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NOTES ON PHASE SPACE QUANTIZATION J. KIUKAS, P. LAHTI, AND K. YLINEN fAb:sΩtra Rt. We onsiderquestΩionsrelatedtoaquantizations hemeinwhi hEa flassi alvariable → on a phaseEsfpa e is asso iated with a semisΓpe(f tkr)al measuΓre , su h that the moment operators of are required to be of the form , with a suitable mapping from the set of lassi al variables to the set of (not ne essarily bounded) operators in some Γ Hilbert spa e. In parti ular, we investigate the situation where the map is implemented by 6 the operator integral with respe t to some (cid:28)xed positive operator measure. The phase spa e Ω 00 is (cid:28)rst taRke2n to be an abstra tmeasurable spa e, then a lo ally oΓm(fpka) t unimodular group, and (cid:28)nally , wherewedetermineexpli itlythe relevantoperators for ertainvariables 2 f Γ , in the asewhere the quantizationmap isimplemented by atranslation ovariantpositive n operator measure. In addition, we onsider the question under what onditions a positive a operator measure is proje tion valued. J 2 1 v 1. Introdu tion 9 0 Quantization an be any pro edure whi h asso iates a quantum me hani al observable to a 0 given lassi al dynami al variable. The traditional way to realize a quantization is to assign to 1 0 ea h lassi al variable a Hermitean (symmetri , or even essentially selfadjoint) operator whi h 6 should des ribe the quantum observable. In the modern view of a quantum observable as a 0 / semispe tral measure, this kind of quantization is no longer su(cid:30) ient. The question is how to h p modify the traditional s heme in order to (cid:28)t it into the ontext of modern quantum me hani s. - Classi al variables an be represented by real valued measurable fun tions de(cid:28)ned on some t (Ω, ) n measurable spa e RA2n, whi h is the phase spa e of the lassi al system. The phase spa e an a u be taken to be e.g. , in whi h ase the variaΓbles are Borel fun tions. In the onventional q approa h to quantization, we would have a map from the set of real measurable fun tions to Γ(f) : v the set of alllinear(not ne essarily bounded) operators in H, and would be the observable f i X orresponding to the lassi al variable (see e.g [9, 15, 28, 32, 33℄). We would like to modify f r this s heme so that we ould assign a semispe trΓa(lfmk)easkure tNo the fun tion , instead of an a operator. To do this, we use all the operators , ∈ , instead of just the (cid:28)rst one oEfft:hem(R,)andLth(en) onsider the moment proxbkledmEfo=f (cid:28)Γn(dfink)g the unkiqueNsemispe txrkadlEmfeasure B → H with the property that for all ∈ . Here is the L(xk,Ef) Rx xk Ef R operator integral of the fun tion 7→ with respe t to ; see the next Se tion for Γ f Ef its de(cid:28)nition. So if and are su h that there existsΓa(fukn)iquke soNlution of the des ribed moment problem, then the olle tion of the operators { | ∈ } is eligible to represent a Ef f quantization of . We mention that the approa h des ribed above is used, for instan e, in [14℄ in the des ription of a quantum measurement. In a typi al measurement situation, where one aims to measure a (traditional) quantum observable represented by a selfadjoint operator, one is a tually mea- suring a noisy or unsharp version of that observable. The noisy version, represented by a semispe tral measure, may agree with the observable intended to be measured, on the statisti- al level of expe tations. The unsharpness of the measurement is re(cid:29)e ted in the fa t that the 1 dispersion of the measurement statisti s is a tually greater than what would be obtained in the noiseless ase. The observable, as represented by a semispe tral measure, annot be des ribed using a single operator. A ordingly, in the approa h of [14℄, ea h moment of the measurement out ome distribution is onsidered to be an average of ertain operator, alled (cid:17)operational