 1995; Surpless et al., 2002; Colgan 2013). We have, however, included data for Upper Paleozoic andesite, overlain by Triassic et al., 2006; Colgan and Henry, 2009). the Eureka Valley Tuff (erupted from the Little to Lower Jurassic marine to non-marine carbon- The Walker Lane, a northwest-trending zone Walker caldera; Fig. 1), because Priest (1979) ate, volcaniclastic, and siliciclastic rocks, and of dextral shear and transtension that connects suggested that the tuff is a product of ancestral underlies the east-central part of the ancestral with the Las Vegas shear zone south of the Gar- arc magmatism. However, Busby et al. (2008b) arc (Fig. 2). lock fault (Fig. 1; Atwater, 1970; Zoback et al., proposed an origin principally related to local- Most of the western edge of the southern arc 1981; Stewart, 1988; Oldow, 1992; Dilles and ization along a major transtensional fault zone segment is underlain by Mesozoic granitoids Gans, 1995; Faulds and Henry, 2008), has been related to development of a new plate margin. of the Sierra Nevada batholith (Fig. 2). These divided into 10 domains based on distinct struc- Compositional data for volcaniclastic sedimen- intrusions also extend east and northeast form- tural styles (Fig. 3; Stewart, 1988; Faulds and tary rocks intercalated within demonstrably arc- ing a belt of plutons emplaced into rocks of Henry, 2008). Busby (2013) and Busby et al. related rocks are not included in this analysis. the North American craton (to the south) and (2013a) added a domain between the Sierran Similarly, rocks from volcanoes that retain pri- accreted terranes (to the north). The proportion crest and the west side of the Walker Lane as mary constructional morphology, unmodifi ed of basement rocks that consist of Sierran plutons portrayed by Faulds and Henry (2008) (SF, by erosion, probably refl ect either Quaternary is variable along the length and width the south- Fig. 3). Structures in these domains include High Cascades arc magmatism or back-arc ern arc segment (e.g., Barton et al., 1988; Van complex systems of kinematically related and magmatism associated with formation of the Buer et al., 2009). In addition, recent seismic broadly coeval northwest-striking dextral faults Modoc Plateau and are unrelated to ancestral arc studies suggest that granitic basement is absent and north- to north-northeast–striking normal magmatism; accordingly, compositional data at the northwestern end of the southern arc seg- faults (Modoc Plateau, Pyramid Lake, Walker for these rocks are excluded from our analysis. ment in northeastern California and northwest- Lake, and Inyo-Mono domains), east-north- ern Nevada, including the area of Warner Range east–striking sinistral-normal faults (Carson BASEMENT ROCKS OF THE (Lerch et al., 2007; Van Buer et al., 2009). and Spotted Range–Mine Mountain domains SOUTHERN ARC SEGMENT and Mina defl ection), and areas that lack major TECTONIC SETTING OF THE strike-slip faults (Goldfi eld domain). The Mina The southern arc segment straddles the SOUTHERN ARC SEGMENT defl ection is an east-west zone across which boundary, defi ned by radiogenic isotopic data right-lateral displacement on northwest-striking for Mesozoic plutons (Fig. 2; Kistler, 1990; The southern arc segment straddles the faults in the Walker Lake domain is transferred Tosdal et al., 2000), along the western edge of boundaries between the Great Basin part of west to similar faults in the Inyo-Mono domain. North American between old basement rocks the Basin and Range, the Sierra Nevada, and the The Mina defl ection also approximately corre- to the southeast and younger rocks to the north- southern Cascade Mountains, and the Walker sponds to the edge of the Neoproterozoic conti- west. A variety of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Lane forms a northwest-trending belt along the nental margin (Fig. 2). accreted terranes form basement rocks north- axis of the arc (Fig. 3). These late Cenozoic Recent studies across much of the northern west of this boundary, whereas Neoproterozoic physiographic and tectonic features resulted and western parts of the southern arc segment and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks deposited on from the complex Cenozoic tectonic processes suggest that modern Basin and Range exten- the rifted margin of the North American craton that affected the region and are also refl ected in sion began between ca. 16 and 10 Ma; earlier, form basement rocks to the southeast (Stewart, the character and