On the Reeh-Schlieder Property in Curved Spacetime 8 0 Ko Sanders∗ 0 Department of Mathematics, University of York 2 Heslington, York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom. n a J January 29, 2008 0 3 Dedicated to Klaas Landsman, out of gratitude for the support he offered when it was most needed. ] h p - h t Abstract a m We attempt to prove the existence of Reeh-Schlieder states on curved spacetimes in the [ framework of locally covariant quantumfield theory usingtheidea of spacetime deformation and assuming the existence of a Reeh-Schlieder state on a diffeomorphic (but not isometric) 1 spacetime. Wefind that physically interesting states with a weak form of theReeh-Schlieder v property always exist and indicate their usefulness. Algebraic states satisfying the full Reeh- 6 Schliederproperty also exist, but are not guaranteed tobe of physical interest. 7 6 4 1 Introduction . 1 0 The Reeh-Schlieder theorem ([15]) is a result in axiomatic quantum field theory which states 8 0 that for a scalar Wightman field in Minkowski spacetime any state in the Hilbert space can : be approximated arbitrarily well by acting on the vacuum with operations performed in any v prescribedopenregion.Thephysicalmeaningofthisisthatthevacuumstatehasverymanynon- i X localcorrelationsandanexperimenterin anygivenregioncanexploitthe vacuumfluctuations by r performingasuitablemeasurementinordertoproduceanydesiredstateuptoarbitraryaccuracy. a In this paper we will investigate whether we can find states of a quantum field system in a curved spacetime which have the same property, (the Reeh-Schlieder property). We do this using the technique of spacetime deformation, as pioneered in [8] and as applied successfully to prove a spin-statistics theorem in curved spacetime in [18]. This means that we assume the existence of a Reeh-Schlieder state (i.e. a state with the Reeh-Schlieder property) in one spacetime and try to derive the existence of another state in a diffeomorphic (but not isometric) spacetime which also has the Reeh-Schlieder property. We will prove that for every given region there is a state in the physicalstatespacethathastheReeh-Schliederpropertyforthatparticularregion(butmaybenot for all regions). Algebraic states with the full Reeh-Schlieder property also exist, i.e. states which have the Reeh-Schlieder property for all open regions simultaneously. However, their existence follows from an abstract existence principle and, consequently, such states are not guaranteed to be of any physical interest. To keep the discussion as general as possible we will work in the axiomatic language known as locally covariant quantum field theory as introduced in [4] (see also [18], where some of these ideas already appeared, and [5] for a recent application). We outline this formulation in section 2 and our most important assumption there will be the time-slice axiom, which expresses the ∗E-mail:[email protected] 1 existence of a causaldynamicallaw. In section 3 we will provethe geometric results onspacetime deformation that we need and we will see what they mean for a locally covariant quantum field theory. Section 4 contains our main results on deforming one Reeh-Schlieder state into another one and it notes some immediate consequences regarding the type of local algebras and Tomita- Takesaki modular theory. As an example we discuss the free scalar field in section 5 and we end with a few conclusions. 2 Locally covariant quantum field theory In this section we briefly describe the main ideas of locally covariant quantum field theory as introduced in [4]. It will also serve to fix our notation for the subsequent sections. In the following any quantum physical system will be described by a C∗-algebra A with a unit I, whose self-adjoint elements are the observables of the system. It will be advantageous to consider a whole class of possible systems rather than just one. Definition 2.1 The category Alg has as its objects all unital C∗-algebras A and as its morphisms all injective ∗-homomorphisms α such that α(I) = I. The product of morphisms is given by the composition of maps and the identity map id on a given object serves as an identity morphism. A A morphism α:A →A expresses the fact that the system described by A is a sub-system of 1 2 1 that described by A , which is called a super-system. The injectivity of the morphisms means 2 that, as a matter of principle, any observable of a sub-system can always be measured,regardless of any practical restrictions that a super-system may impose. Astateofasystemisrepresentedbyanormalisedpositivelinearfunctionalω,i.e.