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Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms 1991: Vol 55 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms 1991: Vol 55 Table of Contents

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B55 (1991) xiiti—xx1 North-Holland Contents Editorial Conference photograph Ion beams in retrospect (Special invited talk) Freeman, J.H. Committees rey le IE a Oi ae wk ee 8 EG eG eens Section I. Overviews Ion implantation in bipolar technology (Jnvited paper) Hill, C. and P. Hunt Application of ion implantation in submicron CMOS processes ( Jnvited paper) Kiisters, K.H., H.M. Mihlhoff and H. Cerva Implantation in the 1990s ( /nvited paper ) Seidel, T.E. Section II. Real time processing problems A detailed study of elemental contamination in a Varian 180XP high-current implanter Taylor, M.C., S. Mehta and R.J. Eddy Energy contamination in ion implantation Van Herk, J., A.N. van der Steege, M.L.C. van Meyl and P.C. Zalm Energetic neutral contamination in modern high-current implanters Cherekdjian, S. and W. Weisenberger Real time, in situ particle monitoring of the Applied Materials PI9200 ion implanter Leung, S., B. Adibi, S. Moffatt, B. Fishkin and P. Kinney Channeling control for large tilt angle implantation in Si (100) Simonton, R.B., D.E. Kamenitsa, A.M. Ray, C. Park, K.M. Klein and A.F. Tasch Energy contamination of P** ion beams on the Varian, EXTRION 220 medium current implanter Van der Meulen, P.F.H.M., S. Mehta and R.E. Kaim Control of BF, dissociation in high-current ion implantation Downey, D.F. and R.B. Liebert A RGA study of the cross-contamination of dopant species and low level impurities and the use of the RGA as a process monitor in a Varian 180XP Cummings, J.J. and D.T. Enloe An analysis of vacuum effects on ion implanter performance Renau, A., M.E. Mack, J.P. O’Connor and N. Tokoro Particle contamination control in the EXTRION 220 Milgate, R. and J. Pollock Control of metal contamination in the Varian Extrion 1000 ion implantation system Liebert, R.B., S. Satoh, B.O. Pedersen, D.F. Downey, T. Sakase and E. Evans.............. Control of wafer charging on the Varian EXTRION 1000 ion implanter Satoh, S., B-O. Pedersen, D.F. Downey, T. Sakase, R.B. Liebert and S.B. Felch Device charge-to-breakdown studies on a high-current implanter Felch, S.B., S. Mehta, S. Kikuchi and S. Kitahara 0168-/5918 /3$0X3.5 0 © 1991 — Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) Contents Control of ion beam density and profile for high current ion implantation systems Taniyo, M., S. Fadioara, Ti. SARAMIOIO GAG IE. TNA: 2... eeee ewer erences 86 A high-resolution beam profile measuring system for high-current ion implanters Fujishita, N., K. Noguchi, S. Sasaki and H. Yamamoto ....... 0... . cc cee cece eens 90 An electron-beam charge neutralization system for ion implanters Leung, K.N., K.C. Gordon, W.B. Kunkel, C.M. McKenna, S.R. Walther and M.D. Williams .. . 