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On the equivalence of the freely cooling granular gas to the sticky gas Mahendra Shinde,1,∗ Dibyendu Das,1,† and R. Rajesh2,‡ 1Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400 076, India 2Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT campus, Taramani, Chennai-600113, India (Dated: January 25, 2009) A freely cooling granular gas with velocity dependent restitution coefficient is studied in one di- mension. Therestitution coefficient becomes near elastic when therelative velocity of thecolliding particles is less than a velocity scale δ. Different statistical quantities namely density distribution, occupied and empty cluster length distributions, and spatial density and velocity correlation func- 9 tions, are obtained using event driven molecular dynamic simulations. We compare these with the 0 correspondingquantitiesofthestickygas(inelasticgaswithzerocoefficientofrestitution). Wefind 0 thatintheinhomogeneouscoolingregime,fortimessmallerthanacrossovertimet1wheret1 ∼δ−1, 2 thebehaviourofthegranulargasisequivalenttothatofthestickygas. Whenδ→0,thent1 →∞ and hence, the results support an earlier claim that the freely cooling inelastic gas is described by n the inviscid Burgers equation. For a real granular gas with finite δ, the existence of the time scale a J t1 shows that, for large times, thegranular gas is not described bythe inviscid Burgers equation. 5 PACSnumbers: 45.70.Mg,47.70.Nd,05.70.Ln 2 ] t I. INTRODUCTION being exactly solvable in one dimension [26], the exact f expressions for different quantities like velocity distribu- o s tion, mass distribution, energy decay as a function of Granular systems, ubiquitous in nature, exhibit a . time are known. This limit (r = 0) will be referred to t wide variety of physical phenomena [1, 2]. The non- a as the sticky gas. In this paper, we will refer to the case m equilibriumnatureofthesesystems,characterizedbydis- 0<r <1 as the granular gas. sipative particle collisions and external driving, has at- - Extensive simulations of the granular gas in one di- d tracted a lot of attention from the theoretical point of n view [3]. However, analytical progress remains slow. It mension showed that, beyond the crossover time tc, the o is therefore important to understand completely simple energy decay in the granular gas is identical to that of c the sticky gas [5]. Not only is the exponent ψ the same, models that capture some essential feature of these sys- [ all the curves for different r’s collapse on top of each tems. 2 other. In addition, the velocity distribution was seen to A simple, well studied model that captures dissipa- v be independent of r. Finally, the coarsening length scale tion effects, is the freely cooling gas wherein particles 1 (t) scaled with t identically for both the granular and 3 at high temperature come to rest through inelastic colli- Lthe sticky gas. It was thus concluded that the long time 2 sions [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, behaviour (t > t ) of the granular gas is described by 0 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]. At short times, the particles undergo c the Burgers equation. This analogy was generalized to . homogeneous cooling, described by the Haff’s law [24], 1 higher dimensions in Ref. [6], thoughits applicability re- 1 wherein the kinetic energy of the system decreases with mains unclear [17]. 8 time t as t−2. This behaviour has recently been veri- To make this equivalence in one dimension stronger, 0 fied experimentally [25]. Beyond a crossovertime t , the c : system crosses over to the inhomogeneous cooling state, the two point correlationsof the granular and the sticky v gases need to be compared. In a recent paper [27] we i characterized by clustering, where the energy decays ac- X cording to a different power law t−ψ. The exponent ψ showed that, when r depends on the relative velocity, ∼ there is a new crossover time t (with t > t ), beyond r is dependentondimension. Forinstance,ψ =2/3inone 1 1 c a whichthecoarseningpropertiesofthegranulargasdiffer dimension and ψ 1 in two dimensions. ≈ fromthatofthestickygasortheBurgersequation. This In one dimension, it has been possible to make con- wasshownnumericallybymeasuringthe spatialdensity- siderable analytic and numerical progress. In the spe- density and velocity-velocity correlation functions. In cial case when the coefficient of restitution (henceforth thispaper,wefocusontheintermediatetimet <t<t , denoted by r) is zero, i.e. particles stick on collision, c 1 and show that the correlation functions of the granular the problem is exactly solvable. The problem can be gas compare well with that of the sticky gas, obeying mapped on to the description of shocks in velocity field what is known as the Porod law. In Sec. II, we review in the inviscid Burgers equation [4]. Burgers equation this law in the context of coarsening systems, and point out some non-equilibrium systems where it is known to be violated. Our study involves event driven molecular dynamics ∗Electronicaddress: shinde˙m˙[email protected] †Electronicaddress: [email protected] simulationsofthegranularandthestickygasesonaring. ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] The precise definition of the model and the definition of 2 the statistical quantities that we measure are presented law called the Porod law [35, 36]. For scalar order pa- in Sec. III. The quantities that will be studied are den- rameters,the Porodlaw states that in d-dimensions, the sity distributions, density-density and velocity-velocity scaled structure function S(k,t)/ d (k )−θ for large L ∼ L correlationfunctions, and size distribution of empty and k ,withθ =d+1. Hence,inonedimensionθ =2. Inthe L occupied clusters. above, S(k,t) is the Fourier transform of the two point Modeling the coefficient of restitution r is crucial in correlationfunction ofthe orderparameter. We shallre- defining the model and understanding cooling granular fer to systems having the above features as clean phase gases. Experimentally,itisknownthatrtendsto1(elas- ordering systems. The essential fact is that, in clean tic limit) when the relativevelocity ofcollisiondecreases phase ordering systems the relative fluctuation with re- to zero [28, 29, 30], while for large relative velocities r specttotheorderedstateisnominal. Forexample,inthe tends to a constant. This introduces avelocity scale δ in caseofaferromagneticIsingmodel,afinitesystematin- theproblem,whichconsequentlygivesrisetoanewtime finitely large time shows magnetization per site peaked scale t . As in Ref. [27], we model r as at two possible values of spontaneous magnetization. 1 A few non-equilibrium systems, e.g., particles sliding r =(1 r0)exp( vrel/δ σ)+r0, (1) on a randomly fluctuating surface [37, 38, 39], active ne- − −| | maticsnamely,agitatedgranular-rodmonolayersorfilms where δ represents a velocity scale, below which colli- of orientable amoeboid cells [40], show a different kind sions become near elastic, i.e, when the relative velocity of phase ordering; the main characteristic of which is vrel δ, then r 1 (elastic collision). For vrel δ undamped relative fluctuations even in the thermody- ≪ → ≫ the collisions are inelastic with r r0. The parame- namic limit. Hence, it is called fluctuation dominated → ter σ decides how abruptly this crossover occurs. For phase ordering. In such systems strong fluctuations sus- example, for σ , r versus vrel is a step function tain in time without losing macroscopic order. The or- → ∞ while for finite σ it is a smoother curve. For σ < 1, the derparametershavebroadprobabilitydistributionseven curve has a cusp as it approaches r = 1. The exper- in the thermodynamic limit indicating strong variation imental curves [28] suggest that the power σ can vary of the order parameter in time. Unlike usual phase or- over wide range. Within the framework of viscoelastic dering, there need not be sharp interfaces distinguishing theory, a power of σ = 1/5 has been predicted [31, 32]. one phase from the other. The ensemble-averaged spa- Apartfromthat,studiesofvelocitydistributioninfreely tialcorrelationfunctionshowsascalingformin r/ (t), cooling granular gases with velocity dependent restitu- but unlike clean phase ordering systems, it exh|ibiLts ei|- tioncoefficienthavebeendoneusingtechniquesdifferent ther a cusp or a power law divergence at small values from that in this paper, namely direct simulation monte of r/ (t). Hence the scaled structure factor varies as carloandviscoelastictheories[33,34]. Withσ and S(k|,t)L/ d| (k )−θ with θ <2. Thus, measuring θ is a δ held finite, our problem becomes same as the→gr∞anular reliableLtest∼to iLdentify deviations from the Porod law. gas problem studied earlier in [5]. We recently showed that the freely cooling granular The existence of a new crossover time t was briefly 1 gas at large times (t > t ) also shows fluctuation domi- 1 shown in our earlier publication [27]. In Sec. IV, we nated phase ordering [27]. The spatial correlation func- present simulation results, showing explicitly the exis- tion shows a power law divergence for small values of tence of t for different δ and σ and determine its de- 1 r/ (t). This in turn indicates violation of the Porod pendence on δ and σ. We then proceed to do a detailed | L | law in the density and velocity structure functions with comparison of the early time behaviour of the granular θ 0.8 [27]. The Porod law violation here indicates the gas and the sticky gas in Sec. V. We do the comparison ≈ presenceofpowerlawdistributedclusters. Inotherwords on the basis of data for the various statistical quantities the phase ordering is not clean. Earlier,in a slightly dif- characterizing coarsening in these systems. In Sec. VI, ferent model in one dimension with velocity dependent the two point correlations are related to the empty and restitution coefficient [41], it was found that the coars- occupied cluster distributions through a mean field ap- ening clusters are not long lived and they start breaking proximation. This derivationleadsus analyticallyto the up at late times. That result seems to have similarity