A Clear Distinction There is a clear distinction between the ethos of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) and the zeitgeist manifest in the policies of governments of those modern nations which are currently part of NATO, dominated as NATO is by America. That zeitgeist derives from finance capitalism, from the modern dogmas of 'racial equality' and multiculturalism, and from an electoral system misleadingly termed democracy and which 'democracy' is well-described by Myatt where "a country generally gets the leaders – presidents, prime ministers – and the government who and which tend to reflect, in their words, promises, and policies, the often changeable fears, hopes, and emotions of a majority of people at election time or at least of the percentage necessary to win an election; with such fears, hopes, and emotions often engendered by the Media, by a specific political party, by a ‘social movement’, and by ‘special interest’ (advocacy) groups or individuals with their own agendas, all of whom seek to influence ‘public opinion’ and the policies of politicians and governments. Such ‘special interest’ groups invariably include those with particular business and political concerns who have the financial resources to employ professional lobbyists, Media consultants, and propagandists. The result is that the political party and/or particular advocacy groups who have the most money during elections campaigns, and who have the support of a substantial part of the Media, and/or who have a candidate for high office who is a persuasive public speaker, influence the result of elections, having persuaded or influenced the percentage of people necessary to win an election." {1} The O9A ethos, as Anton Long explained in a 2021 interview, is essentially an aristocratic one derived from the principles of πάθει-μάθος, καλὸς-κἀγαθός, and kindred-honour {2} and thus is a modern development of the ancient ethos of Greco-Roman culture and the ethos of Renaissance Europe. Considered in Aeonic terms, the O9A - that is, the esoteric philosophy and its presencing by three praxises {3} developed by Anton Long between 1976 and 2012 - was and is a means over decades and possibly centuries of causal- Time to replace the zeitgeist of the modern West with an O9A-style aristocratic ethos. That zeitgeist of modern nations is in essence (i) the manipulation of the hoi polloi by those who constitute The Establishment, and by its supporters, for their own financial or political or ideological or personal reasons or purposes, and (ii) maintaining through the Media, the Arts, the entertainment and advertisement industries, the low standards of aspirations and behaviour and morality that have since 1945 become associated with the hoi polloi of modern Western nations; and (iii) using the resources of the Establishment and especially the Media and the criminal justice system to 'lawfully' stifle any meaningful dissent and to discredit the reputation of those considered to be or who are considered might become a threat to the current hegemony and the zeitgeist of The Establishment. To 'lawfully' stifle meaningful dissent The Establishment has manufactured new laws which, for instance, make opposition to the dogmas of 'racial equality' and multiculturalism a crime because such opposition is considered to be "hate speech", and/or "racial hatred", and/or "racism" and which modern causal abstractions (denotata) have become not only central to the ideology of post-1945 antifascism but also adopted in the last two decades by The Establishment as integral parts of their dogmas of 'racial equality' and multiculturalism. {4} In regard to the O9A, The Establishment - at the behest of an antifascist "special interest group" {5} - tried to discredit the O9A through seeking to have it banned as a terrorist organization and by having a government-financed agent provocateur produce and distribute black propaganda in an attempt to associate the O9A with rape and paedophilia. {6} The attempt to have the O9A banned failed because British and American intelligence agencies concluded that the O9A was as we have maintained for years a philosophy manifest as a sub-culture not a group or organization with "members". {7} As for government-financed black propaganda, it succeeded among the hoi polloi some of whom - especially those of the antifascist variety - unknowingly or knowingly used and use the große Lüge technique by reproducing or by referencing items containing the Establishment anti-O9A narrative derived from FBI black propaganda. Yet The Establishment success in having the hoi polloi believe and propagate FBI black propaganda is irrelevant in Aeonic terms given that the O9A is a subculture and given that it is, will be, and has been for decades not only a generational subculture transmitted by individuals and families but also antinomian and heretical and thus attractive to some of those (especially the young) for whom rebellion against The Establishment is a natural instinct. Kerri Scott April 2022 ev °°° {1} David Myatt, A Moment Among My Reading: Some Problems With Modern Democracy, 2010. https://davidmyatt.wordpress.com/2010/05/29/the-moment-of-my-reading/ {2} Three Interviews With Anton Long, https://archive.org/download/o9a-three-interviews/o9a-three-interviews.pdf {3} O9A esoteric philosophy and its three praxises are described in the 2022 text titled Introduction To Omega9Alpha Subculture which is included in https://archive.org/download/subculture_complete/o9a-subculture-complete.pdf {4} An overview of these causal abstractions and how they obscure the ontological reality of our being and our relationship to Being is presented in Deconstructing Antifascism, Refounding Western Paganism, https://archive.org /download/deconstructing-antifascism-v5/deconstructing-antifascism-v5.pdf {5} According to the Charity Commission, the CEO of this antifascist group - awarded an MBE by the government in 2016 for his services in "fighting extremism" - in 2020 received a donation of £320,000 from Gerald Ronson, the billionaire and convicted fraudster, part of which donation the CEO used to pay himself a salary of over £100,000 in 2021. {6} In regard to government-financed anti-O9A black propaganda Court records show that the FBI agent provocateur was paid almost 100,000 US dollars between 2018 and early 2020: see The Urban Myth Of The Occult Phantom Menace, https://archive.org/download/urban-myth-o9a-v7_202112/urban-myth-o9a-v7.pdf {7} https://archive.org/download/subculture_complete/o9a-subculture-complete.pdf This work is published under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0 and can be freely copied and distributed according to the terms of that license