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Participation in ancillary service and physical electricity markets with flexible demand resources PDF

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Preview Participation in ancillary service and physical electricity markets with flexible demand resources

Santeri Oksanen Participation in ancillary service and physical electricity markets with flexible demand resources Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Technology. Helsinki, May 26th, 2017 Supervisor: Professor Sanna Syri Advisor: Outi Matikainen, M.Sc. (Tech.) Aalto-yliopisto, PL 11000, 00076 AALTO www.aalto.fi Diplomityön tiivistelmä Tekijä Santeri Oksanen Työn nimi Participation in ancillary service and physical electricity markets with flexi- ble demand resources Koulutusohjelma Energia- ja LVI-tekniikan koulutusohjelma Pää-/sivuaine Energiatekniikka Koodi Ene Työn valvoja Professori Sanna Syri Työn ohjaaja(t) Diplomi-insinööri Outi Matikainen Päivämäärä 26.5.2017 Sivumäärä 63 Kieli Englanti Tiivistelmä Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää keskisuurten sähkökuormien aggregointi- ja kysyntäjoustomahdollisuuksia sähköverkon tasapainottamiseksi. Fokus työssä oli taloudellisen kannattavuuden arvioimisessa. Työssä arvioitiin myös Fingridin ja Seam Oy:n välisen aggregointipilotin suorituskykyä taajuuden hallinnan näkökulmasta. Taloudellisten hyötyjen selvittämiseksi tutkittiin aluksi sekä Pohjoismaisia fyysisiä sähkömarkkinoita, että Fingridin ylläpitämiä reservimarkkinoita. Markkinapaikkojen osalta arvioitiin sinne osallistuvilta kuormilta vaadittavia ominaisuuksia. Aggregointipilotista havaittiin rebound-ilmiön olevan merkittävä. Ilmiötä havaittiin kuitenkin voitavan pienentää laitosten ohjaukseen tehtävin pienehköin muutoksin. Lopuksi työssä kehitettiin työkalu joustoon kykenevän kuorman säästöpotentiaalin arvioimiseksi kysyntäjoustoratkaisuja käyttöön otettaessa. Työkalua esiteltiin optimoimalla pakkasvarastolta saatuja sähkön kulutustietoja, eri markkinoille osallistuessa. Tuloksista havaittiin spot-optimoinnin lisäksi kapasiteetin myymisen taajuudenhallintareserveihin tuovan selkeimmät säätöt laitoksen sähkön hankintakustannuksiin. Avainsanat Kysyntäjousto, sähkömarkkinat, aggregointi, reservimarkkinat, taajuussäätö, spot-optimointi Author Santeri Oksanen Title of thesis Participation in ancillary service and physical electricity markets with flexible demand resources Degree programme Energy Technologies Major/minor Energy technology Code Ene Thesis supervisor Professor Sanna Syri Thesis advisor(s) Outi Matikainen, M.Sc. (Tech.) Date 26.5.2017 Number of pages 63 Language English Abstract The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the possibilities for demand response and aggregation for medium sized electric loads to balance the electric grid. The focus was on estimating the achievable economic benefits. The thesis also evaluated the performance of a pilot project on aggregating resources for frequency regulation reserves. To evaluate the economic benefits the physical and ancillary electricity markets in the Nordic countries was analyzed first. For each marketplace, general requirements for a load to participate was presented. In the pilot project, the rebound-effect was seen significant. It was however also noted, that it is possible to reduce the effect by relatively small changes in the facilities control principles. Finally, a tool was developed to evaluate the economic benefits achievable by introducing demand response activities to a flexible load. The tool was demonstrated by optimizing the electricity consumption of a cold storage facility when participating in different mar- kets. From the results, it can be seen that the combination of spot optimization and par- ticipation in the frequency controlled reserves are the most lucrative scenarios. Keywords Demand response, electricity markets, aggregation, ancillary service, fre- quency regulation, spot-optimization Acknowledgements This master’s thesis has been written for Seam Oy between fall of 2016 and the spring of 2017. The work discusses the benefits of introducing demand response in many forms for customers with flexible, controllable loads. Mostly, I would like to thank Jukka Jaatinen at Seam Oy for providing me with this very interesting and actual topic and the support while writing it. It was very interesting to study the field, as there is a lot of ongoing research and piloting. I would also like to thank my advisor, Outi Matikainen, very much, as she guided me during the process and insight about the Nordic electricity markets. Laura Ihamäki at Fingrid gave me valuable information about the ancillary markets operated by Fingrid. It was also very interesting to meet with Seam’s customers. Finally, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to my supervisor, professor Sanna Syri, who encouraged me to speed up with the thesis to finish my thesis prior to the sum- mer holiday season. In Helsinki May 26th, 2017 Santeri Oksanen Table of Contents Tiivistelmä Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents .............................................................................................................. 1 Used symbols .................................................................................................................... 3 List of abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 4 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Power balance in the electric grid ...................................................................... 5 1.2 Demand response ............................................................................................... 6 1.3 Research questions ............................................................................................. 6 2 Electricity markets in the Nordic countries ............................................................... 8 2.1 Elspot-market ..................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Elbas ................................................................................................................. 11 2.3 Flexible loads in the physical electricity markets ............................................ 12 2.4 Summary .......................................................................................................... 12 3 Ancillary services .................................................................................................... 13 3.1 The frequency containment process ................................................................. 13 3.2 Frequency containment reserves ...................................................................... 