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ON SYMPLECTC HALF-FLAT MANIFOLDS 8 0 ADRIANOTOMASSINIANDLUIGIVEZZONI 0 2 Abstract. We construct examples of symplectic half-flatmanifolds on com- n pact quotients of solvable Lie groups. We prove that the Calabi-Yau struc- a turesarenotrigidintheclassofsymplectichalf-flatstructures. Moreover,we J provide an example of a compact 6-dimensional symplectic half-flatmanifold 3 whoserealpartofthecomplexvolumeformisd-exact. Finallywediscussthe 1 4-dimensionalcase. ] G S 1. Introduction . h t Half-flatstructuresariseasaspecialclassofSU(3)-structuresintroducedbyHitchin a in [13]. An SU(3)-structure (ω,J,ψ) on a 6-dimensional manifold M is said to be m half-flat if the defining forms ω Λ2(M), eψ Λ3(M) satisfy [ ∈ ℜ ∈ (1) dω ω =0, d eψ =0. 4 ∧ ℜ v Condition (1) is equivalent to require that the intrinsic torsion of (ω,J,ψ) is sym- 8 metric. In [13] Hitchin proves that, starting with a half-flat manifold (M,ω,J,ψ), 8 if certain evolution equations have a solution coinciding with the initial datum 7 5 (ω,ψ) at time t=0, then there exists a metric with holonomy contained in G2 on 0 M I for some interval I (see also [2], [1]). × 6 0 In the present paper we study symplectic half-flat manifolds, namely 6- / h dimensional manifolds M endowed with an SU(3)-structure (ω,J,ψ) satisfying the t following 1 a m 4 (2) dω =0, d eψ =0, ψ ψ = iω3. : ℜ ∧ −3 v i In such a case, since eψ is a calibration on M, we can define special Lagrangian X ℜ submanifolds as compact three-dimensional Lagrangian submanifolds of M, cali- r brated by eψ (see [12]). a ℜ It turns out (see lemma 2.3 and [6] for its proof) that the complex volume form ψ of a symplectic half-flat manifold (M,ω,J,ψ) is parallel with respect to the Chern connection of the almost K¨ahler manifold (M,ω,J). Therefore, in such a case, ∇ theholonomyof iscontainedinSU(3). Notethatifthealmostcomplexstructure ∇ J is integrable, then (M,ω,J) is a K¨ahler manifold and the Chern connection co- incides with the Levi-Civita one and, consequently,in thiscase symplectic half-flat Date:February2,2008. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C15,53C38,22E25. ThisworkwassupportedbytheProjectsM.I.U.R.“GeometricPropertiesofRealandComplex Manifolds”,“RiemannMetricsandDifferenziableManifolds”andbyG.N.S.A.G.A.ofI.N.d.A.M.. 1In [6, 7] symplectic half-flat manifoldswere called special generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds. HerewechangetheterminologytoavoidconfusionwiththecaseconsideredbyHitchinin[14]. 1 2 ADRIANOTOMASSINIANDLUIGIVEZZONI manifolds are Calabi-Yau manifolds of complex dimension 3. Therefore, symplec- tic half-flat manifolds can be viewed as an extension of Calabi-Yau manifolds to the non-integrable case. In particular, symplectic half-flat manifolds are general- ized Calabi-Yau manifolds in the sense of Hitchin. Indeed, Hitchin in [14] gives the notion of generalized Calabi-Yau structure on a manifold M of dimension 2m as a closed complex form ϕ of mixed degree which is a complex pure spinor for the