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THE FOLLOWING PRESENTATION MAY CONTAIN EXCESSIVE USE OF ANIMATIONS AND IMAGES OF QUESTIONABLE TASTE THOSE OF A SENSITIVE NATURE SHOULD LEAVE NOW Tuesday, 29 October 13 What’s New in iOS 7 Tuesday, 29 October 13 Safari Services Multipeer Connectivity UIKit Dynamics SpriteKit AirDrop JavaScript Core TextKit Multitasking Game Controllers Modules What’s New in iOS 7 Inter-App Audio OpenGL ES 3.0 NSURLComponents iBeacons NSURLSession Message Attachments Media Accessibility NSProgress Tuesday, 29 October 13 What’s New in iOS 7… Tuesday, 29 October 13 What’s New in iOS 7 for Hipsters Tuesday, 29 October 13 What’s New in iOS 7 for Hipsters Tuesday, 29 October 13 Until… Tuesday, 29 October 13 NS i​OS 7 Written by Mattt Thompson on Sep 23rd, 2013 With the NDA finally lifted, we can finally talk about all of the amazing new APIs in iOS 7. And there are a lot of them. "1500 new APIs", by Apple's count during the WWDC Keynote. (Granted, a good id instancetype portion of that could just be all of the changes from to , but that's a huge number, regardless). We'll be going over many of the new features iOS 7 in depth over the coming weeks, but with all of the excitement around this major release, this week's issue will hit on some of the gems hiding in NSData NSURLComponents NSProgress NSProcessInfo plain sight: Base64 encoding, , , CIDetectorSmile CIDetectorEyeBlink SSReadingList activities, , , , AVCaptureMetaDataOutput AVSpeechSynthesizer MKDistanceFormatter , , and . Tuesday, 29 October 13 NSData (NSDataBase64Encoding) What’s New in iOS 7 for Hipsters Tuesday, 29 October 13 What’s New in iOS 7 for the Hipster’s Hipster Tuesday, 29 October 13

Oct 29, 2013 Multipeer Connectivity. JavaScript Core. Media Accessibility. OpenGL ES 3.0. Message Attachments. NSURLComponents. iBeacons. Modules.
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