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Draftversion January6,2010 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.11/10/09 ORBITAL STRUCTURE OF MERGER REMNANTS: TRENDS WITH GAS FRACTION IN 1:1 MERGERS Loren Hoffman1, Thomas J. Cox2,3, Suvendra Dutta2,4, Lars Hernquist2 Draft version January 6, 2010 ABSTRACT Since the violentrelaxationin hierarchicalmerging is incomplete, elliptical galaxiesretain a wealth ofinformationabouttheirformationpathwaysintheirpresent-dayorbitalstructure. Recentadvances 0 in integral field spectroscopy, multi-slit infrared spectroscopy, and triaxial dynamical modeling tech- 1 niques have greatly improved our ability to harvest this information. A variety of observational and 0 theoretical evidence indicates that gas-richmajor mergers play an important role in the formation of 2 elliptical galaxies. We simulate 1:1 disk mergers at seven different initial gas fractions (f ) ranging gas from0to40%,usingaversionoftheTreeSPHcodeGadget-2thatincludesradiativeheatingandcool- n ing, star formation, and feedback from supernovae and active galactic nuclei. We classify the stellar a J orbits in each remnant and construct radial profiles of the orbital content, intrinsic shape, and ori- entation. The dissipationless remnants are typically prolate-triaxial, dominated by box orbits within 6 r ∼ 1.5R , and by tube orbits in their outer parts. As f increases, the box orbits within r are c e gas c ] increasingly replaced by a population of short axis tubes (z−tubes) with near zero net rotation, and O the remnants become progressively more oblate and round. The long axis tube (x−tube) orbits are C highlystreamingandrelativelyinsensitiveto fgas,implying thattheir angularmomentumisretained fromthedynamicallycoldinitialconditions. Outsider ,theorbitalstructureisessentiallyunchanged . c h by the gas. For f & 15%, gas that retains its angular momentum during the merger re-forms a gas p disk,thatappearsinthe remnantsasahighlystreamingz−tubepopulationsuperimposedonthe hot - z−tubedistributionformedbytheoldstars. Inthe15-20%gasremnants,thispopulationappearsasa o kinematicallydistinctcore(KDC)withinasystemthatisslowlyrotatingordominatedbyminor-axis r t rotation. These remnants show an interesting resemblance, in both their velocity maps and intrinsic s orbitalstructure,to the KDC galaxyNGC4365(van den Bosch et al. 2008). At30-40%gas,the rem- a [ nants are rapidly rotating, with sharp embedded disks on ∼ 1Re scales. We predict a characteristic, physicallyintuitiveorbitalstructurefor1:1diskmergerremnants,withadistincttransitionbetween1 1 and3R thatwillbereadilyobservablewithcombineddatafromthe2DkinematicssurveysSAURON e v andSMEAGOL.Our results illustrate the powerofdirect comparisonsbetween N−body simulations 9 and dynamical models of observed systems to constrain theories of galaxy formation. 9 Subject headings: stellar dynamics – methods: n-body simulations – galaxies: elliptical and lenticu- 7 lar, cD – galaxies: formation – galaxies: interactions – galaxies: kinematics and 0 dynamics . 1 0 0 1. INTRODUCTION Lacey & Cole 1993) provides an analytic formalism for 1 1.1. Motivation computing halo merger rates and assembly histories, : which matches N-body simulations remarkably well v In the standard ΛCDM concordance cosmology (Lacey & Cole 1994; Genel et al. 2009b), and has been i X (Ostriker & Steinhardt 1995; Dodelson et al. 1996; usedinavarietyofsemianalytic modelsofstructure for- r Spergel et al. 2007), structure in the Universe grows mation(e.g. Cole et al.2000;Manrique & Salvador-Sole a hierarchically, through a progression of smaller bodies 1996; Kauffmann et al. 1999; Somerville & Primack accreting material and merging to form larger systems 1999; Croton et al. 2006; Somerville et al. 2008; (e.g. White & Rees 1978). Cosmological N-body Stewart et al. 2009b). Simulated DM halos also appear simulations starting from a Gaussian random field to share a universal internal morphology, with density of linear density fluctuations at high redshift (e.g. and velocity anisotropy profiles similar to the generic Springel et al. 2005b), together with analytic models outcome of violent relaxation following dissipationless of gravitational collapse (e.g. Bertschinger 1985), have collapse or strong tidal shocking (Dubinski & Carlberg given us a fairly clear picture of how dark matter (DM) 1991; Navarro et al. 1997; Bullock et al. 2001a,b; assembles in the Universe. Extended Press-Schechter Navarro et al. 2008; Miller & Smith 1979; van Albada theory (Press & Schechter 1974; Bond et al. 1991; 1982; McGlynn 1984, 1990; Spergel & Hernquist 1992; Huss et al. 1999; MacMillan et al. 2006; Bellovary et al. l-hoff[email protected] 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern Univer- 2008). sity,DearbornObservatory,2131TechDrive,Evanston, IL60208 There is no such simple theory of hierarchical galaxy 2Department of Astronomy, Harvard University, 60 Garden formation, because the luminous components of galax- Street,Cambridge,MA02138 ies are formed through complex baryonic physics. For 3Carnegie Observatories, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, instance radiative heating and cooling, star formation CA91101 4Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, University (SF) and gas expulsion through stellar winds, energy Hall,Cambridge,MA02138 2 and momentum feedback from supernovae and active a velocity field fitting method (Statler 1994a,b) that galactic nuclei (AGN), ram pressure stripping, and res- made use of the surface brightness and full 2D velocity onant effects in dynamically cold systems, are all im- map from SAURON, but not the higher moments of the portant ingredients in determining the baryonic struc- LOSVDs. They found that the system was nearly max- ture of galaxies (e.g. Croton et al. 2006; Springel imally triaxial, ruling out axisymmetry at >95% confi- 2000; Springel et al. 2005a; Best et al. 2007; Cox et al. dence. 2006b; Ceverino & Klypin 2009; Martig & Bournaud A few years later, van den Bosch et al. (2008) mod- 2009; D’Onghia et al. 2009). Cosmological models of eled the same galaxy using an advanced new triaxial galaxyformationmustthereforebecalibratedwithhigh- Schwarzschild modeling (Schwarzschild 1979) code that resolutionsimulationsongalacticscalesthatstudythese can incorporate all of the LOSVD moments up to h . 4 effects in isolation, coupled with direct constraints from They reached a qualitatively different conclusion - that observations. the system was nearly oblate axisymmetric. The pre- Violent relaxation in mergers tends to drive galaxies dominance of the minor-axis rotation in the outer parts toward a universal, fully mixed structure (Alladin 1965; of the map owed to a high degree of cancellation of the Lynden-Bell 1967; Syer & White 1998; Thomas et al. orbitsrotating ina progradeandretrogradesense about 2009), while gas accretion and stellar outflows produce the short axis, and streaming of the smaller population new dynamically cold components (Rix & White 1990; of orbits rotating about the intrinsic long axis. They Block et al. 2002; Genel et al. 2009a; Dekel et al. 2009; found no major transitionin the orbitalstructure at the Bournaud & Elmegreen2009;Martig & Bournaud2009; boundary of the kinematically “decoupled” core, mak- Daddi et al. 2009). From the hot stellar distributions ing it unlikely that it formed in a separate infall event. of elliptical galaxies, we deduce that they are the most Theorbitalstructureofthe15-20%gasmergerremnants merger-dominated systems. Ellipticals and bulges con- in this paper bears a tantalizing resemblance to that of tain the majority of the stellar mass in the local Uni- NGC4365 (compare e.g. our Figures 9 - 10 and 17 - 18 verse (e.g. Gadotti 2009), and often serve as a testing with Figures 7, 11 and 12 of van den Bosch et al. 2008). groundfor theory since they are the most evolvedunder However a limitation of the SAURON spectrograph thecomplexcombinationofprocessesdrivinggalaxyfor- is its small field of view, corresponding to ∼ 1R on a e mation. Sincetheviolentrelaxationinmergersisincom- typical elliptical target. The outer parts of galaxies are plete, elliptical galaxies retain a wealth of information less relaxed than their inner parts, and bar-like modes about their formation histories in their present-day dis- in mergers efficiently transport angular momentum out- tribution functions (e.g. Eggen et al. 1962; Lynden-Bell ward (Ostriker & Peebles 1973; Fall 1979; Hernquist 1967; White 1980; Valluri et al. 2007). 