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P5: A Protocol for Scalable Anonymous Communication (cid:3) RobSherwood BobbyBhattacharjee AravindSrinivasan UniversityofMaryland,CollegePark,Maryland,USA fcapveg,bobby,sring@cs.umd.edu Abstract We present a protocol for anonymous communication over the Internet. Our protocol, called P5 (Peer-to-PeerPersonalPrivacyProtocol)providessender-,receiver-,andsender-receiveranonymity.P5 is designed to be implemented over the current Internet protocols, and does not require any special infrastructuresupport.AnovelfeatureofP5isthatitallowsindividualparticipantstotrade-offdegreeof anonymityforcommunicationef(cid:2)ciency,andhencecanbeusedtoscalablyimplementlargeanonymous groups.WepresentadescriptionofP5,ananalysisofitsanonymityandcommunicationef(cid:2)ciency,and evaluateitsperformanceusingdetailedpacket-levelsimulations. Keywords:AnonymousCommunication,Privacy,Peer-to-Peer 1 Introduction We present the Peer-to-Peer Personal Privacy Protocol (P5) which can be used for scalable anonymous communication over the Internet. P5 provides sender-, receiver-, and sender-receiver anonymity, and can be implemented over the current Internet protocols. P5 can scale to provide anonymity for hundreds of thousands ofusersallcommunicating simultaneously andanonymously. A system provides receiver anonymity if and only if it is not possible to ascertain who the receiver of a particular message is (even though the receiver may be able to identify the sender). Analogously, a system provides sender anonymity if and only if it is not possible for the receiver of a message to identify the original sender. A property common to all anonymous systems is their inability to provide perfect anonymity. This is because it is usually possible to enumerate all senders or recipients of a particular message. In general, the degree of sender/receiver anonymity is measured by the size of the set of people who could have sent/received a particular message. There have been a number of systems designed to provide receiver anonymity [7, 11], and a number of systems that provide sender anonymity [22, 26]. In these systems, individual senders (or receivers) cannot determine the destination (or origin) of messages beyondacertainsetofhostsinthenetwork. Notethatreceiveranonymityisrequiredbyapplications where theserver needstoremainhidden, e.g.,censorship resistant publishing, anonymous (cid:2)ledistribution, orany peer-to-peer application. We assume that an adversary in our system may passively monitor every packet on every link of a network,andisabletocorrelateindividual packetsacrosslinks. Thus,theadversary canmountanypassive (cid:3) ThisworkwassupportedbygrantsfromtheNationalScienceFoundation(ANI0092806and0208005)andunderITRAward CNS-0426683. This paper is an extended version of the original IEEE Security and Privacy 2002 conference paper. A list of extensionsisavailableinAppendixA. 1 attackontheunderlying networking infrastructure. However,theadversary isnotabletoinvertencryptions or read encrypted messages. The adversary can also read all signaling messages in the system. A direct implicationofthisattackmodelisthattheadversarycantotallyenumeratethenetwork(e.g.,IP)addressesof themembersofthesystem. Further,assumethatallmembersofthesystemhaveadigitalpseudonym (e.g., apublic/private keypair),whichbyassumption,theadversarycanalsoenumerate. Theadversary,however, cannot map particular keys to speci(cid:2)c addresses. Put another way, the crux of our (or any) anonymity protocol istoconceal themapping between digital pseudonyms and network addresses from theadversary. Last, assuming digital pseudonyms are implemented using public/private key pairs, we do not assume the existenceofafullPKI.Instead,weassumethatiftwopartieswishtocommunicate,theyareabletoretrieve thepublickeysoutofband(thisisdiscussed inmoredetailinSection2.7). The motivation for an attacker that can monitor arbitrary links comes from two observations. First, if a protocol is secure against a strong adversary that can monitor arbitrary links, then it is secure against a weakeradversarythancanonlymonitorasubsetoflinks. Forexample,anattackermaycompromiseanISP andmonitorallincomingandoutgoingtraf(cid:2)c. Inthiscase,anyclientsoftheISParesusceptibletoexposure (and thus have noanonymity) unless