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On the knowledge of the clearwing moth (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) of the Maliau Basin, Sabah, Borneo PDF

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Preview On the knowledge of the clearwing moth (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) of the Maliau Basin, Sabah, Borneo

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan deetma 7)ans. lepidSoc. Japan 54(2):13r-142,March 2003 On the knowledge of the clearwing moth (Lepjdopt eSersai,idae) of the Maliau Basin, Sabah, Borneo Yutaka ARiTAi),OlegG.GoRBuNov2) MaryatiMoHAMED3) and i)ZooLogical Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo Univefsity, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya, 468-8502 Japan; e-mail: [email protected] 2)A. N. Severtso vInstitu tfeor Problems of Ecology & Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow V-71, 11907 1Russia ;e-mail: [email protected] 3}Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Locked Bay 2073, 88999 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,Malaysia Abstract Two new genera, namely Bidentotinthia Arita & Gorbunov gen. nov. and T2irsotinth- ia Arita & Gorbunov gen. nov., and three new species, via Bidlentotinthi aborneana Arita & Gorbunov sp. nov., 7lrrsotint haithaogastra Arita & Gorbunov sp. noy., and Scoiiokon ahyatina Arita & Gorbunov sp. nov, are describe dfrom Sabah, Malaysia. Key words Lepidoptera, Sesiidae ,new genera. new species, Oriental Region, Borneo, taxon- omy. Introduction The presen tpaper is a result ofa short-term Maliau Basin Expeditio norganized by Universiti Malaysia Sabah. It is based on specimens of the clearwing moths (Lepidopt eSreasi,idae) collected on the 6th-12th of May 2001 by the senior author in the environs of Agathis Camp on the mountain slope ofthe Maliau Basin ,Sabah, Malaysia , Though the collected material consists ofa few species only, all ofthem appear to be new to science. All ofthe specimens were collected with the use of artificial sex pheromone lures .Besides that, we erected two new genera for two new species of the tribe Tinthiin iB,idlantotint hhioamaeana Arita & Gorbunov gen. et sp. nov. and 7-Zirsotinth iaathqgastra Arita & Gorbunov gen, et sp. nov, The third new species describe dherein ,SZ]oiioko nahyaiZn aArita & Gorbunov sp. nov,, becomes the third species of the corresponding genus which is a representative of the tribe Paranthrenini. The types of these new species are deposite din the followin gcollections abbreviated in the text as fo11ows: ITBC Institu tfeor Tropica lBiology and Conservation ,Universi tMialaysia, Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, MNHAH-Museum ofNature and Human Activitie Hsy,ogo, Japan, Bidentotintki Aarita & Gorbunov gen. noy. Type species: Bidlentotinth iaborneana Arita & Gorbunov sp, nov. Descriptio n.Medium-sized Tinthia-li kcleearwing moths with alar expanse about 18mm. Head filiform, in frons labial with antenna shortly ciliate male; smooth-scaled; palpus smooth-scaled, short, horizonta iv;ertex smooth-scaled, overlapping upper half of fi"ons; probosci slong ,well-developed, functiona lo;ccipital fring ewith setaceous scales. Thorax NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 132 Yutaka ARiTA, Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Maryati MoHAMED trf-" ''Xx t f.,. "x } yt Figs 1-3. Adults 1 ,Bidentotinth ibaerneana Arita & Gorbunov gen. et sp. nov. Holotype [in. Alar expanse 18.3 mm (ITBC) .2. 