observable(cid:17), and the olle tion of these operators then represents the measured observable. We want to point out that these (cid:17)operational observables(cid:17) are nothing else but the moment oper- ators of the semispe tral measure representing the observable. Note that these moments need not determine the semispe tral measure uniquely. In ertain spe ial ases, however, they do [12, 13℄, and sometimes even the (cid:28)rst moment is enough [8, 25℄. Γ One way to obtain a quantization map is to use the operator integral with respe t to E Γ f L(f,E) some given positive operator measure , i.e. de(cid:28)ne to be the map 7→ . In this Ef B E(f 1(B)) − ase, if we de(cid:28)ne on the Borel sets of the real line by 7→ , we have simply L(xk,Ef) = L(fk,E) , as is easily seen by using the de(cid:28)nition of the next Se tion and the usual Ef hange of variables in the integral with respe t to a omplex measure. So then is a solution to the moment problem des ribed above, whi h leaves us with the uniqueness question. Note E that if we hoose to be a spe tral measure, we end up getting only spe tral measures as the L(fk,E) quantized observables, with all the operators mutually ommuting. We also remark that, in any ase, all the observables obtained via this type of quantization are fun tionally oexistent [26℄, so that they an be measured together in the sense of Ludwig [29, D.3.1, p. 153℄. The stru ture of this note is as follows. In the Se tion 2 we give some results on the theory of operator integrals and give a simple hara terization of the quantization maps whi h an be represented by an operator integral with respe t to a positive operator measure. In Se tion 3, we onsider the operator integral with respe t to ovariant positive operator measures on a lo ally ompa t topologi al group. Se tioRn24 is devoted to the quantizations obtained by using the ovariant phase spa e observables in , and in Se tion 5, we dis uss the (cid:17)optimal(cid:17) hoi e for su h a ovariant observable, in view of quantization. In the last Se tion, we onsider the question under what onditions a positive operator measure is a spe tral one. 2. The operator integral The basi tool in our quantization pro edure is the operator integral. It asso iates a linear (notne essarily bounded)operatorintheHilbertspa e Hofaquantum system toea h omplex Ω measurablefun tiononthephase spa e . Inthisse tion we review thebasi results on erning the theory of operator integrals and give some additional remarks in relation to quantization. Ω σ Ω Let be a nonempty set and A a -algebra of subsets of . Let H be a omplex Hilbert L( ) E : L( ) spa e and H the set of bounded operators on H. Let A → H be a positive operator σ measure, i.e. a positive operator valued set fun tion whi h is -additive with respe t to weak ϕ,ψ E B ψ E(B)ϕ ψ,ϕ operator topology. For ea h ∈ H, let denote the omplex measure 7→ h | i. E We re all that a normalized positive operator measure is alled a semispe tral measure, and E E(A B) = E(A)E(B) that a semispe tral measure is a spe tral measure exa tly when ∩ A,B for all ∈ A. As mentioned in the Introdu tion, semispe tral measures are also alled observables. (Ω, ) (Ω) Let F A , or F in brief, denote the set of all omplex A-measurable fun tions de(cid:28)ned Ω ( ) f (Ω) on , and O H the set of all (not ne essarily bounded) linear operators in H. For ∈ F , 2 de(cid:28)ne D(f,E) = ϕ f E ψ , ψ,ϕ { ∈ H | is -integrable for ea h ∈ H} and D(f,E) = ϕ f 2 E . ϕ,ϕ { ∈ H | | | is -integrable} L(f,E) e The following result was proved in [22℄. The operator appearing in it is alled the f operator integral of with respe t to E. D(f,E) Theorem 1. (a) The set is a linear (not ne essarily dense) subspa e of H, and L(f,E) = fdE D(f,E) there is a unique linear operator on the domain satisfying R ψ L(f,E)ϕ = fdE ψ,ϕ h | i Z ψ ϕ D(f,E) for all ∈ H and ∈ . D(f,E) D(f,E) (b) The