94 New approaches to charging control ae i ee ee eae 77 Implantation-equipment data management for cost reduction, equipment optimization and process enhancement ee rk eC a os ve eee ke ee ea bh ae $a ae wee Re Fog eo 104 The use of tertiarybutylarsine (TBA) and tertiarybutylphosphine (TBP) as liquid reagents for ion implantation Se ans EO OE yo bk ee See eee bce eka Re Oe es eee 109 Section III. Processing, throughput and yield Gate oxides in high curent implanters: how do they survive? (Invited paper ) ae fa ours. hi, arin, ea eg Re aang as Sa ole Se ee le a Ce ee be weM ae we 115 Process-induced defects in VLSI (Invited paper) Kolbesen, B.O., W. Bergholz, H. Cerva, B. Fiegl, F. Gelsdorf and G. Zoth ................ 124 A survey of implant particulate process control and yield effects ( Invited paper) hon ok Ge ee aed ed 6 ig Ga A Ow * a ON ee ee no 8 132 Wafer charging study on a Varian 160 XP ion implanter with charge-sensitive devices ee a es I I Oe RO kv oe ee ee eee a ee bee ee sees 137 Charging studies with “CHARM” Lukaszek, W., R.K. Nahar, A. McCarthy, W. Weisenberger, S. Cherekdjian and D. Lindsey ... 143 Gauge-capability study of ion-implant monitors See. We ae, We es eas Es TT. WIE «gw gn cc ke week ce eee eeveweeses 148 Maximization of DRAM yield by control of surface charge and particle addition during high dose implantation I ce ie hs ee Rr a ee kaka ee ek 154 Effects of molybdenum contamination resulting from BF, implantation A aie es ey, y AS Kg Oe MD ee eo eR 160 A micro-uniformity test structure Keenan, W.A., W.H. Johnson, L. Mantalas, L. Nguyen and L.A. Larson Fag hig iy ngS di nk aie es 166 Monitoring the micro-uniformity performance of a spinning disk implanter Current, M.I., T. Guitner, N. Ohno, K. Hurley, W.A. Keenan, W. Johnson, R.J. Hillard and C. ee ae ee ee eR Sp ae Os “ae ae a ge ee ee ee ee ee ee a en A ee a a ee a en oe a a er ar ee ee ee i a a ee ee ee a a ee a 2 Daily 2 x 10'* monitoring of an ion implanter ee, WU OP, IE i ce we cee ee ewe ewer ve nese aesens 178 Spectroscopic ellipsometry for depth profiling of ion implanted materials Vammeeemont, 3.,. Pi. Rowse and PLE. Maes... . 6. ck cc cc teehee we eees 183 Process control issues for ion implantation using large tilt angles eevee, Tae, Bie, PIER OE ADR. Bey wc wk cw ee i wee ec eee bee es 188 Annealing behaviors of residual defects in high-dose BF,’-implanted (001)Si under different implantation conditions Ot RE Eg CTS BE nm eR Sy ce wc 193 Knock-on of contaminants causing instabilities of transistor characteristics I es a as Si ig te te enw sk we Ae 198 Implant uniformity evaluation using a Varian/Extrion scan compensator module on an electro- Static scanning ion implanter Howard, K. es ee Se a ee a i ee i re oe ees eo a ee ee i Ce ee a ae et Oe oe eee Se a ee eS Se 6 ae ew 6 oe 8 ew Contents The use of negative ions to enhance beam currents at low energies in an MeV ion implanter FU omar, 3: ., Wi. Set, A. Pees Be TS, BOOED: ge es ew ee ee es bs ok Po 207 Charging measurement and control in high-current implanters Ae, 53. Th. Rae, Fee GE Wy aeE o 5 ok i ow he ak OA Be CA oe 211 Effects of P*-implanted poly-Si electrodes on the gate dielectric characteristics of thin oxides as a Ne ND Ne a 5-0 a ee ee OO ARR DELS yee ee ee 216 Investigation of backscattering and re-implantation during ion implantation into deep trenches Es. Suns ax SURI SIE MD en Seca Ses be ee ww aS eee a Ee 220 Proximity gettering by MeV-implantation of carbon: microstructure and carrier lifetime measure- ments run, “‘W., Th. Bue, a. Deemer GN PE. TOTNaE eeS wee eu een 224 Comparison of modern uniformity-mapping techniques mecca, W.A., Wee. POO OG UL. FUT wo ik i ve wh es we wee ls ow man 230 The history of uniformity mapping in ion implantation Ss cy, ee I I a I oie oe hi cs Oi a es i be Os 235 Techniques for dose matching between ion implanters Lamas, P., S. Re, 1. BR GO ED. DOO cg i ie ee eS 243 Monitoring of dose in low dose ion implantation Hara, T., H. Hagiwara, R. Ichikawa, W.L. Smith, C. Welles, S.K. Hahn and L. Larson ....... 