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“Paradoxal” new genus and species of the family Nitidulidae (Polyphaga: Coleoptera) from Afro-Madagascarean and Australian Regions PDF

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Preview “Paradoxal” new genus and species of the family Nitidulidae (Polyphaga: Coleoptera) from Afro-Madagascarean and Australian Regions

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 20(2): 274–298 25 DECEMBER 2011 “Paradoxal” new genus and species of the family Nitidulidae (Polyphaga: Coleoptera) from Afro-Madagascarean and Australian Regions “Парадоксальные” новые род и виды семейства Nitidulidae (Polyphaga: Coleoptera) из Афро-Мадагаскарских и Австралийских областей A.G. KIREJTSHUK А.Г. КИРЕЙЧУК A.G. Kirejtshuk, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia; CNRS UMR 7205, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CP 50, Entomologie, 45 Rue Buffon, F-75005, Paris, France. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] In the paper described are two new species of the genus Amphicrossus Erichson, 1843 (A. mi- crotuberculatus sp. nov. from Sudan and A. uhligi sp. nov. from Zambia: Amphicrossinae), one new species of the genus Meligethinus Grouvelle 1906 (M. zimbabwensis sp. nov. from Zimbabwe: Meligethinae), one new species from the genus Neopallodes Reitter, Reitter, 1884 (N. madagascarensis sp. nov. from Madagascar: Nitidulinae, Cyllodini) and one species of the new genus Gonoglypha gen. nov. (G. distinctissima sp. nov. from Australia (Queensland): Niti- dulinae, Cychramptodini). In the paper also some addition to the description of Meligethinus dolosus Grouvelle, 1919 from the eastern part of South Africa and some comments on sig- nificance of different characters, taxonomy and classifications of some groups of the family Nitidulidae are included. В статье описаны два новых вида из рода Amphicrossus Erichson, 1843 (A. microtuberculatus sp. nov. из Судана и A. uhligi sp. nov. из Замбии: Amphicrossinae), один новый вид рода Meligethinus Grouvelle 1906 (M. zimbabwensis sp. nov. из Зимбабве: Meligethinae), один новый вид рода Neopallodes Reitter, Reitter, 1884 (N. madagascarensis sp. nov. из Мада- гаскара: Nitidulinae, Cyllodini) и один новый вид из нового рода Gonoglypha gen. nov. (G. distinctissima sp. nov. из Австралии (Квинсленда): Nitidulinae, Cychramptodini). В статью так же включены дополнение к описанию Meligethinus dolosus Grouvelle, 1919 из восточной части Южной Африки и некоторые комментарии к значению различных при- знаков, таксономии и классификациям некоторых групп семейства Nitidulidae. Key words: Africa, Madagascar, Australia, Coleoptera, Nitidulidae, Amphicrossinae, Meli- gethinae, Nitidulinae, new genus, new species Ключевые слова: Африка, Мадагаскар, Австралия, Coleoptera, Nitidulidae, Amphicros- sinae, Meligethinae, Nitidulinae, новый род, новые виды INTRODUCTION (Ecuador); Bolivitoxus Kirejtshuk, 2009 (Bolivia) and Microsoronia Kirejtshuk et The recently elaborated generic system Kurochkin, 2010 (Baltic amber); one ge- of the family (Kirejtshuk, 2008) was added nus of Cillaeinae: Brittonema Kirejtshuk, by some further contributions. There have 2011 (Australia); one genus of Epuraeinae: been published three genera of the subfam- Baltoraea Kurochkin et Kirejtshuk, 2010 ily Nitidulinae: Neohebascus Cline, 2009 (Baltic amber); one genus of Cybocephali- © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes A.G. KIREJTSHUK. “PARADOXAL” NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE 275 nae: Pastillocenicus Kirejtshuk et Nel, 2008 During last dozens some undescribed (Oise amber); besides, three generic names genera and many new species, subfamily and were proposed in Meligethinae: Sebastian- generic attribution of which can be defined gethes Audisio, Kirk-Spriggs et Cline, 2008 due to some characters additional to the (South Africa); Restiopria Audisio, Jelínek traditional diagnoses of the taxa including et Cline in Audisio et al., 2011 (South Af- these new “paradoxal” forms have been re- rica) and Melipriopsis Kirejtshuk, 2011 covered. Nevertheless, relationship of these (Baltic amber), in press in addition to the new forms to the taxa where they are put classification published by Audisio et al. could be supposed with a rather high prob- (2009) with proposal of 22 new generic ability thanks to the additional characters names. In this classification of the last sub- considered in the paper. The present paper family all most taxa treated before as sub- deals with description of some such species genera were elevated to the generic level and one genus. The “paradoxal” forms pres- and some synonyms were reestablished as ent some difficulties for classification, al- valid genera. This large revision with many though they in addition to the