1993; Barnes & Hernquist 1996; Hopkins et al. 2008b; Recent advances in integral field spectroscopy (IFS; Hoffman et al. 2009c). A gas-rich merger between two Bacon et al.1995,2001;Hill et al.2006;Weijmans et al. spiral galaxies with halos might be expected to produce 2009), multi-slit infrared spectroscopy (Norris et al. a remnant with three distinct components in its distri- 2008; Proctor et al. 2009), and triaxial dynami- bution function: (i) an inner part formed through dissi- cal modeling techniques (van de Ven et al. 2008; pation,(ii)a middle partreflectingthe dynamicallycold van den Bosch et al. 2008; de Lorenzi et al. 2006, 2009) distributionofthediskstars,and(iii)anouterpartaris- have greatly improved our ability to harvest this in- ing from the pre-existing stellar halo populations. Ob- formation. The SAURON project (Bacon et al. 2001; servations with about four times the spatial coverage of Emsellem et al. 2004) will produce high resolution, SAURON would be able to detect these dynamical sub- 2D kinematic maps within ∼ 1 effective radius (R ) components,andprobethepartsofgalaxiesretainingthe e for a representative sample of ∼100 nearby elliptical most memory of their progenitors’ angular momentum galaxies and spiral bulges, using a panoramic integral and internal structure. Hints of increased complexity in field spectrograph mounted on the William Herschel theangularmomentumprofilesatlargeradiihaveindeed Telescope. The data on 48 early-type galaxies released been observed in a few elliptical galaxies (Coccato et al. to date has revealed an unexpectedly rich variety of 2009; Proctor et al. 2009). kinematic structures, which poses a new challenge A number of projects designed to extend SAURON- for galaxy formation simulations (Jesseit et al. 2007; style dynamical modeling out to larger radii are cur- Burkert et al. 2008). Dynamical modeling studies have rently underway. The SMEAGOL survey (Proctor et al. shown that, in practice, 2D maps of the first four mo- 2009; Foster et al. 2009) will obtain smoothed 2D maps ments (h −h ) of the line-of-sight velocity distribution of h − h out to ∼ 3R for a representative sample 1 4 1 4 e (LOSVD) provided by SAURON are typically sufficient of 25 nearby ellipticals, using the new stellar kinemat- to uniquely reconstruct the 3D stellar orbital distri- ics with multiple slits (SKiMS) technique (Norris et al. bution (van de Ven et al. 2008; van den Bosch et al. 2008; Proctor et al. 2008, 2009) with the DEIMOS 2008). Complex features present in many systems, such spectrograph on the 10-meter Keck-II telescope. The as embedded disks and kinematically distinct cores data analysis will include triaxial dynamical model- (KDCs),canprovideespeciallystrongconstraintsonthe ing with the advanced particle-based method NMAGIC intrinsic structure (van den Bosch & van de Ven 2008). (Syer & Tremaine 1996; de Lorenzi et al. 2006, 2008, Agoodexampleofthepowerofthesenewtechniquesis 2009). The wide-field IFS VIRUS-P has been used providedbythecaseofNGC4365. Thismassiveoldellip- to obtain 2D stellar kinematics out to 3 − 4R for e tical is known for its minor axis rotation (Wagner et al. several giant ellipticals (Hill et al. 2006; Blanc et al. 1988;Bender et al.1994) andKDC (Davies et al.2001), 2009; Murphy et al. 2009), and multiple pointings of and is therefore a natural candidate for dynamical mod- the SAURON spectrograph have been used to measure eling. Statler et al. (2004) modeled this galaxy using the stellar LOSVDs out to ∼ 4R in NGC3379 and e 3 NGC821 (Weijmans et al. 2009). Surveys using globular fill an annulus between the minimum and maximum of clusters (GCs) and planetary nebulae (PNe) as discrete the radial oscillations (pericenter and apocenter). tracers of the distribution function (Romanowsky et al. Very few galaxies are spherical, but many are consis- 2009a;Douglas et al.2002,2007;Napolitano et al.2009; tent with axisymmetry. In an axisymmetric potential Nantais & Huchra 2009; Schuberth et al. 2009) can the angular momentum component about the symme- probe much larger radii (out to ∼ 10Re) and place fur- try axis, Lz, is conserved. The direction of L~ precesses ther constraints on dynamical models (Chaname et al. about the z axis as L and L vary. The radial oscilla- x y 2008). tions no longer return the star to the exact same peri- Combined with simulations aimed at establishing the center and apocenter every cycle, but are still bounded characteristic orbital structure arising from various for- between some p=r and a=r . min max mationpathways,theseobservationalprogramswillpro- TwoorbitswiththesameenergyandL canlookquite z videunprecedentedinsightintothephysicsofgalaxyfor- differentfromeachother,rangingfromorbitsnearlycon- mation. fined to the x−y plane, resembling eccentric orbits in a thin disk, to puffed-up orbits nearly filling a spherical 1.2. Orbits in galactic potentials annulus over long times. This suggests that the orbits Todeducetheformationhistoriesofgalaxiesfromtheir areconstrainedby anotherintegralin additionto E and orbital structure, we must identify macroscopic groups L ,relatedtohowtheenergyisapportionedintovertical z of orbits that are confined to a well-defined neighbor- and radial motion. Though it cannot be expressed ana- hood of phase space because they followed similar evo- lytically for a general axisymmetric potential, this third lutionary pathways. The isolating integrals of motion integral(I )allowsanassortmentofstableaxisymmetric 3 (or quasi-isolating integrals in the case of perturbed po- systems, from thin disks formed by quiescent accretion, tentials; Contopoulos 1963b; Goodman & Schwarzschild to nearly spherical systems heated by persistent pertur- 1981; Siopis & Kandrup 2000; Kandrup & Siopis 2003) bations or discrete encounters (e.g. Contopoulos 1960, parameterize the phase space region in which a star re- 1963a; Henon & Heiles 1964; Saaf 1968; Richstone 1982; mainslocalized,andencode whateverinformationabout Binney & Tremaine 2008). its initial conditions (ICs) is preserved once the sys- tem is fully phase-mixed (e.g. Binney & Tremaine 2008; Binney & Spergel 1984; Gomez & Helmi 2009). Orbits which conserve at least one isolating integral per degree of freedom are called regular. It is the ubiquity of reg- ular orbits in galaxies that permits the rich variety in their structure, mirroring their varied formation path- ways (Schwarzschild 1979). Theregularorbitsinastaticpotentialcanbeclassified into families that conserve qualitatively similar integrals of the motion, and therefore have similar morphologies. Whichorbitalclassagivenstarwilloccupyisdetermined by the available phase space for different kinds of orbits in the potential, and its ICs - the phase space need not be uniformly populated. In a time-varying (or otherwise non-ideal)potentialsuchasanongoingmerger,starsdif- fuse in the space of their conserved integrals, but not Fig.1.