1 Outage Probability of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative Relaying Mohommadali Mohammadi†,Himal A. Suraweera‡,andXiangyun Zhou† † Research School of Engineering, The Australian National University, Australia ‡ Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Email: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] Abstract—In this paper, we analyze the performance relay selection is performed and [4] investigated the out- of cooperative transmissions in wireless ad hoc networks age performance of opportunistic relay selection for an with random node locations. According to a contention interference-freerandomnetwork.Theauthorsin[5]pro- 3 probability for message transmission, each source node posed four decentralized relay selection methods based 1 can either transmits its own message signal or acts as a on the available location information or received signal 0 potential relay for others. Hence, each destination node 2 strength and authors in [6] defined a quality of service can potentially receive two copies of the message signal, n one from the direct link and the other from the relay (QoS) region for relay selection to guarantee a target a QoS at the destination. Common to all these studies is link. Taking the random node locations and interference J into account, we derive closed-form expressions for the the simplifiedassumptionthatthe directlink isneglected 4 outageprobabilitywithdifferentcombiningschemesatthe or at most selection combining (SC) is used, where the 2 destination nodes. In particular, the outage performance destinationonlyselectsonelinkfromtherelayanddirect ] of optimal combining, maximum ratio combining, and links for data detection. To the best of our knowledge, T selection combining strategies are studied and quantified. I the ultimate benefit of cooperative transmission utilizing . s both the relay and direct links in such networks has not c I. INTRODUCTION been studied in the existing literature. Our main goal is [ Large-scale decentralized wireless systems such as ad to fill this important gap and enhance the fundamental 1 understanding of cooperative relaying in large-scale ad v hoc networks have attracted significant attention over 7 the last decade due to their wide range of practical hoc networks. 8 Inthispaper,weanalyzetheoutageperformanceofan applications. The multiuser nature of these networks 6 opportunistic cooperative ad hoc network. The locations 5 motivates the use of cooperative transmission in which 1. additional links via relay nodes are established to en- of all potential transmitting nodes are modeled as a 0 hance the quality of communication between the source PPP. Each potential transmitter is allowed to transmit its 3 message at a given time slot according to a contention node and destination node [1]. However, there are two 1 probability. Hence, the potential transmitters at a given : key features, namely indiscriminate node placement and v time slot are divided into a group of active source nodes network interference, which make the design and analy- i X and a group of idle nodes, where the latter becomes the sis of cooperative communication a challenging task in r wireless ad hoc networks. potential relays for the former. The decode-and-forward a (DF) protocol is assumed at the relays. We consider two Studies on relay selection in interference-free and relay selection schemes,namely, best relay selection and deterministic networks have shown that opportunistic random relay selection. For each relay selection scheme, relaying where a single relay is chosen to aid the we study the outage performance of different signal source-destination transmission can guarantee a signifi- combining methods at the destination, namely, optimal cantperformance improvementwhilst having low imple- combining (OC), maximum ratio combining (MRC), as mentation complexity [2]. In wireless ad hoc networks, well as SC. Our main contribution is the derivation of however, interference and random node locations (e.g., closed-form expressions for the outage probability with due to high mobility) need to be