fossil record important illustrations includes division can provide phylogenetic reconstruction “Generic (re) description and diagnosis” for with extremely valuable information. many taxa regarded by the authors as valid. Depositories. BMNH – The Natural However even these divisions have neither History Museum, London (formerly Brit- proper diagnosis nor comparison with clos- ish Museum of Natural History); MNHN – est taxa. As a result the concept of the au- Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, thors of this classification remains unclear Paris; QM – Queensland Museum, Bris- and can be scarcely discussed. Each genus bane; ZIN – Zoological Institute of the Rus- included in it is provided with a short divi- sian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg; sion “Phylogenetic position” that contains a ZMB – Zoologisches Museum an der Hum- description of placement of a certain taxon boldt Universität, Berlin. in the cladogram put in the end of this pub- lication. In the legend to this cladogram the RESULTS authors wrote that it was based on “72 mor- phological characters”, but no list of these Family NITIDULIDAE Latreille, 1802 characters and their distribution among Subfamily AMPHICROSSINAE the taxa included are supplied. Fortunately, Kirejtshuk, 1986 each generic taxon is provided with a list of Genus Amphicrossus Erichson, 1843 the species included. In practice nobody can identify many of genera sensu Audisio and Type species: Nitidula ciliata Olivier, Cline (Audisio et al., 2009) without knowl- 1811, recent (after designation by C.T. Par- edge on the species attribution of specimens sons, 1943). under identification. Because of difficulties Notes. Two new species described below of use of this classification the author of this differ from all congeners in the character paper considers the system of all subfami- of sculpture on dorsal integument and re- lies as it was outlined in Kirejtshuk, 2008. duction of isolation of the median plate of At the same time almost all species men- their mesoventrite (this plate is important tioned by Audisio et al. (2009) are known diagnostic feature of Amphicrossus: Parsons, to the author of this paper and he takes into 1972 etc.). The lack of a clear isolation of consideration the concept of the mentioned the median plate of the mesoventrite co- authors and probable incongruence which incides with anterolateral continuations can appear if somebody tries to apply only very gently sloping in the anterior part and to one of these versions of the classification a more gentle curve of the median plane of of Meligethinae. the mesoventrite in general, while in the © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 274–298 276 A.G. KIREJTSHUK. “PARADOXAL” NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE congeners the median plate of the mesoven- Diagnosis. This new species differs from trite looks like a continuation of plane of all known congeners in the elongate and the metaventrite, which is sharply declined comparatively rather weakly convex body. anteriorly and separated from the anterior Besides, in contrast to almost all congeners parts of mesoventrite by distinct ridges. it has also the very short and shallow me- These features in addition to the not even- dian furrow in the anterior part of meso- ly convex elytra and comparatively weak ventrite between rather small paramedian convexity of their dorsum in general make plates. As the A. uhligi sp. nov. it has also the these species very distinct among the mem- not isolated median plate of mesoventrite, bers of the subfamily. Nevertheless differ- comparatively narrow and curved male ences in the structure of male genitalia and metafemur and particularly not punctured genital capsule as well as other peculiarities but microtuberculate dorsal integument. A. (see the diagnoses below) are evidence that microtuberculatus sp. nov. differs from the these new species are scarcely close relatives latter in the more slender body with the less and the similarity mentioned above did not arcuate sides, shallowly excised anterior appear as a sequence of a common ancestry. edge of pronotum, and subflattened dorsum (particularly pronotum), much finer micro- Amphicrossus microtuberculatus sp. nov. tuberculation of dorsal integument, outline (Figs 1–12) of anterior edge of labrum, subhemicircular Material examined. Holotype, male antennal club, presence of clear paramedi- (BMNH) – “Sudan, Nuba Mountains, Talodi, xii- an brushes at distal third of elytral suture 1921, Capt. F. Moysey”, “Brit. Mus., 1922–194”. in male, longer male pygidium, shape of Figs 1–5. Amphicrossus microtuberculatus sp. nov. Holotype, male: apex of ultimate abdominal seg- ment, ventral (1); anal sclerite, ventral plate and spiculum gastrale, ventral (2); tegmen, ventral (3); idem, lateral (4); idem, posterior (5). Scale bars: 1.4 mm (1), 0.7 mm (2–5). © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 274–298 A.G. KIREJTSHUK. “PARADOXAL” NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE 277 Figs 6–12. Amphicrossus microtuberculatus sp. nov. Holotype, male: body, dorsal (6); idem, ventral (7); idem, lateral (8); sculpture of pronotum and elytra (9); head, dorsal (10); idem, ventral (11); prosternum and mesoventrite, ventral (12). Body length 7.4 mm. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 274–298 278 A.G. KIREJTSHUK. “PARADOXAL” NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE Figs 13–19. Amphicrossus uhligi sp. nov. Holotype, male: body, dorsal (13); idem, ventral (14); idem, lateral (15); sculpture of pronotum and elytra (16); head, dorsal (17); idem, ventral (18); prosternum and mesoventrite, ventral (19). Body length 8.3 mm. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 274–298 A.G. KIREJTSHUK. “PARADOXAL” NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE 279 ultimate labial and maxillary palpomeres, gidium ciliate by long, dense and compara- longer median plate and very short para- tively thick hairs about as long as hairs on median plates, curved metafemora, longer underside. hypopygidium with only a very short and Head, pronotum and elytra without narrow shining median stripe along its puncturation, but with rather small and posterior edge and narrower movable lobe dense diffuse tubercles (protuberances), di- almost completely concealed under plate ameter of which is markedly less than half of the hypopygidium. By the general body of that in eye facets and which are becom- outline, presence of paramedian brushes ing inclined posteriorly on elytra, inter- at elytral suture in male, structure of ulti- spaces between them looking like about as mate visible male abdominal segment, male great as tubercles. Pygidium and exposed genital capsule and genitalia this new spe- abdominal tergite with very fine, shallow cies is similar and seems to be related to A. and dense punctures, interspaces between namibiensis Kirejtshuk, 1987 from Namibia them greater than a puncture diameter and but rather distinct from the latter in the very densely microreticulated. Underside lighter body, clear microtuberculation on with medium-sized, shallow, but distinct the dorsum (instead of usual puncturation punctures, interspaces between them 4–5 on the dorsum in both other species), much times as great as a puncture diameter and shorter dorsal pubescence, shallower exci- very smoothly microreticulated. sion of anterior edge of pronotum, lack of Head flattened and about as long as the adsutural lines on elytra and shape of lateral distance between moderately large eyes lobes of the tegmen. Analogous similarities (consisting of medium-sized facets), trans- and differences can be also observed com- verse diameter of the latter nearly as a third paring this new species and A. pubisetosus of the distance between eyes, its anterior Kirejtshuk, 1987 from Sudan, however, in edge transverse and with rounded lateral contrast to the new species, the latter also angles. Lobes of labrum slightly exposed, characterised by very distinct structure of subhemicircular and with a comparatively last abdominal segment with widely trans- deep excision between. Mandibles slightly verse apex of hypopygidium bearing a far exposed from under lobes of labrum. An- projecting median movable lobe. tennae somewhat shorter than head wide; Description of male (holotype). Length their club composing about 2/7 of total 7.4, breadth 2.6, height 1.2 mm. Feebly con- antennal length, suboval, slightly longer vex dorsally and moderately convex ven- than wide and with ultimate antennomere trally; dorsum light brownish to reddish; rather blunt at apex. Pronotum widest be- underside, appendages and abdominal ter- fore base and regularly very widely rounded gites nearly straw reddish; dorsum nearly anteriorly, with subflattened disk (to sub- mat and underside with a fat shine; dorsum depressed in the middle) and gently sloping with rather fine, suberect and slightly con- to narrowly bordered (not explanate) sides, spicuous yellowish hairs more than twice anterior edge weakly trapezium-like ex- as long as distance between their insertions cised, posterior edge shallowly emarginate, and, besides, there are sparse and markedly posterior angles widely rounded. Scutellum longer hairs diffuse on head and pronotum subpentagonal with rounded apex, almost but arranged in longitudinal rows on ely- two thirds as wide as long. Elytra nearly tra; underside with much longer, fine and 1 and 1/2 as long as wide combined, with moderately conspicuous hairs (particularly maximum width near midlength, distally on prosternum); elytra