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Notes on Morita Equivalence Andrew Hubery For more details see for example P.M. Cohn, Algebra Volume 3. Throughout, A and B will be (associative, unital) rings, and ModA will denote the category of right A-modules. Definition. WesaythatAandB areMoritaequivalentprovidedModA∼=ModB. The first crucial result in this direction is the following lemma. Lemma 1 (Eilenberg-Watts). The following are equivalent for a functor F: ModA→ModB. (1) F has a right adjoint G. (2) F is right exact and preserves direct sums (coproducts). (3) F ∼=−⊗ P for some A-B-bimodule P. A In this case, G∼=Hom (P,−). B Proof. (3) implies (1). Set G:=Hom (P,−). B (1) implies (2). We have that F is the left adjoint of G, and so is necessarily right exact and preserves direct sums. (2) implies (3). Set P :=F(B). Since F is a functor we have End (A)→End (F(A))=End (P). A B B Thus for each a ∈ A, left multiplication by a is an A-endomorphism λ of A, and a henceinducesaB-endomorphismF(λ )ofF(A)=P. Fora∈Aandp∈P weset a ap:=F(λ )(p). Then P becomes an A-B-bimodule. a We now have for M ∈ModA M ∼=Hom (A,M)→Hom (F(A),F(M))∼=Hom (P,F(M)). A B B This gives a map f : M → Hom (P,F(M)), which is in fact a A-module homo- M B morphism. Now, tensor-hom-adjointness gives Hom (M,Hom (P,F(M)))∼=Hom (M ⊗ P,F(M)), A B B A underwhichf inducesaB-modulehomomorphismg : M⊗ P →F(M). Since M M A alltheseconstructionsarenatural,weobtainanaturaltransformationg: −⊗ P → A F. Since g is an isomorphism, and A is a generator for ModA, it follows that g is A a natural isomorphism. (cid:3) We have used the following general result. Lemma 2. Let A,B be abelian categories admitting coproducts. Let F,G: A→B be right exact functors preserving coproducts, and let F →G be a natural transfor- mation. If F(P)∼=G(P) for some generator P of A, then F ∼=G. Proof. As usual, we write P(I) for a coproduct. Let M ∈A and take a resolution P(I) →P(J) →M →0 1 2 Applying F and G, we obtain a diagram with exact rows F(P)(I) −−−−→ F(P)(J) −−−−→ F(M) −−−−→ 0       y y y G(P)(I) −−−−→ G(P)(J) −−−−→ G(M) −−−−→ 0 The vertical maps on the left and in the centre are isomorphism, hence the one on the right is also an isomorphism. (cid:3) General Form of Morita Equivalences We now come to the main theorem. Theorem 3. A and B are Morita equivalent if and only if there exist bimodules P and Q with bimodule isomorphisms A B B A P ⊗ Q∼=A and Q⊗ P ∼=B. B A Moreover, in this case, we must have that (1) P and Q are finitely-generated projective generators, B A (2) P ∼=Hom (Q,A) and Q∼=Hom (P,B) as bimodules, A B (3) A∼=End (P) and B ∼=End (Q) as algebras. B A Proof. Suppose we have an equivalence, given by functors F: ModA → ModB and G: ModB →ModA. Since (F,G) is an adjoint pair, the Eilenberg-Watts Lemma applies to give an A-B-bimodule P and natural isomorphisms F ∼=−⊗ P and G∼=Hom (P,−). A B Similarly, since (G,F) is also an adjoint pair, we obtain a B-A-bimodule Q and natural isomorphisms G∼=−⊗ Q and F ∼=Hom (Q,−). B A Now, since F and G are (quasi-)inverse functors, we have natural isomorphisms 1∼=GF ∼=−⊗ (P ⊗ Q) and 1∼=FG∼=−⊗ (Q⊗ P). A B A B In particular, we have P ⊗ Q∼=A and Q⊗ P ∼=B, B A the first being an isomorphism of A-bimodules, the second an isomorphism of B- bimodules. Conversely, suppose that we have bimodules P and Q and bimodule iso- A B B A morphisms P ⊗ Q∼=A and Q⊗ P ∼=B. B A Setting F :=−⊗ P and G:=−⊗ Q gives that A B FG∼=−⊗ (Q⊗ P)∼=−⊗ B ∼=1 and GF ∼=1. B A B Hence F and G are inverses, so