orthogonal vector bundle TM T M endowed with the natural pairing <,> ∗ ⊕ and such that < ϕ,ϕ >= 0. It turns out that such a structure (see [14]) induces 6 a generalized complex structure on M (see [11]). Two basic examples of general- izedCalabi-Yaumanifoldsarefurnishedby holomorphicCalabi-Yaumanifolds and symplectic manifolds. In the first case if Ψ denotes the holomorphic volume form on the K¨ahler manifold M, then ϕ=Ψ defines a generalized Calabi-Yau structure on M. In the second case, if ω is the symplectic form on M, then ϕ=exp(iω) is a generalized Calabi-Yau structure on M. In this paper we give some explicit examples of compact symplectic half-flat manifolds arising as quotient of solvable Lie groups and we construct a family of symplectichalf-flatstructures(ω ,J ,ψ )onthe6-dimensionaltorusT6,coinciding t t t with the standard Calabi-Yau structure for t=0, but which is not Calabi-Yau for t = 0 (see example 3.2 and theorem 3.3). For other examples we refer to [7] and 6 [3]. Then we give a symplectic half-flat structure on a compact 6-manifold whose complex volume form has real part d-exact (see theorem 3.5). This is in contrast with the integrable case, namely in the context of Calabi-Yau geometry,where the real part of the complex volume form cannot be exact. Finally, we consider the 4-dimensional case. As in the 6-dimensional case, we characterize such structures in terms of stable forms (see proposition 4.2). In section 2, we start by recalling some facts on symplectic half-flat manifolds. In section3wedescribethecompactexamplespreviousmentioned. Inthelastsection we consider the 4-dimensional case. 2. Symplectic half-flat geometry Let M be a 6-dimensional smooth manifold and let L(M) be the principal GL(6,R)-bundle of linear frames on M. An SU(3)-structure on M is a reduc- tion of L(M) to a principal bundle whose structure group is isomorphic to SU(3). ItiswellknownthatSU(3)-structuresonM areinone-to-onecorrespondencewith the triple (ω,J,ψ), where ω is a non-degenerate 2-form on M; • J is an ω-calibrated almost complex structure, i.e. J is an almost com- • plex structure on M such that the tensor g (, ) = ω(,J ) is an almost J · · · · Hermitian metric. ψ Λ3,0(M) is a complex volume form on M such that • ∈ J 4 ψ ψ = iω3. ∧ −3 Definition 2.1. An SU(3)-structure (ω,J,ψ), is said to be symplectic half-flat if dω =0, d eψ =0. ℜ ON SYMPLECTC HALF-FLAT MANIFOLDS 3 Symplectic half-flat manifolds lie in the intersection of symplectic manifolds and half-flat manifolds. The latter ones have been introduced by Hitchin in [13] (see also [2]). Now we presentsymplectic half-flatstructures in terms of differential forms and the Chern connection. In order to do this we start with recalling the following Definition 2.2. Let (V,ω) be a symplectic vector space of dimension 2n; the sym- plectic Hodge operator ⋆: Λr(V ) Λ2n r(V ) ∗ − ∗ → is defined by ωn α ⋆β =ω(α,β) . ∧ n! Now we describe the standard model: On R6 let us consider the natural symplectic structure ω3 =dx1 dx4+dx2 dx5+dx3 dx6, ∧ ∧ ∧ where x1,...,x6 are the standard