7kensotinthi aathqgastva Arita & Gorbunov gen. et sp. nov. Holotype c{a. Alar expanse 23.0rnm (ITBC ).3. Scotlokon ahyanna Arita & Gorbunov sp. nov. Holotype c-. Alar expanse 32.6mm (ITBC). without hair-li ksecales. Legs smooth-scaled; all tibiae with a tuft ofelongate pointed scales both dorso-basally and dorso-distall y;both fore and hind basal tarsomere and thre emid basal tarsomeres with elongate pointed seales posteriorl y.Abdomen smooth-scaled; anal tuft almost undeveloped. Forewing entirely opaque; veins Ri, R2 and R3 paralle ld;istanoe between bases of veins R. and R, half that between veins R3-R, and Rs-Mi; vein CuA2 well-developed (Fi g4.). ・Hindwing transparent in basal halfand opaque in dista lhalfi vein M2 arising from Sc-Mi somewhat distal loyfcross-vein; distanc ebetween fork ofveins CuA, and CuA, about halftha tbetwee nbase ofveins M, and cross-vein; vein CuP well selerotized throughout; vein IA well-developed; vein 2A extremely thin and short, not reaching edge of wing; vein 3A undeveloped (Fi g4.) . Male genitali (aFig 6sa-e) with tegumen-uncus com- plex relatively large ;uncus well-sclerotized, with two smal1, strong, beak-shaped teeth posterier l(yFi g6.b); tuba analis with scaphium undeveloped, subscaphium narrow, well- sclerotized (Fi g6.a) ;valva (Fi g6.c) oval covered with short setae throughout; saoculus not separated; saccus (Fi g6.d) short and broad, rounded basall yvi;nculum long; aedeagus (Fig. 6e) long ,about twice as long as length of valva, with a small tooth dorso-mediall yw,ith coecum penis well developed ,posterior-lateral olny righ tside narrewly membranous, with the effect ofrolling this part into two tubes; vesica without cornuti. Female genital iuanknown. Diagnosis . Bidentotinth iAarita & Gorbunov gen. nov, looks superf}cially lik e7-Znthia Walker, 1865 ["186 4("t]yp sepecies: 71hthi avanp' es Walkerl 1865 ["1864 "ll]4)ic,rosphecia Bartel ,1912 (typ sepecies: SPhin xtineij?)rm iEssper ,1789) ,Zlenodoxzr sGrote & Robinson, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Clearwing MQths (Sesii doafe t)he Maliau Basin ,Borneo 133 / 4 " x 5 Figs4-5. Wing venation ofTinthiini. 4, Bidentotinth ibaornean aArita & Gorbunov gen, et sp. nov. 5. Tt7rsotint haitahagastra Arita & Gorbunov gen. et sp. nov. Scale bar: 2.0 mm. 1868 (typ sepecies: Zenodoxus macuiipes Grote & Robinson, 1868), Sbphona Walker, 1856 (type Sophona hafibtipennWtas]ker,1856) ?VegotinthiGaorbunev, 2001 (type species: and species: Paranthrena [si cn!rp]smiosaE:fbt:mts Herrich-Scha'f l1e8r4,6) ,but it is easily distin- guished from all these mentioned genera and al 1other taxa of the nibe Tinthiini by the conformation of the male genitalia ,especially by the shape of the uncus and aedeagus (ep, Figs 6a-e "'ith corresponding fig sin Eichlin ,1986 ;Kallie s& Arita ,2001; Arita & Gor- bunov,2001;Gorbunov & Arita,2co1). Bionomics , The larva lbiology i's unknown, The type species was collected in May. Constitution. At present x,N'e include in this new genus only the type species, Bidentotinthia borneanaArita& Gorbunov sp. nov. Range. OrientalRegion:Borneo, Etymology, The name of this new genus Bidentotinth ipaartl yderive sfrom a closely related genus 71nthi aand from Latin "Lbidens" for bicuspid ,corresponding to the conformation of the uncus of the male genital ioaf the type species. Gender is feminine. Bidentotinthi baorneana Arita & Gorbunov sp. nov. (Fig sI ,4, 6a-d) Descriptio n,Male (holoty p(eF)i g1.) . Alar expanse 18.3mm; body lengt h6.9mm; for- ewing 8.3 mm; antenna 4.8 mm. Headi antenna dorsall yyellow-orange with dark brown to black tip, ventrally dark brown to black ;scapus yellow-orange with a few grey-brown scales ventrally; frons ,labia lpalpus, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 134 Yutaka ARITA, Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Maryati MoHAMED vertex and occipital fring eyellow-orange with golden sheen. Thorax: patagi ayellow-erange with golden-purple sheen; tegula dorsall ydark brown to black 1aterally darkbrown with purple-green sheen, orange with golden sheen; mesothorax fewbrown darkbrown with purple-green sheen; metathorax yellow-orange with a and scales medially, wjth a tuft of orange setaceous scales; thorax lateral ldyark grey-brown with green-purpl seheen, posterior lwiyth admixture ofyellow-orange to orange scales; posteriorly