induce an equivalence ModA∼=ModB. We now prove the properties (1), (2) and (3). Using the two constructions for F, we get P ∼=F(A)∼=Hom (Q,A), A 3 which is even an isomorphism of A-B-bimodules. Similarly B ∼=Q⊗ P ∼=F(Q)∼=End (Q). A A This is even an algebra isomorphism B ∼=End (Q). A The results for Q and A are dual. This gives (2) and (3). For (1) observe that since F = Hom (Q,−) admits a right adjoint, it is right A exact and preserves direct sums (coproducts). The right exactness implies that Q is projective, and that it preserves direct sums implies that it is finitely-generated projective. To prove the latter, it is enough to consider free modules. For, given any X, there is a natural transformation Hom (X,M)(J) →Hom (X,M(J)), (f )7→f where f(x):=(f (x)). A A j j This commututes with finite direct sums, so that Hom (X,M)(J)⊕Hom (Y,M)(J) ∼=Hom (X ⊕Y,M)(J) A A A →Hom (X ⊕Y,M(J))∼=Hom (X,M(J))⊕Hom (Y,M(J)). A A A As usual we have written M(I) for the direct sum and MI for the direct product. Now, Q is projective if and only if there exists Q0 with Q⊕Q0 free, and Q A A is finitely-generated projective if and only if there exists Q0 with Q⊕Q0 finitely- generated free. So, if we can show that the above natural transformation is an isomorphism for a free module if and only if it is finitely-generated free, we can deduce that it is an isomorphismforaprojectivemoduleifandonlyifitisfinitely-generatedprojective. Every free module is isomorphic to one of the form A(I). Moreover, we know that Hom (A(I),M)∼=Hom (A,M)I ∼=MI. A A So, it is enough to show that the functor M 7→ MI commutes with direct sums if and only if I is finite. Now, as above for the functors, regrouping terms gives a natural transformation (M(J))I →(MI)J, ((m ) ) 7→((m ) ) . ij j i ij i j To say that M 7→MI commutes with direct sums says that the image must be in (MI)(J) for all sets J. If I is finite, then this is easily seen to be true. On the other hand, if I is infinite, then take J = I and choose elements m such that m 6= 0 if and only ij ij if i = j. Then only a single term in (m ) is non-zero, so (m ) ∈ M(J) and ij j ij j ((m ) ) ∈ (M(J))I. After regrouping, though, we see that each (m ) ∈ MI is ij j i ij i non-zero, and hence ((m ) ) 6∈(MI)(J). ij i j Thus M 7→MI commutes with direct sums if and only if I is finite. We obtain that Q is finitely-generated projective, and similarly that P is A B finitely-generated projective. Lastly, if P ⊕P0 ∼=Bn, then Qn ∼=Bn⊗ Q∼=(P ⊕P0)⊗ Q∼=(P ⊗ Q)⊕(P0⊗ Q)∼=A⊕(P0⊗ Q). B B B B B Thus Qn (cid:16)A, so Q is a generator. Similarly for P . (cid:3) A B 4 Finding all Morita Equivalences We now want to show that every finitely-generated projective generator gives rise to an equivalence. Let Q be an A-module, and set A B :=End (Q) and P :=Hom (Q,A). A A Then P and Q arebimodules,andwehavenaturalbimodulehomomorphisms A B B A P ⊗ Q→A, f ⊗q 7→f(q), B and Q⊗ P →End (Q)=B, q⊗f 7→[q,f] where [q,f](q0):=qf(q0). A A We observe that, given f,g ∈ P = Hom (Q,A) and r ∈ Q, we have [r,f] ∈ B, so A g[r,f]∈P. To see how this acts, take q ∈Q. Then g[r,f]·q :=g([r,f](q))=g(rf(q))=g(r)f(q). Hence g[r,f]=g(r)f. (faithfully-balanced?) Lemma 4. The natural homomorphism P ⊗ Q→A, f ⊗q 7→f(q), B is an isomorphism if and only if it is surjective, which is if and only if Q is a generator. Proof. We observe that the image of the map is the trace of Q in A, X tr (A):= Im(f). Q f Hence the map is surjective if and only if Qn (cid:16)A for some n, which is if and only if Q is a generator. A Now