250 Implant dose uniformity simulation program PO FFs. oi Ce Ee RAE ore A ARIE EAA EON A a a 253 Nondestructive determination of damage depth profiles in ion-implanted semiconductors by multiple-angle-of-incidence single-wavelength ellipsometry Fried, M., 7. Lommer, ©. Jaron, ©. Piaiew ana 7. Goyal. ww. on ie ee ea ee wee co ese 257 Limitations of the spreading resistance technique for ion implant profile measurements Montserrat, J., J. Boweeits ond BE. Core- Tamayo... nc ic be ete pecn i vecuveeee 261 Thermal wave characterization of silicon implanted with MeV phosphorus ions Anjum, M., G.S. Sandhu, S. Cherekdjian and W. Weisenberger....................2005- 266 RTP temperature uniformity mapping Keenan, W.A., W.H. Johnson, D. Hodul and D. Mordo .........................000% 269 Ion implant standard De, 0k a, Oe nebe lke otic e’ eeeen ve 275 Development of a process to achieve residue-free photoresist removal after high-dose ion implanta- tion McOmber, J.I. and R.S. Nair dh 6 6.6) 6 2 + 66 e: WS eo Oe .e oe 86 Se eS eT! 8. Oe ©. 8S 2 Ee DS @. Ob OS 4 DS Se, OSS Section IV. Innovations in ion source and beam transport Ion beam systen design for ULSI device requirements (/nvited paper ) RS ok An eee iw ae ee Oe ER OP a ee OLE Cs EERE RO 287 Improvement of an ECR multicharged ion source lS ea a saa a a er ee ak Nc ae aeR e Nowy a ak ae wie & Sew eK 296 An increased implant current by combining a long-slit microwave ion source with a converging lens eee. De. Se, ee Fe es a So Ss co eis ek See whee oe eR eee ees 300 Plasma cathode oxygen ion source Suibuva, T., S. ashimoto, E. Yabo and KR. Takayama ... 5... 5. wn ccc each een eases’ 305 A dual source low-energy ion implantation system for use in silicon molecular beam epitaxy Gottdang, A., K. Eich, A. Hassenbiirger, W.H. Schulte, B. Cleff, D.J.W. Mous, R. Koudijs, a sr he tyc ee Baie ok elas Mop be le Cee a 310 A silicon MBE-compatible low-energy ion implanter Gordon, J.S., A. Bousetta, J.A. van den Berg, D.G. Armour, R. Kubiak and E.H.C. Parker .... 314 Direct extraction of a Na” beam from a sodium plasma Seen, BE., 2s. Va, BE. WE BING 2. Ee oc eee tc eet eee es teeeees Contents Negative-ion sources for ion implantation Holmes, A.J.T. and G. Proudfoot A low-energy fast-atom beam source Gorbatov, Yu.B., A.F. Vyatkin and V.I. Zinenko Double hollow cathode ion source for metal ion-beam production Tonegawa, A., H. Taguchi and K. Takayama A cold-hollow-cathode lateral-extraction Penning ion source Ma, M., J.E. Mynard, B.J. Sealy and K.G. Stephens Ion beam injection system for a variable energy RFQ accelerator Amemiya, K., K. Tokiguchi, Y.H akamata and N. Sakudo Milliampere metal ion beam formation using multipoint emission by an impregnated-electrode-type liquid-metal ion source Ishikawa, J., H. Tsuji