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Filed 01-14-2019 Page 1 of 12 FILED 01-14-2019, Barron County, Wi Case 2019CF000020 Document 1 Sharon Millermon WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BARRON COUNTY STATE OF DA Case No.: 2019BA000046 2018¢F000020 STATE OF WISCONSIN Assigned DA/ADA: Brian H Wright ponerabie James C. Plaintiff, Agency Case No.: 1831604 Cent -VS- Court Case No.: 19 CF 20 Jake T Patterson ATN: 03002000160781 Gordon, WI 54838 DOB: 06/17/1997 Sex/Race: MW Eye Color: Hair Color: Criminal Complaint Height: ; Weight: ; Alias: Defendant, The undersigned, on information and belief, being first duly sworn, states that: Count 1: FIRST DEGREE INTENTIONAL HOMICIDE The above-named defendant on or about Monday, October 15, 2018, Barron County, Wisconsin, did cause the death of James M Closs , with intent to kill that person, contrary to sec, 940.01(1)(a), 939.50(3)(a) Wis. Stats., a Class A Felony, and upon conviction shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life. Count 2: FIRST DEGREE INTENTIONAL HOMICIDE The above-named defendant on or about Monday, October 15, 2018, Barron County, Wisconsin, did cause the death of Denise J Closs , with intent to kill that person, contrary to sec. 940.01(1)(a), 939.50(3)(a) Wis. Stats., a Class A Felony, and upon conviction shali be sentenced to imprisonment for life. Count 3: KIDNAPPING The above-named defendant on or about Monday, October 15, 2018, Barron County, Wisconsin, by force or threat of imminent force, did carry J.L.C. , from one place to another without that person's consent and with intent to cause the victim to be secretly confined, contrary to sec. 940.31(1)(a), 939.50(3)(c) Wis. Stats., a Class C Felony, and upon conviction may be fined not more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), or imprisoned not more than forty (40) years, or both. Count 4: ARMED BURGLARY The above-named defendant on or about Monday, October 15, 2018, Barron County, Wisconsin, did intentionally enter a dwelling without the consent of the person in lawful possession of the place, and with intent to commit a felony , kidnapping , while armed with a 01/14/2019 Filed 01-14-2019 Page 2 of 12 GPP sax PPBNET sTATE dangerous weapon, a shotgun, contrary to sec. 943.10(2)(a), 939.50(3)(e) Wis. Stats., a Clase Felony, and upon conviction may be fined not more than Fifly Thousand Dollars ($0,000) or imprisoned not more than fifteen (15) years, or both. uh PROBABLE CAUSE: Basis for this complaint is a statement by Jeff Nelson that he is a Detective with the Barron County Sheriff's Department and as such has access to all reports and complaints filed with his department. Complainant is informed by the reports of Deputy James Pressley, Deputy Jon Fick, Deputy Erik Sedani, Detective Mary Dexter and Detective Jason Hagen of the Barron County Sheriff's Department and Deputy Dittbrender, Deputy Carey and Sgt. Derosia with the Douglas County Sheriff's Department. Deputy James Pressley, with the Barron County Sheriff's Department, reports on October 15, 2018, at approximately 12:53 AM, he and other deputies were in the Barron County Dispatch Center when a 911 call came in. Deputy Pressley reports screaming could be heard in the background. Dispatch advised that the 911 call had originated from NM west of the City of Barron. Deputy Pressley indicates in his report that the location of the NN address is approximately three miles from the Dispatch Center, which is located inside the Barron County Justice Center. Deputy Pressley reports that he, along with Deputy Erik Sedani and Deputy Jon Fick, responded to the dispatch arriving at the residence located at MEER Barron County, Wisconsin, at approximately 1:00 AM. Deputy Fick reports that, while in route to the residence, he observed a vehicle that was maroon in color and what he believed to be an older style vehicle. Deputy Fick reports that, based on his training and experience, the vehicle appeared to him to be an older Ford Taurus or similar vehicle. As the vehicle was traveling east on U.S. Hwy. 8, Deputy Fick reports he was traveling west on U.S. Hwy. 8, just west of the City of Barron. Deputy Fick reports the vehicle he observed was the lone eastbound traveling vehicle he encountered. Deputy Fick observed the vehicle yield to himself and other deputies responding to the scene. Deputy Fick reports he was unable to see a front license plate and observed a black bracket in the front middle of the bumper. Deputy Fick reports he observed grey or silver trim on the vehicle. Upon arrival, Deputy