—Toymodelofthebox-tubeboundary: Elliptical completely. If they do not cross boundaries between the ring in a frictionless, concave trough. The ring is initially orbital families, then their qualitative character may be inequilibrium,withitslongaxisalignedwiththelongaxisofthe preservedfromtheICs. Crossingbetweenorbitalbound- trough. If an angular velocity ~ω is imparted to the ring, it must goup and over abarrierto spinall the way around. Above some ariescanserveasacollectiverelaxationmechanism(e.g. criticalωc,theringwillmakeitoverthebarrierandcontinuespin- Barnes & Hernquist 1996). An intuitive grasp of the or- ning; below ωc it will just librate about the equilibrium position. bital classes is therefore essential to understanding how ThisanalogueowestoBinney&Spergel(1982). dynamical systems evolve and relax. We begin with a brief overview of the types of regular However some galaxies show clear evidence of nonax- orbits that are possible in various idealized potentials, isymmetric shapes (e.g. Franx et al. 1991), and sim- leading upto a classificationofthe orbits in triaxialsys- ulations of dissipationless violent relaxation in merg- tems into families that conserve similar integrals. For ers or collapses generically produce triaxial remnants a more thorough and rigorous presentation we refer the (e.g. van Albada 1982). There is a unique den- reader to Binney & Tremaine (2008). sity distribution stratified on similar triaxial ellipsoids The simplest conceivable model is a spherical poten- whose potential is separable in ellipsoidal coordinates tial. In this case the symmetry about all three Carte- (de Zeeuw & Lynden-Bell 1985), known as the “per- sianaxesimpliesconservationofthe angularmomentum fect ellipsoid”. Its distribution function and integrals vector, so every orbit is confined to a plane. The star of motion can be expressed analytically, and its or- oscillatesinradiuswithfrequencyω whileprecessingin bital structure has been studied extensively (St¨ackel r azimuth with frequency ω . If these two frequencies are 1890; Eddington 1915; de Zeeuw & Lynden-Bell 1985; θ commensurate (mω +nω =0 for some integers m and de Zeeuw 1985; Statler 1987). The orbits in the per- r θ n)thentheorbitclosesonitself,asinaKeplerpotential. fect ellipsoid were classified into four major families by More generally, the orbits form rosettes that eventually de Zeeuw (1985): short-axis tubes (z−tubes) which ro- 4 tateabouttheshort(z−)axisofthepotential,twoclasses about each Cartesian axis. Stars on box orbits have no of long-axis tubes (x−tubes) which revolve about the definite sense of rotation, and can therefore pass arbi- long (x−)axis, and box orbits which behave like per- trarily close to both the origin (they are “centrophilic”) turbed simple harmonic oscillators. Because it is ana- and the zero-velocity surface. Over time, they densely lytic,thismodelhasbeenwidelyusedasastartingpoint filla3-dimensionalbox-likeregioncenteredontheorigin for understanding the orbital structure of more general (de Zeeuw1985;Statler1987;Binney & Tremaine2008). triaxial potentials. Powerfulnuclearprocessessuchasgasinflow,starbursts, Tube orbits resemble the orbits in axisymmetric po- andblackholegrowtharethoughttobemajordriversof tentials, and may be thought of loosely as precessing galaxy evolution, and box orbits may be responsible for ellipses driven by the bar-like potential of the triax- conveying information about the rapidly varying central ial ellipsoid (Binney & Spergel 1982). They conserve potential to large radii. angular momentum-like integrals and therefore avoid the origin of the potential and the zero-velocity sur- face. It canbe shownthat y−tube orbits rotatingabout the intermediate axis in the perfect ellipsoid are unsta- bletoverticalperturbations(Heiligman & Schwarzschild 1979; de Zeeuw 1985), but both x−tube and z−tube orbits are allowed. Observations of both major- and minor-axis rotation in some elliptical galaxies there- fore strongly suggests that these systems are triaxial (Illingworth1977;Schechter & Gunn1979;Binney1985; Wagner et al. 1988; Franx et al. 1991). x−tube orbits are most prevalent in prolate potentials, and are popu- lated by stars with large initial angular momenta about the long axis. z−tubes are the dominant type of orbit in oblate systems. Tube orbits oscillate in radius within some bounds p and a, and one component of L~ never switches sign. Any net angular momentum of a triax- ial system must be carried by the tube orbits, so only these orbits can retain information about a galaxy’s ini- tial sense of rotation. Just as tube orbits may be thought of as precessing ellipses, box orbits may be regarded loosely as axial or- bits (or elongated ellipses) librating about the x−axis. Binney & Spergel (1982) illustrated the transition be- tween box and tube orbits using an intuitive toy model. Imagine an elliptical ring lying in a concave, frictionless trough,withitslongaxisinitiallyparalleltothelongaxis Fig. 2.— Orbital composition of a typical merger rem- of the trough, as shown in Figure 1. This configuration nant. Remnanti(seeTable1),15%gas,viewedalongasight-line allows the ring to lie as low in the trough as possible. near the y−axis. First column: Projected surface brightness, Σ, Now imagine trying to spin the ring in the trough, by colored on a logarithmic scale. All four maps use the same color scalingtoshowtherelativecontributionofeachorbitalclass. Sec- applying an impulsive kick of energy 12Iω2 to one of its ond column: LOSvelocityv,withoverplotted isophotes. Thesize ends. Tospinallthewayaroundtheringmustgoupand ofthemapsis1Re ×1Re,andthecolorscalerunsfrom−vmax to overabarrier,sincethecurvatureofthetroughalongthe vmax, where vmax is the maximum value of |v| inany pixel. The perpendicular direction is greater. There is some criti- numberintheupperrightcornergivesthevalueofvmax inkm/s. ThetworightpanelsshowthesmoothedLOSVDsatthelocations cal precession frequency ωc, above which the ring will specifiedbythewhitelettersontheΣandv maps. Top: LOSVD get over the barrier. Below ω it will just librate about atpointA,nearthemajoraxis. Bottom: LOSVDatpointB,near c the equilibrium configuration, with no definite sense of theminoraxis. TheheavyblacklineisthefullLOSVD,whilethe thinlineswithmarkersbreakitdownbyorbitalclass. rotation. The trough’s different curvature along the two axes is analogous to triaxiality of a gravitational potential, and Figure 2 shows an example of how the three orbital thelibratingmodeisanalogoustoboxorbits. Ifthe cur- classescontributetotheprojectedsurfacebrightnessand vature is the same along both directions perpendicular kinematicsinoneofoursimulatedmergerremnants. The to the rotation axis (as in an axisymmetric potential), remnant is shown in projection along the y−axis, which then the energy barrier is zero. Note also that the effec- maximallyseparatestheorbitalclassesin2Dspace. The tive barrier in a triaxial potential is greatest for a star boxes and z−tubes are elongated along the major axis, rotating about the y−axis, since in this case the differ- while the x−tubes are elongated along the minor axis ence in curvaturealongthe two perpendicular directions of the projection. All four surface brightness maps are is greatest, making y−tubes the most susceptible to in- plotted on the same color scale, to show the relative or- stability. bital populations at different locations in the sky plane. Box orbits are prevalent in triaxial systems with shal- Note that the isophotes of each individual orbital class low inner density profiles, and conserve integrals simi- appear boxier than the combined isophotes, which are lar to the energies of independent harmonic oscillations nearly elliptical in shape. The x−tube orbits are responsible for the minor-axis 5 rotation in the remnant, and the z−tubes produce the experiment-adding a centralpointmass to aflat-cored, major-axisrotation. There is a striking difference in the triaxial potential with a large population of box or- amount of streaming of the two classes of tubes: the bits. This “experiment” has been studied extensively, velocity scale on the x−tube map is ±145 km/s, while since it has direct astrophysical relevance to black it is only ±53 km/s on the z−tube map. The remnant holes in the nuclei of galaxies (e.g. Norman et al. therefore appears dominated by minor-axis rotation in 1985; Gerhard & Binney 1985; Quinlan et al. 1995; the velocity maps, even though z−tube orbits dominate Sigurdsson et al. 1995; Merritt & Valluri 1997; its stellar mass. Merritt & Quinlan 1998; Valluri & Merritt 1998; TwolocalLOSVDsareshownontheright,attheloca- Poon & Merritt 2001; Holley-Bockelmann et al. 2002; tionsindicatedonthemaps: oneatapointnearthecen- Kalapotharakoset al. 2004). Since box orbits pass teralongthemajoraxis(pointA)andoneneartheminor arbitrarily close to the origin, they are deflected by the axis farther out (point B). At point A the z−tubes have point mass at pericenter passage, causing the orbits to aflat-toppeddistributionwithahighvelocitydispersion diffuse withinboxphasespace. Thevelocitychangesare andnegativekurtosis,indicativeofcancelingstreamsro- primarily along the axis of approach (Chandraskehar tatinginoppositedirections. Theboxorbitsarestrongly 1943), the x−axis for box orbits librating about the peaked at v = 0, with a large excess in the tails giving long axial orbit, so the angular momentum diffusion the distribution a high positive kurtosis. The combi- is mostly in the y −z plane. Eventually the star may nation of the z−tube and box orbits yields a combined wander into z−tube phase space (there is no space for LOSVD that is closer to a Gaussian. At point B the y−tubes since they are unstable). Since box orbits also x−tubeorbitsmakealargerrelativecontribution. Their strike the zero-velocity surface, they convey information LOSVDispeakedatahighnegativevelocityandskewed about their pericentric evolution to large radii. right, indicative of a heated streaming population. The As box orbits diffuse across the z−tube boundary, combineddistributionhassubstantialnetstreamingmo- the shape of the potential also becomes more oblate, tion and is slightly skewed in the direction opposite the shrinking the phase space available for boxes and ex- mean velocity. panding that for z−tubes (e.g. Kalapotharakoset al. An important idealization in the perfect ellipsoid 2004). A point mass as small as 2-3% of the total mass model is that it asymptotes to a flat core. Most can seed this transformationin a flat-cored,triaxial sys- elliptical galaxies actually have central density cusps, tem (Gerhard & Binney 1985; Merritt & Valluri 1997; with slopes ranging from dlnρ/dr ∼ 0.5 − 2.5 (e.g. Merritt & Quinlan1998;Valluri & Merritt1998). When Crane et al. 1993; Faber et al. 1997; Lauer et al. 2005, the central mass concentration (CMC) is not an ideal 2007; Kormendy et al. 2009), which may be thought pointmass,thediffusiontimescalevarieswiththedegree of as perturbations to the perfect ellipsoid poten- of central concentration - in an r−1 cusp the timescales tial. These perturbations lead to trapping of box are typically longer than the lifetime of a galaxy, orbits by resonances (e.g. Binney & Tremaine 2008; while in an r−2 cusp they are short (Merritt & Valluri Contopoulos & Mertzanides 1977; Sridhar & Touma 1996;Merritt & Fridman1996;Fridman & Merritt1997; 1996; Collett et al. 1997; Merritt & Valluri 1999; Holley-Bockelmannet al. 2001). In hierarchical struc- Tremaine & Yu 2000), ~n · ~ω = 0 for integer ~n (e.g. ture formation, there is an ongoing exchange between z−tube orbits are trapped by the 1:1 resonancebetween processes that induce triaxiality (e.g. violent relaxation ω and ω ). Stars in an island of phase space around in mergers) and gas inflows that deepen the central po- x y a stable resonance librate around the resonant orbit; tential well (e.g. Dubinski 1994). This process therefore these trapped box orbits, called “boxlets,” generally undoubtedlyplaysanimportantroleingalaxyevolution. avoid the origin (e.g. Carpintero & Aguilar 1998; 1.3. Gas-rich mergers Merritt & Valluri 1999; Fulton & Barnes 2001). As the perturbation grows larger (the cusp gets steeper), In current semi-analytic models, ∼ 70% of the stellar more phase space is occupied by resonant islands mass in present-day ellipticals and classical bulges as- until they overlap, producing regions populated by sembles through major mergers (Hopkins et al. 2009a,d; ergodic orbits that eventually fill the entire portion of Fakhouri & Ma 2008; Conroy & Wechsler 2009). An their 5D energy surface not occupied by regular orbits elliptical galaxy-sized halo has on average undergone (e.g. Merritt & Valluri 1996; Valluri & Merritt 1998; ∼ 1 major merger since z ∼ 2 − 3, the epoch dur- Kandrup & Siopis 2003; Kalapotharakoset al. 2004). ing which most of its stellar mass formed (Kauffmann For simplicity we do not distinguish between regular 1996; De Lucia et al. 2006; Hopkins et al. 2008a, 2009a; boxorbits,boxlets,andergodicorbitsinthis paper,and Stewart et al. 2008). The last major merger was typ- willlooselyusetheterm“box”to refertoanyorbitwith ically between two spiral galaxies, with gas fractions no definite sense of rotation. This will be sufficient for ranging from ∼ 10% for systems with stellar masses the global comparison with observations desired in this around 3 × 1011M⊙, to ∼ 50% for 1010M⊙ systems study. Spectralanalysisofselectedorbits(Hoffman2007; (Stewart et al. 2009a; Erb et al. 2006 and references Clozel 2008) reveals that the orbits classified as boxes therein). are generically centrophilic (at least in the inner parts) The hypothesis that elliptical galaxies form through and stochastic, but they remain fairly localized in phase mergers between spirals (Toomre & Toomre 1972) ac- space over a Hubble time. We defer a detailed study of tually preceded the acceptance of the concordance cos- the nature of the box orbits in the remnants to future mology by about two decades, based on the proper- work. ties of the galaxies themselves. Gas-rich tidal tails, The effect of an inner cusp on the orbital pop- and rings and shells indicative of the recent disrup- ulations can be understood by means of a simple tion of a dynamically cold system, often surround 6 galaxies otherwise resembling ordinary giant ellipti- orbital structure of gas-rich merger remnants, to see to cals (Arp 1966; van Dokkum 2005). Early simula- what extent the 3D distribution functions of elliptical tions of mergers between disk galaxies could explain a galaxies can indeed be explained with binary mergers, wide variety of the properties of observed ellipticals, andshedlightonhowtheobservablefeaturesarisephys- including their r1/4 law density profiles (van Albada ically. 