Porodlawforthesecoarseningsystems. Conclusionsand to what we found in [27] at late times t > t . But in- 1 discussions are presented in Sec. VII. terestingly we find that at late times (t > t ) there are 1 two sub-regimes namely t > t > t and t > t . Here 2 1 2 t δ−3 [5] is the very large scale beyond which all 2 ∼ II. THE POROD LAW collisions become elastic and the system again becomes homogeneous. Ontheotherhand,theregimet >t>t 2 1 The freely cooling granular gas is an example of what is the new and nontrivial regime of “unclean” ordering is known as a coarsening or a phase ordering system. It that we have found [27] and are highlighting here. is well known that in systems freely relaxing to ordering For Burgers equation, it was shown numerically in states,thereexistsalengthscale (t)thatincreaseswith Ref.[13][alsoseeSec.V],thattheorderingiscleanphase L time [35]. Inaddition,forusualphaseorderingsystems, ordering, such that Porod law is obeyed. In this paper thepresenceofadominant (t)resultsinarobustscaling we examine the structure factor for the granular gas for L 3 intermediate times and show that Porod law is obeyed, The primary difference between a sticky gas and an like in the sticky gas. granular gas is that in the former particles coalesce to form larger and larger mass clusters, while in the latter massesnevercoalesce. As aresult,“clustering”phenom- III. THE MODEL ena in granular gas can be meaningfully quantified only if we define a local coarse-grainedmass density ρ. To do In this section, we define the model and the different so, first divide the ring into equally sized N boxes. For physicalquantitiesthataremeasured. ConsiderN point the granular gas, ρi is defined to be the total number of particles of equal mass on a ring of length L. Initially, particles in the ith (i = 1,2,3,...,N) box. The coarse theparticlesaredistributedrandomlyinspacewiththeir grainedvelocityvi isdefinedasthemeanofthevelocities velocities drawn from a normal distribution. Choose the of all the particles in box i. reference frame in which the center of mass momentum We now define the statistical quantities that are mea- is zero. The particles undergo inelastic, momentum con- sured for the granular gas. The extent of clustering can serving collisions such that when two particles i and j be measured in terms of the variation of the density dis- with velocities u and u collide, the final velocities u′ tributionP(ρ,t). Itisthe probabilityoffindingaspatial i j i and u′ are given by: box with density ρ at time t. The first moment ρ (t) j h i of the distribution P(ρ,t) is constant at all times as the u′ =u 1−r +u 1+r , (2) total mass is a conserved quantity. The second moment i,j i,j(cid:18) 2 (cid:19) j,i(cid:18) 2 (cid:19) ρ2 (t),isdefinedinoursimulationas ρ 2 /N,where h i h i i i the sum is over all the boxes at time tP, and the average where the relative velocity dependent restitution coeffi- is over initial conditions. cient r is given by Eq. (1). For the sticky gas,δ =0 and h i Other measures of clustering are the cluster lengths r = 0, such that r = 0 for all collision velocities, and 0 and gap lengths. The distribution O(x,t) is the number the particles coalesce on collision. of clusters with exactly x successive occupied boxes at For both the systems, the granular gas (0 < r < 1) 0 time t, normalizedby the totalnumber of occupied clus- and the sticky gas (r = 0), we have done event driven ters. Likewise, the distribution E(x,t) is the number of molecular dynamics simulations with system size L = clusters with exactlyx successive empty boxes attime t, 20000in units of the mean inter particle spacing at time normalized by the total number of empty clusters. t = 0. The particle density is set to 1 throughout. Peri- The other quantities of interest in this paper are spa- odicboundaryconditionswereimposed. Forthegranular tial correlation functions. The equal time, two-point gas,simulationswereperformedforr =0.1,0.5and0.8 0 density-density spatial correlation function is defined as inthetimeregimeinwhich (t) L. Thus,formallythe sequence of limits are L L fi≪rst and then t . In Cρρ(x,t) = hρi(t)ρi+x(t)i, where ρi and ρi+x are densi- → ∞ → ∞ ties at box i and box (i+x) respectively. The structure sucharegime,thesystemcontinuallycoarsens,andhence function S (k,t) is the Fourier transform of C (x,t). we refer to it as a “phase ordering system”. In this time ρρ ρρ Similarly, the equal time, two-point velocity-velocity regime,simulationsweredoneforvariousdifferentvalues spatial correlation function is defined as C (x,t) = of σ (namely 3,4,5,10 and ), δ (namely 0.001, 0.002 vv and 0.004). We found no q∞ualitative variation of our hvi(t)vi+x(t)i, where vi and vi+x are the coarse grained velocities of box i and box (i + x) respectively. The main results with varying values of r ,σ and δ. There- 0 structure function S (k,t) is the Fourier transform of fore,unlessotherwisespecified,thedatathatispresented vv C (x,t). forthegranulargascorrespondstor =0.5,σ =3.0,and vv 0 Incomparisontothegranulargas,asparticlescoalesce δ =0.001. inastickygas,theyformbiggerandbiggermassclusters It