and Y. Gotoh Possible mechanisms for particle transport in ion implanters Brown, D.A., P. Sferlazzo and J.F. O’Hanlon A high-current low-energy multi-ion beam deposition system Tsukakoshi, O., S. Shimizu, S. Ogata, N. Sasaki and H. Yamakawa Development of a four-electrode extraction system for a large area ion source with a wide range of operational conditions Maeno, S., M. Tanjyo, K. Tanaka and J. Fujita Production of oxygen plasmas using radio-frequency magnetron-discharge Shibuya, T., S. Hashimoto, E. Yabe and K. Takayama Development of a high current and high energy metal ion beam system Inami, H., Y. Inouchi, H. Tanaka, T. Yamashita, K. Matsunaga and K. Matsuda Beam optics research for a 600 keV heavy ion implanter Zhao Qihua, Jiang Xinyuan, Lin Chenglu and P. Tanguy Section V. Advanced machine technologies Ion implantation challenges in the drive towards 65 Mb and 256 Mb memory cell type devices (Invited paper) Giles, A.D. and A. van de Steege Development of ion implantation equipment in the USSR (Invited paper ) Vyatkin, A.F., V.V. Simonov and A.I. Kholopkin The Nissin NH-20SP medium-current ion implanter Nagai, N., T. Kawai, M. Nogami, T. Shin’yama, T. Yuasa, Y. Kibi, H. Kawakami, K. Nishikawa and M. Isobe A high-current ion implanter system Nasser-Ghodsi, M., M. Farley, J. Grant, D. Bernhardt, M. Foley, S. Holden, T. Bowe, C. Singer, K. Dixit and G. Angel 398 Mechanically scanned ion implanters with two-axis disk tilt capability Tami, T., M. Diamond, B. Doherty and P. Splinter 408 Charge neutralisation in the PI9000 series implanters Wauk, M.T., N. White, B. Adibi, M. Current and J. Strain 413 Parallel beam ion implanter: IPX-7000 Mihara, Y., K. Niikura, O. Tsukakoshi and Y. Sakurada 417 A system and performance overview of the EXTRION 220 medium-current ion implanter I aoe Nee ena ot nad eng A ee OR Nae aa ye aca iie te Ge tise sec ock 9 423 Advances in the Extrion 1000 and XP Series high-current ion implantation systems ar RS Raa ee ae a al a a ee a ek oe wa 8 428 The beam performance of the Genus G-1500 ion implanter Tokoro, N., J.P. O’Connor, A. Renau and M.E. Mack Contents Vacuum system design for ion implanters Hucknall, D.J. and M. Kuhn The Nissin PR-80A high current ion implantation system Kawai, T., M. Chotokudani, M. Naito, T. Hiramatsu, M. Sasaki, T. Sunouchi, Y. Nishigami, Matsumoto, M. Nakaya and M. Nakazawa System and process enhancements of the Applied Materials Precision Implant 9200 Jaffe, P.R. and K.P. Fairbairn The EXTRION 220 parallel scan magnet Kaim, R.E. and P.F.H.M. van der Meulen Improved wafer charge neutralization system in Varian high current implanters Mehta, S., R.F. Outcault, C.-M. McKenna and A. Heinonen Operating procedure for improving ion source lifetime for the 80-180XP ion implanter Walther, S.R. and R.F. Outcault Particulate performance for robotics-based wafer handing ion implant system Nasser-Ghodsi, M., D. McCarron, M. Foley, S. Holden, D. Veinbachs, S. Mooney and S. Ward . Initial performance results from the NV1002 high energy ion implanter McIntyre, E., D. Balek, P. Boisseau, A. Dart, A.S. Denholm, H. Glavish, C. Hayden, L. Kaminski, B. Libby, N. Meyyappan, J. O’Brien, F. Sinclair and K. Whaley A versatile ion implanter for planar and 3D device construction