1982; McGlynn 1984; Hernquist 1992; Naab & Trujillo Toourknowledge,Barnes(1992)wasthefirsttoapply 2006), slow rotation and anisotropic velocity distribu- orbital analysis in the style of de Zeeuw (1985); Statler tions (Ostriker & Peebles 1973; Aarseth & Binney 1978; (1987) to simulated merger remnants. He ran a series White 1978; Gerhard 1981), flat rotation curves (White of dissipationless disk galaxy mergers with varying disk 1978; Farouki & Shapiro 1982; Efstathiou et al. 1982), orientations and impact parameters, and classified the fine structure (Hernquist & Spergel 1992), and ap- stellar orbits in the remnants based on the sign changes parently triaxial shapes (Gerhard 1981; Barnes 1988; in their angular momentum. He found a wide variety Franx et al. 1991). A simple counting argument based in the remnant shapes and orbital structure, depending on the numbers of observedinteracting pairs and ellipti- onthe encounter parameters. Some ofthe remnantsdis- calgalaxiesin the localuniverse made the prospectthat played substantial orientation twists (see also Gerhard these pairs turn into ellipticals quite plausible (Toomre 1983). The mergers often produced both x−tube and 1977). z−tube populations with significantnet rotation,result- It was apparent that dissipation must play a ing in large kinematic misalignments. Since the rotation large role in mergers long before hydrodynamic ofthemajorityofobservedellipticalsiswell-alignedwith simulations with realistic gas fractions became fea- themajoraxis,he arguedthatdissipationlessdiskmerg- sible (Negroponte & White 1983; Hernquist 1989; ers cannot be the generic way to formelliptical galaxies. Nieto et al. 1991; Barnes & Hernquist 1991; Lutz 1991; Barnes & Hernquist (1996) classified the stellar or- Ashman & Zepf 1992; Hernquist et al. 1993). The bits in mergers with 10% gas, and found that even measured phase space densities at the centers of el- this small gas component has a dramatic effect on the liptical galaxies far exceed the maximum densities in remnant shapes and orbital structure. Gravitational observed spirals, implying a violation of Liouville’s torques during the merger drain much of the gas of its theorem unless the initial disks contain &25-30% of angular momentum, causing it to collapse inward and their mass in gas (Carlberg 1986; Hernquist et al. 1993; formadenseCMC(Hernquist1989;Barnes & Hernquist Robertson et al. 2006a). Dynamically cold components, 1991; Mihos & Hernquist 1994a,b, 1996; Hopkins et al. such as embedded disks and KDCs, are often observed 2009c), essentially a point mass to stars at 1Re. The in elliptical galaxies (e.g. Franx & Illingworth 1988; CMC destabilizes box orbits, leading to a global trans- Jedrzejewski & Schechter 1988; Hernquist & Barnes formation of the remnant to a more oblate shape. 1991; Rix & White 1990; Scorza & Bender 1995; This result is not surprising in light of the studies Jesseit et al. 2007). The high specific frequencies of by e.g. Gerhard & Binney (1985); Merritt & Quinlan GCs in ellipticals relative to spirals imply that mergers (1998), showing that a central point mass with just 2% must trigger the formation of many new clusters from of the total mass can globallytransformthe structure of the available gas (Ashman & Zepf 1992; Fall & Zhang a triaxial system. 2001). Jesseit et al. (2005); Naab et al. (2006a) performed a More recent simulations have shown that merg- detailedstudyoftheorbitalstructureofalargesampleof ers with ∼ 30% gas produce remnants that fall equalandunequalmassmergerremnantswith0and10% on the observed fundamental plane scaling rela- gas (Naab & Burkert 2003), with an emphasis on relat- tion (Djorgovski & Davis 1987; Dressler et al. 1987; ing the intrinsic structure to photometric and 1D kine- Gonzalez-Garcia & van Albada 2003; Robertson et al. matic observables. They studied the relation between 2006a; Hopkins et al. 2008c), and that the remnants the orbital structure and isophotal shapes in further de- of 1:1 mergers between 40% gas disks match the 1D tail in Jesseit et al. (2008). Using spectral classification kinematic properties of observed ellipticals far bet- (Carpintero & Aguilar1998), theyfoundthatboxorbits ter than dissipationless merger remnants (Cox et al. typically dominate the inner parts of the dissipationless 2006a). 2D kinematic maps of gas-rich merger rem- remnants,whilex−tubesandz−tubesbecomedominant nants display many of the intriguing features seen in atlargerradii. Theboxtoz−tuberatiowastheprimary real galaxies, including misaligned rotation, central ve- determinantofkinematic propertiessuchasthe location locity dispersion dips, counter-rotatingdisks, andKDCs of the remnants in the h3,4 −v/σ planes. When a gas (Jesseit et al. 2007; Barnes 1992; Hernquist & Barnes component was added, the box population was highly 1991). The shapes of the LOSVDs of simulated suppressedandtheremnantsbecamez−tubedominated gas-rich merger remnants display the same trends and oblate. The shape of the z−tube orbits in the more as ellipticals in the SAURON sample (Bender et al. axisymmetric dissipative remnants made the isophotes 1994; Bendo & Barnes 2000; Naab & Burkert 2001; lessboxy. The1:1mergerremnantswereslowlyrotating, Bournaud et al. 2005b; Gonzalez-Garcia et al. 2006; whilethe3:1remnantswerefoundtoberapidlyrotating Naab et al. 2006a; Hoffman et al. 2009a), and they and disky. They concluded that observed rapidly rotat- occupy essentially the same part of the anisotropy- ing ellipticals could form from dissipative 3:1 mergers, ellipticity (δ −ǫ) plane as the SAURON galaxies (with but boxy, slowly rotating systems (Kormendy & Bender thenotableexceptionofsomegiantslowrotatorsthatare 1996) could not have formed through dissipative disk very round, anisotropic, and featureless; Burkert et al. mergers. 2008). These results motivate studies of the intrinsic In this work we analyze the orbital structure of 1:1 merger remnants in simulations including SF and feed- 7 SFandsupernovafeedbackaretreatedusingthemulti- phase prescription of Springel & Hernquist (2003) and Springel et al. (2005a). The interstellar medium (ISM) TABLE 1 Mergerorbits consists of a cold cloud phase in which stars form, and a hot phase that provides pressure support for the disk. Orbit θ1 φ1 θ2 φ2 The density dependence of the SF rate is calibrated to i 0 0 71 30 match the observed Schmidt-Kennicutt Law (Schmidt 1959; Kennicutt 1998). Radiative cooling drives gas j -109 90 71 90 transferfromthehotphasetothecoldphase,whileheat- k -109 -30 71 -30 ing from supernovae feeds gas back into the hot phase. l -109 30 180 0 The parameter q smoothly varies the effective equa- EOS m 0 0 71 90 tion of state (EOS) between isothermal (q = 0) and EOS n -109 -30 71 30 the pure multi-phase model (q = 1); higher values EOS o -109 30 71 -30 of q correspond to a stiffer EOS and permit stable EOS p -109 90 180 0 disks at higher gas fractions. In all of the simulations in this paper we used q =0.25. EOS back,enablingustoconsiderthehighgasfractionschar- The simulations also include sink particles repre- acteristicofspiralgalaxiesatz ∼2(Stewart et al.2009a; senting