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Preview Numismagram (#71)

ra, 1034 481 B aopy vaca Happy MMXxil ! Numismagram Newsletter #71 (1/2022) Now that all the confetti has settled, we find ourselves at the beginning of another new year, and our first upload of the 2022 campaign features more than a couple time-related ‘medals pertaining to the changing of the calendar. Allegories representing the passing of time have long been conveyed in art, with one of the most famous being that of "Father Time.” Generally seen as an elderly man with a long beard and litle in the way of clothes, ‘along with the carrying of a scythe, this iconography draws from the ancient Greek ‘mythological figure of Chronos. On the following medal celebrating the arrival of 1801, he flies—with an hourglass on his head—over the ancient ruins of Caecilia Metella in Rome... peste novnlONsT2K argu TgeankndO80 08405620 Oeoe7 88 ttln ra, 1034 481 @ aopy wavs tps://shoutout. wx. conn/sa/GONUT2BK 1/0? ic \w=LDtBJJDIbOuy7CatEphhGFULMCWBACHPWSiaUnPjdl.oyJtoiaHROcHMGLy@36S3cubnVtaxXNIYW ‘Another depiction of this unending clockwise procession of time is Hora, also emanating from ancient times, who stands here on this 1900 celebratory medal with two torches— ‘one representing the previous century, being extinguished, and one representing the new ‘century, being held up... peste novnlONsT2K argu TgeankndO80 08405620 Oeoe7 88 ttln ra, 1034 481 @ raopy avout ‘htips//shoutout wix.con/so/dONUT2BK 1/6? \W=2G_5MOZYLyPeo1|OYHIBwinaPB2ECYd gjcteJAB5Q.yJ1joiaHROcHMGLy@8d3cubnVtaXNtYWe ‘Afew other medals in this upload relate to the arrival of the 20th century, but those aren't the only pieces that touch upon time in general. One such example that is a bit more obscure is an issue from the famous German medalist, Karl Goetz. A rare departure from his more typical satirical series, the Halley’s Comet medal celebrates the periodic comet first discovered in antiquity, but only understood by Edmond Halley in 1705. Its appearance in 1910 caused Gootz to issue this silver medal it also exists in bronze) ‘some ten years later. Since then, the famous comet has graced the Earth with one other arrival in 1986, with its next appearance set for just under 40 years from now in 2061 3tps://shoutout wx. com/sa/ONUT2BK 1/0? (http wagkBr4BEEOBNito4tOKkGE6y6PseIMBNUzq._ZIHDNY7Q ys IoiaHROcHMBLYSad3cubnVtaxNtYWs peste novnlONsT2K argu TgeankndO80 08405620 Oeoe7 88 ttln ra, 1014 481 B aopy vaca ‘Speaking of the future, check out this blast from the past commemorating the 25th anniversary of General Motors and the Chicago World's Fair of Progress in 1933. It features the so-called “car of the future” design by famed industrial designer Norman Bel ‘Geddes. At the time, this Art Deco-inspired machine must have undoubtedly seemed like ‘something from years or decades to come. The medal itself is quite rare when encountered this alluring and attractive, as the silvering does not seem to have stood the test of time on most... (htips:/ehoutout wix.conv/sa/d0NUT28K 1/e?w=UY'2-oF yoTE- KARC_k1 1B50W7KUCT_phiVnswl Hku.eyJtholaHROcHME ya3d3cubnVtaXNIYWdyYWOUY2StL3By ‘The remainder of this month's upload features a great mix of types, with a few offerings from the French ‘lllustrated Men” series (including one of the George Washington variants), some interesting Art Nouveau and Art Deco designs, and cute (and scarce) late ‘entrant into the Society of Medalists series featuring a cat, a mouse, and a rather large piece of cheese. For all ofthis month's new items, please click here (https://shoutout.wix.com/so/dONuT28K1/c?w=- b3KPpD4WTp94nMiz1 BorN9q_F15pR12sXSihwCtPhl.eyJ1ljoiaHROcHMéLy@3d3cubnVt aXNtYWayYWOuY28tt 2ludmVudGsyeSisinliOilONGQ3N2ZhNCO4YaILTRHOTEtMmUWZ iOwZDgxMzMyOWR)Y|MiL CutloibWFpbFascCIsimMiOiJkOTIhZDI4My1mODhmLTQwNj ‘YtYTBmNSOwMGRIOWU3YTg2MWMifQ) or on the banner art below! peste novnlONsT2K argu TgeankndO80 08405620 Oeoe7 88 ttln ra, 1034 481 @ raopy waa {https//shoutout wix.com/sa/dONUT2BK 1/¢?W=i05 1JepNbSQZ7tGx_yKP)vNSLuSvS2WWBUWP— ‘AE Jo.ey4'ljoiaHROcHM6L y@3d3cubnVtaXNtYWay YWOUY28tL 2udeVudG8yeSIsinliOl4N2NKN2GXNS Lastly, a few updates: We have added even more items to our ‘On Sale’ category, with ‘some that had previously been there being discounted even further. If you've had your 19, be sure to check again, as it may now be that much more favorable. ‘Aiso, in addition to credit cards (via WIX payments) and PayPal, Apple Pay is now a possible form of payment at checkout, as is payment by check. For check, simply choose ‘manual payments,’ and we willbe in contact on the further steps. ‘You are receiving this message because you have expressed an interest nour material or have purchased from us in the past. Huntington Beach, Cat (hps:tsrowtoutwixcomieott0 checkoutourwooste. G) NuTaekie? (epeehetou i comboaoNuT svrmmerraoer DaaivictByASOWUZOWZALTEM TEINGISZO2ZTFLTZNTRMTAVO ImQsoWrHtgalWY40GYINDAZ Ie? NitmMGYLTAWZGUSZTenODYY we pe tbat novels 2K argu TgsankedO80 084065205 Oeo47 a8 ttlnn

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