distribution of eruptive prod- this area was part of the little-deformed Sierra 1980; Oldow, 1984; Silberling et al., 1992; Tos- ucts and mineral deposits in the southern arc Nevada block (e.g., Dilles and Gans, 1995; dal et al., 2000; Wyld, 2002; Proffett and Dilles, segment (e.g., Christiansen and Yeats, 1992; Henry and Perkins, 2001; Stockli et al., 2002; 2008). Distinguishing between these old base- John, 2001; Faulds and Henry, 2008; Colgan Surpless et al., 2002; Colgan et al., 2006, 2011; ment rocks and rocks of the younger accreted and Henry, 2009; Vikre and Henry, 2011; John Faulds and Henry, 2008; Colgan and Henry, terranes is important because each potentially et al., 2012). 2009; Lee et al., 2009; Busby et al., 2013a). contributed different geochemical, isotopic, Most of the southern arc segment is in or Dextral shear in the central Walker Lane related and metallogenic characteristics to magmas along the margins of the Walker Lane in the vari- to formation of the transform plate margin also with which they interacted. Accreted terranes ably extended western Great Basin; the west and began ca. 10 Ma (Faulds and Henry, 2008). that form basement to the ancestral arc include: northwest edges of the arc are in the relatively However, the pre–mid-Miocene tectonic his- (1) Paleozoic to Mesozoic island arc sequences unextended Sierra Nevada–southern Cascade tory of much of the central part of southern arc (East Klamath, Northern Sierra, and Black Rock Mountains (Fig. 3). The amount of late Ceno- segment is incompletely understood and contro- 4 Geosphere, February 2014 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019 Petrology of the ancestral Cascades arc, southern segment 123°W 120°W 117°W OREGON ?? IDAHO SOUTHERN 1 Cz CASCADE Cz YR MOUNTAINS WK TR 3 2 BR Sr=0.706 Cz i EK Cz GC 40°N 4 5 RM CALIFORNIA JO 6 9 8 7 10 11 California 12 RCaonagsets NS 13 1145 16 NEVADA WS PN Cz 17 18 PD26 NAm 19 27 20 21 22 208Pb/204Pb=38.8 38°N 23 24 GREAT 28 SN 25 RM 29 30 BASIN Pacific Ocean 31 SIERRA 0 100 km NEVADA NAm Outline of Great Basin Inferred NW edge of Mesozoic batholiths Boundaries of basement terranes Ancestral Cascade arc Mesozoic granitic rocks Mineral deposits: Low and intermediate sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag High sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag Stratiform sulfur Polymetallic vein Porphyry Cu-Mo? Deposit with more than 1 Moz Au production Figure 2. Map showing simplifi ed basement terranes, Mesozoic plutons, and mineral deposits of the southern arc segment. Basement terranes modifi ed from Silberling (1991) and Silberling et al. (1992): BR—Black Rock terrane; Cz—Cenozoic cover deposits overlying indeterminate basement rocks; EK—East Klamath terrane; GC—Golconda allochthon; JO—Jungo terrane; NAm—North American mio- geocline; NS—Northern Sierra terrane; PD—Paradise terrane; PN—Pine Nut terrane; RM—Roberts Mountains allochthon; SN—Sierra Nevada batholith; TR—Trinity terrane; WK—terranes of western and central Klamath Mountains; WS—terranes of the Western Sierra (includes Bucks Lake, Don Pedro, Foothills, and Merced River terranes); YR—Yreka terrane. Northwestern extent of Mesozoic granitic basement from Lerch et al. (2007) and Van Buer et al. (2009). Red dashed line is the initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.706 isopleth for Mesozoic plu- tonic rocks in California (Kistler, 1990) and Nevada (Tosdal et al., 2000). Blue dashed line is the 208Pb/204Pb = 38.8 isopleth (Tosdal et al., 2000). Mineral deposits: 1—High Grade; 2—Hayden Hill; 3—Leadville; 4—Pyramid; 5—Guanomi; 6—Golden Dome; 7—Peavine; 8— Wedekind; 9—Olinghouse; 10—Gooseberry; 11—Ramsey-Comstock; 12—Talapoosa; 13—Comstock Lode; 14—Flowery (Golden Eagle); 15—Como; 16—Dan Tucker–Summit King; 17—Rawhide; 18—Monitor/Leviathan; 19—Monitor/Zaca; 20—Patterson-Silverado; 21— Masonic; 22—Borealis; 23—Bodie; 24—Aurora; 25—Cinnabar Canyon/Calmono; 26—Paradise Peak; 27—Santa Fe–Isabella–Pearl; 28— Tonopah; 29—Divide/Tonopah Divide; 30—Divide/Hasbrouck; 31—Goldfi eld. Geosphere, February 2014 5 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019 du Bray et al. 123°W 120°W 117°W OREGON ? IDAHO MP 1 SOUTHERN CASCADE MOUNTAINS 3 2 PL GREAT 40°N CALIFORNIA 4 5 BASIN 9 6 7 81011 NEVADA 12 14 13 15 C 16 17 18 26 SF 19 20 21 22WL27 23 24 38°N MD 28 25 SIERRA 2930 Pacific NEVADA Ocean 31 G 0 100 km IM SR Outline of Great Basin Walker Lane domains Inferred NW edge of Mesozoic batholiths Areas of Tertiary volcanic rocks with dips >40° Ancestral