ω(A∗A)≥0 for all A ∈ A and ω(I) = 1. The set of all states on A will be denoted by A∗+. Not all of these 1 statesareofphysicalinterest,soitwillbe convenienttohavethe followingnotionatourdisposal. Definition 2.2 The category States has as its objects all subsets S ⊂ A∗+, for all unital C∗- 1 algebras A in Alg, which are closed under convex linear combinations and under operations from A (i.e. ω(A∗.A) ∈ S if ω ∈ S and A ∈ A such that ω(A∗A) 6= 0) and as its morphisms all maps ω(A∗A) α∗:S →S for which S ⊂ (A )∗+, i = 1,2, and α∗ is the restriction of the dual of a morphism 1 2 i i 1 α:A →A inAlg,i.e.α∗(ω)=ω◦αforallω ∈S .Againtheproductofmorphisms isgivenbythe 2 1 1 composition of maps and the identity map id on a given object serves as an identity morphism. S Aftertheseoperationalaspectswenowturntothephysicalones.Thesystemswewillconsider are intended to model quantum fields living in a (region of) spacetime which is endowed with a fixed Lorentzian metric (a background gravitational field). The relation between sub-systems willcomeaboutnaturallybyconsideringsub-regionsofspacetime.Morepreciselyweconsiderthe following: Definition 2.3 By the term globally hyperbolic spacetime we will mean a connected, Hausdorff, paracompact, C∞ Lorentzian manifold M = (M,g) of dimension d= 4, which is oriented, time- oriented and globally hyperbolic. A subset O ⊂ M of a globally hyperbolic spacetime M is called causally convex iff for all x,y ∈O all causal curves from x to y lie entirely in O. A non-empty open set which is connected and causally convex is called a causally convex region or cc-region. A cc-region whose closure is compact is called a bounded cc-region. The category Man has as its objects all globally hyperbolic spacetimes M = (M,g) and its morphisms Ψ are given by all maps ψ:M →M which are smooth isometric embeddings (i.e. 1 2 ψ:M →ψ(M ) is a diffeomorphism and ψ g = g | ) such that the orientation and time- 1 1 ∗ 1 2 ψ(M1) orientation are preserved and ψ(M ) is causally convex. Again the product of morphisms is given 1 by the composition of maps and the identity map id on a given object serves as a unit. M 2 A region O in a globally hyperbolic spacetime is causally convex if and only if O itself is globally hyperbolic (see [10] section 6.6), so a cc-region is exactly a connected globally hyperbolic region. The image of a morphism is by definition a cc-region. Notice that the converse also holds. If O ⊂Misacc-regionthen(O,g| )definesagloballyhyperbolicspacetimeinitsownright.Inthis O case there is a canonical morphism I : O → M given by the canonical embedding ι:O→M. M,O We will often drop I and ι from the notation and simply write O ⊂M. M,O The importance of causally convex sets is that for any morphism Ψ the causality structure of M coincides with that of Ψ(M ) in M : 1 1 2 ψ(J± (x))=J± (ψ(x))∩ψ(M ), x∈M . (1) M1 M2 1 1 If this were not the case then the behaviour of a quantum physical system living in M could 1 depend in an essential way on the super-system, which makes it practically impossible to study the smaller system as a sub-system in its own right. This possibility is therefore excluded from in mathematical framework. Equation (1) allows us to drop the subscript in J± if we introduce the convention that J± is M always taken in the largest spacetime under consideration. This simplifies the notation without causing any confusion, even when O ⊂ M ⊂ M with canonical embeddings, because then we 1 2 just have J±(O):=J± (O) and J± (O)=J±(O)∩M . Similarly we take by convention M2 M1 1 D(O) := D (O), M2 O⊥ := O⊥M2 :=M2\J(O), and we deduce from causal convexity that DM1(O)=D(O)∩M1 and O⊥M1 =O⊥∩M1. Thefollowinglemmagivessomewaysofobtainingcausallyconvexsetsinagloballyhyperbolic spacetime. Lemma 2.4 Let M = (M,g) be a globally hyperbolic spacetime, O ⊂ M an open subset and A⊂M an achronal set. Then: 1. the intersection of two causally convex sets is causally convex, 2. for any subset S ⊂M the sets I±(S) are causally convex, 3. O⊥ is causally convex, 4. O is causally