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Preview Performance of a prototype active veto system using liquid scintillator for a dark matter search experiment

Performance of a prototype active veto system using liquid scintillator for a dark matter search experiment J.S. Park,1 P. Adhikari,2 G. Adhikari,2 S.Y. Oh,2 N.Y. Kim,1 Y.D. Kim,1,2 C. Ha,1 K.S. Park,1 H.S. Lee,1 and E.J. Jeon1 1Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Daejon 34047, Korea 2Department of Physics, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, Korea WereporttheperformanceofanactivevetosystemusingaliquidscintillatorwithNaI(Tl)crystals for use in a dark matter search experiment. When a NaI(Tl) crystal is immersed in the prototype detector, thedetector tags 48% of the internal 40K background in the 0–10 keV energy region. We 7 also determined the tagging efficiency for events at 6–20 keV as 26.5 ± 1.7% of the total events, 1 which corresponds to 0.76 ± 0.04 events/keV/kg/day. According to a simulation, approximately 0 60%ofthebackgroundeventsfromU,Th,andKradioisotopesinphotomultipliertubesaretagged 2 atenergiesof0–10keV.Fullshieldingwitha40-cm-thickliquidscintillatorcanincreasethetagging n efficiency for both theinternal 40K and external background to approximately 80%. a J PACSnumbers: 29.40.Mc,85.60.Ha 7 1 I. INTRODUCTION as photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), encapsulating copper ] cases,andshielding materials,arenotperfectly rejected. M Weconsideranewshieldingstructureincludinganactive Numerous astronomical observations have indicated I veto system that surrounds the NaI(Tl) crystals with a thatmostofthematterintheuniverseisinvisible,exotic, h. and nonrelativistic dark matter [1–4]. However, despite liquid scintillator (LS) in order to tag the internal 40K p background as well as reduce the external background considerable experimental effort, the nature of the dark - contributions. We build a prototype active veto detec- o matter remains unknown. The weakly interacting mas- tor to verify the performance of the full shielding before r siveparticle(WIMP)isacandidatethatconformstothe t finishing its final design. In this article, we describe the s stringent standards for particle dark matter, and it is a prototype active veto detector from construction to per- supported by astronomicalobservations as well as parti- [ formance. In addition, a shielding design for a future clephysicstheoriesthatextendthestandardmodel[5,6]. NaI(Tl) experiment is presented. 1 Numerous experiments have searched for WIMPs by di- v rectly detecting nuclei recoiling from WIMP–nucleus in- 4 teractions [7, 8]. 1 5 It is essential to reduce the background level as much II. PROTOTYPE LIQUID SCINTILLATOR 4 as possible for dark matter searches because of the ex- VETO SYSTEM 0 tremely low cross-section of the WIMP–nucleon interac- 1. tion. The dominant background contributions produced Weproducealinearalkylbenzene(LAB)-basedLS[16, 0 by external sources, such as decaying radioisotopes in 17] consistingof 3 g of 2,5-diphenyloxazole(PPO)/ℓand 7 surroundingmaterialsandcosmogenicmuons,canbere- 30 mg of 1,4-bis[2-methylstyryl]benzene (bis-MSB)/ℓ for 1 duced by shielding the detector in a deep underground a high light yield and long attenuation length. We use v: laboratoryusing heavy materials consisting of lead, cop- a water extraction method [18] and nitrogen purging i per, and polyethylene layers. However, remnants of this to remove possible contamination from natural radioiso- X contribution,aswellasthebackgroundcontributionfrom topesintheLS.Themeasuredcontaminationlevelsfrom r materials close to the detector, still exist. In addition to 238U and 232Th in the LS are less than 7 and 4 ppt, re- a passive shielding, it is beneficial to have an active veto spectively. These contaminants provide negligible back- system that can reduce the background level by tagging ground to the NaI(Tl) crystal. neutron and γ events [9–11] from external sources. An To take advantage of a low-background facility, the activevetosystemcanalsoreducetheleveloftheinternal prototype detector is designed to fit in an existing shield background by tagging the escaping γ-rays. forthe KIMS-CsI experimentatYangyangUnderground The Korea Invisible Mass Search (KIMS) Collabora- Laboratory(Y2L)[19–21]. AsshowninFig.1,theproto- tion is developing ultralow-background NaI(Tl) crystal type detector is relatively narrow because of the limited detectors [12–14] to verify an observation of an annual space in the shielding. The maximum available space modulation in the detection rate of an array of NaI(Tl) surroundedbythelayersof5cmpolyethyleneand10cm crystals[15]thatcanbeinterpretedastheresultofinter- copperaccommodatesa110cm(L)×44cm(H)×25cm action with WIMPs. Even though the internal radioiso- (W)rectangularacrylicbox,includinganadditional6cm topesoftheNaI(Tl)crystalswereidentifiedandmightbe of copper on the outside. The acrylic structure can con- further reduced by future development, the background tain 140 ℓ of the LAB-based LS. A separate acrylic sup- contributionsoriginatingfromdetectorcomponents,such port is installed to hold a NaI(Tl) crystal in the middle 2 (a) (b) (c) FIG. 1: (a) Design of prototypeLS vetodetector and installation structureconsisting of (b) acrylic box and (c) copper box. of the box. The crystalis wrapped in a Teflon sheet and NaI andLS,are shownin Fig.2. Low-energycalibration encapsulated in oxygen-free high-conductivity (OFHC) oftheNaI(Tl)crystalwasdoneusingthe59.54keVγ-line copperwithtwosyntheticquartzwindowsthatallowcou- froma 241Am source. An extrapolationofthe 59.54keV pling to the PMTs. The PMTs are encased in another linetolowenergywascheckedusingthe3keVX-rayline OFHC copper housing to decouple light signals between from internal 40K, which agreed within 5%. the crystal and the LS. Figure 3 (a) and (b) show the energy spectra of the The acrylic box is wrapped in Tyvek reflective LS veto detector in various energy ranges. Figure 3 (c) films [see Fig. 1 (b)] to increase the light collection effi- showsthe energyofthe LSvetodetectorasafunctionof ciencyoftheLS.ScintillationsignalsproducedbytheLS the time difference between the LS veto signal and the aremeasuredbyten3inchHamamatsulow-radioactivity NaI(Tl) signal (∆t). With the requirement of 10 keV of and high-quantum-efficiency PMTs (R12669SEL). The energy from the LS, one can remove dominant random PMTsignalsareamplifiedbyafactorof30;theamplified events so that the crystal-related background coinciding signals are digitized by 64 MHz flash analog-to-digital with the LS veto detector can be efficiently tagged. In converters(FADCs). Thetotalrecordedtimewindowfor addition, werequire ∆t to be −30ns<∆t<70ns. The an event is 8 µs. The energy scale of the LS veto detec- event rate of the LS veto detector passing the criteria is toriscalibratedusingtheComptonedgesofγ-rayevents only 0.12 Hz, which makes the veto-induced dead time froma 60Co (1173keVand1333keVγ lines) sourceand negligible. We can calculate a fake event rate of 0.1% extrapolated to low energy. The energy calibration is in the coincident event region from the events occurring checkedwith57Co(122.1keVγ line)and137Cs(661keV outside the coincident region (−1000 ns < ∆t < −30 ns γ line) sources, which show good agreement. or 70 ns<∆t<1000 ns). After the structure is installed, an already tested We count the event rate of the NaI(Tl) detector with NaI(Tl)crystal(NaI-002)[12]isplacedinthecenter,and andwithouttheLSvetorequirement,asshowninFig.4. the LS is fitted into the acrylic box. NaI-002 was grown The detector realizes a significant reduction in the back- from selected ultrapure NaI powder by the Alpha Spec- groundrate by requiringthat no signalappear inthe LS traCompany. Thecrystal(9.2kgmass)hasacylindrical veto detector. The tagging efficiency is 26.5 ± 1.7% in shapewithadiameterof4.2inchandalengthof11inch. the 