the anonymous protocol defends against this model. Another weaker, yet more realistic, adversarial model is the trap and trace model. Under this model, the attacker subverts the internal auditing equipment of the telephone company or ISP(s) to follow speci(cid:2)c links hop by hop iterativelybacktothesource(fromtheWiretappingstatues[3],thisisknownastrapandtrace). Ingeneral,it isdif(cid:2)culttoanalyzeaprotocol’ssecurityunderamultitudeofweakerpassiveattackmodels,soweassume a model that is a superset of all passive adversarial models. Second, we believe that this global passive attack is indeed possible as evidenced by the Echelon[4, 24] and Carnivore[1] projects. While the exact details of Echelon are not public, the project’s apparent goal is to gather intelligence by monitor multiple diversesourcesofinformation,includingglobalInternettraf(cid:2)c,i.e.,exactlytheproposedadversarialmodel. Some sources[18] even claim that Echelon intercepts an estimated 90 percent of global Internet traf(cid:2)c, motivating the existence of a protocol such as P5. Similarly, the FBI’s Carnivore system is installed in a number of ISPs across the country, and can be con(cid:2)gured, by court order, to capture packets to a given speci(cid:2)cation. WhiletheuseofEchelonandCarnivoreintheUnitedStatesisstrictlyboundbyconstitutional checks and balances, these systems do provide constructive evidence for our attack model. In many parts of the world, the Internet is pervasive enough that it is not possible to completely shut it down; however, online communication is extensively monitored and even used as a basis for political persecution. In these countries, asystemlikeP5 willlikelyproveusefulforfreeexchangeofideasonline. Oursystemprovidesreceiverandsenderanonymityunderthisratherstrongadversarialmodel,andaddi- tionallyprovidesthesender-receiveranonymity(orunlinkability)property. Withsender-receiveranonymity, the adversary cannot determine if (or when) any two parties in the system are communicating. P5 main- tainsanonymityevenifonepartyofacommunicationcolludeswiththeadversarywhocanidentifyspeci(cid:2)c packets sent toorreceived fromtheother endofthecommunication. Unlike previous knownsolutions, P5 can be used to implement scalable wide-area systems withmany thousand active participants, all of whom maycommunicate simultaneously. 1.1 ANaiveSolution Consider a global broadcast channel. All participants in the anonymous communication send (cid:2)xed length packets intothisbroadcast channel ata(cid:2)xedrate. Thesepackets areencrypted suchthatonlytherecipient ofthemessagemaydecryptthepacket,e.g.,byusingthereceiver’spublishedpublickey. Assumethatthere is a mechanism to hide, spoof, or re-write sender addresses, e.g., by implementing the broadcast channel using an application layer peer-to-peer ring. Every message is hop-by-hop encrypted, and thus is it not 2 possible to map a speci(cid:2)c incoming message to a particular outgoing message (in essence, each node acts as a mix[6]). It is possible that a node may not be actively communicating at a given time, but in order to maintainthe(cid:2)xedcommunicationrate,werequirethatthenodesendapacketanyway. Suchapacketwould beadummyornoisepacket,andanypacketdestined foraparticular receiverwouldbeasignal packet. This system provides sender anonymity, since all messages to a given receiver (in the case of a appli- cation layer peer-to-peer ring) come from a single upstream node, and the receiver cannot determine the original sender of the message. This system also provides receiver anonymity because the sender does not know where in the broadcast channel the receiver is or which host or address the receiver is using. Lastly, thissolution providessender-receiver anonymity fromapassiveadversarysincetheadversary isnotableto gain any information from monitoring any (or all) network links. Because all nodes send to the broadcast channel at a (cid:2)xed rate, all nodes send and receive at a (cid:2)xed rate independent of who they are communi- cating with, or how many signal messages are sent/received. Note that the adversary is not able to trace a message from sender to receiver because of the hop-by-hop encryption, and thus even if one end of the communication iscolluding withtheadversary, theanonymity oftheotherpartyisnotcompromised. This