convex iff O=J+(O)∩J−(O), 5. int(D(A)) and int(D±(A)) are causally convex, 6. if O is a cc-region, then D(O) is a cc-region, 7. if S ⊂M is an acausal continuous hypersurface then D(S), D(S)∩I+(S) and D(S)∩I−(S) are open and causally convex. Proof. The first two items follow directly from the definitions. The fourth follows from J+(O)∩ J−(O)=∪ (J+(p)∩J−(q)), which is containedin O if and only if O is causally convex.The p,q∈O fifth item follows from the first two and theorem 14.38 and lemma 14.6 in [13]. To prove the third item, assume that γ is a causal curve between points in O⊥ and p ∈J(O) liesonγ.Byperturbingoneoftheendpointsofγ inO⊥ wemayensurethatthecurveistime-like. Thenwemayperturbponγ sothatp∈int(J(O)) andγ isstillcausal.Thisgivesacontradiction, because there then exists a causal curve from O through p to either x or y. ForthesixthstatementweletS ⊂O be asmoothCauchysurfaceforO (see[2])andnotethat D(O) is non-empty, connectedandD(O)=D(S). The causalconvexityof O implies that S ⊂M is acausal, which reduces this case to statement seven. The first part of statement seven is just lemma 14.43 and theorem 14.38 in [13]. The rest of statement seven follows from statement one and two together with the openness of I±(S). (cid:3) We now come to the main set of definitions, which combine the notions introduced above (see [4]). 3 Definition 2.5 A locally covariant quantum field theory is a covariant functor A:Man→Alg, written as M 7→A , Ψ7→α . M Ψ A state space for a locally covariant quantum field theory A is a contravariant functor S: Man→States, such that for all objects M we have M 7→ S ⊂ (A )∗+ and for all morphisms M M 1 Ψ:M →M we have Ψ7→α∗| . The set S is called the state space for M. 1 2 Ψ SM2 M When it is clear that Ψ = I for a canonical embedding ι : O → M of a cc-region O in a M,O globally hyperbolic spacetime M, i.e. when O ⊂M, we will often simply write A ⊂A instead O M of using α . For a morphism Ψ:M→M′ which restricts to a morphism Ψ| :O→O′ ⊂M we IM,O O then have α =α | (2) Ψ|O Ψ AO rather than α ◦α =α ◦α , as one can see from a commutative diagram. IM′,O′ Ψ|O Ψ IM,O The framework of locally covariantquantum field theory is a generalisationof algebraic quan- tumfieldtheory(see[4,9]).Wenowproceedtodiscussseveralphysicallydesirablepropertiesthat such a locally covariant quantum field theory and its state space may have (cf. [4], but note that our time-slice axiom is stronger). Definition 2.6 A locally covariant quantum field theory A is called causal iff for any two mor- phismsΨ :M →M,i=1,2suchthatψ (M )⊂(ψ (M ))⊥ inMwehave[α (A ),α (A )]= i i 1 1 2 2 Ψ1 M1 Ψ2 M2 {0} in A . M A locally covariant quantum field theory A with state space S satisfies the time-slice axiom iff for all morphisms Ψ:M →M such that ψ(M ) contains a Cauchy surface for M we have 1 2 1 2 α (A )=A and α∗(S )=S . Ψ M1 M2 Ψ M2 M1 A state space S for a locally covariant quantum field theory A is called locallyquasi-equivalent iff for every morphism Ψ:M →M such that ψ(M ) ⊂ M is bounded and for every pair of 1 2 1 2 states ω,ω′ ∈SM2 the GNS-representations πω,πω′ of AM2 are quasi-equivalent on αΨ(AM1). The local von Neumann algebras Rω :=π (α (A ))′′ are then *-isomorphic for all ω ∈S . M1 ω Ψ M1 M2 A locally covariant quantum field theory A with a state space functor S is called nowhere classical iff for every morphism Ψ:M →M and for every state ω ∈S the local von Neumann 1 2 M2 algebra Rω is not commutative. M1 Note that the condition ψ (M ) ⊂ (ψ (M ))⊥ is symmetric in i = 1,2. The causality condition 1 1 2 2 formulateshowthequantumphysicalsysteminterplayswiththeclassicalgravitationalbackground field,whereasthetime-sliceaxiomexpressestheexistenceofacausaldynamicallaw.Thecondition of a locally quasi-equivalent state space is more technical in nature and means that all states of a system can be described in the same Hilbert space representation as long as we only consider operations in a small (i.e. bounded) cc-region of the spacetime. Theconditionthatψ(M )containsaCauchysurfaceforM isequivalenttoD(ψ(M ))=M , 1 2 1 2 becauseaCauchysurfaceS ⊂M mapstoaCauchysurfaceψ(S)forD(ψ(M )).Onthealgebraic 1 1 level this yields: Lemma 2.7 For a locally covariant quantum field theory A with a state space S satisfying the time-slice axiom, an object (M,g) ∈ Man and a cc-region O ⊂ M we have A = A and O D(O) S =S . If O contains a Cauchy surface of M we have A =A and S =S . O D(O) O M O M Proof. Note that both (O,g| ) and (D(O),g| ) are objects of Man (by lemma 2.4) and that O D(O) a Cauchy surface S for O is also a Cauchy surface for D(O). (The causal convexity of O in M prevents multiple intersections of S.) The first statement then reduces to the second. Leaving the canonical embedding implicit in the notation, the result immediately follows from the time-slice axiom. (cid:3) Finally we define the Reeh-Schlieder property, which we will study in more detail in the sub- sequent sections. 