set is a subspa e of . f L(f,E) ( ) If is reeal valued, is a symmetri operator. D(f,E) D(f,E) D(f,E) = D(f,E) (d) While the in lusion ⊂ may in general be proper, in E the ase where is aespe tral measure. e E σ Remark. Sin e the operator measure is also strongly -additive, ea h set fun tion A ∋ B E := E(B)ϕ ϕ ϕ 7→ ∈ H, for ∈ H, is an H-valued ve tor measure. The de(cid:28)nition of the D(f,E) ϕ f operator integral states that is the set of those ∈ H for whi h is integrable with E L(f,E)ϕ = fdE ϕ ϕ respe t to the ve tor measure in the sense of [20, p. 21℄, and for ea h ϕ D(f,E) R ∈ . As pointed out in [20, p. 37℄, this de(cid:28)nition of integrability is equivalent to that of [10, p. 323℄ (for proof, see [41, Corollary 3.6℄). L(Tf,hEe)ve tor measure appfroa h provides an easy way to hafra ter(izΩe)the opneraNtor intfe˜gral n by˜approximating with bounded˜fun tions. For ea h ∈ F , and ∈ , let be f (x) = f(x) f(x) n f (x) = 0 n n su h that if | | ≤ , and otherwise. It is a well-known fa t that in E the ase where is a spe tral measure, we have D(f,E) = D(f,E) = Df,E := ϕ lim L(f˜ ,E)ϕ . n { ∈ H | n exists} −→∞ L(f,E)ϕ = lime L(f˜ ,E)ϕ ϕ Df,E n n In addition, −→∞ for all ∈ (see e.g. [11, p. 1196℄). In the ase E of a general positive operator measurRe , this need not be true. For example, take a probability measure de(cid:28)ned on the Borel sets of , su h that ithas a density whi h is an even fun tion, and ∞xdµ(x) = E B µ(B)I f(x) = x f 0 ∞. Let be the positive operator measure 7→ , and . Now is R µ D(f,E) = 0 ϕ ψ L(f˜ ,E)ϕ = ψ ϕ n xdµ(x) = not -integrable, so { }. But if ∈ H, we have h | n i h | i n 0 n N ψ µ Df,E = R− for all ∈ and ∈ H be ause the density of is even, so that˜ H. lim L(f ,E)ϕ n n Thus in the general ase, the existen e of the limit −→∞ does not guarantee ϕ D(f,E) that ∈ . However, the following result holds. E : L( ) f (Ω) Proposition 1. Let A → H be a positive operator measure, and ∈ F . Then ˜ D(f,E) = ϕ lim L(χ f ,E)ϕ B , B n { ∈ H | n exists for ea h ∈ A} −→∞ ˜ L(f,E)ϕ = lim L(f ,E)ϕ ϕ D(f,E) n n and −→∞ for all ∈ . 3 D Proof. Denote by the right hand side of the set˜equality appearing i˜n the statement. Let ϕ D B η = lim L(χ f ,E)ϕ f B n B n n ∈ , and let ∈ A, with −g→∞ g (.x)Sin f˜e(exa) h 1 is boundend, wNe an hoose a sequen e of A-simple fun tions n, su h that | n − n | ≤ n for ea h ∈ and x Ω (g ) f n ∈ . Clearly the sequen e onverges to pointwise. Now 1 4 ˜ ˜ L(χ g χ f ,E)ϕ = sup (g f )dE sup E (Ω) E(Ω) ϕ , B n B n n n ψ,ϕ ψ,ϕ k − k (cid:12)Z − (cid:12) ≤ n | | ≤ nk kk k ψ 1(cid:12) B (cid:12) ψ 1 k k≤ k k≤ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) so that 4 ˜ g dE η E(Ω) ϕ + L(χ f ,E)ϕ η . n ϕ B B n B kZ − k ≤ nk kk k k − k B ( g dE ) B η It follows that the sequen e B n ϕ of ve tors onverges for ea h ∈ A (to B), so by R f E ϕ the de(cid:28)nition of [10, p. 323℄, is integrable with respe t to the ve tor measure , i.e. ϕ D(f,E) ϕ D(f,E) ∈ (see the Remark following Theorem 1). Conversely, let ∈ . Sin e ˜ D(f,E) = D( f ,E) B (χ f ) χ f B n B | | ˜by de(cid:28)nition, and for ea h ∈ A the sequen e onverges to χ f χ f B n B pointwise, with | | ≤ | |, it follows e.g. from the dominated onvergen e theorem for E ϕ the ve tor measure (see [10, p. 328℄) that ˜ ˜ L(χ f,E)ϕ = χ fdE = lim χ f dE = lim L(χ f ,E)ϕ B B ϕ B n ϕ B n Z n Z n −→∞ −→∞ B ϕ D L(f,E)ϕ = lim L(f˜ ,E)ϕ (cid:3) n n for ea h ∈ A. Thus ∈ , and −→∞ . Remark. D(f,E) D(f,E) Df,E (a) We now have the subspa e in lusions ⊂ ⊂ , with ea h of them E possiblyproper. Inthe asewhere isaespe tralmeasure, bothin lusionsareequalities. E D(f,E) (b) It is well known that in the ase where is a spe tral measure, the domain is dense. As seen before Proposition 1, this need not be the ase in general, so a question E f D(f,E) arises what is required for and to make dense. f (Ω) ( ) Another di(cid:27)eren e to the spe tral ase is that for