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LIST OF CONTENTS Volume 34, Number | tern mal society Volume 34, Number 2 1among unacel idqué tudents ggestibility Scale—a procedure for measurin of suggestion on warmth sensations D.H. Gleaves 33 [ ungian preeff erences S really categ al in empirica gation using taxometric analy Using affective pictures instead of white noise: still different response patterns for Petrie-style augmenters and reducers 1\ Contents ..J. Wade, J. Loyden, L. Renninger and L. Tobey 263 Weight halo effects: individual differences in personality evaluations as a function of weight? ..M. Singelis, C. Hubbard, P. Her and S. An Convergent validation of the Social Axioms Survey Wenzel and C.S. Holt Social-evaluative threat and cognitive performance in socially anxious and nonanxious individuals ind P. Orbek The influence of personality traits on neuropsychological test performance and self-reported health and social context in women S. Perrin, A. Dyregrov and W. Yule Principal components analy)s is of the impIa ct of event scale with children in war Endler, K.M. Corace, L.J. Summerfeldt Coping with chronic pain Johnson and P. Rothbart The effects of social anxiety and social skills on academic performance Book review Volume 34, Number 3 The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) Gunnarsdottir and H.S. Johannesson Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices: new school age norms and a study of the test’s validity Gender and emotions Personality correlates of liking for ‘unpleasant’ paintings and photographs »ya nd G.l Loo Sex, financial hardship and locus of control: an empirical study of attitudes towards money among Singaporean Chinese L. Keltikangas-Jarvinen, M. Kivimaki and Parental practices, self-esteem and adult temperament: 17- P. Keskivaara year follow-up study of four population-based age cohorts J.B. Brookings, M.J. Zembar and G.M. Hochstetlet 449 An interpersonal circumplex/five-factor analysis of the Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire K. Ginzburg, Z. Solomon, R. Dekel and Y. Neria 463 Battlefield functioning and chronic PTSD: associations with perceived self efficacy and causal attribution S.R. Ross and R.A. Krukowski 477 The imposter phenomenon and maladaptive personality type and trait characteristics J.M. Moreira, M. de Fatima Silva, C. Moleiro Perceived social support as an offshoot of attachment style P. Aguiar, M. Andrez, S. Bernardes and H. Afonso M.Th. Markus, I.E. Lindhout, F. Boer Factors of perceived parental rearing styles: the EMBU-C T.H.G. Hoogendijk and W.A. Arrindell examined in a sample of Dutch primary school children Wolfradt, S. Hempel and J.N.V. Miles 521 Perceived parenting styles, depersonalisation, anxiety and coping behaviour in adolescents C.J. Jackson 533 Gray’s Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory: a psychometric critique Volume 34, Number 4 54° The International Society for Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) Zelenski, C.L. Rusting and R.J. L Consistency in the time of experiment participation and personality correlates: a methodological note Jonsson and C.M. Allwood Stability and variability in the realism of confidence judg- ments over time, content dom nd gender E Tsakanikos, | Sverdrup-Thygenson and Latent inhibition and psychosis-proneness: visual search as P. Reed a function of pre-exposure to target ind schizotypy N.S. Schutte J.M. Malouff, E. Segrera, A. W es reflecting the Big Five I Rodgers A. Fullana aseras and R. Torrubia Psychometric properties o ynal State Questionnaire in a Cat ilan Sample A. Pickering, A. Farmer, T. Harris, K. Redman A sib-pair study of psychotici ind depression 4. Mahmood, S. Sadler and P. McGuffin Heaven and D.S. Quintin Personality f Wallace, S.J. Vodanovich and B.M. Restino Predicting cognitive failures from boredom proneness and daytime sleepiness scores: an investigation within military ind undergraduate samples Barbaranelli, G.V. ¢ aprara, A Rabasca and A questionnaire for measuring the Big Five in late child- Pastorelli hood P.J. Ferrando The accuracy of the E, N and P trait estimates: an empirical study using the EPQ-R Guyll and S. Madon Trait hostility: the breadth and specificity of schema effects Rubinstein Authoritarianism and _ its elation to creativity: a comparative stu dy among students of design behavioral ind law D.H. Saklofske, E.J. Austin and P.S. Minski trait emotional intelli- N. Hayes and § Joseph three measures of subjective well-being Volum e 34, Number 5 799 International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) Z.