4 Definition 2.8 Consider a locally covariant quantum field theory A with a state space S. A state ω ∈S has the Reeh-Schlieder property for a cc-region O ⊂M iff M π (A )Ω =H ω O ω ω where (π ,Ω ,H ) is the GNS-representation of A in the state ω. We then say that ω is a ω ω ω M Reeh-SchliederstateforO. We say that ω is a (full)Reeh-Schliederstate iff it is a Reeh-Schlieder state for all cc-regions in M. 3 Spacetime deformation TheexistenceofHadamardstatesofthefreescalarfieldincertaincurvedspacetimeswasprovedin [8]by deformingMinkowskispacetimeintoanothergloballyhyperbolicspacetime.Using asimilar but slightly more technical spacetime deformation argument [18] proved a spin-statistics theorem forlocallycovariantquantumfieldtheorieswitha spinstructure,giventhatsuchatheoremholds inMinkowskispacetime.InthenextsectionwewillassumetheexistenceofaReeh-Schliederstate in one spacetime and try to deduce along similar lines the existence of such states on a deformed spacetime. As a geometric prerequisite we will state and prove in the present section a spacetime deformation result employing similar methods as the references mentioned above. First we recall the spacetime deformation result due to [8]: Proposition 3.1 Consider two globally hyperbolic spacetimes M , i=1,2, with spacelike Cauchy i surfaces C both diffeomorphic to C. Then there exists a globally hyperbolic spacetime M′ =(R× i C,g′) with spacelike Cauchy surfaces C′, i=1,2,such that C′ is isometrically diffeomorphic to C i i i and an open neighbourhood of C′ is isometrically diffeomorphic to an open neighbourhood of C . i i The proof is omitted, because the stronger result proposition 3.3 will be proved later on. Note, however, the following interesting corollary (cf. [4] section 4): Corollary 3.2 Two globally hyperbolic spacetimes M with diffeomorphic Cauchy surfaces are i mapped to isomorphic C∗-algebras A by any locally covariant quantum field theory A satisfying Mi the time-slice axiom (with some state space S). Proof. Consider two diffeomorphic globally hyperbolic spacetimes M , i = 1,2, let M′ be the i deforming spacetime of proposition 3.1 and let W ⊂M be open neighbourhoods of the Cauchy i i surfaces C ⊂ M which are isometrically diffeomorphic under ψ to the open neighbourhoods i i i W′ ⊂M′ of the Cauchy surfaces C′ ⊂M′. We may take the W and W′ to be cc-regions(as will i i i i be showninproposition3.3),sothatthe Ψ (determinedbyψ )areisomorphismsinMan.Itthen i i follows from lemma 2.7 that AM1 = AW1 =Aψ1−1(W1′) =α−Ψ11(AW1′)=α−Ψ11(AM′) = α−1◦α (A ), Ψ1 Ψ2 M2 where the α are ∗-isomorphisms. This proves the assertion. (cid:3) Ψi At this point a warning seems in place. Whenever g ,g are two Lorentzian metrics on a 1 2 manifoldMsuchthatbothM :=(M,g )areobjectsinMan,corollary3.2givesa∗-isomorphism i i αbetweenthealgebrasA .IfO ⊂Misacc-regionforg thenαisa∗-isomorphismfromA Mi 1 (O,g1) into A . However, the image cannot always be identified with A , because O need not be M2 (O,g2) causally convex for g , in which case the object is not defined. 2 We now formulate and prove our deformation result. The geometric situation is schematically depicted in figure 1. Proposition 3.3 Consider two globally hyperbolic spacetimes M , i = 1,2, with diffeomorphic i Cauchy surfaces and a bounded cc-region O ⊂M with non-empty causal complement, O⊥ 6=∅. 2 2 2 Then there are a globally hyperbolic spacetime M′ =(M′,g′), spacelike Cauchy surfaces C ⊂M i i and C′,C′ ∈ M′ and bounded cc-regions U ,V ⊂ M and U ,V ⊂ M such that the following 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 hold: 5 W W′ 2 2 U 2 V 2 C C′ 2 N K 2 2 2 N K O C′ C 1 1 2 1 1 U 1 V 1 W′ W 1 1 M2 M′ M1 Figure 1: Sketch of the geometry of proposition 3.3. • There are isometric diffeomorphisms ψ :W →W′ where W := I−(C ), W′ := I−(C′), i i i 1 1 1 1 W :=I+(C ) and W′ :=I+(C′), 2 2 2 2 • U ,V ⊂W , U ⊂D(O ), O ⊂D(V ), 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 • U ,V ⊂W , U 6=∅, V⊥ 6=∅, ψ (U )⊂D(ψ (U )) and ψ (V )⊂D(ψ (V )). 