Pressley reports there were no outside lights on at the residence and no screaming or signs of distress consistent with the 911 call coming from inside. Deputy Pressley reports he observed there was a light on in the residence in the upstairs northwest corner window. As he walked around the back of the residence, Deputy Pressley observed an upstairs light on the back side of the residence. Deputy Sedani reports he was advised by Deputy Pressley to go to the front door and attempt to make contact. Deputy Sedani reports he shined his flashlight towards the front door. Deputy Sedani had difficulty seeing through the glass storm door due to it having heavy condensation on it, but noticed that the wooden inside door was open. Deputy Sedani reports he shined his flashlight again to the door and noticed the glass door was partially open due to a rug being stuck between the door and door frame. When he looked inside the residence, Deputy Sedani saw legs on the floor. Deputy Sedani reports he opened the glass door and looked in and saw 01/14/2019 2 sateen «Fike 01-1820" Popes 2 ee ge ato, ho was ter ents as James M Clos, hing onthe floor wh his et nar stort aoer beered tha ames wes ceceased, He nad significant aura his fo per > his face anh Dep erood and Erin salatering on tne west wal Greely Beind the wooden ertanca Deputy Sedani reports that he and Deputy Pressley announced their presence and directed anybody inside to come cut of the residence. Deputy Sedani reports no one came out of the residence and there was no sound of anybody inside the residence. Deputy Sedani observes = Spent shotgun shell next to James body that was on tha floor and another spent shotgun shell in the hallway in front of the bathroom. Deputy Sedani reports that Fe, Deputy Pressley ane Depuly Fick entered the residence, Parlaly inthe bathroom ana hallway, Deputy Sedani observed a siower curtain laying on the oor, AS deputies moved further nfo the residence, Deouty Sedani observed an acult female with red hair, wha was later identified as Denise J. Closs, siting unresponsive in tha shower. Deputias observed thet Denise was deceased, She, foo, had significant nead trauma, Detective Nelson roports that, based on his training and experience. the head trauma to Denise also appeared to bo that of a gunshot wound io the head with the rear backside of ner head and skull plate being completely removed and lying next to her body in ine bathtue, Deputies searched the remandar of the houso and located no one else inside, Deputy Prassloy repor's shat, once the ambulance arrived, he escorted Mark Price, a paramedic with Mayo Clinic Mecical Transport, into the residence. Deputy Pressley repors Mark visually ‘examined James and Denise and confirmed the deputies observations that both of them were deceased and no life-saving measures were necessary, Detective Mary Dexter. with she Barron County Sherf's Department, reports thet ste was present for tne aulopsies of James and Denise, Detective Dexter reparts the autopsies were performed by Dr. Veena Singh, at the Midwest Medical Examiner's Office located at 14341 Rhinestone Sireet NW, Ramsey, Minnesota. Detective Dexter reports she received and reviewed the final autopsy reports prepared by Dr. Singh. Dr. Singh determined the cause of Ueath to James was a shatgun wound of the head and neck, and the manner of deatn was fuled a homicide, Dr. Singh determined the cause of death to Denise was @ snotgun wound of the head, and tha manner of death was ruled a homicide. Detective Nelson reports he entered the residence on October 16, 2018, at approximately 1:45 ‘AM. Detective Nelson observed there were lights on in the main floor master bedraom in the orthwest comer of the residence and the main floor bathroom of the residence. Detective Nelson observed that James was lying on his back with his head partally under the kitchen table and chairs. James was lying in an east to west cirection. Detective Nelson observes that James’ body was located in front of the wooden entry door and that James’ legs obstructed the {ull opening of that door. ovianois 4 |-14-7 5aer08? saxP PARSE —« “Fle Ort42019 Pages ot 12 - going att ni Det peen s Detective Nelson observed that Denise was seated in the bathtub on the main floor of the residence. Detective Nelson reports her head was lying against the lower bathtub. Detective Nelson observed a vinyl shower curtain and curtain rod lying on the bathroom floor and partially extending into the hallway. Detective Nelson reports the bathroom door swings inward into the bathroom. Detective Nelson