with paramedian gradually narrowing to obliquely truncate brushes at distal third of suture; sides of apices, which are forming a very shallow pronotum, elytra and abdominal segments sutural angle, steeply sloping to very nar- as well as apices of pygidium and hypopy- rowly subexplanate lateral edges, adsutural © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 274–298 280 A.G. KIREJTSHUK. “PARADOXAL” NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE lines not expressed. Pygidium slightly con- Genital capsule. Anal sclerite with arcu- vex, slightly wider than long and widely ate apex; ventral plate with very short lobes. subtruncate at apex. Aedeagus. Tegmen heavily sclerotised Ultimate labial palpomere about twice and rather long; penis membraneous and as long as thick, slightly and gradually without any clear armature in its inner sac. thickening apically. Ultimate maxillary pal- Etymology. The epithet of this new spe- pomere almost four times as long as thick, cies refers to a characteristic sculpture of its subcylindrical and slightly narrowing at dorsal integument. apex. Mentum subpentangular, somewhat more than twice as wide as long, rectilinear Amphicrossus uhligi sp. nov. lateral edges only slightly shorter than men- (Figs 13–25) tum at midline. Antennal grooves distinct and widely arcuate. Prosternum gently con- Material examined. Holotype, male (ZMB) – vex along the middle and with flat process “Zambia, 26–29.III.1993, 15°02´S/26°00´E, Chunga Camp, Kafue NP, lux, leg. U. Göllner”. moderately widened at subtruncate apex, Diagnosis. This new species is rather which is about 5/6 as wide as antennal club. similar to the previous one (see the above Distance between mesocoxae somewhat diagnosis). The aedeagus of it is more or more than 2.5 times and that between meta- less similar to that in A. concolor Murray, coxae somewhat more than twice as great 1867 widely spread in the Afrotropics and as that between procoxae. Median plate of A. fuligorufus Kirejtshuk, 1995 from Zaire mesoventrite somewhat longer than wide although lateral lobes of tegmen are rather along its posterior edge and without ante- rior ridges; paramedian plates of mesoven- different. Amphicrossus uhligi sp. nov. dif- trite rather short, about a third as long as fers from both in its more slender body with median plate and with a slightly traceable less convex dorsum and completely exposed short furrow between them. Metaventrite pygidium (not covered with the elytral subflattened along the middle, with subme- apices), characteristic sculpture of dorsal socoxal lines following closely the posterior integument, structure of mesoventrite and edge of cavity and slightly deviating only last abdominal segment (particularly in the at outer angle of metaventrite. Submeta- very short movable lobe at apex of hypopy- coxal line following closely posterior edge gidium); and also from the first in the some- of cavity. Abdominal ventrite 1 longest, al- what elongate antennal club and shape of most as long as ventrites 2 and 3 combined prosternal process; and from the second in and somewhat longer than hypopygidium, the subunicolourous body. which is subtruncate at apex and bearing a Description of male (holotype). Length very small smooth stripe along the middle 8.3, breadth 3.5, height 1.8 mm. Feebly con- of its posterior edge. Movable lobe of hypo- vex dorsally and moderately convex ven- pygidium comparatively small and narrow, trally; dorsum light brownish to reddish; scarcely exposed from under its apex. Epi- underside, appendages and abdominal ter- pleura slightly elevated laterally and about gites nearly straw reddish; dorsum nearly as wide as antennal club at base. mat and underside slightly shining; dorsum Tibiae of usual structure, about as wide with rather fine, subrecumbent and slightly as antennal club at apex, comparatively nar- conspicuous yellowish hairs about twice as row and rather long; spurs rather strong and long as distance between their insertions stout. Femora of usual shape and compara- and, besides, there are sparse and markedly tively narrow, 1.7–2.2 times as wide as tibi- longer hairs diffuse on head and pronotum ae. Protarsus about half as wide as protibia, but arranged in longitudinal rows on elytra; meso- and metatarsi somewhat narrower; underside with much longer, fine and mod- claws simple and about as long as tibial spurs. erately conspicuous hairs; elytra without © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 274–298 A.G. KIREJTSHUK. “PARADOXAL” NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE 281 Figs 20–25. Amphicrossus uhligi sp. nov. Holotype, male: anal sclerite, ventral plate and spiculum gastrale, ventral (20); tegmen, ventral (21); idem, lateral (22); idem, posterior (23); penis trunk, dorsal (24); armature of