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 Proof. First we recall the result of [2] that for any globally hyperbolic spacetime (M,g) there is a diffeomorphism F :M→R×C for some smooth three dimensional manifold C in such a way that for each t ∈ R the surface F−1({t}×C) is a spacelike Cauchy surface. The pushed-forward metric g′ :=F g makes (R×C,g′) a globally hyperbolic manifold, where g′ is given by ∗ g′ =βdt dt −h . (3) µν µ ν µν Here dt is the differential of the canonical projection on the first coordinate t : R × C → R, which is a smooth time function; β is a strictly positive smooth function and h is a (space and µν time dependent) Riemannian metric on C. The orientation and time orientation of M induce an orientationand time orientationon R×C via F. (If necessary we may compose F with the time- reversal diffeomorphism (t,x) 7→ (−t,x) of R×C to ensure that the function t increases in the positivetimedirection.)ApplyingtheabovetotheM givesustwodiffeomorphismsF :M →M′, i i i where M′ = R×C as a manifold. Note that we can take the same C for both i = 1,2 by the assumption of diffeomorphic Cauchy surfaces. Define O′ := F (O ) and let t and t be the minimum and maximum value that the 2 2 2 min max function t attains on the compact set O′. We now prove that F−1((t ,t )×C)∩O⊥ 6= ∅. 2 2 min max 2 Indeed, if this were empty, then we see that J(O ) contains F−1([t ,t ] × C) and hence 2 2 min max also C := F−1({t }×C) and C := F−1({t }×C). In fact, C ⊂ J−(O ). Indeed, max 2 max min 2 min min 2 if p := F−1(t ,x) is in J+(O ) then we can consider a basis of neighbourhoods of p of the 2 min 2 form I−(F−1(t + 1/n,x))∩I+(F−1({t −1/n}× C)). If q ∈ J+(O ) is in such a basic 2 min 2 min n 2 neighbourhood, then the same neighbourhood also contains a point p ∈ O . Hence, given a n 2 sequence q in J+(O ) converging to p we find a sequence p in O converging to p and we n 2 n 2 conclude that p∈O ⊂J−(O ). Similarly we canshow that C ⊂J+(O ). It then follows that 2 2 max 2 I+(C )⊂J+(O ) and I−(C )⊂J−(O ), so that J(O )=M and O⊥ =∅. This contradicts max 2 min 2 2 our assumption on O , so we must have F−1((t ,t )×C)∩O⊥ 6= ∅. Then we may choose 2 2 min max 2 t ∈(t ,t ) suchthat C :=F−1({t }×C) satisfies C ∩O 6=∅ and C ∩O⊥ 6=∅. We define 2 min max 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 C′ :=F (C ), W :=I+(C ) and W′ :=(t ,∞)×C. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NotethatC ∩J(O )iscompact.(WecanO byafinitenumberofopensetsoftheformI±(q ) 2 2 2 n and apply theorem 8.3.12 in [20] to each point q .) It follows that we can find relatively compact n opensetsK,N ⊂CsuchthatK′ :={t }×K,K :=F−1(K′),N′ :={t }×N andN :=F−1(N′) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 satisfyK 6=∅,N 6=C,K ⊂O andC ∩J(O )⊂N .WeletC :=F−1({t }×C)anddefine 2 2 2 2 2 max 2 max U :=D(K )∩I+(K )∩I−(C )and V :=D(N )∩I+(N )∩I−(C ). It followsfromlemma 2 2 2 max 2 2 2 max 6 2.4 thatU ,V arebounded cc-regionsin M .Clearly U ,V ⊂W , U ⊂D(O ), O ⊂D(V )and 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 V⊥ 6=∅. 2 Next we choose t ∈ (t ,t ) and define C′ := {t }×C, C := F−1(C′), W := I−(C ) and 1 min 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W′ :=(−∞,t )×C. LetN′,K′ ⊂C be relativelycompactconnectedopensetssuchthatK′ 6=∅, 1 1 N′ 6= C, K′ ⊂ K and N ⊂ N′. We define N′ := {t }×N′, K′ := {t }×K′, N := F−1(N′), 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K := F−1(K′) and C := F−1({t } × C). Let U := D(K ) ∩ I−(K ) ∩ I+(C ) and 1 1 1 min 1 min 1 1 1 min V :=D(N )∩I−(N )∩I+(C ).Againbylemma2.4theseareboundedcc-regionsinM .Note 1 1 1 min 1 that U ,V ⊂W and V⊥ 6=∅. 