real valued ∈ F , the symmetri L(f,E) operator is not ne essarily selfadjoint (the adjoint need not even exist), and L(f,E) it seems to be di(cid:30) ult, in general, to determine when might have selfadjoint f D(f,E) extensions. In the ase where is positive and dense, the positive symmetri L(f,E) operator of ourse has its selfadjoint Friedri hs extension. Γ As noted in the Introdu tion, the starting point of our quantization s heme is a map from ( ) real valued measurable fun tions to the set O H . The following theorem hara terizes those Γ : (Ω) ( ) maps F → O H whi h are implemented by an operator integral. The orresponding ˜ f f n result involving bounded fun tions is well known. Here the fun tions are de(cid:28)ned for ea h as in Proposition 1. Γ : (Ω) ( ) f L(f,E) Theorem 2. A map F → O H oin ides with the map 7→ for a ( learly E unique) positive operator measure if and only if the following onditions are satis(cid:28)ed. Γ L( ) (i) restri ted to bounded fun tions is a positive linear map with values in H ; (f ) n (ii) if is an in reasing sequen e of positive A-measurable fun tions onverging pointwise f (Ω) sup ϕ Γ(f )ϕ = ϕ Γ(f)ϕ ϕ to a bounfded ∈(ΩF) , then nD∈(NΓh(f|)) n Γi(f)h | i for ea h ∈ Hϕ; (iii) for ea h ∈ F , the domain of onsists of those ve tors ∈ H for ˜ (Γ(χ f )ϕ) B B n whi h the sequen e of ve tors onverges for ea h ∈ A. 4 ˜ ϕ D(Γ(f)) (Γ(f )ϕ) Γ(f)ϕ n (iv) for ea h ∈ , the sequen e onverges to . E Γ(f) = L(f,E) Proof. Assume (cid:28)rst that there is a positive operator measure , su h that f for ea h . The above properties follow easily: The property (i) is well known (see e.g. [2, pp. 26-28℄), and (ii) follows from the monotone onvergen e theorem. Proposition 1 gives Γ : (Ω) ( ) (iii) and (iv). Next assume that (i)-(iii) hold for a map F → O H . By (i) the B EΓ(B) := Γ(χ ) ( ) B map A ∋ 7→ ∈ O H is a positive operator valued additive set fun tion. Γ sup n N Sin liem is positive for bounded fun tions by (i), B ∈ ϕinE Γo(Bnd)iϕtion of (ii) an be repla ed n by EΓ−→∞. This implies that ea h set funf tion(Ω)7→ h | i is a positive measure, so that is a positive operator measure. If ∈ F is a bounded positive fun tion, we have ϕ Γ(f)ϕ = ϕ L(f,EΓ)ϕ ϕ f h | i h | i for all ∈ H, as is seen by approximating with an in reasing sequen e of simple fun tions and using linearity, (ii), and the monotone onvergen e theorem. f (Ω) Γ(f) = L(f,EΓ) Hen e, if ∈ F is bounded, it follows by linearity and polarization that . f (Ω) D(Γ(f)) = D(f,EΓ) Now let ∈ F ˜ be arbitrary. It follows by (iii) and Proposition 1 that , f n and (sin e ea h is bounded), also L(f,EΓ)ϕ = lim L(f˜ ,EΓ)ϕ = lim Γ(f˜ )ϕ = Γ(f)ϕ n n n n −→∞ −→∞ ϕ D(Γ(f)) L(f,EΓ) = Γ(f) (cid:3) for all ∈ (where (iv) is used), so . Remark. Inthequantizations hemedes ribedintheIntrodu tionthe lassi alvariableswere (Ω) thought to be real valued. Obviously, the pre eding Theorem holds also with F repla ed by the set of real A-measurable fun tions. Weendthisse tionbydis ussingbrie(cid:29)yasimplewayofobtainingquantizationmapswithout the use of positive operator measures. This approa h is essentially the one frequently used in the onventional qfua:nRtiz2nationR(e.g. Weyl quantization): the operator orresponding to a given lassi al variable → is obtained by integrating the variable with respe t to some operator valued fun tion de(cid:28)ned on the phase spa e. The quantization of the variablLe2t(hRe)n be omes a ontinuous distribution valued operator de(cid:28)ned on some dense subspa e of , whi h does not depend on the variable itself. In the ase of Weyl quantization, for example, all the quantized operators are de(cid:28)ned on a ommon domain (see e.g. [9, 36℄). However, to make the situation similar to that of the operator integral map onsidered above, we de(cid:28)ne the quantization map in the following simple way. The proof is a dire t adaptation of the proof of