taken into account in various combining schemes in the interference-limited any meaningful analysis. Relay selection methods based cooperative ad hoc networks. onstochasticgeometrymodels,wheretherelaylocations follows a Poisson point process (PPP), have been inves- II. SYSTEM MODEL tigated in a few recent works [3]–[6]. Specifically, [3] Consider a large-scale wireless ad hoc network with studied the throughput scaling laws when opportunistic transmitter-receiver pairs. The locations of all transmit- ting nodes are modeled as a homogeneous PPP denoted This work was done while the first author was visiting the Australian National University. by Φ = xk with density λ on the plane R2, where { } 2 x denotes the location of node k. Each transmitter has popular choice of such a selection region is a sector k a uniquely-associated receiver at a distance d away in defined by a maximum angle φand a maximum distance a random direction and is not a part of the PPP. All d [5], [8]. A sectorized selection region is considered in s transmitters or receivers are assumed to be identical and this paper.Nevertheless,performanceanalysiswith other equippedwith one antenna.We consideran interference- different choices of selection regions such as a circular limited setting [7], i.e., the thermal noise is assumed to area with radius d can be derived in a similar way. In s be negligible. the ensuing text, the indicator that (2) holds is denoted by 1(x x Φt x ) . S 2 S → | \{ } A. Channel Model 2) Relaying Phase: In the second stage (odd time Signal propagation is subject to both small-scale mul- slots), each destination node informs only one of the tipathfadingandlarge-scalepathloss.Theinstantaneous potential relays if any to retransmit the message with channel from node x to x can hence be modeled as repetition code. Similar to the recent work in [6], two 1 2 relay selection methods are considered, namely, best g12 =h12ℓ(x1 x2), (1) relay selection and random relay selection. In particular, − the best relay selection method chooses the potential where h captures the small-scale fading and is mod- 12 relay with the best signal strength to the destination as eled as an exponential random variable (RV) with unit variance1 and ℓ(x x )= x x α characterizes the R=argmax hkDℓ(xk xD) , (3) large-scale path lo1s−s fo2llowking1p−ow2erklaw with path loss xk∈Φro { − } exponent α. where xD presents the destination location and Φro de- notes the set of potential relays for the S D pair. − B. Cooperative Transmission Protocol On the other hand, the random relay selection method randomly selects one out of all potential relays with We considera time-slotted Aloha protocol and restrict equal probability to forward the source message. The the number of hops between any source-destination (S − motivation behind the use of best and random relay se- D) pair to be two. Similarly to [4], [5], we adopt a two- lectionisto studythetrade-offbetweenperformanceand stage cooperative transmission protocol as follows: complexity of relay selection. Best relay selection which 1) Broadcasting Phase: In the first stage (even time exhibits a superior performance compared to random slots), for a given contention probability, p, for transmis- relay selection has a high implementation complexity sion, the active nodes (source nodes) from Φ transmit since it requires high signalling overheads and channel and all other nodes in Φ remain idle. The locations of state information (CSI) from all potential relays. On thesourcenodesinthisstagefollowahomogeneousPPP, the other hand, at the expense of some performance denoted as Φt, with intensity pλ. On the other hand, the loss, random relay selection is particularly suitable for idle nodes form another independent homogeneous PPP low-complexity relay systems. We denote the set of all denoted as Φr, with intensity (1 p)λ. Foreachsourcenode,a selecti−onregion is defined2. transmitting relays, i.e., the relays selected by all source The idle nodes in Φr located inside the selAection region nodes, as Ψ. arerequiredto listento the transmissionfromthis source Finally, the signals