black holes, which accrete gas at a rate Daddi et al. 2009). At fixed fgas the effect on the rem- M˙BH = min(M˙Bondi,M˙Edd), where M˙Bondi ∝ nant structure may be diminished by including SF and MB2Hρgas/pc2s+v2 is a rate based on the Bondi-Hoyle- thedissipationalfeaturesmaybecomemorespatiallyex- Lyttleton formula (Bondi 1952; Bondi & Hoyle 1944; tended, since the gas can be converted to collisionless Hoyle & Lyttleton 1939), and M˙ is the Eddington material early on in the merger and undergo subsequent Edd rate. A fraction ǫ ǫ of the accretion energy is re- violent relaxation. We quantify the variation of the or- f r leased thermally and isotropically into the surrounding bital structure and intrinsic shape with gas fraction for gas, where ǫ = 0.1 is the assumed radiative efficiency, f ranging from 0 to 40%, and discuss the physical r gas and ǫ = 0.05 is the fraction of the radiated luminosity mechanisms that maybe driving the orbitaltransforma- f that can couple thermally to the gas. tions, with direct comparisons against dynamical mod- The gravitational softening length was ǫ = 140 pc for els of observed systems in mind. We relate the orbital the stellar and gas components in our simulations, and structureoftheremnantstotheirappearancein2Dkine- ǫ = 290 pc for the halo component. We decreased the maticmapson1R and3R scales,andshowthatawide e e parameter η controlling the Gadget-2 timestep criterion range of different kinematic structures can be accounted for simply by varying f in 1:1 disk mergers. (∆t = p2ηǫ/|~a|, where ~a is the particle acceleration) gas from the default value of 0.025 to 0.0025,to ensure that 1.4. Outline the steep central cusp that formed in the gas-rich simu- lations was preserved for several Gyrs after the merger. In§2 we describe our mergersimulations andremnant We set up our merger ICs using standard tech- analysis methods, and in §3 we present our results. The niques presented in Springel et al. (2005a), which have intrinsic structure of our eight dissipationless remnants been employed in a variety of previous applica- is presented in §3.1, as a baseline for understanding the tions (e.g. Di Matteo et al. 2005; Naab et al. 2006a; effect of adding a gas component. We show how the or- Hopkins et al. 2006; Robertson et al. 2006a; Cox et al. bitalstructureandshapeoftheremnantsvarieswithfgas 2006a;Johansson et al.2009;Hopkins et al.2009b). The in §3.2, and discuss the KDCs and embedded disks that galaxy models consisted of exponential disks embedded arise in the gas-rich remnants in §3.3. In §3.4 we briefly in dark matter halos; stellar bulges were not included describethestructureoftheremnantsbeyond∼1Re,de- in this study. The total mass was specified through the ferring a more detailed and quantitative presentation to virial velocity, v = 160 km/s for an approximately 200 Hoffman et al. (2009b). In §4 we summarize our results Milky Way-sized galaxy, by M = v3 /(10GH ). The and conclude. The radial profiles of the orbital struc- tot 200 0 halowasmodeledasaHernquist(1990)profilewithspin ture,intrinsicshape,andorientationofall48dissipative parameter λ = 0.033, and scale radius chosen to match remnants are presented in the Appendix. an NFW profile with concentration c = 0.9 in the inner 2. SIMULATIONSANDMETHODS parts. The disk mass was set to M = f M , with f = 2.1. Simulations d d tot d 0.041. Itsscalelengthofr =3.9kpcwasdeterminedby d Our galaxy merger simulations were performed us- the requirement that it be centrifugally supported with ing the publicly available TreeSPH (Smoothed Par- the same specific angular momentum as the halo, Jd = ticle Hydrodynamics) code Gadget-2 (Springel 2005; fdJtot. The stellarcomponentofthe diskwasassigneda Springel et al. 2001), which uses an advanced formula- radially constant vertical scale height of 0.2rd, while the tion of SPH that explicitly conserves both energy and vertical structure of the gas component was set by the entropy when appropriate (Springel & Hernquist 2002). requirementofhydrostaticequilibrium. Thediskmodels In addition to the standard features, our version of the were realizedwith 80000equal-mass particles,a fraction software includes sub-resolution prescriptions for radia- 1−fgas of them in collisionless stars and the other fgas tivecooling(Katz et al.1996;Dav´e et al.1999),SF,and in SPH particles. The halo was comprised of 120000 feedback from supernovae and AGN, as described in de- collisionless dark matter particles. tail in Springel et al. (2005a). For each simulation two identical disk galaxies were 8 constructed following this procedure, and placed on a profile, which should be a good first approximation to parabolicorbitwith animpact parameterof 7.1kpc. At the density profile of a remnant resembling an elliptical theirinitialseparationof140kpc,thecenter-of-masstra- galaxy. Before computing the expansion coefficients we jectories were well-approximated by point mass orbits. symmetrize the particle distribution by reflecting all of At least in the inner parts, the final structure is not the positions and velocities about the origin, effectively highly sensitive to our choice of small impact parame- increasing the particle statistics by a factor of two and ter, since the most bound particles (the stars) lose most reducing global fluctuations. The orbit of each stellar of their orbital angular momentum to the halo by the particle is then integrated through ∼ 300 radial turning time the cores merge even in wide encounters (Barnes points (peri/apocenter passages) in the static potential 1998;Cox et al. 2006a). The effect ofthe mergerimpact usingaBulirsch-Stoerintegrator(Bulirsch & Stoer1966; parameter on the stellar halo structure will be explored Press et al.1992). Thistechniqueallowsallofthestellar in future work (Hoffman et al. 2009b). orbitstobeefficientlyfollowedfor∼150dynamicaltimes, The orientation of the disks relative to the merger including haloorbitsfor whichthis correspondsto many (x−y)planewasparametrizedbythetwoanglesθandφ, Hubble times. It also lessens spurious relaxation and the polar angle of the spin vector relative to the z−axis simplifiesthe orbitalanalysisbyfixingtheprincipleaxes and its azimuthal angle relative to the axis of approach, of the system. as shown in Figure 6 of Toomre & Toomre (1972). We Each stellar orbit was classified as a box, x−tube, or usedtheschemeproposedbyBarnes(1992)tosamplethe z−tubeorbitusing a simple algorithmbasedonthe sign spaceofpossiblediskorientationsinarelativelyunbiased changes in the star’s angular momentum, introduced by way, including prograde, retrograde, and polar orbits. Barnes(1992). Ateachtimestepwecomputedthe angu- The spin of the first disk coincides with each of the four lar momentum vector~j, and checkedwhether each com- symmetryaxesofaregulartetrahedronpointingupward, ponent of ~j had changed sign since the last step. At whilethatoftheseconddiskpointsalongtheaxesofthe the end of the integration we constructed the vector ~k corresponding downward-pointing tetrahedron. The re- such that k = 1 if j never changed sign, and k = 0 sultingeightmergerorbitsarelistedinTable1. Thisset i i i otherwise. Theorbitwasassignedthe classificationcode of encounter orbits has been used in a number of pre- C =k +2k +4k , which is 0 for a box orbit, 1 for an vious studies (e.g. Barnes 1992; Naab & Burkert 2003; x y z x−tube orbit, and 4 for a z−tube orbit. For a perfect Naab et al.2006a;Cox et al.2006a), whichmaybe used triaxial ellipsoid, other