Dykstra, J.P., A.M. Ray and R.B. Simonton Simulation of the geometrical characteristics of a mechanically scanned high current implanter Sinclair, F Beam incidence variations in spinning disk ion implanters Ray, A.M. and J.P. Dykstra The MeV ion implantation system “RFQ-1000” and its applications Hirakimoto, A., H. Nakanishi and M. Asari A 500 keV ion accelerator with two types of ion source Agawa, Y., M. Takai, S. Namba, T. Uchiyama, R. Fukui and H. Yamakawa A broad-beam, high-current metal-ion implantation facility Brown, I.G., M.R. Dickinson, J.E. Galvin, X. Godechot and R.A. MacGill A versatile WIBS 200 kV ion implanter for materials modification Bond, P., D. Duckworth, R.G. Elliman, R. Henshaw, S.T. Johnson, M.C. Ridgway, R.P. Thornton, J.S. Williams, P. Byers and D.J. Chivers The phased linear scanner I FN ag were arnt te aa ee ean Ot ren, On rae ee ier atal io A universal sample manipulator with 50 kV negative bias Kenny, M.J., L.S. Wielunski, M.D. Scott, R.A. Clissold, D. Stevenson and G. Baxter Computer modelling for ion-beam system design Ito, H. and N.R. White Section VI. Materials science Amorphous Si — the role of MeV implantation in elucidating defect and thermodynamic properties ( Invited paper) Poate, J.M., S. Coffa, D.C. Jacobson, A. Polman, J.A. Roth, G.L. Olson, S. Roorda, W. Sinke, J.S. Custer, M.O. Thompson, F. Spaepen and E. Donovan Recent progress in depositing epitaxial metal films by an ionized cluster beam (Jnvited paper ) Yamada, I. BF,’ implantation in predamaged Si with Ge* or Si* at doses lower than amorphization Kase, M., M. Kimura, Y. Kikuchi, H. Mori and T. Ogawa Formation of thin silicon films using low energy oxygen ion implantation Robinson, A.K., C.D. Marsh, U. Bussmann, J.A. Kilner, Y. Li, J. Vanhellemont, K.J. Reeson, P.L.F. Hemment and G.R. Booker Contents Measurements and applications of high energy boron implants in silicon La Ferla, A., E. Rimini, A. Carnera, A. Gasparotto, G. Ciavola and G. Ferla Ultra low energy (100—200 eV) boron implantation into crystalline and silicon-preamorphized silicon Bousetta, A., J.A. Van den Berg, R. Valizadeh, D.G. Armour and P.C. Zalm Shallow junction formation by dual Ge/B, Sn/B and Pb/B implants Haslar, V., P. Seidl, P. Hazdra, R. Gwilliam and B. Sealy Sublimation and diffusion of arsenic implanted into silicon at rapid electron beam annealing Grotzschel, R., V.A. Kagadey, N.I. Lebedeva and D.I. Proskurosvky Thermal-annealing effects on the structural and electrical properties of heavy-ion-implanted silicon layers Said, J., G. Ghibaudo, I. Stoemenos and P. Zaumseil Expitaxial regrowth and lattice location of indium implanted in arsenic-preamorphized silicon Alves, E., M.F. Da Silva, J.C. Soares, A.A. Melo, J. May, V. HaSlar, P. Seidl, U. Feuser and R. Vianden Effect of SiN, coating in lateral solid phase epitaxy of implanted amorphous Si films Ishiwara, H. and K. Fukao Near-surface damage created in silicon by BF," implantation Li Xiaogin, Lin Chenglu, Yang Genqin, Zhou Zuyao and Zhou Shichang Custom profiles by automated multi-step implantation Crook, J.P., M.I. Current, B. Adibi, S. Leung and L.A. Larson The annealing behaviour of ion-implanted Si studied using time-resolved reflectivity Thornton, R.P., Y.H. Li, R.G. Elliman and J.S. Williams