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"Of Laws of Ships and Shipmen": Medieval Maritime Law and its Practice in Urban Northern Europe PDF

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‘OF LAWS OF SHIPS AND SHIPMEN’ SCOTTISH HISTORICAL REVIEW MONOGRAPHS SERIES No. 20 Scottish Historical Review Monographs are major works of scholarly research covering all aspects of Scottish history. They are selected and sponsored by the Scottish Historical Review Trust Editorial Board. The trustees of the SHR Trust are: Mr Alex Woolf (convenor), Dr David Caldwell, Dr Alison Cathcart (secretary), Dr David Ditchburn, Dr James Fraser, Dr Karly Kehoe, Dr Catriona M. M. Macdonald, Dr Martin MacGregor, Dr Andrew Mackillop, Dr E. V. Macleod, Dr Steven Reid and Mrs Patricia Whatley. CURRENT AND FORTHCOMING VOLUMES 1 Helen M. Dingwall Physicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries: Medicine in Seventeenth-Century Edinburgh 2 Ewen A. Cameron Land for the People? The British Government and the Scottish Highlands, c. 1880–1923 3 Richard Anthony Herds and Hinds: Farm Labour in Lowland Scotland, 1900–1939 4 R. Andrew McDonald The Kingdom of the Isles: Scotland’s Western Seaboard, c. 1100–1336 5 John R. McIntosh Church and Theology in Enlightenment Scotland: The Evangelical Party, 1740–1800 6 Graeme Morton Unionist-Nationalism: Governing Urban Scotland, 1830–1860 7 Catriona M. M. Macdonald The Radical Thread: Political Change in Scotland. Paisley Politics, 1885–1924 8 James L. MacLeod The Second Disruption: The Free Church in Victorian Scotland and the Origins of the Free Presbyterian Church 9 John Finlay Men of Law in Pre-Reformation Scotland 10 William Kenefi ck ‘Rebellious and Contrary’: The Glasgow Dockers, c. 1853–1932 11 J. J. Smyth Labour in Glasgow, 1896–1936, Socialism, Suffrage, Sectarianism 12 Roland Tanner The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488 13 Ginny Gardner ‘Shaken Together in the Bag of Affl iction’: Scottish Exiles in the Netherlands, 1660–1690 14 Allan W. MacColl Land, Faith and the Crofting Community: Christianity and Social Criticism in the Highlands of Scotland, 1843–1893 15 Andrew G. Newby Ireland, Radicalism and the Scottish Highlands, c. 1870–1912 16 Karen J. Cullen Famine in Scotland: The ‘Ill Years’ of the 1690s 17 Annemarie Hughes Gender and Political Identities in Scotland, 1919–1939 18 Annie Tindley The Sutherland Estate, 1850–1920: Aristocratic Decline, Estate Management and Land Reform 19 Tanja Bueltmann Scottish Ethnicity and the Making of New Zealand Society, 1850–1930 20 Edda Frankot ‘Of Laws of Ships and Shipmen’: Medieval Maritime Law and its Practice in Urban Northern Europe www.euppublishing.com/series/shrm ‘OF LAWS OF SHIPS AND SHIPMEN’ Medieval Maritime Law and its Practice in Urban Northern Europe EDDA FRANKOT © Edda Frankot, 2012 Edinburgh University Press Ltd 22 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LF www.euppublishing.com Typeset in 10/12 ITC New Baskerville by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Stockport, Cheshire, and printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon CR0 4YY A CIP Record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 0 7486 4624 1 (hardback) ISBN 978 0 7486 6807 6 (webready PDF) ISBN 978 0 7486 6808 3 (epub) ISBN 978 0 7486 6809 0 (Amazon ebook) The right of Edda Frankot to be identifi ed as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Contents Tables and Maps vi Abbreviations vii Acknowledgements xi Preface xiii Introduction 1 1 A History of Maritime Law in Northern Europe 6 2 Shipwreck, Jettison and Ship Collision in Maritime Law 27 3 The Five Towns Introduced 53 4 Written Law: Urban Collections of Sea Law 81 5 Written Law: Local Developments in Lawmaking 110 6 Legal Practice: the Administration of Maritime Justice 144 7 Legal Practice: Maritime Proceedings at the Urban Courts 166 Final Conclusions 199 Bibliography 202 Index 216 Tables and Maps Tables 1.1 The articles in selected manuscripts of the Ordinancie 16 4.1 The