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Report No. 513(61/1.0/6) NUTRITIONAL INTAKE IN INDIA 2004-2005 ST NSS 61 Round July 2004- June 2005 National Sample Survey Organisation Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation Government of India May 2007 PREFACE The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) conducts socio-economic surveys covering various subjects on regular basis. Subjects are selected keeping in view their importance. As part of the NSS 61st round during the period July 2004 – June 2005, the Household Consumer Expenditure survey was conducted on large sample basis and this was the seventh quinquennial survey on the subject. The survey covered all the States and UTs in the country. The data were collected from a sample of 79298 rural and 45346 urban households spread over 7999 villages and 4602 urban blocks respectively. This report is one of a series of seven reports to be brought out on the basis of the data collected through the survey. It presents the information on nutritional intake by the Indian population. Among the different nutrients only three nutrients – viz. calorie, protein and fat – are discussed in this report. This report gives an idea about intake of these nutrients in different monthly per capita expenditure classes from different items of food. This report also presents information on whether meals were taken at home or not, and if not, whether the meals were taken from school, balwadi, employer or consumed by purchasing while away from home. Estimates are presented at the level of State / UT, separately for rural and urban sectors. Chapter One of the report serves as the introduction. Chapter Two presents Sample Design and Estimation Procedure. Chapter Three gives the concepts and definitions used in the survey. The main findings of the survey are given in Chapter Four. Detailed tables at the State/UT and all-India level are given in Appendix A. A facsimile of the schedule used for data collection is given as Appendix B. Development of sampling design and survey instruments, and preparation of the report, were undertaken by the Survey Design and Research Division of the NSSO. The field work was handled by the Field Operations Division. Data processing and table generation was done by the Data Processing Division. The Coordination and Publication Division was responsible for overall coordination of all activities of NSSO, including the data dissemination and release of the reports. The Chairman and Members of the then Governing Council of NSSO, along with the Chairman and Members of the Working Group set up for this round, provided the technical directions and guidance at every stage of the survey. I am grateful to all of them. I hope, the report will be useful to planners, policy makers and researchers. Comments and suggestions are most welcome. New Delhi P. K. Ray May 2007 Director General & Chief Executive Officer National Sample Survey Organisation 61st round NSS consumer expenditure survey Contents Sections Page Highlights i - iv Chapter One: Introduction 1 - 2 Chapter Two: Sample Design and Estimation Procedure 3 - 11 Chapter Three: Concepts and Definitions 12- 22 Chapter Four: Survey Findings 23- 54 Appendix-A Table 1R: Average number of meals consumed per household at home A1 – A18 and obtained elsewhere on payment or free from specific sources (as perquisite, from school, etc.) during a period of 30 days for each MPCE class in the rural area Table 1U: Average number of meals consumed per household at home A19 – A36 and obtained elsewhere on payment or free from specific sources (as perquisite, from school, etc.) during a period of 30 days for each MPCE class in the urban area Table 2R: Average no. of meals consumed per person at home and A37 – A54 obtained elsewhere on payment or free from specific sources (as perquisite, from school, etc.) during a period of 30 days by age and sex rural area Table 2U: Average no. of meals consumed per person at home and A55 – A72 obtained elsewhere on payment or free from specific sources (as perquisite, from school, etc.) during a period of 30 days by age and sex urban area Table 3R: Per capita and per consumer unit intake of calorie, protein and A73 – A90 fat per day by MPCE class in rural area Table 3U: Per capita and per consumer unit intake of calorie, protein and A91 – A108 fat per day by MPCE class in urban area Table 4R: Percentage of total intake of calorie and protein derived from A109 – A126 different groups of food items by households in each MPCE class in rural area Table 4U: Percentage of total intake of calorie and protein derived from A127 – A144 different groups of food items by households in each MPCE class in urban area Table 5R: Percentage break-up of calorie intake over different food A145 – A156 groups, and average intake of calorie, protein and fat per consumer unit per day, separately for households in different ranges of calorie intake (per consumer unit per day) in rural area NSS Report No.513: Nutritional intake in India, 2004-2005 61st round NSS consumer expenditure survey Sections Page Table 5U: Percentage break-up of calorie intake over different food A157 – A168 groups, and average intake of calorie, protein and fat per consumer unit per day, separately for households in different ranges of calorie intake (per consumer unit per day) in urban area Table 6R: Per 1000 break-up of households by level of calorie intake as A181 – A198 expressed percentage of norm level of calorie intake (2700 K cal.) (per consumer unit) for each MPCE class in rural area Table 6U: Per 1000 break-up of households by level of calorie intake as A199 – A216 expressed percentage of norm level of calorie intake (2700 K cal.) (per consumer unit) for each MPCE class in urban area Table 7R: Per 1000 break-up of persons by level of household calorie A217 – A234 intake as expressed percentage of norm level calorie intake (2700 K cal.) (per consumer unit) for each MPCE class in rural area Table 7U: Per 1000 break-up of persons by level of household calorie A235 – A252 intake as expressed percentage of norm level calorie intake (2700 K cal.) (per consumer unit) for each MPCE class in urban area Table 8R: Per 1000 break-up of households by adjusted level of calorie A253 – A270 intake as expressed percentage of norm level calorie intake (2700 K cal.) per consumer unit per day by reported calorie intake level per consumer unit per day in rural area Table 8U: Per 1000 break-up of households by adjusted level of calorie A271 – A288 intake as expressed percentage of norm level calorie intake (2700 K cal.) per consumer unit per day by reported calorie intake level per consumer unit per day in urban area Appendix B Schedule of Enquiry 1-19 NSS Report No.513: Nutritional intake in India, 2004-2005 61st round NSS consumer expenditure survey Highlights Results at a glance… (cid:153) Focus of this report is mainly on nutritional intakes of the Indian households as reflected in the reported consumption of food in the seventh quinquennial consumer expenditure survey of the NSSO during the 61st round covering the period from June 2004 to July 2005. (cid:153) The consumer expenditure survey shows that the percentage share of food expenditure in total expenditure by Indian population was 55.0% in the rural areas and 42.5% in the urban areas. Relative to the comparable survey results for 1993- 94, the share of food expenditure has dropped by 8.2 and 12.2 percentage points in rural and urban areas respectively. (cid:153) At all India level the number of meals eaten at home by household members had decreased by 0.57% in the rural areas between 1993-94 and 2004-05. In urban India popularity of home kitchen had declined by 1.66% over last ten years. (cid:153) Average daily intake of calories by rural population has dropped by 106 kcal (4.9 percent) from 2153 kcal to 2047 Kcal from 1993-94 to 2004-05 and by 51 Kcal (2.5 percent) from 2071 to 2020 Kcal in the urban area. (cid:153) Population reporting a calorie intake level of “less than 100%” of the norm of 2700 kcal, formed 66 percent of the total in rural areas and 70 percent of the total in urban areas. (cid:153) Average daily intake of protein by the Indian population has decrease from 60.2 to 57 grams in the rural area between 1993-94 and 2004-05 and remain stable around 57 grams in the urban area during the same period. (cid:153) A significant rise in per capita daily average intake of fat is observed during the decades (1993-94 to2004-05) in both rural and urban areas. It has increased from 31.4 gms. to 35.5 gms. (13.1 percent) in rural areas and from 42 gms. to 47.5 gms. (13 percent) in urban areas. i NSS Report No.513: Nutritional intake in India, 2004-2005 61st round NSS consumer expenditure survey Tables at glance… Average no. of meals consumed per person at home and obtained elsewhere on payment or free during a period of 30 days by sex average no. of meals consumed per person all estimated Sectors at home away from home no. of persons (00) free on payment M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) RURAL 71.09 71.42 2.41 2.28 0.30 0.06 73.80 73.76 3753027 3578028 URBAN 67.24 68.52 1.81 1.78 1.29 0.23 70.33 70.53 1301827 1183224 Percentage of expenditure by Indian household and Per capita intake of calorie, protein and fat per day by average Indian Sectors % expenditure % expenditure per capita per day intake of on food on cereals calorie (Kcal) protein ([0.0] gm) fat([0.0] gm) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) RURAL 55.0 18.0 2047 57.0 35.5 URBAN 42.5 10.1 2020 