1 1 1 1 The metric g′ of M′ is now chosen to be of the form g′ :=βdt dt −f ·(h ) −(1−f)·(h ) µν µ ν 1 µν 2 µν where we have written ((F ) g ) = β dt dt −(h ) , f is a smooth function on M′ which is i ∗ i µν i µ ν i µν identically 1 on W′, identically 0 on W′ and 0 < f < 1 on the intermediate region (t ,t )×C 1 2 1 2 and β is a positive smooth function which is identically β on W′. It is then clear that the maps i i F restrict to isometric diffeomorphisms ψ :W →W′. i i i i Thefunctionβ maybe chosensmallenoughontheregion(t ,t )×C tomake(M,g′)globally 1 2 hyperbolic. (As pointed out in [8] in their proof of proposition 3.1, choosing β small “closes up” thelightconesandpreventscausalcurvesfrom“runningofftospatialinfinity”intheintermediate region.) Furthermore, using the compactness of (t ,t )×N′ and the continuity of (h ) we see 1 2 i µν that we may choose β small enough on this set to ensure that any causal curve through K′ 1 must also intersect K′ and any causal curve through N′ must also intersect N′. This means that 2 2 1 K′ ⊂ D(K′) and N′ ⊂ D(N′) and hence ψ (U ) ⊂ D(ψ (U )) and ψ (V ) ⊂ D(ψ (V )). This 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 completes the proof. (cid:3) The analogue of corollary 3.2 for the situation of proposition 3.3 is: Proposition 3.4 Consider a locally covariant quantum field theory A with a state space S satis- fying the time-slice axiom and two globally hyperbolic spacetimes M , i = 1,2 with diffeomorphic i Cauchy surfaces. For any bounded cc-region O ⊂ M with non-empty causal complement there 2 2 are bounded cc-regions U ,V ⊂M and a ∗-isomorphism α:A →A such that V⊥ 6=∅ and 1 1 1 M2 M1 1 A ⊂α(A )⊂A . (4) U1 O2 V1 Moreover, if the spacelike Cauchy surfaces of the M are non-compact and P ⊂ M is any i 2 2 bounded cc-region, then there are bounded cc-regions Q ⊂ M and P ,Q ⊂ M such that 2 2 1 1 1 Q ⊂P⊥ for i=1,2 and i i α(A )⊂A , A ⊂α(A ), (5) P2 P1 Q1 Q2 where α is the same ∗-isomorphism as in the first part of this proposition. Proof. We apply proposition 3.3 to obtain sets U ,V with and isomorphisms Ψ : W → W′ i i i i i associatedto the isometric diffeomorphisms ψ . As in the proof ofcorollary3.2 the Ψ give rise to i i ∗-isomorphismsα andα:=α−1◦α isa∗-isomorphismfromA toA .Usingtheproperties Ψi Ψ1 Ψ2 M2 M1 of U ,V stated in proposition 3.3 we deduce: i i AU1 = α−Ψ11(AU1′)⊂α−Ψ11(AD(U2′))=α−Ψ11(AU2′)=α(AU2)⊂α(AO2) ⊂ α(AV2)=α−ψ11(AV2′)⊂α−ψ11(AD(V1′))=α−ψ11(AV1′)=AV1. Here we repeatedly used equation (2) and lemma 2.7 (the time slice axiom). This proves the first part of the proposition. Now suppose that the Cauchy-surfacesare non-compactand let P be any bounded cc-region. 2 We refer to figure 2 for a depiction of this part of the proof. First choose Cauchy surfaces T ,T ⊂ W such that T ⊂ I+(T ). Note that J(P )∩T is 2 + 2 + 2 2 2 compact, so it has a relatively compact connected open neighbourhood N ⊂ T . Choosing T 2 2 + appropriatelyweseethatR:=D(N )∩I+(N )∩I−(T )isaboundedcc-regioninM bylemma 2 2 + 2 2.4 and as usual we set R′ :=ψ (R). 2 7 W W′ 2 Q2 R 2 Q′2 R′ T T′ 2 L N 2 C 2 2 C′ 2 P 2 2 C′ 1 L′ N′ T′ 1 1 1 Q′ P′ W′ 1 1 1 M2 M′ Figure 2: Sketch of the proof of the second part of proposition 3.4. Now let T′,T′ ⊂ W′ be Cauchy surfaces such that T′ ⊂ I−(T′) and note that J(R′)∩T′ is − 1 1 − 1 1 again compact, so we can find a relatively compact connected open neighbourhood N′ ⊂ T′ and 1 1 uselemma2.4todefinetheboundedcc-regionP′ :=D(N′)∩I−(N′)∩I+(T′)andP :=ψ−1(P′). 1 1 1 − 1 1 1 NowletL′ ⊂T′ beaconnectedrelativelycompactsetsuchthatL′∩N′ =∅.SuchanL′ exists 1 1 1 1 1 becauseT′isnon-compact.DefineQ′ :=D(L′)∩I−(L′)∩I+(T′)andQ :=ψ−1(Q′).Weseethat 1 1 1 1 − 1 1 1 Q ⊂P⊥ is a bounded cc-region and Q′ ⊂D(ψ (L )) where L ⊂T \N is a relatively compact 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 open set. In fact, we can choose L to be connected because Q′ lies in a connected component 2 1 C of D(ψ (T \N)). We now define the bounded cc-region Q := D(L )∩I+(L )∩I−(T ) and 2 2 2 2 2 + Q′ :=ψ (Q ), so that Q ⊂P⊥ and Q′ ⊂D(Q′). 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 So far the geometry of the proof. Now note that A ⊂A by lemma 2.7 on D(N )∩I+(N ) P2 R 2 2 and that AR′ = αΨ2(AR). Applying lemma 2.7 in D(N1′)∩I−(N1′) we see that AR′ ⊂ AP1′ and we have AP1 =α−Ψ11(AP1′). Putting this together yields the inclusion: α(AP2)⊂α(AR)=α−Ψ11(AR′)⊂α−Ψ11(AP1′)=AP1. Similarly we haveAQ1 =α−Ψ11(AQ′1), AQ′2 =αΨ2(AQ2) andAQ′1 ⊂AQ′2 by lemma 2.7. This yields the inclusion: α(AQ2)=α−Ψ11(AQ′2)⊃α−Ψ11(AQ′1)=AQ1. (cid:3) 4 The Reeh-Schlieder Property in Curved Spacetime The spacetime deformation argumentof the previous section will have some consequences for the Reeh-Schlieder propertythat we describe inthe currentsection.Unfortunately it is notclear that we candeform a Reeh-Schliederstate into another (full) Reeh-Schliederstate, but we do have the following more limited result: Theorem 4.1 Consider a locally covariant quantum field theory A with state space S which sat- isfies the time-slice axiom. Let M betwoglobally hyperbolic spacetimes with diffeomorphic Cauchy i surfaces and suppose that ω ∈ S is a Reeh-Schlieder state. Then given any bounded cc-region 1 M1 O ⊂ M with non-empty causal complement, O⊥ 6= ∅, there is a ∗-isomorphism α:A →A 2 2 2 M2 M1 such that ω :=α∗(ω ) has the Reeh-Schlieder property for O . 