naive solution does not scale well due to its broadcast nature. As the number of people in the channel increases, the available bandwidth for any useful communication decreases linearly, and the end- to-end reliability decreases exponentially. Itispossible toincrease the bandwidth utilization andreliability by limiting the number of users in a broadcast channel. One possible solution would be to create a set of multiple, independent channels, but then two parties who want to communicate may be unable to because theyendupindifferentchannels. P5 isbased upon thisbasic broadcast channel principle; wescalethesystem bycreating ahierarchy of broadcast channels. Clearly, any broadcast-based system, including P5 will not provide high bandwidth ef(cid:2)ciency, both in terms of how many bits it takes a sender(cid:150)receiver pair to exchange a bit of information, andhowmanyextrabitsthenetworkcarriestocarryonebitofusefulinformation. Instead,P5 allowsusers to choose how inef(cid:2)cient the communication is, and provides a scalable control structure for securely and anonymously connecting usersindifferentlogical broadcast groups. WepresentanoverviewofP5 next. 1.2 SolutionOverview P5 scales the naive solution by creating a broadcast hierarchy. Different levels of the hierarchy provide different levels of anonymity, at the cost of communication bandwidth and reliability. Users of the system locally selectalevelofanonymityandcommunication ef(cid:2)ciencyandcanlocallymapthemselves toalevel which provides requisite performance. At any time, it is possible for individual users in P5 to decrease anonymity bychoosing amorecommunication ef(cid:2)cient channel. Unfortunately, itis not possible to regain stronger anonymity, as we will show in Section 3.4. Also, it is possible to choose a set of parameters that isnotsupported bythesystem(e.g.,mutuallyincompatible levelsofbandwidth utilization andanonymity). The P5 system has been extensively modi(cid:2)ed from its original conference[25] version, and a summary of thesemodi(cid:2)cationscanbefoundinAppendixA. 1.3 Roadmap Therestofthispaperisstructuredasfollows: wedescribetheP5algorithminSection2withspeci(cid:2)cdetails inSection3,andpresentasetofanalyticboundsonperformanceinSection4. Section5,weanalyzeresults frompacket-levelP5 simulator. WediscussrelatedworkinSection6. Wediscussfutureworkandconclude inSection7. Appendix [25]containsasummaryofupdates fromtheoriginalconference paper.[25] 3 2 The P5 Protocol P5 isbaseduponpublic-keycryptography. P5 doesnotrequireaglobalpublic-keyinfrastructure; however, wedoassumethatiftwoparties wishtocommunicate,theycanascertain eachother’s publickeysusingan out-of-band mechanism. AssumeN individuals1 wishtoformananonymous communication systemusing P5. Assumeeachof these P5 users have public keys K0;::: KN(cid:0)1. P5 will use these N public keys, called communication keystocreatealogicalbroadcast hierarchy. 2.1 The P5 logicalbroadcasthierarchy TheP5logicalbroadcasthierarchyisabinarytree(L)whichisconstructedusingthepublickeysK0;:::;KN(cid:0)1. Eachnode of Lconsists ofabit string ofaspeci(cid:2)ed length. Wepresent thealgorithm assuming each node ofLcontains bothabitstring andabitmask. Thebitmaskspeci(cid:2)eshowmanyofthemostsigni(cid:2)cant bits inthe bitstring arevalid. Though notstrictly necessary, the addition ofthe bit mask will signi(cid:2)cantly ease ourexposition. Weusethenotation(b/m)torepresentanode,i.e.,auser,inL wherebisthebitstring,and misthenumberofmatchedbits.2 The root of L consists of the null bit string and a zero length mask. We represent the root with the label (?/0). The left child of the root is the node (0/1) and the right child is (1/1). The rest of the tree is constructed as shown in Figure 1. For example, the node (0/1) represents the bit string 0 and the node (00/2)represents thebitstring00. Eachnode inLcorresponds toasingle userofP5. Messages are(unreliably) forwarded to asubset of allmembersofthesystem. Thatsubset ofmembers, called abroadcast channel, isdenoted CH(b/m). The set of nodes in a channel is de(cid:2)ned as follows: user A, joined at node (b0/m0), is in channel CH(b/m) if and only if the k most signi(cid:2)cant bits of b and b0 are the same, where k is de(cid:2)ned to be minfm;m0g. We callthiscommonpre(cid:2)xtestingthemin-common-pre(cid:2)x check. Thus,amessagesenttoachannelCH(b/m)issenttothreedistinctregionsoftheLtree: (cid:15) Local: AmessagesentonCH(b/m)issenttothe(b/m)node. (cid:15) Path to root: For each m0 < m, this message is also broadcast to all nodes (bm0/m0), where bm0 denotes them0-bitpre(cid:2)xofb. (cid:15) Subtree: Lastly,forallm00 > m,thismessageisalsosenttoallnodes(bj?