is well known that for δ = 0, event driven molecu- localizedatpointsinspace,suchthattheirtotalnumber lar dynamics simulations cannot go beyond the inelastic steadily decreases with time. Therefore, without coarse collapse. Asimilardifficultyisfacedwhenδ isfinite,but graining,onecanmeasuremassandvelocitydistribution σ 0. For example, doing simulation with realistic σ → functions, and the corresponding two-point correlation like1/5(suggestedfromviscoelastictheories)or1/4(for functions in space. But, to maintain uniformity with plastic collisions at large velocities), is out of our reach. the granular gas, we will continue to use coarse grained At such small σ the shape of the r versus v curve has rel densities and velocities for the sticky gas. a cusp as v 0. The particles practically do not see rel → an elastic regime and the simulation run into difficulties like particle overlapand inelastic collapse. Nevertheless, fromour studies of ρ2 versust (fig.3), we see that with IV. THE NEW CROSSOVER TIME t1 h i decreasing σ the “clean phase ordering regime” gets ex- tended further in time. So we hope this trend would In this section, we show that the introduction of a ve- continue even for smaller σ that our simulation could locity scale δ introduces a new time scale t , beyond 1 notaccess. Also,the exponentsareindependentofthe σ which the granular gas deviates from the usual clean values that we have studied, and we hope this trend will phase ordering as seen in the sticky gas. We first show hold for smaller σ too. thedifferentcoarseningregimesbymeansofaspace-time 4 t (C) 101 103 2/3δ 100 > 2ρ< 10-1 (B) 2ρ> 102 10-2 10-2 100 102 < t δ (A) 101 δ =0.001 δ =0.002 x δ =0.004 δ =0.008 100 100 101 102 103 104 105 FIG.1: Thespatialdensitydistributionisshownfordifferent t time regimes: (A) t = 0 − 7 (t ≪ t ) (B)t = 600 − 607 c (tc < t < t1) and (C) t = 8000−8007 (t ≫ t1). The darker FIG.2: Thetemporalvariationofthesecondmomentofden- regions correspond to higher densities. The data is for the sity,hρ2ifor thegranulargas, isshown for differentvaluesof granular gas with r = 0.5, δ = 0.004 and σ = ∞. For these δwithσ=3forallthecases. Thedataisforthegranulargas values of theparameters, t1 ≃1500. exceptforthedottedlinewhichcorrespondstothestickygas. The dotted line varies as t2/3. The data for the granular gas coincides with that of the sticky gas for intermediate times, before deviating. The inset shows data collapse for various δ density plot. In Fig. 1, the density distribution is shown when the variables are scaled as in Eq.(3). for three different time regimes with the darker regions corresponding to higher density. In Fig 1(A), we show a snapshot of the density profile different curves and t are scaled as: of the system in a finite portion of space for few succes- 1 tshiveestyimsteemsteipssf,afiorlryvheroymeoagrelynetoimuse.s,Itn≪Fitgc.1(WBe),seaestihmait- hρ2i= δ2/3f1(tδ). (3) lar plot of the density profile is shown for intermediate Hence, we conclude that t δ−1. times tc < t < t1. The picture looks like any ordinary The crossover time t a1l∼so depends on σ. Figure 3 clean phase ordering system with steady growth of iso- 1 showsthevariationof ρ2 withtimetfordifferentvalues latedlargedensitylumps(deepdarkshaded),alongwith h i of σ, keeping δ fixed at 0.001 and r = 0.5. As earlier, large empty gaps (white) separating them. If the clean 0 for intermediate times the behaviourof ρ2 mimics that phase ordering continues, then at later times one would h i ofthe stickygas,while forlargetimes, there is deviation expectoneortwoveryhugelumpsremaining. Instead,in beyond a scale t . The crossover time increases with Fig.1(C),wefindgreyshadedspatiallyextendedpatches 1 decreasing σ. When σ = , t is finite but nonzero. reappearing, along with large white gaps, implying frag- ∞ 1 Thus, we conclude that for all values of σ, the crossover mentation of some large clusters and growth of smaller time t is finite and nonzero. clusters. This is the signature of fluctuation dominated 1 Finally, we havecheckedthatfor fixed δ andσ, curves phase ordering. of ρ2 do not vary with r , thus implying that t does 0 1 The above picture can be quantified by measuring the nothdeipend on r . 0 second moment of the density distribution ρ2 . For the The coarsening behaviour for times t t was dis- sticky gas, it is known that ρ2 t2/3 forht i 1. Does cussed extensively in Ref. [27]. In this≫pap1er, we re- ρ2 in the granular gas behhavie∼as that of≫the sticky strict ourselves to the regime t < t < t , and compare h i c 1 gas? Since there are three parameters, σ, δ and r0 in the coarsening behaviour of the granular gas to that of the model, we need to carefully address the case with the sticky gas. We bring out the similarities of the two respect to varying these parameters. through extensive simulations, the results of which are Figure 2 shows the variation of ρ2 (t) with time t for given below. h i varying δ, with σ = 3.0 and r = 0.5 fixed. The trends 0 are the same for other values of σ. For early times t < c t<t , ρ2 t2/3andcompletelyoverlapswiththesame V. COMPARISON OF THE GRANULAR GAS 1 data fohr thie∼sticky gas (shown by a line). For late times TO THE STICKY GAS t t , ρ2 deviates from the sticky gas behaviour, the 1 ≫ h i crossover occurring later for smaller δ (see Fig. 2). The In this section, we present results for the granular gas quantitativedependenceofthecrossovertimet onδ can andthe sticky gasforthe intermediate times t <t<t . 