coordinates on R6, and let { } Λ30(R6∗)= Ω Λ3(R6∗) Ω ω3 =0 . { ∈ | ∧ } The group G=Sp(3,R) R ∗+ × acts on Λ3(R6 ) by 0 ∗ (A,t)(Ω)=tA (Ω), ∗ for any A Sp(3,R), t R , where Sp(3,R) denotes the symplectic group on ∗+ (R6,ω3). ∈ ∈ Moreover,the 3-form Ω0 = e(dz1 dz2 dz3) ℜ ∧ ∧ belongs to Λ30(R6∗), where dzh =dxh+idxh+3, h=1,2,3. Let us consider the map Λ30(R6∗) End(Λ1(R6∗)) → defined by 1 PΩ(α)= ⋆(Ω ⋆(Ω α)), −2 ∧ ∧ for any α Λ1(R6 ). We have ∗ ∈ ω3(PΩα,β)= ω3(α,PΩβ), • − P2 =cI, c R • Ω ∈ (see e.g. [6]). Given Ω Λ3(R6 ), let 0 ∗ ∈ FΩ: Λ1(R6∗) Λ4(R6∗) → FΩ(α)=Ω α. ∧ Then we get that the following facts are equivalent: Ω belongs to the G-orbit of Ω0, • FΩ is injective and ω3 is negative defined on Im(FΩ). • 4 ADRIANOTOMASSINIANDLUIGIVEZZONI A 3-form Ω Λ3(R6∗) is said to be positive if FΩ is injective and ω3 is negative ∈ defined on Im(FΩ) (in this case c= √3detPΩ) and normalized if detPΩ =1. − Let (M,ω) be a symplectic manifold. Let J be an ω-calibrated almost complex structure on M and let g (, )=ω(,J ) J · · · · be the almost Hermitian metric associated with (ω,J). Denote by LC the Levi- ∇ Civita connection of g . Then the Chern connection on (M,ω,J) is defined by J 1 = LC J LCJ. ∇ ∇ − 2 ∇ It is known that 1 g =0, J =0, T = N ∇ J ∇ ∇ 4 where N (X,Y)=[JX,JY] J[JX,Y] J[X,JY] [X,Y] J − − − is the Nijenhuis tensor of J (see e.g. [10]). Let (M,J) be an almost complex manifold; then the exterior derivative d: ΛpJ,q(M)→ΛpJ+2,q−1(M)⊕ΛJp+1,q(M)⊕ΛpJ,q+1(M)⊕ΛpJ−1,q+2(M) splits as d=A +∂ +∂ +A . J J J J Notethatbythe Newlander-NirenbergtheoremJ is complexifandonlyifA =0. J Let(M,ω)bea6-dimensional(compact)manifoldequippedwithanω-calibrated almost complex structure J and a complex (3,0)-form ψ satisfying ψ ψ = ieσω3, ∧ − where σ is a C function on M. Set ∞ Ω:= eψ. ℜ The following lemma (see [6]) gives a characterizationof symplectic half-flat struc- tures in terms of differential forms and the Chern connection. Lemma 2.3. With the notation above, the following facts are equivalent dΩ=0 a) (σ =const. dΩ=0 b) Ω ω =0  ∧ 32√3e−σ/2Ω is positive and normalized at any point  ψ =0 c) ∇ (AJ(ψ)+AJ(ψ)=0. Remark 2.4. By lemma 2.3 one can define a symplectic half-flat manifold as a (compact)6-dimensionalsymplecticmanifold(M,ω)endowedwithanω-calibrated almost complex structure J and a (3,0)-form ψ such that ψ =0 ∇ (AJ(ψ)+AJ(ψ)=0. ON SYMPLECTC HALF-FLAT MANIFOLDS 5 Therefore,theholonomyofthe Chernconnectionofasymplectichalf-flatmanifold is contained in SU(3). Alternatively,asymplectichalf-flatstructurecanbegivenbyapair(ω,Ω),where ω is a symplectic form and Ω is a closed 3-form satisfying Ω ω = 0 and which is ∧ positive and normalized at any point. Indeed, in this case the ω-calibrated almost complexstructureisgivenbythe isomorphismdualtoPΩ andthecomplexvolume form is ψ :=Ω+iPΩ(Ω). Remark 2.5. Observe that if d eψ =d mψ=0, ℜ ℑ thenthe almostcomplex structure is integrable(hence (M,ω,J,ψ)is a Calabi-Yau manifold). Indeed, if α Λ1,0(M), then ∈ J 0=d(α ψ)=dα ψ ∧ ∧ and consequently d(Λ1,0(M)) Λ2,0(M) Λ1,1(M). J ⊂ J ⊕ J Let (M,ω,J,ψ) be a