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Numerische Mathematik Volume 73 1996 Editors-in-Chief P.G. Ciarlet, Paris R.S. Varga, Kent Managing Editor C. Zenger, Miinchen Editors 1. Babuska, Austin C. Lubich, Tiibingen R.E. Bank, La Jolla Y. Maday, Paris C. de Boor, Madison V. Mehrmann, Chemnitz C. Brezinski, Lille J. Moré, Argonne F. Brezzi, Pavia W. Niethammer, Karlsruhe R. Bulirsch, Miinchen B.N. Parlett, Berkeley M. Crouzeix, Rennes L. Reichel, Kent P. Deufihard, Berlin J. Schmidt, Dresden R.A. DeVore, Columbia Z. Shi, Beijing M. Eiermann, Freiberg G.W. Stewart, College Park M. Fortin, Quebec J. Stoer, Wirzburg V. Girault, Paris M. Tabata, Hiroshima R. Glowinski, Houston E. Tadmor, Los Angeles G.H. Golub, Stanford R. Temam, Orsay M.H. Gutknecht, Ziirich J.-M. Thomas, Pau W. Hackbusch, Kiel L.N. Trefethen, Ithaca E. Hairer, Genéve P. Van Dooren, G. Hammerlin, Miinchen Louvain-la-Neuve R.V. Kohn, New York W.L. Wendiand, Stuttgart Y.A. Kuznetsov, Moscow O. Widlund, New York P.-L. Lions, Paris Honorary Editors F.L. Bauer, Miinchen G.I. Marchuk, Moscow G.G. Dahiquist, Stockholm K.W. Morton, Oxford M. Fiedler, Prague H.J. Stetter, Wien W. Gautschi, Lafayette G. Strang, Cambridge H.-O. Kreiss, Los Angeles J. Todd, Pasadena Numerische Mathematik Copyright Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, is any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher; and that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any lan- guage without the consent of the copyright holders. 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For more information, or to place an order for a copyright-cleared Springer-Verlag document, please contact Client Assistant, Document Delivery, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Ottawa K1A 082, Canada (Tel: 6 13-9 93-92 51; FAX: 6 13-9 52-82 43; e-mail: cisti.docdel @nrc.ca). Printers: Saladruck GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1996 Printed in Germany Contents of Volume 73 1996 No.1 pp. 1-130 issued on 08.03.1996 No.3 pp. 265-398 issued on 06.05.1996 No.2 pp. 131-264 issued on 04.04.1996 No.4 pp. 399-532 issued on 03.06.1996 Ainsworth, M.: The influence and selection of Khoromskij, B. N., Wittum, G.: Robust iterative subspaces for a posteriori error estimators 399 methods for elliptic problems with highly varying coefficients in thin substructures 449 Bank, R. E., Xu, J.: An algorithm for coarsening Kimura, M.: Asymptotic estimation for the unstructured meshes 1 condition numbers in BEM 209 Bernardi, C., Karageorghis, A.: Méthodes spectrales dans une portion de disque 265 Lubinsky, D. — Cuyt, A. et al. Bocharov, G. A., Marchuk, G. I., Romanyukha, A. A.: Numerical solution by LMMs of stiff Mandel, J., Tezaur, R.: Convergence of a delay differential systems modelling an substructuring method with Lagrange immune response 131 multipliers 473 Bodenmann, R., Schroll, H. J.: Compact Manteuffel, T. A., Starke, G.: On hybrid iterative difference methods applied to initial-boundary methods for nonsymmetric systems of linear value problems for mixed systems 291 equations 489 Marchuk, G. I. — Bocharov, G. A. et al. Chan, T. F., Smith, B. F., Zou, J.: Overlapping Mehlman, G. — Dubois, F. Schwarz methods on unstructured meshes using non-matching coarse grids 149 O’Cinneide, C. A.: Relative-error bounds for the Clément, Ph., Hagmeijer, R., Sweers, G.: On the LU decomposition via the GTH algorithm 507 invertibility of mappings arising in 2D grid Osada, N. : An acceleration theorem for the generation problems 37 o-algorithm 521 Cuyt, A., Driver, K., Lubinsky, D.: Kronecker type theorems, normality and continuity of the Perthame, B., Shu, C.-W.: On_ positivity multivariate Padé operator 311 preserving finite volume schemes for Euler equations 119 Diethelm, K.: Peano kernels and bounds for the error constants of Gaussian and related Raviart, P.-A., Sonnendriicker, E.: A hierarchy of quadrature rules for Cauchy principal value approximate models for the Maxwell integrals 53 equations 329 Dorfler, W.: A time- and spaceadaptive Romanyukha, A. A. — Bocharov, G. A. et al. algorithm for the linear time-dependent Schrédinger equation 419 Schroll, H. J. > Bodenmann, R. Driver, K. > Cuyt, A. et al. Shu, C.-W. — Perthame, B. Dubois, F., Mehlman, G.: A non-parameterized Siebert, K. G.: An a posteriori error estimator for entropy correction for Roe’s approximate anisotropic refinement 373 Riemann solver 169 Smith, B. F. — Chan, T. F. et al. Sonnendriicker, E. —> Raviart, P.-A. Hadeler, K. P.: Shadowing orbits and Kanto- Starke, G. — Manteuffel, T. A. rovich’s theorem 65 Strang, G. — Heil, Ch. et al. Hagmeijer, R. — Clément, Ph. et al. Strela, V. — Heil, Ch. et al. Heil, Ch., Strang, G., Strela, V.: Approximation Sun, J.-g.: Perturbation analysis of singular by translates of refinable functions 75 subspaces and deflating subspaces 235 Hinze, M.: On the numerical approximation of Sweers, G. — Clément, Ph. et al. unstable minimal surfaces with polygonal boundaries 95 Tezaur, R. — Mandel, J. Karageorghis, A. > Bernardi, C. Wittum, G. — Khoromskij, B. N. IV Xu, J. — Bank, R. E. Comprehensively covered by Zentralblatt fiir Mathematik, Mathematical Reviews, and Zou, J. — Chan, T. F. et al. Current Contents

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