observed that the top upper right hand cabinet drawer had been pulled out approximately six inches. Detective Nelson reports that, based on his training and experience, it appeared Denise had attempted to barricade herself in the bathroom. Detective Nelson reports it was apparent the assailant had forcibly kicked or pushed or breached the door in some manner which had caused a rectangle style part of the door to break free from the door and fall into the open drawer. Detective Nelson reports the bathroom door itself then had been kicked or breached or forcibly manipulated in such a manner where it had basically split in two in a horizontal manner prior to being forcibly opened. Detective Nelson observed a cell phone lying with the screen side down on the floor near the door jam and hinge side of the bathroom door. Detective Jason Hagen, with the Barron County Sheriff's Department, reports that evidence observed at the scene included a 12 gauge shotgun shell located on the ground outside the residence next to the concrete steps that access the front doorway where James was found. A second spent 12 gauge shotgun shell was located next to James’ body. A third spent 12 gauge shotgun shell was located on the floor in the hallway directly in front of the bathroom on the main level where Denise's body was located. Detective Hagen reports there were some tread patterns visible in blood that was in the entry way just inside the main door of the home next to James’ body. Detective Hagen reports the tread patterns appeared to be from tactical type boots. Detective Nelson reports that, as he and other officers were continuing their investigation of the inside of the residence, he received a phone call from Detective Dexter and Detective Carroll, who advised that James and Denise have a 13-year old daughter that also resided with them at the residence. She was identified as J.L.C. Detective Nelson reports throughout that morning a Wisconsin Crime Alert was issued as well as an Amber Alert regarding the abduction of J.L.C. Deputy Dittbrender, with the Douglas County Sheriff's Department, reports on January 10, 2019 at approximately 4:11 PM, she was dispatched along with Deputy Carey, with the Douglas County Sheriff's Department, to an address on Eau Claire Acres Circle, in the Town of las County, Wisconsin, for a report that J.L.C. was at the residence located at land needed help. While in route, Deputy Dittbrender reports the Douglas County Communications Center provided additional information obtained during the 911 call. The additional information provided included information that Jeanne Nutter, a neighbor of Peter and Kristen Kasinskas, was currently at the Kasinskas residence with J.L.C. 01/14/2019 4 0 De ment 1 Filed 01-14-2019 Page 5 of 12 - eee Jake? Patterson ve 16° Je had stated a male subject, whom she identified as Jake Patterson, had killed n me. at rons and she wants to go home f pittbrender reports that she and Deputy Carey, along with Sgt. Engelman, arrived at pel uty askas residence on January 10, 2019 at approximately 4:43 PM. Deputy Dittbrender the ne L.C. was wearing a pair of dirty, worn New Balance athletic shoes, that appeared to repren’s shoes, with the left shoe on her right foot and the right shoe on her left foot. Out of a eencern that Patterson might be in the area attempting to locate J.L.C., Deputy Carey reports the decision was made to immediately remove J.L.C. from the area for her safety. Deputy Carey reports that Deputy Dittbrender drove J.L.C. away in her squad car with Sgt. Engelman following in his squad car. Deputy Carey and Sgt. DeRosia remained at the Kasinskas residence. Deputy Dittbrender reports that, as she was traveling along the western side of the loop of Eau Claire Acres Circle northbound to County Hwy. Y, she observed a vehicle approaching eastbound on Hwy. Y and then turn south onto Eau Claire Acres Circle as Deputy Dittbrender approached the intersection. Deputy Dittbrender observed the vehicle was red in color and possibly either a Kia or Ford as the vehicle passed her. Deputy Dittbrender reports she asked J.L.C. if that was Patterson's car and J.L.C. stated she didn't know. J.L.C. indicated that she thought his car was a Ford, and that he also had other cars. Deputy Dittbrender reports she notified Sgt. Engelman and Sgt. Derosia of the red car she had just passed. Sgt. Derosia reports that Sgt. Engleman ran the plate on the vehicle. Sgt. Derosia reports dispatch advised the vehicle was registered to a Katie Patterson, the last name matching the name of the male subject