Cascade arc Mesozoic granitic rocks Mineral deposits: Low and intermediate sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag High sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag Stratiform sulfur Polymetallic vein Porphyry Cu-Mo? Deposit with more than 1 Moz Au production Figure 3. Map showing Cenozoic tectonic features and mineral deposits (summarized in Table 3) of the southern arc segment. Domains of the Walker Lane from Faulds and Henry (2008), Pluhar et al. (2009), Busby (2013): C—Carson; G—Goldfi eld; IM—Inyo-Mono; MD—Mina defl ection; MP—Modoc Plateau; PL—Pyramid Lake; SR—Spotted Range–Mine Mountain; WL—Walker Lake; SF—Sierra Front. Areas of steep (>40°) tilting of Oligo cene and early Miocene volcanic rocks modifi ed from John et al. (1989) and Dilles and Gans (1995). Mineral deposits as in Figure 2. 6 Geosphere, February 2014 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019 Petrology of the ancestral Cascades arc, southern segment versial; some studies suggest earlier periods of perturbations that may have infl uenced arc mag- tics are considered to be altered and were also “pre–Basin and Range” extension and/or strike- matism, including the strongly extensional stress removed from the interpreted southern arc seg- slip faulting along ancestral Walker Lane faults fi eld inferred during eruption of the late Miocene ment data set: SiO abundances greater than 2 (e.g., Proffett, 1977; Ekren et al., 1980; John K-rich Stanislaus Group near Sonora Pass in the 78%; total volatile content greater than 4%; et al., 1989; Seedorff, 1991; Hardyman and eastern Sierra Nevada, are evident in some places AlO abundances greater than 22% or less than 2 3 Oldow, 1991; Dilles and Gans, 1995). (Putirka and Busby, 2007; Busby et al., 2008b). 10%; total iron abundances (as FeO) greater than Early Miocene and older (≥22 Ma) volcanic Rapid, large-magnitude extension in the Yering- 15%; MnO abundances greater than 0.6%; CaO rocks in numerous areas in the central and south- ton district–Buckskin Range at ca. 14 Ma was abundances greater than 15%; NaO abundances 2 eastern parts of the southern arc segment are accompanied by eruption of voluminous horn- greater than 6% or less than 1%; KO abundances 2 steeply tilted (≥40°), which is uncharacteristic blende andesite (Proffett, 1977; Dilles and Gans, greater than 6% or less than 0.15%; values of of modern Basin and Range extension (Fig. 3). 1995). The long-active (ca. 15–6 Ma) Bodie NaO/KO less than 0.5; and samples with ini- 2 2 Several studies suggested that earlier period(s) of Hills volcanic fi eld may have been localized by tial analytic totals greater than 102% or less than pre–Basin and Range extension, possibly related its complex tectonic setting, between the Walker 98%. These thresholds were established by con- to southwestward migration of extension that Lane and the little-deformed Sierra Nevada and sidering typical igneous rock compositions and accompanied or slightly post-dated silicic ignim- at the northwest end of the Mina defl ection, in by reference to the tails of frequency distribu- brite magmatism in areas northeast of the south- which it is situated. The Bodie Hills volcanic tions presented by du Bray et al. (2006). Final fi l- ern arc segment, affected much of the east-central fi eld also may be coincident with the margin of tering involved visual inspection of major oxide and southeastern parts of the southern arc seg- the Neoproterozoic craton (John et al., 2012). variation diagrams; rare samples with unusual ment (Figs. 1, 3; Proffett, 1977; Seedorff, 1981, abundances (well beyond data arrays formed by 1991; Shaver and McWilliams, 1987; John et al., DATA COMPILATION METHODS the majority of samples and probably indicative 1989; Hardyman and Oldow, 1991; Dilles and of otherwise undetected alteration) were identi- Gans, 1995; John, 1995; Hudson et al., 2000). Geochemical data for more than 2000 sam- fi ed and removed from the interpreted data set, More recent studies of several of these areas ples were compiled from a variety of sources which includes data for more than 1600 samples. indicate that either extension is signifi cantly (du Bray et al., 2009). The compilation is rep- Major oxide data were recalculated to 100%, younger than previously estimated and broadly resentative of the southern arc segment rocks, volatile free, and total iron is reported as FeO*; synchronous with the initiation of regional Basin but appropriate geochemical data are not avail- all geochemical