14 3.2.1 Market size ................................................................................................ 15 3.2.2 Normal frequency containment reserves (FCR-N) ................................... 17 3.2.3 Disturbance frequency containment reserves (FCR-D) ............................ 20 3.2.4 Activation of FCR-D relay decoupled loads ............................................. 21 3.3 Reporting of FCR-capacity availability ........................................................... 22 3.4 Frequency restoration reserves (FRR) .............................................................. 23 3.4.1 Automatic frequency restoration reserves (aFRR) .................................... 23 3.4.2 Balancing power market ........................................................................... 25 3.4.3 Quick disturbance reserves ....................................................................... 27 3.4.4 Balancing power capacity markets ........................................................... 27 3.5 Balance settlement ............................................................................................ 28 3.6 Summary .......................................................................................................... 29 4 Case study ............................................................................................................... 31 4.1 Similar studies .................................................................................................. 31 4.2 Seam ................................................................................................................. 32 4.3 Participating resources ..................................................................................... 33 4.3.1 Heat pump ................................................................................................. 33 4.3.2 Cold storage .............................................................................................. 33 4.3.3 Small hydropower plant ............................................................................ 33 4.4 Rebound effect ................................................................................................. 34 4.4.1 Reasons for rebound effect........................................................................ 35 4.4.2 Possibilities to reduce the rebound effect ................................................. 38 4.5 Economic feasibility ......................................................................................... 38 4.5.1 Cold storage facility .................................................................................. 38 4.5.2 Hydropower plant...................................................................................... 39 4.6 Experience gained from the pilot ..................................................................... 40 5 Suitable loads for demand response ........................................................................ 42 2 5.1 General requirements ....................................................................................... 42 5.1.1 Storage capacity ........................................................................................ 42 5.1.2 Measurement ............................................................................................. 43 5.1.3 Controllability ........................................................................................... 43 5.1.4 Process dependencies ................................................................................ 44 5.2 Available control capacity ................................................................................ 44 5.3 Potential for demand response in the industry in Finland ................................ 45 6 Simulating a flexible load ....................................................................................... 47 6.1 Common assumptions ...................................................................................... 47 6.2 Simulator properties ......................................................................................... 47 6.2.1 Constraints ................................................................................................ 48 6.2.2 Cost function ............................................................................................. 48 6.3 Scenarios .......................................................................................................... 49 6.4 Optimized load and properties ......................................................................... 50 6.5 Examples of optimized consumption of electricity .......................................... 51 6.5.1 Consumption on January 7th ...................................................................... 51 6.5.2 Consumption on July 26th ......................................................................... 52 6.6 Results .............................................................................................................. 53 6.7 Suggested demand response strategy ............................................................... 54 6.7.1 Frequency controller driven load .............................................................. 54 6.7.2 On/Off controllable load ........................................................................... 55 6.8 Sources of uncertainty ...................................................................................... 56 6.9 Summary .......................................................................................................... 57 7 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 58 3 Used symbols C Capacity CR Capacity requirement E Energy f Frequency H Inertia J Moment of inertia P Power R Reserve capacity t Time T Temperature 4 List of abbreviations aFRR Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves AC Alternating Current COBYLA Constrained Optimization by Linear Approximation COP Coefficient of Performance DC Direct Current DI Dimensioning Incident DR Demand Response EV Electric Vehicle FCR Frequency Controlled Reserve FCR-N Frequency Controlled Reserve, Normal FCR-D Frequency Controlled Reserve, Disturbance FRR Frequency Restoration Reserve FRR-M Frequency Restoration Reserve, Manual ICT Information and Communication Technology TSO Transmission System Operator 5 1 Introduction To keep the lights on at homes and city streets, factories running and refrigerators cold, the consumption and generation of electricity must match each other at every moment. Due to the fluctuating nature of electricity consumption, this might be a challenging task. Traditionally electricity has been produced