J.L.C. had identified. Sgt. Derosia reports he positioned his squad car in a way so he could observe the vehicle as it passed his location. Sgt. Derosia reports as the vehicle passed by him, he observed a lone male occupant driving the red colored vehicle. Sgt. Derosia reports he also observed the vehicle's drivers side rear taillight was broken, as well as no functioning rear license plate light. Sgt. Derosia reports he pulled out and followed behind the vehicle while waiting for another squad. As he was following the vehicle, Sgt. Derosia observed that it passed the driveway of the address that was listed for that vehicle at i 9 the Town of Gordon, Douglas County, Wisconsin. Sgt. Derosia reports he conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle just as it passed the driveway. Sgt. Derosia reports he approached the driver's side door while Sgt. Engleman approached on the passenger side. Sgt. Derosia reports the driver and lone occupant in the vehicle was instructed to raise his hands in the air. Sgt. Derosia reports he then instructed the driver to open his door. Once the door was opened, Sgt. Derosia asked the driver what his name was. The driver informed Sgt. Derosia that his name is Jake Patterson. Sgt. Derosia reports he instructed Patterson to step out of the vehicle and, as he did, Patterson stated | know what this is about “I did it’. Deputy Carey reports he interviewed Jeanne. Jeanne stated that she went for a walk around Eau Claire Acres Circle around 3:30 PM. She estimated the walk took around 40 minutes. When she returned to her driveway, she saw a young girl in the road. Jeanne stated the girl yelled and begged for help. Jeanne stated she remembered the girl specifically say, “I'm Jayme Closs,” “I don’t know where | am,” “He killed my parents,” and “Please help — | want to go home.” Jeanne estimated it was around 4:10 PM when she came upon J.L.C. 01/14/2019 5 go j,Denmen Fleder 18.20 soe 02 Ne PERE 19 Pages cot sraieg ano rate ne decision 10 go to the Kesinskes residence because, thou ish she nr paterson, shea recogrized ais rame from a rnaibex and knew ‘hat tis can ee vot kno was WeS! ftom her olace. Jeanne cesorived J.L.C, as being in shock, ted ae 3 mn Ge and messy elathes, Jeanne observes that JL.C. was wearing large men's shoes ted tot and could barely walk in thers petectve Hagen reports on January 11, 2018 at approximately 9:15 AM, ho observed a live Goning of the interview of J...C, Bonnie Fries, a Child/Adolescent Forensic Inlarviewar with (re FBI, Interviswed JLLC. Detecive Hagen reports the interview was audio and video recorded. On the night J-L.C. was abducted, J\L.C, stated she was asleep in her bedroom when her dog started barking early in tne morning. J.L.C. stated she gat up to investigate why her dog was barking and noticed there was someone driving up their driveway, J.L.C, staled she went to fer parents’ room and woxe them up. JC. slated her parents get up and her father went to the uoor {0 see what was going on. LC. stated there was a man (later identified as Patterson} at the dcor with a gun, so she and ner mother hid in the bathream with the door closed. JLL.C stated that she and her mother hid in the bathtub, JiL.C, stated she heard a gunshot and knew her father had just bean killed, J.L.C, stated her mather had her cell phone witn her and used tho phone to call 911. ¥.L.C. stated Patterson broke down the bathroom door and told her mother to hang up the phone, J.L.C. stated Patterson told her mother to put tape over v.L.C.'s mouth, which her mother dic, and then Patterson shot her mathr. J.C, stated both her motrer and father were shat one time. JiL.C. stated the first time she saw Patterson was in the bathroom where she and her mother were hiding. J\L.C. stated Patterson was dressed in black from head to tee, including a face mask, hat, and gloves, JLL.G, stated that Patterson taped her hands and ankles together and dragged her out to his car. J.L.C. described the tape as being black in color. J.L.C. stated Palterson taped ner hands such that her hands were behind her back. When they got to Patterson's car, J1L.C. stated Patterson placed her in the trunk. J.L.C. described Patterson’s car as an oldor red 4- door car. After Patterson put her in the trunk, J.L.C, stated he drove away. J.L.C. stated she heard the sirens of two squad cars drive by a very shor time alter Patterson began driving, LG, stated she thought she was in the trunk of the oar for about two hours before they frtived at the house where Patterson took her to, J.L.C. stated Patterson later told her it was his house. J.L.C. stated she cbserved Pallerson to be wearing the same clothing he had on ‘when he shot her parents, when he cemoved her cut of the trunk at the house he had taken her to. When they got to the house, J.L.C. stated Patterson took her to @ halway and made her sit down and stay there. ¥.L.C. stated he then removed the tape from her mouth. hands, and ankles. After that, J.L.C. siaied Patterson told her to go into his bedroom and taks off all of her lathes, LLC. stated that, after she disrobed, Patterson put her clothes in a bag, J.C stated Patterson made a comment about not having evidence. 