57.0 47.5 Percentage of total intake of calorie and protein derived from different groups of food items by Indian Household. % of intake of % of total intake of protein from calorie from Sectors cereals other cereals pulses milk & milk egg, fish Other food food products & meat (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) RURAL 67.54 32.31 66.37 9.47 9.28 3.98 10.84 URBAN 56.08 43.80 56.16 11.00 12.33 5.47 14.98 Percentage break-up of calorie intake over different food groups, per consumer unit per day. % calorie from food group1 Sector no. of consu-mer units per Household I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) RURAL 3.93 67.54 2.95 4.78 4.98 2.23 0.76 6.42 7.36 2.98 URBAN 3.56 56.08 2.82 5.69 6.68 3.17 1.05 8.61 10.58 5.32 1 Food groups: I-Cereal , II- Roots& fibre , III- Sugar and honey, IV- pulses, nuts & oilseed, V-veg & fruits, VI-Meat, egg & fish, VII-Milk and milk product, VIII- Oils & fats, IX- Misc. food & prod. ii NSS Report No.513: Nutritional intake in India, 2004-2005 61st round NSS consumer expenditure survey Charts at a glance…. Per capita intake of calorie, protein and fat per day by average Indian Per-capita intake of Nutrients -Rural al) 22500000 1995 2067 2049 1942 1923 2226 1961 1845 2014 1929 1933 2023 2240 2180 1842 2200 2070 c K 1500 ( e i 1000 r o l 500 a C 0 P M R G J R R K L P H I N J N P B State AN AS BH CH GU HA JH KT KR MA MA OR PU RA TM UT WE National average(2047 Kcal) 80 69.6 69.6 70 66.7 65.9 5600 49.8 52.7 57.8 47.4 53.3 55.4 51.2 48.8 55.4 58.8 55.7 48.3 58.7 50.9 44.9 52 am 40 33.5 50.9 33.9 40.8 35.1 41.5 37.5 gr 30 26.7 28.4 29.6 26.5 22.8 20 19.9 17.8 10 0 P M R G J R R K L P H I N J N P B States AN AS BH CH GU HA JH KT KR MA MA OR PU RA TM UT WE Protein fat national average(protein 57.0 gm.) national average (fat 35.5 gm.) Per capita intake of Nutrient-Urban 3000 2458 2500 al) 2000 2000 2143 2190 2087 1991 2033 1944 1996 1954 1847 2139 2150 2116 1935 2124 2011 c K e( 1500 ri o al 1000 C 500 0 P M R G J R R K L P H I N J N P B States AN AS BH CH GU HA JH KT KR MA MA OR PU RA TM UT WE national average(2020 Kcal.) 80 69.5 6700 50.9 55.9 62.2 53.9 57.633.5 60.554.4 53.8 52.2 56.7 58.2 52.510.1 55.2 63.461 6456.4 49.2 65.1 55.1 ms. 50 43.2 36.8 40.4 37.2 43.3 44.9 43.4 41.1 46.1 39.1 a 40 n gr 30 28.3 i 20 10 0 P M R G J R R K L P H I N J N P B AN AS BH CH GU HA JH KT KR MA MA OR PU RA TM UT WE Protein Fat National average(PrSottaetiens 57.0 gm) National average(fat 47.5 gm.) iii NSS Report No.513: Nutritional intake in India, 2004-2005 61st round NSS consumer expenditure survey Percentage of total intake of calorie and protein derived from different groups of food items RURAL URBAN 3 2.31 43.8 56.08 67.54 % of intake of calorie from cereals % of intake of calorie from cereals % of intake of calorie from other food % of intake of calorie from other food URBAN RURAL Percentage of Protein intake from Percentage of Protein intake from 10.84 3.98 14.98 9.28 5.47 12.33 56.16 9.47 11 66.37 cereals pulses cereals pulses milk & milk products egg, fish & meat milk & milk products egg, fish & meat other food other food iv NSS Report No.513: Nutritional intake in India, 2004-2005 61st round NSS consumer expenditure survey Changes in average per capita intake of calorie, protein and fat per diem over NSS rounds. Per capita per diem intake of Calorie (Kcal) Protein (gm) Fat (gm) Sector according to according to according to 27th 38th 50th 55th 61st 27th 38th 50th 55th 61st 27th 38th 50th 55th 61st (1972- (1993- (1999- (2004-(1972- (1993- (1999- (2004-(1972- (1993- (1999- (2004- (1983) (1983) (1983) 1973) 1994) 2000) 2005) 1973) 1994) 2000) 2005) 1973) 1994) 2000) 2005) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) Rural 2266 2221 2153 2149 2047 62.0 62.0 60.2 59.1 57.0 24.0 27.0 31.4 36.1 35.5 Urban 2107 2089 2071 2156 2020 56.0 57.0 57.2 58.5 57.0 36.0 37.0 42.0 49.6 47.5 Per capita per diem intake of Calorie (in Kcal) 2300 2250 2200 2150 l 2100 a c K 2050 2000 1950 1900 1850 27th round 38th round 50th round 55th round 61st round RURAL URBAN Per capita per diem intake of Protein and Fat (in gram) 70 60 50 40 s m a r g 30 20 10 0 27th round 38th round 50th round 55th round 61st round Protein Fat RURAL URBAN RURAL URBAN v NSS Report No.513: Nutritional intake in India, 2004-2005 61st round NSS consumer expenditure survey NUTRITIONAL INTAKE IN INDIA 2004-2005 Survey Findings NSS Report No.513: Nutritional intake in India, 2004-2005

Per capita intake of calorie, protein and fat per day by average Indian. Per-capita intake of Nutrients -Rural. 1995 2067 2049 1942 1923. 2226. 1961. 1845 2014 1929 1933 2023. 2240 2180. 1842. 2200. 2070. 0. 500. 1000. ANP. ASM. BHR. CHG. GUJ. HAR. JHR. KT. K. KRL. MAP. MAH. ORI. PUN. RAJ.
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