transmitted by the source and the node. If any of these idle nodes successfullydecodesthe selected relay are combined at the destination node. We source message, it becomes a member of the source’s considerthreesignalcombiningtechniques:namely,OC, potential relay. In other words, a node belonging to Φr MRC, and SC [9], which will be described in detail in located at x is said to be a potential relay of the source 2 the next section. Note that only the direct S-D link can nodeatx ,providedthatx isinsidetheselectionregion S 2 be used when no potential relay is available. of the source node and To analyzethe performance of of the consideredwire- h ℓ(x x ) S2 S − 2 β, (2) less random network, we focus on a typical transmitter IΦt ≥ locatedatthe origin. Similarly to [4], we will usea polar where IΦt = xk∈Φt\{xS}hk2ℓ(xk −x2) is the aggregate coordinate system to facilitate the analysis in which the interference rePceivedat x2 and β is the target (minimum) typicalsource, S,is located atxS =(0,0),its destination, signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) for data detection3. A D, is at x = (d,0), and an arbitrary relay node is at D x=(r,θ). Hence, Φr now denotes the potential relay set 1In what follows, we will use the notation x∼E(µ) to denote x o of the typical source node at the origin. that is exponentially distributed with mean µ. 2In practice, selecting a suitable relay from a defined region with a small number of relays is desirable. As the implementation III. OUTAGE PROBABILITY complexity increases with the number of relays, a carefully selected In this section, we derive the outage probability of regioncanbeusedtotakeintoaccountbothprotocolcomplexityand the described cooperative transmission protocol. Firstly, performance gain. we note that the performance of the typical destination 3Notethatforβ>1,eachidlenodecandecodethemessagefrom at most one source node, hence can only serve asthepotential relay nodeis subjectto two setsof interferers; allconcurrently for at most one source node [5]. transmitting source nodes in the broadcasting phase and 3 all concurrently transmitting relays in relaying phase. gSD,β gSR,β (SIR ,β) . (8) OC Stinpaetciiofincailnly,brthoeadcinatsetirnfegreanncde preolwayeirngsepenhasaetsthceandbese-, O IΦtD !\ O IΦtR ![O ! WenowinvestigatetheoutageprobabilityofOCreceiver respectively, written as for best relay selection and random relay selection. IΦtD = hkDℓ(xk−xD), (4a) 1) Best Relay Selection: In best relay selection, as- xk∈ΦXt\{xS} suming non-empty Φr, the relay having the best channel o IΨ = hmDℓ(xm xD), (4b) gain of the forward channel is selected, cf. (3). Since − xm∈XΨ\{R} computing the cumulative density function (cdf) of the where R is the selected relay node for the typical S D receivedSIRfromrelayingphasedoesnotyieldaclosed- pair. Similarly, the interference powerseen by relay R−in form expression,we obtain a lowerbound for the outage the broadcasting phase can be written as probability in following proposition. Proposition 1: The outage probability for cooperative IΦtR = hnRℓ(xn−xR). (5) transmissionprotocolwith OC receiveratthe destination xn∈ΦXt\{xS} and best relay selection is given by From here on, we denote the channel gain between S φ(1 p)λ gaSnRd, DandasthgeSDc,htahneneclhagnaninelbgeatwineebnetwReeanndSDanads RgRDas. PoOuCt,BS=γ 1,ηβδd2 (cid:18)γ(cid:18)1, β−δη γ 1,ηβδd2s (cid:19) Furthermore, we denote the outage event for link with (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 PBS +PB(cid:0)S , (cid:1) (9) × − OC OC channel gain g and interference power I by (g/I,β). O where PBS denotes the pro(cid:0)bability(cid:1)that co(cid:1)mbined SIR Hence (g /I ,β), is the outage eventoverthe direct OC S-D linOk aSnDd tΦhtDe corresponding outage probability is drops below the target SIR and is lower bounded given by [10] as (10) at the top of next page wherein dRD = √d2+r2 2rdcosθ and η = Λ c with Λ being the Pd=1−E 1(xS→xD|Φt\{xS}) =γ 1,ηβδd2 , (6) intensity o−f the interferers Iin the rIelaying phIase. where γ(, ) i(cid:8)s the incomplete gam(cid:9)ma f(cid:0)unction (cid:1)[11, Eq. Proof: See