data were processed to replace and Range extension (e.g., Yering ton district– able for all parts of the southern arc segment. censored data (greater or less than analytical northern Wassuk Range: Dilles and Gans, 1995; In some parts of the southern arc segment, only limits, or not detected, etc.) with null values. Surpless et al., 2002; southwest Paradise Range: analyses of altered rocks, inappropriate to petro- Using stratigraphic relations and radiometric and Sillitoe and Lorson, 1994) or these areas are genetic studies, are available. Other parts of the geologic age data (du Bray et al., 2009), a best paleovalleys, not extensional basins (e.g., Can- southern arc segment are inadequately sampled age estimate was assigned to each sample. Best delaria trough; Henry and John, 2013). Faulds or completely unsampled (Fig. 1). Nevertheless, ages for samples with specifi ed age ranges were and Henry (2008) concluded that dextral shear in available data probably adequately represent the defi ned as the midpoint of the range. The data set the central and southern Walker Lane probably southern arc segment; additional geochemical was then sorted by age and each sample assigned started ca. 10 Ma and has propagated northwest data likely will not dramatically alter fi ndings to one of the time intervals defi ned below. to the Modoc Plateau (Fig. 3). In contrast, sev- presented herein. Despite decades spent studying the south- eral previous studies concluded that strike-slip Subsequent to publication of the compilation ern arc segment, radiogenic isotopic data for faulting began in the central Walker Lane (i.e., (du Bray et al., 2009), (1) numerous new analy- the associated rocks are remarkably sparse and northern Wassuk, Gabbs Valley, and Gillis Valley ses, especially for rocks of the Bodie Hills vol- pertain to just a few of its domains. Specifi - Ranges) at ca. 25 Ma (Ekren et al., 1980; Hardy- canic fi eld (John et al., 2012), were added to the cally, Cousens et al. (2008) and Clarke (2012) man and Oldow, 1991; Oldow, 1992; Dilles and interpreted data set, and (2) some samples were presented isotopic data for southern arc seg- Gans, 1995). removed because subsequent re-evaluation of ment rocks in the Lake Tahoe and Virginia The effects of the complex and variable late geologic relations or compositional features sug- City domains, the study of the Warner Range Cenozoic tectonism on southern arc segment gest that these represent modern arc, bimodal, or domain by Colgan et al. (2011) includes a small development are unclear. In general, during its interior andesite-rhyolite magmatism. In addi- amount of Sr and Nd isotopic data, John (1992) earliest stages, the arc developed in a neutral tion, regional ash-fl ow tuff samples (unrelated presented limited Sr isotope data for western or weakly extensional stress fi eld that changed to arc magmatism), scarce intrusive rocks (less andesite rocks in the Paradise Range, and some to a mildly extensional or transtensional stress likely than volcanic rocks to preserve magmatic radiogenic isotopic data have been produced fi eld with the onset of Basin and Range exten- liquid compositions), and poorly located sam- for some of the rocks in the Bodie Hills domain sion and Walker Lane strike-slip faulting at ca. ples or those with poorly constrained geologic (B.L. Cousens, 2013, personal data). The scarcity 16–10 Ma. A relatively uniform horizontal stress context, including age, were removed from the of radiogenic isotope data precludes their mean- fi eld is suggested by volcanic landforms domi- interpreted data set (see the Supplemental File1). ingful inclusion in our petrogenetic study of the nated by approximately equidimensional strato- Samples with any of the following characteris- southern arc segment. volcanoes and composite dome fi elds, broadly To facilitate comparison of ancestral and circular volcanic fi elds, and the scarcity of dikes 1Supplemental File. Zipped fi le containing numer- modern Cascade arc geochemistry, a representa- (Nakamura, 1977; Takada, 1994; John, 2001), as ous additional data plots, tabular data, and ancillary tive set of more than 1000 analyses (Table DR2 exemplifi ed by middle to late Miocene volcanic text in support of this paper, which are explicitly in the Supplemental File [see footnote 1]) was cited in the text. If you are viewing the PDF of this fi elds in northeastern California (Grose, 2000), extracted from the GEOROC (2010) database. paper or reading it offl ine, please visit http:// dx .doi the Virginia City area (Hudson et al., 2009), and .org /10.1130 /GES00944 .S1 or the full-text article on Selected analyses represent the major High Cas- the Bodie Hills (John et al., 2012). Stress fi eld www .gsapubs .org to view the Supplemental File. cades volcanic edifi ces between Mount Baker Geosphere, February 2014 7 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019 du Bray et al. in the north and Mount Shasta in the south. All the Farallon slab. Between ca. 90 and 50 Ma, and Sherrod and Smith (2000) relative to the analyses for samples of these volcanoes that the Farallon slab dipped shallowly beneath northern arc segment are: include major oxide analyses with analytical western North America and subduction-related (1) 45–36 Ma: 45 Ma approximates the onset totals between 98% and 102% and total volatile magmatism was defl ected far to the east of the of arc-related volcanism. contents <3% are included in the modern High continental margin (Coney and Reynolds, 1977; (2) 35–26 Ma: 35 Ma corresponds to the time Cascades arc database developed for compara- Christiansen and Yeats, 1992). Flat-slab subduc- of well-established ancestral arc volcanism. tive purposes; analyses of high-alumina olivine tion constrained the downgoing slab to follow (3) 25–18 Ma: Several signifi cant ancestral tholeiites and samples from rear-arc volcanic the base of the lithosphere thereby eliminating arc pyroclastic fl ow sequences were erupted fi elds identifi ed by Hildreth (2007) were not an asthenospheric wedge between the subducted between 25 and 23 Ma, which approximates the included in this database. slab and superjacent mantle lithosphere. The Oligocene-Miocene boundary. prevailing geometry precluded development of (4) 17–8 Ma: Between 17 and 15 Ma exten- GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND a typical convergent-margin magmatic arc until sive mafi c magma was erupted in northern and steeper subduction was re-established following central Oregon. Temporal Evolution of the Ancestral slab rollback. The relatively regular southwest- (5) 7–2 Ma: 7 Ma is the age of renewed wide- Cascades Arc ward progression of renewed magmatism across spread mafi c volcanism following an interval the Great Basin during the Eocene, Oligocene, of limited magmatism; this period was in turn As previously described, the ancestral Cas- and Miocene is a direct manifestation of slab followed by the inception of modern High Cas- cades arc appears to be segmented in north- rollback processes. Slab rollback fostered con- cades magmatism ca. 2 Ma, except at Lassen, ern California across a subducting-slab tear tinuous southwest to westward migration of where the products of modern arc magmatism between the Mount Shasta and Lassen Peak the magmatic front, resulting in establishment were erupted starting 4 Ma onto surfaces not volcanic centers of the modern arc (Cousens of magmatism associated with the ancestral underlain by ancestral arc rocks. et al., 2008; Colgan et al., 2011). Research, Cascades arc in western Nevada and eastern Geochronologic data suggest that the vol- summarized by du Bray and John (2011), indi- California by the middle of the Cenozoic Era. ume of southern arc segment magmatism varied cates that arc magmatism began in the north- As suggested by Henry and John (2013), the through time (Fig. 4). As one measure of time- ern part of the northern arc segment as early as predominance of middle Cenozoic, primarily volume relations, we propose that numbers of 45 Ma and became voluminous shortly there- rhyolitic, caldera-related magmatism in central geochronologic determinations correlate with after. In the southern arc segment, subduction- Nevada versus intermediate-composition mag- erupted magma volumes, i.e., time periods with related magmatism seems to have initiated sig- matism associated with composite volcano and the greatest number of age determinations corre- nifi cantly later. Colgan et al. (2011) described dome complex development in western Nevada spond to proportionately more abundant coeval volumetrically insignifi cant volcanic rocks in and eastern California may refl ect contrasting rocks. The resulting age-frequency histogram the Warner Range of northeast California that tectonic environments that prevailed in these (Fig. 4) is therefore one proxy for relative vol- erupted 41 Ma (Axelrod, 1966). Mafi c lava two areas (Dickinson, 2002). Specifi cally, mag- ume-time relations. Ancestral arc volcanic rock fl ows erupted 28–26 Ma in the