metepimeron and metameron yellow-orang ewith golden sheen, Legs: neck plat eyellow-orang e;fbre coxa, fbr efemur and fbre tarsus yellow-orang ewith golden sheen throughout; fore tibia yellow-orange with admixture ofa few dark brown scales dorsall y;mid coxa yellow-orange with golden sheen; mid femur yellow-orange with golden sheen, with a few grey-brown scales with bronze-purpl esheen posteriorl ymi;d tibia exterior- dorsall yyellow-orang ewith golden sheen, interior-ventr adlalryk brown to black with bronze-viol eshteen; spurs yellow-orange with golden sheen, with admixture of dark brown scales with purple-green sheen externally; mid tarsus yellow-orange with golden sheen, with admixture ofdark brown sca]es wit hpurple-gree snheen interior-vent orna blalsyal tarsomere and posterior-dorsall oyn each tarsomere; hind coxa yellow-orange with golden sheen; hind femur yellow-erange with golden sheen, mixed with dark brown to brown with bronzerpurple sheen scales posterior-dista lhliyn;d tibia yellow-orang eixJi tgohlden sheen, with a few dark brown to black scales with green-purpl seheen posterior-dorsa lhliyn;d tarsus yellow-orange with golden sheen, with admixture of dark brown to black scales with green-viole tsheen posterior-dorsa lonl yeach tarsomere. Abdomen: dorsall ydark brown to black with green-purple sheen, with a narrow ligh tbrown to dark orange stripe posteriorl yon each tergtte ;tergite s1-3 densel ymixed with ligh tbrown to dark orange scales lateral lyve;ntrally yellow-orang ewith golden sheen; unal tuft minute grey-brown with bronze-purpl esheen, mixed with dirt yyellow-orang escales, Forewing: dark brown to black with dark violet sheen, with a few ligh tbrown to dark orange scales both basall yand anally; transparent areas undeveloped; cilia dark brown with bronze sheen. Hindwing: transparent in basal half idista lhalf opaque, dark brown with blue-viol eshteen; cilia dark brown with purple-bronz esheen, anally orange. Male genitali a(paraty pgeen,ita l preparation Nos GA-301 and 1841 YA) (Figs6a-e). Tegumen-u'ncu scomplex relatively large ;uncus well-sclerotized, with two small, strong, beak-shape dteeth posterior l(yFig .6b); tuba analis with scaphium undeveloped, subsca- (Fig,6a); (Fig.6c) phium narrow, well-sclerotized valva oval covered with short setae throughout; sacculus not separated; saccus (Fig.6 dsh)ort and broad, rounded basally; yinculum long ;aedeagus (Fig 6.e) long ,about twice as long as lengt hof valva, with a small tooth dorso-medial! ywi,th coecum penis well developed ,posterior-later aonll yright side narrowly membranous, with the effect of rolling this part into two tubes; vesica not armed. Female, Unknown. Individual Unknown. variability, Ditferentia ldiagnosi s,Superficial tlhyis new species is somewhat similar to 7>:ichocerota braedythyr aHampson, 1919 and 7}irsotint hiatahqgasua Arita & Gorbunov sp. nov. Bidbntotinth ibaorneana Arita & Gorbunov sp. nov. can be separated from the fbrmer species compared by the coleration of the labia lpalpus and occipital fring e(orange-sca trhlroeutgh- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Clearwing Moths (Sesiid aoef) the Maliau Basin ,Borneo 135 b 6 Figs 6-7, Male genitalia of Tinthiin i.6. Bicientotint hbioarneana Arita & Gorbunov gen, et sp. noy., holotype (genit parleparation Nos GA-301 and 1841 YA). a. Tegumen-uncus cornplex,lateral view. b. Ditto,dorsalview. c. Valva . d. Saccus . e. Aedeagus. 7. 