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by  R. Agra
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On the free energy within the mean-field approximation Rafael Agra and Fr´ed´eric van Wijland Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique (UMR 8627 du CNRS), Bˆatiment 210, Universit´e Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France 6 Emmanuel Trizac 0 Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique et Mod`eles Statistiques (UMR 8626 du CNRS), 0 Bˆatiment 100, Universit´e Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France 2 n We compare two widespread formulations of the mean-field approximation, based on minimizing a an appropriately built mean-field free energy. We use the example of the antiferromagnetic Ising J model to show that one of these formulations does not guarantee the existence of an underlying 6 variational principle. This results in a severe failure where straightforward minimization of the corresponding mean-field free energy leads to incorrect results. ] h PACSnumbers: 82.70.Dd,64.70.Dv c e m In statistical physics the mean-field approximation is square sub-lattices, as shown in Figure 1. The lattice - one of the most common and easy-to-use frameworks. It sites are conveniently divided into two subsets a and b, t a isalsooneofthemostpowerful,andoftentheonlyavail- as already depicted on Figure 1. t s able one. It allows one to convert the study of a many- . body problemofinteractingdegreesoffreedomintothat We begin with a reminder of the variational formula- t a of independent degrees of freedom. There are several tionofthe mean-fieldapproximation(route 1), andthen m manners of performing a mean-field approximation. Our present a more standard approach (route 2) and the ac- - purpose is not to review them nor to discuss the cor- companying difficulties in interpreting the related free d responding well-documented pitfalls [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. energy. n o Among those various mean-field versions, the one that Route 1: Variational procedure. The idea [9, 10, 11] is c is based on a rigorous variational principle plays a spe- to introduce a trial Hamiltonian Hmf depending on the [ cial role. Our purpose in the present note is to confront original degrees of freedom {s } and on two parameters i this rigorous,albeit cumbersome approach,with simpler m and m the physical meaning of which will become 1 a b v and widely used formulations. We would like to analyze clear later. An intuitive choice for Hmf is 5 a hazardous ambiguity in the concept of free energy in 2 those apparently more physical formulations which, to H =+4Jm s +4Jm s (2) mf bX i aX j 1 the best of our knowledge, has not been noted before. i∈a j∈b 1 Thereasonwhytheseconceptuallyerroneousstatements 0 that can be found in many places in the literature ([2], Then one splits H into 6 [7] ) have never been challenged is that pedagogicalpre- 0 H=H +(H−H ) (3) / sentationsareusuallyconfinedtotheferromagneticIsing mf mf t a model,whichhasascalarorderparameter,andforwhich, so that the free energy F of the system reads m somewhat luckily, the dangers we will point out remain - hidden. F =F −k T lnhe−β(H−Hmf)i . (4) d We have chosen to illustrate our discussion with the mf B mf n anti-ferromagnetic Ising model on a two-dimensional Here, βF =−logZ where Z is the partition func- o mf mf mf squarelatticeofN sites,saywithperiodicboundarycon- c tionassociatedto(2),β =1/(kBT)istheinversetemper- ditions [8], for our discussion would be pointless with a : ature with k the Boltzmann constant and the angular v scalarorderparameter. TheN spinss =±1,i=1,...,N B i i brackets h...imf denote an average using the Gibbs mea- X are interacting according to the following Hamiltonian: sure related to H , that is with weight exp(−βH ). mf mf r The exponential being convex, one is led to the inequal- a H=+J s s (1) X i j ity hi,ji F ≤F +hH−H i . (5) mf mf mf where the sum runs over the 2N distinct pairs of Phi,ji nearest neighbour sites, and where the constant J > 0 Equation (5) often appears under the name of Bogoli- is the anti-ferromagnetic coupling. The high temper- ubov inequality and may be used to find the best set ature phase of the system is paramagnetic (m = hs i of parameters m and m that render φ(m ,m ) = i i a b a b vanishes). As the temperature is decreased below the F +hH−H i minimum,thatisascloseaspossibleto mf mf mf so called N´eel temperature T anti-ferromagnetic order the exactfreeenergyF [12]. Itisimportanttonote here N sets in: The spins align in opposite directions on two that the best approximation for F is not F (m ,m ) mf a b 2 butφ(m ,m ). Usingthaths i =−tanh4βJm and Alternative formulation. Replacing in the original a b i∈a mf b hs i =−tanh4βJm we arrive at Hamiltonian H the spins s with m +δs and ne- j∈b mf a ℓ aorb ℓ glecting terms quadratic in the δs ’s, we obtain our new ℓ βFmf mean-field Hamiltonian H′ : mf N βφ(ma,mb)=z2 h−ln(4cosh4}β|Jmacosh4βJmb{) Hm′ f =−2NJmamb+4JmbXsi+4JmaXsj. (11) +4βJtanh4βJm tanh4βJm i∈a j∈b a b Inthepresentformulation,themean-fieldapproximation +4βJ(m tanh4βJm +m tanh4βJm ) a a b b i can be viewed as neglecting correlations between near- (6) est neighbour spin fluctuations. The difference between the above H′ and the H that appears in (2) lies in Extremizing φ leads to the set of equations mf mf the additional constant term −2NJm m that features a b a temperature dependence through the magnetizations ∂φ ∂φ =0, =0 (7) m and m that must carefully be kept track of. It is a b ∂m ∂m a b easily checked that following the above variational pro- ⇒ ma =−tanh4βJmb, mb =−tanh4βJma (8) cedureroute1withH′ insteadofH leadstothesame mf mf results[12]. Atthisstage,anotherroutecanbefollowed, The latter system of equations has a unique solution that differs from the variational procedure. We decom- m = m = 0 at β ≤ β = 1 (T = 4J/k ) and a b N 4J N B pose this second route into two steps. possesses an additional set of two nonzero solutions for Route 2a: Self-consistency. From the mean-field β > βN (TN is identified as the N´eel temperature). In HamiltonianH′ itiseasytodeduceboththemean-field mf the high temperature phase the paramagnetic solution partition function Z′ and the average magnetization. mf m = m = 0 becomes the global minimum of φ, just a b We find as the nonzero solution m = −m 6= 0 does in the low a b temperaturephase(onecanverifythatthe matrixofthe Z′ =2Ne2NβJmamb(cosh(4βJm )cosh(4βJm ))N/2 mf a b second derivatives of φ is positive definite at those ex- (12) trema). Note also that for β > βN the paramagnetic and state is a saddle point of φ with the unstable direction amloinnigmuthme,mthae=exp−rmesbsiolinneof(sφeereFaidgsure 2). Right at the ma =hsi∈ai= Z1m′f {Xsℓ}sie−βH′mf =−tanh(4Jβmb)(13) m =hs i=−tanh(4Jβm )(14) φ(m ,m )=F −2NJm m (9) b j∈b a a b mf a b Thissystemofequationsisexactlytheonefoundin(10). where m and m are the solutions to the system in (7). a b The self-consistency equations (13) and (14) have only At this stagewe havesimply postulated a trialHamil- theparamagneticsolutionwhenT ≥T ,whileanonzero N tonianH withoutprovidingmuchofaphysicalmotiva- mf solutioncontinuouslydevelopsasT isloweredbelowT . tion. It is a posteriori clear that H describes a system N mf It is then arguedthat below T , which is identified with N of independent spins in an external magnetic field. For theN´eeltemperature,them =m =0solutionisunsta- a b spin s of sub-lattice a this magnetic field is interpreted i blewhilethesolutionm =−m 6=0becomesstableand a b as the mean magnetization resulting from the four near- isthephysicallyrelevantone. Eithermoreprecisediscus- estneighborsonsub-latticeb,asisconfirmedbythefact sions about stability issues are discarded or one finds in that at the minimum of φ one can indeed verify that standard textbooks the following