/m00),wherebj?isanybit stringthatbeginswiththestringb. Figures2-5showexamplesofbroadcast channels. Notethatthesebroadcastchannelsshouldbeimplementedaspeer-to-peerunicasttreesintheunderlying network(andnotmulti-casttrees). Thesechannelsmaylosemessagesandrequirenoparticularconsistency, reliability, or quality-of-service guarantees. We describe the precise networking and systems requirements ofP5 andunderlying protocols inSection3.5. In general, communication ef(cid:2)ciency increases as the channel’s size decreases, corresponding to the channel’s mask size increasing. However, as we shall see, the anonymity of a node relates to the size of the channel which is communicates with, so this increase in ef(cid:2)ciency comes at an expense of reduced anonymity. ThedepthoftheLtreegrowsdepending onthenumberofpeopleinthesystem(N). 1ItisentirelypossiblethattheN keysbelongtondifferentindividuals,suchthatn<N.WediscussthisissueinSection2.6. 2ThisissimilartothenotationusedtonameCIDR[13]addressblocks 4 2.2 Mapping userstoL Weuseasecurepublichashfunction(H((cid:1)))tomapuserstoLnodes. ConsideruserA,withpublic-keyK . A Assume b = H(K ). User Awilljoin asanode insome channel ofthe formCH(b /m). Thelength of A A A the maskm,i.e.,which channel, ischosen independently by user Aaccording toalocal security policy, as described inSection2.5. Givenachosenchanneltojoin,theexactnodethatAhasjoinedtointhatchannel should be kept secret, and it should not be possible to determine which precise node a user is joined to. Thenodechoiceisonlylimitedtothesetofnodesthatpassthemin-common-pre(cid:2)x checkwiththechosen channel. Thus, given a public key, it is public knowledge which set of nodes a user may be in, but it is dif(cid:2)culttodeterminewhichspeci(cid:2)cnodeinthissettheuserhaschosen. Thisisthekeytotheanonymityof thesystem. We say a channel c is common between A and B if and only if messages sent to c are forwarded to both A and B. Suppose A and B join channels CH(b /m ) and CH(b /m ) respectively, and assume A A B B both know each other’s public key, K and K , respectively. Since A knows K , it can determine b ( A B B B b =H(K )); however, A does not know the value of m . Even without any knowledge of the masks, A B B B and B canbegin to communicate bybroadcasting tothe entire system, i.e.,by using the CH(?/0) channel. Unfortunately, this communication channel can be quite lossy since messages have a higher probability of gettinglostinthechannels(cid:147)higher(cid:148)upintheLtreeandCH(?/0)isthehighest/most lossycommunication channelofall. Also,ifchannelsarechosenuniformlyatrandomasafunctionofthepublickeys(asabove), thenthereisapproximately50%probabilitythatCH(?/0)willbetheonlychannelthatAandBwouldhave incommon! Our solution to this inef(cid:2)cient messaging is each user joins multiple channels on the logical tree. For eachjoinedchannel,usersgenerateanotherpublic-privatekeypair,calledroutingkey,whichiskeptdistinct from its main public key: its communications key. These routing keys are generated locally, and do not require any global coordination. In fact, it should not be possible to map a user’s routing key to their communication key, otherwise, the user’s anonymity can be compromised (using an Intersection attack, Section2.6). When user A joins a channel c, it periodically sends a message to the channel listing other channels that it is joined to. These messages serve as a routing advertisement, and alert nodes about more ef(cid:2)cient lateral routes along the lower levels of the L tree. In general, the advertisements from a node contains the set of channels it can directly reach, the set of channels it can reach using one other node, and so on. In effect,thesetroutingkeysgeneratelateral edgesinthetree. InSection4,weshowthattypically, eachuser needstojoinonlyafewchannels ((cid:20) 3)foranytwousersinP5 tohaveshortpaths((cid:20) 2channelcrossings) betweenthemwithhighprobability. With each user joining multiple channels, the communication proceeds as follows. Instead of sending messages through CH(?