7lrmsotint haithaogastra Arita & Gorbunov gen. et sp. nov., holotype (geni tpraelparation Nos GA-302 and I847 YA). a. Tegumen-uncus complex. b. Valva, c. Saccus. d, Aedeagus. Scalebar:O,5mm, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 136 Yutaka ARiTA, Oleg G, GoRBuNov and Maryati MoHANTED out in the species compared), mid leg s(femor ascarlet, spurs black ,tarsus black with admixture ofscarlet scales posterior-ventr ailn lZy brachytfpi rabado)m,en (blac wkith leaden sheen throughout in the spocies compared). This new species diffe rfsrom the latte srpecies compared by the coloration of the antenna (dar bkrown to black with green-blu esheen, with yellow scales apically and yellow-orang escales dorso-basal liyn Ttirsotinth iaathqgastra Arita & Gorbunov sp. nov.), thorax lateral l(yoran gweith purple-golden sheen, with elongated white spot on both mesepimeron and metepimeron) and posterior l(ymetepime raonnd rnetarneron posterior] ywhite with golden sheen in Ttiusotihth iaathQgastna Arita & Gorbunov sp, nov.), abdomen (dorsa lreld-yorange with golden sheen; tergite 1 with admixture ofwhite scales posterior-rnediall yt;ergite s4 and 5 with admixture of dark brown scales with bronze sheen; tergite s5-7 each densel ymixed with white scales; ventrally white with golden hue; sternites 5-7 each with admixture of dark grey-brown scales with bronze sheen in the species compared), by the normal length of the hind leg (lon bgecause of two hind basal tarsomeres about as long as hind tibia in 7Zirsotint haitahagastra Arita & Gorbunov sp, nov,) and by the completely opaque forewing (anter ianodr posterio trransparent areas short and narrow in the species compared). Beside sthat, these two species can be distinguish ebdy the generic characters, especially by the hindwing venation (ep .Figs 4 and 5) and confbrmation of the male genitalia (ep F,igs 6a-e with Figs 7a-d). Bionomics. The host plant and larva lbionomics are unknown. The type was collected in May.Habitat. The holotype was collected at a border of a tropical rain forest, Distributio n,Known from the type-locality only. Material examined, 1 6i (holoty p(eF)i g1.), Malaysia, Sabah, Maliau Basin, Agathis Camp, 12.V.2oo1 ,Y, Arita leg ,(geni tparelparatio nNos GA-301 and 1841 YA) (ITBC), Etymology. This new species is named after the islan dof Borneo, where it was cotlected. lbrsotinthi Aarita & Gorbunov gen. nov. Type 7irrsotinthia Arita& Gorbunoy species: athqgastra sp. nov. Description, Medium-sized, Iong-legged ,Tlhthia-lik eclearwing moths with alar expanse 23 Head filifbrm, in frons about mm, with antenna shortly ciliate male; smooth-sealed; labia lpalpus smooth-scaled, turned-up, reaching upper margin of frons ;vertex smooth- scaled, overlapping upper half of frons; probosci slong, well-developed, functional ;occipital fting ewith setaceous scales, Thorax withouthair-like scales. Legs smooth-scaled; fbre and mid tibiae with a tuft of elongate pointed scales both dorso-basally and dorso-distall y;hind tibia with somewhat protruded scales and with elongate pointed scales both dorso-medially and dorso-distal layll; tarsomeres with elongate pointed scales; hind tarsus long, txNJ obasal tarsomeres about as long as hind tibia. Abdomen smooth-scaled; anal tuft almost undevel- oped. Forewing with anterior and posterior transparent areas short and narrow; external transparent area undeveloped; veins Ri, R2 and R3 parallel ;distanc ebetween bases ofveins R4 and R, about half that between yeins R3-R4 and about as long as between veins Rs-Mi; vein CuA, well-developed (Fig 5.). Hindwing transparent in basal halfand opaque in distal half icross-vein V-shaped ;vein M, arising from about upper third of cross-vein; distance between for kofveins CuA, and CuA, about one third ofthat between base ofveins M, and cross-vein; vein CuP well sclerotized throughout; vein IA well-developed; vein 2A extreme- ly thin and short, not reaching edge ofwing; vein 3A undeveloped (Fi g5.) . Male genitalia NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Clearwing Meths (Sesii doafe t)he Maliau Basin, Borneo 137 (Figs7a-d )with tegumen-uncus cemplex relatively smal1; uncus well-sclerotized, covered with numerous long setae, distal ldyivided into two finger-shap epdrojections (Fi g7,a) ;tuba analis with scaphium undevetoped, subscaphium narrow, slightly sclerotized (Fi g7,a) ;valva (Fi g7.b) triangular-ova lcovered with short setae throughout