values of C are unphysical. asareferencepointforcomparisonwithourresultswhere This classification scheme depends on a correct speci- appropriate. The eight encounterslisted in Table 1 were fication of the system orientation,and many of the rem- repeatedat sevendifferent gasfractions, f = 0, 5, 10, gas nants have intrinsic orientation twists. We therefore di- 15,20,30,and40%,foratotalof56mergersimulations. agonalized the inertia tensor, in the form I = x x Onceontheirorbits,thegalaxiesreachtheirfirstperi- ij P i j (e.g. Aguilar & Merritt 1990), in ∼ 50 cumulative en- center passage at t ≈ 0.35 Gyrs, at which point their ergy bins, and used the local orientation based on the morphologies become strongly distorted by tidal forces star’s energy for the classification. The eigenvectors of fromthe othergalaxy,andthe starsandgaseachforma I are the principal axes of the remnant’s figure, and bar. The stellar bar slightly trails the gas bar, torquing ij the squarerootsofthe eigenvaluesgivethe relativescale back on the gas and draining its angular momentum lengths along the three principal axes, a, b, and c. All so that the gas flows inward and undergoes a burst of particles - gas,stars,and dark matter - were included in star SF (Mihos & Hernquist 1994a; Barnes & Hernquist I , since a star’s orbit is determined by the sum of all 1996; Escala et al. 2004; Hopkins et al. 2009b). At t ≈ ij threecomponents. Note thatsincewe usedthe localori- 1.8 Gyrs the galaxies reach second passage, and their entation for the classification, e.g. the position angle of cores merge shortly thereafter. The strong and persis- thez−tuberotationmayappeartovarywithgalactocen- tentgravitationaltorquesduringthesecondpassageand tric radius in the remnants with significant orientation finalmergertypicallyinduce astrongercentralstarburst twists. thanatfirstpassage. Byabout0.5Gyrsafterthemerger Only ∼1% of the stellar orbits were not assigned C the size, shape, and velocity dispersion of the remnant values of 0, 1, or 4, except in rare instances of sud- (measuredwithin∼1R )reachasteadystate(Cox et al. e den orientation twists or locations where the potential 2006a), and the system may be considered relaxed. was very nearly spherical. The results of our simple 2.2. Remnant analysis classification scheme were consistent with spectral clas- sification(Carpintero & Aguilar1998;Binney & Spergel We freeze the potential at t = 4.3 Gyrs (about 1982, 1984; Hoffman 2007), and we determined that the 2.5 Gyrs after the merger is complete), and represent simpler algorithm was better suited for the noisy poten- it using the bi-orthogonal “designer” basis expansion tials and gross analysis desired in this work. However (Clutton-Brock 1972, 1973; Binney & Tremaine 2008) note that this algorithm does not distinguish between presented in Hernquist & Ostriker (1992), boxes, resonant boxlets, and ergodic orbits. ρ(r,θ,φ)=XAnlmρnl(r)Ylm(θ,φ) (1) For each remnant, we present radial profiles of the or- bital structure and intrinsic shape as shown for one ex- nlm ample in Figure 3. First we order the stellar particles Φ(r,θ,φ)=XBnlmΦnl(r)Ylm(θ,φ). (2) by energy, and divide them into ∼ 20 energy bins with nlm equal numbers of particles. The mass fraction of stars inbox, x−tube, andz−tube orbitsis computed for each ThetermsinthisexpansionindividuallysatisfyPoisson’s energy bin, and plotted vs. percentile in binding energy equation,andthelowest-ordertermisaHernquist(1990) 9 Fig.3.—Radialprofilesoftheorbitalstructureandintrinsicshapeofremnanti, 40%gas. Left: Fractionofthestellarmass ineach of the three major orbital classes vs. percentile inbinding energy. The horizontal axis is labeled by the mean radius (in units of Re) of the stars inthe current energy bin (see text for details). Left center: Rotation bias, β = (N+−N−)/(N++N−), of the x−tube and z−tube orbits. β =0 corresponds to perfect cancellation of the rotation, while β =±1 means that all of the stars are streaming in thesamedirection. Wechoosetheoverallsignsothatβ ispositiveatthe40thpercentileinbindingenergy(1Re). Right center: Intrinsic shapes of the remnants. The heavy green lineisthe triaxialityparameter, T, for allparticles inthe current energy bin andmore bound. The black line is the intrinsic ellipticity ǫ= c/a, and the red dashed line is the smaller of the other two axis ratios. The horizontal line at T = 0.5 marks the boundary between oblate and prolate shapes. Both stars and DM particles are included in the evaluation of the intrinsicshapes. Right: Intrinsicorientations (θsymm,φsymm)andkinematicmisalignments(Ψkin),indegrees. Theredsolidanddashed linesarethepolar(θsymm)andazimuthal(φsymm)anglesofthesymmetryaxis,inthiscasetheshortaxissincetheremnantisoblate. In generalwewillplotθ,φoftheshortaxisinrediftheremnantisoblate (T <0.5)at1Re,andθ,φofthelongaxisinblueiftheremnant is prolate (T > 0.5) at 1Re. θ and φ are evaluated in a coordinate system where the disks’ initial orbital angular momentum points in the zˆdirection, and the galaxies initiallyapproach one another along the x-axis. To evaluate Ψkin (equation 3; black line), we return to thelocalprincipalaxes coordinatesystem. Inallpanels, the1Re scaleprobedbySAURONandthe3Re scaletypical ofSKiMSdataare markedwithverticallines. (by mass), as in the left-hand panel of the figure. For gles ill-defined since the remnants are never too close to ease of comparison with observational results, we also axisymmetricatlargeradii. Notethatθ andφ symm symm compute the mean galactocentric radius of the particles representanglesbetweenavectorandanaxis (whosedi- in each energy bin, and label the bins corresponding to rectionis defined only up to a sign), andtherefore range 0.3, 1, 3, and the largest integer number of R . from0to90◦. Whenplottingtheorientationprofiles,we e Forunderstandingkinematicmaps,itisusefultoquan- use a fixed coordinate system where the z−axis points tifynotonlythepopulationsofthemajororbitalclasses, alongthedisks’initialorbitalangularmomentumvector, but also their degree of streaming. For this purpose we andthex−axisisalongtheinitialdirectionofapproach. plot profiles of On the same axes we plot the intrinsic kinematic mis- alignment, β =(N+−N−)/(N++N−) (3) Ψ =arctan|j /j |, (5) kin z x for the x−tube and z−tube orbits, as shown in the left or the angle between the short axis and the net angular center panel. Here N+ and N− are the numbers of par- momentum vector. To compute Ψ we revert back to ticles rotating in either direction; β = 0 corresponds to kin the local principal axes system, so that Ψ =0 always perfect cancellationofthe rotation,while β =±1 means kin corresponds to rotation about the intrinsic short axis. that all of the stars are streaming in the same direction. To place our work in an observational context, it is Thesignconventionwaschosenbyrequiringβ tobepos- also useful to show how the intrinsic orbital structure itive at the 40th percentile in binding energy (1R ). e imprintsitselfonSAURON-like2Dkinematicmaps. We The intrinsic shape and orientation vector are com- constructed histograms of the LOS velocity in 40 × 40 puted by diagonalizing the inertia tensor as described spatial bins within 1R , using 80 velocity bins within previously. We plot the maximum and minimum axis e ±3.5σ. For each LOSVD we performed a least-squares ratios, ǫ=c/a and r =min(b/a,c/b), and the triaxi- min fit to the 5-parameter function ality parameter, T =(a2−b2)/(a2−c2), (4) F(y)=Ae−w2/2[1+h3H3(w)+h4H4(w)], (6) intherightcenterpanelofFigure3. T rangesfrom0for where w = (y−v)/σ, and v and σ represent the mean aperfectlyoblatespheroidto1foraprolatespheroid. In velocity and velocity dispersion. Here H and H are 3 4 theright-handpanelweplotthepolarandazimuthalan- Gauss-Hermite (GH) polynomials, and the parameters gles (θ and φ ) of the symmetry axis - the long h and h measure the skewness and kurtosis of the dis- symm symm 3 4 axis if T > 0.5 within 1R , or the short axis if T < 0.5. tribution (van der Marel & Franx 1993; Gerhard 1993; e If the short axis orientation is plotted then we color the Binney & Merrifield 1998). The Gadget particles were lines red; otherwise we color them blue. The shape of a smoothedoveraradiush =max(h ,h ),where smooth see ngb remnant that is oblate within 1R may become prolate h =150 pc corresponds to a seeing of 1.5” at 20Mpc, e see farther out; in this case we still plot the orientation of and h is 1.7 times the distance to the 128th nearest ngb the short axis at all radii, which does not make the an- neighbor. 