assertion to justify the choiceofthe nonzerosolutionbelowT : Itbecomessta- N hs i =−tanh4βJm =m , hs i =m (10) ∈a mf b a ∈b mf b ble below the N´eel temperature (this is true), as can be checkedby studying the minima of the free energy. This In practice, however the variational procedure is not is this last sentence that we would now like to discuss. physically transparent and is mathematically rather Route 2b: Free energy landscape. From the expression heavy. Furthermore it must be supplemented with a of the partition function given in (12) one can easily de- reasonable input of physical intuition when postulating duce an expression for the free energy φ′(m ,m ) as a a trial Hamiltonian, lest the outcome of the calculation a b function of the magnetizations on the two sub-lattices: should be dull. Hence, for all these reasons, in spite of φ(m ,m ) being a bona fide mean-field free energy, it is a b φ′(m ,m )=−k T logZ′ =N −2Jm m rarely used in standard courses. The purpose of the se- a b B mf (cid:16) a b quelistopresentanalternativeandwidelyusedformula- 1 − ln[4cosh(4βJm )cosh(4βJm )] tionofthemean-fieldapproximation[2,7],whichatfirst 2β a b (cid:17) glance appears more satisfactory on physical grounds, (15) but that conceals a number of hazards that we wish to point out. We now express that we search for the states that mini- 3 mize the free energy φ′ be prohibited to freely vary the magnetizations m and a m as in route 2b to study the free-energy φ′ landscape b ∂φ′ ∂φ′ and to rely on the latter landscape to discuss stability = =0 (16) ∂m ∂m issues. There is indeed no variational principle under- a b lying the derivation of φ′. This is at variance with the Within the frameworkofthe simpler ferromagneticcase, safe route 1 relying of φ. This also means that route 2 thisispreciselythewordingadoptede.g. in[2]. Itisthen can never be used to discuss metastability issues, even usually commented that the equations (16) are equiva- restricting to self-consistent magnetizations. lent to those obtained by resorting directly to the self- The inconsistency we have brought forth for route 2b consistency conditions. A plot of the free energy land- appearsonlywhenthe mean-fieldorderparameterisnot scapeasafunctionoftheorderparameterusuallyfollows. a scalar (as is the case in the ferromagnetic model): Or- AndindeedforT <T itmaybeseenthattheparamag- N deringphenomenaonmorecomplexsubstructuresofthe netic state becomes a global maximum of φ′ considered original lattice would inevitably lead to similar results. as a function of independent variables (m ,m ). a b The key point in our second formulation of the mean- However, below the N´eel temperature, the nontrivial fieldapproximation(route2)isthatbytheir verydefini- state (m ,m ) deducedfrom(13)and(14) is simply nei- a b tion, m and m are the average magnetizations: They ther a local nor a global minimum of the free energy a b cannot be considered as freely varying variables. They φ′(m ,m ): a b are functions of the temperature determined by the self- (i)thereexistotherstates,attheboundariesofthemag- consistencyequations. Itiscurioustonotethatthephys- netization domain, that have a lower free energy; ical solution (m ,m ) to the problem (which is by defi- (ii)(m ,m )asgivenbythenonzerosolutionof(13)and a b a b nition a minimum of φ) corresponds to a saddle point of (14) does not even correspond to a local minimum. the function φ′. It is instructive to examine the shape of the free energy Therefore we would like to conclude by warning that landscape as a function of the order parameter compo- there is in principle no physical meaning to the mean- nents (m ,m ), as plotted in Figure 3. We find that a b the state that globally minimizes the free energy φ′ is field free energy φ′ seen as a function of a freely varying the fully ordered ferromagnetic m = m = 1 state (or order parameter. Comparing mean-field free energies is a b meaningfulonlyforsolutionsoftheself-consistencyequa- equivalently m = m = −1), whatever 0 ≤ T < T . a b N tions. We have shown this below the N´eel temperature, Furthermore,theanti-ferromagneticstatecorrespondsto butsimilarproblemsariseinthehigh-temperaturelimit. a saddle point of the free energy landscape. This is best Indeed,expandingthefreeenergyEq.