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Preview Part One Dayna Brons

Dayna Brons wy) Sree VICTIM IMPACT [ —— 4 Saskatchewan STATEMENT L veiovNone Ee Dasma Beers telesnin “Remo Humboldt Brent og Ofiace Daeg fe ale 02 Apr amis om aaa = * ism may boa pote dsp of sil or emacs roger Cay Sy yas the real ofthe commision of su olen, aswel asa deseiptonat he pee otc ease oe ty ‘stiach additional pages if you need mene space. : Lacalon Tosidentile Nun + ny siatem + sy unproven alesis += ay sosiments abn ary efftace for whi the oar wae aot convicted + an conptnt abou any itvide tier than the uence. who w ease + e.cen wit he court's epprovl, a opison orazeeriedation about te sentence athe offender ta snot eleva th mor los yous invol in the investigation or prosecution ot Yortrmy present detalis accouneaf de inpet the uence has bad on your life. The following seedens are exaisls of infusion you may wish include in your stiemest. You sre mat requted to sca ll of nfo nation, motional impact Deserbehow the offence has aTected you esnationaly, For exarple, tak of ‘your fifssiyl and 2 es «Yr lationsips Withers such ae your sponse, sly end eet St abluty te ork, ated school a ty and your feings, emarions ard reactions as lhey a a _ Physeal impuct Dose low te ozace hes atee’ you physically, Fe: exon + oxgsingphysieal psp, scutes lines, seayng disiguremest or physical « osaliztion orsargery yon heve had because of he oifence + sextnent, pysiorhtepy or medication you lve sed * themesd for nay fmthesteetpent or Ihe expectation thal yos wil eeeve farther wetianns and * tay permanent or Jog tea distil Economicimpact Descrioe how the offence has affecred you financially. For exam, think of xe of any property tha: was lost or damaged and the cost of repairs or -eplacernt + any financial loss die 10 missed ime fom werk, + the cost of uny medical expenses, therapy nr eaansellings + any eoss o fsses that are not savered by insurasee, Dleese noe that this is ot an applivatin for compensation or restitution. Fears farsecurity Desert any fers yot have fo Your Sooty or tat of your fay and fends or exaroe, hi "ences wl eget to conse: with the tender: and { emcers wi expect ta conelesween hs alfendcr and messes ef your fel er clos ends Dravsing, poem or iter a ‘You ray ne she space lo dra petore cr tea poe offs 7 wl hs nyu you express the impest tat the ofTnse hes hod AA wont Toth be ofa kode, he informs consid a sent We vs Layer Tanwar, M14 alae Lenore Saskatchewen Apishucottesarnt,, (RMR en ae® eae ale + oa bets [Fn the viet. a presentmy serena ene. {you complete this stateme Felons othe viii, ase cate she reatons wy you gid wo ad the nature oF your te thie day oF es 4, Slgnature of dedarant | Weirm Impoct Stutement of Caro! Broms motier of Dayna Brons. O Fle# gote-44e743 | Dam trying to put hough mm tying fo put my hou and feelirgs g Yogeltsr Mine Months te the olay agter we lad to day goodbye 4 cur Broun Eyed Gil, Dayna. Mane Broos. EF am Carel Brens, motkar of Dayna Brons, the anly girl onthe bus: Dayna succumbed 40 her thjurves five days otter “the Beerdend on Wednssd ay. Apré if, dos 8. Lremember te Dayne wae bern pery wurdly, jut a0 the day of her death usll be as jritely etched on my heart and bras. “The surprise. of Seeing Daynes AL head of dark hare and dark eyes tor the fist tine is evershadowed by rs) Sel he Shock that I will never see these bens ik beown eys this sh aunts me and causes 2nermens pen Dayne. fo he Hivd eben OF my Bur children and was born ow May Bi, I993- Duyra was generally a hoppy child beet che o @ lets did most frings with determination. (Although Dayna was dekemined, she dik sss tesunlly, had & synite or at least a. omirk on ‘her face, Teans didnt Dill easy from Dayne's eyes; but T believe L Sau: crear fan O68 She bok. her lag breath, Dayne worked hard to acheive her geals and wes Proud of her Geeomplsh ments but Dayna dd not seek the spothght, Dayne teak Aer Job Serrously, wheter wes Sports , Waring tables or 65 an Atdete Therapist Dugne had her * gume face as well as her relaxed fice There are several ploures of BagDayna, an the bench where she i indent or focused on the achon of her players There Are hundreds cee tore®ah Dayno's beasdfalats Seite thet teaches her eyes. TH always nae Belson. Dayna was fairly