symplectic half-flat manifold. As in the Calabi-Yau case, the 3-form Ω = eψ is a calibration on M (see [12]). Therefore we can give the ℜ following Definition 2.6. A special Lagrangian submanifold of (M,ω,J,ψ) is a compact submanifold p: L֒ M calibrated by eψ. → ℜ We have the following Lemma 2.7. Let p: L֒ M be a submanifold. The following facts are equivalent → 1. p (ω)=0, p ( mψ)=0; ∗ ∗ ℑ 2. there exists an orientation on L making it calibrated by eψ. ℜ 3. Examples of compact symplectic half-flat solvmanifolds In this section we give some examples symplectic half-flat manifolds and special Lagrangian submanifolds. We give also an example of a smooth family of a sym- plectic half-flat structures on the 6-dimensional torus which is integrable for t=0, but not integrable for t=0. 6 Example 3.1. Let G be the Lie group of matrices of the form et 0 xet 0 0 y1 0 e−t 0 xe−t 0 y2   0 0 et 0 0 w1 A=  0 0 0 e−t 0 w2     0 0 0 0 1 t     0 0 0 0 0 1      Let α1 =dt, α2 =dx, α3 =e−tdy1 xe−tdw1 (3) − α4 =etdy2 xetdw2, α5 =e−tdw1, α6 =etdw2. − 6 ADRIANOTOMASSINIANDLUIGIVEZZONI Then α1,...,α6 is a basis of left-invariant 1-forms. { } By (3) we easily get dα1 =dα2 =0 dα3 = α1 α3 α2 α5 − ∧ − ∧ (4) ddαα54 ==α1α∧1 α4α−5 α2∧α6 − ∧ Let {ξ1,...ξ6} be the dual fdraαm6e=oαf1{α∧1α,.6...,α6}; we have ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ξ1 = , ξ2 = , ξ3 =et , ξ4 =e−t ∂t ∂x ∂y1 ∂y2 (5) ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ξ5 =et +xet , ξ6 =e−t +xe−t . ∂w1 ∂y1 ∂w2 ∂y2 From (5) we obtain [ξ1,ξ3]=ξ3, [ξ1,ξ4]= ξ4, ,[ξ1,ξ5]=ξ5 (6) − [ξ1,ξ6]= ξ6, [ξ2,ξ5]=ξ3, [ξ2,ξ6]=ξ4 − and the other brackets are zero. Therefore G is a non-nilpotent solvable Lie group. By [8] G has a cocompact lattice Γ. Hence M =G/Γ is a compact solvmanifold of dimension 6. Let us denote with π: R6 M the → natural projection. Define ω =α1 α2+α3 α6+α4 α5 ∧ ∧ ∧ and J(ξ1)=ξ2, J(ξ3)=ξ6, J(ξ4)=ξ5 J(ξ2)= ξ1, J(ξ6)= ξ3, J(ξ5)= ξ6. − − − ThenωisasymplecticformonM andJ isanω-calibratedalmostcomplexstructure on M. Set ψ =i(α1+iα2) (α3+iα6) (α4+iα5); ∧ ∧ a direct computation shows that (ω,J,ψ) is a symplectic half-flat structure on M. Let consider now the lattice Σ R4 given by ⊂ µ 1 0 0 − 1 µ 0 0 Λ:=SpanZ , , ,  , 0 0 µ 1  0   0   −1   µ          where µ= √52−1. Let T4 bethe torus      T4 =R4/Λ. For any p,q Z let ρ(p,q) be the transformation of T4 represented by the matrix ∈ epλ 0 qepλ 0 0 e pλ 0 qe pλ  − −  , 0 0 epλ 0  0 0 0 e pλ   −    ON SYMPLECTC HALF-FLAT MANIFOLDS 7 where λ=log3+√5. 2 Then A(p,q)([y1,y2,z1,z2],(t,x))=(ρ(p,q)[y1,y2,z1,z2],(t+p,x+q)) is a transformation of T4 R2 for any p,q Z. Let Θ be the group of such × ∈ transformations. The manifold M can be identified with T4 R2 (7) × Θ (see [8]). Let consider now the involutive distribution generated by ξ2,ξ3,ξ4 and let D { } p: L֒ M be the leaf through π(0). → By (5) and the identification (7) we get π−1(L)= x=(x1,...,x6) R6 x1 =x5 =x6 =0 ; { ∈ | } hence L is a compact submanifold of M. By a direct computation one can check that p (ω)=0, ∗ (p∗( mψ)=0. ℑ Hence L is a special Lagrangian submanifold