Warner Range matism associated with slab rollback and that ages suggest relatively low-volume magmatism are the oldest, volumetrically signifi cant, well- associated with stalled slab rollback may mani- at the onset of arc volcanism. Subsequently, documented (Colgan et al., 2011) subduction- fest quite differently (Henry and John, 2013). magma output volume increased slightly during related rocks in the southern arc segment. Sig- In recognition of the discontinuous nature of 25–18 Ma and then increased dramatically in the nifi cantly less well-known intermediate to mafi c ancestral arc magmatism (summarized by du 17–8 Ma time slice. The frequency of geochro- lava fl ows and associated debris-fl ow deposits, Bray and John, 2011) in the northern arc seg- nology determinations in the 17–8 Ma time slice the ca. 32 Ma South Willow Formation in the ment, Smith (1993) and Sherrod and Smith may refl ect over-representation by multiple age Granite Range of northwest Nevada (Bonham (2000) defi ned geologic-compilation map units determinations for specifi c stratigraphic units in and Papke, 1969), similarly depict the earliest that correlate particular time intervals with geo- the well-studied Bodie Hills and Virginia City phases of southern segment ancestral arc mag- logic discontinuities related to magmatic output domains. Specifi cally, taking the extreme posi- matism. Busby et al. (2008b) concluded that arc variations. Accordingly, their map units “...are tion of allowing only a single age determina- magmatism was well established in the central based on a mixture of traditional chronostrati- tion per stratigraphic unit in these two domains Sierra Nevada region by 15 Ma, and Cousens graphic units and the more or less instantaneous would reduce the frequency of geochronologic et al. (2008) documented subduction-related geologic events” (Sherrod and Smith, 2000, determinations for the 17–8 Ma time slice from magmatism in the Lake Tahoe area as young as p. 5). Similarly, Busby et al. (2008b) recognized 160 to ~100. Consequently, the associated over- 3–2 Ma. Consequently, signifi cant magmatism three major pulses of ancestral arc volcanism representation of 17–8 Ma ages for these rocks in the southern segment of the ancestral arc in the central Sierra Nevada, 15–14, 10–9, and is minor and only slightly alters observed age appears to extend from 28 to ca. 2 Ma (Vikre 7–6 Ma, which demonstrate the discontinuous distribution relations. Finally, during 7–2 Ma, and Henry, 2011; Henry and John, 2013). nature of vol canism in the southern segment of southern segment arc magmatic output decreased As described by Coney and Reynolds (1977), the ancestral arc as well. Given that the geologic signifi cantly, but remained greater than that for Best and Christiansen (1991), Christiansen and compilation of volcanic rocks in northern Cali- the 25–18 and 35–26 Ma time slices. Yeats (1992), Humphreys (1995), Dickinson fornia (J.G. Smith, 2011, written commun.) uses (2006), Henry et al. (2009), Best et al. (2009), these same time intervals, and in order to main- Spatial Distribution of Ancestral Cascades Colgan et al. (2011), and Henry and John (2013), tain comparability with northern arc segment Arc Magmatism Through Time a signifi cant component of Cenozoic Great time-volume relations, we have also applied the Basin magmatism is related to subduction-zone northern arc segment time intervals to our tem- The frequency distribution of numbers of hingeline retreat and the associated subducted poral evaluation of the southern arc segment. southern arc segment geochemical samples as slab rollback that accompanied foundering of The time intervals identifi ed by Smith (1993) a function of age is indistinguishable from that 8 Geosphere, February 2014 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019 Petrology of the ancestral Cascades arc, southern segment 160 0) 1 by Number of geochronology determinations, by age ed 140 d vi di plesples are 120 Ndiuvmidebde rb oyf 1g0eochemical samples, by age, mm umber of sageochemical sa18000 y, ns of encmber 60 uu qn Fre(Frequency values for 2400 0 2–7 8–17 18–25 26–35 Age, in Ma Figure 4. Age-frequency distribution diagram for the southern arc segment. Geochemical–sample age frequency histogram (red bars) shows the number of samples with ages in each of the four southern arc segment age groups. Geochronology frequency histogram shows the number of age determinations (blue bars) that correspond to each arc segment age group. of the geochronology