/0), A discovers multi-hop lateral routing paths from any of the channels it has joined to one of the set of channels speci(cid:2)ed by B’s communication key. By acquiring suf(cid:2)cient routing discovery messages, A then tries to send messages to some channel CH(b /m). As above, while A can B calculate b , the problem is it does not know which m B has chosen. In other words, A knows a set of B channels that B may be in, i.e., CH(b /0), CH(b /1), CH(b /2), ..., but not which speci(cid:2)c one. Let B B B A guess a value m, and send a message to CH(b /m). If m (cid:20) m , i.e., if the channel guessed is a B B superset ofB’schosen channel, then B can respond withthecorrect m ,and communication can proceed B more ef(cid:2)ciently. In this manner, A can probe for the correct channel that B has joined. However, if A has guessed an m that is strictly smaller than m , then B must ignore3 the message. Failure to do so results B 3Inpracticethistranslatestonotpassingthemessageuptotheapplicationlayer 5 inadifference attack (Section 2.6). Lastly, notethat thecommunication ef(cid:2)ciency isupper bounded bythe largestofthetwochannels chosenbyeitheroftheparticipants inacommunication. Wenotethatauserjoinsasetofchannelsonlywhenitentersthesystem,andshouldnotchangetheset of channels it is part of. Otherwise, once again, yet another intersection attack becomes feasible that can compromisetheiranonymity. 2.3 SignalandNoise Assuming packet sources cannot be traced from the broadcast messages (See Section 3.1 for the precise packet format), the protocol as described provides sender and receiver anonymity. We assume that each messagesisofthesamesizeandisencryptedper-hop,andthusitisnotpossibletomapanoutgoingmessage (packet) toaspeci(cid:2)c packet that thenode received inthepast. However,apassive observer canstill mount an easy statistical attack and trace acommunication by correlating apacket stream from acommunicating sourcetoasink. Thus, weadd the notion of noise to the system. The noise packets should be added such that a passive correlation attack becomes infeasible. There are many possible good noise-generation algorithms, and we usethefollowingsimplescheme. Each P5 user, at all times, generates (cid:2)xed amount of traf(cid:2)c destined to their advertised channel. A packettransmitted fromanodeisoneofthefollowing: (cid:15) Apacket(noiseorsignal)thatwasreceivedfromsomeincominginterfacethatthisnodeisforwarding ontosomeotherchannel(s). (Thepreciseforwarding ruleforP5 isdescribed inSection3.2). (cid:15) Asignalpacketthathasbeenlocallygenerated. (cid:15) Anoisepacketthathasbeenlocallygenerated. Note that a critical property of this system is that to an external observer, there is no discernible dif- ference between these three scenarios. In general, only the source and destination of acommunication can distinguish betweennoiseandsignalpackets. Theyaretreatedwithequaldisdainatallothernodes. Message DiscardAlgorithms Inanycommunication system without explicit feedback, e.g. ourchannel broadcasts, message queues may build at slow nodes or at nodes with high degree. In P5, members may simply drop any message they do not have the bandwidth or processing capacity to handle. The end-to- end properties of the system depend upon how messages are dropped. We have considered two different dropping algorithms: (cid:15) Uniformdrop: Thisisthesimplestschemeinwhichmessagesfromtheinputqueuearedroppedwith equalprobability untiltheinputqueuesizeisbelowthemaximumthreshold. (cid:15) Non-uniform drop: Inthisscheme, messages whicharedestined tolarger channels, i.e.,higher up in L aredroppedpreferentially. We have experimented with several variations of this scheme; the speci(cid:2)c scheme which we use for oursimulations dropspacketsdestined forhighernodeswithanexponentially higherprobability. If most of the end-to-end paths in a P5 network can use lateral edges, i.e. between channels at the same logical height, then this scheme provides lower drop rate. However any communication that mustuse(cid:147)higher(cid:148)channels haveproportionately highdrops. 