Appendix A for the derivation of PBS · · OC (8.350.1)], with γ(1,x)=1 exp( x) and η =pλc, with and Appendix B for the derivation of Λ . I − − c=δπΓ(δ)Γ(1 δ) and δ = 2. Note that (10) is a numerically integrable expressionand − α can be easily evaluated in MAPLE. A. Optimum Combining 2) Random Relay Selection: In random relay selec- tion,assumingnon-emptyΦr,destinationrandomlypicks With optimum combining, signals received from the o a single relay from Φr. direct and relayed links are weighted to maximize the o Proposition 2: The exact outage probability for co- SIR at the destination [9, Ch. 11]. This scheme requires operative transmission protocol with OC receiver at the the instantaneous CSI of all interferers to be known destination and random relay selection is given by at the receiver, and hence, demands significant system φ(1 p)λ complexity. As such we consider OC as an important POC,RS=γ 1,ηβδd2 γ 1, − γ 1,ηβδd2 out βδη s theoreticalbenchmarkto quantifytheperformanceofthe (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 PRS +PR(cid:0)S , (cid:1)(11) considered network. × − OC OC Performance of opportunistic relaying with OC re- where PRS is given in (12)(cid:0)at the to(cid:1)p of ne(cid:1)xt page. ceiver has been investigated in [12], where transmitted OC Proof: Following similar steps as in the best relay signals in broadcasting and relaying phase are impaired selection scheme and employing by co-channel interference coming from a deterministic interferer. The outage performance of optimum combin- FRD(β)=1 E 1(xk xD Ψ xR ) (13) − { → | \{ }} ing at a multi-antenna receiver with interferers located =1 Pr(h ℓ(x x )>βI x Φr) according to a PPP was studied in [13]. Here we extend − kD k− D Ψ| k ∈ o the result in [13] to the case of cooperative communica- =1− exp −βδ ηId2RD+ηr2 rfr,θ(r,θ)drdθ, tions. For simplicity, we ignore the correlation between ZA (cid:0) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:1) the transmitted signal from any source and that from for the cdf of the received SIR from the relay link, we the corresponding relay in order to obtain analytically obtain POC,RS which concludes the proof. out tractable result. Following the derivation in [13], the resulting SIR at the typical destination after performing B. Maximal Ratio Combining OC is given by gSD gRD Note that MRC is the optimal combining scheme SIR = + , (7) OC IΦt IΨ in the absence of interference [9, Ch. 11]. Although D suboptimal in the presence of interference, MRC is an which is the sum of received SIRs from the direct link and the relay link. Therefore, the overall outage event attractivereceiversinceitdoesnotrequirethe CSIofthe for the cooperative transmission scheme with OC is [14] interferers, thus serves as a low complexity alternative compared to OC. 4 PBS γ(1,ηβδd2) ηδd2 OC ≥ − × β yδ−1exp ηyδd2 (1 p)λ exp( η(β y)δr2) 1 exp( η (β y)δd2 ) rf (r,θ)drdθ dy, (10) I RD r,θ − − − − − − − − Z0 (cid:18) ZA h i (cid:19) β PRS = γ(1,ηβδd2) ηδd2 yδ−1exp ηyδd2 (β y)δ η d2 +ηr2 rf (r,θ)drdθdy, (12) OC I RD r,θ − − − − Z0 ZA (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:2) (cid:3) When MRC is employed, the resulting SIR can be 100 expressed as SIR = (gSD+gRD)2 . (14) 10−1 MRC gSDIΦt +gRDIΨ D Theoveralloutageeventforthecooperativetransmission bility10−2 schemewith MRC canbemathematicallywritten as[14] Proba gSD,β gSR,β (SIR ,β) . (15) Outage10−3 MRC O(cid:18)IΦt (cid:19)\ O IΦtR ![O ! 10−4 1) Best Relay Selection: We remark that in this case, Directtransmission SCReceiver with MRC receiver at the destination, derivation of the MRCReceiver 10−5 OCReceiver outage probability is rather involved and thus we only 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 λ comparethe performanceusingMonte Carlo simulations Fig.1. Outageprobabilityversusλfordifferentcombiningreceivers in Section IV. withrandomrelayselection.Simulationresultsareshownwithdashed 2) Random Relay Selection: In random relay selec- lines. tion, assuming non-empty Φr, the destination randomly selects one out of all potentioal relays with equal proba- PSBCS=1−E{1(xk →xD|Ψ\{xR})}. (20) bility. Note