1 c 1 be obtainedby collapsingthe differentcurvesby scaling. Weshowthattheycompareverywell,andthusconclude The collapse is excellent (see inset of Fig. 2) when the stronglyinfavoroftheequivalenceofthetwointhistime 5 10-3 t = 1000 t = 2000 t =4000 103 t =8000 10-5 2ρ<> 102 ρP(,t) 10-7 4/3ρ,t) t 1100-11 101 P( 10-3 σ =3 σ =4 10-9 10-2 10-1 100 101 σ =10 ρ t-2/3 σ =∞ 100 100 101 102 103 104 105 101 102 103 t ρ FIG. 3: The temporal variation of the second moment of FIG.4: ThevariationofP(ρ,t)withρisshownfordifferent density,hρ2iforthegranulargas,isshownfordifferentvalues times for the sticky gas. The straight line has an exponent ofσ forδ=0.001. Thecurvewithpowerhρ2i∼t2/3 overlaps −1/2. The inset shows the data collapse when scaled as in with all the data for tc < t < t1. The crossover time t1 Eq.(4). increases with decreasing σ,and is finitefor σ=∞. regime. The following quantities are studied: the den- 10-3 t =200 sitydistributionP(ρ,t),theoccupiedclusterdistribution t =400 O(x,t), the empty interval distribution E(x,t), density– t =800 t =1600 densitycorrelationsC (r,t)(inrealspace)andS (k,t) (in Fourier space) andρρthe velocity–velocity correρlρations 10-5 C (r,t). For the sticky gas, the scalings of these dis- vv tsorofilbuthutietoionrnesinfuultn[s4c,]tifaoonnrdseaxeraaemrlkipenlreowstthnuedeixveaeslcot[c1lyi3t]yt.h-vrHeoluoogwchietvytehrce,oresrxoeamlcaet- ρP(,t) 10-7 4/3ρP(,t) t 1100-04 tions,arecomplicatedexpressionswhosebehaviourisnot easily visualized. In addition, no plots are provided for 10-2 10-1 100 ready reference. For completeness and future reference, 10-9 ρ t-2/3 we present numerical data for the sticky gas generated fromeventdrivensimulations. Theresultsare,ofcourse, 101 102 103 in agreement with [4, 13]. ρ FIG.5: ThevariationofthedensitydistributionP(ρ,t)with A. Density Distribution function densityρisshownfordifferenttimes(intheearlytimeregime) forthegranulargas. Thestraightlinehasanexponent−0.5. The inset shows thedata collapse when scaled as in Eq.(4). The mass or density distribution for the sticky gas is a power law with a cutoff increasing with time, and an amplitude that decreases with time [4]. For the sticky gas, it has the scaling form different times is shown in Fig. 5. The distribution is a 1 ρ power law with the cutoff increasing with time and the lim P(ρ,t)= f , (4) L→∞ t4/3 1(cid:16)t2/3(cid:17) amplitudedecreasingwithtime. Thecutoffscalesexactly asinthecaseofstickygas,i.e.,ρ t2/3. Agooddata max wherethescalingfunctionf1(z) 1/√z whenz 1and collapse (shown in the inset of Fig. 5∼) is obtained when ∼ ≪ f1(z) 0 when z 1. Thus, for densities much smaller the different data are scaled as in Eq. (4). than t→he cutoff, P≫(ρ,t) (t√ρ)−1. The simulation re- ∼ sults for the sticky gas are shown in Fig. 4 for different We note that if δ 0 the behavior of P(ρ,t) as in → times t. The data shows a time dependent cutoff, and Fig.5wouldcontinueindefinitelyintimejustasinsticky power law with exponent 1/2. The scaling behaviour gas. But, in a more realistic granular gas model with fi- − is consistent with Eq. (4) (see inset of Fig. 4). nite δ, for t t , the behavior of P(ρ,t) completely 1 ≫ Now, consider the granular gas for t < t < t . The changes and a new scaling function emerges asymptoti- c 1 variation of the density distribution P(ρ,t) with ρ for cally as was detailed in Ref. [27]. 6 t = 1000 t = 200 10-2 t = 2000 t = 400 t =4000 10-2 t =800 t =8000 t =1600 101 101 E(x,t) 10-4 2/3E(x,t) t 10-2 E(x,t) 10-4 2/3E(x,t) t 10-2 10-5 10-5 10-6 10-1 100 101 10-6 10-1 100 101 x t-2/3 x t-2/3 101 102 103 101 102 103 x x FIG. 6: The variation of the empty interval distribution FIG. 7: The variation of the empty interval distribution E(x,t) with separation x is shown for the sticky gas at dif- E(x,t) with separation x is shown for the granular gas at ferenttimes. Theinsetshowsthecollapseofthecurveswhen different times. The inset shows the collapse of the curves scaled as in Eq. (5). when scaled as in Eq. (5). 