guied but dha Geo o ran | ey legjoyed Ufe -Rom sperts, band and dence te watching movies With family and Sreands, Dayoan was up fer almost anything , &S long 25 ib involoed Cee cream, Dayna was resilient ~flom receiuing O will cht ches On her forehead or her 5% biedidag te [ne-elong a portion of Aer Cerhfcoton exam te become gg Cartfied Athtehe theraprst- ‘a tile phe never gt +e enjog, Becoming & CerbFied Athletic Theraprst loos geung te be & Chart of her profeestanc! goats Working for he Humbelad Broncas tn the winter and the Saskatchewan SWAT Lacrosse teams tn the summer wos just sharing to lead be other possibihitves “Dayna's work ethic was noted 4 rrony~ Coaches and teachers ‘and proftesors , ae: classmates and supervisors as well O& gynployers and potentral employers. Mayne 00s able maintoin a Piendship wrth i © 4 sohile. berks 7" ler Log the players while berkg @ beg sister figure “te most of them. T have heard numevous shies from former classmates and team mates, employers ,eachers and instructors and plagers About hous Much Dayne cared, how hovd che worked Ond hou great Dayne waa ab her joo. Bat mace imporotty, Dayna was Cowing ane Compassionate; she wuly cared about pesple of ad ages: Some of He stories TZ ened were Stories Were about Daynas interest in others. A & store clerk wh 2 Dayne Pr hed ap equipment told me Dayne alsays took the time to ask @bout her sons whe played hockey. TP Dayre sew the boys at the rink, she would stop Yo talk te them :eend=ekeecbeott Hear FT Was alge teéd @ how Vhe door te Whe trainer's Yoom Was Oluroys open te ven Sie ypangest Players who might need 2 ner bkake lace ox packey helmet clip. Whe a4 yr ela dees ther, Dayna did thet. | | Be cared about the plagers she worked with but dida't talk about her jee ouch, She made sure de Whe Players received the treotment was, they needed. Brery Gmity told us De the weason “their gen get back, Plagny as Oyuicke as thay did afer an injury Dayna sus eopeciolly Parent with young Children and her grandparents She was alwans wi Usag, tou ft her grandparents and (olen te peie shor nyne uss willing te help m the. 4 gre & nj Te help me then she Cotld ,Zammn as & pre-school Childs er Grd as Dayna Uked 0 help wash ‘he £ she grew lp Dogna Would help plant he gerbes and ghert cook. me: Lice her Stblings Dagna teas expected 42 hele on fra farm. De pro WAS provd che could devo o Standard shrek ehaft eo and & Combe, T Couldnt breng myself Yo plant a garden “the past year because, | A) Dayne sual hebped me, L had difficulty decorating for [Christmes because Dayne wes aloays ere f help. Walking nfo the vink in Humbeldt Cs shill hard, Dur seecson tickub ave ix cibewe. the. epposibens plagers’ bench: Dayne. Would Gland on Yhe Branco“taim bench and lance. over her rignk shoulder 42 check Mf we were atthe gone Dayna. never comments 2 we werent ab He geme, be she always looked fir us. Ano I get to see a. boner rth tha years of her birth and deck, ws tke & punch in the (We heye qebte orden a ( everylime T see things Ike. that's BH tenrticerremnrer UMESIAECEE don't know when IN be ready 3 HF makes it rel One of Dayna’ fuvour ite things te de ih “ine. summer was Yo run through Yhe rews of cork bright eyes sparkled with curresity and laughter ac ghe ran wilh out-slretched Arms so her hende brushed dhe Corn- cfalks. T remember Shure .. seeing Dayna de tars SAS We summer of 80/7 - her fast Summer. @ ¢ Everywhere TE look mememories pop [into my heed - memorces of tra kids playing en the Sar, Dayne and her sibling s ustag The swing cross~bere be starng Prem their hands or legs. Dafne hed calleses on her hands as a child becencoe she opent oo Mruch me en the Monkey bars on the Stheel ploy strochere, Lhave memories of Dayne talking tn her sleep afer on exerting dey of Ki ndergarten Memorres of Dayna ixaring dresses everyidhere uebl Ge | because that is all she would wear Memories of Dayne dancing in ben the teapot Costume D sewed for the dance Chuo. Memerres of Dayne going from a dunce compebiven Straight Ye 0. hockey game ond not stakeng time to remove her makeup. Memerrres oF Dayne the year soccer, basketball, track+ field y fast pitch « Playing Ol Kinds of sports Ahvoug hou only te start over & few weeks tajer- Dayna

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