2 1 2 Moreover, if the Cauchy surfaces of the M are non-compact and P ⊂ M is a bounded cc- i 2 2 region, then there is a bounded cc-region Q ⊂P⊥ for which ω has the Reeh-Schlieder property. 2 2 2 Proof. ForthefirststatementletαandU beasinthefirstpartofproposition3.4andnotethatα 1 gives rise to a unitary map U :H →H . This map is the expressionof the essentialuniqueness α ω2 ω1 8 of the GNS-representation, so that U Ω = Ω and U π U∗ = π ◦α. The Reeh-Schlieder α ω2 ω1 α ω2 α ω1 property for O then follows from the observation that U π (A )U∗ ⊃π (A ): 2 α ω2 O2 α ω1 U1 π (A )Ω ⊃U∗π (A )Ω =U∗H =H . ω2 O2 ω2 α ω1 U1 ω1 α ω1 ω2 Similarly for the second statement, given a bounded cc-region P and choosing Q ,Q as in 2 1 2 the second statement of proposition 3.4 we see that U π (A )U∗ ⊃π (A ). (cid:3) α ω2 Q2 α ω1 Q1 The second part of theorem 4.1 means that ω is a Reeh-Schlieder state for all cc-regions that 2 are big enough. Indeed, if V is a sufficiently small cc-region then V⊥ is connected (recall that 2 2 we work with four-dimensional spacetimes) and therefore ω has the Reeh-Schlieder property for 2 some cc-region in V⊥ and hence also for V⊥ itself. 2 2 A useful consequence of theorem 4.1 is the following: Corollary 4.2 In the situation of theorem 4.1 if A is causal then Ω is a cyclic and separating ω2 vector for Rω2. If the Cauchy surfaces are non-compact Ω is a separating vector for all Rω2 O2 ω2 P2 where P is a bounded cc-region. 2 Proof. Recall that a vector is a separating vector for a von Neumann algebra R iff it is a cyclic vector for the commutant R′ (see [11] proposition 5.5.11.). Choosing V as in the first part of 1 proposition3.4wehaveU π (A )U∗ ⊂π (A )bytheinclusion(4).Thereforethecommutant α ω2 O2 α ω1 V1 of U Rω2U∗ contains (Rω1)′. As V⊥ 6= ∅ this commutant contains the local algebra of some α O2 α V1 1 cc-region for which Ω is cyclic. Hence Ω is a separating vector for Rω1 and Ω for Rω2. ω1 ω1 V1 ω2 O2 If the Cauchy surfaces are non-compact, P is a bounded region and Q is as in theorem 4.1, 2 2 then (Rω2)′ contains π (A ), for which Ω is cyclic. It follows that Ω is separating for Rω2. P2 ω2 Q2 ω2 2 P2 (cid:3) Ifthestatespaceislocallyquasi-equivalentandlargeenoughitispossibletoshowtheexistence offullReeh-Schliederstates.Theproofusesabstractexistencearguments,asopposedtotheproof of theorem 4.1 which is constructive, at least in principle. Theorem 4.3 Consider a locally covariant quantum field theory A with a locally quasi-equivalent state space S which is causal and satisfies the time-slice axiom. Assume that S is maximal in the sense that for any state ω on some A which is locally quasi-equivalent to a state in S we have M M ω ∈S . M Let M , i=1,2, be two globally hyperbolic spacetimes with diffeomorphic non-compact Cauchy i surfaces and assume that ω is a Reeh-Schlieder state on M . Then S contains a (full) Reeh- 1 1 M2 Schlieder state. Proof. Let{O } beacountablecoverofM consistingofboundedcc-regionswithnon-empty n n∈N 2 causalcomplement.Wethenapplytheorem4.1toeachO toobtainasequenceofstatesωn ∈S n 2 M2 which have the Reeh-Schlieder property for O . We write ω := ω1 and let (π,Ω,H) denote its n 2 GNS-representation. For all n ≥ 2 we now find a bounded cc-region V ⊂ M such that V ⊃ O ∪O . For this n 2 n 1 n purpose we first choose a Cauchy surface C ⊂ M and note that K := C ∩J(O ) is compact. 