of (M,ω,J,ψ). Moreover, by [8] we have H2(M,R)=SpanR [α1 α2],[α5 α6],[α3 α6+α4 α5] { ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ } Therefore, we get p (H2(M,R))=0. ∗ Example 3.2. Let (x1,...,x6) be coordinates on R6 and let ω3 =dx1 dx4+dx2 dx5+dx3 dx6 ∧ ∧ ∧ be the standard symplectic form on R6. Let a = a(x1), b = b(x2), c = c(x3) be three smooth functions such that λ1 :=b(x2) c(x3), λ2 := a(x1)+c(x3), λ3 =a(x1) b(x2) − − − areZ6-periodic. Letus considerthe ω3-calibratedcomplex structureonR6 defined by J( ∂ ) = e λr ∂ ∂xr − ∂x3+r  J( ∂ ) = eλr ∂  ∂x3+r − ∂xr r=1,2,3. Define a (3,0)-form on R6 by  ψ =i(dx1+ieλ1dx4) (dx2+ieλ2dx5) (dx3+ieλ3dx6). ∧ ∧ Then we get ψ ψ = i4ω3 ∧ − 3 3 d eψ =0.  ℜ Sinceλ1,λ2,λ3 areZ6-periodic,(ω3,J,ψ)definesasymplectichalf-flatstructureon  the torus T6 =R6/Z6. Now considerthe three-torusL=π(X), whereπ: R6 T6 → is the natural projection and X = (x1,...,x6) R6 x1 =x2 =x3 =0 . { ∈ | } It is immediate to check that L is a special Lagrangiansubmanifold of T6. 8 ADRIANOTOMASSINIANDLUIGIVEZZONI Now we are ready to state the following Theorem 3.3. There exists a family (ω ,J ,ψ ) of symplectic half-flat structures t t t on the 6-dimensional torus T6, such that (ω0,J0,ψ0) is the standard Calabi-Yau structure, but (ω ,J ,ψ ) is not integrable for t=0. t t t 6 Proof. By using the notation of example 3.2, let J( ∂ ) = e tλr ∂ ∂xr − ∂x3+r  J( ∂ ) = etλr ∂ ,  ∂x3+r − ∂xr for r=1,2,3,  ωt =dx1 dx4+dx2 dx5+dx3 dx6 ∧ ∧ ∧ and ψt =i(dx1+ietλ1dx4) (dx3+ietλ2dx5) (dx3+ietλ3dx6). ∧ ∧ Then (T6,ω ,J ,ψ ) is a symplectic half-flat manifold for any t R, such that t t t (T6,ω0,J0,ψ0) is the standard holomorphic Calabi-Yau torus a∈nd Jt is non- integrable for t=0 (here we assume that λ1,λ2,λ3 are not constant). (cid:3) 6 Example 3.4. Let consider now the Lie group G of matrices of the form 1 0 x1 u1 0 0 0 1 x2 u2 0 0   0 0 1 y 0 0 A=  0 0 0 1 0 0     0 0 0 0 1 t     0 0 0 0 0 1      where x1,x2,u1,u2,y,t are real numbers. Let Γ be the subgroup G formed by the matrices having integral entries. Since Γ is a cocompact lattice of G, then M :=G/Γ is a 6-dimensional nilmanifold. Let consider ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ξ1 = +x1 +x2 , ξ2 = , ∂y ∂u1 ∂u2 ∂x2 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ξ3 = , ξ4 = , ξ5 = , ξ6 = . ∂x1 ∂t ∂u1 ∂u2 Then ξ1,...,ξ6 is a G-invariant global frame on M. { } The respective coframe α1,...,α6 satisfies { } dα1 =dα2 =dα3 =dα4 =0 (8) dα5 =α1 α3 ∧ dα6 =α1 α2. ∧ The symplectic half-flat structure on M is given by the symplectic form ω =α1 α4+α2 α5+α3 α6, ∧ ∧ ∧ by the ω-calibrated almost complex structure J(ξ1)=ξ4, J(ξ2)=ξ5, J(ξ3)=ξ6, J(ξ4)= ξ1, J(ξ5)= ξ2, J(ξ6)= ξ3 − − − and by the complex volume form ψ =(α1+iα4) (α2+iα5) (α3+iα6). ∧ ∧ ON SYMPLECTC HALF-FLAT MANIFOLDS 9 By a direct computation we get eψ =α123 α345+α246 α156, ℜ − − mψ =α234 α135+α126 α456; . ℑ − − Let X = A G y =x2 =u2 =0 { ∈ | } and L=π(X), π: G M being the canonical projection. Then L is a special Lagrangian torus → embedded in (M,ω,J,ψ). In order to obtain some cohomological obstructions to the existence of a sym- plectic half-flat structure (ω,J,ψ) on a compact 6-manifold M, one can ask if the cohomologyclass [ eψ] is always non-trivial. Observe that in the Calabi-Yaucase one has [ eψ]=0.