10 We focus primarily on the velocity fields in this work. the x−tube orbits in the remnant are separatedby their Notethatv,asderivedfromthefitofequation4,deviates disk of origin, nearly all of those from disk 1 rotate in systematicallyfromthetruemeanofthedistributionfor one sense about the long axis, while those from disk 2 nonzero h and h (see van der Marel & Franx 1993 for rotate in the opposite sense, giving the net cancellation 3 4 the relevant correction terms). However we follow the seen in Figure 4. convention of previous authors (e.g. Bender et al. 1994) The dissipationless remnants do not show strong ori- andsimplyusevfromtheGHfittorepresentthevelocity entation twists, and their long axis (which is typically in this paper. the axis of symmetry, since the remnants are prolate) Whendisplayingalloftheremnantsatagivenf ,we lies inthe mergerplane (θ =90◦), alongthe axisof gas symm choose the viewing angles randomly (from an isotropic the final coalescence of the stellar components. This is distribution) to give a fair representation of their ap- consistentwiththeinterpretationofNovak et al.(2006): pearance in kinematic maps. We label each map with the time-varying tidal field along the merger axis cou- the LOS angles θ and φ, where θ is the polar angle be- ples coherently to the stellar orbits, producing a bounce tween the LOS and the z−axis, and φ is the azimuthal that elongates the remnant along the direction of tidal angle between the LOS and the y−axis. The apparent compression (Miller 1978; White 1983). The kinematic major-axisrotationis maximized when θ =90◦, and the misalignments are large since the net rotation tends to minor-axis rotation is maximal at φ=0 for a given θ. favorthe longaxis,andnoisysincethe magnitude ofthe rotation is often small. 3. RESULTSANDDISCUSSION In the 1R kinematic maps, the dissipationless rem- e 3.1. The dissipationless remnants nants are generally slowly rotating (e.g. remnants j and p) or are dominated by minor-axis rotation (e.g. rem- The structure of the dissipationless remnants is pre- nants m and n). Some of the remnants (e.g. p and sented in Figure 4. There is substantial variation in l) definitely show both major and minor axis rotation, the orbital distribution and shape over the eight merger though small in magnitude (v/σ ∼0.15). orbits - for instance remnant j is uniformly prolate Figure 4 is a baseline for understanding how a gas and dominated by x−tube orbits, while remnant o is component affects the remnants - it may be compared oblate-triaxialandcomposedprimarilyofboxorbitsand with Figures 15 - 20 in the Appendix to see how the or- z−tubes. Overalltheremnantsaredominatedbyboxor- bital structure evolves for each merger orbit as f is bits in their inner parts (r . 1.5R ), and tube orbits in gas e increased from 0 to 40%. theiroutskirts. ThisisnotsurprisingsincetheHernquist (1990)profile,whichgenericallyprovidesagoodfittothe 3.2. Variation with gas fraction densityprofilesofdissipationlessmergerremnants,hasa In Figure 5 we illustrate the effect of dissipation on shallow inner cusp (ρ ∝ r−1) and much steeper outer the remnant structure by varying the gas fraction for a profile (ρ∝r−4) 1. fixed merger orbit, i, whose structural transformations Theinnershapesoftheremnantsaretypicallyprolate- are representative of the overall trends. Case i is an triaxial and highly flattened (T ∼ 0.8, ǫ ∼ 0.6), consis- encounter between a prograde disk in the merger plane tent with previous results for head-on mergers of stellar (θ = φ = 0), and a highly inclined disk that is also 1 1 systemsthathaveshedmostoftheirorbitalangularmo- slightly prograde (θ = 71◦, φ = 30◦). The orbital 2 2 mentum to the halo (Miller & Smith 1980; White 1983; structure, shape, and orientation profile of this remnant Barnes 1992; Cox et al. 2006a). Farther out the rem- are shown for seven different gas fractions in Figure 5. nants become rounder (ǫ∼0.8) and closer to maximally UnlikeinFigure4,thevelocitymapsareallinprojection triaxial. See also Dubinski (1994); Kazantzidis et al. alongthey−axis,toclearlyshowtherotationofboththe (2004); Debattista et al. (2008); Valluri et al. (2009); x−tube and z−tube orbits and how it varies with f . gas Abadi et al. (2009); Romano-Diaz et al. (2009), who Asf increasesfrom0to40%,thepopulationofbox gas studied halo shapes in a cosmologicalcontext and found orbits within ∼ 1.5R declines, and the z−tube popu- e that the response of the DM to baryonic condensation lation increases. The most rapid change in the orbital intogalaxiesdrivesthehalostorounderandmoreoblate populations occurs between 0 and 20% gas. The outer shapes. orbital structure (r & 2R ) is relatively unaffected by e There is substantial cancellation of the prograde and the gas, and the x−tube population does not display an retrograde rotation of the z−tube orbits (β near zero), obvious trend. especially in the inner parts. On the other hand the The variationin the intrinsic shape closely follows the x−tube populations are highly streaming, with β typ- change in the orbital populations. As f increases,the gas ically approaching one at large radii. Remnant j is a inner parts become progressively more oblate; the 30- notable exception to this rule, with the rotation of its 40%gasremnantsarenearlyoblateaxisymmetricwithin dominant x−tube orbits canceling nearly perfectly over 1R (T .0.1). The remnants also become rounder with e the full range of radii plotted. Upon closer examination higher f : ǫ increasesfrom ∼0.6 for the dissipationless gas of this remnant, it turns out that this owes to the sym- remnant to ∼0.8 at the highest gas fractions. metry ofthe ICs. Bothdisks onorbitj aresubstantially Though the mass in z−tube orbits within ∼2R rises e inclined, but their spins point in opposite directions. If substantially as f increases from 0 to 15%, the rem- gas nantsshowlittlechangeintheirmajor-axisrotationover 1Astarinwhatwearecallingthe“outerparts”(∼3−6Re)still thisrange,sincethemassinprogradeandretrogradeor- occupiestheinnerDMhalo(whichalsofollowsroughlyaHernquist bits is nearly equal (β ∼ 0). The 15% gas remnant, 1990profilebutwithamuchlargerscaleradius). Thetotaldensity (stars + DM) at these radii scales roughly like r−2 - still steep though dominated by z−tubes within 1Re, still appears comparedtor−1,butnotnearlyassteepasr−4. as a minor-axis rotator in the projected velocity map.

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