2 n n Letting L ⊂C be acompactconnectedsetcontainingK ∪K inits interioritsufficestochoose n 1 n V := int(D(L ))∩I−(C )∩I+(C ) for Cauchy surfaces C to the future resp. past of O , O n n + − ± 1 n aOnd∪CO. N⊂oteVthaantdΩbayndcoΩroωl2lnarayre4.c2y.cBlicecaanudseseωpaarnadtinωgnvaercetolorscafollryRquωVnasai-nedquRivωVan2nlenretstpheecrteivieslyab∗y- 1 n n 2 isomorphismφ:Rω2n→Rω .In the presenceofthe cyclic andseparatingvectorsφis implemented by a unitary mapVUnn:HωV2nn→H (see [11] theorem 7.2.9). We claim that ψn :=UnΩω2n is cyclic for RωOn. Indeed, by the definition of quasi-equivalence we have φ◦πω2n =πω on AVn, so πω(AOn)ψn =Unπω2n(AOn)Ωω2n =UnHω2n =Hω. We now apply the results of [7] to conclude that H contains a dense set of vectors ψ which are cyclic and separating for all Rω simultaneously. Because each cc–region O ⊂ M contains On 2 9 some O we see that ω :A7→ hψ,πω(A)ψi defines a full Reeh-Schlieder state. Finally, because the n ψ kψk2 GNS-representationofω isjust(π,ψ,H)weseethatitislocallyquasi-equivalenttoω andhence ψ ω ∈S . (cid:3) ψ M2 Insituations ofphysicalinterestitremainsto be seenwhether the statespaceis bigenoughto containsuchReeh-Schliederstates.However,theorem4.1isalreadyenoughforsomeapplications, such as the following conclusion concerning the type of local von Neumann algebras Corollary 4.4 Consider a nowhere-classical causal locally covariant quantum field theory A with a locally quasi-equivalent state space S which satisfy the time-slice axiom. Let M be two globally i hyperbolic spacetimes with diffeomorphic Cauchy surfaces and let ω ∈ S be a Reeh-Schlieder 1 M1 state. Then for any state ω ∈S and any cc-region O ⊂M the local von Neumann algebra Rω Mi i O is not finite. Proof. We will use proposition 5.5.3 in [1], which says that Rω is not finite if the GNS-vector Ω O is a cyclic and separating vector for Rω and for a proper sub-algebra Rω. Note that we can drop O V the superscript ω if O and V are bounded, by local quasi-equivalence. First we consider M . For any bounded cc-region O ⊂ M such that O⊥ 6= ∅ we can find 1 1 1 1 bounded cc-regions O′ ⊂O⊥ and U,V ⊂ O such that U ⊂ V⊥. By the Reeh-Schlieder property 1 1 the GNS-vector Ωω1 is cyclic for RV and hence also for RO1. Moreoverit is cyclic for R′O1 ⊃RO′ andtherefore it is separatingfor R and R .Now suppose thatR =R .Then, by causality: O1 V O1 V π (A )⊂π (A )′ =π (A )′ ⊂π (A )′. ω U ω V ω O1 ω U It follows that R ⊂ R′ , which contradicts the nowhere classicality. Therefore, the inclusion U U R ⊂ R must be proper and the cited theorem applies. Of course, if O ⊂ M is a cc-region V O1 1 thatisnotbounded,thenitcontainsaboundedsub-cc-regionO asaboveandRω ⊃Rω ≃R 1 O O1 O1 isn’t finite either for any ω ∈ S . (If V is a partial isometry in the smaller algebra such that M1 I =V∗V and E :=VV∗ <I then the same V shows that I is not finite in the larger algebra.) NextweconsiderM andletO ⊂M beanycc-region.Itcontainsacc-regionO withO⊥ 6=∅, 2 2 2 2 so we can apply theorem 4.1. Using the unitary map U :H →H we see that R ≃ Rω2 α ω2 ω1 O2 O2 contains α−1(Rω1), which is not finite by the first paragraph. Hence R is not finite and the O1 O2 statement for O then follows again by inclusion. (cid:3) Instead of the nowhere classicality we could have assumed that the local von Neumann algebras in M are infinite, which allows us to derive the same conclusion for M . Unfortunately it is in 1 2 generalimpossible tocompletely derivethe type ofthe localalgebrasusing this kindofargument. Evenif we know the types of the algebrasA and A in the inclusions (4), we can’t deduce the U1 V1 type of A . O2 Anotherimportantconsequenceof proposition4.1is thatcorollary4.2enables us to apply the Tomita-TakesakimodulartheorytoRω2 (ortothevonNeumannalgebraofanyboundedcc-region O2 V which contains O , if the Cauchy surfaces are non-compact). More precisely, let O ⊂ M be 2 2 2 2 given and let U ,V ⊂ M be the bounded cc-regions and α:M →M the ∗-isomorphism of 1 1 1 2 1 proposition 3.4, so that A ⊂ α(A ) ⊂ A . We can then define R := U Rω2U∗ and obtain O1 O2 V1 α O2 α Rω1 ⊂R⊂Rω1.ItisthenclearthattherespectiveTomita-operatorsareextensionsofeachother, U1 V1 S ⊂S ⊂S (see e.g. [11]). U1 R V1 5 The free scalar field As an example we will consider the free scalar field, which can be quantised using the Weyl algebra(see [6]). For a globally hyperbolic spacetimeM the algebraA is defined as follows. We M letE :=E+−E− denote the difference ofthe advancedandretardedfundamentalsolutionofthe Klein-Gordon operator ∇a∇ +m2 for a given mass m ≥ 0. The linear space H := E(C∞(M)) a 0 has a non-degenerate symplectic form defined by σ(Ef,Eg):=R fEg, where we integrate with M 10