6 2.4 SYN Vs. DataPackets One main draw back of the naive solution described in Section 1.1 is the need for at least one asymmetric decryption per packet. We can reduce this requirement to exactly one asymmetric decrypt per packet by encrypting a symmetric key in each packet, and then encrypting the packet data with the faster symmetric key,butthisisstillnotsuf(cid:2)cient. Modernasymmetrickeyalgorithmsarecapableofmaintainingontheorder of 100 decrypts per second in software [2]. So, in order to saturate a10Mb connection, this would require the(cid:2)xedpacketsizetobe100Kb,whichisinef(cid:2)cientformostapplications. ThegeneralP5 systemusesthe asymmetriccommunicationskeytonegotiateaper(cid:3)owsymmetricsessionkey,sothatfurtherpacketsinthe (cid:3)owcouldbedecryptedef(cid:2)ciently. WecallthepacketsencryptedwiththeasymmetrickeySYNpackets,and correspondingly, the packets encrypted with asymmetric session keydata packets. Each packet contains a plain-textbitdenotingSYNversusdatapacket,sothatthereceivingnodeknowshowtoprocessit. However, since the SYN/databit isin plain-text, adversaries can track connection initiations, which could be used to infer usage patterns, andultimately toreduce theanonymity ofthe sender. The solution to thisproblem, as follows from the naive solution, is to send SYN packets at constant, (cid:2)xed intervals, whether the sender is initiating aconnection ornot. So,like withpacket transmission before, ifnoSYNpacket isavailable tobe sent,anoiseSYNpacketissentinitsplace. Thisalsoimpliesthatconnection initiationhastowaituntilthe nextSYNpackettimeinterval,introducingaconnectionlatencytochannelsizelineartradeoff,asdescribed in Table 1. Separate SYN and data packet queues should be kept, and the dropping rules as mentioned in 2.3applyequallytobothqueues. 2.5 AnonymityAnalysis AssumenodeahasjoinedthechannelCH(b/m). Claim2.1 TheanonymityofanodecommunicatingusingchannelCH(b/m)isequivalenttothesizeofthe setofmemberswhoarepartthechannelCH(b/m). Proof. Weconsiderthesender-,receiver-,andsender-receiver anonymitycasesseparately. (cid:15) SenderAnonymity Sender anonymity is the size of the set of the nodes that could have sent a particular packet to a given host (say B). Areceiver whocan only monitor their ownlinks cannot determine the source of Channel Connection Size Latency(s) 25 1/4 50 1/2 100 1 200 2 400 4 800 8 1600 16 Table1: Broadcast ChannelSizesrelativetoConnection Initiation Latency: assumes100decrypts/s 7 a packet since this information is never included in the packet. A receiver, in collusion with a all- powerful passive adversary, however, canenumerate thesetofnodes whocould havesent thepacket bycomputingthetransitiveclosureofthesetofnodeswhohaveacausalrelationship withB. (Inthis case, nodes X and Y are causally related if X sent apacket to Y). This closure would becomputed oversome(cid:2)nitetimewindowontheorderoftheend-to-end latencyinthesystem. However,inP5 ,auserconnected toCH(b/m)sendspacketsataconstant rate(signalornoise),and thesepacketsarereceivedbyallusersinCH(b/m). Thus,thereisacausalrelationshipbetweenevery userinabroadcast channel. Additionally, vialateralpaths,nodestransmitpackets betweenchannels, andovertimeeverynodeinthesystemiscausallyrelatedtoeveryothernodeinthesystem. Suppose a malicious receiver tries to expose a sender that it is communicating with. Assume the communication stream is one way from the sender to the receiver. Given our assumption that the source IP address is obscured by the hop-by-hop retransmission, and that the packet contains no return addressing information, the malicious receiver is not able to distinguish the sender from any nodeinthesystem. Itcannotevenassertthatagivensetofnodesarenotthesender. (cid:15) ReceiverAnonymity When A sends a packet to B at channel CH((b /m ), every member of CH(b /m ) receives the B B B B packet. From the perspective of an external observer, the behavior of the system is exactly the same whether B receives the packet or not. Thus, B is indistinguishable from any other node in the same broadcast channel. Thus, B’s anonymity is exactly equivalent to the set of all users who receive the packet,namelythechannel CH(b /m ). B B (cid:15) Sender-receiver anonymity Sinceallnodesinthesystemsendataconstant rate,andallpackets arepair-wiseencrypted between eachhop,weclaimthatitisimpossibleforapassiveobservertodistinguishnoisefromsignalpackets. Since the observer cannot distinguish signal packets, it cannot discern if or when A communicates, andthus,itcannotdeterminewhenAiscommunicating withanyothernodeB. 