DRAFT PERSEPOLIS THE STORY OF #4 CHILDHOOD A Graphic Novel By Marjane Satrapi Curriculum Guide Written and Compiied by David Barringer, Grant High School ‘Therese Cooper, Grant High Schoo! ‘Leah Kirschner, Grant High Schoo! Jim Mayer, Cleveland High Schaal Doug Winn, Grant High Scheol ‘Summar Curricitum Camp 2004 Portland Pulls Schoats, Funding trom Portiand Public Schools Supplese Persepolis ‘Table of Contents Introduetion Unit Calendar “Vencher Resources Map Glovsary of Potitioat Terme Twanian History and Timeline Hersepolis Annotated Table of Contents Chupler Sumpacies Opening Acts ‘Tea Ply Expoditionary Learning Caronsel Acciviey Main Stage dels Quickwrite Prompt Fool Study/Dincustion Questiens Dialogne Journal Instructions Create a Graphic Story OnLine Scavenger Hunt Poerry Pars—Tie Rubi Conceptual Sorting . A Graphic Organizer Closing Acts ‘Group Project Essay Questions Ture Rights Acwon ary Resources “Picts hit: Inside the Graphic Novel” “Zoroastrianism” “A Moment with Maxjuue Sattap™ “Theneath a Drawn Veit ‘Suggested Resources Totroduction An Approuch i Graphie Texte — a Racionate For un Frglish teacher, it may be difficult to consis emmpihie novels as appropiate for the classroom, Aer ail, stories in traditional novels sre loager snd mexe complex, Also, reading a novel allows Une reatler In fam bis or her ywn jmayes of the charactous and the setting, For some readers, however, not having fo imagine what the charactors aud their surroundings J00k Hike might promote & quicker voderstanding of the plot and piot slements, nuh as irony ani lorevuwossing, Sng aldhough there sre ebvionsly fewer words in a graphic fexl, voeabulury development van progress effectively, sinvea rewler iv given a visual as well as print context wo help decipher difficult wards, (One goal of reading literature is 10 allow us w miave beyond enrsclves, and loam to apprcedate “The other.” Acthe ssnae time, by knowing what fis Hike te be anethor character, inthe end, we ure belle forthe experience, [Besause giophic ters ate drawn in such a stipped-doven way, the universality of these “cartoouy” images allows us te abstract the faces we see lm the possibilsy of zany kinds of people. For instance, when we ree Moti Sutrapi console her friend, wo had fost her father in the ran-liaq wat, we revognize that such goodness could reside wit ‘anyone even, as wo empathize with Marji, ousclves. Thus, we may be moved to put ‘oursclvee into er shoes, just as wo wonld do-with any type of gud literatore, and imagine thar experience fr us, Another goal of litcsmurc isto expat our imagination, When we enter the weld of ‘graphie tears, wo look not sta calfstic image of a face, auc as thee in a photograps, for example. Renker, we sve a more abstact vision, oue that allows fora wide interpretation of the character behind that dece, An Zac, if we knew precively what a character looked. like, we wouldn't be able tg explore that realm ef aur imaymation which makes interpretation possible, in Persepolis, Ms, Sulrapi has drawn the faves, and other images, simply onougd that wemay enjoy a feowt oF imagination. Tor her, as lors, telling ner story as 0 graphic text en’t just a way of drawing, i sa way of seeing A Preview tothe Unit ‘This unit bas three goals. One isto opcu studcuts' and teachers" eyes t the possibility af using gtaphi texts {nthe classroom. The second is 19 break down stercofypes and alluse sudleuts to gain a Letter understanding of nian cure — 99 3ce that Irani people wre not meabers ofan Ivil Leap. a final goal is to gain a clower enderstaneling of geographical, political, historical, an sacial aspects of trsnian life Jn this Unit, we hove tied to present a range of options that aso alfer flexibility. The Tesential Roadinggs are placod carly in the packet becasse the teaver will wat fo reference these Sra. We offer three Openig Acts whieh will Suniiarize students with fpnmapriate coutext forthe rescof the unit. Note that che Caroused activity may be purl of aoqueace that inclades the Dinlogue Journals ant the (coup Project. Likewise, thy Tea Party conacets well with the Graphic Story ativily. The Mainssage Acivitios provide Gnily lessons Cait tom a Oridye ln the Closing Acts. ‘The Closing Aus allow Zor 3 Semonsiraiion of knowledge yained ia enlier activites. Finally, a section onttled Supplameutary Resources wld béckgrounel in furmnacion snd may be used atthe teucher's dlserction, Please be aware that eectain pravacative images found om