100 B. Empty and Occupied cluster Distribution 1000 Functions 2000 4000 8000 A suitable measure of clustering in space is the empty gap distribution E(x,t). For the sticky gas it is known 10-2 [4] that O(x,t) 10-1 E(x,t)= t21/3f2 t2x/3 , (5) O(x,t) 10-3 (cid:16) (cid:17) wherethe scalingfunction f (z) constantwhenz 0 10-4 10-5 2 → → 3 6 9 andf (z) 0whenz 1. Thus,thelargestemptyclus- ter siz2esx→ t2/3. T≫he simulationdatafor E(x,t) for x max ∼ 1 2 3 the sticky gas is plotted in Fig. 6 for various times. The x increasingcutoff points to the steady increase in the size of empty clusters, as is usual in phase ordering systems. FIG.8: Thevariationoftheoccupiedclusterlengthdistribu- The decreasing amplitude of the distribution for small tion O(x,t)with separation x,isshown at differenttimesfor sizes indicate that small empty gaps are steadily disap- the sticky gas on a linear-log plot. Inset: A similar plot for pearingfromthesystemwithtime. IntheinsetofFig.6, the granular gas. The times are t=200(top curve), 400,800 the data collapse is shown following Eq. (5). and 1600(bottom curve). Forthegranulargas,thescalingandshapeofthescal- ing function for E(x,t) matches well with that of the stickygas. InFig.7wepresentthedataforvarioustimes we present directly what we find in our simulation. The and in the inset the scaling collapse using Eq. (5). The data for O(x,t) is shown in Fig. 8. We see that large collapseisexcellent,showingtheequivalenceofthegran- occupied clusters are extremely rare, and within size 3 ular gas to the sticky gas as far as E(x,t) is concerned. the distribution fall to very low value. The distribution function O(x,t) is exponential with x, and its width de- It turns out that in the granular gas for t t , the creases marginally with time. Thus, we conclude that 1 ≫ above clean phase ordering behaviour of E(x,t) dramat- occupied clusters are highly localized in space and do ically changes and a power law distribution for the scal- not vary much in time. ing function f (z) appears with a large negative power In the inset of Fig. 8, we show O(x,t) for the granular 2 ( 2.2) [27], signaling a crossover to fluctuation domi- gas in the early time regime. The curves are strikingly ≈ nated phase ordering behaviour. similar to the sticky gas. There is an exponential decay The occupied cluster distribution O(x,t), has a very oververy shortsizes, and clusters beyond size 9 are very different form and evolution in comparison to E(x,t) rare. Again there is a marginal decrease in width of the discussed above. In the absence of any analytical guid- distributionwithtime. Justasthestickygas,thisimplies ance on this quantity from earlier works on sticky gas, extremely localized occupied clusters, whose width do 7 1 1 1 1 (x)ρ 0.8 (x)ρ 0.8 C(x)ρρ 00..68 (x)ρ 0.8 Cρ 00..46 0 2 4 ρ ρ C 0.4 C x t-2/3 0 2 4 0.6 x t-2/3 0.6 t=1000 t=200 t=2000 t=400 t=4000 t=800 t=8000 t=1600 0.4 0.4 0 400 800 1200 0 400 800 1200 x x FIG. 9: The density-density correlation function C as a FIG. 10: The density-density correlation function C as a ρρ ρρ functionofxforthestickygas. Inset: Showsthedatacollapse function of x for the granular gas. Inset: Shows the data when scaled as in Eq. (6). collapse when scaled as in Eq. (6). not vary appreciably with time. scaledC (x,t)donotformapartofthescalingfunction ρρ We note that, in sharp contrastto the above scenario, f andhavetobecarefullyadjustedbyhandsoasnotto 3 the occupied clusters do not remain localized at large introduceundesirabledistortionsink-space. Thisproce- times t t , for the granular gas. In fact O(x,t) also 1 dure has been discussed in details in [37], and we do the ≫ decaysasapowerlawlikeE(x,t)withthesamenegative sameinthis case. Secondly,f (z)doesnotdecayto zero 3 power ( 2.2) as was shown in Ref. [27]. at z and well behaved Fourier transform cannot ≈ → ∞ be found. So for this special case of the density-density correlationfunction for both the sticky and the granular C. Density-density correlation functions gases, we define S (k,t) to be the Fourier transform of ρρ 1 C (x,t). Thelatterrealspacefunctionnicelydecays ρρ The twopointspatialcorrelationfunctions givea very to−zeroatlargexandthusS (k,t)isexpectedtobewell ρρ vivid picture of the type of phase ordering that the sys- behaved. ThedatathusobtainedareshowninFig.11for temundergoes,andwediscusstheseinthis andthenext the sticky gas, and in Fig. 12 for the granular gas (for subsection. The data for two point density-density cor- small times). They compare very well, and in the insets relation function Cρρ (defined in Sec. III) of the sticky of Figs. 11 and 12, the scaling collapse of the data are gas is plotted in Fig. 9. The correlation function drops shown according to from a very large value at x = 0 to a value below 1 and then asymptotically increases to 1 as x . The ini- S (k,t)= g (k (t)). (7) → ∞ ρρ 3 tial dropis because near every particle there is a density L L depletion zone created by coalescence of clusters. The 2 For large k we see that for both the sticky and the axsyamndptoρtic=app1.roaFcohrisaepxhpaesceteodradserCinρgρ →syshtρeimf[o3r5]latrhgee granular gasLthe scaling function g3(z) ∼ z−2 for z ≫ h i 1, i.e obey Porod law, as is expected for a clean phase scaling form ordering system. Cρρ(x,t)=f3(x/L), (6) haFvoiorurtimfoerstthe≫grta1nutlhaerregaiss aassdhiisftcutsosednoinn-PRoerof.d[2b7e]-. isexpected,andweshowthedatacollapseintheinsetof The functional form of g3(x) completely changes in that Fig.9. Forsmallscaleddistancex/ ,thescalingfunction regime. L f increaseslinearly,implyingPorodlaw[36]tobevalid. 