-j. Cheng an Are intelligence and personality changeable? Generality of Chinese students’ beliefs across various personal attributes nd > and age groups S. Joseph| , f Manafi, A.M lakovaki and R. Cooper Personality, smoking motivation, and self-efficacy to quit P. Muris, C. Meesters and M Spinder Relationships between child- and parent-reported behavioural inhibition and symptoms of anxiety and depression in normal adolescents M.S. Stanford, R.J. Houston, Premeditated aggression: clinical assessment and cognitive N.R. Villemarette-Pittman and K.W Greve psychophysiology Contents Bognet 3 A higher-order model of ecological values and its relation- ship to personality Belief in a just world: research progress over the past decade Z. Solomon and Y. Neria Hardiness, attachment style, and long term psychological distress among Israeli POWs and combat veterans M. Cohen, S.E. Escobar, t Selective attention to stressful distracters: effects of neuro- Bartlett and R.J. Compton ticism and gender A performance comparison of motivational self-believers and self-doubters in competitive and individualistic goal Situations Individual differences in statistics anxiety amon students Sanna 7 Experience of life hassles and psychological adjustment among adolescents: does it make a difference if one is optimistic or pessimistic? Deary and E.J. Austin The reliability of Riding’s Cognitive Style Analysis test On the assessment of cognitive style: a commentary on Peierson, Deary, and Austin Deary and E.J. Austin 899 On the assessment of cognitive style: four red herrings Volume 34, Number 6 905 The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) gen, B.F. Sullivan and Investigating the relationships between boredom proneness paranoia, and self-consciousness Furnham 1 Personality, self-esteem, and demographic predictions of happiness and depression Keeltiilkiaknasn gas-JJa rvinen, S. utPuttt onen 3 BIS/BAS sensiisittiivviitty anndd selsiel-f-r1 ated 1 afaiffeeccttss dduurriinngg e expeerrii - mentally induced stress B ouchard i JJrr ., N.L.S egal A. Teelllleegg en. 5 Evviidd ence forf or th the construru ct validliitdyi ty aanndd hheerriitatbialibtyi lioof tf yt hth e McGue, M. Keyes and R. Krueger Wilson—Patterson conservatism scale: a reared-apart twins study of social attitudes Stress and illness in American and Russian college students E. Field, T.M. Gremore Passive avoidance learning among females as a function of H.M. Nash and J.L. Mayer Cloninger’s temperament typology Torrubia 999 The measurement of individual differences in Behavioural Inhibition and Behavioural Activation Systems: a com- parison of personality scales Helmes and R.R. Holden 1015 The construct of social desirability: one or two dimensions ) 1.S. Mattis, D.L. Fontenot and C.A. Hatcher-Kay 1025 _—Religiosity, racism, and dispositional optimism among frican Americans M. Hansenne, E. Pinto, G. Scantamburlo 1039 Harm avoidance is related to mismatch negativity (MMN) B. Renard, J. Reggers, S. Fuchs, W. Pitchot and amplitude in healthy subjects M. Ansseau Volume 34, Number 7 Z.uch ZKPOQ-III-R vascular responses ive performance ial distres \ yehaviour pattern in a Vill Contents A. Bedford Countries of origin of Personality and Individual Differences (PAID) contributors: a comparison of 1999-2001 with 1993-1995 Referees 2002 Volume 34, Number 8 The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) Review Born gay? The psychobiology of human sexual orientation Domain-specific anger expression assessment and blood pressure during rest and acute stress A test of the four-factor model of impulsivity-related traits Why am I unsatisfied? Adult attachment style, gendered irrational relationship beliefs, and young adult romantic relationship satisfaction Does the big five predict learning approaches? Wallet Perfectionism levels in African-American and Caucasian adolescents The role of personality and blame attribution in prisoners’ experiences ol anger Ihe relationship between attribution of blame for a violent ict and EPQ-R sub-scales in male offenders with mental d1i; sorder a measure ol Mount Everest climbers interaction between cognitive style memory performance ol Ll impiicil prey idice adulthood? Testing raumatic stress i prospective study Author Index

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