mainly by large centralized power plants run- ning on for example coal, nuclear, gas or hydro power. The power output of these sources of electricity are controllable by nature, and thus the natural solution has been to adjust the output of power plants to match the demand of electricity. (International Energy Agency, 2016) Due to raising concerns about climate change – mainly caused by the combustion of fossil fuels – there has been growing interest and actions to replace the traditional fossil fuel based electricity generation with new renewable sources, such as wind and solar power. Many of these new sources of electricity are intermittent by nature, and as such they are hard – if not impossible – to adjust to match with the demand of electricity. This raises the transmission system operators (TSO’s), who are responsible for the balance of power generation, with new challenges of how to keep the balance between power generation and consumption. (IPCC, 2014) One obvious part-solution is to adjust demand to match with generation. In the past, this has been hard to accomplish, but the rapid development in the Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITC)-sector during the last decades has not only lowered the price of programmable logics and data communications, but also increased their reliabil- ity significantly. This together with the rise of renewable power generation has led in growing interest towards demand response (DR) solutions. 1.1 Power balance in the electric grid The frequency of the Alternating Current (AC) electric grid is typically – depending on the market – rated either at 50 or 60 Hz. Any small mismatch between the generation and consumption of electricity is seen as small fluctuation in the actual frequency. If there is too little generation, the frequency drops below the rated value, and vice versa if there is too much generation (Fingrid, 2016b). Traditional power generation is based on large turbines and synchronous generators, which means that the rotation speed of the turbine and the generator is always an exact multiple of the grid frequency. This causes the turbine and the generator to slow down if the frequency of the grid is decreasing, and vice versa when the frequency is increasing. The masses of the turbine and generator are heavy, and thus the inertia of the combination is high. High inertia leads to natural resistance towards changes in the frequency, as the decrease in frequency leads to the turbine and generator to release extra energy when decelerating, or absorb extra energy when accelerating in the occasion of the frequency increasing, which balances the grid. The inertia (H) of a generator is calculated according to the following formula, where the kinetic energy stored in the rotating turbine-generator is divided by the rated power of the generator. The result represents how many seconds the generator could provide power without power input from the turbine. 𝐻 = 𝐸𝑘𝑖𝑛 = 𝐽(2𝜋𝑓𝑚)2 (1) 𝑃𝑅 2𝑃𝑅 6 New renewable energy generation based on wind or solar power does not have inbuilt inertia, as the produced electricity is converted to AC via an inverter, which is not featur- ing rotating masses. Thus, the grid frequency gets more volatile as the share of these renewables grows. In particular, the frequency drop caused by a drop of a large generating unit grows significantly (Biegel, Westenholz et al. 2014). If the difference between the rated and the actual frequency grows too much, the appli- ances connected to the electric grid may be damaged. There is also a high chance of a blackout. Due to these reasons, the TSO’s have defined an allowed band in which between the frequency may alter. To keep the frequency within the allowed limits, the TSO’s are purchasing balancing reserves that are activated according to grid frequency. 1.2 Demand response The rise of the ICT-sector during the last decades has revolutionized how people com- municate with each other and how they search for information. While the driving forces of the development have been in peoples need to communicate with each other and search for information, it has also led to a reliable and affordable data communication possibili- ties available worldwide. Additionally, the rapid development in power electronics has speeded up the deployment of new innovations such as frequency converters, which al- lows the processes that utilize this kind of controls to tune their energy consumption ex- actly. Taking these two factors into account, adjusting demand according to external fac- tors – such as power balance – has become both technically and economically feasible. Demand response may be divided to multiple categories: - Load shifting - Load following - Peak shaving As the name indicates, load shifting indicates a process where load is shifted from expen- sive to cheaper hours. Cold storage facilities are an example of such consumers which may benefit from this service, as the storage facility may be chilled more when the elec- tricity is more affordable, and in return let the temperature rise during expensive hours. Generally, all consumption with inbuilt storage capabilities are a good fit for load shifting. (Siano, 2013; Jaatinen, 2016) Load following on the other hand translates to consumption following the momentary load balance more accurately, adjusting its consumption based on for example grid fre- quency. As with load shifting, this kind of controls works perfectly with consumption that has inbuilt storage capabilities, but the required timeframe is shorter, as the consumption is moved for a shorter time. (Jaatinen, 2016) The simple reduction of consumption during peak-hours translates to peak shaving. Sep- arating it from load shifting is not simple, and basically all load shifting means peak shav- ing at the same time. Peak shaving does not however require shifting the consumption to a later time. An example could be a swimming pool heating, which is turned off during peak consumption hours. The temperature of the pool is reduced during these hours, but it may be acceptable due to reductions in the heating bill. (Siano, 2013; Jaatinen, 2016) 1.3 Research questions This thesis starts by presenting both the physical and ancillary electricity markets in the Nordic countries. The goal of this part is to define the marketplaces that are the most

Lopuksi työssä kehitettiin työkalu joustoon kykenevän kuorman säästöpotentiaalin arvioimiseksi From the results, it can be seen that the combination of spot optimization and par- ticipation in the .. consumption of electricity is seen as small fluctuation in the actual frequency. If there i
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