pages SI and 52, as well as swear words nated in the Chapter Summaries, may be offeusive to sarae students, ‘words. ‘,doljaney aq) 72 sansraoyamb 01 puodsar par sttopsonb Apmus sous PlnoTs suspMNS Toxou o¥p so Beep amy BUNT suopsot@) SerOTUTEDNONA suopetasad SCOTIPHTaROLEL fopag0.4, sess, BO fre) 110 ypaforg dose TORRE ra : -cT sroxayy niessy | my Aeppows Sep gO, sdrowp |1ring rehwourapdang raoforg dios spaforg dnorg | ssyeuanos srtoyragy |] Jezzmeacy anyieuey —T ‘uo SETORET BA: os miley.) sie “or sioulaniy Vasey sdnorg | mug an sdnoup qeug | Aaapoy keoog| —speunop an8opmaq | eBnanuag omp-uo | manor anBoreic soo1g ougdeusy Tag ~ i pi siadegy wassy sjeumoy i Fawavoy ontop uiag esno1r Srnangpode , Srred BOL Repuy ape | RPTRUDS A SEPT, TERIOR, FopUngn) IMD SyOdDSLIeg Essential Teacher Resources Sounsty List| World Fyetbeok Home The World Factbook Introduction Tran Background: Known og Persia until 1935, en bccanse ap Tshumic republic in 1919 afr te ruling shab was oeed nie exile, Consorvative clerical lercex established a Theuraic ster of govemirent with ultiare political aahority vested in a leet seligious schol, 8, grayp of Ienian students seized the U8 Embassy in Teri on 4 November 1979 and ketd i atl 20 Yarmary 198]. During 198068, Item fouht u bloody, indecisive wae with Irag over disputed lenttory. Over the past docale, pupulardissatissaction wih the government, driven hy demographic ‘Shanges, restrictive social policies and poor econouiie cancion, has bees pressuring Lor poieal ref, Geography Tran Location: Midile Kast, bordaring lhe Glt'of Oman, the Persian Gulf, and the Cuspi Sex, between Frag and Pebistan, Geographic 32 00'N, 53 00E coordinates: Map references: Middle Cost tyenentovinafobospt he Bo Mette Glossary of Political Terms Page rmenbers from Pessepolis where the word may be ound are given in parentheses. 1, Bolshevik (20) - a maomber of un altcacadice] sotialist group, 2, capilaliam (4) a system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, disnibulion and exchange of weatth is made and rnvintained by private individuals or cuzporations |, Gommnanisns (23) —a eystem ef racist on ization based om ihe holding of al) propery in onmunon, 4, conmiersevolutionsry (125) apposing ayevolution or revolutionary goverment. 5. cup d'ceae (82) auikden and decisive accion in polities, especialy one renuling in a change of government illegally or by fore 4. aural revolution (4) —2 radical socioptitical movement characterized by tnilitery Tule, tereorisma, pages, al restructaing of the educational system. Gemocracy (41) —a form of goverrnnent in which The suptemte power is vested in the people and exercised directly by thera, 4. domonsteation (5) - apubae exhibition of he attinde of a group vf persons town a controversial igine, or other mailer, made by picketing, parading, m= 9. diwectc nuatsriakism (13) am application ofthe imerpretive method in which some asscetable and apparently conirudistory proposition (thesis) is necessarily ‘aphiosod by an equally assertable and apparentiy eomradictory proposition (ancitoesis), the rutual contradiction being reconciled on a higher level of tush bby athind proposition (eymtbesis) 10. dymanty (28) — 2 soquence af rulers ftom the same fom, stock er group. 11. effigy (41) —9 crate representation of numeoue disliked, used tor purpowe of rigicnle, 12. emperor 21) — the male sovereign or supreme ruler ofan empire. 12. exile (43) - expulsion from one’s nazive land by authoritative decree 14. idculogieat (75) — peraining lo abody of decirne, ath, belief, ele. that guides sm individual, seen, institution, lass or large you. 15, imperialism (73) — apoliey of extrontng Ihe rl oF authority of one marion wer another, 16. martyr G1) — a person who wilingly euifers death rather than renounce his orber religion, Mazxisin-Teninism (59)— the dactine that Ihe capitaliss system, containing fram the beginning the sonds of its nivn decay, will inevitably alter the period of The diculorship ofthe profetarial, he superseded by a sociabist order and classheas society 18, nasionalicm (@)— she vicwed as separate fen ths all nations. 19, past (43) ~ an agrvemeat or Leaty between two or more nations, 20, peonact (35) — a weruber af a elavs bf pecsons who are simall Earmers br Farm Taharers af low social rank 21, political asyium (J23)- refige provided by one nalion ro refugees Irom anotee rine of rascsting the interesta of one's own uation, ntecests of wher stone i the common inere