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Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Number 329 Janet E. Aisbett, Emilio Lluis-Puebla and Victor Snaith (with an appendix by Christophe Soule) 2 OnK.(Z/n)andK,(F [t]/(t )) q Published by the AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Providence, Rhode Island, USA September 1985 • Volume 57 • Number 329 (first of 6 numbers) MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society SUBMISSION. This journal is designed particularly for long research papers (and groups of cognate papers) in pure and applied mathematics. The papers, in general, are longer than those in the TRANSACTIONS of the American Mathematical Society, with which it shares an editorial committee. Mathematical papers intended for publication in the Memoirs should be addressed to one of the editors: Ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and applied math ematics to JOEL A. 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Subscriptions and orders for publications of the American Mathematical Society should be addressed to American Mathematical Society, Box 1571, Annex Station, Providence, Rl 02901- 1571. All orders must be accompanied by payment. Other correspondence should be addressed to Box 6248, Providence, Rl 02940. MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society (ISSN 0065-9266) is published bimonthly (each volume consisting usually of more than one number) by the American Mathematical Society at 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904. Second Class postage paid at Provi dence, Rhode Island 02940. Postmaster: Send address changes to Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, Box 6248, Providence, Rl 02940. Copyright © 1985, American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. Information on Copying and Reprinting can be found at the back of this journal. The paper used in this journal is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. TABLE OF CONTENTS On K (Z/pn) and K (Z/pn) 3 4 Introduction * §1.1: Some results from algebraic topology , 4 §1.2: Some explicit differentials 5 §1.3: Proofs 7 §1.4: Filtration of H* (M Z/p2;Z) 13 §11.1: Results of Evens-Friedlander, Lluis § Snaith 17 §11.2: K (Z/p2) for primes p > 3 20 §11.3: K (Z/4) = Z/12 24 3 §11.4: K (Z/9) = Z/8 @ Z/9 28 Appendix to §11.1 31 3 §111.1: Mod p cohomology of ker(SL Z/p > SL Z/p) 33 §111.2: Mod p cohomology of ker(SL Z/pk > SL Z/p), k > 3 39 1st Appendix to §111.1 (case p = 2) 44 2nd Appendix to §111.1 (commutator relations, and the SL Z/p - action) 48 v §IV.l: Integral cohomology of ker(SL Z/p > SL Z/p) 49 §1V.2: SL Z/p - invariants in H4(-;Z) of this kernel 54 Appendix to §IV. 1 62 Appendix to § IV. 2 , 64 §V. 1: K (Z/pk), K (Z/pk) for k an odd prime 68 3 4 §V.2: K (Z/2k) 73 3 §V1.1: Maps induced by reduction 79 SLZ > SLZ/pk iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Notation 86 Bibliography 89 On K (F [t]/(t2) and K (Z/q),p an odd prime 0 £ 1: Introduction 91 §2: Proofs of §§1.1/1.2 92 §3: Group cohomology calculations 96 Bibliography 99 On K of dual numbers Introduction - statement of results 101 §1: Computations of some k*-invariants 105 §2: Computation of H^T k;H*(M k)) for i = 0, 1 and 2 108 §3: R -invariants in H2(M k) 114 n n §4: Estimates of H1 (T k;H2(M k)) 120 v n v n §5: Vanishing of HX(GL k;H2(M k)) 132 §6: GL -invariants of H3(M k) 145 n n §7: H (GLk;H*(MJk)} as a Hopf algebra 150 # §8: Explicit generators for H(SLk;H(M k)) 154 §9: Determination of K (F [e]) 170 T 3 2 §10: On K (Z/4) and K of Witt vectors, W (F ) 177 3 3 2 m §11: Some classes in H-(SLk;H.(M k)) and their o 1 °° d -differential 183 §12: List of notations and formulae for group actions 191 Appendix: Homological Stability of the Steinberg Group over the integers, by C. Soule" 195 Bibliography , I99 iv ABSTRACT This collection of papers is unified by the theme of the calculation of the low dimensional K-groups of the integers mod n and the dual numbers over a finite field. Let GL IF act by conjugation on the m x m matrices, M F m q m q then H.(GL F : H.(M F ; A)) is computed when i + j < 3 and A = Z, Z c l m q j m q U) 0 or Z/p where q = p , From these results K.(Z/n) is computed for all n 2 when i < 3 (i = 4 in some cases), K.(F [t]/(t )) is computed for i < 3 when q = 2 and partial information is obtained when q is odd. AMS (MPS) Subject Classification (1980): 18F25 Key words and phrases: Algebraic K-theory, group cohomology, dual numbers, Lyndon-Serre spectral sequence, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Aisbett, Janet E., 1951 — OnK,(Z/n)andK,(F [t]/(t2) q (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266; no. 329) On t.p. "*" and "q" are subscripts. Bibliography: p. 1. K-theory. 2. Homology theory. 3. Spectral sequences (Mathematics) I. Lluis, Emilio. II. Snaith, V. P. (Victor Percy), 1944- . III. Title. IV. Series. QA3.A57 no. 329 [QA612.33] 510s [512'.55] 85-15802 ISBN 0-8218-2330-2 Introduction The papers in this volume deal with certain low dimensional algebraic K-theory calculations which can be performed once one has the low dimensional cohomology of the extensions M n F p - ^ GL Z/p2-> GL F n n p and MnF *—* GL F [t]/(t2) — GL F n £ £ P P P In 1978 I made the necessary 2-primary cohomology calculations (which appear here with minor - but significant - corrections). Emilio Lluis made the analogous odd primary calculations in his thesis and they are summarised here, too. His results confirmed those of Evens-Friedlander who did the case 2 when F , is the prime field and p > 5. They also computed K (Z/p ) and P 3 2 K.