Theorem1 (a)(see [22℄). Note that itfollowsfrom(i)that theintegrandin(ii)isA-measurable. ϕ = sup ψ ϕ ψ , ψ = 1 ϕ This is so be ause k k {|h | i| | ∈ M k k } for any ve tor ∈ H, where M is a (cid:28)xed ountable dense set in the separable Hilbert spa e H. Hen e the integral in (ii) is well de(cid:28)ned. (Ω, ,µ) Λ : Ω Proposition 2. Let A be a measure spa e, H a separable Hilbert spa e, and → L( ) H a map with the following properties: ω ψ Λ(ω)ϕ ψ,ϕ (i) 7→ h | i is A-measurable for all ∈ H; Λ(ω)ϕ dµ(ω) < ϕ B µ(B) < (ii) Bk k ∞ for ea h ∈ H and ∈ A with ∞. R f : Ω C Γ (f) Λ Then for ea h A-measurable fun tion → , there exists a linear operator in H, su h that D(Γ (f)) = ϕ f ψ Λ( )ϕ µ ψ , Λ { ∈ H | h | · i is -integrable for ea h ∈ H} 5 and ψ Γ (f)ϕ = f(x) ψ Λ(ω)ϕ dµ(ω) ψ ,ϕ D(Γ (f)). Λ Λ h | i Z h | i ∈ H ∈ D(Γ (f)) (f ) Λ n Proof. It is lear that ⊂fH is a vef tor subfspa e. Lent Nbe a sequenψ eΛ(oωf)sϕimple n fuψn tΛio(nωs)ϕ onverging ψpo,iϕntwise,ωto Ω, with | | ≤ | | for all ∈ . Sin e n|h |N i| ≤ k kk k for ea h ∈ H ∈ , it follows from (ii) and (i) that for ea h ∈ , we have D(Γ (f )) = ψ f (ω) ψ Λ(ω)ϕ dµ(ω) Λ n n ϕ H and thenlineNar fun ϕtional 7→ R ηϕ h | i is ontinuous for ea h ∈ H. Hen e, for ea h ∈ and ∈ H, there is n ∈ H, su h that ψ ηϕ = f (ω) ψ Λ(ω)ϕ dµ(ω) h | ni Z n h | i ψ ϕ D(Γ (f)) f f n Λ n for all ∈ H. Now, let ∈ . Sin e | | ≤ | | for all , the dominated onvergen e ψ ηϕ ψ f(ω) ψ Λ(ω)ϕ dµ(ω) theorem implies that the sequen e h | ni onverges for ea h ∈ H to h | i , R Γ (f)ϕ Λ so by the uniform boundedness theorem and the re(cid:29)exivity of H, there is ∈ H, su h that ψ Γ (f)ϕ = f(ω) ψ Λ(ω)ϕ dµ(ω) Λ h | i Z h | i ψ D(Γ (f)) ϕ Γ (f)ϕ Λ Λ for all ∈ H. Clearly, the map ∋ 7→ ∈ H is linear, so the proof (cid:3)is omplete. Remark. Consider the situation where we have a lo ally ompa t unimodular topologi al G µ group , with a left Haar measure , and a strongly ontinuous proje tive unitary repre- U : G ( ) A L( ) Λ : G L( ) sentation → U H . Then, for any ∈ H , the map → H , de(cid:28)ned by Λ(g) = U(g)AU(g) ∗ , satis(cid:28)es the onditions of the pre eding Proposition, so we get the or- Γ Λ responding quantization map . Noti e that in the ase where the representation is square A Γ Λ integrable and positive, the quantization map an be represented by an operator integral A Tr[A] = D(Γ (χ )) = 0 Λ G if and only if has (cid:28)nite tra e. Namely, the ase ∞ gives { } (see Tr[A] < e.g. [19, Lemma 2℄), while the ase ∞ leads to the usual quantization map given by the operator integral with respe t to a ovariant positive operator measure (multipliedby some onstant). G = R2 U(g) = U((q,p)) A ConsidLer2(tRhe) asψe wheψr(e ) L2,(R) aretheWeyloperators, andΓ istheparity Λ operator ∋ 7→ −· ∈ (mulftipliLed1(bRy2)a sLu2it(aRb2l)e onstant). NoΓw(f) is the Weyl Λ quantizationmfap.LIt2(iRsw2)ellknowΓn t(hfa)tfor ∈ ∪ ,theoperator f isbounded. Λ Moreover, if ∈ , then is a Hilbert-S hmidt operator, and if is a S hwartz Γ (f) Λ fun tion,then isatra e lassoperator(seee.g. [36℄). Itisawellknownfa tthattheWeyl quantizationsofthe lassi alpositionandmomentumvariablesarethe positionandmomentum Q P Q operators and , in the (cid:17)distributional(cid:17) sense. Note, however, that the a tual domains of P and are not given by the formula of the pre eding theorem. For example, the hara teristi χ Q (q,p) q χ Λ(q,p)χ [ 1,1] [ 1,1] [ 1,1] fun tion − is in the domain of , but the fun tion 7→ h − | − i is not (Lebesgue)-integrable, as is easily seen by al ulating the expli it form of the fun tion. 3. Covariant quantization Ω We now take the set of the pre eding se tion to be a lo ally ompa t se ond ountable G (G) σ unimodular topologi al group, hen eforth denoted as , and let B denote the Borel - G λ G ( ) algebra of . Fix to be a Haar measure in . Let T H denote the Bana h spa e of tra e Aut( ( )) lass operators on the Hilbert spa e H, and let T H denote the set of linear, positive, 6 ( ) tra e norm preserving bije tions frAoumt(T(H))ontβo itseTlfr.