MeV ion-beam annealing of semiconductor structures Williams, J.S., M.C. Ridgway, R.G. Elliman, J.A. Davies, S.T. Johnston and G.R. Palmer Distribution of paramagnetic defects formed in silicon by MeV ion implantations Yajima, Y., N. Natsuaki, K. Yokogawa and S. Nishimatsu Evolution of low-fluence heavy-ion damage in Si under high energy ion irradiation Battaglia, A., F. Priolo, C. Spinella and E. Rimini Channeling implantation of B and P in silicon Schreutelkamp, R.J., V. Raineri, F.W. Saris, R.E. Kaim, J.F. Westendorp, P.F.H.M. van der Meulen and K.T.F. Janssen Annealing behavior of dislocation loops near the projected ion range in high-dose As*- and P*-implanted (001) Si Hsu, S.N. and L.J. Chen Acivation of shallow implants in Si by pulse laser irradiation Wesch, W., T. Bachmann, G. Gotz, F. Hagemann and A. Heft Centers of spin-dependent recombination in structures formed by N* ion implantation into Si Karanovich, A.A., A.V. Dvurechenskii, I.E. Tyschenko and G.A. Kachurin Anomalous redistributions of As and Sb atoms in As-implanted Sb-doped and Sb-implanted As-doped Si during annealing Yokota, K., H. Furuta, S. Ishihara and I. Kimura The influence of implantation temperature and subsequent annealing on residual implantation defects in silicon Hazdra, P., V. HaSlar and M. Bartos Some properties of amorphous silicon produced by helium ion implantation Buravlyov, A.V., A.F. Vyatkin, V.K. Egorov, V.V. Kireiko and A.P. Zuev Electrical activation process of erbium implanted in silicon and SIMOX Tang, Y.S. and B.J. Sealy Isotope effects for ion-implantation profiles in silicon Svensson, B.G. and B. Mohadjeri Contents The enhanced diffusion of boron in silicon after high-dose implantation and during rapid thermal annealing Marou, F., A. Claverie, Ph. Salles and A. Martinez Channeling implants of boron in silicon Rainieri, V., G. Galvagno, E. Rimini, A. La Ferla, S. Capizzi, A. Carnera and G. Ferla Calculation of channeling effects in ion implantation Bausells, J., G. Badenes and E. Lora-Tamayo Molecular complexes on implanted surfaces: unenhanced surface Raman study Mathur, M.S., J.S.C. McKee and C.B. Kwok A new method to calculate range and damage distributions by direct numerical solution of Boltzmann transport equations Posselt, M Transport-theoretical studies of static and dyanmic recoil mixing Jimenez-Rodriguez, J.J., 1. Abril, J.A. Peinador and A. Gras-Marti High-dose oxygen implantation into silica Chater, R.J., J.A. Kilner, K.J. Reeson, A.K. Robinson and P.L.F. Hemment The study of Sig 5;Gep; alloy implanted by high dose oxygen Zhang, J.P., P.L.F. Hemment, U. Bussmann, A.K. Robinson, J.E. Castle, H.D. Liu, J.F. Watts, S.M. Newstead, A.R. Powell, T.E. Whall and E.H.C. Parker An investigation of Sip ;Gep; alloy oxidation by hgh dose oxygen implantation Castle, J.E., H.D. Liu, J.F. Watts, J.P. Zhang, P.L.F. Hemment, U. Bussmann, A.K. Robinson, S.M. Newstead, A.R. Powell, T.E. Whall and E.H.C. Parker Amorphisation and solid phase epitaxial regrowth of the silicon overlayer in SIMOX structures Starkov, V.V., P.L.F. Hemment and A.F. Vyatkin The IR properties in SOI wafers formed by oxygen implantation into silicon Lu Diantong, Zheng Lirong, Wang Zhonglie and P.L.F. Hemment Raman measurement of local SOI structure by SIMOX