4.L.C. stated Patterson told her he was going to throw her dothes away nut she ian see wha he actualy id wit them afr 0? a PAT eapie420'a Page rors Fe ee a ch id nave f \lor relatives over, JILC. stated whede it cleat nod was to know she was there or B26 th eaten oder to ie fact rat SLC. was tee, atersen made JE. a serene ets Ragoom LLG states Pat-an's bedat none comer ta sare of ns ado her nie unde Fis bac, JL. stated he stacked totes and tauncry bins a a an we as (Ike weighs ‘or berbels) stacked agains hem so sho COU not move ne Pemthout Fis being able to detect if she did. One time, JIL. stated she acci aly Something bad woul happen it she did it again. J.LC. stated Patterson would turn music on in his room s0 she couldn't hear what was happening if there was anyone else in house with him. 0 Wye a the house, ULC, fated Patorson woul aso make her stay under the bed whan he et AES; Petaon weutd make her say unset be fo op tothe notte a a me wh na SSS veter or bathroom breaks, JUG. describes now. on ano sceasion, Paeean got mad ine and Sitherealy hard on her back fh what she described as handle er someting ai2s'e ean birds an that cur veally bad wren Patterson her win J.C sated she Gerad specttealy remember har se dé to mae Tim mad on rat o2casion, but she [Snsnoce Paes erin harerd pant pone oso (On January 10, 2019, J.L.C. stated Patterson lett his house and told her he was gaing to be {gone for five of six hours. J.C. stated Patterson made her go under the bed before he let Biter Patterson left the house, J.C, stated she was able to push the bins and weights away from the bed and crawl cut. J_L.C. stated she put on a pair of Pattorson’s shaes, walked out of the house, and walked towards the road to a woman (Jeanne Nutter) who she saw walking 2 dog. JG. stated she tols Jeanne who she is and that Jake Patierson Kidnapped her. J... Stated Jeanne then took her to the clasest house where they called $11. Detective Nelson reports on January 10, 2019 at approximately 7:15 PM he, along with Special Agent Joe Welsch, with the Wisconsin QOJDCI, conducted @ custodial inteniow of he serdar Jake T, Patterson, whose date of birth is June 17, 1997. Detective Nelson reports de ee the defondant his Miranda rights, The defendant stated he understood his rights and vas willing to speak with Detective Nelson and Special Agent Welsch. Detective Nelson reports the defendant confessed ‘0 kiling James and Oenise Closs, ane Ruhspping JG. The defercant stated he worked at Sapuo Cheese Facto), son of ieereir® two days before quiting. On his drive to the cheese factory on ono of the Mo peeings he worked there, he had stopped behind a school bus on US. Hwy. & where Te roe cl get on a school bus. The defendant stated he hed no idea who she was nor eld Haier et ho lived at the house or haw many people lived atthe heuse, The defendant statee hen he saw J.L.C., he knew that was the girl he was going to take, ‘The defendant stated, on what he thought to be his second and last day of employment at Baputo Cheese, ho purchased a black colored belaclava type mask from Walmart RIGS reese defendant stated he purchased the mask as part of his plan to conceal his identity when he took J.LC. opwmggte FIREONE 2018 Pago arta ZarEjo in Clos nome and noticed the fights were on n the house eH the neuse sc he decided net fo doit then Tne defendant stated he put quite & bit of thought into the details of how he wes going to abauct JLC. On one of the nights, prcr to his third tip to the Closs home on October 15” the defardart stated he drove a few miles down the road on County Hwy. 0 near Sarona and stole the license plates off a vehicle parked in the yard, The defendant stated he sicle the leans plates Boesuse heed not went to at stopped or spoted wth Rs oun icense plates on Prior to arriving at the Closs home, tha dofendant stated he stopped on a side road somewhere east of Barrer and removed both the front and rear Ncanse plale from his oar