[AWβ(eT )o]nsidCer it equiAppedLw(it)h the topology given by the fun tionals T H ∋ 7→ ∈ , where ∈ H and T ( ) ∈ T H . β : G Aut( ( )) Assume further that there is a ontinuous group homomorphism → T H and a d > 0 onstant , satisfying Tr[P β(g)(P )]dλ = d P ,P . 1 2 1 2 (1) Z for all one-dimensional proje tions on H G We now onsider quantizations onne ted to the stru ture of given by the homomorphism β Γ : (G) ( ) Γ(f) L( ) , in the following sense: A map F → O H with the property that ∈ H for all f (G) β β(g) (Γ(f)) = Γ(f(g )) g G ∗ bounded fun tions ∈ F is said to be - ovariant, if · for all ∈ f (G) and all bounded fun tions ∈ F . Γ If is su h that it an be represented by the operator integral with respe t to an observable E Γ Γ , (i.e. satis(cid:28)es the onditions of Theorem 2), then it is straightforward to verify that is β E β - ovariant if and only if the observable is - ovariant in the following sense: An observable E : (G) L( ) β β(g) (E(B)) = E(g 1B) g G B (G) ∗ − B → H is said to be - ovariant if forall ∈ , ∈ B . Covariant observables are essential in quantum me hani s, and hen e they have been studied quite extensively. The anoni al examples of ovariant observables are onstru ted e.g. in [7℄, and there are (at least) two ompletely di(cid:27)erent ways to obtain their hara terization: a dire t approa h [16, 38, 19℄, whi h uses the theory of integration with respe t to ve tor measures, and a group theoreti al approa h [6℄. The most general of these hara terizations is in [6℄. In our ontext of a unimodular group, the hara terization is given by the following theorem. T β Theorem 3. Let be a positive operator of tra e one. Then there is a - ovariant observable ET : (G) L( ) B → H , su h that ET(B) = d 1 β(g)(T)dλ(g) − (2) Z B B (G) E : (G) L( ) in the ultraweak sense for ea h ∈ B . Conversely, assume that B → H is β T a - ovariant observable. Then there is a unique positive operator of tra e one, su h that E = ET . E β T If is a - ovariant observable, we all the orresponding tra e-one positive operator the E β E generating operator for . Thus, for a - ovariant observable , we have D(f,E) = ϕ g f(g) ψ β(g)(T)ϕ λ ψ { ∈ H | 7→ h | i is -integrable for ea h ∈ H} and ψ L(f,E)ϕ = d 1 f(g) ψ β(g)(T)ϕ dλ(g) − h | i Z h | i ϕ D(f,E) ψ T E for all ∈ and ∈ H, where is the generating operator for . β(g) β(g)(T) = U(g)TU(g) ∗ A ording to the Wigner theorem, ea h has the form for some U(g) β(g) unitary or antiunitary operator , whi h is unique up to a phase fa tor, so that or- responds to the asso iated equivalen e lass of unitary operators (see e.g. [5, p. 19℄ or [16, G g U(g) p. 22℄). It follows that, in the ase where is onne ted, the map 7→ is a weakly G U(g) (Borel) measurable proje tive unitary representation of , where ea h is hosen from the β(g) equivalen e lass orresponding to by means of some (measurable) se tion (see [16, p. 23℄ 7 and [5, pp. 30, 100℄). The relation (1) gives the so- alled square integrability ondition ψ U(g)ϕ 2dλ(g) = d Z |h | i| ψ,ϕ ϕ,ψ g G ψ U(g)ϕ = for allunit ve tors ∈ H. Clearly, for ea h ∈ H there is a ∈ su h that h | i 6 0 U(g)ϕ g G ϕ . This implies that the losed linear span of { | ∈ } is dense in H for ea h ∈ H, g U(g) β whi h means that the proje tive representation 7→ is irredu ible. The - ovarian e E U(g) E(B)U(g) = E(g 1B) g G ∗ − ondition for an observable takes the form for all ∈ , B (G) ∈ B . Γ : (G) ( ) Hen e, we know that ea h ovariant quantization map F → O H , whi h an be Γ = ΓT := L( ,ET) represented by an operator integral, is of the form · for some generating T operator . Itisworthnotingthatin ertain asestheobservablesprodu edbythequantization ΓT U s heme asso iated with a map are never spe tral measures. Namely, the irredu ibility of implies the following, perhaps well-known