3 ThecorrespondingdataforC forthegranulargasat ρρ D. Velocity-velocity correlation functions intermediatetimesisshowninFig.10. Wefindastriking similaritybetweenFig.10andFig.9(forthestickygas). The scalingfunctionshowninthe insetofFig.10is very The velocity-velocity correlation function C is ex- vv similar to the inset in Fig. 9. pected [27] to scale as (v / )2f (x/ ), where v is the t 4 t To find the structure function S (k,t) which scales typicalvelocitywhichs∼calesaLst−1/3,aLndthe factor1/ ρρ L in the conventional fashion one has to treat the data for accounts for probability of a box being occupied. The C (x,t) carefully. Firstly, the value at x/ = 0 for the scalingfunctionf (x) decaystozeroforlargex. Putting ρρ 4 L 8 t = 1000 t=1000 t = 2000 t=2000 t =4000 4×10-7 t=4000 t =8000 t=8000 10-2 3×10-7 S(k,t)ρρ -2/3 tρ 1100--54 C(x)vv 2×10-7 2t C(x)vv 00 ..024 ρ S 10-3 10-6 100 101 1×10-7 0 x2 t-2/3 4 k t2/3 0 10-4 10-3 10-2 0 400 800 1200 k x FIG. 11: The variation of S with k for the sticky gas is FIG. 13: The figure shows the variation of C (x,t) with ρρ vv shown for different times. The inset shows the data collapse x for different times. The data is for the sticky gas. Inset: when scaled as in Eq. (7). The straight line has an exponent shows the data collapse when scaled as in Eq. (8). −2.0. 1.4×10-4 t=200 t = 200 t=400 10-2 t = 400 t=800 t =800 t=1600 t =1600 1×10-4 5 S(k,t)ρρ 10-3 -2/3 tρ 1100--54 C(x)vv 6×10-5 2t C(x)vv 13 10-4 Sρ 10-6 0 1 2 3 100 101 2×10-5 x t-2/3 k t2/3 10-5 0 50 100 150 200 10-3 10-2 10-1 x k FIG.14: ThefigureshowsthevariationofC (x,t)withxfor vv FIG.12: ThevariationofSρρwithkisshownforthegranular different times for the granular gas. Inset: shows the curves gas at early times. The inset shows the data collapse when when scaled as in Eq. (8). The higher curves correspond to scaled as in Eq.(7). The straight linehas an exponent−2.0. smaller times. At large times, the data approaches the solid line, an exponential obtained by fittingthe scaling region. in the t dependence for v and , we obtain t L ingtime, the x/ atwhichdeviationfromscalingoccurs 1 L C (x,t)= f (x/ ). (8) decreases. The scaling function tends towards the curve vv t2 4 L 3.0exp( 1.25x/ ) (drawn as a solid line in the inset of − L In Fig. 13, the data for C (x,t) at different times is Fig.14)). Thus,againalineardecayisobtainednearthe vv shown for the sticky gas. The inset shows the data col- origin,signifyingPorodlaw. Thescalingfunctionsinthe lapse when scaled as in Eq. (8). The scaling function inset of Figs 13 and 14 differ by a factor of 6 for small f (z) decays linearly for small z and goes to zero for x/ . This is probably a consequence of the coarsening 4 L large z. The linearity is again a clear signature of the rule that we have used. Porod law. We also note that the structure function Svv(k,t), ob- The corresponding data for Cvv(x,t) for the granular tainedas the Fourier transformofCvv(x,t), shouldscale gas is shown in Fig. 14. There are corrections to scaling as when compared to the corresponding data for the sticky 1 gas (see inset of Fig. 14). A possible reason is that the Svv(k,t)= t4/3g4(kL). (9) timesforwhichthemeasurementsaretakenforthegran- ulargasareafactoroftensmallerthatofthe stickygas. However,due to corrections to scaling for small x/ , we L However,itisseen(seeinsetofFig.14)that,forincreas- cannotobtaingooddataforlargek,andhencewedonot 9 ρ product of densities of boxes separated by spatial dis- (A) tance x. This quantity can be estimated using an ap- proximation which is discussed below. Let p (x) denote k the probability that given that site 0 is occupied, there 0 x x x x 1 2 2n−1 are exactly 1+[k/2] occupied intervals and [(k+1)/2] empty intervals,where [...]denotes the integerpart. An example of configurations contributing to p is shown in n ρ (B) Fig. 15(A) for odd k = 2n 1 and Fig. 15(B) for even − k = 2n. Thus, p (x) will correspond to the situation 0 when 0 is occupied and there is continuous set of occu- pied sites up to x, while p (x) would correspondto a set 1 0 x x x x of occupied sites starting from 0, followed by an empty 1 2 2n interval extending beyond x. Since C (x) is approxi- ρρ matelyequaltodensitysquaretimestheprobabilitythat FIG. 15: A schematic diagram showing configurations that there is a nonzero density at x given there is a nonzero contributetop whenk=2n−1isodd(A)andwhenk=2n k density at 0, we obtain (setting ρ=1), iseven(B).Theshadedregionsrepresentboxeswithnonzero density ρ. The even k correspond to the case when both ∞ thesites 0 and x are occupied and contributeto thedensity- C (x) p (x), (10) density correlation function Cρρ(x,t). ρρ ≈ 2n nX=0 wherep (x)istheprobabilityofhavingexactlynempty 2n gaps between 0 and x with 0 and x being occupied. show the structure functions as plots. The probabilities p (x) may be expressed in terms of n the gap distributions E(x,t) and O(x,t). Let VI. THE INDEPENDENT INTERVAL ∞ APPROXIMATION Q(x,t) = dx′O(x′,t), (11) Z x ∞ In this section, starting from the empty and occu- F(x,t) = dx′E(x′,t). (12) pied interval distributions, we derive the Porod law for Z x density-density correlations via a mean field approxima- tion, often referred to as independent interval approxi- where Q(x,t) is the probability of getting an occupied mation[42]. This approximationwasusedinRef.