6–20 keV energy region and 63 ± 1% in the 100– Two R12669SEL PMTs are attached at each end of the 1500 keV energy region. The tagged event rate between crystal. The PMT signals from the crystal are split and 6 and 20 keV is 0.76 ± 0.04 events/keV/kg/day(dru). amplified by factors of 30 and 2. The amplified signals We simulate various background sources with the are digitized by 400 and 64 MHz FADCs with readout Geant4 [22] simulation package to obtain the veto effi- time windowsof10 and8µs. A triggerconditionfor the ciency of the prototype. We first consider the internal NaI(Tl)crystalis the presenceofone ormorephotoelec- 40K decay,which is one of the strongestbackgroundsfor trons in each PMT within a 200 ns time window. If the darkmattersearcheswithNaI(Tl)crystals[23–26]. This NaI(Tl)crystalistriggered,allthesignalsfromboththe decay generates an X-ray at approximately 3 keV with NaI(Tl) crystal and the LS veto detector are recorded. a 1460 keV γ-ray. If the accompanying 1460 keV γ-ray The typical event shapes, which show signals from both escapes from the crystal, the event consists of a single 3 550 450 500 nit) nit)400 U U y 450 y r r a a rbitr400 rbitr350 A A ( ( unt 350 unt 300 o o c c C C D300 D A A250 250 200 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Time (ns) Time (ns) NaI crystal 1100 2500 1600 2000 2200 Unit)1090000 Unit)2000 Unit)1400 Unit)11680000 Unit)12800000 ADC count (Arbitrary 456780000000000 ADC count (Arbitrary 11055000000 ADC count (Arbitrary 11026800000000 ADC count (Arbitrary 111024680000000000 ADC count (Arbitrary 1111024668000000000000 300 400 400 400 200 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (ns) Time (ns) Time (ns) Time (ns) Time (ns) LS veto(left side) 500 700 1400 450 600 700 800 ADC count (Arbitrary Unit)11026800000000 ADC count (Arbitrary Unit)122334505050000000 ADC count (Arbitrary Unit)234500000000 ADC count (Arbitrary Unit)234560000000000 ADC count (Arbitrary Unit)234567000000000000 100 400 100 100 100 50 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 10000 1500 2000 2500 3000 10000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (ns) Time (ns) Time (ns) Time (ns) Time (ns) LS veto(right side) FIG.2: Pulse shapesfrom PMTs fortypicalcoincident eventsof theNaIcrystal and LSvetodetectorwith measured energies of 37 and 850 keV,respectively. 3 keV hit, which mimics a dark matter signal. However, ting assuming a flat background. The measured rate is if we tag the escaping 1460 keV γ-ray with the LS veto 2.10±0.32counts/kg/day,whichisfoundtocorrespond detector, we can effectively reduce the low-energy con- to43.7±6.4ppbKcontaminationbyacomparisonwith tribution of the 3 keV X-ray in the NaI(Tl) crystal [27]. the simulation. This value is consistent with a previous The veto efficiency for energies between 0 and 10 keV is measurement (49.3 ± 2.4 ppb) of the same crystal in a about 48% from the internal 40K simulation. We esti- different veto system in which neighboring CsI(Tl) crys- mate the K contamination of the NaI(Tl) crystal using tals are used to tag the 40K events [12]. the events vetoed by the LS veto detector to verify our Other than the internal background of the NaI(Tl) simulation. The filled (blue) circles in Fig. 4 (b) show crystal, one of the main backgroundcontributions arises the low-energy spectrum of the NaI(Tl) crystal that is from the natural radioisotopes, 238U, 232Th, and 40K, in taggedbytheLSvetodetector. Inthisfigure,thetagged the PMTs. We simulate these isotopes from the photo- 3 keV X-ray events can be extracted by Gaussian fit- cathode as well as the glass envelope and estimate the 4 105 105 100 V V 90 y/ke104 y/ke104 80 da da 70 of events/110023 of events/110023 E (keV)LS456000 er er 30 umb 10 umb 10 20 N N 10 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 −00.