result. G U Proposition3. Assume that is onne ted, andthat theproje tiverepresentation asso iated β T ( ) with is strongly ontinuous. Let ∈ T H be positive and of tra e one. Then the only ET O I proje tions in the range of are and . ET(X) X (G) Proof. First we noti e that if is a proje tion for some ∈ B and positive operator T ϕ E ϕ ϕ (X) | ih | of tra e one, then there is a nonzero ∈ H, su h that is a proje tion. Indeed, let T λ > 0 T λ 1 ϕ be a positive operator of tra e one, an eigenvalue of (so that ≤ ) and ∈ H an T T = λ ϕ ϕ +(1 λ)T ϕ ϕ ′ asso Tiated eigenve tor. Then we an de ompose asET(X)|=ihλE| ϕ ϕ(X−)+(1, whλe)rEe T|′(iXh )| ′ | ih | and are positive and of tra e one, so we an write − . A L( ) 0 A I Sin e any proje tion is an extreme point of the onvex set { ∈ H | ≤ ≤ } (see e.g. ET(X) ET(X) = E ϕ ϕ(X) | ih | [7, p. 19℄), it follows that if is a proje tion, then . η Hen e, it su(cid:30) es to show that for ea h unit ve tor ∈ H, the only proje tions in the range E η η O I T = η η P | ih | of are and . Denote | ih |, and assume that there is a proje tion in the range ET PET(B) = ET(B)P B (G) ϕ of . Then for all ∈ B [27℄. Let ∈ H. Now ϕ Pβ(g)(T)ϕ dλ(g)= ϕ β(g)(T)Pϕ dλ(g) Z h | i Z h | i B B B (G) g ϕ (Pβ(g)(T) β(g)(T)P)ϕ for all ∈ B . Sin e 7→ h | − i is ontinuous, it is thus zero for all g G Pβ(g)(T) = β(g)(T)P g G ∈ . Hen e, for all ∈ . U g U(g)η η Let denote the map 7→ . We then have P U (g) U (g) = U (g) U (g) P η η η η | ih | | ih | g G for all ∈ . g G U (g) P( ) U (g) P( ) f : G 0,1 η η ⊥ It follows that for ea h ∈ , either ∈ H or ∈ H . Let → { } f(g) = 0 U (g) P( ) f(g) = 1 U (g) P( ) f η η ⊥ be the fun tion su h that if ∈ H and if ∈ H . Then 0,1 g G 0 is ontinuous, when the set { } is equipped with the dis rete topology. Indeed, let ∈ . U W = U 1( ϕ U (g ) ϕ < √2 ) G Sin e η is ontinuous, η− { ∈ H | k η 0 − k } is an open set in ontaining g f(g ) = 0 U (g) 0 0 η . Assume (cid:28)rst that . Sin e all ve tors are of unit length, it follows that U (g) U (g ) = √2 f(g) = 1 f(W) 0 η η 0 k − k whenever . Hen e, ⊂ { }. Similarly, if we assume that f(g ) = 1 f(W) 1 f G 0 , it follows that ⊂ { }. This implies that is ontinuous. Sin e is onne ted, f U (g) P( ) g G U (g) P( ) g G η η ⊥ annot be a surje tion, so either ∈ H for all ∈ , or ∈ H for all ∈ . 8 U But, due to the irredu ibility of the proje tive representation , the losed linear span of the U (g) g G P = I P = O η set { | ∈ } is dense in H. This is learly possible only if either or . Th(cid:3)e proof is omplete. The following observation is another onsequen e of the irredu ibility of the proje tive rep- β resentation asso iated with . It uses a al ulation similar to that appearing e.g. in [40, p.40℄ in a di(cid:27)erent ontext. Part (a) is mentioned also in [39℄. G U Proposition 4. Assume that is onne ted and let be the proje tive representation asso i- β E : (G) L( ) β ated with . Let B → H be a - ovariant observable. f (G) D(f,E) D(f(g ),E) g G (a) Assume that ∈ F is su h that ⊂ · for all ∈ . Then U(g)D(f,E) = D(f,E) g G D(f,E) = 0 D(f,E) for all ∈ , aend either e { } or is dense. f (G) D(f,E) D(f(g ),E) g G (b) Assumee that e∈ F is su h that ⊂e · for eall ∈ . Then U(g)D(f,E) = D(f,E) g G D(f,E) = 0 D(f,E) for all ∈ , and either { } or is dense. Moreover, U(g) L(f,E)U(g) L(f(g ),E) ∗ (3) ⊂ · g G for all ∈ . T E Proof. Let be the positive tra e one operator asso iated with , so that D(f,E) = ϕ g f(g) 2 ϕ U(g)TU(g) ϕ λ ; ∗ { ∈ H | 7→ | | h | i is -integrable } D(f,E) = ϕ g f(g) ψ U(g)TU(g) ϕ λ ψ . e ∗ { ∈ H | 7→ | ||h | i| is -integrable for all ∈ H} h,g G U(h) U(g) = c(g,h)U(h 1g) (h,g) c(h,g) ∗ − For all ∈ , we have , where 7→ is some torus U(g) U(h) = [U(h) U(g)] = c(g,h) 1U(h 1g) ∗ ∗ ∗ − − ∗ valued fun tion, so that , and hen e U(h) U(g)TU(g) U(h) = U(h 1g)TU(h 1g) . ∗ ∗ − − ∗ (4) ϕ D(f,E) h G (a) Let ∈ , and ∈ . By the left invarian e of the Haar