[27] to cluster of size greater than x. Similarly F(x,t) is the connect the interval distributions to the density correla- probability of getting an empty cluster of size greater tions for times t t . Here, we first give the derivation than x. 1 ≫ ofthe result usedin Ref. [27], and then apply it to times Approximatingjointdistributionsp (x)andp (x) 2n 2n−1 t <t<t . by products of individual distributions of the intervals c 1 The equal time density–density correlation function (namelyE,O,QandF),onecaneasilyverify(following C (x) = ρ (t)ρ (t) is the expectation value of the Fig.15asguidelineforthe oddandthe evencases),that ρρ i i+x h i 2n−3 p (x) = α dx ...dx Q(x )F(x x ) [E(x x )O(x x )], n=1,2,... (13) 2n−1 1 2n−1 1 2n−1 j+1 j j+2 j+1 Z − − − j=Y1,3,... 2n−3 p (x) = α dx ...dx Q(x )E(x x )Q(x x ) [E(x x )O(x x )], n=1,2,.(1..4) 2n 1 2n 1 2n 2n−1 2n j+1 j j+2 j+1 Z − − − − j=Y1,3,... p (x) = α dx′Q(x′), (15) 0 Z where α is a normalization constant that will be deter- we obtain mined shortly. Equations(13)–(15) simplify considerably if we take p˜ (s) = αQ˜F˜(E˜O˜)n−1, n=1,2,... (16) Laplace transforms. Denoting the Laplace transform of 2n−1 a function f(x) by f˜(s), where f˜(s) = ∞f(x)e−sxdx, p˜ (s) = αQ˜2E˜(E˜O˜)n−1, n=1,2,... (17) 0 2n R 10 α p˜ (s) = x Q˜ , (18) VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 0 0 s hh i − i ∞ where hxi0 = 0 dxxO(x), is the mean length of an oc- In this paper, we studied the density distribution, cupied clusterR. The distribution Q˜(s) can be expressed the empty and occupied cluster distributions, the spa- in terms of the probability density O˜(s) as tialdensity–densitycorrelationsandthevelocity–velocity correlations, in a granular gas undergoing inelastic col- 1 lisions in one dimension. The restitution coefficient was Q˜(s)= 1 O˜(s) , (19) s h − i modeled as being velocity dependent, with the collisions becoming nearly elastic when the relative velocity is less and likewise for F˜ (with O˜ replaced in Eq. 19 by than a velocity scale δ. The velocity scale δ introduced E˜). The constant α can now be determined from a new time scale t1 into the problem. In this paper, the condition ∞ p˜ (s) = s−1, which follows from the dependence of t on the different parameters was n=0 n 1 ∞n=0pn(x) =P1. We immediately obtain α = 1/hxio. found. Due to the existence of t1, and the crossover PEquations (10),(16),(18) and (19) give scale tc between the homogeneous and inhomogeneous cooling regimes,there are three different time regimes in 1 [1 O˜(s)][1 E˜(s)] the problem: (1) t < t , during which particles undergo C˜ (s)= − − . (20) c ρρ s − x s2[1 E˜(s)O˜(s)] homogeneous cooling, (2) tc < t < t1, referred to as in- o h i − termediatetimes,and(3)t>t referredtoaslatetimes. c WenowneedtheformofO˜(s,t)andE˜(s,t). Theoccu- In this paper, the focus was on the intermediate times. pied cluster size distribution O(x,t) has no dependence Forintermediatetimes,wecomparedthedifferentcor- on the length scale (t) (see Fig. 8). The distribution is relation functions of the granular gas with that of the L veryclosetoapureexponentialandwetakeittobeofthe sticky gas. We found that there is an excellent match form O(x,t) a−1exp( x/a) where a is independent of between the two. Coarsening in both the cases is gov- ≈ − time. ThenO˜(s,t) (as+1)−1. Theemptyintervaldis- erned by the Porod law. These results thus support the ≈ tributionE(x,t)isaconstantforsmallxandgoestozero claimthattheBurgersequationisthecorrectdescription for x L (see Figs. 6 and 7). We approximate it by a for the granular gas [5]. t step fu≫nction: E(x,t)=L−t 1 for x≤Lt, and E(x,t)=0 For late times, this equivalence breaks down[27]. The for x> . Then, E˜(s,t) (s )−1[1 exp( s )]. coarsening in the granular gas violates Porod law. The t t t L ≈ L − − L We are interested in the limit s 0, keeping occupied cluster distribution and the empty cluster dis- → L → ∞ s a constant. For verifying Porod law, we are further tributions differ significantly from intermediate times by L interestedinthelimits 1. Substitutingtheassumed developing into power laws. The existence of clusters forms for E˜ and O˜ in ELq≫. (20) and expanding for large of all sizes leads to fluctuation dominated coarsening. s , we obtain A continuum equation describing this regime is missing, L and it would be interesting to find one in future. C (s) 1 ρρ , s 1. (21) ≈ (s )2 L≫ L L We thus obtain the Porod law behaviour by using the Acknowledgments cluster distributions. The same independent intervalap- proximation gives consistent results between the cluster distributions and the two point correlation functions in We thank M. Barma for useful discussions. D.D. was late time regime t>t [27], where there is a violationof supported by grantno. 3404 2 of “Indo-French Center 1 − Porod law. (IFCPAR)/ (CEFIPRA)”. [1] H. M. Jaeger, S. R. Nagel, and R. P. Behringer, Rev. [8] S. Das and S. Puri, Phys. Rev.E 38, 011302 (2003). Mod. Phys. 68, 1259 (1996). [9] A. Baldassarri, U. M. B. Marconi, and A. Puglisi, Euro. [2] L. Kadanoff, Rev.Mod. Phys. 71, 435 (1999). Phys. Lett. 58, 14 (2002). [3] I. S. Aranson and L. S. Tsimring, Rev. 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