and with a few long setae at posterior margin; saocus (Fi g7,c) short and broad, rounded basally ;vinculum narrowly long ;aedeagus (Fi g7,d) long, about thrice as long as lengt hof valva, with coecum penis well-developed, posterior lwyith two large and strong teeth ;vesica not armed, Female genitali uanknown. Diagnosis. By the V-shaped cross-vein of the hindwing, long hind legs and structure of the male genitali tah,is new genus cannot be confused with any taxa of the tribe Tinthiini . But superficially it is somewhat similar to some long-legge dgenera of the tribe Osminiini ,such as AschismphZops Hampson, 1893 (typ sepecies: Aschtstophipps kinzpmpodo Hampson, 1893) and Rymphmp sArita & Gorbunov, 2000 (typ especies: Ryiephl epnisgT('pennis Arita & Gorbunov, 2000) . Tlarsotint hAiraita & Gorbunov gen, nov, easily diffe rfsron ithem by both generi cand tribal signs (se efo,r example Arita & Gorbunoy, 2000). Bionomics . The larva lbiology is unknown, The type species was collected in May. Constitutio n.At presen tw,e includ ein this new genus only the type species, 7'kersotinthia Arita& Gorbunov athqgastra sp. nov. Range. OrientalRegion: Borneo. Etymology. The name ofthis new genus, 7'kensotin tphaiitaly derive sfrom a closely related genus 7fiinth iaand from "tarsus", corresponding to the long-legged habitu softhe type species, Gender isfeminine. 72irsotinthi aathagastra Arita & Gorbunov sp. noy. (Fig 2s, 5, 7a-d) Description.Male (holotyp(eF)ig2.). Alar 23.0mm; body length9.9 for- expanse mm; ewing 102 mm; antenna 7.1 mm. Head: antenna dark brown to black with green-blu esheen, with yellow scales apically and dorso-basally; frons,labial yellow-orange scales scapus yellow-orange; palpus, vertex and occipital fring eyellow-orange. Thorax: dorsall yred-orange to orange with purple-golde nsheen; lateral loyrange with both purple-golden sheen, with elongated white spot on mesepimeron and metepimeron; posteriorl ymetepimeron and metameron white with golden sheen. Legs :neck plate ,fbre coxa and fore femur yellow-orange w'ith golden sheen; ibre tibia yellow-orange to orange with golden sheen, with a short and narrow black stripe with greenis hsheen, dorso-basall yf;ore tarsus yellow-orang e"'ith goldel lsheen; mid coxa yellow- orange with golden sheen; mid femur, mid tibia and spurs orange wi'th golden sheen; mid tarsus yel]ow-orange with golden sheen, with admixture of black scales with green-blue sheen dorsall yon three dista ltarsomeres; hind coxa yellow-orange with golden sheen; hind femur anteriorly yellow-orang ewith golden sheen, posterior lwyhite; hind tibia yellow-orange to 1arge black orange with golden sheen, with a white spot anterior-ventrally and spot with green sheen posterior-distall ysp;urs orange with golden sheen; hind tarsus black with brigh tgreen sheen, with admixture of orange scales anterior-ventrally on basal tarsomere and orange, pointed ,elongated scales on four basal tarsomeres posterior-ventrally. Abdomen: dorsally red-orange with golden sheen; tergjt e1 with admixture of white scales NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan l38 Yutaka ARITA, Oleg G, GoRBuNov and Maryati MoHAMED posterior-medial lteyr;gites 4 and 5 with admixture of dark brown scales with bronze sheen; tergites 5-7 each densely mixed with white scales; ventrally white with golden hue; sternites 5-7 each with admixture ofdark grey-brown scales with bronze sheen; anal tuft small, mixed with orange, black and white scales. Forewing: basally b,asal pait ofcostal and anal margins and CuA-stem red-orange; remain- ing opaque surface dark brown to black (pal edristal loyf cross-vein) with dark green-blue sheen; external transparent area undeveloped; anterior and posterio trransparent areas short and narroxiv', covered with semihyaline brownish scales with golden tint ;cilia dark brown with purple sheen. Hindwing: transparent in basal half idista lhalf opaque, dark bro"n with