Scottish translations of the Rôles d’Oléron 83 4.2 Maritime regulations in the different manuscripts of the Lübeck Town Law 94 5.1 The articles of the Hamburg, Lübeck and Riga Sea Laws compared 130 Maps I.1 The North Sea and Baltic area 4 3.1 The Kingdom of Scotland 55 3.2 The Netherlands around 1300 59 3.3 Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein 63 3.4 Medieval Livonia (Alt-Livland) 67 3.5 The Prussian State 71 Abbreviations General ACA Aberdeen City Archive ACR Aberdeen Council Register Adv. Libr. Advocates Library (Edinburgh, now part of the collec- tion of the NLS) AHL Archiv der Hansestadt Lübeck APG Archiwum Pan´stwowe Gdan´sku APS The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, eds T. Thomson and C. Innes, 12 volumes (Edinburgh 1814–75) ASA Altes Senatsarchiv (Lübeck) BRW Bijdragen tot Regtsgeleerdheid en Wetgeving Cod. Ord. Lub. Codex ordaliorum Lubecensium Cod. Ord. Rev. Codex ordaliorum Revaliensis GAK Gemeentearchief Kampen HGbll Hansische Geschichtsblätter HR 1 Hanserecesse 1256–1430 (Leipzig 1870–97) HR 2 Hanserecesse 1431–1476, ed. Goswin Freiherr von der Ropp (Leipzig 1876–90) HR 3 Hanserecesse 1477–1530, eds Dietrich Schäfer and Friedrich Techen (Leipzig and Munich 1881–1913) HUB Hansisches Urkundenbuch, eds Konstantin Hohlbaum et al., 11 volumes (Halle etc. 1876–1939) KB Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Bibliothèque Royale) Brussels LECUB Liv-, Esth- und Curländisches Urkundenbuch, ed. Friedrich Georg von Bunge, 15 volumes (Reval 1853–1914) LQB Leges Quatuor Burgorum (Scotland); APS, i, 333–56 LRU Lübecker Ratsurteile, ed. Wilhelm Ebel, 4 volumes (Göttingen 1955–67) LUB Lübeckisches Urkundenbuch, 11 volumes (Lübeck 1843–1905) NK Wouter Nijhoff and M. E. Kronenberg, Nederlandsche bibliographie van 1500 tot 1540 (The Hague 1923–71) NLS National Library of Scotland NStB Niederstadtbuch (Lübeck) OA Oud Archief (Kampen) RA Rechterlijk Archief (Kampen) viii ‘Of Laws of Ships and Shipmen’ RGP Rijksgeschiedkundige Publicatiën RGP 35 Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van den Oostzeehandel, vol. I, 1122–1499 eerste stuk, ed. H. A. Poelman (The Hague 1917) RGP 70 Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van den handel met Frankrijk, Eerste deel 752–1585, eds Z. W. Sneller and W. S. Unger (The Hague 1930) RPS The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland, eds K. M. Brown et al. (St Andrews 2007–9) SHR Scottish Historical Review TLA Tallinna Linnaarhiiv TM Tallinna Magistraat ZRG GA Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Germanistische Abteilung ZVLGA Zeitschrift des Vereins für Lübeckische Geschichte und Altertumskunde Sea laws Bergen Bergen Town Law; Stadtrecht des Königs Magnus Hakonarson für Bergen. Brüchstücke des Birkinselrechts und Seefahrerrecht der Jónsbók, ed. Rudolf Meissner (Weimar 1950) Bjarkeyjar réttr Stadtrecht des Königs Magnus Hakonarson, ed. Meissner Bjärköarätten Helsinge-Lagen, Kristnu-Balken af Smålands-Lagen, och Bjärköarätten, ed. D. C. J. Schlyter (Lund 1844) Danzig Danzig judgements; APG, 300, R/Fq, 1, Waterrecht Dig. Digestum; Corpus Iuris Civilis. Text und Übersetzung, vol. III, Dig. 11–20, eds Okko Behrends et al. (Heidelberg 1999) Gotland SL Gotland Sea Law; Dat Gotlansche Waterrecht (Osnabrück 1967, facsimile of Copenhagen 1505) Grágás Isländisches Recht. Die Graugans, ed. Andreas Heusler (Weimar 1937) Hamburg 1301/6 Hamburg Ship Law of 1301/6; Die ältesten Stadt-, Schiff- und Landrechte Hamburgs, ed. J. M. Lappenberg (Aalen 1966, reprint of Hamburg 1845) Hamburg 1497 Hamburg Ship Law of 1497; Die ältesten Stadt-, Schiff- und Landrechte Hamburgs, ed. Lappenberg HR 1447 Hanserecess of 1447; HR 2, III, no. 288 HUB I, no. 538 1259 letter from Hamburg to Lübeck; Hansisches Urkundenbuch I, ed. Konstantin Hohlbaum (Halle 1876), no. 538 Jónsbók Stadtrecht des Königs Magnus Hakonarson, ed. Meissner Kampen BvR Kampen Dat Boeck van Rechte; GAK, OA, no. 5, Dat Boeck van Rechte dier Stat van Kampen

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