suppose that this map is surjective, say with X X f ⊗q 7→ f (q )=1 . i i i i A i i To see that it is also injective, let X X g ⊗r 7→ g (r )=0. j j j j j j We therefore have X X X g ⊗r = g ⊗r f (q )= g ⊗[r ,f ](q ) j j j j i i j j i i j i,j i,j X X = g [r ,f ]⊗q = g (r )f ⊗q =0. j j i i j j i i i,j i,j Hence the map is also injective, hence an isomorphism. (cid:3) 5 Lemma 5 (Dual Basis). The natural homomorphism Q⊗ P →End (Q)=B, q⊗f 7→[q,f], A A is an isomorphism if and only if Q is finitely generated projective. In fact in this case we have a natural isomorphism of functors Q⊗ Hom (−,A)∼=Hom (−,Q), q⊗f 7→[q,f]. A A A Proof. The module Q is finitely generated projective if and only if we have an A epimorphism φ: An → Q admitting a retract θ: Q → An; that is, φθ = 1 . If we Q let the components of θ be f ∈ Hom (Q,A) = P, and let the components of φ i A correspond to elements q ∈Q (via Hom (A,Q)∼=Q)), then i A X X φθ(q)= q f (q)= [q ,f ](q). i i i i i i P Hence Q is finitely generated projective if and only if there exists q ⊗f ∈ A i i i P Q⊗ P such that [q ,f ]=1 , which is if and only if the map Q⊗ P →B is A i i i Q A onto. We now do the same trick as before to see that surjectivity implies injectivity. For, suppose X X r ⊗g 7→ [r ,g ]=0. j j j j j j Then X X X r ⊗g = [q ,f ]r ⊗g = q f (r )⊗g j j i i j j i i j j j i,j i,j X X = q ⊗f (r )g = q ⊗f [r ,g ]=0. i i j j i i j j i,j i,j For the final statement, we know that for all M there is a natural homomor- A phism Q⊗ Hom (M,A)→Hom (M,Q), q⊗f 7→[q,f] where [q,f](m):=qf(m). A A A Since Q is finitely generated projective, we can write Q⊕Q0 ∼=An. Then A An⊗ Hom (M,A)∼=Hom (M,A)n ∼=Hom (M,An) A A A A implies that Q⊗ Hom (M,Q)∼=Hom (M,Q). A A A This yields the natural isomorphism Q⊗ Hom (−,A)∼=Hom (−,Q) A A A as required. (cid:3) Theorem 6. If Q is a finitely generated projective generator, then Q induces an A equivalence ModA∼=ModEnd (Q), M 7→Hom (Q,M). A A Proof. Since Q is a finitely-generated projective generator, we can apply our two A lemmas to deduce that P ⊗ Q∼=A and Q⊗ P ∼=B. B A The equivalence of categories now follows from the main theorem. (cid:3) 6 Main Example of Morita Equivalence This yields the main example of such an equivalence. We take Q = An, a A free module. Then B ∼= M (A), corresponding to the usual left action on column n vectors. We also see that P = Hom (Q,A) is given by row vectors of length n, A A so the bimodule isomorphisms P ⊗ Q∼=A and Q⊗ P ∼=B B A are given by     a a 1 1 (cid:0)b ··· b (cid:1)⊗ .. 7→Xb a and  .. ⊗(cid:0)b ··· b (cid:1)7→(a b ). 1 n  .  i i  .  1 n i j a i a n n 7 Morita Contexts and Quotient Categories Can extend these ideas slightly to include quotient categories (P.M. Cohn’s lan- guage). Suppose we have F: ModA → B admitting a right adjoint G. We then obtain an A-B-bimodule P such that F ∼=−⊗ P and G∼=Hom (P,−). A B If moreover G admits a right adjoint H, then we obtain a B-A-bimodule Q such that G∼=−⊗ Q and H ∼=Hom (Q,−). B A BytheEilenberg-WattsLemma,GadmitsarightadjointifandonlyifP isfinitely B generated projective. It follows that we have a bimodule isomorphism Q∼=G(A)∼=Hom (P,B) B and a natural isomorphism GF ∼=−⊗ (P ⊗ Q). A B We say that ModA is a quotient category of ModB provided that we have functors F and G as above such that GF ∼= 1. This is if and only if P ⊗ Q ∼= A B as bimodules, which then implies that A∼=P ⊗ Q∼=G(P)∼=End (P). B B The analogy is now that we view F as a retract for the functor G.

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