greenish sheen; veins black with dark green sheen, with admixture of orange scales basall yon veins CuAi, CuA,, CuP and IA; cilia dark brown with purple sheen, anally orange. Male genital ia(paraty pgeen,ita lpreparatio nNos GA-302 and 1847 YA) (Figs7a-d), Tegumen-uncus complex relatively small; uncus well-sclerotized, covered with numerous long setae, distal ldyivided into two finger-shap epdrojections (Fi g7.a); tuba analis with scaphium undeveloped, subscaphium narrow, slightly sclerotized (Fi g7.a) ;valva (Fi g7.b) triangular-oval covered with short setae throughout and with a few long setae at posterior margin; saccus (Fig.7 cs)hort and broad ,rounded basally ;vinculum narrowly long; aedeagus (Fi g7.d) long, about thrice as long as lengt hof valva, with coecum penis well- developed ,posteriorl ywith two larg eand strong teeth; vesica not armed. Female, Unknown. Individual variability. Unknown. Differentia ldiagnosi s.This new species cannot be confused with any species of the tribe Tinthiin iof the Orienta lRegion because of it slong hind legs .However, superficially it looks likeBidentotinthibaorneanaArita& Gorbunov but Ttirsotinthia somewhat sp. nov., athqgasna Arita & Gorbunov sp. nov, is separable by a lot of detail sof the coloration of various parts of the body and by the conformation of the male genitaH a(op c.orresponding description illustratiohnesrein), and Bionomics . The host plant and larva lbionomics are unknown. The holotype was col- 1ectedinMay. Habitat. The typ especimen was collected at a border of a tropical rain forest. Distributio n,Known from the type-localit yonly. , Material examined, 1 c{i (holoty p(eF)ig 2.) ,Malaysia, Sabah, Maliau Basin, Agathis Camp, 7. V. 2001, Y. Arita leg .(geni ptraelparatio nNos GA-301 and 1847 YA) (ITBC). Etymology, This new species is named `'athegastru" becaus eofcoloration ofthe abdomen ventrally. Sbollvkona jlyalina Arita & Gorbunov sp. nov. (Fig 3s, 8a-d) Description. Male (holoty p(eF)ig. 3)A.lar expanse 32.6mm; body lengt h20,5 rnm; fbr- ewing 14. 1mm; antenna 7,4mm. Head: antenna dark brown to black with dark green-viole tsheen throughout; scapus dark brewn to black with dark greenish sheen; frons throughout dark brown to black with NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Clearwing Moths (Sesiid aoef) the Maliau Basil lB,orneo 139 greenish sheen; labia lpalpus black with admixture ofwhite scales on two dista jloin tbsoth ventrally and dorsall yv;ertex black with dark violet sheen; occipital fring edorsall yblack, laterally silvery-white. Thorax: patagi ablack with bright dark green-bronz seheen; tegula dark brown to black with greenish sheen; mesothorax dark brown to black with brenze sheen; metathorax dark brown to black with bronze-gree nsheen, with a tuft of grey scales; thorax Lateral !dyark brown to black with bright anthracite sheen; posterior lmyetepimeron and metameron dark brown hair-like with greenish sheen, with grey scales. Legs: neck dark brown to black with dark purple sheen; fbre leg black with dark purple sheen; mid coxa black with dark purple sheen, wjth a few pale yellow to yellow scales posterior-medial lmiyd; fernu rblack with dark purple sheen, with a few white scales at posterio rmargin; mid tibia throughout black with dark purple; spurs yeltow with a few blac kscales; mid tarsus blac kwith dark purple sheen, with admixture ofyellow-orange scales on two basal tarsomeres interier-ventra lhilnyd; coxa black with dark purple sheen, with a few pale yellow to yellow scales posterior-medial lhyi;nd femur black with dark purple sheen, narrowly silvery-white posteriorly ;hind tibia black with brigh tgreenish sheen, with admix- ture ofwhite hairs dorsall ys;purs yellew with a few black scales; hind tarsus black with dark purple sheen, with admixture of yellQw-orang escales on tvvr obasal tarsomeres interior- ventrally. Abdomen: black with dark purple-blu esheen throughout; anal tuft black with anthracite sheen, narrowly white posteriorly. b Hs t Fig. 8, Male genital iaof Scoliokon ahyafin aArita & Gorbunov sp, nov., paratyp c(genital preparation Nos GA-142 and l826 YA). a. Tegumen-uncus complex. b. Valva. c. Saccus. d.Aedeagus. Sculebar:O.5mm. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 140 Yutaka ARiTA, Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Maryati MoHAMED Forewing: dark brown to black with brigh tviolet sheen; anterior and external transparent areas undeveloped; posterior transparent area narrovLr, covered with brownish semihyaline scales; cilia dark brown with bronze-purple sheen. Hindwing: transparent ,basall ydensel ycovered with short dark brown to black sca]es with brigh tbronze-viol eshteen; veins broadly dark brown with violet-purple shoen; discal spot narrow, extending to base of vein M,, dark brown to black with brigh tdark violet sheen; outer margin naiTow, about as narrow as cilia, dark brown with violet-purple sheen; cilia darkbrown bronze-purple with sheen, grey anally, Male genitali a(paraty peg,enita lpreparation Nos GA-142 and 1826 YA) (Figs8u-d). Uncus relatively broad ,well-developed, covered with sparse short setae; tegumen rather broad; gnathos consisting of three beak-shape dhooks; tuba analis with subscaphium nar- rowly sclerotized (Fig.8 av)al;va (Fig.8b )trapezifbrm-oval ,dorsal third covered with hand-shaped setae, with a row ofpointed setae subventrally; medial row ofhand-shaped setae present ;sacculus with a group of strong pointed setae; saccus (Fig 8,c) slightly shorter than vinculum, somewhat broadened and flatten ebdasally ;aedeagus (Fi g8,d) rather thick, slightly longer than valva, with a small sclerotized dentat eplate dorso-distall y;vesica with numerous mlnute cornutl. Female. Unknown. Individua lvariability. Coloratio nvirtually constant, slightly variable only in individual 32,6-362mm; body length 20.5-23.lmm; forewing 14.1-15.5mm; size: alar expanse antenna 7.4-82 mm. Differenti adliagnosi s,Firs tof all, this new species is the smallest one of the genus (alar expanse 37-49 mm in S tetrapora (Diakeno f1"96g) and 38-39 mm in SL heptcrp oKraalljes & Arjta ,1998) , Further ,S iij?ati Ahraita & Gorbunov sp, nov. can be distinguish efdrom S tetnapora by the coloration ofthe occipital fring e(blac tkhroughout in from S tetrcrpora) (tergi2te and abdomen w'ith a narrow white stripe posterior-lateral lyst;ernites mixed with white scales in the species compared), by the entirely hyaline hindwing (most olpayque, with 5 elongate transparent cells in male in from S tetrapora )and by the conformation ofthe male genitali aes,pecially by the shape of the saccus (op Fig, 8c with fig .26d in Kallie s& Arita (1998 ))T,his new species is separable from S hclptap ovbya the coloration of the scapus (whit veentrally in the species compared), fron s(narrow lwhyite lateral tiyn S heptapora), abdornen (terg 2i twieth a narrow white stripe posterior-later atlelrgyi;tes 4 and 5 each with a narrow, transverse ,white stripe lateral liyn the species compared) and forewin (gwit shtrong bluish sheen in SL heptapora) ,by the entirely transparent hindwing (out emarrgin broad, surface between veins CuA, and CuA, completely opaque in the species compared) and by the structure of the male genitalia ,especially by the shape of the valva and saccus (op F.ig. 8a-d with fig .26a-d in Kallie s& Arita (1998)). Bionornics. The host plant and larva lbionomics are unknown, The moths were collected inMay. Habitat.Borders fbrests. oftropical rain Distributio n.Known from the type-locality only. Materia lexamined. I dn (holoty p(eF)i g3,) ,Malaysia ,Sabah, Maliau Basin ,Agathis Camp, 11. V. 2001, Y.Arita leg .(ITBC );l 6n (paratyp es)ar,ne locality ,l2. V. 2ool, Y.Arita leg, (ITBC )(;geni tparelparatio Nnos GA-142 and 1826 YA); 1 c7 (paraty psaeme), localit aynd NII-Electronic Library Service

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