(Z/p ) when p > 5, (while my calculations gave K (Z/4) only to a factor of two). At this point, armed with the above cohomology calculations Janet Aisbett, in her thesis (reproduced here in condensed form) managed to obtain sufficient inductive control on the cohomology of SLZ/p (for all primes p) that she could determine K (Z/n) for all n and sometimes K (Z/n), too. In the course of my calculations I needed some information on H (SLZ) which Christophe Soule kindly proved in an appendix. Actually, Janet Aisbett later recovered Soule's result in the course of her work. Since each paper has its own introduction I refer the reader to these for further details. Victor Snaith April 1982 Received by the editors April 12, 1982 and, in revised form April 12, 1983 and March 2k 1985. 9 Research by the third author partially supported by a Natural Sciences Engineering and Research Council of Canada Grant. VI ON K (Z/p") AND K (Z/pu) 3 4 Janet E. Aisbett INTRODUCTION The algebraic K-groups of the finite fields and their algebraic closures were computed by Qui11en in [Q2]. Since then, there has been only a handful of complete calculations of any of the higher K-groups (K. for i > 3). Lee and Szczarba [L-S] showed that the Karoubi subgroup Z/48 of K„(Z) was the full group. Evens and Friedlander [E-F] computed K„(Z/p ) and K.(F [t]/(t )) for i < 4 and prime p greater than 3. Snaith [Sn] has obtained the groups K (F [t]/(t2)) for m > 1. 3 m This paper contains computations of the groups K-(Z/n), and K.(Z/p ) for prime p > 3. These complete the partial results on K (Z/4) by Snaith and on K„(Z/9) by Lluis [L12], and extend the work of Evens and Friedlander. Our main results are contained in the following theorem announced in [Al]. Theorem. Take k > 1 and 0 < i < 2. (a) K _ (Z/2k) = Z/21 © Z/2l(k"2) © Z/C21-!). If p is an odd prime, 2i 1 K2i-l(Z/pk) = Z/Pi(k*13 « Z/Cp1-!). The map K^^CZ/p**1) -> K^^CZ/p*} induced by reduction is the reduction epimorphism at all primes p. (b) For prime p > 3, K (Z/pk) = 0. K (Z/2k) = Z/2. K (Z/3k) = 0. 2i 2 2 The results on K are due to Bass, K to Milnor and Dennis and Stein. Tech 2 niques used are simple. The method is unsuitable for higher dimensional com putations. Our results are consistent with the Karoubi conjecture that for odd k+ primes, BGLZ/p is the homotopy fibre of the difference of Adams operations, pK -pK-1 V - ¥F . However, Priddy [P] has disproved the conjecture in the cases p > 3 and k = 2. This work is organized as follows. There are 6 chapters. Each chapter begins with a short summary of its contents, as does each of the sections. Lengthy and mechanical proofs are relegated to an appendix following the rele vant chapter. Internal references to sections, etc. are explained, along with other symbols and usages, in the notation pages at the end of the paper. The first chapter brings together sundry results used later. 1 2 JANET E. AISBETT 2 The second chapter is a summary of the computations of the groups K.Z/p for prime p. The first section lists some results of Snaith, Lluis and Evens and Friedlander; the second, third and fourth sections complete the calcul- 2 ation of K Z/p for all primes p. The third chapter starts on the real computational work of the paper by deriving inductively the GL Z/p-modules H*(G ; Z/p) for k > 3, where if r is induced by the reduction, Gk = ker(r : SL Z/pk -> SL Z/p) . n n r n VJ Throughout n is large with n^O mod p, and (n,p-l) = 1. Partial results only are obtained when p = 2. The fourth chapter computes some integral cohomology groups of G , in terms of quotients etc. of the GL Z/p-modules H*(M Z/p; Z/p). The results quoted in Chapter II are then used to determine low-dimensional E**-terms in the Serre spectral sequence H*(SL Z/p; *(Gk; Z)) => H*(SL Z/pk; ). n H n Z The fifth chapter computes groups H*(SL Z/p ; Z), * < 5, from this spec tral sequence. Only partial results for p = 2 or 3 are available. From these come the K^. groups. The last chapter uses Quillen's description of the homology of GLZ/p to derive simply the well-known result that the 3-stem injects into K„Z and passes withkemel of order 2 into K~Z/p (or maps onto K_Z/p if p = 2 or 3). k It then considers the maps K„Z -> K~Z/p induced by the reduction when k > 1. These maps are described by maps onto what are effectively the direct summands K~Z/p when p is odd, or K-Z/4 when p = 2. This last statement uses a theorem of Stein. A Note on the Truncated Polynomial Rings F [t]/(t ) . 2 When k = 2, computation of the cohomology of GL IF [t]/(t ) is closely related to that of GL Z/p , since these are respectively the total spaces in the split and non-split extensions M Z/p >—• E—•-*• GL Z/p, n > 3. (See Snaith and Lluis, this volume.) Analagous methods to those used in this paper can also be applied to the sequences ker r >-* SL R[t]/(tk) - ^ SL R to determine low-dimensional K-groups of the truncated polynomial rings over ON K (Z/pn) AND K (Z/pn) 3 3 4 the commutative ring R; again, knowledge of low-dimensional groups of the form HX(GL R; H-'CM R; Z)) would be central to the proof. The work of Snaith, Lluis and others has been applied in this context to computing K, when R is a finite field, or the rational integers [A2], I am glad to record my debt to Vic Snaith for his enthusiasm and advice.

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