(15)inthevicinity appreciatedonFigure4. Withthechosenparametersthe of β =0 yields φ′ ≃−2JNm m from which one could correctanti-ferromagneticstate hasma ≃0.77. We have mf a b be tempted to concludeerroneouslythatthe stablestate clearly come across an unexpected hazard of the mean- is fully ferromagnetic when it is of course paramagnetic! field approximation. Finally, note that by artificially di- viding a regular ferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice into two sub-lattices with independent average magnetizations, one would come across the same kind sublatticea ofproblemsforthemean-fieldfreeenergy(the ferromag- netic state wouldbecome asaddle-point,the globalmin- imum would correspond to the fully anti-ferromagnetic sublatticeb state, etc.). Discussion. We now come back to the variational for- mulation and we wish to underline that when one evalu- +J antiferromagneticcoupling ates φ at its global minimum one finds that φ(m ,m )=φ′(m ,m ) (17) a b a b where m and m are the functions of temperature solu- a b tionto the system(13,14)or(10). This tells us thatit is perfectly legitimate to follow route 2a using the numeri- cal value of φ′ at the values given by (13,14) for finding FIG. 1: A two dimensional anti-ferromagnet, for T ≪ TN. Thespinsalignalmostperfectlyinoppositedirectionsontwo the physical solution to the problem. In other words, sub-lattices a and b of theoriginal lattice. route 2a with the further computation of φ for the self- consistent magnetizations is correct. However it should [1] D.Chandler,Introduction toModernStatistical Mechan- [2] B. Diu, C. Guthmann, D. Lederer and B. Roulet, ics(Oxford UniversityPress, 1987). 4 -1.4 [4] M.LeBellac,QuantumandStatisticalFieldTheory(Ox- ford UniversityPress, 1992). -1.5 [5] J.M. Yeomans, Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transi- tions (Clarendon Press, 1993). -1.6 [6] G. Parisi, Statistical Field Theory (Addison Wesley 1988). -1.7 [7] M.E. Tuckerman, online course accessible at http://www.nyu.edu/classes/tuckerman/stat.mech /lectures/lecture 26/node1.html -2 -1 1 2 [8] Inthepresentcase,themodelisexactlysolvablebymap- ping it ontoits ferromagnetic counterpart,for which the solutionmaybefoundinL.D.LandauandE.M.Lifshitz, FIG. 2: Plot of the trial free energy φ(ma,mb) at T = Statistical Physics (Pergamon Press, 1959). Yet, we use 2.2J/kB < TN as a function of ma along the ma = −mb it as a pedagogical testbench. direction. Note the presence of degenerate global minima at [9] J.J.Binney,N.J.Dowrick,A.J.FischerandM.E.J.New- finitemagnetization. man, The theory of critical phenomena. An introduction -2 -2 -2,1 -3 -2,2 -4 -2 -3 1 -4 0 0.773 1 -50 1 -5 0.5 -6 --11 0 mb FIG. 4: Plot of the dimensionless free energy φ′ /(JN) as --00..55 mf 00 -0.5 a function of ma along the ma = −mb line (left) and along mmaa theperpendiculardirectioncrossingthesaddlepointatma= 00..55 −mb≃0.77 (right). Same parameters as in Fig. 3 . 1-1 ′ FIG. 3: Plot of the dimensionless free energy φ /(JN) as a mf functionofmaandmbin[−1,1]2,belowtheN´eeltemperature to the renormalization group (Oxford University Press, at T =3TN/4. 1992). [10] R.P. Feynman,Phys. Rev. 97, 660 (1955). [11] R. Peierls, Phys. Rev. 54, 918 (1934). [12] We note that the Bogoliubov bound [right hand side of Physique statistique (Herrmann,1989). Eq.(5)]isthesameforalltrialHamiltoniansoftheform [3] N. Goldenfeld, Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Hmf+h(ma,mb) where h(ma,mb) is an arbitrary func- Renormalization Group (Perseus Books, 1992). tion.

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