2 Assume that the rate at which some user A sends packets does not change when it is sending signal versusnoisepackets. Inthiscase,thedistribution ofpackets, whethertheyaresignalpackets ornoise,does notaffectthesecurity ofthenode. Thus,aniceproperty ofoursystemisthattheanonymity ofanynodeA depends onlyuponthelengthofthemaskthatAiswillingtorespond to,nottherateatwhichittransmits. 2.6 Attacks Inthis section, weoutline anumber ofattacks common toallanonymity systems,and showwhyP5 resists them. (cid:15) Correlation Attack: Aswehavealreadyalluded,apassiveobserverwhoisabletodetectwhensignalpacketsaresentfrom the sender, and received by the receiver (independent of the content) is able to statistically correlate these events over time to discern that the two parties are communicating. If this adversary colludes withthesender,whoknowsthepseudonymofthereceiver,itispossibletomapthenode’saddressto the pseudonym, breaking the anonymity. In P5 this attack is thwarted because the adversary cannot discern signalpackets fromnoise. 8 (cid:15) Intersection Attack: If an adversary knows that a user is two different sets U and V, then the anonymity of the user is reduced to U \ V. If users are uniformly distributed across such sets thatcanbeintersected, thentheanonymity foranyuserinthesereduces exponentially withthenum- ber of intersecting sets. For example, suppose users communicate using both their routing keys and theircommunication key. Witheachkey,thereisacorresponding setofuserswhomayownthatkey. Thisleads toanintersection attack. Thisisthereasonausercommunicates withonlyonekeyinP5, androuting keyscannotbemappedbacktothecommunication keys. Notethatthisisalsothereason userscannotincreasetheiranonymitybeyondthesmallestsettheyhaveeverbeenmappedto. (cid:15) DifferenceAttack: IfanadversarycanmaptheusertosomesetU andcanassertthattheuserisnot insomeothersetV,thenitcanmaptheusertothedifference betweenthesetwosets,U (cid:0)V. For example, suppose user A has joined CH(b/m). In this case, it should ignore packets sent to any channel CH(b/m0) where m0 > m. If A does respond/react/acknowledge such packets, then A is divulging where in the L it is not. That is because the receiver set of CH(b/m0) is smaller than the receiver set CH(b/m), and now an adversary knows that A is not in the difference between the two channels. (cid:15) DoS (cid:3)ooding attack: Suppose a malicious user wants to reduce the ef(cid:2)ciency of the system by sending a large number of useless packets. P5 can withstand this type of an attack since we impose a per-link queue limit, and all the extra packets from the malicious user will be dropped at the very (cid:2)rsthop. NotethateventhelocalbroadcastchannelisnotaffectedbyaDoSattackaslongasthe(cid:2)rst non-colluding hopcorrectly implementsitsqueuelimits. (cid:15) Forwarding DoS attack: In P5 a sel(cid:2)sh node may chose drop traf(cid:2)c that is not its own. If the source and destination of the traf(cid:2)c are in different channels, one potential method to mitigate this attackistore-routetraf(cid:2)cthrough another, potentially longer,path. While section4providesbounds on the minimum length of the path between two channels, there are multiple paths between any two channels. In the case where the source and the destination of the traf(cid:2)c are in the same channel, it is still possible to re-route the traf(cid:2)c around a malicious node by forwarding the traf(cid:2)c to another channel,andthenbacktothedestination channel atadifferentpoint. (cid:15) DropRatePartitioning: Assumethatanattackerisinanextendedconversationwiththevictim,long enough tomeasuretheaverage rateatwhichpackets aredropped. Furtherassume thattheattacker is colluding with a number of other hosts in the system, and can obtain average drop rate information for these hosts, as well as their distances in hop counts. In the case of the naive solution with the broadcast ring,twoattackers, A andA ,canusethismethodtoreducetheanonymity ofthevictim, 1 2 V,asfollows. Sincethere isasingle paththrough thesystem,showing thatA hasalowerdrop rate 1 whentalkingtoV thanitdoeswhentalkingtoA impliesthatV isbetweenA andA ,otherwiseV 2 1 2 is not between them. In either