measure and (4), we have e f(g) 2 U(h)ϕ U(g)TU(g) U(h)ϕ dλ(g) = f(g) 2 ϕ U(h 1g)TU(h 1g) ϕ dλ(g) ∗ − − ∗ Z | | h | i Z | | h | i = f(hg) 2 ϕ U(g)TU(g) ϕ dλ(g), ∗ Z | | h | i ϕ D(f(h ),E) withallthe integrands positive. Sin e ∈ · by assumption, the last integralis(cid:28)nite, U(h)ϕ D(f,E) D(f,E) so ∈ . Thus is an einvariant subspa e of the proje tive representation U D(f,E) U e e , implying that the losure is a losed invariant subspa e of . It follows from the U D(f,E) U(h)D(f,E) = D(f,E) irredu ibilityof that eis either trivialor dense. The fa t that U(h 1) = c(h)U(h) c − ′ ∗ ′ follows be ause we havee for some torus valued fun tioen . The peroof of (a) is omplete. h G ϕ D(f,E) ψ (b) Let ∈ , ∈ , and ∈ H. Then by using (4) and the assumption, we get f(g) ψ U(g)TU(g) U(h)ϕ dλ(g) = f(g) U(h)U(h) ψ U(g)TU(g) U(h)ϕ dλ(g) ∗ ∗ ∗ Z | ||h | i| Z | ||h | i| = f(g) U(h) ψ U(h 1g)TU(h 1g) ϕ dλ(g) ∗ − − ∗ Z | ||h | i| = f(hg) U(h) ψ U(g)TU(g) ϕ dλ(g) < , ∗ ∗ Z | ||h | i| ∞ 9 U(h)ϕ D(f,E) D(f,E) U D(f,E) so that ∈ . Thus is an invariant subspa e for , and hen e is U(h)D(f,E) = D(f,E) either trivial or dense. The fa t that follows for the same reason as the orresponding one in (a). h G Let ∈ . By repeating the pre eding al ulation without the absolute value signs, we get ψ L(f,E)U(h)ϕ = U(h) ψ L(f(h ),E)ϕ = ψ U(h)L(f(h ),E)ϕ ∗ h | i h | · i h | · i ψ ϕ U(h) D(f,E) = D(f,E) D(f(h ),E) (cid:3) ∗ for ea h ∈ H and ∈ ⊂ · , so that (3) holds. Remark. D(f,E) = D(f(g ),E) g G (a) If we assume · for all ∈ , then Proposition4 (b) gives the stri t U(g) L(f,E)U(g) = L(f(g ),E) g G ∗ operator equality · for ea h ∈ , with dense domain D(f,E) E . This resembles the ovarian e ondition for the observable . E ψ,ϕ (b) Sin e ea h is a (cid:28)nite measure, it is lear that the onditions of Proposition 4 (a) f (G) and (b) are satis(cid:28)ed e.g. by all fun tions ∈ F with the property that for ea h h G K M f(hg) K f(g) +M h h h h ∈ there agre noGnnegative onstantsG =aRnd2n , su h that | | ≤ | | for almost all ∈ . In the aRs2enwhe(rxe ,...,x )(see pth(xe b)eginRning of thpe :neRxt Se Rtion), 1 2n i all polynomials of the form ∋ 7→ ∈ , where → is a i = 1,...,2n polynomial and , are like this. R2 4. Phase spa e quantization on G = R2 λ n Consider the spe ial ase where U : L,2(wRi)th the Lebesgue measure. Fix {| i} to be an orthonormal basis of H, and let → H be the unitary operator whi h maps n h n W(q,p) = UW (q,p)U 1 (W (q,p)f)(t) = n 0 − 0 the th Hermite fun tion to | i. De(cid:28)ne , where ei1qpeiptf(t+q) β : R2 Aut( ( )) β(q,p)(T) = W( q,p)TW( q,p) β 2 ∗ , and → T H by − − . Now is a d = 2π λ Ro2ntinuoAus qroup homomorphism, satisfying (1), with , annd the LebesgQue meaPsure of . Let ± be the ladder oper1at(oArs a+ssAo ia)ted wit1hi(tAhe basAis {)| i}, and de(cid:28)ne anAd =toAbe the QlosuresPof the operators √2 + − and √2 + − − , respe tively. Then L+2(R) ∗−, and and are unitarily equivalent to the position and momentum operators in via U N A A + . Let denote the selfadjoint operator −. T A ording to the general result des ribed above, ea h positive operator of tra e one gen- f L(f,ET) erates the map 7→ , where ET(B) = d 1 β(q,p)(T)dλ(q,p). − Z B T T = w n n w = 1 w 0 The generating operators of the form n n| ih |, where n n , and n ≥ for n P EPT ea h , have a spe ial signi(cid:28) an e, as they are the ones for whi h is ovariant with respe t to the phase shifts also, i.e. eiθNET([0, ) B)e iθN = ET([0, ) (B +θ)) − ∞ × ∞ × θ [0,2π) B ([0,2π)) R2 = [0, ) [0,2π) B + θ for all ∈ and ∈ B , where ∞ × and the sum is 2π understo(oqd,pm) oduWlo(q,p.)( f. [23℄). R2 Sin e 7→ isastrongly ontinuousproje tiverepresentation, and is onne ted, ET Proposition3tellsusthattherangeof doesnot ontainnontrivialproje tions. Inparti ular, the orresponding quantization s heme annot then produ e spe tral measures. 10

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