that we obtained a lower bound for PBS in (27) SC Proposition 3: The outage probability of the MRC which yields a lower bound for the outage probability receiver with random relay selection is given by of the SC receiver at the destination with best relay PMRC,RS=γ 1,ηβδd2 γ 1,φ(1−p)λγ 1,ηβδd2 selection. out βδη s 2) Random Relay Selection: The outage probability (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 PRS +P(cid:0)RS , ((cid:1)16) of randomrelay selectionfollows from (19) by replacing × − MRC MRC PBS with PRS , given in (13). where PRS is the probabi(cid:0)lity that co(cid:1)mbined (cid:1)SIR at SC SC MRC MRC receiver drops below the target SIR and is given IV. NUMERICAL AND SIMULATION RESULTS in (17) at the top of the next page. In this section, we study the accuracy of the derived Proof: See Appendix C. analytical results and compare the outage probability C. Selection Combining of OC, MRC and SC schemes with best and random Instead of using OC and MRC which require exact relay selection. In all simulations, we have set α = 4, knowledge of the CSI, a system may use SC which sim- β = 3 dB, d = 10 m, ds = 7 m and φ = π3, unless plyrequiresSIRmeasurements.Indeed,SCisconsidered stated otherwise. To ensure a fair comparison, the SIR as the least complicated receiver [9, Ch. 11]. With SC thresholdofcooperativetransmissionissettobetwiceas receiver at the destination, outage occurs if neither the much as direct transmission threshold. This is because, direct nor the relayed link can support the target SIR. in the broadcasting phase, the source uses half of the Hence, the outage event is [14] channel uses and in the relaying phase, the relay uses gSD,β gSR,β gRD,β , (18) the remaining channel uses. O(cid:18)IΦt (cid:19) O IΦtR ! O(cid:18) IΨ (cid:19)! The performance of OC and sub-optimal combining \ [ schemes (MRC and SC) can be further ascertained by 1) Best Relay Selection: The outage probability is referring to Fig. 1, where the probability of outage as a given by function of node density, λ is shown for random relay φ(1 p)λ PSC,BS =γ 1,ηβδd2 γ 1, − γ 1,ηβδd2 selection. Analytical expressions in (12), (17), and (20) out βδη s (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) are confirmed as they are seen to follow the simulations (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 PBS +PB(cid:0)S , (cid:1)(19) × − SC SC tightly. The performance improvement of all three com- where (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:1) bining schemes compared to the direct transmission is 5 α PRS =1 1 exp d2 βδ(η+η +ψ) dRD exp d2βδ(η+η +ψ) rf (r,θ)drdθ, (17a) MRC −ZA1− dRdD α(cid:20) (cid:16)− RD I (cid:17)−(cid:18) d (cid:19) (cid:16)− I (cid:17)(cid:21) r,θ α α α α ψ= η d (cid:0) (cid:1)G23 d −δ,−1,0 + ηI dRD G23 dRD −δ,−1,0 (17b) Γ(δ) dRD 33 dRD (cid:12) 0, 0, 1! Γ(δ) d 33 d (cid:12) 0, 0, 1! (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) − (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) − (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 100 particular, we have obtained closed-form expressionsfor the outage probability of OC, MRC, and SC receivers 10−1 at the destination with random relay selection. We have also derived two useful tight lower bounds for the OC 10−2 bility and SC receivers with best relay selection. The accuracy ba of the analytical results has been validated using Monte Pro10−3 Outage10−4 Carlo simulations. APPENDIX A 10−5 DSSCCireRRceetccTeeiirvvaeenrrs,,mSLiiosmwsiueolrnatBioonund PROOF OF PROPOSITION 1 MRCReceiver,Simulation The proof of Proposition 2 is accomplished in four OCReceiver,Simulation OCReceiver,LowerBound 10−6 steps as follows: 10−4 10−3 λ 10−2 10−1 Step 1: The outage probability corresponding to the Fig.2. Outageprobabilityversusλfordifferentcombiningreceivers event g /I ,β is given by (6). with best relay selection . O SD ΦtD Step 2:(cid:16)The outage(cid:17)event O gSR/IΦtR,β is equivalent noticeable for all intensities. Note that although increas- to the eventthat the potential r(cid:16)elay set Φro(cid:17)is empty. Note ingtheintensityofnodesresultsinincreasingthenumber