case, someamount of ofanonymity is lost: this is adifference attack, asde(cid:2)nedabove. However, this attack breaks down in the general P5 case because there is not a single path through thesystem,anditisdif(cid:2)culttomakeassertions aboutthepathfromA toV relative tothepathfrom i A to A . For example, assume that A is communicating with V, and with A , and has measured i j 1 2 their respective drop rates, as above. Because there are in general many multi-hop lateral paths in thesystembetween anytwochannel, andthesender canchange between pathswithout notifying the receiver,itisnotpossibletomakeassertions aboutpathcharacteristics overtime. 9 2.7 ObtainingPublicKeysOutofBand P5 assumes that if Alice wishes to communicate with Bob, that she can obtain Bob’s public key out of bandfromthesystem. However,Alicemustbecareful howshedoesthis,astheactoffetching thekey,for examplequeryingapublicserverforBob’skey,couldpotentiallybreaktheanonymityofthecommunication beforeevenusingP5. OnepossibilityisAlicecouldobtainthekeyfromatrustedparty. Thisisnotasuseless a technique as it would appear at(cid:2)rst pass, because Alice needs someone to tell her about the existence of Bob, and to give Alice some reason for wanting to contact him. Another possible solution is a global directoryservicewhichpublishespublickeys,likeaphonebook. ThedownfallofthissolutionisthatAlice has to keep state for all public keys in the entire system. Amuch more elegant solution, however, isto run apublic key server as aservice in the P5 system itself. Thepublic key for the server could be well known in the system, and any communications to the server would be, by de(cid:2)nition, as anonymous as any other communication inP5. 3 Details WehaveimplementedP5 inapacketlevelsimulator,butthedetailsfromoursimulationwouldbeusefulin a(cid:147)real(cid:148)implementation aswell. 3.1 Packet Format We use (cid:2)xed length packets of size 1 KB. The (cid:2)xed packet length is used to eliminate any information an adversary can gain by monitoring packet lengths. The 1 KB size was chosen arbitrarily as a trade off betweenpacketfragmentation andcommunications ef(cid:2)ciency,andisnotintegraltothesystem. TheP5 headeronlycontainstheidenti(cid:2)erforthe(cid:2)rsthopdestinationchannel(a(b=m)pair),anda(cid:3)ag denoting a SYN versus data packet, as described in Section 2.4. In our simulation, b is a 32 bit unsigned integer, and m is a 6 bit integer. Since packets may need to be encapsulated, and each packet is the same size,eachpacketalsocontains apadding (cid:2)eldwhichisthesizeoftheP5 header. ThepayloadofaP5 SYNpacket contains asetof(cid:2)xedsize(cid:147)chunks(cid:148), eachofwhichisencrypted with thereceiver’spublickey. Thesechunksareformednaturallybymanypublic-keyencryptions. Thedecrypted data part of the P5 packet contains a checksum which the receiver uses to determine whether a packet is destined for itself or not. Each chunk can be decrypted independently; thus, a receiver does not need to decrypt an entire noise packet, it can discard a packet as soon as the (cid:2)rst chunk fails its checksum. For ef(cid:2)ciency, the (cid:2)rstchunk ofa signal packet mayalso include asymmetric cipher key for use in decrypting theotherchunks,assymmetriccipherdecryptions tendtobefasterthanasymmetricones. Regardlessofwhetherapacketdecryptsproperly,thereceiverscheduleseachpacketforfurtherdelivery withinthelocalchannel usingtheforwarding ruledescribed below. The(cid:2)rstchunkofasignalpacketcontainsanencryptedbitwhichdetermineswhetherapacketshouldbe forwarded onto someother channel, orwhether thepacket isdestined for thecurrent node. Italso contains a channel identi(cid:2)er for the ultimate destination for the packet, which the current node uses to choose an outgoing channel. When a node receives a packet with the (cid:147)forward(cid:148) bit set, it interprets the rest of the data as another P5 packet, and if possible, forwards it onto the speci(cid:2)ed channel. In the forwarding step, the process at a channelrouterisdifferentdepending onwhetherthepacketisatitsultimatechannelornot: 10

P5: A Protocol for Scalable Anonymous Communication Rob Sherwood Bobby Bhattacharjee Aravind Srinivasan University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
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