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Energy(keV) Energy(keV) ∆ t(µs) (a) (b) (c) FIG. 3: Energy spectra of LS veto detector. (a) Energy spectrum for γ background region of 0–4 MeV. (b) Zoomed energy spectruminlow-energyregion(0–100 keV)with10keVenergythreshold(redline)forcoincidencecondition. (c)EnergyofLS vetodetector versus time differencebetween LS veto signal and NaI(Tl) signal (∆t) for coincidence condition (red line). 18 14 Total Events Total Events 16 12 Coincident Events Coincident Events 14 V NaI only signal V 10 NaI only signal e e k 12 k y/ y/ da 10 da 8 g/ g/ k k s/ 8 s/ 6 nt nt ou 6 ou C C 4 4 2 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Energy(keV) Energy(keV) (a) High Energy (b) Low Energy FIG.4: BackgroundenergyspectraoftheNaI(Tl)crystalintheLSvetosystem. Vetoedevents(bluesymbols)havehitsonthe LS vetodetectorwith energies greater than10 keV,whereas hitson NaI only (red) havenosuch hitson theLS vetodetector. The total hits (black) represents all events(thesum of eventsin both categories). veto efficiencies in the 0–10 keV measured energy range, efficiency. The optimization is based on the simulation which are 66%, 56%, and 63% for 238U, 232Th, and 40K, of the internal 40K background. We consider a simple respectively. Other background contributions from out- cubic structureofthe LScontainerinwhichone NaI(Tl) side the LS veto system are tagged at a level that is at crystal (same geometry as NaI-002) is immersed in the least similar to that of the PMTs. center. The thicknesses of the NaI(Tl) crystal ends and the LS container wall are the same and vary from 10 to 150 cm. Figure 5 shows the veto efficiency as a function ofthe LS thickness. We consideran LSwith a minimum III. DESIGN OF A NEW LS VETO SYSTEM thickness of 40 cm for the final design by considering FOR A 200 KG NAI EXPERIMENT the size of the shielding as well as the veto efficiency. The veto efficiency measured by the prototype detector Thevetoefficiencyofthe prototypedetectorislimited is consistent with the simulated efficiency for a 17-cm- by the narrow thickness of the container necessitated by thick container, as shown in Fig. 5. thesmallavailablespaceintheexistingshieldingatY2L. We plan to construct a dedicated shielding structure for AnLSvetodetector40cmthickcantagapproximately the 200 kg array experiment using NaI(Tl) crystals [14]. 75%oftheinternal40Keventsat0–10keV.Theuntagged Inthisshieldingstructure,wecanconsideramuchbigger 25%of events are due to 1460 keVγ-raysescaping with- container for the LS veto system to increase the veto out any heat in the LS veto detector. The background 5 the 25%ofuntaggedeventsrepresentsareductionofap- 100 proximatelytwotimes comparedtothe 52%ofuntagged 90 events with the prototype detector. %) 80 We finalized the design of the new LS veto system, as y ( 70 shown in Fig. 6, considering the discussion above. The c en 60 minimum thickness of the LS from each end of the crys- ci effi 50 tal is 40 cm. The average tagging efficiency of the LS ng 40 Prototype vetosystemandtheothercrystalsfortheinternal40Kis ggi 30 a estimated to be 81%. The veto efficiencies for the PMTs T 20 arepredictedtobeapproximately80%forU,Th,andK. 10 00 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Thickness of LS veto (cm) IV. CONCLUSION FIG. 5: Veto efficiency of internal 40K as a function of the thickness of theNaI(Tl) crystal and the LS container for en- We constructed a prototype LS veto detector to de- ergies between 0and 10 keVobtained from a simple geomet- termine the feasibility of tagging the background of a ric simulation. Square symbol represents the veto efficiency NaI(Tl) crystal detector for a dark matter search ex- of the prototypedetector from the simulation. periment. The tagged background rate of the NaI(Tl) crystal is 0.76 ± 0.04 dru at 6–20 keV. The tagging ef- ficiency of the 3 keV X-rays from internal 40K is about 48% from the simulation. The measured event rates of 3keVX-rayswiththerequiredLSvetosignalareingood agreement with a previous measurement. 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