that Φro which is derived by thinning the PPP Φr, is still a PPP and Marking theorem of Poisson processes [15] of qualified relay nodes,the interference causedby these gives its density as relay nodes in relaying phase is increased. Hence, for highervaluesofintensitytheperformanceofallschemes Λ (x)=(1 p)λE 1(x x Φt x ) o S k S − → | \{ } are converging to the same values. =(1 p)λexp ηβδ r2 . (21) (cid:8) (cid:9) − − The effect of best relay selection on the outage per- Therefore, the outage proba(cid:0)bility cor(cid:1)responding to de- formance of combining schemes is investigated in Fig. 2 sired outage event is given by and the tightness of proposed lower bound for OC and SC receiver are validated. Comparing Fig. 1 and Fig 2 P =exp( µ ( )), (22) r o − A revealsthat bestrelay selection significantlyoutperforms where µ ( ) denotes the mean measure of Φr and the random relay selection as expected. o A o Our observation of the relation between the outage µ ( )= Λ (dx), (23) o o A performance of combining schemes and selection re- ZA gion parameters which due to the space limitation are in which is the selection region and dx denotes a A not shown in simulations, reveals that: 1) There is an two-dimensional variable of integration over the polar area. Finally, by substituting (21) into (23) the outage optimal value of the parameter φ for each combining probability in (22) is obtained for sectorized selection scheme that achieves the maximum success probability. region as 2) Increasing the parameter φ beyond its optimum value does not degrade the success probability. The reason is P =exp φ(1−p)λγ 1,ηβδd2 . (24) that although enlarging the selection region increases r − βδη s (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) the possibility of being relay nodes in this area and Step 3: The outage probability corresponding to the consequently increases the intensity of interferer set for outage event (SIR ,β) can be written as4 the second hop, the relay selection strategy only selects O OC a single relay, and thus the intensity of the interferers for POBCS=Pr(SIRSD+SIRRD <β) the second hop is upper bounded. Therefore, the success β probability remains constant. = FRD(β−y)fSD(y)dy, (25) Z0 4In general, correlation of node locations in wireless ad hoc net- V. CONCLUSION work,makestheinterferencetemporallyandspatiallycorrelated[16]. However, our derivation in (25) does not include the impact of cor- The performance of relay selection schemes along relation. The justification of this assumption isprimarily to preserve with different combining schemes for cooperative trans- analytical tractability and simplicity, however, simulations validate missions in ad hoc networks have been studied. In this assumption. 6 where F() and f() denotes cdf and probability density is one relay in potentialrelay set which for a typical pair · · function (pdf) of the RV, respectively. f (y) can be is mathematically described by SD found simply by taking the first order derivation of (6), q =1 P =1 exp( µ ( )). (29) which yields − r − − o A Therefore,inthecaseofasectorizedselectionregion,the f (y)=ηd2δyδ−1exp( ηd2yδ). (26) SD − intensityofinterferersetin secondstageoftransmission, A lower bound for FRD(β) is obtained as ΛI, is given by FRD(β)=1−E{1(xk →xD|Ψ\{xR})} ΛI =pλ 1−exp −(1−p)λ exp −ηβδ r2 dx (cid:18) (cid:18) ZA (cid:19)(cid:19) =1−Pr(cid:18)xmk∈aΦxro{hkDℓ(xk−xD)}>βIΨ(cid:19) =pλγ 1,φ(1η−βδp)λγ 1,ηβδd2s (cid:0). (cid:1) (30) (cid:18) (cid:19) =1 E exp βIΨ (cid:0) (cid:1) − −ℓ(x x ) xkY∈Φro (cid:18) k− D (cid:19) APPENDIX C (=a)1 Eexp 1 exp βIΨ Λ (dx) PROOF OF PROPOSITION 3 o − − − −ℓ(x x ) (cid:26) (cid:18) ZA(cid:20) (cid:18) k− D (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:19)(cid:27) (b) βI Before deriving the outage probability we will need 1 exp 1 E exp Ψ Λ (dx) ≥ − − − −ℓ(x x ) o the following lemma. (cid:18) ZA(cid:20) (cid:26) (cid:18) k− D (cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:21) (cid:19) Lemma 1: Given three RVs u (µ ), v (µ ), (=c)1−exp − 1−exp(−ηIβδd2RD) Λo(dx) , (27) and z (1), the moment generatin∼g fEunc1tion (M∼GEF)2of (cid:18) ZA (cid:19) W =u∼zE/(u+v), (s)=E exp( sW ) is given by where (a) follow(cid:2)s from the genera(cid:3)ting functional of 1 MW1 { − 1 } s the PPP, Φro with intensity Λo(x)5 and (b) follows by MW1(s)=1−s+1× using the the Jensen’s inequality. (c) holds by taking the µ 1 µ 1 1,0 eoxfpcehcatantnioenl ogvaienrsIΨandwhtehree gtheeneerxatpinognenfutinacltidoinstarlibouftioΨn "1−µ21s+1G2222 µ21s+1 (cid:12)−0,0!