frequency distribution edge of the ancestral arc terrane (Fig. 5). Dur- terrane. Magma erupted in this interval ranges (Fig. 4). Moreover, the spatial distribution of ing this period, magmatism was also largely continuously from basalt to rhyolite. known-age samples indicates that the locus of restricted to the southern two-thirds of the During the fi nal, 7–2 Ma interval of southern arc magmatism migrated systematically during ancestral arc, between the Pyramid and Gold- arc segment magmatism, erupted volumes appear ancestral arc magmatism (Fig. 5). The small fi eld domains; the northern third of the south- to have decreased once again but remained number and spatial distribution of samples rep- ern arc segment seems to have been inactive greater than those that prevailed prior to 18 Ma. resentative of the 35–26 Ma interval suggest or any products have been concealed beneath Magmatism was strongly focused in the central that southern arc segment magmatism was volu- voluminous mafi c lava fl ows, associated with third of the southern arc segment (Fig. 5), par- metrically minor and principally focused at its either late Cenozoic bimodal basalt-rhyolite ticularly from the Bodie-Aurora domain through northern limit, at the east edge of the arc seg- assemblage (Ludington et al., 1996) or active the Lake Tahoe domain. In addition, the Lassen ment, especially in the Warner Range of north- High Cascades arc magmatism (Hildreth, domain, east of Lassen Peak, was the locus of east California. However, Cousens et al. (2008) 2007), that form the Modoc Plateau. Magma relatively low-volume, dispersed volcanism. All and C.D. Henry (2006, written commun.) identi- erupted in this interval includes approximately of these magmas were, once again, dominantly fi ed several small-volume lava fl ows in the Lake equal amounts of basaltic andesite, andesite, composed of basaltic andesite and andesite but Tahoe area that may be as old as 28 Ma. Evalu- dacite, and rhyolite. also included minor basalt, dacite and rhyolite. ation of the relative proportions of samples of The large quantity of samples in the 17–8 Ma During this interval, arc magmatism migrated various compositions (lithology entries in Table age group indicates dramatically more volumi- farther west, to its westernmost position prior to DR1 in the Supplemental File [see footnote 1]) nous magmatism during this interval and defi nes being extinguished by northward migration of indicate that volcanic rocks in the Warner Range the period of maximum magma productivity in the Mendocino triple junction. erupted during this period include approximately the southern arc segment. To preclude the nearly equal volumes of mafi c (basalt and basaltic 400 available analyses of Bodie Hills samples Volcanologic Characteristics of Ancestral andesite) and intermediate (andesite and dacite) causing over-representation of 17–8 Ma age Cascades Arc Eruptive Centers compositions. Other, volumetrically minor vol- group sample frequency, only a representative canic rocks possibly erupted in the 35–26 Ma subset of ~40 of these analyses were utilized Volcanic rocks in the southern arc segment interval include andesite and dacite. in the frequency analysis. During this interval, depict a broad array of effusive and explosive Magmatism became somewhat more volu- magmatism was strongly concentrated through- eruptive styles (Table 1). Regionally extensive minous during the 25–18 Ma interval (Fig. 4); out the northern two-thirds of the arc (Fig. 5), platforms of coalesced monogenetic mafi c cones the distribution of 25–18 Ma volcanic rock consistent with northerly Mendocino triple junc- and less voluminous, dispersed shield volcanoes samples indicates that magmatic activity tion migration, and shifted dramatically west- (Grose, 2000; Colgan et al., 2011), signifi cant remained strongly concentrated along the east ward, to near the midline of the ancestral arc parts of the active High Cascades arc, are non- Geosphere, February 2014 9 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019 du Bray et al. Oregon Idaho Oregon Idaho Group rocks (Slemmons, 1966; Noble et al., 42° 42° 1974; Priest, 1979; King et al., 2007; Busby Nevada Nevada et al., 2008b; Pluhar et al., 2009), is the sole arc-related ash-fl ow caldera associated with the southern arc segment. Block-and-ash and associ- 42° ated debris-fl ow deposits are nearly ubiquitous A N C E S T R A L 35–26 Ma 40° A N C E S T R A L 25–18 Ma 40° cthdihnoiiegftnefihesrnl trsyierti neutyvlcea aentarsitilvs