ℜIn our context we have the following ℜ 6 Theorem 3.5. There exists a compact 6-dimensional manifold admitting a sym- plectic half-flat structure (ω,J,ψ) such that [ eψ]=0. ℜ Proof. Let G be the Lie group consisting of matrices of the form eλz 0 0 x 0 e λz 0 y A= −  , 0 0 1 z  0 0 0 1    where x,y,z are real numbers and  3+√5 λ=log . 2 ThenGisaconnectedsolvableLiegroupadmittingacocompactlatticeΓ(see[9]). ThereforeN =G/Γ is a 3-dimensionalparallelizable solvmanifold. It can be easily showed(see [9] again) that there exists a coframe α1,α2,α3 on M satisfying the { } following structure equations dα1 = λα1 α3 − ∧ dα2 =λα2 α3 ∧ dα3 =0. LetM =N×N. ThenM isacompact6-manifoldadmittingacoframe{α1,...,α6} satisfying dα1 = λα1 α3 − ∧ dα2 =λα2 α3 ∧ ddαα34 ==−0λα4∧α6 dα5 =λα5 α6 ∧ Let us now construct a symplecdtiαc6h=alf0-fl.at structure on M satisfying [ℜeψ] = 0. Let (ω,J) be the almost K¨ahler structure on M given by the symplectic form ω =α1 α2+α4 α5+α3 α6 ∧ ∧ ∧ 10 ADRIANOTOMASSINIANDLUIGIVEZZONI and by the ω-calibrated almost complex structure J defined as J(ξ1)=ξ2, J(ξ3)=ξ6, J(ξ4)=ξ5 J(ξ2)= ξ1, J(ξ6)= ξ3, J(ξ5)= ξ6, − − − where ξ1,...,ξ6 is the frame on M dual to α1,...,α6 . { } { } Then the complex 3-form √2 ψ = (1 i)(α1+iα2) (α4+iα5) (α3+iα6). 2 − ∧ ∧ defines together with (ω,J) a symplectic half-flat structure on M. Moreover √2 eψ = ( α134+α146 α135 α156 α234 α246+α235 α256) ℜ 2 − − − − − − and a direct computation gives √2 eψ = d(α1 α4+α1 α5 α2 α4+α2 α5). ℜ 2λ ∧ ∧ − ∧ ∧ This ends the proof. (cid:3) Remark 3.6. The symplectic manifold (M,ω), described in the last example, satisfies the hard Lefschetz condition, i.e. ωk : Λ3 k(M) Λ3+k(M) − → α ωk α 7→ ∧ k = 1,2 induces an isomorphism in cohomology. Indeed, it is immediate to check that H1(M,R) = SpanR [α3],[α6] , { } H2(M,R) = SpanR [α1 α2],[α4 α5],[α3 α6] , { ∧ ∧ ∧ } H4(M,R) = SpanR [α3 α4 α5 α6],[α1 α2 α3 α6],[α1 α2 α4 α5] , { ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ } H5(M,R) = SpanR [α1 α2 α4 α5 α6],[α1 α2 α4 α5 α6] . { ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ } Therefore, if ω =α1 α2+α4 α5+α3 α6, then it is easy to verify that (M,ω) ∧ ∧ ∧ satisfies the hard Lefschetz condition. Hence, in view of a Proposition of Hitchin (see [14, prop. 7]) we have that (M,ω) satisfies a ddJ-lemma (see [14, def. 5] for the precise definition). Consequently, the manifold M has a symplectic half-flat structure (ω,J,ψ) such that the symplectic structure ω gives rise to a generalized Calabi-Yau structure on M satisfying the ddJ-lemma. 4. The four-dimensional case Let (M,ω) be a (compact) 4-dimensional symplectic manifold and J be an ω- calibratedalmostcomplexstructureonM. Letψbeanowherevanishing(2,0)-form on M satisfying ψ ψ =2ω2. ∧ Then the conditions ψ =0 ∇ (d eψ =0 ℜ imply d( mψ)=0. ℑ

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