Kato, K., M. Takai, S. Namba, R. Schork and H. Ryssel Raman scattering and photoluminescence analysis of SOI/SIMOX structures obtained by sequen- tial implantation and annealing correlated with cross sectional TEM Pérez, A., J. Portillo, A. Cornet, J. Jimenez, J.R. Morante, P.L.F. Hemment and K.P. Homewood Microscope-spectrophotometric analysis to determine the origins of the colour variations on SIMOX wafers Reeson, K.J., A.J. Criddle, P. Pearson, R.J. Chater, K. Christensen, J. Alderman, G.R. Booker and J.A. Kilner Thermal-wave measurements of high-dose ion implantation Taylor, M., K. Hurley, K. Lee, M. LeMere, J. Opsal and T. O’Brien Optical characteristics of multi-layer structures formed by ion beam synthesis and their computer simulation Yu, Y., C. Lin, X. Liu, S. Zou and P.L.F. Hemment Buried insulator formation by nitrogen implantation at elevated temperatures Hatzopoulos, N., U. Bussmann, A.K. Robinson and P.L.F. Hemment Studies on Si*+ B* dual implantations into the top silicon layer of SIMNI material Zhang, S., C. Lin, Z. Zhou and S. Zou SOI structure formed by 95 keV N; and N* implantation and epitaxial growth Lin Chenglu, Li Jinghua, Zhang Shunkai, Yu Yuehui and Zou Shichang The effects of epitaxy and oxidation on the properties of SIMNI and SIMOX materials Li Jinghua, Lin Chenglu, Lin Zhixing, Jin Yuging and Zou Shichang The peculiarities of the new phase formation by O* ion implantation into silicon under thermo- ionization excitation Belgorokhov, A.I., A.B. Danilin, Yu.N. Erokhin, A.A. Kalinin, V.N. Mordkovich, V.V. Saraikin and I.I. Khodos Contents SOI structures produced by oxygen ion implantation and their annealing behaviour Zheng Lirong, Lu Diantong, Wang Zhonglie, Zhang Bei and P.L.F. Hemment Radiation damage in As* implanted TiSi, films Hsu, C.T., C.J. Ma and L.J. Chen Comparison of models for the calculation of ion implantation moments of implanted boron, phosphorus and arsenic dopants in thin film silicides Cole, P.D., G.M. Crean, J. Lorenz and L. Dupas Ion beam synthesis of cobalt silicide: effect of implantation temperature Dekempeneer, E.H.A., J.J.M. Ottenheim, D.E.W. Vandenhoudt, C.W.T. Bulle-Lieuwma and E.G.C. Lathouwers Cobalt silicide formation caused by arsenic ion beam mixing and rapid thermal annealing Ye, M., E. Burte, P-H. Tsien and H. Ryssel The application of a 600 keV heavy ion implanter Jiang Xinyuan, Zhao Qihua, Guan Anmin, Shao Tianhao and Lin Chenglu Preparation of W-Th films by ion beam sputtering Griepentrog, M., R.-A. Noack, M. Rosengarten and W. Schneider X-ray diffraction studies of radiation damage in gallium arsenide Van Berlo, W.H. and T. Pihl Defect production in ion implanted GaAs, GaP and InP Wendler, E., W. Wesch and G. Gotz Characterization of Si-implanted gallium antimonide Su, Y.K., K.J. Gan, F.S. Juang and J.S. Hwang Rapid thermal annealing of Mg* and P* implanted InP Shen, H., G. Yang, Z. Zhou and S. Zou Section VII. Future trends and applications The technology of finely focused ion beams ( /nvited paper) Harriott, L.R. Plasma immersion ion implantation for ULSI processing (Jnvited paper ) SR aR gl asM SNIODR PSR ORY Set ee epee nO a a Sub-100 nm p + /n junction formation using plasma immersion ion implantation