ao epbno rlgfoeb .bet htathSwebeo le dmyeli evnerne- egdrblsatoehetmte wa oaretficoen nt dhv-aoedabm rouiamaanrbicdanl aiesnsn ,e cetgeehrmdosoi suefiia nogcrtnhee. C A S 40° C A S FNoerv iandsat acnrcees,t dhoavmea binese nco dineecpidlyen etr woditehd tahse aS iceornra- C A C A sequence of uplift and glaciation. Consequently, D E S 38° D E S 38° if composite volcano edifi ces were initially part California California of these domains, their products have largely been removed, leaving only remnant scraps 100 km SNB 100 km SNB along ridge crests (Busby et al., 2008b). The dispersion or density of volcanic centers (sites 120° 118° 1161°6° 120° 118° 1161°6° at which volcanic activity has occurred) at any given time also seems to vary among ancestral arc domains. During the 7–2 Ma interval in the Oregon Idaho Oregon Idaho Lassen and Sierra Valley domains, small shield 42° 42° Nevada Nevada volcanoes are numerous and highly dispersed and well-developed composite volcanoes are atypically uncommon (Grose, 2000). In contrast, 42° known volcanic centers in the Lake Tahoe, Vir- A N C E S T R A L C A S 17–8 Ma 40° 4 0 ° A N C E S T R A L C A S 7–2 Ma 40° gbiloainonniepngc deaalild eay lmi s, mz bCstaoh aointrestireuysoee ,emmn d pa veieonasarnfpsdro tsie umaiBrfvstsaia eooeuag ddnnlmsti sdt ei rasm -nuhy Atcaaisetgsutyguechr rrmreolaaeynrtlflsae t c edsiadlcen ulottso s ttmmsintrnoeagaogrmi ienr,wn ede,s i .ecn rdlAose loe-msocdmeutcepmhloatvleiire enrndttsloges--. C A C A Southern arc segment volcanoes are not known D E S 38° D E S 38° to host sheeted dike systems and therefore do not seem to have evolved in tectonic environ- California California ments characterized by strong horizontal strain 100 km SNB 100 km SNB gradients. In summary, characteristics of vol- canic rocks exposed in northeast California and 120° 118° 1161°6° 120° 118° 1161°6° southward astride the California-Nevada border are consistent with these rocks being intimately Figure 5. Map of the southern ancestral arc segment (modifi ed from Colgan et al., 2011; John related to convergent-margin, subduction-related et al., 2012) showing the distribution of samples from each age group as indicated by geo- arc magmatism; as such, these rocks have char- chronologic age determinations. Age determinations are from the database of du Bray et al. acteristics that are largely indistinguishable (2009) and Table DR1 in the Supplemental File (see footnote 1). SNB—Sierra Nevada batho- from those of active High Cascades arc rocks lith. Symbol colors and shapes correspond to age group symbols used in subsequent fi gures. described by Hildreth (2007). RESULTS existent and minor components, respectively, of ash, debris-fl ow, and ash-fl ow tuff deposits; and the southern arc segment. The southern arc seg- plugs, dikes, and necks. Exposed intrusive rocks, Major Oxide Data ment includes a relatively few large, long-lived however, are volumetrically minor and exposed volcanic fi elds interspersed with more abundant phaneritic plutons are essentially absent. Each Major oxide characteristics of southern arc smaller-volume volcanic centers. Some of the of the ancestral arc domains preserves distinc- segment rocks are consistent with their genesis better-developed southern arc segment vol canic tive combinations of constructional edifi ce in a convergent-margin magmatic arc setting. fi elds may be localized at the convergence of types. Composite volcanoes (strato vo lcanoes) Abundances of SiO in southern arc segment 2 major basement structures, as typifi ed by the are volumetrically dominant within some rocks range continuously from ~50 to 77 wt%, Bodie Hills volcanic fi eld (John et al., 2012). domains, whereas lava domes are more impor- although samples with more than ~65 wt% SiO 2 Each southern arc segment domain includes tant in others. The 18-km-diameter Little Walker are distinctly less abundant than those with variable combinations of lava fl ows; block-and- caldera, the inferred source for the Stanislaus lower silica contents (Figs. 6, 7). Concentrations 10 Geosphere, February 2014 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/10/1/1/3332451/1.pdf by guest on 07 April 2019

Petrologic, tectonic, and metallogenic evolution of the southern segment of the ancestral . City; LT—Lake Tahoe; BH—Barnet Hills; CP—Carson Pass; M—Monitor; ST—Stillwater Range; PR—Paradise Range; SP—Sonora. Pass; S—Sweetwater . sistent with equation 1 of Putirka et al. (2012),.
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