inner sac of penis (25). Scale bar: 0.7 mm. paramedian brushes at distal third of suture; and cellularly microreticulated interspaces. sides of pronotum, elytra and abdominal Elytra with tubercles shallower and sparser segments as well as apices of pygidium and than those on head and pronotum, becoming hypopygidium ciliate by long, dense and inclined posteriorly and partly dislodged by comparatively thick hairs about as long as very shallow punctures along sides and at hairs on underside. apices, interspaces between them somewhat Head and pronotum and elytra without greater than tubercles and with fine cellular puncturation, but with small and dense dif- microreticulation. Pygidium and exposed fuse tubercles (protuberances), diameter of abdominal tergite with very fine and dis- which is nearly as great as that in eye fac- tinct punctures, interspaces between them ets, interspaces between them looking like about three times as great as a puncture di- about as great as tubercles. However along ameter and very densely microreticulated. sides and anterior edge of frons there are Underside with punctures somewhat larger visible clear small punctures with finely than those on pygidium, interspaces be- © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 274–298 282 A.G. KIREJTSHUK. “PARADOXAL” NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE tween them 4–5 times as great as a puncture the middle and with flat process moderately diameter, smooth to very smoothly micro- widened at widely rounded to subtruncate reticulated on thoracic sclerites, and finely apex, which is about as wide as antennal and cellularly reticulated on abdomen. club. Distance between mesocoxae about Head flattened and about as long as the three times and that between metacoxae distance between moderately large eyes about 1 and 1/2 as great as that between (consisting of medium-sized facets), trans- procoxae. Median plate of mesoventrite verse diameter of the latter nearly as a third markedly shorter than wide along its poste- of the distance between eyes, its anterior rior edge and without anterior ridges; para- edge transverse and with rounded lateral median plates of mesoventrite short, about angle. Lobes of labrum with inclined lateral half as long as median plate and with a clear sides and a comparatively narrow excision furrow between them. Metaventrite subflat- between. Mandibles slightly exposed from tened along the middle, with very subme- under lobes of labrum. Antennae somewhat socoxal line following closely the posterior shorter than head wide; their club com- edge of cavity and slightly deviating only at posing about 2/7 of total antennal length, outer angle of metaventrite. Submetacoxal subovoid, about 1 and 1/3 as long as wide line following closely the posterior edge of and with ultimate antennomere angular at cavity. Abdominal ventrite 1 longest, almost apex. Pronotum widest before base and reg- as long as ventrites 2 and 3 combined and ularly very widely rounded anteriorly, with nearly twice longer than hypopygidium, slightly convex disk and gently sloping to which is subtruncate at apex and bearing a narrowly bordered (not explanate) sides, moderately small smooth stripe along the anterior edge moderately trapezium-likely middle of its posterior edge. Movable lobe excised, posterior edge shallowly emargin- of hypopygidium comparatively small and ate, posterior angles widely rounded. Scu- rather wide, slightly exposed from under its tellum subpentagonal with rounded apex, apex. Epipleura slightly elevated laterally more than twice as wide as long. Elytra and about 1 and 1/3 as wide as antennal nearly 1 and 3/8 as long as wide combined, club at base. with maximum width near midlength, dis- Tibiae of usual structure, somewhat tally gradually narrowing to very widely wider than antennal club at apex, compara- and separately rounded apices, which are tively narrow and rather long; spurs rather forming a moderately deep sutural angle, strong and stout. Femora of usual shape steeply sloping to very narrowly subex- and comparatively narrow, less than twice planate lateral edges, adsutural lines slight- as wide as tibiae. Protarsus only slightly ly traceable only at distal end. Pygidium narrower than protibia (about as wide as slightly convex, markedly wider than long antennal club), meso- and metatarsi some- and widely subtruncate at apex. Transverse what narrower; claws simple and about as apex of anal sclerite scarcely exposed from long as tibial spurs. under pygidial apex. Genital capsule. Anal sclerite with trun- Ultimate labial palpomere about twice cate apex; ventral plate with four moder- as long as thick, subcylindrical. Ultimate ately raised lobes. maxillary palpomere almost three times as Aedeagus. Tegmen heavily sclerotised long as thick, subcylindrical and scarcely and rather long; penis membraneous and narrowing only at apex. Mentum subpen- with two slightly sclerotised stripes in ar- tangular, somewhat more than twice as mature of its inner sac. wide as long, subrectilinear lateral edges Etymology. The epithet of this new species only slightly shorter than mentum at mid- is devoted to Manfred Uhlig, an old friend of line. Antennal grooves distinct and widely mine who collected many interesting beetles arcuate. Prosternum gently convex along in Africa of the South Hemisphere. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 274–298 A.G. KIREJTSHUK. “PARADOXAL” NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE 283 Subfamily MELIGETHINAE sp. nov. is more similar to some species of C.G. Thomson, 1859 Cyclogethes rather than to species of the Genus Meligethinus Grouvelle, 1906 rest genera. Meligethinus zimbabwensis sp. nov. is characterised by many characters Type species: Meligethinus humeralis similar to those in species of Meligethinus Grouvelle, 1906, recent (by monotypy). widely spread mainly in the Palaeotropics Notes. The new species of this genus and Micropria Grouvelle, 1899 from the having a peculiar shape of the (very wide Afrotropical Region, but differs from the bi-arcuate) depressions at the base of second in the somewhat larger body, striate pygidium shares also some other pecu- elytra, bi-arcuate depressions at the base of liarities with some representatives of the pygidium, longer frons and narrower pros- genera from the Indo-Malayan Region ternal process. The genus Meligethinus is (Cryptarchopria Jelínek, 1975; Cyclogethes rather diverse, but the new species differs Kirejtshuk, 1979; Horakia Jelínek, 2000; from all congeners in the bi-arcuate depres- Kabakovia Kirejtshuk, 1979), particularly sions at the base of pygidium and from most similar in the outline of dorsal sclerites, of them in the striate elytra. Nevertheless, transversely striate elytra, characteris- a trend to appearance of a transrugosity tic prosternal process and mesoventrite, is observed in some African species of the (sub) parallelepiped-shaped meso- and genus, although the completely striate in- metatibiae, acute apex of penis trunk and tegument of elytra was found only in one deeply excised tegmen. Nevertheless it dif- known species, Meligethinus dolosus Grou- fers from Cryptarchopria, Cyclogethes and velle, 1919 from the eastern part of South Kabakovia as from all other genera of the Africa or also south of Zimbabwe, which subfamily in the pygidium with a pair of has the simple arcuate depressions at base the above mentioned depressions at base, of its pygidium, as in most congeners. The and also from Cryptarchopria in the lack of differences between the latter and new prosternal median plate and unexpressed species are defined in the below diagnosis. sexual dimorphism in antennae; and also All the considered genera could be related from Kabakovia in the pair of the simply ar- to the widespread Meligethinus, species of cuate depressions at base of hypopygidium which are distributed as in many areas of (but not bi-arcuate depressions). Besides, Africa, Mediterranean, Palaearchearctic in contrast to Meligethinus, Cyclogethes has (East Chinese) Province and Indo-Malay- the dorsal integument between punctures an Region. The species of Meligethinus, Ka- very smooth and shining; and also Horakia bakovia, and Cryptarchopria are associated has not a pair of arcuate depressions at base with palm inflorescences (Audisio, 1993; of hypopygidium (structure of base of py- Kirejtshuk & Kabakov, 1997) and Hora- gidium is unknown in Horakia). Some spe- kia presumably also (Jelínek, 2000), while cies of the subgenus Clypeogethes Sholtz, there is nothing known on host plant of Mi- 1932 of the genus Meligethes Stephens, cropria and Cyclogethes. In the cladogram 1832 sensu Kirejtshuk, 1992 (i.e. includ- of Audisio et al. (2009) Micropria and Cy- ing some “genera” by Audisio & Cline in clogethes were placed in the clade different Audisio et al., 2009) have the same differ- from that uniting Kabakovia, Horakia and ences from the species of Meligethinus zim- Cryptarchopria together with Meligethinus, babwensis sp. nov. as those of Cyclogethes, however the argumentation for the separa- and species of Clypeogethes frequently tion of these clades has not been published. differ also in the shape of body, armature Besides, these cladogram and “phyloge- of protibiae, emarginate or excised ante- netic” interpretation proposed by Audisio rior edge of frons and other characters. et al. greatly conflict with the fossil record The aedeagus of Meligethinus zimbabwensis (Kirejtshuk, 2011 in press). © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 274–298

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