Qian, X.Y., N.W. Cheung, M.A. Lieberman, M.I. Current, P.K. Chu, W.L. Harrington, C.W. Magee and E.M. Botnick SIMOX-material quality in a semi-industrial production Lamure, J.M., J. Margail, B. Baisse, J.F. Michaud, A. Soubie, C. Pudda, F. Gusella and C. Jaussaud Annealing behaviour of BF,” implanted (001) and (111)Si inside miniature size oxide openings Nieh, C.W. and L.J. Chen Dose dependence of crystallinity and resistivity in ion beam sythesised CoSi, layers Spraggs, R.S., K.J. Reeson, R.M. Gwilliam, B.J. Sealy, A. De Veirman and J. van Landuyt .... Contouring of SIMOX profiles by oxygen ion energy change Wittkower, A., M. Guerra, B. Cordts, R. Dolan and P. Sandow SIMOX wafers with low dislocation density produced by a 100 mA-class high-current oxygen implanter Nakashima, S. and K. Izumi Energy and dose dependence of silicon top layer and buried oxide layer thickness in SIMOX substrates Bussmann, U., A.K. Robinson and P.L.F. Hemment Oxygen implantation through patterned masks: a method for forming insulated silicon device islands while maintaining a planar wafer surface Bussmann, U., P.L.F. Hemment, A.K. Robinson and V.V. Starkov Contents Nitrogen implantation for local oxidation (NILO) of silicon Molle, P., C. Jaussaud and M. Bruel S66 2 6°98 6 @ 8 022550 Se: 2 8 ee Se Oe Se 2 OE RES. Se SOLS ee SS Channeling contrast analysis of local damage distributions induced by maskless implantation ee ee ek eee ee Fe eee ee ee eee 866 Effect of deposition temperature of arsenic implanted poly-Si-on-insulator on grain size and residual stress Takai, M., K. Kato, S. Namba, U. Pfannenmiiller and H. Ryssel 870 es S 6.8 C.8- 16 we Se Or Ee 2k OSSD Epitaxial growth of carbon-doped p-type GaAs films by ionized cluster beam Takaoka, G.H., Y. Haga, H. Tsuji and J. Ishikawa 873 ©. ¢S £9 2 eee O84 SE SOO 8 Se SE See SC. 8 O48, 4 1S Preparation of atomically flat gold films by ionized cluster beam Yamada, I., G.H. Takaoka, H. Usui, F. Satoh, Y. Itoh, K. Yamashita, S. Kitamoto, Y. Namba, ¥ : S . TS GUE WE. PR se ee id ea ee 876 A system for complex processing of semiconductor structures in vacuum Yankelevich, E.B. and V.S. Budishevsky 880 eR OR Oe eo ee Oe ee ee Ce Oe ee eee) ew Oi- e a Be ee A plasma immersion ion implantation reactor for ULSI fabrication Qian, X.Y., D. Carl, J. Benasso, N.W. Cheung, M.A. Lieberman, I.G. Brown, J.E. Galvin, R.A. Screen GUE Wt, So ah Se eS EO OS OS EOE eee 884 Plasma immersion Pd ion implantation seeding pattern formation for selective electroless Cu plating Qian, X.Y., M.H. Kiang, J. Huang, D. Carl, N.W. Cheung, M.A. Lieberman, I.G. Brown, K.M. ee es I 55 55 8 ee A LE ee ee a 888 Metal vapor vacuum arc ion implantation for seeding of electroless Cu plating Qian, X.Y., M.H. Kiang, N.W. Cheung, I.G. Borwn, X. Godechot, J.E. Galvin, R.A. MacGill ee To 6 OE RES Kk Bw 5 ERR ee a eee 893 Conformal implantation for trench doping with plasma immersion ion implantation Qian, X.Y., N.W. Cheung, M.A. Lieberman, R. Brennan, M.I. Current and N. Jha .......... Ion projection lithography process on dry resist Kholopkin, A.I., M.N. Lyakhov, D.A. Pankratenko, V.V. Simonov and A.F. Vyatkin ........ Author Index es =e = 6 2 Oe SP eS SS Ol 8 Se See ee eS eS we Ae SS Se ee ww ee ee ee Oe Bee fs ee ee SS ee eS eee

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