#, (31) (cid:12) have been used. Moreover, η = cΛ where Λ is the (cid:12) intensity of interferers for sIecond Ihop transmIission. where Gmpqn s | ab11······abqp denotes the Meij(cid:12)(cid:12)er’s G-function The details of intensity evaluation for the second hops’ defined in [(cid:16)11, Eq. (9(cid:17).301)]. With appropriate changes interferers are deferred to Appendix B. Plugging (27) ofthemeanindicesin(31),theMGFofW =vz/(u+v), 2 together with (26) into (25), yields the lower bound on can be expressed as PBS in (25). s OC (s)=1 MW2 −s+1× Step 4: Referring to the outage event in (8), the overall µ 1 µ 1 1,0 outage probability of the cooperative transmission with 1 2 G22 2 − , (32) OC receiver and best relay selection is given by " −µ1s+1 22 µ1s+1 (cid:12)(cid:12) 0,0!# (cid:12) PoOuCt,BS =Pd (1−Pr) 1−POBCS +POBCS (28) Proof: See Appendix D (cid:12)(cid:12) Following similar steps as in the OC case with random Plugging (6), (24) a(cid:0)nd (25) i(cid:0)nto (28)(cid:1)and aft(cid:1)er some relay selection, we get the outage probability as (16). manipulations gives the desired result in (11). What remains to calculate is then to determine the outage probability PRS . Let us define APPENDIX B MRC INTENSITY OF THE INTERFERER SET u,gSD, v ,gRD. (33) Deriving the intensity of interferer set for the second- The RVs, u and v are exponentially distributed with hop transmission is equivalent to exploit how many parameter µ1 = dα and µ2 = dαRD, respectively. We selected relays are there for transmission in the second recall that for random relay selection case, the RV gRD hop. Provided that the potential relay set is not empty, is considered as an arbitrary exponential RV. It can be since each source only selects a single relay in both best shown that the SIR in (14) is of the form of [17, Eq. relayselectionandrandomrelay selection,it is clearthat (28)], i.e., the intensity of interferer set is at most pλ, which is the c 2 intensity of the sourcenodes.Let usdenote the probabil- SIRMRC = L| s|ν 2, (34) ity that an arbitrary source node successfully selects one i=1| i| irnelasyecnoonddesbtyagqe. Tofhecno,otpheeraintitveenstirtaynosmf aiscstiiovnerperloaytoncooldeiss cwhbeerein|gcst|h2e=cuha+nvn,eνlic=oecffi†sccii/eP|ncts|b,eatnwdeLen=th|Φeti|n+te|Ψrfe|rweirthi i pqλ, which is also the intensity of the interferers. Note and destination and being the cardinality of a set. that q is proportional to the probability that at least there Therefore, it can be s|h·o|wn that ν ’s are independent of i c [17] and thus PRS can be written as s MRC 5Let ν(x) : R2 → [0,1] and RR2|1−ν(x)|dx < ∞. When Φ u v is Poisson of intensity λ, the conditional generating functional is PRS =Pr (u+v)<β I + I . (35) E{Qx∈Φν(x)}=exp(cid:0)−λRR2[1−ν(x)]dx(cid:1). MRC (cid:18) (cid:20)u+v ΦtD u+v Ψ(cid:21)(cid:19) 7 1 u v PRS = 1 E µ exp µ β I + I MRC − µ µ 1 − 2 u+v ΦtD u+v Ψ − (cid:26) 1− 2 (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) u v µ exp µ β I + I 2 1 Φt Ψ − u+v D u+v (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:27) (=a)1 E 1 µ (µ βℓ(x x )) (µ βℓ(y x )) − µ µ 1 MW1 2 k − D MW2 2 k − D − 1− 2 xk∈ΦYt\{xS} yk∈YΨ\{R} µ (µ βℓ(x x )) (µ βℓ(y x )) (36) 2 MW1 1 k − D MW2 1 k − D xk∈ΦYt\{xS} yk∈YΨ\{R} Using the cdf of u+v given in [1, Eq. (40)], the outage [3] M. Kountouris and J. Andrews, “Throughput scaling laws for probability can be expressed as (36) at the top of this wireless ad hoc networks with relay selection,” in Proc. IEEE VTC Spring 2009, Barcelona, Spain, April 2009, pp. 1 – 5. page, where (a) follows by taking the expectation with [4] H.Wang,S.Ma,T.-S.Ng,andH.V.Poor,“Ageneralanalytical respect to W1 and W2. 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