wh'ch he described as an older red colored Ford Taurus. and placed the stolen license plate on the rear of his car. The cefendant stated ha ade other modifications to his vehicle. The defendant stated he removed and disconnected the dome light in the vehicle so that when he ‘exited or entered the vehicle it would not iluminate his presence. Tha defendant stated ne also removed the trunk light and what he deseribed as the glow in the dark kidnapping cord from the trunk sa thal no one could pull the trunk release once inside. ‘The defendant stated that, prior to leaving his house, he took his father’s 12 gauge Mossberg pump shatgun which he described as having a biack stock and a silver or chrome-colored finish on ine barrel, The defandant stated that he selected this particular gun because he had done research and knew that the Mossberg brand shotoun was one of the most heavily manufacturad or cwred shotguns and assumed it woule be more dificult ta trace. The defendant stated he took out six 12 gauge shotgun shells, which he described as being slug shotgun shells from an amma box in the garage, The defendant stated he ‘elt that a 12 gauge skig would Infiet the most damage on someone and would most likely be the best choice of shell and weapon to kill sameone verses a rifle. ‘The defendant stated he wiped down the shotgun shells while wearing gloves and cleaned and wiped down the shotgun while wearing gloves so there would be no fingerprints ar DNA on cither of them. The defendant stated he did this solely for the purpose of making sure there ‘would be no fingerprints or DNA on the shotgun. The defendant stated he then loaded the six shells into the shotgun while wearing gloves and was confident there would be no DNA or fingerprints left on elther the shotgun or the shells. Tha defendant described how he shaved his face and shaved all his head hair off and showered before leaving his house. ‘The defendant stated he did this sa that he would not leave any DNA cr hair atthe scene. ‘The defendant stated he was wearing brown colored leather staal toed work boots and requiar blue jeans. The defendant siated he was wearing a black colored jacket and had a black calored baladava mask on. Tha doferdant sla sated he was wearing two Dal of glovoson fis hands, which he described as ragular work gloves. * pale of ee rove PSOE |. Document 1 fi ARE re ess residence, ne shut of his Sc shut of his nents "he tenant sata ne pared earns il aaproached the hous. "The doesent ont door ofthe mouse, As he was wang 9510 aloof the ee Ya eS Slanding i ne large peur wince, The defendant stated he bet defendant stated he halen no JaTHS hac @ fashlght and was shining it outside. The fiashign and odes cite 10 James to get on ina ground nit James xe shina the Opened the glace eye ytSG®: Tne defendant sated no then approachad the fant steps ad deer, The deren deer. The defercant stated he thon pounded on "he wocder ony GLASS wth eed aNt stated he saw James looking aulse trough te smal glass (ascoratve Sted ee USht fon design ir the center of te wooden erry coor) wincow ‘The doferank filed ares made some cornet ke, show me your badge. and assumed Jemes tought Me was the police. The defendant stated he chen raised the shotgun and purposely nied at mes’ head and culled the trigger. The defendant stated he know James mmedistey callapsed te the groure The cfendant stated he then used his shoulder and tried to break the docr open, but wes Unabie to Go so. The defendant stated he then ejected the span! shotgun shell, lowered shotgun toward the doorknob and firec @ second round. The defendant stated he than used his shoulder and, after one or tae pushes, the door opened up. After stepping into tne house, the defendant stated he stepoed across James’ bady ang know James was dead ‘The defendant stated he brought a kitchen tyoe knife that he had in his packst and a flashlight with him that night. The cofondant stated there were no lights on in the house, so he shined his fashlight around the nouse an¢ noticed thal the door straight ahead of him was shut. The defendant stated he approachec the door and it was closed. The defendant slates he quickly ‘walked through other rooms in she house scanning to see if anyone was in any of the other rooms. The defendant staled he did not see anyone and so ha then re-approached the closed door that ne had iniialy seen. The defendant stated the door was locked and barricaded and he kicked it and shouldered it several times trying to forcibly break it open, The defendant estimated that it tok nim anywhere ‘rom 10 to “6 hits with his shoulder befare i ourst open ‘ang he entered into the bathroom. The defendant stated the bathroom curiain was shut and he reached up and grabbed it and rloped it off the rod and threw it onto the oor. The defendant stated that Denise and J\L.C. were sealed in tre bathtud, Denise with her arms wrappea around JL.C. in a bear hug ‘The defendant stated he pulled out a flattened oartal roll of black colored Gorilla brand duct tape, handed it to Denise, and told her to place the tape over J.L.C,'s mouth. The defendant stated Denise was struggling to do that and he set the shotgun down on the bathroom sink The defendant stated he look the lape from Denise ang wrapped tape around JL.G.'s mouth, and completely around her head. The defendant stated he then had J.L.C, stand up where he then took tape and placed it aroune her wrists, with her palms together to restrain her hands and anns. The defendant stated ho than took the tape and wrapped it around JL.C.’s ankles. The defendant stated he then removed J.C, from the bathtub. With J.L.C. standing bound next to him in the bathroom, the defendant stated he picked up the shotgun, aimed fer nt OLE ONE Spee) reser tecois ens s eae and Sim for Denise's rege ss AOE head nocaus, he startod te turn away. The deter Fe srew that head shots were the best way assets! ne detorar ohne pase Teeetendert stated ho had the shotgun ic hs one hand. end he reached JL.G’'s body and haga een to drag her out of tne nese. NS Maine no neary sip 9 her Out of the rouse. AS Me was dang se, mai the blo tht ha fooled on he Tose FG9Cd IC. actos the ort ant taward snr Mare pom. hove an sreynd can sated ne JL. that she needed to nal ate nated he The creer aiecne sa he Ip othr at inch suger aceee Be gre ea ped her newt the crvers sid don ef cu. Thu Usondary sited Pe a he trurk open, dragae: he true GREP: Ste9926 JL. to the back of the ear, out her inthe irapk And then eked fe ‘The efandon sated he thn got in scr, ronod i mask a sae ove ova arron The defendant salad fo noc ony iver ol he Douro ko 30 asec fees haute when ne edad fo tres pastng quad crs tar wero Uavelng wee nee house wi hare ane omegoney is ard ane ch ° ‘The defendant stated he was de:ermined he was ccing to tako J.C. shat night and was {9 ill anyane in the house necause he coulé net leave any eyewithosses behind. Asked wnat hie would have done if re was stopped Ey the police on the way to his house, ie dafenda-t stated he sill had the loaded shotqun in the front scat of the car wth him. ‘The detercant Slaied he most ikely would have snot al the pulce. The defondant eslimaied ha was 2 e CCloss home for only aoout four minutes total The defendant steted hat, once ha got to his house, which he indoaied is lcsted a: 14185 S Eau Claire Acres Circle Ross, 11 Gordon, Wisconsin, he removed J LC. ftom the trunk ane ccrug her inta his house and ino his bedrocm. Tho dofendant state he cut off the ‘ape and knew J.L.C, was extremely seared, ano she was crying. The dafendant stated he Know ILC. was scared because she had urinates herself and Fer clothing was wel. The delandant sited he told V.L.C. to change into his sisle’s pajamas. The defendant sisted he thar took har lating, the cue: tape, ard the two pair 0” gloves he had worn and threw them into & wood fireplace in tha basoment of the house. “The defendent slated he kopt LLC. at his nouse by creating 2 space under nis bed. The defendant stated his bed, which he ncicated is a twin size bed, sits approxmarely 2 1/2 eet fff the ground, The aeferdent stated he shoved the bed in the comer of his bedroom. soit basicaly only hae one side that was oaen, The cefendant stated when he woul leave tne room or house, he wivuld lake plastic totes an would side ther up agains the sice ote bed SOUL, couldnt see out, The cefendant stated he then 100% some barbell weights and free ‘weights in tho roam nd would put them agains: the totes to make it more <iffeut for JL. to (get out, The defendant stated Ne cid ths also so he would know If J.LC. tried to get aut sine> the weights woule be moved, ‘The defendant steted there were at least two occasions wien he thought JL. had tried get out from under the bed ard he had struck a wall and screamed a lotto the poin: where he knew she vas scared and she knew thel she better never ry that again. The defendant slated JLLC, was fearful of him enaugh that she kneve that she was nct to leave the bedroom without him, “When he le't the house, the defendant stated he would toll J.C, that she better net ounenois 10

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